LEGEND OF THE WEST ( Unmissable Legendary Western ) - Action-Packed Adventure

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a we have been expecting you please sit down eat that's $10,000 who's is it but you me our land has been conquered by a barbaric race  we would like you to escort the present heir to   the throne back to our people in Spain so she can  help to lead the Army and overthrow The Barbarians   for many years a great number of poor people have  sacrificed to collect this money for what for me I have the great honor to present princess  Elizabeth Maria degos direct descendant of one   of our most noble families and we're willing  to pay any amount for her safe conduct to Spain well I don't know who you are  and I don't know nothing about no   barbarians hell I don't even know where  this place Spain is you're talking about   but I'll tell you one thing  you raise this pot here $50,000 gold lady I'll take you any goddamn place you want  to go is that the kind of respect you show for royalty look business is business I happen  to be a businessman and besides if   I really thought you were  a princess well I'd ask for $100,000 let me go where's the girl ah  leave him alone he knows nothing where is she let me go what the hell is that supposed to be excuse me how this belongs to me h n what is that it was built by the Moors when they  came here years ago to help my people Conquer The   Barbarians in this place they once kept The  Treasure of Rodrigo the what The Treasure of Rodrigo for who's that our enemies The Barbarians what  about them the Moors the what the Moors now lady   them people are fixing to fch upon one another  best we get the hell out of here get your Stu them's The Barbarians right and M's the Moors right yes now this is a dangerous country they're fighting  everywhere let's go come on come come on wait   that's the Lish Army to come to help my people  you must do something what do you want me to do   I command you to help my Army and I command you to  shut up lady because you're getting on my nerves what fire fire oh yo w fire a w on let's go you butchers you pigs you stupid woman you  don't understand who you're speaking to no   you are the one who doesn't understand  I am a princess I'm Elizabeth Maria de boros let me welcome you to Spain and  offer you the hospitality of my Humble   House I accept nothing that is already  mine I am the rightful ruler of this land   you know nothing but in army of dead men look this little woman here fell off her horse  a few days back and hurt her head now she's crazy a come on you guys if you really  think she's a princess we all crazy she's   not a princess she's an ill bred [ __ ]  now just hold on there I'm supposed to   get $50,000 for delivering her whatever  she is how much is it it would buy you   2,000 horses stupid foreigners you come  to my country and you insult me I kill you if I've told you once I've told you aund times you   must never lose control in  front of the men Diego hang him by his feet TI his feet hang him now let's talk this thing over we  can make a deal hell I'll take $25,000 h hey come back here where you going where you  going you bunch of foreigners you can't treat a   man like this hey cut me down I ain't no goddamn  dog you Barber son of [ __ ] I'm going to get you I a leing this country  until I get my damn money w Almighty stallion of Rodrigo We Salute You we thank you for this victory there's the air get him come on my name is Morelia you're among friends well Edie I'll tell  you sure could use a friend n this is the princess's air the general of her Army he's dying listen ask him about  my money will you there's no way to   pay you until Rodrigo's treasure has  been found look lady Deal's a deal I   was supposed to bring her to you and  I did and now I want my $50,000 he's dying please tell us the secret of the treasure the princess is the only one  who can claim the treasure please in   we have to know you are dying  where is she where where is the princess as Su what did he say Mosque of the Sufi the what it's a  temple in the mountains oh dear God they   got everything in this country and what do I got  lady well I'll tell you what I got I got nothing nothing hry we must go hold on there what's going on Diego's men are searching the town you bu baring fellas think it's funny  to hang a man by his feet don't you now you go back and tell your boss I'm  coming in and I want to make a deal about the treasure okay this is the ancient Fortress of  Rodrigo all right you wait for   me here be careful gypsy girl my  old lady never raised no dummies come where's your boss we'll get that animal  out of the way and I'll take you to it e enough enjoy yourselves and nobody get nervous CU I come in peace take a look at this stuff Chief beads cppy beads okay how about new kind of looking glass I bring from Big Country America don't be shy take it all right how about this that's a nice hat for your wife I have six oh looks like you've been robbing the cradle there Chief you me first you demand I pay $5,000 for the D you killed six take for my man and now you dare to tell me you can be he kills me he'll never  get the treasure treasure   what treasure The Treasure of Rodrigo where  where is it give it to me I ain't giving him nothing you tell him I trade him even up the  princess for the treasure I give you Diego all right take him it's yours you'd better come with me I think it's  time we had a little talk have you ever read   Shakespeare who no I don't suppose you would know  him Shakespeare he wrote a great many plays Hamlet   Mello Richard thei Dear Richard Richard was a  very interesting man he was a hunchback you might say he is my idol all right Richard well thank you a you son of a gun but how do you pick  one of them oh they're not for me they for them don't they get nervous with  those guys watching up there no   no those guys are blind this gu's a  gripple a hunchback and he's crazy   completely crazy but he must be  doing something right damn I've   been trying to make a deal with the wrong  guy tell me do you like what you have seen you kidding Richard I've been waiting all my life   for something like that well perhaps I  can arrange for you to have it come with me see we've taken very good care of your friend  now perhaps we can reach some agreement between us oh I'm terribly sorry what  about Diego where does he fit   in this thing never mind about  Diego this is between you and I okay Richard my name is not Richard it's Sombra okay Sombra now I know where the  treasure is but I need the little woman to claim it all right I'll release her and  then we'll go and claim it together partner I don't know what kind  of arrangement you have made   but I will not go anywhere with this man  now look I don't care nothing about him   I don't care nothing about that treasure and  I don't care nothing about you you don't care   nothing about anything right I just want to  get my money and get out of this trashy goddamn   country of yours but you know we can't trust  him one thing at a time lady one thing at a time oh how'd you girls like to visit the state someday oh dear God they got some  ugly looking women in this country hey partner I think you'd better come inside I can't worry about danger  this is something I must do hey now where do you think you're going this  is not your Affair look lady until I get my   money everything's my Affair now somebody  better tell me what the hell's going on   around here I'm sorry this is one of our  most sacred traditions the princess will   not be able to claim the treasure unless she  makes the long journey through the trials of   death the what the trials of death which are  full of magic and the unknown they the only   way to claim Rodrigo's treasure after many men  had died in the attempt a Time came when no one   else would try so the tradition and the secret  of the treasure were lost and forgotten now   Mister you're crazy we got a little woman here if  all them guys got killed trying how expect her to   do it she doesn't have to if the Arab parent  is a woman or a child a loyal subject who must   carry no weapon may be appointed instead but she  insists on going I'm going and nobody can stop me lady I'll not only stop you and I'll  break your goddamn legs for you   now we got a problem here we got a serious problem here all right what are we going to do  about this thing well I could certainly   do this kind of thing better than you  I'm glad to hear that however there is   one small problem what's that well you  know how it is when one's scribbl you   have some good days and some bad and  today is just one of those bad days right you know I'm really happy you came  along partner that's very nice of you to say all right what do I have to do h o h oh all you people in them coffins I don't  believe in this kind of stuff you hear   me so don't be trying to turn me into no damn wolf a hey anybody home e oh my God I'm block I'm dying a that's how a now what the hell kind of treasure  is that maybe it's old or something a what happened tell me what happened in here there you see I told you they  ploted together where is my treasure but Mister now you've got to get me  a doctor because I've turned black   all over and I think I'm going to die sear in oh my God OB his necklace the scorpion sting  the what it's called the Scorpion s sting death   comes to whoever claims it they say elid had it at  Valencia 3 days later he was dead shut give it to him take it take it you take it or I'll drive this   dagger through your black throat all  right I'll take it h that's a nice necklace what nothing it was nothing why  do you laugh please Diego in another moment   you lose your temper and he'll be dead and  then you'll never find your treasure don't   listen don't listen he tried to betray you that's  right Diego listen to your trusted advisor Alonso   a little butterfly who would sell his mother  for the price of a new hat with feathers now   come come sweet counselor tell us if I did  betray Diego for the treasure where is it hi I don't I don't know I that's right you don't  know do you you think that Diego is a fool that   you can whisper anything that you like into his  ears then that he will believe you well you are wrong Diego knows better than that he knows that   if I had this treasure in my hands  I would bring it to him [ __ ] a is we will dedicate this us  sacrifice in memory of Rodrigo there's no real reason for  you to share the same fate   as your friend just tell me where the treasure is bring me swords if you will tell me then  take your secret to the Grave with you take up the sword or take up me wel come on I'm begging to be killed well it looks like I drew first blood hello it's a shame to waste  a beautiful woman like you all right everybody go out everybody go out a I'm glad I didn't shoot you to bastards you have   been too quick hold your head up  high you're the G of Honor a tower fish you see partner the Flames are very low so   it's up to you whether you'll  be rare medium or well done when you decide to tell us where the  treasure is we'll be waiting let's go oh would you like me to help you well I will but  you you must help me anything anything you want   I want the treasure I got the treasure where  is it where is it I got it I'll take you to it all right all right but if you're lying  well this this will seem like Child's Play   to what I'll do to you understand  I ain't lying H God I ain't lying on on has a stranger been here today no if he  comes here my friend you'd better keep   your doors closed to him or we'll burn this  Village and everything in it to the ground is Diego afraid of this pretty  little necklace like everybody   else around here all of Spain  is afraid of that good now turn around what why I thought you said  the treasure was here where is it hello sister you're going to find out  that I am the biggest goddamn liar you ever met now don't turn around now you're going to deliver a  message to Diego for me no please no   don't make me do it I won't do  it no no you can't make me do it listen to me you little worm I'll kill you  if you don't close your eyes and open your mouth swall I said to swallow swallow please you will be stuffed my little  Goose until you your message is delivered more food when things are even up a man really should fight fair but oh when they just keep putting it  to you buddy and they're stomping on your ass there's only one way to fight get mean the scorpion sting n ah e I'm telling you ain't no white man  alive going to handle him Barbarian horse oh God I challenge you to a duel guns whips chains knives  it's your choice no you insult me oh what a crazy country the women are  men and a men are women what do we do now what do you got in mind lady  having a couple drinks doing some   serious dancing or if you like you can  take a little walk in the Moonlight right what's happening what's going on go quickly you men to the cannon to the cannon follow you men come with me the door God damn son of a bit hey you go that way the rest of you come with me the door close the door close it hurry wait wait where you going come back come back for I've been waiting for you big fella where the hell you been you wait for me outside now get your hand  hands up I said get your hands up what do you say there big fella looks like we're starting to understand each other right this is what I call a scorpion stin no no no no now any man who would try to  roast a fella like a pig is trash but you're worse than trash you're garbage garbage buddy I'll kill him he hey get going bring her here TI her of the wagon I think I'm going to  give you your Sunrise get out of B get out of   get out of get out of you lost your mind this is  my country this is my kingdom you can't tell me to leave no it's a hidden cave oh my God it's Rodrigo's treasure it's  been right here under our noses all the time   of course of course here in Rodrigo's  ancient Fortress wait listen to me this   is madness trying to kill each other there's  a fortune here let's come to some agreement   let's let's make a deal all right but first  let the princess go go he must be here go get   him kill him no no I can't want to share in  this treasure you'll do as I say now go on when the butterfly goes too  near the Flames e that in   here why did you lock the door he get burra somra SRA oh my God help no now that's one hell of a way  to treat a princess ain't it you okay wait for me inside all right I leg my leg oh please let me go I couldn't sleep nights   if I let you go only give me a chance  just give me a chance I'll give you a chance just like you gave a little gypsy girl get up get up how dare you talk  to me like that you think I'm just   another pitiful Hunchback liming  my way through life no no don't   be Fool by my appearance I am Richard  Richard king of all of England okay Rich you're a king you understand this real  good I challenge you to a d you got your Cannon I got mine huh now  you go for it I said go for it now is the winter of our discontent made  glorious by this son of York and all the   clouds that lorded upon this house in the Deep  bosom of the ocean buried now our brows bound   with Victorious Rees our bruised arms hung up for  monuments a sternal ARS change to Merry meetings   our Dreadful marches to delightful measures  Grim visits War a smooth his wrinkled front and be formed unfinished hello simp before my time into  this world sces half made up and   that's so lamely and unfashionable  the dogs back at me as I hold by the a horse a horse my a horse the king is dead long live the king or whatever they say he
Channel: Atlantean
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Keywords: free movies, full action movie, full free movie, hollywood movie, hollywood movie english, action movie, hollywood full action movie, hollywood english movie, top hollywood movies, movies, english, full movies, full movies english, full action movies, western, western movie, bestmovie, free full movie, watch full free movies, watch movies free, free full movies, movies online, movies full free, movie, full movie, free movie, hd, western movies, free western movies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 4sec (5164 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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