no byon no Byron backer what's your answer no I'll never sell my land to a Clark get
over of here you old fool I've had enough fireus who you kill us is [Music] [Music] dead you go no chair I
tell you my gun is far as much as everywhere you may be you will find out let my J is fast everywhere you go and run
in three days you will die I [Music] you cause my God is and I never CH my so in three
days you will die in three days you will [Music] [Laughter] die what up your hands who are you I'm HUD backer why have you come here boy I'm looking for karanza what do you
want of him I want to learn to kill I am karanza to learn with
the great karanza cost money not much but it'll do Lisa my boy
$1,000 isn't much but you seem to be all [Music] right have you handled
the gun before boy well yeah a [Music] little where [Music]
see you're ready yes [Music] sir okay [Music] shoot you need help boy here
I'm going to show you it's a weapon you don't play with it you
make it work for you show me your hands you must have hands as soft and
gentle as a woman's not callous like [Music] this Sor H the boss wants to know
if you're almost ready to begin better boy they look softer already it won't
be long before you have the hands of a gunman to be able to shoot is an art
you shoot with your heart your eye and the Cool Head I'll remember
that you'll remember when I teach you n no you wear your belt low down by your hands ready to begin that's much too low you're still way off you must keep your wrists [Music] tight you have to be faster than that boy watch [Music] me that's the pie you want don't
forget boy if a gunman is slow he'll be dead Four Aces and four make eight
let's get down to business boy no jokes well no no alcohol never you'll end
up full of bullet holes if you don't have a steady hand yeah but I'm thirsty
you'll drink drink milk boy and like [Applause] [Music] it is the boy almost ready he's
getting dressed but he'll be out soon [Music] [Music] thanks for everything
karanza I'm going now adios Bo wait tell me now who you must kill
the ones who murdered my kin folk a best of luck [Music] [ __ ] a h [Music]
aor the boss wants you to have these [Music] la [Music] la [Music] don't you ever listen stupid I told you she's mine stop that you coward leave him
alone get away from me Who you calling a coward L needs to have a lesson he
behaves like a pig you're no better than your brother just because you wear
silk shirts and smoke dollar cigars belt that's for the musician tell him to get out
on the next stage coach and in a hurry sure Jason I just crossed the desert
friend you just came across it you look like you brought most of it with you Jason Clark you took my land from me but
I'll get even because now I'm the one that has a gun pointed at [Music] you listen
Mister get out of my way you better go on back home if you're not looking to die get
out of here while you can no one's going to stop me now I told you to get out of
my way give it to me it's better for [Music] you now beat it as fast as you [Music] can listen that old fool could
never have gotten through with it but anyway thanks stranger you don't owe me anything don't I like you stranger if you're looking
for work I going to help you I cost too much for you why Mis you cost as much as is a pine box
about 6t Long hey B A be stranger a glass of milk milk I said milk hey lonus don't you think you better give
this poor little baby his milk from a [Laughter] bottle you're pretty good at shooting glasses I'm
a better shot than you are Mister let's see $100 on Jack who'll take it me the [Music] stranger oh boy that's great milk lus [Applause] [Music] H I knew you'd come [Music] back
it's over a year [Music] now [Music] oh look at the little squirrel over there
in the [Music] tree you see it's all the same but you no it's not that you're now a
gunman it's something different I can read it in your eyes [Music] I've waited so long
for this moment but now I'm afraid afraid to ask you why you came back I came back for
them listen to me please HUD you mustn't do it alone the Clarks are Mad Men the Clarks
don't even know what I look like and when they find out who I am it'll be too late for
them and for you Steve and I discussed this and now that he's Sheriff he's looking for
proof against the clars old Steve Sheriff don't put yourself between those murderers
in justice justice has never arrived here in Stoneville Betty it's different now look
her Steve is your friend why don't you trust him it wouldn't do any good please HUD please
don't you have to come and talk to him please okay it's really a good thing that
you weren't here before this you wouldn't have been able to
do anything against those killers well now that you're back I can help you
thanks Steve I can help myself now listen HUD the minute I have proof Clarks
will pay and you all get back your land that won't bring my folks back to life I
have to get revenge for them don't you understand just remember this madness
can only mean trouble now will that change something between us Steve that [Music] depends don't take it from
me why not read it from the good book be sure of your actions because
you must always remember that man is not to judge only God May judge [Music] man an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth the
Lord has said who lives by the sword dies by the [Music] sword [Music] h yeah it finally came huh did that nosy Sheriff see the letter no butd gave it
to me as soon as the stage arrived this is it boys it's coming through the
Union Pacific Railroad they say the railroad will bring prosperity to the West one thing is sure
they'll bring it to us I can't wait to leave the stinking Place boys I'll go back to New Orleans
no don't do soak myself in a champagne bath every day this is a house who can that be Lord they'll be forced to
bring the railroad through this Valley and they'll have to pay us in gold mhm who the devil are you do the Clarks
live on this ran yes there's nothing to worry about it's all paid for for
what for what for a funeral for a funer L Clark there will be a funeral but it'll be [Music] yours now what have you done you idiot
don't you have enough enemies we all have enemies Jason it's a family weakness that's
a stupid joke I've never met anyone with the courage to face The Clark Brothers maybe
you're right especially when you're all [Music] together I want to speak to you go ahead in private I don't have
secrets from my [Music] friends I need a man like you it's a lucky evening I offers
200 bucks 500 500 500 is the bed a th000 for you in advance you must really really need
me and my gun to come all this way to find [Music] me poor Queens Mister four tens
and one [Music] queen and I thought there was a shortage of women in the west oh
it's us Mendoza everything's all right boss here they come it's him what's your name fella
HUD HUD what HUD nothing to my much light here we're a perfect Target and
you've put those men outside too close to the house you heard him all
right I respects General come on that's your room [Music] [Music] is you hear that Gunslinger he starts
giving orders as soon as he walks in the door yeah I don't care he knows his
job I say I feel safer just knowing that he's here yeah well who else can we trust
that [ __ ] over there hey boss shut up you anyway that big mouth isn't worth the
grand you paid him just because it's my skin not yours quied you L's right so shut
up I don't want him to [Music] hear you're too nervous go to [Music] bed and in my
room it's safer for tonight that's a good precaution I'll go with you so I don't
lose sight of you for a minute [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey amigo I slept like a log thanks to
you don't thank me it was a $1,000 sleep to me say how much will you make on that Valley of
the Sun deal hey what do you know about that only what I heard at the saloon ah a nice bundle
boy at least 300 Grand and your part is one third yes sir you can bet on that if you're alive
otherwise your brothers will split half and half your horses ready seor gra SE hey HUD where you going I'm off Jason come
here Wayne Jason come on outside how's going what do you mean you been paid haven't
you yeah for a day stop him Jason he's going but not with my doome if you want
him pay him out of your share h okay you stay how do you like our setup HUD it's $1,000
a day that helps me put up with it sheriff is coming Jason I'm going upstairs Sheriff
spoil my appetite yeah it'd be better if he didn't see you here see so you got
trouble with a law he big man shut up Jack howdy Sheriff how about something to eat
no thanks to what do we owe the honor of this visit Jack you go get your things together and
come with me do you need a deputy sheriff you got a sense of humor he's gone to my office
maybe you'll get him back this is my house Sheriff you can't take one of my men without
explaining I know you're the thief that stole the Simpson cattle they recognized you in
San Antonio where you sold them come on just a moment this is a dirty Lie from someone
who hates us tell it to judge Gowan in Houston no he'll be back I don't think so Jason
Clark there's a patrol of Cavalry men in town they'll take him to Houston what what they
got soldiers at Stoneville yep the commandes are causing trouble come on Jack let's go go
on I'll get you out of it but maybe trust me Jack see I don't want trouble with the law Sheriff It won't always be your men who
have to pay for what you do Clark you don't need to worry Sheriff it's
about 2 days to Houston we'll take good care of your prisoner thanks it
was lucky you were passing through here Sheriff they arrived from Union Pacific I
know all about it you know what will happen if they buy Valley of the Sun we must stop
the Clarks from selling the land we need your help what do you you think I should do you
must bring them to justice the backers were murdered and before that the grayons were
murdered too almost everybody has gone and those who are left sell for practically
nothing I need help in order to nail the Clarks Clayton but you haven't given me any
assistance and whether you like it or not they're going to keep right on murdering and
taking your land while you clam up and say nothing I'll calm down Steve no one here
is holding you responsible listen Clayton you need more than one man if you want this
to be a good town but if you expect to have Justice first you've got to fight
together to make that Justice two bits what are you going to do for Jack huh I pass
we'll send a few bucks to Solomon's he'll fix it F you too jumpy your nerves are shut to
Pieces [Music] yes in my room tonight it's [Music] safer I I can't take it anymore or
I can't I understand every day afraid you'll die fighting an enemy without a face something like that could drive a man insane a gun doesn't help much if you
don't know who to shoot you don't know who it could be imagine you've got him
in front of you like you've got me now throw the shell into the chamber hear
the music of the bullet going into the barrel stare your enemy in the face feel
your hate get strong and then shoot shoot shoot shoot but with the gun loaded LW take it and don't leave the house you might only suspect you
hear a noise shoot Lon don't wait don't hesitate a minute just shoot
a moment's delay might mean your death where you going to get
you some coffee you may need [Music] it how's Lan doing he's resting
this whole thing is getting more and more ridiculous calm down Wayne just a few more days we'll be leaving [Music] here I get the
impression you'll be out of a job so weig [Music] go [Music] [Music] sh don't you hear somebody's
out there youd better take a look those fools must be asleep outside be very quiet pass the word along I'll check the back door [Music] okay run Clark This is the end for you and your
brothers the three of you are murderers you killed my parents and now you're going to die I'm
the one who's been tormenting you Lan I HUD backer backer too late Lord we entrust to you the soul of laon Clark
killed by revolver bullets on the 20th of April 1869 and the Lord said you who have lived in
my name on Earth will be at my side through all eternity amen come on let's
get going those Union Pacific men are waiting for us in Stoneville I
can't wait to get my share of that 300 Grand here Jason I never accept pay for a job gone bad H Lon will be happy
he'd like to spend his dough [Music] well what are you going to do with him
arrest him we're the only ones who know he did it but he'll never let himself be Tak it alive but
HUD is your friend don't you understand it's hard for him to forget what the Clarks did to his
mother and father I haven't forgotten it but I warned him he shouldn't take the law into his
own hands Justice it's easy for you to talk of Justice because you don't have that the hate that
he has in his heart you know that I love that boy Betty then Steve don't give him away help him if
you can tell me how because if I arrest HUD he'll be in more danger I know they'll try to kill him
in jail all right let him kill them you want those Killers dead too well then between The Gallows
and a bullet from HUD what's the difference [Music] what are you doing Hut you're gone your cigar is [Music] out I see you know how to be useful stay flighted beans can always be found for you
because we're generous we clock [Music] [Applause] [Music] Brothers shut upat it now Lon doesn't need
you crying Lon no comu seor we have been sent to mourn the death of seor Wayne Clark who sent you who's P tell me tell me or
I'll kill you I know nothing seor I tell you I know nothing the be War senters here I know
nothing cut it out Jason the old man knows nothing what's this got to do with you your
enemy is too cunning he wouldn't have given away his secret to such a man killing that
old man won't accomplish anything just get you in trouble with the sheriff or maybe you
think Mexicans can be killed off like fleas Mr Clark I Eng have left the ranch the
saddle bags and horses are both gone too craters where are you going I don't risk my skin for a plate of
beans wait a minute stop okay a grand a day the horses are all saddled we can leave now the road to Stoneville from here
is not safe I've seen some places where he could shoot from with very little risk hurry W it's already late I'm not going you
can't stay alone the man I'll have to come with me seems the ratches have been putting
up a fight lately just leave me with HUD oh I forgot come here a
minute I've got something to show [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] look [Music] you don't expect the Union Pacific to buy the
whole valley is your railroad going to cross the whole valley or not yes that's what
we want to do unless uh you want to climb up there Amigo there's snow about 8 months
of the year and the commanches will amuse themselves by attacking your trains but this
is blackmail Mr Clark where you're from they call it business Mr hacket if that's what you
think we can forget about the whole thing as you say we might go on yeah if your price is
reasonable I'm always reasonable Mr hacket fine Mr Clark oh by the way this morning
Sheriff Benson kept telling me that you were not exactly honest believe me hacket
everything's above board we'll go to the ranch afterward and I'll show you the Deeds of
the property I can't live another week in this filthy place this is what'll get me out of
here the property Deeds of the Valley of the Sun New Orleans New Orleans you
don't know it HUD but there's life for you mountains of caviar rivers
of champagne and bir of women I can't [Music] wait do you think Jason will come by the river
shortcut or by Diablo Canyon Diablo Canyon for a stranger you seem to know these parts very well you know Jason says that you're
the only one who could have killed L after that funeral man we sent a fell
to Warz but they did not know anything a man found an envelope under his door with a
grand in it my enemy spends a lot of money doesn't he HUD must be somebody who gets
it easy like me what's your name backer HUD backer I see the backers of the
Valley of the sun right yeah I'm the son [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music]
[Music] HUD listen to me I'll give you back your land you
can have my hand what will you gain by killing me I'll speak to Jason you can have it all it's
your skin I want Wayne don't shoot I'm not armed I didn't kill you folks it was Jason
and M I didn't have a thing to do with it I swear it's Jason you have to [Music] kill hey Mr Clark wait for me wait
wait Mr Clark just a moment Mr Clark [Music] wait no no Clark I don't want to be mixed up in a mess like
this I uh I'm going back to town nobody's going to pin
this on me nobody I'm [Music] [Music] leaving look there a couple of no good dirty traitors come [Music] back [Music] Welles you have 2 hours to leave
town what for Sheriff you know why no Wells only your own [Music] money Sheriff you have to save me
stop that murder stop him before he kills me like he killed LW and Way Wayne yeah
i' killed him filthy gunman that I paid to protect us if it was a fair fight I can't
arrest him no he shot him in the back he's a killer I'll find out about that myself wait
you idiot he's going to kill me I know Hun's out there waiting for me they'll kill me before
you get proof I need proof to arrest a killer you know that better than anybody Jason Clark
that's why I couldn't arrest you when I wanted to [Music] lus whiskey hot night a [Music] Phil you frightened me you killed to get them
HUD no papers are worth it tell Steve I got them and with my own Justice H please
wait there's more besides revenge and death there's life too yours and mine no I
don't ask you to forgive but please please try to forget hun Take Me Away From Here
far away we can start a new life together [Music] somewhere I know I'll never
have any peace as long as one of the Clarks is alive but you can't continue
to kill and run all your life on the Run no you're not the HUD I love you're
cold and [Music] feeling you're a man without a heart you're no better than the [Music] clocks sheriff arrest me if I'm your prisoner
then I'll be safe from Hut why should I I know the Simpsons cattle I ordered the boys to
do it arrest me Jack's paying for that one remember you can't leave me like this it's your
duty to protect my life give me a confession that you used violence to extort the land
in the Valley and I'll do my best to protect [Music] you it's him Sheriff I'll sign
anything you want then let me have your gun come on boys let's go get him
the ja let's go get let's get [Applause] Jason [Applause] stop right where you
are I shoot the first man who moves as long as I'm Sheriff of this town I tell you there's
going to be order and Justice now get out of here go on back home you're making too much noise
for me tonight I'm wondering why you're getting mixed up in this stranger the life of Jason
Clark belongs to me HUD backer's the [Music] name H beer Sheriff did you know that he was backer son
I want to know tell me will you stop whining Jason you've been doing nothing else for the
last 2 hours Steve Steve it's me open the door I didn't see you come
back here I have something for you I these Deeds are all I need to have now I
know I can get you convicted what's happening Steve I'm taking Jason to Houston wait are you
mad Sheriff it takes two days to get us over there you know HUD would get me out in the open
before getting you Jason you'll have to kill me no Steve don't go H is ready for everything
I know don't don't worry Betty they wanted to Lynch him judge Gowan won't be here for
another week and in the meantime HUD will be watching the jail but but if he's out there
how do you think you can get out I have two horses ready by the back door we should have
several hours Advantage by the time he finds out go home Betty wait for me and don't
worry sure Steve sure why should I worry I'll wait wait until someone comes to
tell me who I have to cry for you or HUD what's the matter with this town
Steve why do you two have to fight each other like this for for a
man like Jason Clark why Steve [Music] why I'm sorry for what I said before today but when
things are like this it's just that it doesn't matter b it matters Hut it really does I thought
I'd lost you today I don't know and why can't we understand each other now at all the boy that you
used to know doesn't exist anymore but but that can't be true don't you understand I'm a woman
a woman who is deeply in love with you please i' try to understand I want you to take me in your
honor and hold me and never let go Hold Me Hold Me Hold Me Tight if I only thought you needed me and
loved me I need to feel alive in your arms like this [Music] yes maybe I could forget about
getting revenge but you must help me I think the two of us together could [Music] there [Music] [Music] it's a good thing you're such a bad shot Steve you
should know hard beer never ever shoots an unarmed [Music] man you lighting up
the target for hun backer Sheriff you better try get some sleep
tomorrow we'll try and reach the Stage Coach Trail and don't try to escape
Hud's just waiting for a [Music] chance [Music] hey Sheriff I'm getting scared how
much further do you think we'll have to go just a mile from the
Stage Coach Trail soon as we get there I'll feel much [Music] safer
[Music] you stay right there Jason Clark get out of the way HUD no Sheriff
you're not going to deliver him to a judge who will decide to drop the case my Justice
is more rapid and sure free his hands it'll be a fair duel stop H stop I I'm ready for
anything don't force me to kill him without a [Music] chance [Music] [Applause] he [Music]
[Music] [Music] a blast it only ammunitions on the [Music] horse [Music] [Music] it's a good thing we arrived Sheriff I
had received orders from Fort Travis to escort you do you have any wounded no wounded thanks
Lieutenant we'll be ready to leave in a minute we were surprised by the commandes I'm
the sheriff from Stoneville this man's my prisoner we're on our way to see judge
Gowan we can travel with you to [Music] Houston this is a signed confession your
honor the prisoner signed it in my presence and these are the Deeds he obtained by force
from the settlers in the Valley of the Sun just a minute your honor may I see those deeds
naturally counselor here they are proceed Sheriff the ranchers who were lucky received a
few dollars for their land the rest were driven out in panic their crops destroyed their cattle
slaughtered or stolen and there were those who gave their lives to protect their own property
to what do you refer Sheriff to the murder of Byron backer and his wife but up to this time
we've not been able to find any proof isn't that just a guess Sheriff I bet this trial will
be over in less than half an hour but Solomons can we trust Dutch of course I wouldn't worry
about a thing he'll be able to take care of Hud backer there he is he's only waiting for
my say so and the [Music] $5,000 oh [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Laughter] [Music] do you admit Sheriff that my
client was threatened with death when he signed this confession yes buddy your honor
the sheriff has admitted that he obtained this confession under duress and therefore
it is not valid it seems that way to me Solomons uh in regard to these Deeds you will
notice they've been signed by Wayne Clark the unfortunate brother of my client this is
not evidence against Jason Clark everyone in sonville knows the man responsible
for this is him Jason Clark he back of it Sheriff these Deeds are all signed by Wayne Clark this court reserves the right to
examine the validity of these deeds and to restore all the lands to the
rightful owners as for the case against Jason Clark the court declares this
case closed and the defendant Jason clock is free [Applause] [Music] so much for your court of law Steve are you huder Jason Clark sent me he said he'll meet you in the front of the bank you
can tell him that I'll be there graas [Music] seor this is it HUD let's finish it you or me a was keeper everybody Jason Clark pays oh shots
mean Hut is dead Dutch and his boys will be around to collect here's the five grand to pay
Dutch Solomon and there'll be just as much for you what's all the shooting over there Dutch
and his boys are shooting out with the stranger [Music] hurry hun let's get out of here thanks Steve is it bad get out of here don't worry you're the last one Dutch come [Music] on it's over HUD backer got what he deserved [Music] [Music] a ah I saved this one for you Jason the stage is coming the stage is coming here it is Steve from the judge in [Music]
Houston wait wait take it easy don't worry friends the Union Pacific will keep its agreements
with you all don't worry we'll make a fair deal with everybody thanks Steve we all owe everything
to you no Clayton there's someone else you should thank take me with you H nobody what sort of Life Could I
offer I'm a wanted man and wherever I go there'll be someone who will want
to show he's faster on the drawer than I am will you come back goodbye [Music] Betty you got no chance I'll tell you why God is much as you got no chance
I'll tell you why my is as everywhere you may be you will find out that my God F everywhere you go and right in three days you will everywhere you might be you
will find love then my God [Music] his everywhere you go and R in three
[Music] days you will die in three [Music] days in tr day [Music] you