DENNIS HOPPER: From Hell to Texas (Western Movie in Full Length, Cowboy Film) *free full westerns*

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[Music] [Music] team yeah it's him right now todd lorman what are we waiting for holy tom he's got a lame horse he'll make a stand there's no point in charging in on his rifle and when a herd covers us we'll fan out and go in behind him [Music] [Music] this hurts bad bring up the wagon we can catch him senior tom this horse cannot run far i can see that well whaley thinks he's safe i'll go after him along let me go with you i have to do this by myself now you only others just get older's home senor tom i hope your father won't kill us all i'll make him happy i'll bring him loman's ears all right rolling fast pack was writing for the doctor patron we found loma at copperhead creek he said stampede senor she fell among the ranged horses where's tom after roman patron get him in the house stand right there drop your [ __ ] now drop your pistol left hand now move out it's far enough [Music] i'm glad you're not just one of the boy riders because what i got to say is for your family the night your brother shorty died i couldn't make anybody listen because everybody was panicky so now you listen i didn't kill your brother shorty he fell on his own knife you think i'm lying when you're proof enough i'm not killing you you could be lying about that too you go back and you tell your people that i never kill nobody and i don't intend to the only reason i'm running away is to prevent it happening just let me alone that's all i ask now [Music] get [Music] i could have put that bullet right between your eyes remember that and remember that good now get up [Music] well they won't run you anymore anyway [Music] foreign [Music] hmm time's coming all right i don't know whether he'll live or not a couple of days i'll answer that but i'm sure of one thing he'll be paralyzed if he does live give the doctor a good breakfast in a room where he can rest six men with guns and fast horses six comedy and they let this drifter stampede their herd and ride away on a crippled nag oh this was calling all that turns out a road right down in there after him your brother paid for his mistake how are you gonna pay for yours instead of taking miguel with you try to play cat with a mouse and a mouse ate the cat i was doing what you do you're going after him by yourself what do you think i am one of those fools that wants to be a big man with a quick trigger the only time i ever went alone was when i didn't have money to hire guns not ambushed if i didn't know he was that fast with a rifle i never seen a man get off a shot the way he did and let me tell you something he wasn't luck either i'm not interested in why he got away i'm on interested cause he did he doesn't have a horse now what i shot his horse you shot his horse oh i'm not gonna take her beating off you now i've had enough for one night you man clear out of here for now he shot his horse karm when i was a bounded servant boy to a dirt farmer in tennessee plowing from sunrise to moonset i swore i'd make a mark in this world that people could see after i was dead i raised my sons to own it keep the name on it now short is killed maybe otis too that saddle [ __ ] has come close to washing my mark out you and me are going after him this time carm how many men do we take true blood morgan bayless is fast didn't he fast enough bayless then and tom go tell [Music] [Music] so [Music] it's right down there he's packing all his gear won't get very far first thing we'll find is a saddle came out of the gold share heading north [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] over here he went this way [Music] so [Music] so [Music] hey [Music] so [Music] before you move let's talk i got nothing more to say well let's try and think of something who are you what are you doing here no horse no pack just a rifle you people ain't friends of the boys neither this young fella might be that drifter that hundred boys men have been beating the bush about doesn't look worth all the trouble does he that's a fact here boy take a fix on this i ain't much for whiskey mister go ahead and do as i say kind of starts fire burning again don't my name is bradley i live on the other side of sakura this is my daughter neither you don't have anything to be scared of from us as long as we don't have anything to be afraid of from you i reckon that's fair enough all right let's get up i expect it's been a long time since you asked we better camp here nina fix up some corn cakes and bacon and cut that bacon lean about a half inch thick let's break out that jug of blackstrap molasses and pour it over the corn cakes sound good boy yes sir it sure does all right come on get going straight across the lava bed okay cross that we'll cut the horses to pieces it's still an hour's life we'll spread and come around whichever group picks up his trail on the other side will build a fire for a signal [Music] then i had this job riding fence for mr rustov over the mountains and i've done my work and i got my pay and i was heading out the next morning well this dance at the schoolhouse i don't know why i went because i can't dance but this girl there she asked me to pump her a glass of water what girl what difference does it make and quit interrupting go on boy get to that knife it was shorty boyd's girl miss bradley well i pumped her a drink and shorty boyd came over and braced me he drew a knife on me and i knocked him down and even though he was hurt until i saw the blood then i picked him up and i carried him back into the schoolhouse that was a mistake i found that out i've been running ever since you know the boy's father hunter boyd no i never saw him harland people do see him anymore i remember him 15 years back when he and that shattered his comedy come riding up out of the blank on a couple of head broke horses hunters three kids sitting on a flatbed wagon pulled by a skinny old mule then hunter staked his ranch began to spread out he spread fast son he's a powerfully wicked man let nothing stand in his way except he's he's got a queer sense of justice that's all his own but i reckon you ain't gonna come in for a share of that that's how i recognize i'm about to now we'd say mr bradley i'd i bet you they're out there someplace right now i just hunting for me you got a right to defend yourself you could drop a couple of bored men maybe the rest of them wouldn't be too eager i just sleep not do that if i can help him why it's your life you afraid to fight for it i reckon if i weren't some afraid miss bradley i wouldn't be here right now to admit it that's comfort man what are you most afraid of boy being killed or killing i don't think i ever could kill a man or would even if i had to well man's not always allowed time to think those things out and that's a hard fact in this country maybe it's even a harder fact to try to forget what you've been taught and what you believe food's ready [Music] he's headed down towards the river dragging his feet easy tracking all right we'll stay here move it first light here boy try this on for dessert what is it genuine california orange i traded for a dozen down fort kingdom what do i do with it just bite right in give it to me where you from todd highway folks there no no i'm fixing to join up with my pod here where is he well someone down in santa fe said he was up around sakura that's why i was heading when i got that job fence riding do you ever hear my power around so cora no i don't think so oh not that way break it and eat the quarters does it that's something i take it your baby got around a lot todd well he never did come home after the war just headed out west here he's gonna send for my mom and me but this thing got kind of tough for him out here so i came out after my my diet to see if i could give him a hand if i can find him i've been looking for three years now he deserted your mother and you're gonna give him a hand no wonder you're in trouble boy you're just not very bright i thank you for showing me how to peel an orange miss bradley todd i've got six daughters this one's my oldest she's the nearest thing i ever had to a boy i put up with her i'd take it kindly if you'd overlook her bad manners here you here's some soap get in the hot water pool and wash or scrub your clothes while you're bathing no thank you ma'am i'm all right you smell like a goat well go on i want to bathe too i was hurt it was ladies first no ladies here i can rope and brand and i don't ride side saddle well maybe you can do all them things but you can't watch me take no bath then stink but sleep 100 feet away from us is she gonna get stock naked i asked you not to think unkindly of her what's out there nothing you don't like this job let loman right off hunter he'll get his chance i mean off and out i got a funny feeling about this [Music] [Music] so [Music] so hey get away from them clothes i'm gonna wash them oh hot shot and wash yourself you don't behave like any girl i ever knew oh thank you how many you know oh a couple i guess would you please help me drink water i know that kind see what you got you into it's cold in here i want to get out now so do your good and relax and help your blisters besides i'm not finished yet that fellow roman's gone well i'll be doggone hey son that's a good idea i think i'll join you i used to be known as champion swimmer down west texas how about that boy [Music] [Music] [Music] my dearest son i have so little to leave behind which will be of any use to you there's just this bible in my picture i ask you never to be without it believe in it accept its wisdom it will comfort you try to keep the commandments taught and you will keep your soul always remember i love you mother [Music] [Music] [Music] um um [Music] ugh so that ought to make room for you boy that old mule's backsides ain't gonna make for comfortable sitting and if it starts to gall i'll change with it we get to my place i loan you a horse and then you can go on into score mr bradley is just one thing i want to ask if we run into any board riders just let me take care of myself because i don't want anybody mixing into my trouble looks like i might be mixed in anyway todd walk around i'm just kind of slow to my side easy with that rifle boy you better stand away from me i'll stand where i please mr bradley would you make a get away you could simmer down that's hunter boyd and comedy riding down there's gonna shoot at you you'd already be dead morning hunter harmony amos one of your girls aimless she sure is neither this is mr hunter boyd and mr carmody good morning miss neither and this young fella he's my guest sure you aiming to give him a hearing if it's short hook it up boy did tom tell you what i said he told me i got no reason to believe it short it fell on his night mr boyd and that's the lord's truth trouble is nobody saw it happen but the lord he don't talk to me i got another son otis he was mashed up in that stampede well if it was it wasn't intended i couldn't just sit there and hold against six men now my third son owes you a horse the boys are not horse killers i'm giving you this horse with your saddle i figure we owe you some time for that walk you had to take i'm giving that time back to you you've got to loon leak out of this region fast but sleep with one eye open and ride on the far side of your horse famous you plan to take part in this i ain't sure [Music] you're gonna ride with us i'll get you some grub you've gotta make him ride with us they're gonna kill him if he goes by himself papa please don't let him go by himself here you are todd neil and i are traveling the mission trace but i wouldn't advise you to take it it's open country they can see you from my house there's three other ways you can get out of this valley you could follow the river up to the divide then there's the path to the south then through the north but that's comanche country either way you can get to sakura i'm not surprised you mr bradley godspeed boy [Music] [Music] he's riding up the river we might switch off all right it's got four hours well i can't figure it out i live to be 100 years old i'm never going to be able to figure you out [Music] sun's straight up it's new honey you blaming me for not trying to do more for that boy no [Music] now i want everybody to profit from tom's experience with lowman's rifle whoever gets on his tail don't give him a chance to snap a shot at you you won't miss i'll take tom and go over the river morgan you in true blood cut through comanche country comedy and bayless will go by the pass oh you can take bayless with you i'll travel alone i got a notion suit yourself we'll join up in sakura [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] uh oh [Applause] wow [Applause] oh oh [Applause] wow [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] going get out of here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hate being alone i can't say as i blame [Music] you [Music] [Music] come on [Music] mr leopard finger i know you yes sir down in santa fe i traded with you for this rifle no i recollect uh both these horses urine no just this and the other one's trailing you're loaming yes sir i'd like to buy some rifle shells if you got him for my gun i got him would you give me two dollars worth please where you heading scorer here here's some money well that's where i'm going why don't you ride with me a piece i reckon you know that the boys are looking for me sure but if i were you i'd forget about the boyd's for a while this is comanche country you can go through safe with me i trade with them i reckon i just take the raffle shells yeah it's up to you seems kind of stupid to have the boys and the indians chasing you too get there mr lapid finger behind pull up i'll settle my horse no get up here with your rifle go up mr levitt finger you don't owe me anything boy you're sure to work hard at doing the wrong thing look i got a reputation with a gun darn near as good as you now if them are boyd men they'll think twice before they jump the two of us now do like i say get up here still there still there yeah maybe we better pull up and see if they'll show their hands are you keeping on your rifle let me do the talking mighty chili in it yeah kind of heading up socorro way are you not directly no gotta go to magdalena first got a load to pick up there see you got some extra horses yeah this awful rough country on horses we lost one just last week we seeing you well what are you waiting for what they're they're boyd's men cut down on them i'll help you bury them the horses too nobody'll i know do that just trying to be constructive yep how are you first time i've ever been followed by people ahead of me makes me nervous when they get out of sight stop and let me off i'll saddle up and cut back run huh afraid to kill a man i did kill a man i killed comedy comedy son if you got them kind of guts you can sure swap these flies people understand killing sickens a man a man's got a right to convictions i guess the only thing is they don't help anybody including himself unless they fit the time and the place oh boy this ain't the time and the place and the birds up there going to ambush them rocks the kid may be onto us we should have made our move back there i would have except for that rifle i'd sooner face that than hunter boyd if we lose loman ah we won't lose come on [Music] here they come back i'm not gonna risk my neck for no fool get your saddling horse [Music] the four of us can stand them off them engines are friends of mine you're boyd's man you're after this kid to kill him not get away from us yeah them engines is after horses let him have him get in the back of the wagon and cut him loose so if you ain't going to shoot you're going to be good for something cut the lead team off [Music] [Music] [Music] just can't figure why them comanches attacked me that last barrel of whiskey i sold it must have been bad i don't like to have customers complain like this papa i didn't know what happened that way huh i thought a boy would come courtney for maybe a year and then one day we'd just sort of decide we were in love i didn't know it could happen so quick in just one night you know something what he might make it so whiskey you got any messages there for me i don't know who are you hunter boyd nope not a thing if comedy got on me to send you a message from fort walker messages go to the hotel you mind if i stay pro violence devoid i can sort of dry it out see that you don't pass out i'm surprised you didn't recognize him i did but i just don't like him or his money i've been expecting you mr boyd got a message for you came down from fort walker this morning what's the matter so i'm home otis is dead [Music] dad if you want to go on home i'll stay here and wait for the others i won't go home while loehmann lives i'll join you as soon as i stable his team get there you hey so you got anything to eat yeah i guess so if you don't want it hot don't matter anything you got eggs you like cheese sure what do i owe you a quarter you want something to wash that down with yeah glass of water please water do you ever know anybody around here named charlie lorman lohman yeah i remember him do you know where he is now seems to me that somebody told me he was working as a carpenter out of the spanish mission that's uh about about 20 miles up the river hey mister didn't you forget to pay there's a dollar ain't that enough that's boyd money i told you before i don't want it but i'll take yours [Music] just all right still [Music] up against this wall [Music] face it [Music] now unbuckle your belt [Music] the boyds are in the street get out the back way i'll bring your horse around there's a back door you move quick quick move [Music] hey dad this has carmed his horse but this ain't his saddle [Music] blowman got a little trouble mr boyd step up don't you remember me jake leffertfinger i used to haul freight down in your country get out of my way where's bayless who's bayless man who was in here with me a few minutes ago oh him he went out there's a back door [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] we cared for him as best we could there were days when he felt stronger worked a little about the mission or traded for us in socorro but he had no wish to leave he was waiting for death didn't he ever say anything about my mother and me yes he spoke about his wife often and of you but he spoke of yours if you were a child yeah that was a long time ago she uh i just don't understand why just kept on going why i never came back to us we can't understand everything some men seek the meaning of life for themselves some think to find it across another river be on another mountain perhaps this man was one of those did he owe you anything no nothing thanks for looking after him father hey okay [Music] is [Music] well good lord boy i never expected to lay eyes on you again me neither looked like you've been drugged through a keyhole kind of words you managed to shake them off well i'm not so sure i have yet what were you sure are welcome here come on no i think i better not i just want to borrow a horse if you let me i got a board horse over there under the trees i sure like to get shed of him sure i'll let you have a horse how much time you think you got i figure i'm out in front i'm heading over the sand of the crystal mountains unless boyd wants to follow me all the way to montana i'm running free well good now come on in there south no uh with me boy come on in here mama cardigan cardinal there's a horse in the grove i want you to unsettle him turn him loose and bring the saddle to the stable and put it on the blackmail are you savvy all right get going manuela manuela mandu now i want a lot of grub i want it hot fast we've got a hungry man here and we want to feed him good i want you to make some chili relentless tacos tamales oh come on you know how to do it no no he just wants food now hurry up todd i'm giving you the best horse i got he'll take you far and fast and oh i want you to meet my wife marianna mama this here is todd loman i thought it might be we have talked of you mr loman and todd this is the rest of my heifer ring my daughter's rosita conchita sofronia lopita and that one there is mary of course you already know nita yes sir i know her hello hello wait wait a minute now be polite speak english he's awful skinny you better speak spanish this boy has come from very far away we must make him feel very welcome go on in the kitchen papa please take mr loman to the big bedroom i will get hot water yes my dear come with me todd how'd you like my family son that's a real nice family come on man wrote in here today named lorman which way do you ride out many travelers come here we don't ask their names or where they come from or where they go i just want to know about one traveler loman you're disturbing the prayers of my people do you know who we are guide all this man he's mr hunter boyd all right then why don't you just tell us which way roman rode my being threatened only with death nothing else you you and bayless wait outside what's loma done for you why do you protect him wherever this man goes somebody turns a hand to help him they don't even know him why you ask a difficult question mr boyd you've asked me to explain the human heart well what do we do senor wait for morning and start tracking again no might have made one more stop we'll see i'm sorry to hear about your father boy i'm glad you found him yeah so mine for what it was worth you know if there's ever a law in this territory some of the law besides boyd's law and you'd like to come back i'd sure be proud to have you help me with this ranch i'd sure like that if i lived that long she'll give you a chasing didn't they but you left your mark on them too that don't pleasure me none four men are dead because of me well son you got a right to defend yourself is my life worth more than four men's lives you don't have to answer that honey boy has to answer that now i'm gonna tell you something else and i might as well talk real plain to you it's about nita she's my adopted daughter and i feel very close to her she's have to want to go with you when you leave here tonight she's awfully young headstrong and quick to make a decision todd she'd leave with you tonight here if you just so much as cut your finger at her you got nothing to worry about mr bradley thank you boy now come on we gotta get you some clean clothes hot water for you mr loman thank you man well it looks like my women folks are dead set on washing you ain't it todd [Music] come on boy no come over here sit down here come on sit down and dig in ain't nobody else gonna leave already yet we'd be glad to sit with you come on girl sit down sit down look good boy [Music] my gosh mother i never realized it she's really a grown-up woman is that a fact won't you sit down [Music] it's getting cold why don't you eat oh sure oh it's so nice to have another man at the table mr bradley and i always wanted to have a half a dozen boys on one side and as many girls on the other why don't you mama we already have the girls well what's your plan honey is one thing and what you i'm not unhappy about you i wouldn't trade any of you for a perimeter but todd i'd just like to have one boy in this house to back me up in my arguments with all these females if they let the stroke have another chance papa marikita how much farther is this bradley place next big bend in the river this is a pretty place hills ringing all around in the river i like to stay here for a while you know i i was never in a home like this before you're going over the song to crystal yes ma'am can't you call my name i know the way over the song with the christo [Music] you i wouldn't be surprised if you did been almost everywhere as far north as pueblo that's a real nice home you got here after a while it's gonna even be a better place my country grows up a little bit dad tells me there are new wagons coming in here all the time pushing the command she's further back and pretty soon we'll be safe out here why can't you stay here with us i want to get you all into a lot of trouble suppose we want to share your trouble suppose we just feel that way about it wouldn't that make any difference to you well you've done all you can call my name again [Music] i'm going with you no no he he can i am i can't i don't even know where i'm [Music] going [Music] i'll come back it's comedy's horse looks like you guessed right [Music] senor there's riders by the river how many three i think mama take the kids in the house yet senor loman's gone todd todd there's three riders by the river now cardio will take you through a ravine that'll put you on a trail over the song of the crystal are you going to have any trouble mr brown trouble if it's boyd i stall him for a while come on boy you better get out of here hurricane york [Music] so body hunter kind of like to be visiting it one question amos is he here or isn't he and don't lie to me i know he's been here we found that horse down the road mm-hmm he's here and here he's going to stay i got no quarrel with you but i'm taking him he's got a bead on us for my wonder i'll drop you when he shoots he's not that kind and you know it and tell him to come out that'd be impolite i can't ask the man to leave my house after i've taken him in point yourself the defendant why not you've appointed yourself as his executioner man's entitled to some defense blumen kill comedy so i heard the lord rest mr karmad is kindly sold otis is dead he comes out amos or we go in he's not in the house hunter will you sure stretch your story around i'll have to see for myself whether he's in there my family's there sir more than half my family's dead you buffaloed me out on the trail of course there wasn't much i could do about it anyway being just one man well i'm still just one man but i'm standing in front of my home honor you go in there you're going over me [Music] follow the ravine senor you'll find the trail i must go back [Music] help us to carry him in the bedroom please [Music] medicine with boyd and two other men they searched the house [Music] their bandages some hot water how many please was he here three the neck is just a flesh wound the shot of the stomach came out clean but he has a bullet in his thigh i must remove that one if i can stop the blood i think my husband will live you want me to cut out the bullet no no i have done this thing before did you come back for he's going into sakura for men you raise an army if you can get out of here boy and keep running no more talking stop talking goodbye singer you know how to go yeah but like the man said this ain't the time to place for that [Music] i think he has gone to socorro senorita [Music] what's the matter got too much fat back at your bellies you got too much cash in your pocket all right 200 200 in gold for every man you mean i can't get any takers 200 and gold is more money than half of you'll ever see in one lump maybe so 200 ain't very much money for killing a man mr boyd that's not for killing that's just for riding but there's 2 000 in gold for the bullet that gets the job done well you're talking up now 200 a man 2 000 in gold you pack that much with you mr boyd go to the hotel send their message to fort walker with a telegram from my bank in pueblo tell them i want 10 000 in gold waiting for me tell them to shine it have it stacked on the bar in the pueblo saloon before walker you better hey wow [Music] go around the saloon see if you can get across the road i'll keep a word from here tom yo are you here not bad tom got that shotgun woman it's loaded venice is here with me wait for us to make a move town wow ladies venus venus tom shoot out that light went on fire cut that on without shotgun all right i'm with you [Music] [Music] aah [Music] wow [Music] long after we're dead you and me both they'll be telling this story and i'll tell it in a dozen different ways none of them will favor me maybe they shouldn't just one thing i'd like to be remembered i gave you your life because you saved my last son you'll grant me that i don't much mind going to hell for the rest of it i'll grant that and i have no doubt but that you will mr boyd [Music] [Music] ugh hello you beautiful spanish devil a writer's coming [Music] you
Channel: Grjngo - Western Movies
Views: 6,037,553
Rating: 4.4059811 out of 5
Keywords: western, western movies, western feature films, full length feature films, full length movies, cowboys, wild west, western movie, entire western movie, entire movies, full movie, watch films online, full movie youtube, full length feature film, classic western movies, western movies full length, cowboy movies, western movies full length free, classic western movies full length, westerns full movies to watch on youtube for free, cowboy movies full movies, best western movies
Id: ofi4gDSX848
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 26sec (5726 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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