Crosswind Landing Technique| "Dip the wing"| PA28

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we did a good char a good job man thank you I can't even line you up on the sidelines unbelievable [Music] you [Music] oh that's a nice t-shirt where did you get that from everyone awesome here's the best bro it's best I'm addicted to the channel oh no way yeah oh yeah great videos I heard you're one of the stars you are you are the star oh yeah to another video we'll be full soft oxy bucks good morning secretary Brown Turkey three two zero four two zero Mia seven we ready to taxi . taxi fax with information victor oh oh it goes down it away oh yeah alright cool you know that's position he's ailerons post about a good instructor yes grad school is this is really doing it job first I have one we've got a section or ago we got an e6b read it go ready for a diversion if need be doing three lunches together and if they go well he's going to go on a cross-country stall hopefully to Ocala so that's actually a vlog complete anyway but let's put that to the back because if you don't laughs well but I'm not using it I will be you think about I don't like sent by students on a solo without going with me first first one this is the practice is sometimes that's provision seriousness exactly that's exactly what it's about so I can be a hundred percent sure that you can get it on an airplane because I trust you or anything else Hey all right I'm gonna kill you nice compliment second tower jerky treats as their forsooth for a foreign partner alpha to Turkey three to zero for to Atlantic gyre my car ever grown to five I pick on you sounds like me just as high it just take off okay you're always very 5 to 5 and we go I'm a little weak 55 welcome to the slope okay wrong way Hey and we're by turn here burn it to the crust with no more than 30 you claim it there's a squirt a little bit climate and downwind 130 never get to attack in a hundred and right is there no no come back to 21 300 that meant the trip yes you your just stroking my life oh it's my phone that's what it is okay that's what I was wondering we got that way pushing us now when you direct from the right back so we kinda want to create these two it like this and Ryan about the numbers they power they deserve for having the numbers November 3 to zero for two runways we're gonna keep clear for the option here for the up to five pizzas your foot and whatever the way you always yes mr. Joker don't come do you think we're doing 80 here and there now wins look you for that 45 right here turn your face looking for those 75 another win dispersion of the way correct and we start our final turn okay now it'll be high up the air I've piqued by the prepared that hold short runway but that's behind it to be too low go plenty of Roble it is low down so for land cover when I go with the flats right now so I can't slow down looking for 65 on final 65 and looking to jump a little bit too but it went it's coming from my left I kind of want to creep to the left and have some rudder control - looking for my aim point it's going to be blue lines before the big blocks okay 65 65 inch open I was a little bit as my endpoint right here yeah they win now I serve but not in the middle box my controls controls I yeah so the crosswind controls weren't really the it's just we need to correct for our wind kind of flared and because the the week was already dipped and if you just kind of let it touch your day didn't really keep it down so the crosswind controls would work quite that but when we're coming in on this one what I'd like to see is kind of even even if you're you're a little bit of a you know like a half a mile fine I'll start dip it in the wing into the wind and use your rudder to keep the doors on the centerline I'll keep dip it not would i wink because if you don't there's a tendency for it that wake up exactly that's what's taking you over so kind of dip the wing right rudder so you kind of maintain the doors on the centerline and just keep that all the way down two touchdowns we even at the flare the kind of transitioning blaring and keeping that weight down touch it down on the out point will first I did though joint this one you did but I need to prove some more alien yeah exactly the pattern was really nice really nice distance is really good all right cool that's the sauce a prime example of why I like to come out do this I first before you saw okay gets proficiency up again if sir pattern it's gonna give BC yeah I can't even line you up on the second line what is that what happened unbelievable crazy there you go I thought yes dress I control the dolls that way a little bit like there are never done electronically oh just as long as you keep a little bit of kick with the Knowles into the wind you she'll be alright as well feeling his life he keeps wanting to lift the wing marks your traffic in the upwind is the Cherokee my girl right close traffic behind the Cherokee turn a crosswind left turn or correction right turn Northwest bounds prove rental 85 and altitude clear pick up clear to right what I'm looking for as well is tribute by drifting off of the extended center line of the runway okay as worth in the up window there was no drift on the home because you are the Knowles crap into it nice job 1/6 X ray we did a good shot right good job thank you well we need to do something extravagant now everyone say I'm ready for take three to zero before to extend you're down with one the parks prior to arrival sir Cole sent it down win32 0t I got that said out there and then all right so it's almost slow flight you it's a good practical kind of implicit implementation of slow flight exactly I'll use it to teach me by the way over Kissimmee all right yeah I'll probably turn now yeah I agree for the check right purposes yes 30 flaps during the turn on base probably not the best idea Lois being the role is remaining right flops commit speeding increases even lower also you got to see if an austere eyes so which again will bring you closer to a stop okay so I'll probably establish yourself first and then lay on the floor all right I mean I'll be honest with you I got the flops in on a turn thought you know you always with the knowledge of thus what's happened so I've got to maintain my speeds a lot of people frown upon that but it's better practice for you to do it it's never shot the base and then establish on final then do it all right you know what this this will be good practice at 4:00 to runway two-four the option for the auction remember to five meters of it so let's start dipping it to the window so definite feel way dip in it right right you just enough right rudder to stop the turn by this looking really nice because you're keeping the nose on the centerline David's into this doll sight drift just doing it to stop the to stop the drift I just you know lead oh yeah just pleading off the speed just do everything as normal as far as speed wise and pitch and all huh it's just across make like you five arrests like that yeah it's just like that just like this all the way that's which stack it up during the flood clothing sure holding short runway to private out the to 40 to each other brother this is literal you look at how you've not drifted off you learn all these on the sentence beats per federal plan to fire five security mojo all the way this time there you go get not wake down Oh pop Oh bomb darn it there it is there if whoa feels great it is you touch down with that wheel first it was momentary very ball Ben Syrian they're not done you want to stop our leader wait until little air came by with it yeah hopefully I needed some car with her swim practice yes well this is Bennet this is the reason we do it okay so so difficult to midfield for a shawl croch 3204 to traffic on short final a twin Cessna short approach proved brutal 85 cleared for the option my sister is such proof clip the option is there faulty short approach approach Walsh wretched hi there okay great healthy wait let me apply some and maybe lose someone Greece 106 our semicircular we don't hear so nice here Kela right on inactive run away 1 3 3 1 all the way to the end it's fine I'm just looking for their own way yes please don't kill me back at 3 well see if I can make it that's echo 6 again make the left turn a that goes 6 shelter the white and gray for story at 11 thanks William Oh are we gonna die oh oh save me want to save me I don't want to die in a little Cherokee oh look at this I don't think I need another nacho platter scan 13 turn her over to Atlantic whiskey fall departure please set your team multiplex approved every two minutes you just saved us you're safe oh I'm safe hahaha saved binky have been my controls do control my controls one thing it not it's that it keeping your hand on the flops to keep you hand on this just in case and all we've not technically not got any powerful yeah yeah so there was one stage during that where I was thinking might not make it until you went straight for the wall okay that is a thing you know training you get you get taught okay fly symmetrical patterns all till you lose your engine and then I don't give a about a symmetrical pack take me to the runway I don't care if you comment hi I care if you caught me too low because then you're gonna kill me well yeah just turn it towards the runway I'd give yourself as soon as that happened as light as you pass in the numbers on they went give yourself like three seconds you immediately went to put in a notch a flash I I don't necessarily like I would only put flops in once a short best glide speed turnitin what Lundy's assured what he'd know having said that you made the rebel arrow for no problem [Music]
Channel: LewDix Aviation
Views: 29,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flying, Flight, Pilot, Pilotlife, Aviation, ATC, Cockpit, Takeoff, Landing, Runway, Crosswind landing
Id: d-Wch7rmtkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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