Learn GERUNDS and INFINITIVES and how to use them! Advanced English Grammar Lesson

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hi everybody and welcome back to love English I'm Sabrah and I'm a British University English teacher now today I have a grammar lesson for you a little bit more of a serious topic but super super useful and this is suitable for intermediate up to advanced level so in this class today we're going to look at the rules for gerunds and infinitives and also the cases where we can actually use either a gerund or infinitive so a verb that can be followed by both however how this changes the meaning guys if you're new to our channel then make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you get notified when we upload a lesson and if you're a regular viewer of our channel then why haven't you subscribed yet go on hit that red button also guys you can check out our web site www.loveenglish.co.uk and follow us on our social media @lovenglish.uk Before we get started guys, I have an important question to ask you and that is how many of you are actually practising your English with a native speaker on a regular basis? I am guessing not that that may not be too many of you as lots of you write to us and say I want to practice my English I don't know how to practice my English so if you want to practice your English more with a native speaker which of course is super important for developing your levels of fluency and getting to higher levels of fluency then we do have a great recommendation for you there is an English language teaching app called Cambly and this is actually currently the most affordable English language teaching app which is out there at the moment so it's very good for people who may have a little bit of a lower budget but also you don't have to have an hours lesson or even half an hour you can actually just have 15 minutes of practice at a time to top-up if you like so if you're super busy if you're a super busy bee which I know lots of you are then this could be great for you just 15 minutes twice a week three times a week it's going to really really improve your levels of fluency , something else that I really love about Cambly is that you can choose the tutor according to their interests so for example say you want to have more speaking lessons and discussion you can actually find a tutor who has similar interests to you and then you can talk about your hobbies and your interests if this is something that you want to do however if you want to learn in a more serious way you can also do that as they have exam teachers available on there so you can learn FCE CAE IELTS and TOEFL and everything like that their tutors are also available 24/7 so they can really fit around you now we have some great discounts to offer you if you do decide to go with Cambly you can get fifteen minutes free so you can just try them out using Leila - Sabrah and if you want multiple lessons you can actually get 10% off any kind of plan that you choose by using this code Leila - sabrah10 so you can find the link to download the Cambly app in the description box below why not give them a try guys you get fifteen minutes for free so why not try them out and see if you like it right let's get started the rules of gerunds and infinitives so first of all what actually is a gerund a gerund is a verb that can actually behave like a noun so it's a bit of a double act if you like it can be two things now let me show you an example I like to dance I like to dance here dance is a verb I is the subject however if we say dancing is good for you dancing is good for you here dancing has actually become the subject of this sentence therefore making this verb here act like a noun it is behaving like a noun which means it is a gerund so in sentences where a verb actually behaves like a noun where it becomes the subject of the sentence you need to add that ing form, other examples are taking the train was the quickest way to arrive or seeing is believing in both cases here the verb is behaving like a noun which makes it a gerund now some verbs must be followed by gerunds and some must be followed by infinitives now verbs which must be followed by a gerund include enjoy suggest miss finish can't stand avoid admit complete imagine repeat risk they must be followed by a gerund for example I don't want to risk losing all my money I can't stand being told off I finished doing all my grammar exercises now a very helpful rule when it comes to the gerund is that if you have a preposition in the sentence often connected to a verb then that preposition must be followed by a gerund I look forward to seeing you soon to is a preposition so we need that gerund another example would be she succeeded in passing her IELTS Leila is good at teaching grammar, remember that rule goes if you're using a verb after a preposition it should be in the gerund form not the infinitive okay so moving on to looking at infinitives let's do a quick explanation of what an infinitive is so an infinitive is the verb in its base form so for example it's present simple form plus to for example to go you can also have a bare infinitive which is the infinitive without to so some examples of verbs which need to be followed by infinitives are agree aim attempt want offer wish be able choose hope and there are many more so again check that list below for example you could say I hope to travel the world next year or I hope to be fluent in English by next year if you change this and use a gerund it sounds really bad so if you say I hope traveling the world next year it sounds it sounds so wrong so make sure you actually learn these and learn which verbs are followed by a gerund or an infinitive there are also some verbs which actually need an object and then the infinitive as we need something that the action is happening to so this is quite common in reported speech for example this doesn't mean that the verb always needs an object but in some cases where we need something that the action is happening to then you will need an object with that infinitive for example with the verb advised your usually advising someone to do something so we need to say I advised her or I advised him or she advised me and then the infinitive some other examples of these verbs are remind ask invite expect for example I needed to remind myself to stop eating so much junk food or he invited me to go for dinner I asked him to make the dinner reservation again you'll find a list below of the verbs that need an object plus an infinitive okay now moving on to some of the verbs which can take either the gerund or the infinitive but the meaning changes so unfortunately I don't have time to do all of these verbs today but I can always make a part 2 of this video because I have a feeling that some of you guys are going to have some questions and there are some other rules to cover as well so don't worry that we haven't covered them all I'm covering really today the most common ones so today we're looking at stop remember forget and try okay so with the verb to stop if you stop to do something you have stopped your previous activity to do another activity so for example you could say I stopped to answer the phone meaning you stopped working or you stopped gardening or whatever you were doing to answer the phone if you say you stopped doing something you stopped doing this activity altogether for a while maybe you have suspended during this activity so you've stopped doing this activity maybe for an extended period of time or maybe for a short time but you're not doing that activity at the moment for example if you say I've stopped working late at night it means at the moment you're not working late at night let's look at two sentences and compare the differences I stopped to do some shopping I stopped to do some shopping I've stopped shopping I was spending too much money oops I really need to stop going shopping so hopefully guys you can clear see the difference stop to do is when we stop our current activity to do another activity can be that we were interrupted for example and stop doing we're not doing that activity for a while we're definitely not doing it at the moment okay the next one is remember so if you remember doing something you have the memory of it so remember + gerund is that you have the memory of it or maybe you don't have the memory of it it's for example but it's connected to your memories remember to do is when you need to do something for example and must remember to make a doctor's appointment you want to remember and you need to remember to do that thing so it's more like a reminder of something that you have to do let's look at two sentences again and compare the differences I remember visiting my grandma so here we're remembering why I remember visiting my grandma when I was younger she was always feeding me lots of nice food now let's look at this with the infinitive I remembered to visit my grandma here we're saying I needed to remember to go and see her to go and visit my grandma it was something I needed to do and I remembered it I remembered to do that the verb to forget works in a similar way if you say to forget with a gerund you're talking about your memories if you say forget with an infinitive you're talking about something that you needed to do that you've actually forgotten or you might be reminding yourself not to forget to do that thing so again it's something that we ought to do again let's look at two sentences and compare the difference I've forgot to study for my IELTS last night I forgot to study for my IELTS last night you needed to remember to study but you forgot to oh I've forgotten studying like this for IELTS it's been such a long time so here the person is saying they'd forgotten what it was like to study for their IELTS so they've forgotten that experience so again it's about memory to forget doing something means you don't have a memory of doing that thing okay the last one is the verb to try if you put try with an infinitive this is something that you're putting effort in - so you're really trying but your success is mixed sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't so if you say I tried to open that jar but I couldn't it was stuck you're saying that you tried you put effort into it but you didn't succeed or if we say I tried to work out every morning you're saying this is something I put effort into I try to work out every morning maybe I don't always do it but I'm really trying to do that so when we use try with a gerund it's more of an experiment it's something that you're testing or seeing if you like it or seeing if it works so for example you might say try adding salt to the dish it might taste nicer if you try adding salt it's an experiment let's look at two sentences and compare the difference have you tried going to dance classes I try to go to my dance class every week I try to go to my dance class every week so in the first one the person is saying you should try this thing it's an experiment have you tried going to dance classes in the second sentence with the infinitive the speaker puts effort into trying to get to their dance class every week now a little bit of homework guys is to try writing, see..an experiment some of those sentences below so for example try writing one with an infinitive and one with a gerund and compare the difference and I will check them and see if they are correct you can actually write a sentence below using any of the gerunds and infinitives that we've learnt in this lesson but do make sure you leave those sentences in the comments below do let me know guys if you would like a part two on this to cover some other things that we haven't covered in this lesson and perhaps I can also use it to answer your question so do let me know about that as well as always guys it's a pleasure to be here with you we'll see you soon on love English bye bye now we're very helpful now we're very health
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 28,697
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Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English, learn gerunds and infinitives, gerunds and infinitives, gerunds as subjects, gerund and infinitive grammar, learn english grammar, advanced grammar, understand gerunds, grammar lessons english, gerunds and infinitives explanation, gerunds شرح, gerundio, gerunds vs infinitives, stop to go, stop going, english grammar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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