Gerunds and Infinitives advanced

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okay somebody asked me to do a lesson about Germans and to plus infinitive for advanced level because of course they are more complicated than what I tell students first of all and what I told them first of all let's quickly repeat it Germans they're not present continuous or past continuous but they look like it because they're the verb with the in form but there's no to be and there's no is doing was doing it's just doing going playing to plus infinitive is what it says it's to and the verb in the first form now we use Jevons for three different reasons and to plus infinitive for three different reasons number one Germans after prepositions just wanna quickly remind you all yet I gave up smoking I am interested in learning French yeah after prepositions in on under please either gerund 2 plus infinitive after adjectives ok after adjectives it's better to do this immediately yeah better is an adjective or it's fun to learn English online something like that fun is an adjective ok number two don't want to spend long on this because this is the basic level Germans please use them as a subject of sentence if the verb is subject yeah please use a gerund so skiing is fun cooking is difficult for me to plus infinitive we use as straw B I'm going to write this this is for the Russian students the guys who I teach they're my priority but this means in order to okay so if you're answering the question why please use 2 plus infinitive why did you go to the shops to buy some okay so if you answering the question why if you mean in order to please use two plus infinitive number three after certain verbs use gerund and after other verbs use to plus infinitive so some verbs are German verbs a good such some good ones to remember mind do you mind not smoking near me yeah something like that mind is jumbo I don't mind cooking it's okay something like that that's a german verb recommend and suggest are germans they're not 2 plus infinitive ok recommend and suggest the germans also a lot of the verbs are starting and stopping are gerund but I'll talk about those in more detail now because this is the advanced part so some verbs are German some verbs are 2 plus infinitive if you want a list of those verbs I'll put a link under the video now let's go onto something else let's talk about the advanced part some verbs you can use with gerund or 2 plus infinitive and I think it's good to start with a list of those verbs let me give you a list of verbs which are good for both of them so hate like and love you can use either of them you can say I like to play football I like playing football there's no difference really in meaning between these ones I've made books which say that there is a slight difference in meaning I think there's no difference in meaning they're so close hate like love continue and prefer there are five words which you can remember you can use either of them okay however some verbs you use German sometimes and to plus infinitive in other times for example begin begin we use as a gerund and now I'm going to put it like this when the dotted line begin we use as a gerund in continuous tense is let me see if I've got this right fulfill it right in non continuous tenses beginnings a gerund in non continuous what do I mean and it's two plus infinitive in continuous tenses what do I mean let me show you with some examples if you say I began past simple I began and you want to say working yet you must use gerund I began working hard for my exams maybe I began working hard this is past simple and we use a gerund after pass simple but begin with two plus infinitive if you say I'm beginning please use two plus infinitive after the continuous temps is that going to confuse you well sorry to confuse you I'm beginning to get nervous something like that I'm beginning to get nervous not I'm beginning getting nervous okay now it's exactly the same with the word start which I'm pleased to tell you it's the same as begin even in its meaning okay so with these two words with non continuous I began past simple it's not past continuous is past simple use a gerund after it but with continuous forms Here I am beginning present continuous to get to plus infinitive okay same for start I started working hard I am starting to work hard okay but there are many many more to do so hold on let's go further let's now look at Papp stop let's look at the word stop because stop can be both but the meaning changes now the meaning changes the meaning didn't change there begin was the same if we used jemand or to plus infinitive but with stop the meaning changes let me show you what I mean stop plus gerund is stopped a process stop plus two plus infinitive it's when you want to say in order to just like I told you earlier that in order to was to plus infinitive and I'll show you what I mean I stopped smoking means I gave up smoking it means you stop that process but if you say I stopped to have a cigarette it means I stopped my car I stopped my bike or I stopped walking in order to have a cigarette so I stopped to have a cigarette okay I hope that's clear okay there is another word which is similar to stop and that is keep keep plus a gerund means continue a process continue a process so you could say something like like they kept running because the dog was chasing them yeah something like that they kept running they continued running yeah they kept running because the dog was chasing them but keep plus two plus infinitive it usually has an object here I kept I kept his wallet to take the money yeah that's not very nice but maybe it's true I kept his wallet in order to take the money okay to steal the money maybe okay I hope that's clear with keep we've still got some more about four more to do so please pay attention we've now got a very difficult three I like to consider free verbs as the same forget remember and even another verb regret and I'll show you what I mean forget plus jemand it means forget you have done something forget plus two plus infinitive it means forget you need to do something so here we say something like I'll never forget kissing my first girl this is a memory of something in the past this is not a memory of something in the past it's something which you should remember to do in the future so it's forget you need to do sewing I forgot to lock the door maybe someone came in and stole your television but I forgot to lock the door it's very different from I'll never forget doing something I'll never forget kissing my first girl I'll never forget drinking my first beer could be anything the same with remember exactly the same remember in jarrandi remember you have done something and remember plus 2 plus infinitive is remembered to do something remember you need to do something ok let me give you an example I remember meeting my teacher on my first day at school yeah I remember this is an event which you have done but if your mum says remember to see your teacher after school she is reminding you to do something in the future so it needs to be remember and 2 plus infinitive now it's pretty similar for the word regret usually regret is here you regret doing something in the past regret you have done something yeah I am regret not giving him the money yet not taking the job I regret not studying so hard for that exam okay but we use regret plus I regret to inform you I regret to say because this is regretting that you need to do something okay so regret is just like forgetting remember one last verb now need need is gerund if it's used in a passive meaning sorry about those dirty marks on the board so it's gerund if you use it in a passive meaning and it's 2 plus infinitive if you use it in an active meaning let me give you some examples Irma my windows need cleaning that means exactly the same thing as my windows need to be cleaned which is the passive form but if you want to say that I need the active form to clean the windows well then we use 2 plus infinitive ok so that's a lot of different verbs I hope it's all clear if you have any questions or perhaps I've made some mistakes it's possible please please tell me and please write comments under the under the video and I'll answer every comment and I hope to see you all soon please subscribe if you like the lesson please subscribe if you've enjoyed this lesson and would like to receive more over the next few weeks here are some videos on phrasal verbs auxiliary verbs tenses and verb forms as well like Germans and too the infinitive please watch them and try the quizzes below the videos and I hope that you improve
Channel: MrSkypelessons
Views: 238,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gerunds, gerunds and infinitives, Infinitive (Field Of Study), gerunds to infinitive, gerund infinitive, gerunds to infinitives, gerunds and to infinitive, advanced English grammar, advanced english course, advanced english, upper intermediate lessons, upper intermediate class, upper intermediate grammar, upper intermediate english, ing and to infinitive, gerunds lesson, infinitives lesson, gerunds class, gerunds exercises, infinitives gerunds, gerunds infinitives
Id: konyY8sQQ4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2013
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