40 + Advanced English Adjectives for Personality

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hello everyone and welcome back to love english i'm sabra and today we're going to be looking at 40 advanced personality adjectives now these are not your run-of-the-mill adjectives like outgoing sociable messy these are a little bit more unusual but that makes it all the more interesting is it's nice to sometimes mix up your vocabulary and use a word which is more advanced and less commonly used now what i would like you to do at the end i would like you to try and describe your personality using some of these adjectives and also we would love it if you would try and describe layla and eyes personalities also guys don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell and do follow us on our other social media channels as well so it's always good to start on a positive note so we're starting with the positive adjectives the ones that are more complementary about people's personality [Music] so number one is witty witty now a witty person is clever and funny with words so they will make remarks that are funny but also very clever in the way that they use the language so we can also call a person a wit if they have this kind of humor it's a compliment to say somebody is witty because it means they're funny and they're clever now famously winston churchill our previous prime minister our wartime prime minister he was known for being very witty so let me give you an example of something he said now to lady astor who was um a very well-known and haughty lady a little bit um arrogant she said to him winston if i were your wife i'd put poison in your coffee and he replied to her madam if you were my wife i'd happily drink it so this is witty number two is tactful tactful now tactful basically means that you are very careful in the way that you use your words so that you don't offend people it's very similar to diplomatic so a tactical person is it's important to have them in the office in work environments because they know how to use words so it's not to offend people they know how to give people bad news in a better way they're not too direct so an example sentence would be she was very tactful when she told me i hadn't been selected for the promotion the next one is good natured and this is another way to say kind really a good natured person is friendly and pleasant and has a kind heart so we might say oh she's such a good natured girl i'm sure she'll be very happy to help you if you ask number four is vivacious vivacious i love this word and the sound is great vivacious a vivacious person is somebody who is very enthusiastic lively energetic full of life um and it's much more used to talk about women a vivacious woman we would say and it's a compliment so we could say layla is a very vivacious teacher she's full of energy and enthusiasm in the videos number five is bubbly bubbly and a bubbly person again is happy full of life friendly it's a very positive thing if you say a person is bubbly they're the kind of person you want around they're easy to talk to easy to have a giggle with so an example sentence would be i get on very well with my sister-in-law she's a bubbly person so we always have a good chat and a laugh okay the next one is gregarious gregarious quite similar to bubbly but the key thing here is this person is sociable they like to meet other people they're friendly they love being with other people basically a gregarious person so you might say she's going to be absolutely fine at the wedding even though she doesn't know anybody because she's so gregarious the next one is tenacious tenacious now tenacious is a person who is very determined to achieve something against all odds we often talk about goats being very tenacious the animal the goat even though it's very hard to get to the top of the mountain and the mountain is very craggy and rocky you see the goat still going and they usually make it to the top so if we say he or she is tenacious it means they're very good at holding on and finding a way through problems and achieving what they want to the next one is courteous courteous and this basically means very polite so if you're a courteous person you are very polite you you know you're p's and cues you're a well-mannered person it's a nice thing to be so we might say i could tell he was a gentleman by the fact that he was so courteous the next one is meticulous meticulous this is a person who is very clean and obsessive about smaller details so you might say i'm meticulous about organizing and tidying my desk or he's meticulous about the way his files are organized if you watch friends or if you know the tv show friends the character monica in friends is very meticulous i would say i'm quite a meticulous number 10 is notorious notorious now if you're notorious you are a person who is famous for a bad habit or famous for bad things it's like famous but in a negative way so we might say she's notorious for forgetting her keys or he's notorious for showing up late number 11 is jovial jovial this is a person who is cheerful who is usually happy and positive we might say oh you're in a jovial mood this morning but we can also say it about their whole character that the kind of person who is usually happy usually cheerful we would say they're jovial so we could say she seems very jovial today she must have had good news the next one is loquacious loquacious it's a beautiful word so you can enjoy saying it loquacious this is a person who enjoys talking and they talk a lot so you might say she's very loquacious so i think she'll do well in the interview because she can talk easily it's mostly a positive personality trait although obviously if you're too loquacious you can start to annoy people a little bit if you're too much of a chatterbox but it's mostly positive it means chatty really it's a nicer way of saying chatty so instead of saying she's a chatty person or he's a chatty kind of person you can say he's very loquacious so i enjoyed our conversation the next one is upbeat and this again means positive in a good mood good vibes everything's like that so you would say i like having him around because he's usually upbeat meaning he's usually in a good mood full of hope and positivity basically it's a better way of saying positive so instead of saying he or she is a positive person you can say they are upbeat the next one is conscientious conscientious and this is a person who puts a lot of effort and pays close attention to their work or studies so usually conscientious people are very popular with the boss or with their teacher because they are the person who stays on track puts a lot of work in it's very careful meets deadlines everything like that the next one is ingenious ingenious fantastic adjective an ingenious person is very good at being creative at generating ideas solving problems basically it's another way to say creative and innovative to be ingenious so we can say a person has a lot of ingenuity ingenuity so we could say my son's teacher is excellent because she's always coming up with ingenious new ways to engage the children the next one is flamboyant flamboyant and basically this is a very confident person who likes being the center of attention they might dress in a way to attract attention so we're very bright colors and perhaps a bit of a crazy outfit choices sometimes but they are basically a fun person to have around they are the life and soul of the party although perhaps sometimes for some people they can be a bit too much but usually they are friendly and fun to have around so we could say he's such a flamboyant character and loves wearing funny outfits he's the life and soul of the party perhaps have a think now do you know a person who is flamboyant or are you flamboyant tell us about that in the comments below the next one is thorough thorough hard word to say thorough and this is a person who is very detailed about things they really pay attention to details they don't like to miss anything so it's a good characteristic for going into administration or a detective or something like this engineering basically where it's very important that you pay attention to details he's a detective which really suits him because he's a very thorough character he loves paying attention to details the next one is broad-minded broad-minded and you can of course also say open-minded as well to be broad-minded or open-minded so basically this is where you are very accepting of many different kinds of beliefs cultures different lifestyles you are not a judgmental person you're open-minded to that you you can accept it instead of thinking immediately it's wrong just because you don't know much about it so in the uk this is definitely considered to be a good thing we are very accepting about different religions culture sexuality everything like that so it's considered to be a very good thing here the next one is diligent and you could also say industrious you can have two for one here diligent and industrious they basically mean the same a person who works a lot and is very careful about work they put a lot of effort into their work to be diligent or to be industrious so for example we could say the students who are the most likely to pass ielts are the ones that are the most diligent the next one is resourceful and this is a person who is very skilled at solving problems on their own they're very good at finding a way to find solutions to problems to get resources basically so to find a way to get things that are needed without having to ask perhaps their boss or other people so they're good at so they're good at finding a way through more difficult times basically the next one is affable affable and an affable person is friendly and polite this is also quite a british word as you know we love politeness here so we might say he seemed an affable sort of chap or oh that receptionist was very affable she was very helpful okay everyone now we're moving on to the more negative characteristics the things that are perhaps less desirable in a person's personality or behavior so number 22 is aloof aloof now a person who is aloof is quite reserved and they don't want to be a part of things they don't easily get involved they might be quite a distant character now sometimes shyness can be mistaken for aloofness a person who is shy sometimes can actually come across as aloof so that's unfortunate if that happens but also this can just be the person's personality that they don't like to get too involved they can be quite reserved but generally this isn't considered too good a personality trait she was very aloof at the party and hardly chatted to any of the guests the next one is haughty haughty a haughty character is somebody who comes across as a bit superior to others a little bit posh little bit arrogant but they aren't particularly friendly they come across as quite superior maybe even a little snobby so we could say there are members of the british royal family who are known for being a little bit haughty number 24 is pugnacious pugnacious now if you know the breed of dog the pug you'll kind of get the gist of what this means it means ready for a fight a little bit like how small dogs are small dogs are known for having a loud bark and being quite um aggressive sometimes because they know that they're little dogs so they know they have to bark more um to defend themselves and seem bigger so this is basically the personality trait of the person a person who is ready for a fight and ready to um talk a lot and get involved in arguments an argumentative sort of character so we might say gosh he was in a pugnacious mood the next one is rebellious rebellious and this can be a good thing if you're rebelling against a just cause however a lot of the time rebellious personality types can be troublemakers perhaps so it's a little bit of a mixed adjective so rebellious basically means the person who likes to rebel against things likes to go against authority um perhaps they defy their parents or their teachers or their superiors at work so yes it can be a little bit of a a difficult personality type if you're prone to being like this number 26 is grouchy grouchy and basically this is very similar to grumpy if you are grouchy you're in a bad mood you feel you don't feel good you have um a kind of yeah bad mood basically sometimes on a monday morning i can be a little bit grouchy or even in the mornings in general i'm not a morning person if i haven't had my cup of tea i can be a little bit grouchy very very similar to the next one which is grumpy grumpy is perhaps more of the general personality type you can say he's a grumpy person it's the person who is prone to being grouchy often who is often a grouchy person so grumpy is more the general personality type the person who has a bad mood who seems out of sorts quite often to be grumpy and people are especially grumpy or grouchy when they're tired what makes you grumpy or grouchy tell me about that in the comments below the next one is melancholic melancholic and this is a person who has a sense of sadness in their personality they they perhaps like listening to sad music they like watching sad movies they're a little bit of a depressive character type now it can be good to be like this you can be sensitive for example you can be poetic but if you're too much like this then you might not be good company for other people and you might sometimes find yourself feeling blue too often so if we say oh he's a melancholic you know he's always listening to sad music and he needs lots of alone time when he gets down we might say something like that so to be a melancholic the next one is bombastic bombastic and a bombastic person is very full of themselves meaning they're very um quite confident even a little arrogant and they like to impress you with their words so they're they're very confident and they want you to be impressed by by what they're saying and they might use um very lots of big words to try and make it seem like they're very clever sometimes politicians can come across in a bombastic way it's not really a positive thing because um they seem too much like like they're trying to impress you like they're showing off basically so we could say the prime minister came across as a little bombastic in his speech i'm not sure he's going to be very popular with the public the next one is petulant petulant and basically this is very similar to childish if you're petulant you easily complain and are rude like a child you know how children suddenly will say oh that's not fair why did she get a bigger ice cream than me or i wanted that one and they suddenly get very moody and childlike this is petulant and sadly even us adults sometimes can behave like this we can behave like um very large children so when somebody is being like this you would say come on stop being so petulant you're acting like a child you're being so petulant so an example sentence could be because the actress complained about everything on the movie set the director described her as petulant so number 31 is quick tempered or short-tempered they are basically the same and this is the person who very quickly gets angry they go up very quickly very quick to anger but usually they come down quickly as well so i think you may have an idiom in some of your languages like this we can say somebody hits the roof that's our kind of idiomatic expression for this to hit the roof they go up very quickly so i would say that my father's personality type sorry dad if you're watching is that he is quite quick tempered he quickly gets angry but then he also calms down quickly as well we have to say dad calm down it's not the end of the world so it's not the worst personality type but it's obviously better if you can be a bit calmer the next one is bad tempered now this is different to quick tempered because if you're bad tempered you're often in a bad or aggressive mood so it's more of a permanent thing whereas quick tempered you go up and you come down if you're bad tempered you're very often in a cross mood it's your general temperament so it's not a good thing the next one is devious devious now a devious person is a plotting person a person who is trying to work things out and plan things to get the best out of the situation and this can be behind other people's backs and it can be in a way that can even hurt other people so it's not a good quality if you're devious you're kind of cunning a little bit like a fox so we could say my colleague was very devious he found a way to get very close to the boss and make the boss dislike some of the other teammates so in that way he seemed the most appropriate person for the promotion the next one is calculating calculating now this one is quite similar to the previous but perhaps this is a more logical way to do it so the person who thinks in a way where they're trying to benefit themselves and they're moving life and people like chess pieces like pieces on a chessboard so calculating so we might talk about a person made a calculating move or a calculating decision but if we talk about it as a general personality type it is quite negative because again it has this kind of this you know very dishonest perhaps approach and a way that is selfish the person is trying to plan things in order to get the most out of the situation for themselves the next one is big headed big headed and this is very similar to arrogant so if we say she's big headed we mean she's egotistical she loves herself too much perhaps so we might say she's so big-headed she thought she was the best in the english class and told everyone else that her grammar was much superior to theirs number 36 is sulky now a sulky person is in a bad mood when they can't get what they want so they behave again a little bit like a child they show you that they're unhappy in their body language they might refuse to talk they might have a grumpy facial expression so they might look a little bit like this or we could say the children were sulky after they were told they couldn't have any more sweets the next one is scatterbrained scatterbrained now if you're scatterbrained you easily forget things you're a bit of a disorganized person your brain is a little bit scattered it's a bit all over the place so if you're scatterbrained you easily forget things and this can be an annoying habit so we could say he's so disorganized he's always losing his wallet and his keys the next one is narcissistic narcissistic and this is where you have too much interest in and admiration for yourself so so you're almost quite in love with yourself if you're narcissistic so we might say oh he's such a narcissist meaning he always thinks he's right he loves himself he might be quite a vain character somebody who likes their appearance or thinks they're always the best at everything so this can be a really annoying quality for other people if we say oh he or she is a narcissist we mean they just love themselves too much number 39 is pompous pompous this is a person who is too serious and full of self-importance so sometimes perhaps old-fashioned teachers uh maybe even police officers can sometimes come across as a bit pompous like bit too serious bit too full of their own self-importance um and we consider it to be a negative trait because it's not nice to take yourself too seriously and these kind of people don't have a sense of humor so the example sentence is he can sound a bit pompous when he starts boasting about his acting career number 40 is obnoxious obnoxious little bit difficult word to say obnoxious this is a person who is um quite unpleasant and rude they come across as a rude person unpleasant they're not friendly so if you say why are you being so obnoxious it's like saying why are you being so rude or that receptionist came across as so obnoxious she really didn't want to help us at all and finally the last one is miserly miserly now you may know the more common one which is stingy this is a person who is tight or mean with their money they like to keep their money with them they don't like spending money which makes them not generous and it can make them quite mean so they're not willing to help you out with money or spend money on other people usually so miserly people have a hard time at christmas because of course christmas is about being giving to others giving gifts to others so it's not good to be a miserly person right everybody they were our 40-plus advanced personality adjectives don't forget to try and describe your character with some of these adjectives and also try and pick a few to describe leila and i we'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 33,102
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Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English, English with Leila, English with Sabrah, British English, advanced personality adjectives, advanced english adjectives for people, how to describe personality in english, advanced english vocabulary, advanced english adjectives, vocabulary for ielts, advanced english lesson, describe character in english, english lesson
Id: WU6bpEGr3xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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