How to Use Mixed Conditionals | Advanced English Grammar

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hello and welcome to today's lesson and today we are going to have a very very useful lesson because we're going to talk about mixed conditionals that's coming up [Music] welcome to today's lesson my name is Wes this is interactive English which is the place that you want to be if you're looking to practice and improve your English skills and today it is a more of an advanced grammar lesson because we are going to be talking about mixed conditionals and I know that that this is something that that can be a challenge for for many learners who are trying to improve their English skills and really understand these conditional sentences and especially mixed conditionals can be very very confusing so we're really gonna have a look at them today and some of the different types of mixed conditionals but before we begin if you are joining us I want you to say what's up in the chat write your name tell me where you're joining us from and even if you're watching this later please just write your name in the chat say what's up we just love hearing from you guys so Christo saw ago SIA the myth Mandy Bruno welcome welcome welcome Thank You Andre hi welcome thank you guys for joining me today for this very about what mix conditionals are and show you the different types it's good to review and really understand well what are conditional sentences and how are they used and we did several lessons on conditional sentences on the zero conditional the first the second and the third and I will link those in the description and if you are watching this later I will put a card up there and I highly highly recommend that you you check out those lessons because we give you more examples and really talk about how those sentences are used and talk a little more about the grammar in this lesson I'm going to quickly review those conditionals and then we're really gonna focus and talk more about the mixed conditionals and of course at the end all right I want you guys to get ready because we will practice using these conditionals we are going to practice using conditionals and I will want you to write to us in the comments and in the chat so again jr. Astana Fez Morocco Malcolm Patricia hello welcome thank you for joining me and now let's let's begin let's start talking about conditionals so let's first just quickly look well what are conditional sentences conditional sentences you have two parts all right you have an if clause when you think of conditional sentences we always think of them as if statements so you have an if clause which is the condition if you subscribe to our channel this is a dependent clause because it's not a complete sentence it's not a complete thought so if you subscribe to our channel well what what's the result what what happens because of that that is going to be our main Clause and that is if you subscribe to our channel you will learn English okay I'm really trying to promote promote ourselves right now so if you subscribe to our Channel that's our condition you will learn English that is going to be the result so that is a basic simple conditional sentence you have an if clause in the condition and your main clause in the result now one thing I want to tell you guys when we look through and and review these conditions the the 0 conditional the first the second and the third I think it's useful when when you're learning these I tell you you know pay attention to the grammar these conditionals are relatively rule-based so if you learn these rules then and and learned how they're used with the grammar you can use that to create more sentences so keep that in mind and I have put the grammar up there so you know how to create these sentences so you can use the grammar I know that when many people are learning English they want to learn rules they want to try to learn the rule because it's like okay now I understand this so with these conditionals it's okay you can you can they're fairly rule-based think about the grammar all right that's all I'm gonna say all right so let's look at the zero conditional and as we go through these you know practice writing some sentences go for it so first off I want to ask you do you guys know can you tell me how do you use the zero conditional the first conditional the second conditional and the third conditional can you tell me what are the situations in which we use those conditional sentences if you guys know write those in the chat I want to hear from you guys so let's talk about them right now so the zero conditional is used to talk about a general truth a scientific fact if you guys and have an example sentence please write them all right so my sentence which is a general truth it's for me it might not be for everybody but I might say you know if I read in the car I get sick I could even throw an adverb a frequency in there and say if I read in the car I always get sick this is true this is it stressin simple for the result okay so yes but no you said zero conditional these are real situations these are truths these things really happen okay so that is the zero conditional now let's look at the first conditional again rule based I don't think it's going to be too difficult so we use the first conditional all right to talk about a possible or likely situation in the future so we're talking about something we're talking about the future with the first conditional and my condition here's my sentence if it rains we'll get wet so if it rains that's my condition simple present will get wet that's the result my main clause and that's where I'm using the future if it rains we will get wet okay excellent so let's look at I think that's again you can follow it simple present future it makes sense first conditional now now let's see a little more tricky with the second conditional so the second conditional is used to talk about a hypothetical or an unlikely situation hypothetical or unlikely situation that ok it's it cannot happen it's not going to happen or there's it's it's really really unlikely that it's going to happen so often times when you hear a sentence with the second conditional somebody's maybe giving you advice and they would say they'd start out and say this if I were you okay if I were you all right I would you had use would plus the verb base verb if I were you I would hit that like button all right again I'm in English because it's not often alright if I were all right we're using the subjunctive in this case if I were you I would hit that like button okay it's a hypothetical situation because well I'm I'm not you okay I am not you so this is hypothetical alright so again oh somebody pointed out yes thank you for going out mistake this is a typo right here I just noticed that yes not if I were are you it should say if I were you ignore that article a in there again it's interesting I go through these slides again and again and again and I find some typos but sometimes I still miss them but thank you for pointing that out to me yes it should say if I were you I would hit that like button again all right think that keep that in mind that's what I would do if I were you second conditional now let's look at the third conditional it's used to talk about an imaginary or unreal situation in the past okay you should know okay with the third conditional both the condition and the result these both both of these things they happen in the past it's in the past and that's why you say it's imaginary it's unreal it's not possible because we can't change the past it's already happened so in the condition in my in my if clause I'm going to use the past perfect if I had studied okay if I had studied the result I'm going to use would have plus the past participle if I had studied I would have passed the exam okay if I had studied I would have passed the exam okay I didn't study in the past I didn't pass the exam in the past both of these things happen in the past it's imaginary it's unreal it didn't happen okay because I did not study which means I did not pass the exam so if I had studied I would have passed the exam so this is that is a quick review of the 0 the first the second and the third conditional and I would recommend again if you haven't seen our other video lessons on these conditionals you can check them out we go into a little more detail we give some more examples and I think it would really help and even if you feel comfortable with them it's always good to review so the way I would say now let's get into the mixed conditionals and I have 4 different types that I'm gonna go over sometimes people say oh there's more than four mixed conditionals other people say oh there's only two mix you know again don't don't get caught up with oh how many there are I'm gonna give you four examples all right and we're gonna go through these different ones now the reason why it's difficult and it's different is because when before we talked about the other conditionals I told you I said pay attention to the grammar you with those conditionals you can pay attention to the grammar you can see what's being used and and then try to make some more sentences and practice those with the mixed conditionals I would say it's the opposite do not focus on the grammar do not pay attention to the grammar and try to understand mixed conditionals based on the grammar okay I'm still gonna give it to you but I would say try not try not to think about it that way you have to kind of change the way that you're thinking about mixed conditionals in order to really understand so the tip that I have for you the two things that what I want you guys to focus on are these two things all right you need to try to imagine the situation and when things are happening imagine the sitchin situation and imagine when they are happening those are the two things that I think are really going to help you understand mix conditionals so don't focus so much on the grammar focus on the situation which is more like the main idea and focus on what when when is it happening is it happening in the past is it happening in the present or is it happening in the future okay so those that's my that's my tip for you as we go through these I'm gonna give you a couple different examples with this and I'm gonna try and show you what what I mean and we're gonna work backwards a little bit and when we do the practice then again that's gonna be good practice because I'm gonna give you a situation and you will need to write the sentence you will need to write the mix conditional all right so let's look at the first one for you so the mix conditional number one is this one is we're using mm-hmm it's used to talk about the present result of a past condition so in all of my examples here I'm always putting the condition first and then the result and I've color-coded these two so if it's red it's talking about the past if it's green present and purple which you will see in a moment we're talking about the future okay so these are color coded as well Reds the past green is the present so we're talking about a past condition if I had gotten the job all right we're using the past perfect if I had gotten the job what's the present result I would live in New York City we're using wood plus the base verb all right if I had gotten the job I would live in New York City so again when I say think about the situation did I get the job no do I live in New York City now no okay but if I had gotten the job I would live in New York City so let me give you another example and like I said we're gonna work our way back okay so with this conditional mix conditional number one if he had taken care of himself he wouldn't be sick okay so now let's let's look at the situation here and then we're gonna go back to the conditional because basically these two are the same the mixed conditional is just another way of saying this situation right here so I'm gonna sit so the situation is this he did not take care of himself he's sick now that is our situation so another way we can say that and I want you just to listen to me and hopefully this will make a little more sense okay he did not take care of himself he's sick now but if he had taken care of himself he wouldn't be sick so again the mix conditional is just another way of stating this situation right here if he had taken care of himself he wouldn't be sick all right I hope that makes sense if it does make sense boom hit that like button alright and feel free guys go feel free to practice you some sentences as you're going along and somebody that way if somebody's watching this if you're watching this later you can try to read some of these sentences but we will practice in just a moment the next mix conditional I want to show you is this one right here okay so this mix conditional is used to talk about the future result of a past condition so again it's color coded my condition in the past my result it's in the future so I'm going and this is where I say some people might combine they say oh you know you mix conditional one and two they're kind of the same thing well you know again I wanted to separate them because we're talking about this is a definite result in the future so my past condition if I had gotten the job my future result that's the past perfect my future result again plus the base verb I'd be moving to New York City next month okay now when we're talking about a knight give you a time indicator they might tell you okay that's the future next month that tells us the future if I say tomorrow or next week or next year or tonight that's going to tell you the future so that's one thing to keep in mind if I had gotten the job I'd be moving to New York City next month now if I were to ask you about the situation okay did I get the job no all right am I going to move to New York City next month no again that's not going to happen but if I had gotten the job I'd be moving to New York City let's look at another example past condition future result right here so and and this is this is not true by the way but my past condition okay if Wes hadn't squandered all of his money he'd traveled to Brazil for his birthday okay my birthday it's in November keep that in mind it's in November it's in the future okay so we're talking about a future result if Wes hadn't squandered all his money he traveled to Brazil for his birthday and any of you who are out there if you're from Brazil I haven't been you want an I we we have not been we want to go we really want to visit Brazil I've heard a lot of many great things about Brazil and many other countries as well that we want to travel to but let's look at our situation down here so if I said Wes lost all his money in Vegas okay again it happened in the past I lost it Wes lost all his money in Vegas he cannot go to Brazil for his birthday which is in November it's in the future so Wes lost all his money in Vegas he cannot go to Brazil for his birthday but if Wes hadn't squandered all of his money he'd travel to Brazil for his birthday so again think about the situation and then you could ask it you could say but and then reword it using the mix conditional okay Wes lost all his money Vegas he cannot go to Brazil for his birthday but if Wes hadn't squandered all of his money he'd traveled to Brazil for his birthday this is mixed conditional number 2 let's look at another one so I hope this one makes sense and then again it's going to be good to practice because I'm gonna give you the situation and then you guys need to think of the mix conditional the third one that I want to look at is this one it's used to talk about a past the past result of a present condition the the conditions in the present right now the result is in the past okay so let's look at our sentence right would have plus the past participle if I didn't have a bike I would have taken the bus so let me give you a situation to help you think about this maybe you're going to work and you ride you ride your bike and you get to work in the present and somebody says you know oh you know what you you rode your bike to work today why did why did you ride your bike you know and you could say well if I didn't have a bike I would have taken the bus if I didn't have a bike I would have taken us a ride so in the present she didn't have to work the past something that happened in the past she would have given us a ride so here's our situation and that's gonna help us understand the mix conditional she is working now all right in the present she's there right now she's working she's at work and because she's at work she could not give us a ride she couldn't give us a ride in the past it's already happened but if she didn't have to work she would have given us a ride okay so I hope that makes sense she's working now she could not give us a ride but if she didn't have to work she would have given us a ride it's the present condition it's the it's the past result of a present condition okay so let's look at the fourth one all right and again we will practice in just a moment this is always good practice and I know if you're joining us a little late you can you can go back through and and watch some of these I will review real quickly so the fourth one used to talk about the past result of a future condition okay so our condition it's in the future the result is in the past okay if he wasn't going to come to the wedding all right we would have invited someone else now right here you might be wondering you're like wait a second I thought you said the subjunctive we can if you really really want to be grammatically correct you can use the subjunctive but just so you know many people as think when when people are talking in colloquial speech oftentimes they break this rule and they don't use the subjunctive I would say if you want to get really formal then yes you could say that use the subjunctive if he weren't going to come to the wedding but I wanted to give you that example of both so we could say again in the simple past either way whether use the subjunctive or not we're using the simple past if he wasn't going to come to the wedding the wedding is not now the wedding is in the future all right we would have invited someone else that's in the past the invitations they have already been sent out so I'm saying a future condition if he wasn't going to come to the wedding something a past result because the invitations are already out we would have invited someone else let's look at another example using this one future condition if they weren't going to bring food tonight we would have made a reservation at the restaurant so in this case it's a future condition if we weren't going to if they weren't going to bring food tonight we would have made a reservation at the restaurant here's our situation they will bring food we didn't make a reservation that's what happened they will bring food and that means in the past we didn't make a reservation but if they weren't going to bring food tonight we would have made a reservation at the restaurant so I hope in looking at these situations that it's it's you can kind of work your way backwards you can look at the situation and that's going to help you reword it and use a mix conditional to basically express this same thing so let's let's we're going to practice but before we practice all right I want to review that do a quick review of some of these mixed conditionals for those that may be joining and again it's always good to review so the first one that I talked about and we're going to I'm just gonna give you the situation and and show you this so again we're talking about the the present result of a past condition okay he did not take care of himself so he's sick now but our past condition if he had taken care of himself the present result he wouldn't be sick okay so this is the mixed conditional number one number two we could say the situation again Wes lost all his money in Vegas he cannot go to Brazil for his birthday the past condition if Wes hadn't squandered all of his money squandered his to lose and to lose it unwisely and to do something stupid if Wes hadn't squandered all of his money the future result he'd traveled to Brazil for his birthday so we have a past condition and a future result mix conditional number three here's my situation she is working hast result alright it happened in the past mix conditional number four with the situation they will bring food we didn't make a reservation but if they if they weren't going to bring food tonight we would have made a reservation at the restaurant okay so that is a quick review of all of these and I know I know it's a lot to try and take in this information it's a lot to take in so it's good to practice them and learn them and and do it slowly it doesn't have to be very rushed so now let's practice what we've learned today so what I'm going to do is I'm going to give you a situation and I'm going to tell you whether the the condition is if it's a past condition if it's a present and if it's a future condition I'll also tell you the result if it's past present or future but I'm gonna give you the situation and I'll tell you the the condition the result later write it in the comments it's always great to practice and try to use the language okay so here's the first situation I have for you and I'm also I'm gonna give you a hint I will give you the grammar as we do this so the situation is I'm not a billionaire I did not stop working I want you to use we're talking about a present condition and a past result present condition and a pressed result okay what would you say I'm not a billionaire I did not stop working all right write the sentence I want you to write the sentence in the chat okay try and and again even if you're a little unsure just practice writing practice practice your skills it's always good so let me let me give you a little hint all right all right this this would be the grammar if you're confused like I'm not sure which grammar to use again the present condition use the simple past the past result we're going to use would have plus plus the past participle I'm not a billionaire I did not stop working but and then write our mix conditional so again we're just basically saying but and rewording this using a mix conditional in the simple past and would have plus the base verb okay okay close I think all right a lot of people thank you guys for the answers yes excellent so I think most of us got it remember that past result would be would have plus the base the would have plus the past participle here's the answer if I were a billionaire simple past all right I'm not a billionaire but if I were a billionaire past result I would have stopped working okay so basically I'm not a billionaire I did not stop working but if I were a billionaire I would have stopped working I would have stopped working in the past but not a billionaire I didn't stop working and even if I were I would not stop working I enjoy working with you guys I enjoy this too much okay so I hope that makes sense that we can use these situations to try and write the mix conditional let's look at the next one so here is our situation he ate breakfast alright happened in the past that's our past condition he ate breakfast so the present result he is not hungry now alright he ate breakfast he is not hungry now can you try try to change that or not yeah try to take that situation and write a mix conditional sentence okay write it in the chat or again even if you're watching this later interact with us participate write these sentences in the comments so here is your hint okay again pass condition the the condition we're gonna use the past perfect the present result we're gonna use would and the verb okay he ate breakfast he is not hungry now but what would you say what what conditional sentence what mix conditional could we use to represent that getting some good answers excellent thank you guys for writing answers I didn't Kiera Otto Annie thank you guys for participating Morello let's look at our answer all right he ate breakfast he is not hungry now but if he had not eaten breakfast he would be hungry now if he had not eaten breakfast we're using the past perfect he would be hungry now we're using wood plus the base verb all right he would be I just added really in there but you could just say he would he would be hungry now or he he would be really hungry now or you can take out now he ate breakfast he is not hungry but if he had not eaten breakfast he would be really hungry alright that would be the past condition and the present result let's practice another one are you ready here is the situation okay this time it's a future condition and a past result she is not able to play in tomorrow's tournament I found a replacement she's not able to play in tomorrow's tournament so I found a replacement but how can we right how can we use this mix conditional to to express this situation how can we say that write your answers write it in the chat write it in the comments all right what would you guys say she is not able to play in tomorrow's tournament I found a replacement let me give you what there it is there's your there's your grammar hint if you guys are looking for the grammar of what you would want to use remember the future condition you're going to use the simple past the past result would have plus the past participle okay what what would you say how would you express this situation using this mixed conditional she is not able to play in tomorrow's tournament I found a replacement what do you guys think alright see if you can write that sentence if you are unsure and want to know the answers remember future conditions simple pass press result would have plus the past participle so she's not able to play in the tomorrow's tournament I found a replacement but if she were able to play in tomorrow's tournament and again I went back I'm using that I used the subjunctive if she were able to play in tomorrow's tournament I would not have found a replacement okay we just reworded it we reworded this situation using the mix conditional she is not able to play in tomorrow's tournament so I found a replacement but if she were not able to play in tomorrow's tournament I would not found a replacement so again these mix conditionals I understand I know that they can be very challenging very confusing I would suggest go back rewatch it and think about the two things when you're trying to understand mix conditionals don't focus as much on the grammar focus more on the situation and when these things are happening alright are these things happening in the past are they happening in the present are they happening in the future I think that is the best way to understand these mixed conditionals this Gela Jawad arora ani mustafa a mono judy go xie thank you thank you thank you da da sorry if i miss some names i hope that you enjoyed the lesson I hope you found it may be a little easier let make it I hope I made it a little more easier to follow along and understand these mixed conditionals because like I said when you're talking about general conditionals they're rule-based you can kind of follow the grammar but mixed conditionals don't focus on the grammar focus on the situation focus on when they're happening if you have any questions please write them in the comments once this is this video is posted also please like and share this lesson with your friends and your classmates anybody you know who's trying to practice and improve their English because again this is definitely a more advanced grammar concept when we're talking about mixed conditionals and as always you can join our social media classes we always post questions to help you guys practice and improve your English skills thank you thank you thank you so much for being here and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 55,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, learn english, advanced english lesson, intermediate english lesson, Practice English, english grammar lesson, common grammar problems, learn english grammar, intermediate grammar lesson, advanced grammar lesson, fun grammar lesson, practice english grammar, aprender gramática inglesa, how to improve grammar, conditional sentences, how to use mixed conditionals, grammar mixed conditionals, practice mixed conditionals, how to use conditionals
Id: xB5oEk-PmZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 52sec (2092 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 07 2018
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