Gerunds vs Infinitives | Advanced Grammar Lesson

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all right this should be turning on soon if it hasn't turned on already okay so welcome welcome welcome hope everyone is having a nice weekend a nice Saturday if you are watching this and it's not the weekend I still hope you're having a nice day so today this week we are going to do our live stream lesson it is a grammar lesson talking about gerunds and infinitives now I don't want to lose you just yet I know a lot of you are thinking oh gosh grammar sometimes it's not the most exciting stuff but it is so so so so important especially what we're talking about today so I guarantee you that if you stick with us you are going to learn something new so if you are joining us right now please say hello to us in the chat tell us your name tell us where you are watching from and and just say hello we'd like to hear from as many people as possible and again it's always good to keep practicing your English and writing is a part of that and honestly even if you are watching this afterwards sell us hello write in the comments your name where you from Nam hello from Vietnam awesome I hope you're having a great weekend so today as I said I mentioned we're gonna talk about boom all right let me see make sure you can see me gerunds there we go we're going to talk about gerunds and infinitives so the gerund is just the ing and the infinitive is two plus the base verb specifically we are going to be talking about verbs that are followed by the gerund and infinitive Marco hello how's it going hope you're having a great weekend so that's great again if you guys are just joining us say hello tell us your name where you're from and we have an exciting lesson for you plan today gerunds and infinitives and at the end we are going to do a little practice and during the practice you will need to write in the comments because we want you guys to keep practicing and practicing and practicing because practice makes perfect so we're gonna talk about gerunds and infinitives today and the verbs that are followed by a gerund and infinitive and this is something that can be very tricky it can confuse English learners sometimes and this is how people make these small small small mistakes where we understand what everybody is trying to say but at the same time it kind of impedes fluency and sometimes it does confuse the meaning of what you're trying to express so first let's look at and where are we here we go let's look at verbs that are followed by a gerund right here okay so here we have actually no way wait this is the first page I want to look at this one sorry sorry sorry this is the one that I wanted to look at right here here we go it is just our overview of what gerunds and infinitives are so again we're talking about oh you're doing well I can't complain either I'm also doing excellent um thank you for asking mark oh we're talking about verbs that are followed by gerunds or infinitives and I gave you a couple examples so the verb followed by a gerund is in blue I recommend studying with interactive English okay so if we're talking about the verb recommend is going to be followed by a gerund the ing the next one which I've highlighted the verb in red is plan I plan to study with interactive English again this one is followed by the infinitive which is 2 plus the base verb to study okay both of them kind of have you know similar meanings I recommend studying with interactive English you recommend that somebody does something and the other one I plan to study with interactive English so again one is followed by the gerund the other is followed by the infinitive let's again let's move right along because I want to show you that page that I had up there before which is boom this one now these are verbs that are followed by gerunds okay and what I've done here is there there are more verbs that are followed by and Gerrans I've just listed the ones that I personally feel are a little more common than others and that are commonly used with jaren's and are used in everyday English again I'd like you know if you're just joining us say hello say what's up in the chat let us know where you're from what your name is so again these are verbs avoid considered read and joy' Finnish feel like quit miss postpone recommend you're all going to be followed by gerunds and what I'd like you to do is ah no I'm great question what does dread mean dread means that something you don't want to do it means that you are not looking forward to doing it you are kind of like I really don't want to do this that is what dread means so again if you have any questions just let us know what I'd like to ask you to do is always practice practice practice just take one of these verbs and try to write a sentence write a sentence in the comments using a gerund after these verbs so again these are some of the more common verbs that I feel that are followed by a gerund I've gave you some examples down below and these are examples that are kind of you know personal that that are about me and I've highlighted the verb and the gerund in blue so it says I feel like eating pizza tonight that's true I woke up today is like yeah alright I'd feel like eating some pizza tonight so again eating is the ing and it follows that verb feel like okay you feel like doing something and the next sentence he avoids going to the dentist that is also something that describes me because I do not like the dentist so I avoid going there you avoid doing something ok so again these are verbs that are followed by the gerund again if you guys are just joining us hello what's up let us know your name tell us where you were joining us from write to us in the comments we are talking about gerunds and infinitives today we're going to do a quick grammar lesson so again these are verbs that are followed by the gerund one thing I will say about this is when you're learning these some people might say ok like there's not really a hard fast rule alright this is something you just need to memorize you need to practice because some people might say ok yeah verbs that are followed by an gerund it's something usually something that is real it is something that is fixed it is something that you know is already completed so you could say for example I quit watching TV alright that is something that is completed alright I quit watching is the jaren TV but I think again me personally I feel like the best way to learn these is just to memorize them just to keep reading keep listening keep practicing like we're doing in this lesson right now because when you're in having a conversation you're not going to stop and think about the verb and think like well wait a second is this completed ok I'm going to use a gerund it just needs to come naturally so Natalia hello from Brazil how are you I hope everybody's doing well this weekend so again this is just something that I would recommend if you're trying to learn the difference between these the gerunds and infinitives just just learn study the verbs find the list and just keep practicing try to practice them when you're reading you're gonna come across them and eventually you are going to internalize this information so Marga an example sentence with dread okay so for example we could say that one sentence he avoids going to the dentist I can write I dread going to the dentist okay so that could be something like you dread you don't want to do something you dread going to the dentist you can dread meeting somebody for that you don't want to meet you can dread going to work in the morning there are many things that you can dread but again in this case dread I've chose it because it's typically you when you use it it's gonna be followed by a gerund more often than not in whatever sentence you're saying so these are verbs that are followed by gerunds now let's have a look at verbs followed by infinitives okay so here we have another list of verbs again hello if you're joining us Roger morning how are you again say hello to us in the chat tell us where you're joining us from Marco had a question what is different like to do and like doing something we are going to get to that in just a moment you're you're reading our minds right now so we talked about verbs followed by gerunds these are verbs that are commonly followed by infinitives but Roger we will get to your question in just a moment in the next slide that I'm going to show you so again we have a list of verbs that I would just recommend that you become comfortable familiarizing yourself with because you're not gonna learn all the the different nuances but again you can learn like okay agree you you practice using that with the infinitive then at some point it's gonna you're gonna internalize it and you're just gonna start using it correctly so again if you want to practice one of these choose one of these verbs write a sentence in the comments so I gave you some example sentences down below he promised to take her to dinner all right this is something that I've promised you wanna so maybe tonight we will go out to dinner and because I said I feel like eating pizza maybe we'll go out for Italian food he promised to take her to dinner the next one like that picture I have down there for you I learned to ride a bike again to ride is the infinitive and it is following the verb to learn you learn to do something you promise to do something these are followed by the infinitive alright again that hello if you're joining us hello from Yemen I didn't see that call well hello from Yemen awesome got a people from all over the world with us this morning so I hope you guys are having a great weekend again in the comments just say hello let us know where you're joining us from we're talking about gerunds and infinitives so these are all verbs that are followed by infinitives now we've talked about the ones followed by a gerund followed by infinitive and now to kind of go to Rogers question there are also verbs that are followed by either a gerund or an infinitive such as the one you just asked in your question like like so these are verbs again these are not all of them I'm just choosing the ones that I personally think are more common alright so verbs like begin continue hate like love start you can use either a gerund or an infinitive to to say whatever it is you want to say and the one thing that you want that you need to keep in mind is that the does not change its it's the same meaning so for example I gave you two sentences down there the gerund is in blue the infinitive is in red we really like studying English we really like to study English it means the same thing it has the same meaning so you can use either one with these verbs personally and this is just my opinion I kind of prefer using the jaren I think it's a little more common nowadays in the way that people use English like in spoken English and more colloquial English I think jaren's are just a little more common and that also might be an American thing I'm not sure but that's just my opinion so again you can use either a gerund or infinitive with these verbs and the meaning is not going to change okay now for some of these other verbs let's see for example let's we have another list okay so with these other verbs right here they can also be used with a gerund and an infinitive but the meaning changes alright and these are the ones that I think can really confuse learners a little bit because depending if we use the gerund and if we use the infinitive it has a different meaning so forget remember stop there's not that many of them but with these verbs you can use either a gerund or an infinitive but there's a difference in the meaning so let's look at these examples she remembers buying a birthday present all right remembers is followed by the gerund she remembers buying a birthday present it's kind of just talking about a memory she's thinking back of like oh like she remembers doing this thing in the past it's a memory it's finished she remembers buying this present alright so if we said she remembered to buy a birthday present all right that means that she didn't forget has not bought the present yet all right she's going to do this in the future so remembers buying is a memory it's already done you know she's already bought the present and remembers to buy she hasn't bought the present she remembers like oh wait I still need to do this thing so again very different meanings all right ones talking about the memory the other ones basically saying like oh you didn't forget to do this so again we'll practice with these a little bit but these three verbs definitely remember forget remember and stop these are verbs where the meaning will change a little bit and I think this is the more a difficult part of this again if you guys are just joining us we're talking about gerunds and infinitives you can say what's up in the comments let us know where you're joining us from so before we do a quick little practice all right I just want to go review what we've talked about okay so we've gone over let's see we've now talked about the verbs that are followed by a gerund again these are some common verbs that we will just use with gerunds alright and I recommend afterwards you can re-watch this video and again use the comments section just write sentences write random sentences I'll have a look at them you want to we'll have a look at them and we'll give you some feedback there are these other verbs here that we talked about these are followed by infinitives which is two plus the base verb again I'd recommend practice using them because practice makes perfect we also then have another set of verbs like we had that question about like doing something or like to do something these are verbs that can be followed by either a gerund or infinitive you can use both and they have the same meaning the meaning doesn't change okay and some of these verbs are very common such as like we use it all the time talking about things we like to do and then we also have these other verbs where the meaning does change forget remember and stop and you want to make sure you are using them correctly and if you want some more information about gerunds and infinitives I'm telling you what you can do is you could even just do a Google search gerunds versus infinitives and you're gonna find a lot of information talking about the verbs that are followed by these and even some practices that you can do online so what I would like to do now are actually I don't know if you saw that I don't think I switched it over aha so I want to show you here again you can do a google search gerron's versus infinitives and you're gonna find a lot of different information and you know some of them will help you even practice using these so what I'd like to do now is I want to practice what we've learned all right now asked can we do some more examples yes we're gonna do some examples right now so I'm going to give you a question all right and these for these first few I just want you to write is it are we going to use the gerund are we going to use the infinitive okay so the first question that I have for you where is my question page right here okay is this so gerund versus infinitive we talked about this one dread is something you don't want to do I'd read to the dentists are we going to use the gerund I dread going to the dentist or the infinitive I dread to go to the dentist so in the comments all right just practice I want you to write going or to go are we going to use with this sentence are we going to use going or to go we just talked about this one in our lesson if you're just joining us we're doing a practice with gerron's and Phin ative so what I'd like you to do is write the answer in the comments okay we've got one all right I dread going to the dentist which one are we gonna use going or to go I'll get again dread is something if you're not sure what it means it means something that you don't want to do okay so again in the comments just write which one all right so for this one where is my aha for this one again we are going to use dread is followed by the gerund okay so we're gonna say I dread going to the dentist all right the next one that I want to talk to you about let's do another question all right let's do this one right here boom okay here's the next one right either the gerund or the infinitive he hopes an English teacher all right becoming or to become right either the gerund or the infinitive which one are we going to use with the verb hope okay and this is like this is a sentence for me all right he hopes an English teacher something I've always wanted to do ever since I was a little kid not really I wanted to be an athlete but unfortunately that didn't work out too well so what do you think are we going to say use hope are becoming or to become what do we use with hope is it followed by a gerund or is it followed by the infinitive again if you just joined us we're doing a practice with gerunds and infinitives even if you're watching this later on which many of people watch this afterwards right the sentences in the comments do the practice even though it's already the videos finished do the practice and keep writing them practice writing sentences and we will comment on all right so which one do you think are we going to use the gerund becoming or to become alright with the verb hope is it followed by a gerund or is it followed by the infinitive okay so with this one we got some more answers awesome for this one again it is going to be followed by the infinitive you hope to do something alright good job awesome Sakura mimoto awesome to become Roger to become excellent alright so again for this one we are going to use the infinitive to complete the sentence all right next one let's do another one of these and then we'll do BAM okay what about this one I decided in tonight are we going to use staying or to stay so with the verb decide are we gonna use the gerund are we gonna use the infinitive okay which one do you think I decided in tonight this is something hello hello hello alright welcome welcome alright if you guys are just joining us again we're doing a little practice with gerunds and infinitives so again write your answers in the comments okay practice using it practice what we've just learned so what is the answer I decided in tonight so if we're talking about the verb to side again you decide to do something okay so for this one I decided to stay in tonight okay you decide to do something I decided to go to work today I decided to play soccer this afternoon alright you decide to do something let's try another one this one boom okay this is something about you know school learning at home work if we don't have homework now I'm sure we did at some point in our lives so what would we say how would we complete this sentence alright she finished her homework she finished her homework are we gonna use the gerund doing or the infinitive to do alright what do you guys think alright excellent get more answers in there awesome all right so with this one again you finish doing something okay so for this one we are going to use the chairmen there it is she finished doing her homework alright and oftentimes again you again we're talking about you finished doing something it's almost a Cal occasion that you're going to find these two words together frequently you've finished doing this you finished doing that okay then next one um let's do one more and then we're gonna switch it up a little bit let's see if this works so one more sentence with the gerron's infinitive so how about this one they promised with the project okay so the verb promise are we going to use a gerund or are we going to use an infinitive write it in the comments okay which one are we going to use and if you're just joining us again we're doing a practice with gerunds and infinitives because grammar is important and if you I would recommend again watching the presentation again to learn this even better because this is something that you need to know so which one getting some answers here nam sandy getting answers excellent all right so again what do you think they they promise with the project gerund or infinitive so if we are talking about promise okay promise is followed by the infinitive you promise to do something all right they promise to help with the project okay I promised to take you wanna out to dinner tonight okay so you promise to do something it's followed with the infinitive again you know this is good practice practice practice so let's do a different one so with these okay I'm gonna give you some sentences and I want you to tell me if the meaning changes or there is no change so let me show you what I'm talking about so here we have two sentences boom alright in the comments I want you to write if there is a change or no change so now these verbs are verbs that you can follow with a gerund or infinitive you can use either one the difference is does the meaning of the sentence change or does the meaning not change we talked about this so again we have two sentences we love studying English we love to study English does that meaning change are those is the meaning of those sentences is it the same or does it not change alright does the meaning change or is there no change if there is no change then they are exactly the same so in the comments just write change or no change and again if you are watching this even a week later a month later a year later write the answers in the comments just practice as we're doing this it will help you so again if we're talking about the verb love we can follow love with either a gerund or infinitive but the meaning does not change okay with this let's see get this ma'am there is no change both of these mean the same thing we had a question earlier about what's difference between you like to do something or you like doing something it's the same with that we like studying English we like to study English there is absolutely no change in those so what about this one okay again I'm just trying to choose verbs that we use fairly regularly common verbs okay here's another one change or no change I hate watching horror films all right I hate watching horror films all right or I hate to watch horror films all right is there no change in the meaning these are the same all right the meaning is the same or does the meaning change is it different I hate watching horror films or I hate to watch horror films okay what do you think remember hate we can use either a gerund or infinitive the question is you know does the meaning change or does it stay the same which one do you think all right what do you guys think change or no change okay write your answer in the comments okay what do you guys think we're getting some answers in here excellent excellent so with this one again when we're talking about hate it can be followed by a gerund or infinitive but there is no change in the meaning the meaning of both of these is essentially the same the difference is and I will tell this tell you this and this is again this is my opinion English is no absolute I feel like when you're using the verb hate you can use either a gerund or infinitive but I think in this case I think it's much more common that people will often use a gerund alright you hate doing something you could say I hate to do something that is perfectly fine but I think in this case slightly in my opinion I feel like gerund is a bit more frequently used with this verb but essentially there is no change between these two meanings alright I hate watching horror films or I hate to watch horror films like I don't like doing it there is no change in the meaning the last one okay let's do one more and then we'll talk about this so how about right here what do you think I forgot setting the timer okay I forgot to set the timer okay what do you think change or no change again this is a verb that can be followed with either the gerund or the infinitive is there a change or no change when using the verb for get alright I forgot setting the timer alright I forgot to set the timer okay what do you guys think we're getting some answers awesome awesome awesome all right getting answers from everybody nom Silvia excellent Roger what do you guys think is there change or no change write it in the comments so if we're talking about this one the verb is forget we talked about this I forgot setting the timer I forgot to set the timer in this case alright there is a change okay there is a difference in the meaning between these two okay so let's look at them a little closer because again this is something that can be a little confusing so I want to make a little more space down here so again this meaning changes so for example I forgot setting the timer all right all right in this case you did set the timer you just forgot doing it you forgot about doing it all right I forgot setting the timer the timer is on you just forgot about it all right in the other situation I forgot to set the timer all right okay I'm gonna make this a little smaller so let's see so this can all be up here there we go all right I forgot to set the timer you did not set the timer you completely forgot about it okay so in this case there are different meanings between you know you forget setting something or you forget to set something all right I forget I forgot setting the timer I forgot to set the timer so remember the three verbs that we talked about where the meaning changes remember forget and stop those change so let me give you an example - I think somebody had asked about stop okay I'm gonna give you an example with stop real quick so you can see how the meaning changes okay so we have this sentence I stopped smoking so in these two sentences again that once followed smoking is the jaren to smoke is the infinitive completely different meanings okay and the difference between these is I stopped smoking it basically means that again you quit smoking all right you do not smoke anymore you quit smoking it's not part of your life you stopped doing this activity you stopped smoking if you said I stopped to smoke then basically what that means is you smoke okay you stopped somewhere you stopped somewhere outside you're going somewhere and you stopped to smoke you stopped to do something okay so again very different meanings depending on whether you're using the gerund or infinitive you stopped to do so you stopped doing something all right you no longer do it or you stopped to do something it was an interruption in your daily life in your activity because you wanted to do it alright so I hope you guys enjoyed this little lesson this lesson on gerunds and infinitives again I'd recommend check out our social media if you haven't already join us connect with us we put up a bunch of questions for you guys to answer to help you practice and improve your English skills again if you want a little more practice ID rewatch the presentation part so you can see those verbs that are used with either a gerund or infinitive and and I would just practice using them you know as you read as you study more as you listen more you are just going to understand when and when not to use it and how it's used and you're just going to improve your English and you you won't even probably realize it at the time so thank you thank you thank you for joining us hope you guys learn something new and we will continue with more lessons next Saturday not really sure what time and we will see you then all right thank you guys so much have a wonderful rest of the weekend and keep studying
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 40,459
Rating: 4.9373603 out of 5
Keywords: Interactive English, Learn English Free, Practice English, Learn English Online, Learn English Speaking, Study English, English Learning, gerunds vs infinitives, english grammar lesson, what's the difference between gerunds and infinitives, how to use gerunds and infinitives, english grammar, gerunds and infinitives lesson, gerund, infinitive, learn gerunds infinitives, advanced grammar lesson, intermediate grammar lesson, learn english grammar, fun grammar lesson
Id: U8OG1qWCqeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2017
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