USED TO and WOULD | ENGLISH GRAMMAR | Talking about PAST actions and STATES

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Hi guys and welcome back to Love English! so, I am back! I am back of holiday! many of you who follow us on Instagram will know that I have been to Cuba, so not only am i back with a tan but I'm also married! There we go just to show you proof wedding ring engagement rings so thank you so much for all your lovely comments many of you said congratulations on YouTube community and of course those of you on Instagram that commented on my lovely wedding pictures thank you very much now today you're going to learn even more about me because I'm going to give you some examples, some sentences, personal sentences about me to illustrate the grammar point that I am looking at today so not only will you learn more about grammar but you're learning more about me today we are looking at use two and would to talk about the past specifically to talk about past habits routines and regular activities that you did in the past but you don't do now or that you didn't do in the past but you do do now does that make sense now although this grammar point is actually quite simple it's super useful to use in IELTS FCE CAE any kind of speaking exam where you might be asked to talk about some past experiences even your childhood rather than just using the past simple I was always out playing with my friends when I was a child you could use use to or would this shows your range of grammar your range of language in English and we'll get you a higher grade in a speaking exam so as always before we get started click that subscribe button and the notifications belt so that you are notified when our lessons are uploaded and of course don't forget to find us on in to ground Facebook and Twitter right on with the lesson shall we talk about the past now one thing Sabra and I always recommend whether it is grammar or vocabulary you need to personalize it a language and today I am going to play a bit of a game with you I'm going to tell you two things about me that are true and one that is a lie so I'm going to tell you three things about me referring of course to the past and my childhood now one of these things that I am going to tell you is a lie and I want you to guess which one is the lie right number one when I was a child I used to eat raw onions raw meaning uncooked so when I was a child I used to eat raw onions number two when I was a child I would often play outside in the garden when I was a child I would often play outside in the garden and number three when I was a child I used to love mushrooms when I was a child I used to love mushrooms so there we are three things about me which one do you think is the lie keep watching it to the end to find out the answer don't forget you can of course play this game why don't you comment in the box below using the grammar once I've explained it and tell me two things about you that are true one that is the lie and I will guess which one let's understand why we use use two and would they are used to talk about habits routines regular activities in the past that no longer happen now so when I was a child I used to watch cartoons when I was a child I used to watch cartoons do i watch cartoons now no so I can say that that is correct I used to in the past but I don't now when I was a child I didn't use to eat the bananas I didn't used to eat bananas do I eat bananas now yes I do when I was a child I used to eat chocolate when I was a child I used to eat chocolate now if I said that I used to do it in the past it means that I don't do it now can I say that not really I feel like eating chocolate so that one would be wrong well this is good chocolate I've eaten chocolate my whole life who wouldn't now remember with use to M word they are actions that regularly happened in the past if it was an action that happened once then you need to use the past simple when I was a child I went to Spain if you said I used to go to Spain it means you regularly went or I would often go to Spain you went regularly more than once it was a pattern a habit a routine so just remember that if it was only one time then past simple so now we understand the concept of use - and would being in the past but I'm not being true now or vice versa we can look at the grammar used - plus the base form of the verb the infinitive that is the positive I used to eat I used to play I used to go negative I didn't use - I didn't use - they didn't use to we'd and used to the great thing about this grammar is that there is no third person because we are talking in the past so therefore we used to they used to she used to we didn't use to they didn't use - she didn't used to and of course after both twos whether it's negative or positive you would use the base form of the verb the infinitive the same goes for wood wood is a modal verb and of course we need an after a modal verb I would go I would play I would do I would eat when I was a child I would often run around the park and of course don't forget question forms did you used to play football when you were a child would you often play football when you were a child just simply invert those auxilary verbs and the subject to make the sentence a question and of course using those adverbs often always sometimes rarely seldom any kind of adverb that indicates a period of time or even every day once a day every evening these are great to give more context and to explain in more detail how regularly you did something in the past now what you may have noticed is the pronunciation of use 2 in the negative and the positive I didn't used to play football I used to play football listen carefully there are used to play I used to play I didn't used to play there's no difference in pronunciation because we need the infinitive verb after did we would remove the D from used use but when we are speaking quickly there is a T at the end it connects used and use to to so I used to play I didn't use to play you stir you stir very strange when you listen to it separately from the sentence but that is how we speak and that is also going to help you sound much more natural and native when you are using this grammar now most of the time we are able to use used to or would interchangeably however when it comes to state verbs when it comes to talking about States in the past we have to use used to would is only used for actions but used to can be used for both when I was a child I used to have short hair when I was a child I would have short hair no we can't say this we cannot use wood in this way it doesn't work when I was a child I used to be naughty in the evenings when I didn't want to go to bed I used to be e of course is a state verb we're talking about estate in the past that you were but are not now I cannot use when I was a child I would be naughty no this is a state so we would only use used to or of course you can use the past simple when I was a child I was often naughty before bed if you don't know whether you are using a state verb or an active verb and action then simply use the past simple or use use too don't get stressed about which to use when used to is actually perfectly okay so that's it a really simple grammar point used to and would to talk about past habits routines and activities you did or didn't do regularly in the past that you do or don't do now remember if you did it in the past you don't do it now if you didn't do it in the past you do do it now makes sense let's look at those examples that I gave you about myself at the beginning of the lesson and of course I will reveal which one is the lie so the three sentences I gave you when I was a child I used to eat raw onions uncooked onions number two when I was a child I would often play outside in the garden number three when I was a child I used to love mushrooms so which one did you think was a lie right it is in fact number three that's right when I was a child I used to eat raw onions uncooked onions like an apple almost can you imagine if I did that now I don't think I would get a kiss from my husband or have anyone come near me I don't think my students would be very happy to have a teacher with onion breath when I was a child of course I would often play outside in the garden as most children do do I play outside in the garden now no I might sit in the garden in the summer with a glass of wine but number three when I was a child I used to hate mushrooms which means I love them now right four so that is it now of course like I told you you need to comment below I want you to give me three sentences two that are true about your childhood and one that is a lie I will guess which one is the lie and you tell me if I got it right try and make them a little bit strange and interesting but hopefully believable so that it will be hard for me to guess which one is the lie thank you so much for watching don't forget to Like of course comment with your grammar and share the lesson if you found it useful thank you so much bye
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 72,873
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Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English, used to and would, would and used to, used to grammar, would grammar, used to or would, used to vs would, used to and would grammar, how to use, used to or past simple, past simple or would, used to or didn't use to, didn't use to, pronunciation of used to, pronunciation of didn't used to
Id: joy2BMGtdwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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