What happened to these guys after their failed marriage proposals? r/AskReddit | Top Posts

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men of reded who proposed and she said no what happened afterwards with your life she said yes on the second proposal and now we're divorced edit read it is such a weird place all the carefully thought out posts and comments get zero recognition and then this random off the cuff remark is my most liked comment glad you all got a kick out of it for those wondering i've been single for a year i spent last night with a smart beautiful woman and had a blast life is good second edit thanks mods my life is now complete and i can die knowing i made a difference we were living together i asked she said no i love you but i need to think about it i don't think i'm ready yet can you give me some time and ask later dutt a few months go by i ask again same response a few more months same deal a couple more weeks and then she says hey what do you think of us getting married dot i replied that's an excellent idea why didn't i think of that our 39th anniversary is next month she had said she wasn't really a fan of marriage so i thought proposing non-marriage might be well received and i wanted us to be together for the rest of our lives so i asked her not to marry me she said no we have been married for 10 years [Music] dated a woman for over two years and popped the question first time she said i don't know a couple months later i asked her again she said maybe i was pretty bent out of shape but then i found out she was sleeping with several of my friends so i dodged a bullet there really damn dude i'm sorry about your friends genuine tea bags of people to knowingly sleep with your girl i hope you find better friends we lived together for another six years until she changed her mind and told me that i should ask again we were engaged for over a year and got married in 1991. we are still married have three children and are both still very much in love it was really really bad for a while then it was really bad then it became really bad then it became bad then it was just blah then it was neutral then things started to get better they continued to get better by me learning to be happy and me doing me things i eventually found someone else and things have been getting better for 20 years now [Music] i asked her right out of high school but she wasn't ready we stayed together went to college at the same school spent the first year in separate dorms then moved in together got married a few years later our 20th is coming up she said yes as i had a special occasion planned one of those observation wheels and i proposed at the very top and we were on our way to a family event and i had a ring made and everything then a few days later she said no everything fell apart i was distraught we continued dating for a while but it was long distance other side of the world when i visited it would be super awkward eventually he dad kicked me out was flying standby and was stuck in an airport for four days took me years to recover now i am happily married and i'm glad it never worked out i was not in a good place when i met her and her family were super controlling it would never have worked the woman i married is super cool and is my best friend turned out better than expected she had cancer i said we should get married because i had full medical coverage from my work she said no and over time we grew apart haven't talked to her in 15 years don't know if she died i know a couple who did just that he proposed an order to give her citizenship and health insurance so she could remain here and get cancer treatment she desperately needed they stayed married for about 15 years and he even adopted her son but they never lived together or were romantically involved years later they divorced when he met the woman of his dreams and wanted to get married they are all very close friends with no drama she lived and is a university professor now he is in another state with the woman of his dreams my mother turned my father down but didn't outright break up with him she just wasn't sure about the marriage idea she valued her independence and was nervous about commitment no hard feelings though he called up the next day when she'd had more time to think about it and she said yes after all they celebrated 32 years of marriage last month i was the person who said no we had only known each other for three months and he was smitten i was more cautious i said no i like you but it's way too soon he asked when would be enough time i said maybe a year he proposed again at midnight one year after we first met i said yes and we have been together eight years now edit i know a year was still not a long time but we had a long engagement and didn't get married for another two five years this is the story of my parents my dad asked my mom to marry him several times she said no several times one day my dad asked my mom to marry him yet again she said yes he freaked out and left her apartment and dumped her three weeks later he hated his life without her and begged her to take him back and marry him they were married nine months later for 16 years until my mom passed from cancer they loved each other so much and had such a deep appreciation for each other that was 25 years ago my dad has not remarried no one will ever come close to my mama my dad proposed to a woman who said no my dad was a violent alcoholic and she said she couldn't be with him unless he got clean took him a little while but he did it he wound up meeting my mom through a matchmaker and they've been married 25 years if that woman never said no to him he never would have gotten clean it was the lowest points in his life but it all brought him to my mom who makes him happier than ever my dad talks to her sometimes she got married to someone else and they had a son who died from a medical condition i spoke to her about it beforehand and she seemed really keen on the idea so i decided to propose about a week after in front of all our friends she was so shocked she picked me up off my knee and chewed me away most of our friends were confused because everyone knew it was going to happen and she said she was excited for it i didn't know what to do it was all really embarrassing and later she explained she didn't mean no she just didn't know what to say and was scared she said yes after apologizing profusely and just this year we celebrated our 9th anniversary edit i'm happy that this comment blew up but i feel like the next time i tell someone it has an ice breaker they're going to say i read this on reddit my mom told my dad no when he proposed to her even though they were already living together he thought he was impotent and it wasn't until she got pregnant that she said yes in retrospect i wish my parents had decided early in their relationship that they can barely stand each other my husband asked three times in the span of a couple months we had dated for three years he was ready i wanted to graduate college first also don't propose by handing your sewer ring while you're both in the car on the way to burger king i'm low maintenance but put some thought into it not my story but someone i'm friends with they both had shitty homes and became a couple at 14 somewhere around 20 he proposed to her she said she wasn't ready to commit yet after that he'd proposed to her every year partially in hopes she would be ready but it was also kind of a ritual where he would show her that he's still serious she would say no every time in their late twenties he was done with his studies she could see the finish line so she told him she's ready meaning marriage and eventually children that's when he gets seconds thoughts about marrying the only woman he ever had a relationship with and he wasn't sure if he was making a mistake they went on a break she went to the us from europe to do her phd at the mit they drifted apart more she moved on and found a new long-term relationship with a partner that's a lot better for her while he quickly regretted ending the relationship and started f king whoever he could find on tinder without being able to form a meaningful relationship after we'd been dating for a year and a half and i was due to move out on orders was in the army she suggests we get married i said no way i was going off to school army type for six months then a year on a deployment to the middle east it just wouldn't work she was calm and then said you think i'll be a burden to all of that but i'll actually be a help while just seconds earlier all i could think of was what a pain in the acid would be to get married and leave and now it for whatever reason seemed perfectly reasonable that she was right we got married a week later at the courthouse i was 22. last month we had a nice socially distant dinner party for our 29th anniversary with our two amazing kids and a few friends we met in her home country of germany while i was traveling i knew i was in love we dated long distance for a while me flying to europe her flying to the us i suggested marriage so we could be together she said no a few times i didn't press but i was patient and not being pushy i knew she was worth the wait then it hit her that's how we could be together if we got married we could live in a country together the difficulties of being born on a different patch of dirt a few years later i'm still married to my best friend and living with her in germany not all nose stay no life goes on about two years later i met my wife for 22 years we are happily married the one who said no got married for the first time last year and seems happy my wife is way into me in ways that the former girlfriend never was and i see my life as far happier with my wife than i ever was with the one who said no she's not a bad person i was just young and in love with someone who wasn't in love with me it worked out for the best i'm glad she said no dim sum but especially chung fan it's my favorite dim sum dish it's just shrimp wrapped in rice noodle with a sweet dipping sauce but oh my god is it delicious dim sum is generally pretty inexpensive and there's so many dumpling options to choose from my mother told my father no three times on the third time he got wasted at a local bar and basically started pouring his heart out to anyone who'd listen mind you it's a very small village in the italian alps and my father barely spoke italian and no one in the village spoke english including my mother word got back to my mom about this sad american at the bar so she went to find him and she told him she'd marry him my parents celebrated their 44th anniversary last month not me but a guy i knew proposed to his then-girlfriend in a restaurant made sure to have a friend record it she walked out when he popped the question and pretty much ghosted him he started drinking found a new passion in gambling and gambled all his savings away he ended up living on money of the state works a garbage picker job now and almost set his house on fire at least four times that i know of by making food and falling asleep drunk he was an interesting guy friendly to some but the state he's in is just sad hope at some point he picks up his life again haven't heard of him in years though so no idea where he is now we actually got married moved in together two weeks later she moves out blocks me everywhere and never gave me a reason shortly after i was served with papers now i'm divorced that was last summer and not sure where i am now making work my main priority for now i just want to know why for some closure but that's too far gone now i propose to my husband several times before he did i know this question was specifically targeting hetero males but this applies he stated he wanted to marry me but not right away we were together almost five years before he said yes i wasn't going to give up on this man depression and suicide attempt 10 times we both really liked each other until i heard slot of text messages from a stranger saying when do you want to meet up next day i propose and she said no i've already got someone else she walked away and i've never been the same person as a woman who was engaged in the proposal was later revoked it still stings a little 11 years later when you're sure you're with the love of your life losing them can really pop a hole in your life plans when did you start to feel better it's been seven months and i still can't believe we're not getting married i miss him and our dog and our house every day but according to him he ruined everything and doesn't want me back because our relationship will always be damaged i feel like i've died she was an art major and i had just joined the army we had been lovers since high school i asked she said no she wanted to get her masters we were friends for a while but we don't talk anymore she works as a bartender i think now i ended up getting married to my best friend we've been married for more than a decade and have a five-year-old son my mom and dad were not married and wanted a kid and had me my dad being catholic and hispanic decided he wanted to be married to my mom and proposed she said no because she hadn't been divorced from her first husband for very long and now had three young kids and preferred to stay not married he threatened to leave her and got on his motorcycle and started to drive away until my mom chased him down and gave in leading to what my parents call the voodoo wedding the same day i was in a relationship with her for five years living together for one she had an infant daughter from a previous relationship with a drug addict who popped up occasionally we moved together because her mother stole her rent money for months i was feeling depressed and lost my job i was diagnosed with clinical depression later when i saw help i told her i wanted to move back to my parents house as i was going mad she said if i did it would be all over between us i moved in the week later i tried to reach her and she had started a relationship with a biker she met while we were together i went to her house and proposed got rejected she had a hickey it's been five years she now has two more children i started treatment for my depression three more months to complete moved to another city and had a substantial boost on my salary i'm feeling better than in the last 15 years i asked a woman after almost six years together she said no and added that maybe it was time for us to go our separate ways row shock but life has to go on about a year later i met a different girl and we were engaged within a year we were both ready for marriage that was 16 years ago we've got three terrific kids two boys that are exceptional athletes and a girl who's a brainy little nerd the lady who refused me eventually got married had a couple kids and got divorced but she got married again and had another kid and got divorced again we completely lost touch several years ago we were dating for a little over a year but i was so sure she was the one i drove two hours to see her at her college and went on a beautiful winter night walk and proposed she looks me right in the eyes and said oh you thought this was serious well um i don't know how to say this other than i have been saying other people well actually i have been seeing other women i was stunned i got up put the ring in my pocket and walked to my car got in and drove away never looking back crying the whole time haven't seen or spoken with her in seven years even though she has tried countless times to reach out now it's a story i tell friends who are nervous about asking their significant others to marry them reminding them that even if they say no it could be worse yes finally one of these that i can relate to we met through family and i asked her to marry me made a romantic video and asked she said she would think about it ignored me for two weeks and then said she thought about it and that she just didn't feel ready but wanted to be friends afterwards now here is the crazy part for the longest part she was the one driving me crazy with marriage so happy we never got married well she said yes but no met her online and we really hit it off she was just amazing we only knew each other for a month before she moved in with me and it was just magical proposed just after a year together she had a genetic disorder and it made her heart swollen familial dilated cardiomyopathy and it was pretty bad you could see her heart pushing out in between her ribs she didn't want to get married because then we wouldn't be able to afford her checkups and medication she was constantly quite weak but still full of life she took naps very often and one day she just didn't wake up i cried for days and was heartbroken for a couple years i still think of her quite often and visit her grave whenever i visit home since it is 1 000 miles away now i know i filled the end of her life with happiness as she told me very often just feel guilty sometimes not exactly the same thing but i told my now wife the second day we were talking that i was going to marry her her response was i'll never get married again we dated six months ish then she dumped me seemingly out of nowhere we were broken up nearly six months before i unblocked her number and unblocked her on social media when we met up again in person i gave her the biggest hug and kiss and just couldn't believe she was back after tons of long talks and building our relationship back and way stronger we got engaged i married the fck out of her and now we're happier and stronger than ever i'm so glad it worked out this way i love her more than i thought possible i'm a lucky dude lol i asked my wife she knew it was coming got down on one knee she said no i blanched she said just kidding i swear it we've been married 22 years last april every once in a while just for fun i bring it up and she always apologizes lol didn't even get to ask she broke up with me a few weeks after i bought the ring she told me that she fell out of love with me and that she just wasn't happy with me anymore we had been fighting a little bit because we were all cooped up during quarantine but nothing too serious i figured once everything started opening up and we could go do stuff that we'd both chill out well instead my gf of five years decided to leave me then one week later she started dating another guy she then told me she had feeling for that guy before we broke up but that there was no overlap i was devastated of course returned the ring and was very upset with her she was my best friend for 15 years i had known her since kindergarten i was so mad and said some things that i regret and i ended up begging for her forgiveness even though i was upset with her for leaving me i couldn't go on without her at least being my friend so one day we talked and i apologized and wished her well and told her i just want her to be happy i miss her like crazy but it's her life and she deserves to be happy all of this happened last month mine is a little different mine said that she wasn't ready yet and asked me to wait and be patient with her it helped that knew she had some issues with commitment and change so i played the long game and waited her to make a decision it took three years and the birth of our daughter for her to come up to me one day and say that getting married was interesting to her one more kid and 21 years later we are still happily married not me but my teacher proposed to another tekker in the middle of all their colleges and she said no on that day all his lessons were just silence and the tech are just sitting in front of the class doing nothing everyone in the whole school knew it not quite what you asked but my girlfriend at one time five or six years ago screamed at me during an argument i'll never marry you to which i responded you don't hear me asking dart we got married this past january i have to use my throwaway bc this might dox me but my dad asked my mom to marry him several times and she kept saying no she had been engaged before and it was a disaster relationship and she had decided she was never going to get married but her and my dad stayed together finally one day my dad says sit down we need to find a day that works where both our families can be in town for our wedding and she was like okay and they got married she loves that story but he just rolls his eyes and goes your mother is so difficult they've been together for 32 years edit put 22 instead of 32. people who surprise their partners with engagements why do you think it's okay to force someone to make a major life-changing legal decision on an emotionally stressful snap decision no proposal should be a surprise you discuss marriage as a couple and eventually both agree that you want it then one day one of you then surprises the other with a proposal you know it will be a yes because you spoke about it like adults out of context tip you should both agree that you're going to propose from beforehand and the proposal should just be a nice surprise of when and how not if my mum and dad had been dating for a few months when my mom proposed to my dad he said no not until he gets a proper job and can provide a month later he'd secured a job they celebrated 32 years of marriage last month after about a year i proposed to a beautiful woman with a beautiful four-year-old daughter her brother and i were firefighters together and he set me up comma she quickly said yes i then asked her daughter if i could be her stepdad and she said yes i should have realized something was off when she wanted to wait and tell her family we waited for two months and then she broke it off her brother knew about the proposal and couldn't figure it out either come to find out she was secretly see another guy her family and her daughter were upset with her saw the daughter about six years later with her uncle and she said that her mom made a big mistake leaving me she wished i was her stepdad dated my wife in high school i was all wrong for her at the time and it was going way too fast so we broke up on good terms one of the last times we talked i asked her if she would marry me one day she laughed it off and said no way and said i was definitely not the marrying type fast forward to college i was working full time and she was a law student and she walked into the liquor store i was the manager of we talked for an hour and it continued in the parking lot just talking and catching up at the end of the conversation as she was leaving jokingly i asked her to marry me again she laughed i laughed and she said we'll see married 16 years in october and x 200b edit a word my great-grandpa had just entered a collage after getting out of the army from world war ii he was at a dance but had broken his ankle wrestling with his friends cause he was 25 and did that for fun so he goes to a dance where he meets my great-grandma he asks her to dance and she later wrote as he only said yes because she thought he was a wounded vet which was technically true the next day he asks her to marry him she says she'll think about it and a week later they get married first major gf she was stunning modeled and i was besotted with her well she started slipping away and i thought it would be a great idea to propose to her and that way she'd be with me forever thankfully she was too smart for my desperation and turned me down flat telling me up front that she was too young to settle down and wanted fun losing her was more traumatic than being turned down and i struggled with despair but i channeled myself into my career which took off a few years later i found my true love and it was her that proposed to me twenty-six years later we are still happy as to my ex i believe no ill will and can only thank her for being smart enough to know that we were never destined to be together i was the person who said no we got into a big fight and i went to the kitchen to clean and get my mind straight he eventually came into the kitchen but then proposed we were young but i was really surprised also to anyone proposing i recommend not doing that as a way to try and patch things up nabra this is like a delayed no i proposed she said yes we set a date six months before that we were talking and she suggested we postpone the wedding i took that as a breakup and moved out not the best at communicating a few months later after us continuing to see each other i suggested we get get back together he said well we might as well get married then we got married two weeks later that was over 13 years ago so much for textbook dated a nurse in san antonio in 1978 i asked and she said we didn't know each other well enough i proposed to the next girl i dated she said yes and we were married 29 years till she passed from cancer in 2007. not exactly this but i proposed got engaged for like two months then got my ring returned in a paper bag with very little explanation of what went wrong it was horrible right after like couldn't stop thinking about it every second then every minute then every hour then every day then week then month then yeah it's been over a decade now and it was the best thing that's ever happened to me we were so so wrong for each other and it was a toxic relationship you can't see it until you've had some time outside of it to reflect and to meet someone you get along with so well you wonder why the hell you didn't meet them earlier i was the one who wanted to marry my boyfriend he said no and basically went off to live his own single life instead it sucked and i still don't have the partner i'd hoped for to settle down with but i'm hopeful the right one will come along when it's time my grandparents the most incredible love story i know my gramps proposed to my grandmother on the fourth sentence he ever said to her she laughed thought he was mad and said no she told him to meet him the next day if he was serious he did and she said yes 67 incredible years incredible stories and an incredible life today is their anniversary so this is a wonderful day to share just a snippet of their story today would have been their 75th anniversary back in the 60s my father proposed to his high school sweetheart shortly before he graduated she was a year behind him and only 16 at the time and made the much more mature decision of answering not now i'm only 16. but all he heard was no and after a few months of fighting he broke things off with her he met my mother a little while after he graduated and they married they were together for 43 years and had three children before she passed in 2009. in 2017 my father reconnected with his old high school girlfriend at a funeral as 70 year olds apparently do and they have started dating again we his kids all really like her and are happy that he's not alone and his companionship i asked if he thought he'd ever remarry but he said that he had a wife and would be buried with her i am so lucky to have had their relationship as the anchor of my childhood and look up to them as role models in my own relationships i'm bummed i'm too late to this thread but i'll share anyways my mom was dating my dad's best friend in college he always loved her but she was with someone else my mom got pregnant and her boyfriend dad's best friend left her my dad decided to step up and offered to help her and be with her and support her they eventually started officially dating my dad proposed twice i think and she said no both times but stayed together my mom had my older brother and my dad was a father to him and continued to help raise him and support them both eventually when my brother was like seven me not born yet he proposed again and she said yes they've been married 32 years now i asked her when i was 17 and she was 19. she said we weren't ready after 10 years off and on we were married we now have a two-year-old daughter and a son on the way i honestly never imagined this level of happiness was possible that should have been the reddest flag amongst them all four months later i discovered she had been cheating on me for eight months i walked away and spent a few years figuring out who i was and what i really wanted out of a relationship about a year later i met my now wife and we're celebrating 13 years together this year and she's the best thing that ever happened to me i was with her for six years four years and i popped the question she said she didn't want to get married i heard she didn't want to get married yet so i stuck around it was a mistake i should have left when it became clear we had different plans for our lives but i always thought she'd come around it wasn't her fault it was mine when it ended i felt like i wasted at least those last two years love blinded me i believed what i wanted to to be able to stay in the relationship don't be like me about two years ago i proposed to my gf at the time we were dating for close to four years previous i had it all planed for months take her to dinner and this nice flower park she loved and then pop the question everything went perfectly until the part where i got down on one knee and presented the ring long story short she told me she couldn't because she was cheating on me on and off for a year and told me i deserved better we broke up and we don't talk anymore semi-related my mom wanted to marry my dad for a long time but my dad wasn't ready so then eventually when my dad asked her my mom thought he was joking so she started laughing now 24 years later and still happily married my mom still laughs when telling that story my dad still doesn't met in college liked her a lot things were going great but in retrospect there were ceru many reasons it was not ever going to work out at some point 4-6 months comma she said if we were still together after a year that i should ask her to get married i don't think i said okay i think it was much more let's see and let's get there first and x 200 b flash forward and we break up at 10 or 11 months probably took a good month to break up at 12 months it was well over but you still half jokingly brought up that i promised to ask her to marry me at 12 months i said that i would ask her to marry me if she promised to say no she said okay so i asked and she said no kind of weird but strangely cathartic i met my wife about eight months later and we have been together for over 30 years and married for 25. we were friends and we were kinda dating then we dated then i proposed the idea she said hell no then we grew distant then we met up randomly while traveling separately in london by chance and talked over a cup coffee found out she really liked me but had understandable concerns about the idea of marriage childhood past relationships then we walked and talked some more then we started dating again became real close closer than before and now married and counting the days till our first child i realized that we were in totally different spaces in our lives so i got incredibly f king hammered for the next few weeks ran away into the woods for a month or two then started dating again two years later i met my wife of over 10 years she always had a good reason wait till you're out of grad school wait until you've got a job you don't need the stress double quote i asked and got postponed six times the last time i got down on one knee at a stoplight in new york city firmly holding her hand you're either an hour you're out and you better be quick because those cars will hit us double quote i was the one who said no i was 18 years old still in school and so not ready to get married i wanted to travel work get life experience and the thought of marriage felt suffocating for me he was not happy of course and we stuck around for a year or so and then i broke it off we were very different in character wants and needs so in hindsight it was bound for failure one way or the other my little brother proposed to his high school sweetheart when they were nearing the end of uni together she said no and that she felt too young to be married they loved each other and had lived together for years and nothing changed that following christmas she proposed to him close bracket i was 23 and had lived abroad was absolutely ready to find someone i care about then found a girl broke up with her and immediately met another but i was burned out within three moss two a long distance international i knew she was the one i proposed after a night of drinking hagtfo i love you but you're drunk a week later at a picnic i don't know we are too young she was 21. finally on a hike in front of a waterfall with a small ring we were young she said yes that was 11 years and four kids ago she is everything i could have dreamed of love you jay i'm not a man but rather a woman and when i first proposed to my now wife she said no not because we weren't in love but because she had a very strong belief that gay people should not compromise themselves by accepting a half-assed attempt of being egalitarian from the governing political party at the time the option was civil partnerships i accepted that without question when it became illegal for lgbtq plus people to marry their same-sex partners she asked me immediately and i said yes of course we are now married this comment will probably get buried it happened about five years ago we tried to stay friends but didn't really work out she moved on and i moved on and became severely depressed things did get better and i've been in other relationships since then but every time i think about her i just remember all the happy times and become sad again after three years dating i asked and was told no not right now one five years later i asked and was told no not right now a year later i warned her that at some point in the next year i would ask and want a definite yes or no eight months later she said yes been married 30 years as of the 20th of may 2020 she said no and then asked me two months later she was dealing with her own self-image and self-worth she had to sort out her mental health and didn't think she was good enough we have now been married for three years and have a beautiful son she's the love of my life and just needed time to realize i wasn't going anywhere i'm the female who said no and planned pregnancy three months into a relationship in which we were both each other's rebounds after long-term relationships tell my boyfriend i'm pregnant and after about 14 minutes of silence he asks me now don't get mad but what if we got married for insurance purposes totally romantic right i thanked him for offering but declined told him i had health insurance and would be fine somehow we ended up getting married about two months before the baby was born there was no real proposal just sorta talked about it and decided to go for it just celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary i'm still not on his insurance it happened more than 20 y ago in the beginning i was hit pretty badly it was a kick at my heart had known her for just three years but loved her so much after the no it took me a couple of years to get over it but i was really looking her with rose-colored glasses she totally wasn't what i imagined or what i needed so i send my blesses every time i happen to think of her i just want to comment as woman on this i said no i carried a lot of trauma from my incredible failure of a first marriage didn't want to do that to him told him i had a lot of baggage his words were well let me help you unpack it double quote we've been married for eight years and have an amazing daughter she didn't say yes then later realized that we were meant to be together which was what i knew then after that realized she was meant to be together but with her previous boyfriend i had to go no contact they are married with kids i went through hell and came out the other side and married and had great kids she eventually friended me on fb but we never exchanged messages and i've been out of fb for several years this was 25 years ago and i haven't spoken to her in more than 20 years though i think about her and i expect always will my grandma was proposed to 19 times and said no to the first 18 it was during the war and all the men were going away she was beautiful smart funny wealthy family they all asked intending to have married her when they returned she had eyes for my grandpa from a super poor family though and he went to war world war ii veteran her family hated him because he wasn't wealthy but she didn't care traded that life in for him he came home and they started dating he went to college for teaching before they married so they were married in their late much older back than than was normal married 50-plus years five kids best grammy and papaya ever my parents met on a blind date my dad asked my mom to marry her after two weeks of dating she said no he tried again after a few more weeks and she said yes they were married for about 10 years they divorced because he was apparently verbally abusive they had agreed that he would go to school while she took care of me and my sister when he finished she said okay my turn now and he laughed in her face i've learned from her to never take any tea from anyone she said yes but had changed her mind by morning we were overseas so the flight back was awful she told her mum who met us at the airport all excited we pretended it was still on the next day i met with her and took the ring back i traded it for a trip to the us that was all three years ago my self-esteem suffered tremendous harm i haven't had a girlfriend since looking back i'm glad we didn't marry i just wish she had figured out that she didn't love me a little earlier she was the one who kept suggesting it was time to get married i've spent the past few years working on myself and i don't want to be dramatic but honestly there's the person i was before and there's the person i have been ever since overall i wouldn't recommend the experience one star i have been married more than once when my bf and i had been living together about a year he asked me and i said no i had been married and just didn't want to go down that path again three years later i had to go away from home for a few days it was the first time in three years we had been away from each other i realized on the second day that i couldn't live without him i called him up and said hey remember how you said you wanted to marry me he said yeah why i said well if you still wanted i'm ready he asked what a change and i told him and that was that we got married three months later and have been together almost 14 years it's been awesome we have our ups and downs but here's legit the best thing that ever happened to me [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 49,366
Rating: 4.8656716 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 43sec (2683 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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