MEGAMIND MUTE | Rainbow Six Siege

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come on what about what Steakhouse we go wait we got ribs we got steak we got cheeseburgers and all one-for-one I always do is dips go and mine cold baby that's all we do Randy oh that sounds so convincing if you're not packing okay and don't even try to talk to me she's right I'm trying to go for the the wrestling announcer with the biggest cowboy hat sick dead or mute ay-ay-ron my main man Megamind mute the only operator and all of Rainbow six it's more attracted to routers than he is to IQ or Ella I've got a really big thing for routers it's [ __ ] weird I just wanna talk so much us one of the e odd on you could argue that all operators in the game are gifted in a certain way but cube mute here is on a whole new ultra ascended top-tier phenom level of gifted he graduated secondary school at age 12 intern at a tech security firm at 13 I was accepted into Cambridge at age 14 which is pretty damn big brain when you thought about it he's actually [ __ ] dr. Manhattan from Watchmen like he's the type of person that can just turn someone and just meets lush by thinking about them just yeah wait a second he's extremely gifted academically he's outrageously smart in general he's not good at talking to people and his name's mark that really reminds me of someone that's uh it's gonna pop it's gonna pop in my head I iced mark wahlberg from shooter Marky Mark you know only instead of shooting senators he's shooting bad guys but I guess in shooter the senator was the bad guy so whatever being the smartest quietest and youngest member of Team rainbow he made a device that peanut butter and jams the [ __ ] out of any electronic device within its range which most of the time is just drones because he really hates Rome's Oh myoh offense all right in my own defense I'm an anti-drug spokesperson I can't let that [ __ ] fly I'm sorry had to break your legs in the process I'm really sorry you thought I was joking I shan't loss it I don't like drones all right I don't like dramas but his unquenchable thirst to deny the use of electronics doesn't stop there he bought us pellets Jam Jake Abbey's phone call come on and jam and welcome to the jam reaching charges thermite charges fuse charges all Jam even Lyon is on the menu for things you can jam while within the range of your router and you'd be surprised how often you can bamboozle the king of the jungle on this down I'm on the museum boy sorry sorry hopefully I'm not confusing you with these labels here like to most players they're jammers to me they're routers in his bio they're called GC 90 mony signal disruptors which is even more confusing because since it's from the UK I'm not sure if it's pronounced mony like Mon or money like the United Bank of money in the game files they're called overlords so I don't even know what to say at this point with a trout wa I grow stronger but in the words of Uncle Ben with great power comes great responsibility and when it comes to mute that's manifested in a horrible prep face first off your router placement is key because you've got to cover the common heart breaching points like garage while also covering frequent entry points for drones secondly you need to make sure these routers are tucked away and difficult to spot or shoot so they can remain effective thirdly and this is the real kicker it takes forever to do all of this because each router takes about three seconds to put down times 4 that's 12 seconds at a minimum Plus putting up reinforcements which is 6 seconds each that's another 12 seconds tacked on that's over half the prep phase gone not even counting running around to do these things in the right spots as a matter of fact this takes so long I have enough time to thank the sponsor of today's video putting all this stuff down survey junkie is a service that allows you to earn cash gift cards and everyone's favorite are six credits by taking surveys online he-he'll boy all you need to sign up is an email address which I assume you have an email address so you're welcome to click the link at the top of the description to sign up and check it out for yourself like I have start taking surveys and start earning rewards once again thank you to survey junkie for sponsoring today's video and I'm still not done putting down all of my equipment for the prep phase look at that the routers the reinforcements the rook armor probably putting duct tape on the hostages mouth to keep him or her quiet it all takes time but on a serious note don't ever try to take mutes hostage because he may not have a thing for the hostage like fuse does but he gets ferociously angry when someone steals his duct tape oh my god yes you'd wanna please do this please do this I think he's trying to breach above me right in [Applause] [Music] megha my he's not without counters though because batcher can EMP you into the Stone Age twitch isn't immune to your jammers but she can zap them and Ike you can see your routers through walls subsequently destroying them with their most lethal counter of all bullets that's why you've got to join forces with your other gadget borken compadre bandido Dorito because if you ignore his tendency to destroy the gadgets of his teammates you to make one hell of an anti gadget duo that's sort of like furniture on the attacking side but not quite the same level of intensity I shot at the [ __ ] I'm sorry he doesn't know he's a magnet I kind of feel like I just went into some kind of mute I'm not gonna talk trance and then everything worked out maybe I should talk less often it's a little bit too meta for me an underrated perk of mute is undoubtedly his selflessness because with his gadget being passive it still helps out his teammates if he dies unlike calves or vagal and I've never officially confirmed this with Ubisoft but I'm fairly certain he has a passive buff that makes all of his teammates more intelligent falling arm and hand and gun all together just ah [ __ ] beautiful how big brain did you know that Dan this is actually Bobby shmurda oh god what did I just see what hey I almost can't breathe right now you just drop your read it's like you slammed the reinforcement it's your feet like Andy's has brought it up to the dog please shoot at the wall can i yeah i'm god you're holding no you're holding like an invisible ball of soup or something i'm really like you just killed somebody like that just as I hit the save but not really saved you know six dollars man you got a beef like you just killed but to be fair you have to have a very high IQ to use a shotgun I'm you correctly because unlike your best mates monk you don't have a full auto SMG secondary so you always have to be thinking five steps ahead of your opponent so you can predict his movements and make sure you're within a range close enough to not fire pixie dust you didn't see me chat oh god that was flying what the pump soap in here I don't think so guy he's wrong he's probably trying to bait me out here BAM bamboozled yes you know it is by or whatever you graduated college like 16 so he is literal Megamind a big brain right the Mossberg 590 is my favorite Johnny not counting the Omega T rate 70 on GSG because it's effective at wall disruption hits like a sledgehammer and overall has a minimal amount of hair pulling frustration involved in its use like this [ __ ] like that the cabbie this is not clay pigeon tower I already did that to drones Wario worst girl why gotta do that to me watch this Oh God's frag I got it I got it yes I should go for what about your buddy yes got him to come out into your school I said God maybe that's right in the teeth oh go I know you guys think it's not possible to hit ash in the face but buckshot is an exception Oh God I will concede that the hit rag isn't always perfect Oh what the hell how did he get in the kitchen I didn't think so be gone by a band of that whole flank by the way oh my god it was a teammate that was shooting you oh my god hit reg what are you put all the pros and cons taking into account it's still a damn good shotgun especially for somebody like me that has rapid reflexes but mediocre aim and an extensive history of playing obscure games skill set directly feeds into seeds you've never played Def Jam volume 2 never played DJ hero that's just what I always think of you know when people say their aims really good feel like yeah man I've been playing you just play counter-strike 1.6 why my aim is so good I always hit it with like a def jam or like an ATV off-road fury to that skill set directly translates into this FPS played in your hearts 2.5 fire mix oh okay I survived that I kept spraying shots thank you he's a little bit mad about it don't let me just way to you from running around with the mp5k though because mutes the only operator that has access to it and it's a beginner's bet Fran yeah I was like wait is that spider-man know whose headshot no no you got it you guys they're both shield operators so they're like half garbage just dink dink I've gotta look in the eyes when I say this so you know that I'm serious and not fooling around if you are brand-new to the game and you are on the struggle bus play mute you're still helpful if you die because your gadget is passive you're not too fast and not too slow because you're a 2-speed and your gun is decent in every category and outrageously easy to control so if you're new mute is your man in this blood come on the shotgun no oh my thing all because I softened her up Wow that c4 just got my blood pumping that was like a my finger I'm not thinking but I can still shoot IQ and her dumb ass face I'm conflicted on his 226 sidearm because on one hand it's got heavy hitting damage decent reload time and a solid Mac sides yeah their main window no match for my festive skills Jesus Christ climbing Sony put duct tape over my mouth oh my pistol skills are not as sharp as I thought they were but the iron sights are stupid thick and I lose sight of my target way too fast it feels like popcorn recoil and I have no idea what direction it's gonna bounce got here right in the noggin I feel like that was the head shot but that was not a head shot so you know what shed even though that pistol is bulky and thick it's really really hard so do I like it yes is it equivalent to the SMG that the other SAS defender small-cap hell no just to squash the myth right now the world-famous engraved skin that the British ops have access to does not give you an advantage but it certainly feels like it does so if you've never tried them I recommend that you do engravings give you no tactical advantage whatsoever watch that yes I got it oh that's gross let him come in don't challenge this don't challenge this captain's already used all this bolts they're gonna try to go for the playoff nice okay someone's south door and I'm not pin dear brother I am pinned here brother I am hit I need a win I need a kill thank you oh I'm getting you too girl I was just awesome watermelons laughing right how did I hit this one us weird why I didn't get those pills I'm greedy get me look out what in the words of Thomas Jefferson who needs guns when you have plastic explosives am I right fellas Oh baby there you go mr. Wong's dumplings I feel like I might be able to pull off a good little tosser oh that is somebody I think I still killed somebody with that see for you beautiful Korean man should I go for the c-4 jet we should yes water Joss LeBron James from the three-point line somebody touched my sister over here where's this buddy where's his buddy cash where's your buddy oh don't hit him don't hit him taking the 200 over what feels like 200 pounds of c-4 oh it also doubles is one of the most effective gadgets for resetting your teammates without accidentally killing them just remember to only press your G button once your second you just blocked my c4 stop that with the minimal amount of damage I wasn't just gonna head what you asked for locked into a walking by sir I'm gonna have to ask you to leave please leave before please go I'm out of here I said go I just blow myself up your authority is not recognised and when it comes to the bulletproof camera that he had on the TTS that he might be getting in the retail version it's terrific smile you're on camera should I put it like right on here Chet saw that's so perfect thing is just taking it right over this sign you want to see something goose watch this yeah yeah I'm washing don't shoot it from the side cuz I'll murder you but it actually did do anything before it yeah cuz it's a polar bear this feeling Monty is about to come up the stairs I think this is what's coming up yes Oh got her I really wish I could just put a bulletproof camera on your face and have you run around doesn't it drill into way too many players are sleeping on this thing because if you put it on an indestructible wall and you've got your jammers down to prevent drones from seeing it Oh baby can it ever lock down an area I can do it okay okay one's in VIP for sure you know all marks okay okay hey boninger up she just dropped patch I'm going for [Music] roll I'm with you get the [ __ ] they're doing the other team for a final tip remember that mute does Jam jackals Visor but he can still track your footprints when it's out of rain so even if you're on a mute jammer you're not safe from the second scariest animal in Rainbow six like you are from lion which come in here please they know now they know who got her humiliation for this humiliation I don't know what happened but two people are dead and I'm still alive will Mao lo mal hit her with the simplest of ee oh my goodness you're walking the razor's edge woo the Megamind mute is coming back and that's about it I would like to thank you very much for watching and be sure to tune in next time when I tell you that I'm gonna give you free VBox and that I don't give you free v bucks well the mouse savage who did this tag five of your friends [Music]
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 8,170,166
Rating: 4.9287682 out of 5
Keywords: rainbow six siege, rainbow six siege gameplay, rainbow 6 siege, rainbow six siege tips, rainbow six siege trailer, pc game, operation para bellum, r6s new operators, para bellum, r6s new operators gameplay, rainbow six siege mute, megamind mute, rainbow six siege operation para bellum, para bellum new operators, new operators, rainbow six siege maestro and alibi, siege, dlc, r6s, rainbow six, multiplayer, rainbow six siege alibi, alibi, maestro, ubisoft, r6 siege
Id: U3nyU72zdyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Tue May 15 2018
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