PKA 464 Taylor Bible Story, Lebron's Wig, Aggressive Policeman

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No guest this week so just the 3 questions I'm afraid.

Gonna also post the 463 Survey results here too since I have another post I want to sticky this week: PKA 463 episode rating: 7.68/10 | Hecz rating: 7.56

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LegitimateRage πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Murka really should adopt a bunch of minorities.

Get himself full immunity with the voices.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 51 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JustinClarkv1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

A week later and Woody is still trying to justify his review of Joker

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pastrknack πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love this podcast

It’s one of the simple things In my life that I really look forward too and helps keep me going

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 126 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WiltAbdulOlajuwon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Last PKN Woody ended it with the following sentence:

"Kyle, two things. One, we've hit two hours, the show is over, two, child sex is great"

Not related to this PKA episode just wanted to share with folks that don't listen to PKN.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 70 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Samot_PCW πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can't fathom pajama jeans, they have to be shitty

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pastrknack πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

God, I hate movie talk. Woody's shit-tier list and Kyle, who claims to browse /r/movies a lot yet doesn't even know that The Lighthouse or Parasite exist. Those are two literal masterpieces which just got wide releases recently and are critically and audience-lauded. Probably the two most anticipated October movies, Joker aside, and no comment at all.

Do yourselves a favor and at least go see Parasite, which I would argue, despite the subtitles, is the more accessible movie for general audiences.

Movie talk is almost as bad as car talk or non-UFC-or-NHL sports talk.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NY08 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

always love Seinfeld talk

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/990981 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

"You gotta be on your own team. There's gonna be people in this world who aren't on your side. You can't be one of them. You're not gonna get far if the first roadblock you run into is you."3:13:28 . Damn Woody, well said.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ajsdkl12390ajskdl102 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
pKa 464 Kyle a couple of sponsors tonight smart mouth Casper and Morgan and Morgan because you don't need a cheat code to get full compensation after a car crash or other injury you need Morgan Morgan the personal injury law firm that's for the people not the powerful they're a family-owned firm that never represents large corporations Morgan's will take on the insurance companies so you can focus on getting back to full health for for all their services visit for the people calm slash pka for a free case review I like I like the pantomiming from from failing never other people and PKA that's a podcast of the people from now on and so you know we're really amped up to have Morgan and Morgan on the show so yeah I mean I mean you really do need someone like them if you're in that situation I've known people that had personal injury issues with car crashes and stuff and it's a it's a real hassle but you can get smae in there to represent you you can come out well taken care of and you compensate appropriately you know who else has real life cheat codes TI Taylor won't you tell us about CI a-- well i actually Kyle seemed to have a take that was well it came out that I guess that TI has been going to the gynecologist with his daughter for years now oh yeah and and sitting in the office during the exam and the the guys like you know um you don't have to be in here with me TI and I don't know just no disrespect do they specify if he's staring down the Barrell right down the barrel in the office is the exam regular I assume I say waiting room all this time oh no he's in there he wants to know what's up and the whole purpose of this of course is he wants to know is his daughter still a virgin is her hymen intact and he's getting the lowdown from the doc and I just feel like the whole time in in the doc I just met you know the docs under there checking things out this is how you do it by the way mm-hmm and and he he gives TI the thumbs up and and and TI is like yeah my daughter's still in virgin all right meanwhile she's getting railed in the ass we all know that right I like to think the guy to college is like it's her butthole normally this loose Oh God doesn't use the phrase butthole well Isis appear to be a virgin but she [ __ ] on the she might have butthole cancer I don't know it looked like the rubber glove after you done take it off what it Borat say it looks like a wizard sleeve I was gonna put TI in the wheat category for this I found out that he brags on his son for getting laid and his son's only 15 and so as a cool guy of the year isn't this I was gonna say that now it's sexist if he got his sons penis the you know cent analysis analysis to make sure the DNA testing then it would be cool but you know ti I'm not down for treating men and women differently so that not shuffle when and women are exactly the same yeah that's why they should be able to fight against each other in the UFC career way that's mine that's my new opinion of the spider thing is that they don't need their own league one step further women don't need their own league mash it all together just see how it goes just work better the ocean think of the money they would rape I never have bought a UFC event the only time I watch it is when a friend of mine he's really into it buys it and he has us all over if they say there's a dude fighting the chick even if it's like a hundred and twenty pounds of fly weight or straw weight whatever it is I'm buying it I'm tuning in it's gonna be entertaining his [ __ ] like you know they give the people what they want do you think that ancient Roman emperors thought that the Christians had a chance against the Lions no course not but it was good for morale and Roman Zeus and the rest I would be okay if they started like if they put out a new belt out there for like the mixed-gender championship and returning mixed-gender champion Mel Gibson comes out Alec Baldwin's two weight classes hired as a woman one hour every eight weeks during his fight okay oh yeah he's on HGH yeah he's jacked he's huge hmm good for him and he's got a beard that just won't quit he's got the yeah beard woody that you could emulate if you really pushed yourself actually yeah you distinguished like gray stripes on the middle it's good that he's got that pointy light light like chin hair I'd have some level of gray on the sides with like a a reddit downvote arrow coming off of my chin that's perfect that's intimidating is getting back to TI isn't this creepy as [ __ ] though it's absolutely creepiest fun like I don't know how I feel this is something that I feel that was definitely probably done in olden times by really creepy overbearing parents for sure and it just it reminded me of a part in that book it where Beverly's father's is like it thinks that maybe she's been [ __ ] all those boys and he's like take heart take your pants off I want to check to see if you're intact and she's like no it's like [ __ ] backing away and running from her dad cuz when you said olden days I didn't think you meant like mid-eighties yeah yeah but I was actually you know even farther back was when I 1500s he'd be like doctor is she a virgin he's got his big bird mask the good news is she is a virgin bad news she is a witch she was a virgin until i deflowered her with my birth no one of those masks I don't think I'm in a reliable way to well of course I'm in can pray for a bunch of things right horseback riders get deflowered at like eight years old for their horseback riding it's part of the deal oh it's what he's favorite sport right that in the kegels but yes just well no like it apparently apparently horseback riders tightest [ __ ] cuz they're effectively like kegeling with their knees on the side of these horses and I mean it's on the internet it's yeah they're a bunch of reasons that a girl might not have a Hyneman one of them being genetics some of them being lifestyle you can't just go in there and check I think or that she's a [ __ ] yeah it's probably you know Occam's razor right you think that guy would have phrased his whole thing differently if he knew how we used his his razor now simplest thing often the explanation but not in like instances that are super [ __ ] I just I just don't think TI's daughter rides a lot of horses anyway you know it's it seems unlikely mmm and what would he do if she were found to be unint it what's his reaction and he's the guy no covering for her cuz I would think that's like the ethical thing to do if you had a weird dad checking on you like that a doctor would be like yeah still fresh still still fresh yeah still I don't know as the fresh out of the fact your factories stock maybe what do you go for here good the new [ __ ] smell that is actually what the doctor would say Thank You Kyle yes cover for you I'm gonna put this scented tree between your credit cards yeah TI seems a little unhinged if that's if he actually does that and I mean it he definitely does he shouldn't have said actually he tweets it he said it straight up he didn't like it was a lies bragging that he had figured out like like I you know why I'm a little clever than the Everage dad I go into the gynecologists office and figure out you and ask you did someone go to Reddit life hacks and put in one make sure your daughter's not [ __ ] go in with want to do that that's so weird Saturday get our fans to upvote it and watch it telekinesis subreddit you go over there now and it's a bunch of our listeners trolling people who think they're psychic it's a legitimate profession Taylor telekinesis is it telekinesis moving things that's moving things yeah moving something in mind isn't that what you said am I crazy yeah yeah okay yeah yeah that's what they think they can do is like thinking focus really hard in a coffee couple shakers when I was a little kid I didn't think I could do it because there was no evidence but I tried I thought we all tried I thought you know you can tell it's fake it's not a single one of those people has talked about beating themselves off with their mind mmm that that's pretty good I'd be to go to yeah oh you you plebs sitting on your hands to get it numb no I just imagine two big burly I mean feminine hands into something I'm not he's like yeah you know how you sit on your hand to get it numb like like yeah that's everyone right remember when you heard about that when you were like 14 or stranger and you like you did it once and you're like this doesn't this doesn't put your hand to sleep I was sitting on your hand I was with you until the did it part doesn't work I thought we all did it once and realize this is just a way for older kids to make us sit on our hands I think I could put my hand it's awful dexterity for that job you know when your hand falls asleep to the point that it's just like like the guy in what is it scary movie too is I take my your hands like that like you can't even grasp like you're it's like it really is like somebody else's hand hypothetically if you had a flashlight could you operate that no it's like I feel like it would drop from a disabled strange and um hand and the autoblow just seems redundant yeah have you ever taken a [ __ ] so long that when you stand up you almost fall over yeah yeah yeah I think a lot of that is like having your your elbows on your thigh like the top of your thighs though you know I don't open the blood flow where this seat hit the back your legs yeah yeah I think it's I think it's a combination you're you're just when that happens to you guys what I do is I will move my feet back like more to the side of the toilet and I'll do almost like a wall sit but all like elevate myself off the toilet give my legs some more blood for better than then sit down oh I feel like my shits aren't so strenuous that I require a technique a night of like nothing double cheese pizzas and it's like how to do with a proper deadlift so how do you guys do the Russian squat that's me I like wide stance well they're that curve or you could throw it out so let's for the purposes of the description we'll pretend that the toilet seat is square what's making it numb is you're on the leading edge it's cutting across your legs the solution if you're in that situation is to slide back and get your legs on the parallel part of the square or the squatty potty which I wish is a part that I wish sponsored us because it is absurd and it's apparently it works I've heard people talk about using it and it seems like they're far too rich to have to lie about a pooping device so they believe them I we have them in every bathroom of our house and we had them and I I don't need one I don't like it because I feel like guests come in and judge our pooping habits master bedroom and I think it's in the downstairs guest which I wouldn't choose but maybe like drag it out in the living room thinking it's a dinner tray honey you're like guy friends comes up and he's like I love your elevated pissing Stan [Laughter] I'm hitting net to it hard I've never used the squatty potty but like it makes sense because our bodies are designed to [ __ ] in like a real squat position like you get your intestines and in all the parts and bits in a line so it just shoots right out but we're kind of kinked up when we're sitting at right angles and such so it makes sense yeah yeah yeah we're like that that one Tetris block that's like a weird ass yeah standing straight up and let just let whatever happens happen just as straight as an arrow and just just just give it hell somebody get a video of that and put it on reddit everyone what happens if you power poof I think we watched on the show that clip from this might've been years ago where it's like a security cam from Six Flags this big fat [ __ ] is like trying to do the oh I'm just kind of meandering around this mostly quiet area I'm definitely not scoping for people perfect she pulls like her jeggings down and just fires a hot magma rope right onto the pavement and then just walks away just walks away I've seen so many of those it seems like the Asians are more prone to that sort of Street [ __ ] but I've seen several clips of very cute Korean and Japanese girls just being a must a poopa rule and just [ __ ] and scope the place out and then just drop trou right there and a very public setting and just give it out Kyle's great the Chinese brought the Social Credit System upon themselves strong point Kyle yeah I mean I would be in favor of that it's only focused on street jitters San Francisco the tamanna Street shooting problem any listeners in San Francisco get good good footage of someone shooting standing that would be great I wonder where the truth is on that I was trying to find us a nice video of exactly what we're talking about and I like a fool googled asian girl [ __ ] in street and I I was I was directed to poopy girls calm it was gonna be I'm not typing that in because it's already on my favorite spot why are they going for extreme close-ups for this I wanted like that high above looking down from a window angle yeah I don't want the you know Jim Carrey escaping from the Rhino in the heat angle that's what we're getting you know I want the camera to point up towards the boot poop on the GoPro it's like a like a like a simulated glass-bottom boat almost is what you're looking for you know what celebrity is into that is it John Travolta I think it's probably art Kelly it's yes for anything yeah no no I know who it is it's uh it's um it's um the guy who played rocky Sylvester Stallone that's what that's his kink he likes to get underneath a glass juice a coffee table and get the girl to sit - like squat on top of it wait and watch as she shits down onto the glass that's Stallone's kink that's the lawns kink yo we need you to get up on that table okay that's a little hot I'm gonna do a border move you're gonna watch you get nice for you dad yeah yeah no sure that's a 501 by five or one father's tailor computer update by my count I'm this is business day nine and so the absolute latest it could show up based on their website is Tuesday which would be business day twelve okay but it didn't today it didn't come today no no I if I'm being honest I didn't even check their shipping times before I ordered it and so it that was longer than I anticipated I played cod with Kyle this week island his friends I explained was terribly that was unfortunate but Kyle and his friends were very nice I enjoyed my time I am I think I'm gonna play a little more in suck less what are you guys playing double duty like oh um capture the flag no no ed quarterly mixture headquarters team deathmatch and domination yeah it's a cool thing you know how before you used to choose the game now you could say these are the three games I'm interested in surprise me mm-hmm and yeah it was a lot of fun I enjoyed that I've been playing a lot yeah my opinion of the game is it's very fluid and it sort of changes every every day after my experience with it there about the nerf that goddamn shotgun thank God so that's not gonna be I'm like about to open it I thought you know we're just sitting in in buildings with the claymores [ __ ] well we did that for a little while but but after a while we just you know start running around know that we did that for more than a game yeah it did have like a game or two well everybody quitter out as soon as we did it did get a whole team to quit that was yeah yeah it's it's not fun to play against that retreat is also a victory so it's a lot of it I like the multiplayer I really do I like the single-player I hate the spec ops now I see that it has no replayability I was wrong at first I don't know we played it one night it was just so much fun but then I try to play it again and I got nothing out of it but uh but yeah I'm digging it I'm bleeding a lot of hardcore I like that I'm still not very good I got like a 1.3 KD or some [ __ ] but but I'm enjoying myself for sure I'm worse than not very good I'm actually bad my Katie's I mean not only is my Katie below one but I think I had two positive games and the positive games were [ __ ] too like a 6 and 2 and a 6 and 3 like like I'm bad but I had a good time I don't know if it makes for a good stream that's one thing that bothers me like it if your shroud great everyone wants to see that but you know they were in the chat saying I didn't read the chat I'm like man I wish I could but then I'd go 3 and 20 this is me this is me fully focused that's my worry with the twitch thing is I feel like just trying to get good at it I'll be sitting there for like 10 minutes really giving my best [ __ ] sucking ass and I'll forget to talk see I think it's a mistake to go into twitch with the mindset of like alright I just need to get as good as the rest of the people who play video games for a living in the world we'll get to that level first first thing is it that'd be like anything you like art so I'm gonna get into playing baseball for crowds first thing you gotta do learn to play baseball at an extremely high level then don't work on mobile charisma thing because you can't just hit dingers all day people want some quips in between you know I don't know I just make it your own but it depends what games you're playing it depends what games you're playing like first of all like your issue is you're gonna be like bumping into walls and like you're gonna be your carer so be doing that thing we're like he's clearly only working on one axes and it's rusty I'm I'm really just not good yeah I'm bad I'm bad it was thee like you oh yeah okay yeah early notes pretty well on games like total war where it's like just kind of manipulating the field of vision for an RTS game but yes operated a camera yeah the actual gun itself like even when I went six and two of my friends game playing it was because I was walking around like a [ __ ] like a DSi most of the time and I was only like doing that thing where you run around the absolute edge of the map hoping to catch people from behind like any one-on-one gunfight I got in I lost I lost way more than half of my fair fights and part of it was like furred I'll say a third of the games I hadn't unlocked good weapons and then when I had they were iron scopes and stuff but the overwhelming percentage of the blame goes on my aim you know yeah yeah but it's what games you you're gonna play I should um I think would be fun if you played some games with me and some of my friends that involve like silliness and like the code names I think is a lot of fun mmm that's that that that requires zero Wasti that's literally like a board game in a virtual world and you get this game called tabletop simulator which is like buying every old board game you've ever heard of in your life it's like hundreds and hundreds of games I think there's a lot of stuff in there you could play but as far as like something for the crowd much I think RPGs would be good sometimes a Fallout game an Elder Scrolls game something like that because you're in that world is it's low risk you you know the vampires aren't gonna kill you or whatever the Skyrim for example you know that game you can engage in disengage there's a lot of safe spots in Skyrim and you can use that to pay attention to the chat mm-hmm that make sense and then getting back into Skyrim it's been like I played the [ __ ] out of it for years but I mean it's been what six years since I sold everything on PC Taylor I know you can download tits and [ __ ] not just it's not just texted Taylor's business there's a whole modifying can i play that on twitter won't you you have to click with the clothes on you like that the panties and bra and your character for like any game that involves nudity but but what I was really gonna all jokes aside I was gonna say I don't know about Skyrim yeah but I I play a lot of Fallout and I've modded the [ __ ] out of that game and you can just throw in new DLC like that there's deal see packs that you would pay like fifteen or twenty five dollars for or fifteen dollars whenever they would come out over time they depreciate of course like three five dollars but people just write whole deals DLC missions that are cool as [ __ ] and you can just plug them in like ha you know I wish there was a mission where by the space like oh well there it is let me just download it and now I've got it there's there's so much content that you can download for those games yeah I need to look around to figure out what games I'm gonna play but you know guys there are gonna be a handful of games that are just for me I'm planning on like a hundred percent of my gaming being on Twitch cuz I just aside from playing Age of Mythology some this past weekend because I finally [ __ ] got it working again yes are you playing yeah I haven't I haven't gained him forever unless you count Magic the Gathering like six or eight months ago and I was getting into that I will play that on stream that game is fun I can't wait to feel like yeah this is the game that I'm I'm okay at I get the mechanics and then have a bunch of people in chat being like [ __ ] idiot look why why would you put a pledge ient growth there you could have saved up played it next to him with this combo and done that and then I'll have to say stuff like well I saw I foresaw that like yeah man I'm looking forward to magic hopefully enough people give a [ __ ] about watching that doubt it though that's what filthy was doing for a while they Lloyd was his main game on there was magic I wasn't established following of like strategy minded people though like they don't like that but I think that your viewer base for the longest time is gonna be there for you this is my line of thinking I'm certainly no twitch genius but like well the game is a entertaining backdrop to the tailor show so if you were to play Cod like I did for example I think the tailor show wouldn't be as good right because you have to focus you know what God is like you're gonna give it your full attention but if you to play Skyrim well shucks this is like 12-minute walks in that game and that's when you can interact with chat answer the questions and do their thing I think that's what we're late for a good tailor show I think you're right that's more what I want to do like I want to be just making jokes and shooting the [ __ ] and interacting with people more than like Oh KD right you're good at total war but I don't know that that makes for a good tailor sure okay but I'm gonna because that now also it was a game that occupies all your attention while it's happening yes well Taylor played mostly single-player total war yeah and several single player games thinking that I've developed some skill and then I get into the multiplayer world and realize that I'm not right you know how it is when you play that first like Call of Duty like ham hey and you're like well I just dominated the entire nation of Iraq we went to Afghanistan won that much ball by myself now let's take on some children on the Internet oh well they're not playing fair at all usually they slowly walk the street see me and then they throw grenades towards me these guys aren't standing up behind a burnt-out car yelling three sentences in Arabic and why is it my strategy of standing in the door as if that was cover working can't even quit dragging off quickscope yeah that's how that's how total war is total war has a very high-level online community I watch a lot of the competitive total war on YouTube i watch a lot of turin and hehe host tournaments and stuff and i'm not at their level or anything but i played against him and i don't get my [ __ ] absolutely pushed in well you know it's it's a bit of a fight and I've went back and watched his stream to like see what he said about me and he wasn't rude I was like yeah that's a win Oh little things he's like not a bad army composition you're like well I did copy yours from two months ago I'm sorry to v2s Kyle and I on Total War and like we would play a couple to be Jews versus random people win occasionally and then eventually Kyle would be like hey gaming Bros by total war and join our lobby and they'd be like I don't know how to play or what to do I just get it and join and then so which one of us is with Taylor which one's with Kyle it's like neither it's both of you first both of us just like a 10-game just steamroll Street it's like your favorite scene from from like any movie with like the army on horseback that just comes charging down the mountain and the plebs are just like just just right just destroy it that was every single game it was so much fun we all we would do is like it got to the point where no Kyle be like hey Taylor can you just build like a normal infant rebuild I'm gonna build nothing but mountain Giants just just twelve of those guys storming ahead and [ __ ] them up that was great yeah or just nothing but minotaurs just minotaurs oh that works that works the best example of us doing that to people though was when we had everybody download Age of Mythology okay we had a and meanwhile late lately we told the story Guardium yeah it's clickety-click clickety-click RTS micro matters but but army composition matters it's one of those timing based games where it's like that mad rush to like assemble your village that that is basically your your military might making machine you know it's it's your army factory and you've got to assemble it in the right order down to like if you're off by a few seconds you've kind of [ __ ] up and so I would just watch like professional players tournament level players and copy their build order down to the second four hours at a time every day marijuana helps with this sort of thing it is a performance-enhancing drug I'm sitting there like no off by two seconds restart again and again and again so when we played against those children who had never played the game before that was a lot of fun it was guys a lot of it's a strong history and if you are too good go younger to your friend rule only two of your of the gaming buddies who bought it and played like I remember you're like I'm just gonna you know basically SimCity back here with Zeus and all the most powerful infantry you play Loki rush and just to get like a couple her seers these like little cheap heroes Loki is a Norse God and like his like strategy if you try and SimCity with him late game you're gonna get [ __ ] like your guys have too low armor he's all about heroes and myth units like fire Giants and mountain Giants and [ __ ] and there's a strat with him which is just start off the game build the temple get a bunch of or start off the game send your builders deep into their territory just out of their vision build a temple and then just pump a steady supply of these heroes into they're not enough to win the game but enough to kill every village boy and so for like the first couple games we did that like the people and because all four of us are in the same the same audio check yeah yeah and they'd be like ah these [ __ ] NPCs are showing up at my base again all of my villagers this is [ __ ] are you guys dealing with this and we're like oh yeah kill them that I didn't like maybe three games in there like wait did they say Taylor mercury you where'd you build these it's a hilarious strategy like Taylor said like instead of building this like thing in your village that you build a temple and then like a stables and each of these things builds different kinds of units but instead your whole point is to find their base and then put that temple which is the her seer creating her seers are like these badass [ __ ] that you can build very early and you're building units in their backyard and the units are just going on mastering their villagers and you need those villagers if you lose one you [ __ ] up definitely yeah it's bad Kyle would be SimCity be focusing on just [ __ ] with them and so Kyle always had an abundance of resources so I'd be like hey I need 500 food and 600 more gold to keep [ __ ] with him and he just shipped that over and the thing with these her seers if you play Loki is as they're attacking they have a special ability if they will randomly summon myth units and so they could just be hitting a house and then like a troll will pop up [ __ ] the house - and then a second later a Valkyrie will pop up and start [ __ ] they're like oh it was so much fun yeah we can get into that like I don't know if people I bet people would like to watch that I would need so much practice to get good at that even so long I forgot all like I used to have like that holding I hold notepad and I would I would like tape the notepad next to my monitor but after a while it was just like memory god knows where that notepad is that if I looked at that now I would feel real sad you know and I would work up - V - playing like all right we can dominate moderate in like five minutes now all right let's play hard let's play Titan or whatever and there would be times playing where we'd be 31 seconds in and Kyle would be like well it's over restart miss clicked on the villager now I'm gonna have to wait for the Classical Age until a minute seven instead of 58 seconds and it's like alright well we got a restart we're not gonna we're not gonna waste nine seconds yeah yeah I wanted to be perfect at that game and that was a game where you could be perfect like an called Diddy can never be perfect there's always the sealing cap never arrives but in that game you could be perfect there was a an absolutely perfect way to do the things yeah I enjoyed that game a lot and it's such an old shitty looking game too lately I bet there are some people who don't know what this game is out there maybe one or two and they're there picturing this right now and like oh yeah trolls and Valkyries I bet they're up it's a beautiful no this is like a 25 year old RTS came out in October 2002 not a good looking dude there's a New Age of Empires coming out what's the modern equivalent I was I was about yeah okay I guess it would be the New Age of Empires a good bit they're really in a mock Age of Empires they should have redone a gemologist the redone Age of Empires because the mythology aspect and picking a god and having to like the special powers you can use and everything is way more fun than just like oh I'm the Britons I have longbowman again kind of [ __ ] it's still there I agree I agree I like the mythological units and and all that made-up nonsense that's the game I played when I was like 12 in my room when it didn't look shitty to me because that was like you know early two-thousands and my mom would be like what are you doing I'd be like I'm learning about the ancient world not really anyway nobody gives a [ __ ] about this we can we can move past that we can talk about T Isis more dude I I don't know if this is everyone's cup of tea both Jews and I had this topic cleaning it the Ford is going deep in with these electric cars which is interesting to me anyway they came up with a new Mustang I know we have a Mustang fan out there 900 horsepower Mustang it's an 800 volt electric vehicle Mustang they're also working on an electric f-150 which appeals to me and I don't know I just think it's interesting a thousand foot-pounds of torque what is the current Mustang dude seems like a lot 900 horsepower and a thousand pounds of torque probably 400 and 450 somewhere in there like for the for the like the GT I'm just guessing you know roughly speaking about that yeah and and the interior that crazy blue yeah I agree so I'm showing it to the audience right now it has a big screen I'm gonna call it iPad sized like you know the bigger iPad size yeah and I don't know it just looks fantastic.this to me it's carbon fiber dash board and also so I'm not a huge fan of what Tesla does with their like there's no buttons in this whole car everything's on display on the display do you want to open the glove compartment well that's four menus deep on your little iPad in the center look a feature to you what is it like do you want to adjust your seat yeah there's no buttons anywhere look for the seat menu [ __ ] and I don't know why everyone thinks that's they love it so I all I haven't tried it so maybe I could be wrong but I'm just like man I don't know I really like buttons that do like the thing they're supposed to do well here's a by the light that turns out light on at least to have a backup button I like the feel of a button and I like the feel the feel of buttons and knobs I really do typically like a single function button does is like a one step way to do the thing that you want to do whereas if it's buried in your iPad interface somewhere then like six clicks down why it drives well so my toe wings it's time for him to upgrade again yes yeah wings you need a 900 horsepower 1000 foot pick the electric thing a mix how do you are you guys excited by electric vehicles cuz I'm yeah I'm not sure I think if they if they put a warranty on that thing you know they if they would give you like a really good warranty I would be absolutely so something like this what's really good Oh eight years for sure like I was thinking like I'm gonna say six so god no it's crazy but yeah they're pretty similar numbers but six I think would do it if it was like a six year seventy five thousand mile warranty or something like that just spitballing like that would make me feel very comfortable or just for the drivetrain like you don't have to cover that [ __ ] iPad in the middle of the console you have to uncover like you know little little odds and ends but I worry about the battery and and stuff like that having issues and and the expensive fixing that and the expertise required to fix that it's not something that any shade tree mechanic can just get out there and do like I can fake if something happens with my car I can fix it mostly I mean I'm not gonna rebuild the engine I'm no wings of redemption but I could I could find someone who could rebuild it for a fairly cheap but electric car I don't know but on the other hand you probably won't have to rebuild the engine or a bit you might be able to swap an electric motor this is thinking out loud yeah and the power really interests me like that thing isn't there's numbers are outrageous yeah they're outrageous they just destroy an internal combustion engine nearly all of them right like it's crazy a lot of people are excited about electric itself but my driving use case isn't that normal you know I do a lot of normal drives like take Colin with speech therapy or whatever but a lot of my drives I'm towing a trailer to Georgia and stuff like that that's the kind of thing where gasoline really thrives there's a little more energy in a tank of gas and it's so quick to refill and yeah you've got long-haul drives like with the trailer if people don't tow they don't realize that cuts your fuel economy in half on a gas engine yeah it would be just fine for me you know I'm in a major city and my drives are usually thirty minutes out thirty minutes back like it'd be ideal so yeah I would definitely want one of these I bet it's kind of prohibitively expensive this is probably one of those eighty thousand dollar [ __ ] Mustangs when you could you know could get a get one like wings got four seventeen thousand which is a really nice car by the way like not that you know no jokes looking at it it looks really nice I rented one of those things about a year and a half two years ago the EcoBoost and it's got so many functions for like driving modes like there's a drag race mode or something like that like quarter mile and I was just like I was playing with all of them along the way I got the convertible and it was pretty quick it wasn't as fast as my car but it was quick your cars it was plenty quick I follow this kind of news or it has the largest or will have the largest recharging network in the country you'd think yeah Tesla's been working on this for five years like how can that be apparently they just got a bunch of existing charging places under contract and now they're all Ford places where you can charge your electric Mustang or f-150 I wish they would all come under one umbrella you know what I mean like that like Walker rate right now it's not like oh yeah I've got a Chevrolet so I've got access to 18 Chevrolet yeah gas stations in my area what they really will Ford as 27 the debit card model right like all right you bought a Chevy you can charge for free or at a discounted rate at the Chevy gas station or if you put a Ford there you pay a little more just like debit cards I'd be okay with that as long as it's not ridiculous like if it was like a two dollar surcharge which is what they do to you on the debit card or three dot hey what's the biggest surcharge that you can ever remember a medium [ __ ] slapping on you because I've been at theme parks trying to get like $150 to buy some anayia and pretzels or some [ __ ] and it slips $7 $8 stuff like that just to get your money out I want to see I've seen it in maybe it was a casino oh yeah yeah yeah casinos are the worst that's right that's right but you don't care cuz you're already getting money to throw away you can see no now I'm only using normally gonna lose ninety one of those levers on the side where you put it in it's like ah well I got 140 am i 150 back are you gonna do I'm play every time I was thinking about wings last night I was like yes oh I was thinking about it was a shower I'm sorry Kerry I was lying in bed and I'm just thinking like you ever have somebody asking for proof of residence you know to fill out some form or something like that and you got to go get like your electrical bill or something like that he just hands in the keys [Laughter] her wings huh wings do what he's prospering like poor wings he plays video games for a living and then we'll see a bride's new cars prosper yes prospering he's been prospered for a long time I'm starting I think maybe wings boohoo's to get those pity donations he seems to be doing real well he's always complain about money but he's always got plenty to spend that's all I'm saying let me to borrow he means what's the difference well there is a difference once he borrows but I'm just saying we didn't buy that Mustang with cash he made money trading in the original Mustang what he don't you understand I'm sure he got one over on that used car salesman into a house would you like a toothpick for those three jelly bellies you like these three jelly bellies it was a yeah dude that guy needs to be called out on his [ __ ] nobody believes you red paperclip guy and you're trash you didn't trade that into a house oh really unless he found her like a really rich [ __ ] guy who's like now I can't ever give you this paperclip because this has magical properties okay he did it in 14 trades let me line him up for you and you can tell me if you think it's it's reasonable I make my mark he traded the red paperclip for a fish-shaped pen and then he traded the pen the same day for a hand sculpted doorknob and then he traded the doorknob for a Coleman camp stove with fuel that for a Honda generator whoa big step up he traded the generator for an instant party which is an empty keg with an IOU for filling it on Budweiser sign and some other stuff he traded the instant party or a ski-doo snowmobile god damn he traded that for a two-person trip a vacation he traded that for a box truck that for a recording contract with Metalworks and Mississauga ON who is this man how does he know these people he traded that for a year's rent in Phoenix he traded the year's rent for an afternoon with Alice Cooper he traded the Cooper afternoon for motorized snow globe that seems like a downgrade the snow globe for a role in the film Donna on demand and that for a two-story farmhouse you know the I think what we should take from this is this guy was so well-connected that that none of this even matters because clearly he knows lots of people in the entertainment business and and and and lots of rich people with lot with with just frivolous spending habits that's the key to doing this is knowing a lot of people who just don't give a [ __ ] people like drug problems the scope local artist fascinates me he had an afternoon with Alice Cooper all right first of all he had a year's rent and he traded that for an afternoon with Alice Cooper that seemed like a downgrade to me and then an afternoon with Alice Cooper first snow globe what the heck was this a solid-gold snow globe I'd like to see the snow globe a year's rent - a snow globe is a huge downgrade yeah I wouldn't take afternoon with Cooper for free I own estate like it if they if someone told me like hey Alice Cooper wants to hang out with you all day he's across the street but what do you wear to that cargo shorts and a t-shirt I honestly wouldn't go I don't care to meet Alice Cooper late like at all like I'm not a fisted name an old school rock guy that you would want to meet Ozzy Osbourne I'd love to meet Aussie Osbourne I thank you yeah yeah that's my least favorite Wow did you ever watch The Osbournes on MTV that's why different now but he had this thanks he was good come here we'll do a furnace flooring contraption in you in your garage please sir you could just put that here and a rifle I know the flying machines totally safe I think I already broke it shaky and burn out yes today that's I don't think I'd enjoy my my time in that I would I feel like he's one of those rich guys that that like you need to know if you want to turn a red paperclip into a [ __ ] house like you could probably arrange two or three steps up if you're hanging around Ozzy Osbourne long enough yeah Shaunie cannot have it that's porn you could directly trade that would be my article be like tailored traded a red paperclip into a house first he duped Ozzy I when I first heard about the red paperclip I'm older than you guys it was still ongoing you know like people were it became a media sensation type thing so like he might have had but I don't know the afternoon with Alice Cooper or something like that so a lot he might have had some favorable trades deeper in the run you know the paper but the celebrity would you pay $10,000 to spend not just a day with let's say you're getting to spend like a night we can demo what's money to be thrown 10k around I'm not doing that for any celebrity right yeah I'm with you on that but which if the core of the question is who would you really want to spend time with I like politics a lot so one of the last the current or previous president would appeal to me Toronto Mayor that died who was fat and on crack and did a bunch of crazy [ __ ] Rob yeah seems like he'd be a barrel of fun even dead he opted to hang out with Rob Ford's corpse he's dying of pneumonia and so you have to do it just like the onion peels get that there's a key in pill skip where the kids like most make-a-wish kids and he's like I want to pee in your mouth and they're like what yeah I want to pee in your mouth I hope for the last three presidents now it's not any more entertaining george george w bush would be cool to hang out with rats i guarante like let lighten stuff obama was a good president but i don't know if he's fun to hang out with you know what I mean he was I think he did Marc Maron's podcast and Marc Maron was blown away by him or who every interview him that I heard interviewed after the fact but I don't think I have any fun with Obama I don't think we would like have any sort of interesting dialogue with one another but George W Bush I feel like he's I mean I gotta take cocaine and he was a raging alcoholic and these are all things I like and the people I spend time with we want somebody over but only the later years I want Schwarzenegger I think Schwarzenegger is the best Schwarzenegger and OJ Simpson are my top - they're all my Mount Rushmore of celebs to chill with and if I have to choose between them it's oj yeah he is fun as long as he doesn't you know as long as you don't cheat on him and steal a house from him you know what that's all it I'll try not to I don't think the juice is gonna be cutting my head off long as I don't mess with his ladyfriend I've got Joe Rogan in my head but I think he'd get preachy on me I don't need him to tell me how I'm not making the most out of me I don't want to talk about DMT all day I don't want to be told that I should exercise more by Joe Rogan yeah you do because you would exercise with him what do you want to exercise because Joe Rogan like yes it's like heaven forbid you come on the Jerry show with dadbod he'll tell you all about it I play the other lifestyle changes need to make and how you need to sleep and have some [ __ ] elk meter I don't know you can't get any taller I'll give up my shoes that'll add to I can't help but notice that the aggh has made your internal organs swell to the point where your your abs stick out further in your pecs what's up with that it's a it's not a human look it's not a human look you got going on there Joe okay ed what the [ __ ] is wrong with you Eddie whatever say that to him no bow cuz you do it a bill bird precious how was your how was your head grown twice the size since you left news radio that was the late 90s you were an adult his hairs daughter's head volume is even bigger it makes no sense scientifically speaking if that transformation happened in a Marvel movie and nobody said anything about you come on the CEO of the company's head suddenly starts getting big and nobody realizes that their boss is Brainiac of course it's Brainiac I think Joe Brogan is smarter than he was in the news radio which ties into my head size intelligence theory that's been proven many times there's this well-respected field of phrenology do that would have been the best way to be a scientist in olden days you know three bunch of skulls and you got like a whatever caliper yeah it's a caliper where you're like ah this guy was a rapist you know I'm no doctor so I can take a yeah being a doctor gets more and more fun I think the further back in time you get Oh for sure just you're just making [ __ ] up as you go along you're just like the guy with the cleanest hands yeah someone's got to pull it out of matumbo was about Billy his heads are very clean and he is a very good doctor hands in there goat piss and then come over here yeah 3,000 years ago being a doctor that would have been pretty sick yeah I was watching the Brogan had this guest recently who was talking about the pygmies in Africa or some [ __ ] and how like it's like that thing we always joke about for some reason where that you know you're always like somehow they want to crack open the white man's skull to cure the AIDS yeah they want they weren't literally holding this pig this little boy down and cutting him and bleeding him cuz they wanted to drink his blood to cure their AIDS was he albino did it were it was black he was just a pygmy you know there's a little fun and and they were raping all the women just raping the church is burning the women just going ham why were they doing this to get rid of their their aids okay no it's a real thing like I don't think that's a real thing beat no no being like being born albino in some of those areas in Africa the roughest spot in life cuz you are gonna get [ __ ] with even if they don't [ __ ] with you you're gonna you're in Africa and you're you have no what is it melatonin yeah Mel tones that's that that that other stuff yeah help you sleep yeah well I say it does but I don't think that's true I think research showed that it was the sodium and the fat or something like that from from the turkey oh you know they look at that later though do you think your trip to fill its [ __ ] tryptophan there's way too much for us to keep track of these days that I agree with I those things are roasting under the Sun imagine like like I get sunburned pretty badly I've got kind of fair-skinned tailors even more fair than I am and but but like someone like Bill burr who's like a ginger like oh he's that he's the worst of the worst until you see that albino African boy just hiding in a hut he suddenly go down you're right I never thought about that that sucks I'm a people think it means you know maybe not my yet because I get a lot of Sun in the summer but I'm not a ginger I'm a ginger factor right I'm a ginger producer and actually quite fair skinned I don't know what kind of factory I am yet we'll see I'm closed for repairs I plan to I absolutely plan to like I don't see dice [ __ ] it's solid life advice Xbox Live taught me long ago that I did not I do not want a child and I have made fun of far too many young Ling's with disabilities to roll those dice if there is a God oh yeah they're gonna get you then I am gonna spawn a mutant with with [ __ ] octopus arms and and an 83 IQ and it's not gonna go well if you if you're a black albino person what are you well you're still a African yeah that is ask where you're from I don't know but like your ethnicity would be African or whatever yeah you'd say Americans not it like if that's a it's a geography right am I crazy yeah geography no nationality is what you're thinking of ethnicity is like race right no national because Africa is a continent not a nation it's African American is geography thing it's a distinction of geography yeah I think you could be everything in white as such as South African there you go like a Scarlett Johansson just kind of Harrisburg you left out a syllable Kyle there's two hands in there but I mean like they would still carry an African with albinism albinism however you say it would still they'd be more likely to have a child that's albino but most likely it would the child would be black right or no I I'd say why just rate up want to know what a black albino is is that open had a white person well no it's not a European person it's a it's a black person but it's yeah alright alright yes that is a white person because they are white but that is not I don't have yes they're not Caucasian a leader yeah that's the way to say it I believe the scientific word starts with an N but it is with a mole it ends with an O but I don't want to get close to it it's too close we're gonna call a brother in this climate [Laughter] safe angle I think we are all coming off as it's never happened once yeah I don't know but the same way that like if you have a genetic defect you're more likely to pass it on but no I guess it depends on the genetic defect sometimes you're like almost guaranteed to pass it on and other times like you can like have a totally normal kid as long as I don't know how that works like it could you have a it yeah like there's some in utero things that can happen to you right you know I can little cut off the brain blood flow for a moment or something and you won't pass that on I think no you don't pass that on by nose work we're doing a recessive and dominant traits and grades and whether or not things are likely or are not so likely to be passed on to your offspring it also depends on you what your partner is like what their genetics are like because sometimes like you're fine as long as your partner doesn't have the same recessive trait as you but but if both of you have it then your child is definitely gonna have like octopus arms or whatever the [ __ ] like there's all sorts of stuff with genetics that's why you should always get the person that you're gonna have these little mutant babies with checked out right to make sure that she's you think are compatible yes yeah kinetically so how did you do it did she volunteer did you steal a glass she drank from I held her down and cut her hair you gotta pull her hair get the roots that's where the good DNA is that's true like vitiligo vitiligo the likely this is reversible a go we've talked about him before but there's an MMA fighter who had vitiligo and he was he pretty much turned white like you would think that he was a white guy at this point yeah it turns out that vitiligo is accelerated by like rubbing on that area right so you as a normal person you might get white licking your armpits around your neck maybe between your legs first right hands right things that move a lot but him is a grappler like his whole body's being just dragged across the mat daily that that's you know what I don't like so he turned white I don't like whenever they take a picture of somebody who's got vitiligo and they're like she's beautiful and it's just like why can't we all admit when someone is unattractive or when something is wrong with them that is not appealing to the eye I'm really happy with you that I think that a really like structurally beautiful person with vitiligo can still be beautiful like if you have if you if you were wide vitiligo - I don't know I'm bringing up Emma Watson I talked about her earlier I think she'd still be beautiful I but I wanted the obese person with vitto let's take a really fit chick nice happy trail vitiligo or not we all agree she's rockin bad turn why - the whole body acceptance movement should be for people with like villi go for a missing leg that from Afghanistan a burn victim an acid attack victim but it has been entirely co-opted appetite discipline disorder yeah yeah so that's a shame like someone out there with like burns on their leg and their face is you know getting shut down because they have thin privilege or some poor person birds are their face like what are you worried about skiddy yeah you can probably eat whatever you 5 pounds like you you privileged [ __ ] I don't have any legs yes birds say weighs us into that topic can we watch this I have a group watch thing to do have you guys seen this already yeah last year I oh that is possible actually it's a year old have we watched it on the show yeah Oh watch it again I mean that never stopped us before especially me it's a really cool video it's fun to watch alright so what you're gonna see is a dad and a son I guess trapped in a forest fire of reasons I can't explain the son is driving and what's interesting in the video to me is the tension the the kid is scared to death dad has like a forced calm that I'm not buying and let's listen are you guys ready mm-hm Ready Set play [ __ ] is never getting laid but I guess they weren't announcing you know fire schedules on the Polish radio there's Siri thinks I'm talking to me are you trying to escape okay it said my sis is a little bear anyway and what happens is they they drive up upon a flaming log that's blocked the road they decide they can't back up they can't K turn and they can't go backwards it's like they just where they just came through so they get out of the car they run down the flaming Hill and get rescued by boaters and it turns out alright I guess that's how we got the footage I'm glad they ended well yeah oh damn it I should have bought in more like oh I guess I was totally bought in I'm like you did that are they gonna make are they gonna be okay but the fact that footage survived that's what made the Blair Witch Project not as scary but didn't any footage its yeah oh yeah all those people died yeah I guess I didn't get as big as I thought yes I'm a solid counter-argument to your phrenology [Laughter] [Laughter] retarding my head 500 years from now they're like no it's nothing but hockey stats and impressions of retards they all say like oh it's not the size of the brain it's the amount of wrinkles on it I've heard that many times I don't know if it's science based but I'm like but it's the surface area in the wrinkles add to that right but you'd think all things being equal more sizes more surface area I get it wrinkles add surface area quite a bit but so to size a wrinkly big brains better than a wrinkly small brain yeah Neanderthals are smarter than us they had bigger heads the science is indisputable it's indisputable it's something that I remembered just now to me it's unquestionable the three-body problem put it forward in an interesting way they're like I don't know the right answer this but how long would you say that human brains have been as capable as they are about a quarter million years okay that's longer than I guess but I don't know in a species if you had told me thirty thousand years I'd add up let's say somewhere between thirty thousand and two hundred and fifty thousand years right that's a quarter million okay yeah yeah I did that on purpose like that wasn't an accident like a summer between cows guessing my guess is a human brains have been this good but human advancement is what like 2,000 years like maybe well like 7,000 even argue a lot of it is 400 years you know from the sailboat to where we are now has been a huge advances like a sailboat I'm saying like Columbus sailboat so I mean how long ago is the actual first civilization we can track it's in like Mesopotamia like 7,000 years ago and [ __ ] right or maybe in China like 5,000 BC as far as I know yes what came before that like you know the Fertile Crescent Mesopotamia the Syrah all these words from school what what came before that obviously nothing and those people didn't was only six thousand years I just if you were to hack the genome so that like humans were upgraded if you think about the advancement we had in the last 400 years if you were to vote like to vote like a hundred or two hundred years to upgrading the Wetwork imagine what would happen to the tech like if your brain was literally better I think we can do that yeah that'll probably advance real quick right there is great stuff I mean the Chinese are gonna do that yeah Chinese kid whose head is just this [ __ ] big he can't even hold it up they've got like straps to keep him upright he's thinking of all sorts of he's obviously Brady AK we could all see yeah yeah he's new kinds of Szechuan sauce all kinds of stuff only devoted to traditional Chinese food yes yes Americanized Chinese but he's thinking of all kinds of cool fortune cookies I went to or I could use improvement they're one of my my good friends is married to a Chinese woman and she's from China but she grew up here like so's family there so she goes back and everything she doesn't accent or anything but she was like cheese all it's called a banana are you not familiar with this I am NOT one side white on the inside yeah but anyway she was like oh we gotta take you you guys out incredible I think about I have a I have a rice paddy pass so we we went to we went to a like real legit Chinese place in a Chinese community okay micro community here st. Louis and there's like you'll go driving down this road and it'll be like [ __ ] Lions choice which is like a local fast-food place a Burger King Taco Bell dings takeout place they don't like almost metaphor phasis down this one road happens where it goes from like normal like American stuff to like Chinese restaurants written in English to straight-up signs on the side like characters Chinese characters on the side of buildings and we get to this one and I'm like huh interesting okay there was a Chinese market next door and the wait was a long time so I went in there and like poked around pro tip if you want strange meats or evil vegetables at an insanely cheap price find your local Chinese market because I was blown away at how cheap this [ __ ] was I'm serious it was insane like this is only parrots yeah sure that's that's beef each whatever you want it to be my dog don't ask there was a whole you know how I was like ramen packets they had that same style but with a clear opening on the front and it was called squid head and it was just squid heads in there and she said that she used to eat him all the time as a kid and I told her I'll take your word for it looks gross so anyway we go to the restaurant and it's like everyone in there aside from my girlfriend and I and my friend are Asian Chinese specifically all of them and that's how you know it's legit and it's good like all the talk from other tables not in English I'm expecting great things from this restaurant and the food by the way spectacular so [ __ ] good and the decor though was like what I imagined a Chinese person showing up here and just going American decor and just searching that they had the entire restaurants of wallpaper was like this wide strips of just street names in New York and it was over and over and over and so it'd be like oh wow Broadway Broadway Broadway Broadway I didn't even stagger and it was their drink policy I was like a Bud Light or something and they're like like the waitress didn't speak very good English and she just like pointed at a cooler in the corner I was like are you gonna get it for me too yeah don't get it I don't I don't wanna be rude and like literally my friend's wife is like going meet me now in the hotel my oh no no but like and then like said something back and she's like yeah Taylor you just hop up and grab your own and I was like oh okay we're on the honor system [ __ ] zero I was just getting such a [ __ ] laugh that they clearly did like one Google search and then just Broadway all around the restaurant great food I'll end up going back so yeah the Chinese Taylor are there any cultures where it'd be like Oh everyone's speaking in certain native language here this food is gonna suck oh I'm trying to think what's like a British nationality of food maybe but I like fish and chips and that's a fair fallback and they seem to do that really [ __ ] well shepherd's pie that solid dishes that are good that seems gross is beans on toast Oh Sherman hooligan culture that no Germans have great food all the worst schnitzels that's good they've got pretzels they're pretzels are great they got beer cheese they are big toy ladies to come around with the big beer stein Stein's yes time so there's this new movie coming out that I'm really jazzed about the Hitler movie what's it called it's like Johnny rabbit or something awful you're gonna say Johnny Depp as Hitler it's up walking around like he's drunk yeah yes Jojo rabbit Jojo rabbit what makes it interesting it's full of music yeah lectures the trailer is literally a music video a music video but well the trailer is so it's it's written and directed by the guy who made thor ragnarok whose name is o TT unpronounceable yeah yeah ly tt-take of what TT and it looks [ __ ] hilarious it looks to me like it's I try not to watch too much of trailers but it looks like it's gonna focus on this child who's in the Hitler Youth and he's being trained to it he's like he tells us Freddie's like oh my soul jet for you they have British accents cuz it's silly yeah I'm a soldier in his fingers but you're 11 because oh no they're at like Hitler Youth camp and who shows up but Hitler himself and he's like running with the kid light light light like having fun with him during the training there's a scene where the kid throws a throwing knife at a tree it bounces right back and hits another kid like stabs the kid in the thigh it looks really is we haven't really explored the comedic aspect of Nazis yet not thoroughly no glorious looks like a lot of fun I'm really jazzed about it speaking of a glorious bastard let me say guy who's in a have you guys seen what we do in the shadows oh she gets out I gotta find this I did I did and I really liked what we did well we are doing the shadows that was a weird vampire movie yeah this is like he's like he's like and this is this is Victor he is 7,000 years old it's opens the tomb and gives them a chicken that he eats I've been watching a lot of deep faith okay and my favorite do my favorite one I've watched so far I think might be Adam Sandler as the bear Jew that easy fake I'd like to see that you remember the scene where where the bear Jew comes out of the tunnel and he's like hitting the bat on the wall a [ __ ] yeah and they comes out to finish off the Nazi like Sargent or whatever like he's coming but he's making Adam Sandler googoo googoo gah-gah noises like oh he only shows up you know if they do such a good job it's [ __ ] Sandler it's let me see we would find it it's probably a [ __ ] music video too deep fakes you know that a lot of politicians are secretly stoked on deep fakes because they're like oh oh thank God when that comes out I can claim dig fake yeah right it's no it wasn't me molesting that kid on little st. James Island it was a stat that came out that said we had more governors with blackface than we had black governors and I'm like wonder Snopes is like yep that's true that's so [ __ ] funny yeah we have more Canadian Prime Minister's in blackface then it's full of music but you can just see from that screen yes right there that like that's [ __ ] at and it makes me wonder how he would have done I think Eli Roth maybe plays the bear Jew in the movie but but I would have taken Sandler Sandler's got a new movie coming out where he looks unrecognizable yeah it looks intense as [ __ ] searches grownups Oh Jim uncut gems yes uncut gems uncut gems looks insane it looks like a real like high like fast-paced the only thing the Jewish community likes uncut it looks like it's gonna be really good I want to see that too I'm looking forward to some new movies coming out I really enjoyed going to see what was that movie that we were we were we all watched really Joker I really enjoyed going to the theater for that it'd been a while since I'm a decent movie or at least one that I was interested in had come out that I felt was yeah there's angular that was the one before that yeah yeah this looks good I know I've seen this trailer I'll see this yeah I saw that was in the previews at Joker and that was that's that's where I saw the preview the first time so yeah I'm definitely down to see that I could see Joker again that movie was so good yeah I've told everybody I know I'm you know if you want to watch it let me know I want to out go again I'll take you whatever let's do it again all right so if I missed anything the first time yeah for sure that's gonna be one of those blu-rays I definitely purchased right away it's still so funny that people are ruining those stairs for everyone who lives around him little Joker dancing down the stairs I looked at the Joker reviews there were actually a lot of like it seems to be not a love it or hate it movie but it's definitely a love it or like it movie now there are a lot of people who thought it was a little OneNote okay I thought it was gonna be the only one that wasn't the case no I like that yeah I never really read reviews of movies I just gonna watch the trailer and see if I think it looks good yeah I like to form my own opinion I think that you know I like to look at the reviews and see if it's gonna be a real stinker or not because like mmm the the two movies I just mentioned I'm gonna watch regardless because I think I can tell that these are gonna be good just reading these books by their covers I suppose or not so much you see the trailer you see a lot of it but sometimes I don't know and I like to see like is it a three percent on Rotten Tomatoes because that might be telling but some of my favorite movies are have really low rotten tomato ratings and I think they're really high well respected like like whenever I'm on the the movies subreddit and you know some Obie someone will ask for a good like sci-fi horror movie everybody's always recommending event horizon and then you look at the Rotten Tomatoes for event horizon it's like thirty percent something like that it's real [ __ ] what you guys I mean I don't one is hard what's like in no particular order top three movies all-time and if it's a if it's a series of movies just name the series so you don't have to split Godfather twos my number one The Shining is number two and three is probably Shawshank Redemption so I struggle with recency bias a lot when topics like this come up you know like the first the pot that my head was in-game like I really really liked that movie but is that just recency bias you know maybe yeah like like trying like think about like you as a like kid or a young man like those okay like old-school Star Wars I liked a lot but i rewatch him and I'm like oh this was actually slower pace than I thought it was like it it was better in my memory than if watching what I'll call the fourth one which is the oldest one yeah it's not as good as I thought it was at the time yeah they're pretty garbage I would say the Lord of the Rings American Psycho I really like the thing Nate opened her movie yeah John yeah yeah Russell all the horror movies I've ever seen I think that's my favorite one because it does a good job of like you should like I love thrillers but I like the horror aspect and a lot of the time the thrillers you see that are really good aren't very scary it's more just like what's gonna happen next what do they just discover where are they moving what do they just like that kind of thing this is like a thriller horror that genuinely is scary and keeps you on the edge yeah the thing is an excellent movie John Carpenter made up a lot of cool movies like that I like the the music I like the the setting I like all the characters there's a lot of good character actors in there but the practical effects steal the [ __ ] show the practical effects and that are amazing there's no CGI it's [ __ ] it went when that body [ __ ] he's like he's doing chest compressions on this guy and the guy's entire chest opens up sprouts teeth and and like cuz he's doing chest compressions his hands go inside the man and the body bites the guy's arms off up to like the elbow it's so [ __ ] crazy I've got my 3spooky they're not gonna be great people make fun but here it is endgame Indecent Proposal a movie I didn't even enjoy but I was really impressed with how much it made me feel they can move me and the first Paranormal Activity another one not a cinematic great but um it scared me like it moved me and that's what impresses me and that's what I guess I'm judging it by right now in theaters that scared the [ __ ] outta me yeah I well it scared me more than I let on to the people I was with where they're like everybody's but I'm just kind of like haha it's Kerry has had me completely engaged and wrapped up and vulnerable to what it was trying to do to me yeah oh good movie it's it's a very good movie I think what I thought was excellent - have you ever seen requiem for a dream yeah saddest [ __ ] I was thinking going or doing I'm not sure if if Indecent Proposal made you feel something and that and and for you that's you it sounds like that's what it sounds like what you're going by like what makes the movie good is a movie that can make you feel something and have like an actual reaction to it and and all three of those you named have done that for you I know because you know we talk about Captain America picking up the hammer and that triumphant music and you get kind of choked up but you're pumped and then you know Indecent Proposal the the sort of emotional shattering that that we putting yourself in his shoes the whole you know Indecent Proposal as it were and then what what did you say your third one was in games is that the end oh you did endgame Indecent Proposal and and we ran home activity and obviously paranormal activity you have this visceral reaction you know your heart is literally pounding that scared me so so much when I watch that I haven't no mood for a dream will fit right in there for you if you rest I'm going to write that down I'm like oh yeah but let me know right after the moment you finish it there's another one about the name of it but I'm positive you guys don't know it Clint Eastwood is in there and he's coaching a female boxer Million Dollar Baby Million Dollar Baby had an impact on me - that was like I'm fitting sad and it's like Old Yeller with a white chick yeah that was that was a really good movie there is a scene in there like just a it worked on me to illustrate how passionate she was about this dream she's learning boxing footwork and she she's a waitress so she's waiting tables this way never crossing her feet like her whole movement around the restaurant was proper boxing footwork because it had consumed her life and it was her passion and it was really good it was a really really good movie great movie yeah yeah clay would make some real [ __ ] he's got another one coming out dudes like 90 and I think he's working on a new film I think we've talked about it before that if they're not that's the mule that you're probably thinking of but but like and that was like last year's movie he's got a neo the Richard Jewell movie so yeah that's the Centennial Olympic Park bombing the the 1996 Atlanta Olympics and Richard Jewell found the bomb and he saved everyone he was like there's a [ __ ] bomb here everybody run and like they sent a bomb squad and they diffused the bomb and dozens potentially hundreds of people don't get killed and maimed at the Olympics and the first thing they do is they're like so you found the bomb huh lucky you why'd you do it no he's a corporal wait what wait it the here's you're gonna love this little tidbit of trivia the guy playing Richard Jewell Taylor remember the Juggalos for life episode of It's Always Sunny yeah that's him no he's the Juggalos for life kid yeah he's got a juggler no I'm a Juggalo the how do you remember that like from real life or were you too young bad bombing oh I remember it very well yeah yeah okay yeah I want to say the guy who actually did it fled into like the mountains of North Carolina and he was caught he was like on the run for a while and they caught him coming down out of the mountains like fight and forage for food in a dumpster and they caught him that way way I remember Richard Jules name was slurred scarred like damaged scorched earth yeah for sure or while like it wasn't like they looked at him the two days later said hey everyone just so you know he's innocent now it was like a footnote two years later like yeah cuz they look so bad they're not gonna you know the FBI isn't gonna come and say hey we goofed you know best law enforcement agency off the planet you know we were really wrong this time also the entire news media they should probably you guys are coming out next to apologize right yeah let's just cancel this whole thing it's good because it was [ __ ] CNN and like all the major networks and the FBI [ __ ] on this guy's name for like a year and a half till he's getting death threats his life is being ruined he's hiding and that's what this movie is about and in reality actual I want to throw around the word hero but saved a lot of people by doing his job well cuz Abe's a security guard or something like that yeah and that's Clint Eastwood movie yeah he died at 44 from spoiler alert diabetes written guided 44.7 yeah dude there's I have a local story here for your in my neck of the woods Wake County North Carolina a football coach got fired from his job they even last someone know he said something racist so when I first heard it I thought like oh that's unfortunate I wonder what he said right like sometimes people will say something racist and it's it's not the worst thing you could say right and then I was like well maybe he dropped the n-bomb that's no good right then let me not supposed to do that I'd expert on this topic well know turned out this gentleman said white power Knightdale I still love you brother but not brother and uh he didn't mean it in a negative way though he says he did say through the years his friends who are black if said it's okay for him to use the n-word he had a hood pass he said this is the records yeah he says he explained to me that this was quote locker room talk which was cannot making this up good locker room talk condoned by his black players he used while celebrating Friday with friends goodness boys I don't know if any of you have ever used the phrase white power outside of this show right here nobody should have said because he's from Knightdale was night power he I feel like Trump would have been like you all misheard me I said night power yes we're coming to the scene it's white power it blasts away stages-- I would know ask anyway I've been around them for so long we're friends I mean nothing from it the word can be used in multiple ways they treat me as any of their own friends just seem like there's a little distance there I I don't know him I don't know what to make of this he's like 12 years of my career ruined in 15 seconds and and through that lens I almost feel bad for him on the other hand who says white power in the N word and like the same sentence the most important thing in this is 12 years and he was still the assistant football coach this might be a blessing in disguise brother risen the prestigious title of assistant coach of the local high school football team and all of that was ripped down under weight of any weight they pay you for that job well no but I don't well I'm an accountant by trade anymore God for fun yeah you say that like if you're not I feel like certain people should be able to say whatever they want like especially if it's satirical but this wasn't satire this was him like making a public statement and it like no tongue-in-cheek no this is how a guy was talking and he even admits almost in his explanation that like hey I say this all the time nobody's got a problem with it alright well we do I don't like him saying like flower I know I can please say way from her now but I do did used to find the A&R thing a little weird it's in media like if I've read Tom Sawyer can I still not say it if it's an exam if you're reading Tom Sawyer if you can't say it if you're holding someone now I know it was a misquote but you can't say it if you're quoting someone can you say it if you're reading something like like what your girls are very like ated for me like but the white power thing I was that's not a close call what are you saying I was saying like you're saying like can you read it and stuff and like the like what was it Tom Sawyer yes like that book where yeah Huck Finn where it's in there the whole time and like part of the character development is by the end he's going oh you're just Jim you're Jim okay Jim you're not n-word Jim that I've been calling you the entire book and like if you remove that from the book then you remove the entire you lose the mark which is him coming to the realization that this is a person I'm talking to you that doesn't need a qualifier like that in front of it you're just Jim yep you don't need any word you're absolutely right and so when you take that out of certain like historical texts like that because that is historical at this point like you lose a lot of the punchiness and the original meaning like people right now are like oh that books like a racist it's like it was literally an anti-racist book showing the progression of someone growing to realize their past mistakes yeah it was an escaped slave anyway I mean criminal argue that point here white power yeah the n-word is very complicated the rules for that and now I've simplified them for myself just just use the B word but it's funny I feel like when we were real loose with it now what's up brothers it's all good but the white power thing I don't know how he could possibly do what was he thinking how funny would it be if like they're like that's like a 200 year old like school slogan they're there in all white helmets do you know who's doing Steinbrenner's voice you know they're always do go Larry David that was Larry David the whole [ __ ] is such an idiot Maysoon able to hear the case never caught it I never caught a Costanzo George George bring these bring this pieces or what is it the the calzones calzones bring these calzones you know what you got a lotta great ideas but a great Santa Monica things are gonna bring for you you know don't walk away come on he never says don't walk away he just I love that my favorite one is where George wants to get fired so he's just he literally takes the World Series trophy ties it behind his car and starts doing laps out in the parking lot and Stein burners like I love it George you made a statement I'm really old in with the new yeah you know what I never did like I never did like Babe Ruth I found out recently wasn't even assault him he was a fat man with little legs he's out and he stands up puts his leg up on the desk it's like these are Lou Gehrig's pants oh I hope that nerved is easy hat is it ketching god that show I don't I can't imagine myself ever getting tired of rewatching side feller I go riding is so good here's another example but the episode where Jerry and Elaine are in some like antique store and he and and she spots one of those cigar shop Indians one of those big wooden Indian guys later on he goes to her apartment to give her this as like a peace offering late because he had like he had done something you know he's always like [ __ ] [ __ ] up and her friend she's had like a girls poker night and one of the ladies there is Native American woody doesn't know um Jerry doesn't know it and and Jerry's going he's like rocking the Indian Bay yo ho ho ho he's like making all these Native American like faux pause like I thought we could smoke him the piece five you know I brought you this and the girl gets super super offended but Jerry's really into her he goes and he apologizes and she's like alright well I guess I'll go out with you and then like okay Kramer's driving down the road in a in the backseat of a taxi and he's got the cigar shop Indian with it and he goes hey Jerry [Applause] she's like what the [ __ ] like every time he he's trying so hard not the same one where he's like oh let me ask the mail that if you guys a good Chinese restaurant the mailman's bent over like doing something and he's like excuse me do you know where a good Chinese restaurant might be like oh why must I know in a good Chinese restaurant is is it because I'm I need she's looking at gold oh man you know the neighborhood like yeah it's [ __ ] great he was trying to he got tickets for like a gun show he was like they were they were sold out but I found what I found uh you know one of those guys who you know what you know the guys who sells the tickets for things that are and and at the restaurant also at the right I called the restaurant I made a reservoir dot to use any other words didn't know color and II can give her at the end you know the best time I felt bit for me anyway by far was the girl he was dating her and he liked her but he didn't remember her name so he had people stop by trying to get them tried to get her to introduce herself but she wouldn't and and then she dropped a hint that her name was after a female body part yeah it is he's like Mulva is your name hessed Laurie Ola yeah get the name gamers like hey Cosmo Kramer I love when Kramer goes on the Leonardo da Vinci sleep pattern where he sleeps 20 minutes every three hours it's so [ __ ] funny I'll never get tired of that joke that it's always sunny South Park like a couple others are shows that I just need to give like a year or so time in between and then I can rewatch the whole series of love it yeah I do that Lee office so much dude I've seen I've seen the office so so so many times late seasons I don't like rewatching as much was a great first season offend Allah that you know the completely remodel Michael Scott after season yeah he was the star of that show oh for sure yeah well him Dwight and Jim were like the trifecta of funny except Jim was more just a straight man he was never that independently funny it was like you root for Jim Jim's your guy you know yes yeah yeah exactly yeah and everybody else is like this Amy world but that that Jim and Pam sort of inhabit if you're a girl watching the show you might see yourself as Pam if you're a guy you probably see yourself as Jim and then they just sort of exist in this world of sani characters Kevin's Kevin MA and all the characters are really interesting a lot he's one of my favorites me like Kevin - that's so good I wish I could find like a modern show that's still out that I feel the same way about huh I guess so know what Oh Brooklyn is pretty good I tried watching that I couldn't get into it like it just didn't make me laugh very hard the only guy I thought was funny was occasionally the very autistic black chief who just didn't care what was going on and then Andy Samberg but even after a couple episodes I was just like I'm like disappointed that a nice Amburg and his wife Amy in the show aren't like a real-life couple like they're so perfect together they're written well but is it still on yeah like still coming out comes out in January have you guys watched any of the new season of It's Always Sunny not yet no I'm up to date on it is it depressing is it not good some good some bad they they're aging yeah who isn't Mac okay yeah max look he's better than he did in season three last year yeah last year he's still ripped they did an episode that's sort of like an allegory for global warming where like they're trying to tell everybody in the bar that hey hey everybody stop dancing around so much that it's getting hot in here the air conditioning you're over taxing it and we can't afford to turn the air Christian so low and he's like and their girls like but I want ants but well we all want to dance but yeah maybe for the betterment of everyone we don't dance so much maybe a slow dance and she's like and you know we're running a little low on liquor maybe instead of ten shots shot she's but I want ten shots somebody like you don't tell her what she needs so they've all stripped down to their underwear and Max just sitting there like [ __ ] Jesus just super duper ripped just it's it's absurd I honestly Dennis is in really good shape to like not on the level of Mac but like a top 5% body we max on steroids right I don't know yeah I don't know I want to see I'm getting better at identifying starett the Karma Camero Guzman that guy I was looking at his pictures there is no photographic evidence of that guy not having hard nipples it has to be envoy who he's a the current hundred and seventy pound UFC champion what's his name Camaro Osman us ma n yeah you look at he has hard nipples in every shot yeah glass with these bad boys you know what's even harder than who's Mons nipples yes I do Kevin leaves a belly button well that leads us into our sponsor blue cheese have you seen Kevin Lee's belly button it protrudes out like a giant nipple on in the middle instead of a belly button he has like a a belly button nipple that just sticks out and it's the grossest thing I've ever seen and I was on poopy girls calm or max arm looking good he's got the nice tricep definition look at this upper abs I'm more envious of that core than the arms traps are huge they look good they're defined but they're not steroid level so I think he's just a hard worker and he throws that girl around like she's weightless in that and that seemed that this photo is taken from he's [ __ ] spoiling her it's it's really impressive what he's done you mentioned a sponsor let me tell her about Casper mattresses because they actually are sponsored a night this episode of PK is brought to you by Casper mattresses Casper is asleep brand that makes expertly designed products to help you get your best rest one night at a time Casper products are cleverly designed to mimic human curves providing supportive prefer all kinds of bodies their breathable design helps you sleep cool and regulate your body temperature throughout the night Casper offers two other mattresses the wave and the essential the wave features a patent-pending premium support system to mirror the natural shape of your body the essential has a streamlined design at a price that won't keep you up at night Casper also offers a wide array of other products like pillows and sheets to ensure an overall better sleep experience all designed developed and assembled in the USA they've got affordable prices because Casper cuts out that middleman and they sell directly to you and you can be sure of your purchase with casters 100 night risk-free sleep on a trial so start sleeping better today and get 100 bucks toward any tour select mattress purchases by visiting Casper comm / PK and using code PK a checkout terms and conditions apply that's Casper comm / PK a promo code PK a a check out for 100 bucks toward select mattresses I just got another cast for the other day they're genuinely good mattresses yeah I've got I've got two of them I am on the guest bedroom yeah like that's what I'd buy it's tough you know the free folk subreddit yeah they really remind me how bad came to thrones got I almost forget but like bran walking into a bird the entire white lessons right like hey guys no avail to no avail to no event nothing come came there were so many plot points that are just like dead ends yeah where they teased so much and paid off almost nothing like I always think back one of the big things that I remember when they were the fist of the first men in like season 1 and I think Sam discovered that underground like parcel that had like that horn in it and the dragonglass daggers mm-hmm and it was like holy [ __ ] this is going to be key to the plot never came back up and you know Sam getting his dad's sword that that doesn't happen free folk right now so yeah it's for sword and I was like they remind me more and more like they just so many it's like lost lost every episode of lost made me want to watch the new thread that they opened up and then at the end it was just a big frazzled not like you yeah [ __ ] those guys man they really [ __ ] and and they did it on purpose out of greed I'm glad that they didn't they're not getting the Star Wars project it's like they weren't interested in Game of Thrones anymore so they just threw it away that's exactly what it was I mean I've said it before on the show but like my bet is that they were locked into a contract for like what they're gonna get paid per episode of Game of Thrones and HBO was like hey you want to do 10 20 more episodes and they're like hit that rate we'll knock it out in six and and and meanwhile they've got this other project that god knows what they're going to make because they just came off of the most successful television of all time they just wanted to get out of this current contract just like any any like professional athlete would do the same thing hey you gonna play a couple more seasons like now my contracts up am I gonna play for the Lakers and make three times as much speaking of the Lakers did you see LeBrons hair fall off I did because there is an actual clip of LeBrons hair falling you have a leak no he not get plugged I don't think so so LeBrons hairline has been regarded as one of the best comebacks in all of sports I thought that it was real that if you had unlimited money you could get really good replacement hair that's what I thought it turns out he's been gluing his hair on yeah in this clip so I think you want to scroll if you scroll down there's an image you can see and it basically it like slid up like it comes unglued and it slides up but in this in this clip here I could I'm on YouTube it's a 1 minute and 20 second clip yeah well we got our hang on can we show this footage I don't know with NHL if you show we've shown people shooting like between period goals the NHL like copyright strikes it like I don't know how much we can show yeah you know like this fan shoot it in the there's a board in front so there's a small hole yeah copyright hit for [ __ ] like that alright so yeah I agree that this is actual like I don't know what channel but TNT or ESPN footage is it's what this is so so if anyone wants to see this it's the video is by a youtube channel called PHP and it's it's the title is called LeBrons hair falls out during games doesn't know and then anthony davis lets him know it's a long worried title but that's what happens like he's got like a nice headband on and it has slid up and his whole hairline has slid up with it and bunched up like mid a head and Anthony Davis LaHaye your [ __ ] hairs coming off that he's laughing [ __ ] he's laughing at him and the wrong look got damn Anthony Davis one of three people in the league who can make fun of LeBron like their peers almost you know he's younger so he doesn't have accomplishments but he's a very very good player he's hamming us but yeah so i i thought he had plugs i thought that they did his hair great it looked so good it made me wonder if maybe black people hair was easier than white people here it was so good but I guess it's glued on and the headband took his hair blind and pushed it up to where like I don't know what's there like glue and hair residue or something LeBron James before if it's just glued on it's happened before and it's it's very thin in the back like it's it's he's losing it completely there's no reason for this man not if she was again a long time ago yeah yeah there's no reason for him not to shave his head like first of all it's you know black people look just fine with that look it's a classic look for them you know yeah like people pull off bald a little better they really do and he's got the beard - like offset it I feel like guys who have like there's a there's a twitch streamer was it a WTF Moses and he's completely shaved big beard looks great or binging with babish the guy who does the cooking channel that you may have seen he does like meals from TV movies same thing like every darshan yeah these are all equivalent is week still rocking a beard I don't even know yeah it when you're heavy the beard helps a ton yeah with with the chin yeah like definition its facial contouring for men you know what's not good is you can gain like when I'm clean-shaven mmm-hmm like I've definitely been fat as [ __ ] clean-shaven but I know I'm getting fat and I know when I am fat like clean-shaven okay that's a riot rely on like thigh and belly looks when I have a beard because it's very easy to hide a bunch of trash when you have a beard and yeah I'm never shaving it I'm well if I have to I well but I just looks like some people just don't look some people look [ __ ] terrible with beards and some people look way way better with them and every single bit of feedback I've ever gotten from anyone is like yeah that's probably for you you round-headed the equivalent trap for women is stretchy pants they can wear stretchy pants and just be unaware of their gain and then they put on a pants with them you know no stretch innocent in a button it is like oh yeah I I blame these newfangled elastic band jeans you can buy not the not the Japanese or whatever the [ __ ] you're wearing our pajamas not the pajama jeans that are stretchy now you're still wearing pajama jeans every day all day okay oh I have no room to talk I'm in cargo shorts right now so they're sick dad now we're in my pants there's they're sick they look like I before I tell anyone that I'm wearing pajamas I'll be like hey what do you think of these jeans are pretty nice huh and the black yeah that is a nice pair of jeans what are those I was like I was like how much do you think this pair of jeans cost and they'll do what Taylor doesn't go I don't know eight nine thousand dollars it's a funny bit it never gets off this Mustang for $70 yeah I had some times before I took a nap earlier I fell asleep at him oh what's that yeah pajama jeans good moaning I don't like long pants I I've wore long pants today I was grumpy I'm a grumpy pants on which of the shorts suddenly I had a better outlook on life Barney character oh I pretty much never wear shorts really if I'm working out I'll wear athletic shorts if I'm going to like an event in the summer I'll wear like khaki shorts but as soon as it's like acceptable to wear pants is sometimes not even I go back to jeans like I just I feel like I look better in G because my legs are so pale and so hairy I might look better in pants too but I'm I'm not more comfortable doesn't tell the whole story I'm literally have a brighter outlook on life in shorts I I really have a shorts person it's where I should be yeah how's your working out been going pretty good I want to run so I've been I've been doing the calisthenics thing mostly I and some overhead press because I don't really I can't do vertical push-ups like against a wall or anything so I do an overhead press but um I have this posterior tib I think it's called this tendon that goes like from your calf to your foot mm-hmm it's I thought it was related a broken ankle they say it's not they say that it's actually just walking around barefoot flat foot I flat feet and because I don't work outside the house I'd exist barefoot almost all the time and and that's a anyway after wears shoes it's getting better i'll go days in between even noticing the problem i'm hoping to be cleared to run later this month and i want to run a mile a day for 30 days I think I've talked about this before it's all hot chick on YouTube do it said I should do that it's obviously hot people on YouTube are experts I want to see what it does to me I think if I run a mile a day for 30 days one it's like a mile run is not that long right even a regular I don't want to call myself let's say unfit even an unfit person like me can get to a mile without stopping in no time at all the end of the first week or maybe even the start even before that yeah right I might even start running a mile dish and but I think at the end of 30 days I might glide through it right I might throw in some longer ones I don't know I'm excited to see what it does to me and I want to make like a little video montage like here here I have out day one laying in the grass and then like you know all right now I'm on day 9 I got a thing going day 22 I'm gliding like let's see how it plays out or maybe it doesn't work out that well well I don't know no it will I'm a [ __ ] terrible runner I could run a mile right now non-stop like it wouldn't be a pretty mile it would probably be like eight men eight and a half minutes or something like that but I could do it the actually don't even know I haven't run a mile and so long I know even a half minutes is a long time to run a mile I always think of like sixes is good right I think eight and a half minutes would I would be pretty proud of that if that's what I hit and that would be like a track mile a mile in my that I have planned out like starting at my driveway is a little hilly and that'll add to it quite a bit for me well I suck at running I suck at running even the most fit old-school version of me didn't run as well as you'd think he might and then the current version of me just sucks at running so we'll see how that goes I'm trying to start you and I have a similar body type probably big upper bodies boxy wide torsos and then good Burzum hips nice birthing that's why that girl made fun of me at 13 [ __ ] still remember at 13 the one that I you know the slap story you've surely heard it yeah I got good birthing hips [ __ ] I bet she's fat now and unhappy no she's super hot we have friends and comment on Facebook meet hot 4:46 but yeah she held up well yeah well what do you do you do 5x5 overhead or do you do something else I literally do 3 sets of 10 or something I've helped by her weight and lowered my reps a little bit cuz when I start a new exercise I do like a stupid low weight and I do 3 sets of 12 and I'm just I'm really learning form and sort of breaking in the muscles and then as I think that I'm getting good enough not to hurt myself I'll raise the weight and lower the ribs that's what they say to do yeah oh I think they're putting in a Robert Downey jr. for burn Oscar man for really for in game yeah yeah I think it seemed like they didn't want to do it Disney wasn't the article says Disney is submitting The Avengers oh I misread that because it was like a shortened URL Disney is submitting the Avengers endgame cast for an Oscar consideration Best Supporting Actor and they're basically all everybody from Robert Downey jr. to Don Cheadle Adama they're submitting everyone now that I look at it hmm I so it was Scorsese right who said that the this Marvel movies weren't cinema yet to me is the ultimate okay boomer like off you're not making movies in the style of taxi driver like I did in the 70s it's not really even a movie it's a TV show or something I don't know okay pointer so the way I see it the Marvel movies are popcorn movies it when you start talking about what a good movie is I think you need to I think that's to to you're given too much is to too much of a blank statement so Late Late like when we talked about movies earlier you interpreted that as which like a lot which movies affected you a lot and you gave excellent answers because they were honest answers you know like when I tried the the MOOC for me I'm thinking I took it as what are the greatest films ever created by people and that's what I gave and they are some of my favorite films but I also like some popcorn movies man I really love Super Troopers I like Dumb and Dumber I don't put them up as the greatest movies of all time but I think there's a lot of roles and a lot of movies that don't get any Oscar consideration and it's [ __ ] I think it's [ __ ] that you never see horror movies up there laughs that's true I'm the maskers and I know that meme I thought that that that first conjuring movie I thought that that should have been nominated for something you know sound design or [ __ ] special effects or maybe not an acting performance maybe his best movie was amazing I don't remember one that you're probably something much better recently that movie about the girl [ __ ] the fish man one oh yeah I didn't watch that but I remember yeah but the I heard that was very I to me like I wonder if Scorsese's watched enough of these movies to have an informed opinion I think there's a chance he hasn't and when I think of an endgame for example I don't look at the special effects I look at the special effects just supporting a story when Captain America got that hammer sure it looked like a real hammer flew through the air and so I think that's great but it wasn't the effect of it that got me it was the what it did to the storyline that got me when Robert Downey jr. did his thing at the very end you know it it wasn't the look of the glove that got me it was you know what the character didn't and the completion of his arc that's cinema me yeah I again I look at them differently I don't think was the best movie of the year I think I think it's a popcorn movie I enjoyed it I didn't like might be the best movie geek in yet can you name a better maybe joke are you maybe like for me see I didn't I didn't watch a lot of movies this year but but I would have to look at I would have to really think about it and sit down and do something Joker's really high up there for me there was Tarantino did a movie and I didn't watch it once upon a time in Hollywood I was in I was locked up when that came out so I'm waiting on blu-ray so I'm gonna watch it then it can't be as bad as hateful eight I was looking forward to hateful eight and that was just not like that more than you I think I saw it twice it's thirty minutes too long much yeah it's thirty minutes too long and and there were some choices that I I thought weren't great storytelling wise that maybe the first movie he the girl who edit who has been editing for him like forever I think maybe she passed away and she wasn't part of the editing process for that movie and it you can get into some film nerd stuff here but there's a part where they do the flashback and they reveal that that one character is down below the floorboards mm-hmm and it really takes away from the it's not necessary because right after that he jumped he's into the story later just revealed him rather than using that whole flashback saying that it's about thirty minutes too long I really like the whole Dahmer goo storyline I thought she did a wonderful job you know she looks so nasty and she's so uncouth and spitting that blood and like taking a punch like a [ __ ] champ it's great I thought Kurt Russell's character was very good Sam Jackson's whole story about mouths raping that guy's son great powerful but then it kind of flat lagged in other parts I thought Christoph Waltz would have done a better job in the role of the British character can't tell them apart yeah they look a lot alike I mean that's you could tell he was like doing his best Christoph Waltz impression I can't his name's escaping right now but he's he's been in a lot of Tarantino movies he was in the opening scene for Pulp Fiction but yeah it was about 30 minutes too long I thought I liked the movie was 32 minutes long starring DiCaprio similar timeframe alter Banner oh the revenue yeah yeah I thought that was 30 minutes to not movie related but my girlfriend went to bed and I can hear my dogs in my kitchen ringing the door the bell to go outside so I'm gonna have a bunch of [ __ ] to clean up they ring the bell what are they go take him out and I'll do an ad read that would actually be good thank you yeah you know I'll save your your linoleum floor yeah he owns that house yeah yeah we don't we don't need Taylor's house smelling of [ __ ] smart mouth speaking of nice odor man everyone hates talking to someone with bad breath that humid awful smell that keeps you from focusing on anything other than finding an excuse to leave now just think about all the times that you were the gross smelly one and the other person was thinking about trying to get away you probably can't think of any examples and that's because we rarely have an accurate read on our own breath odor in other words you could be walking around with trashmouth and not even realize that you're grossing everyone out that's why smart mouth was admitted smart mouths clinically proven to liquid formula combines to instantly eliminate bad breath and prevent bad breath from returning all day rinse just once in the morning for all day clean breath and once before bedtime to prevent morning odor from ever happening morning a morning breath from ever happening just two rinses a day and you'll never have bad breath again guaranteed whether the board room or the bedroom having confidence in your breath spells success go to smart mouth comm / PKA now for a free coupon coupon you can find smart mouth products in the oral health aisles of Walgreens CVS Target right at Amazon Walmart or wherever you shop once again the smart mouth comm / pka for your coupon check them out they really are good they're your best literally yeah big fan I'm interested in your take on this so Emma Watson says she prefers to call herself self partnered rather than single and I so so she's wrote in here we've reached a new level of delusion we're biessing ourselves I looked at it through a different lens I I feel like if you are single until let's she's almost 30 right so let's call her 30 then sometimes you get sort of like comfortable by yourself and if other people can be an intrusion you like you you've figured out how to be happy alone and you can be self partnered and it didn't seem so insane to me and I just wonder what your take on it is yeah I'm gonna have to side with cheese here okay she's single and there's nothing wrong with that I don't know why she needs to come up with some other label to shift herself into that she finds to be less offensive you know lately it's almost like she doesn't like being called single because it's almost like ah that means that I'm missing a piece you know I everybody else is real a double and I'm just all by myself like first of all she if she didn't want to be single she wouldn't be single and second of all and we all know that we don't know that you're you're a rich famous beautiful person all right easy to get 99 percent of the male population is down and a good 60 percent of the female population is to probably you know like you could make that happen I don't understand her need for that it almost seems like she's you know more self-conscious it's more descriptive to me though it's like I'm not comfortable in my own skin at this point did you just say you're asexual I feel like that's what that's what a deal is like maybe she just isn't into like being with anybody I didn't I didn't associate self partnered with celibate I just associated that with happy by yourself I don't know I've never been a big fan of her she's pretty but I I feel like Miley Cyrus would be a whole lot more fun to hang out with than Emma Watson Miley Cyrus's voice is [ __ ] hottest [ __ ] to me like literally well that song in particular she kills yeah she's very good at that I like her speaking voice it's kind of rough and and it's it's unique she's got a very unique sound and she's one of those she's so talented you know and I find her to be very attractive and I saw her on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and they did this game where yes yeah like hit up a spinning-wheel type thing and it gives you a song to sing and a style to sing it in and she just knocks out of the park like like it really impressive vocalist I any think that she was really do you think that game was not rigged I think it's rigged but still she's singing the songs I don't think knew the order of the song and style like they would but she still did it yeah exactly yeah I don't think that because they're really putting you on the spot and with something like the Tonight Show it's not it yeah Tom we are burning the seconds away you know we've got alright we've got 90 seconds and then we'll go to a commercial break and they mean it and so I think they briefed her before and he's like hey do you know the the words your destination you know and and yeah yeah I know the words are oh yeah you don't know the words all right well memorize him real quick it's some song they they're definitely doing that yeah ariana grande is even more impressive than her have you heard her she's a hot one that dated the SNL dude or the fat one very hot she's she's Italian she's little petite girl yeah yeah and she can sing and she does like impressions a non impression she sings like like Celine Dion or Whitney Houston you did on SNL once they protect his radio station was broken or something and you do that yeah like can you do Britney Spears I don't know I'll try Oh baby baby like she just nails it like she doesn't and and then 20 does the Celine Dion thing she's doing like little sign offs that Celine does in French she's got like all the mannerisms and it's it's it's incredible it's clearly like she's just that's what she loves I don't even know who the hottest actress is right now I'm always like ten years behind but who's the hottest actress in all of Hollywood and I named some like 33 year old Helen Mirren yeah those jugs Helen Mirren is still kind of attractive she got some was she in 300 whom I think you now know Helen Mirren 74 L Mir was hot in the seventies I was thinking of the the woman that was also in Game of Thrones and she was in 300 yeah that's Lena Headey yeah I'm not good with like late model actresses name's Leila Waddell yeah oh you call late my late like like a late model car is like a new car okay yeah but I'm not great with their names it takes me a while to commit a celebrity to my encyclopedia of movie people knowledge yeah they don't let them just get right in sometimes other people recognize an actress is like 1% hot compared to other Hollywood people and I'm like I don't see it and then two or three roles later it's like yeah you guys were right she's totally hot yeah hoverin for me with the advertisement well I could tell yeah we know how are their dogs are they are they happy do they still nervous uh they're growing definitely hate them no not at all there are a lot of fun I really like having them around like they're it's a little annoying sometimes I'll be sitting there like I was trying to play Age of Mythology the other day and it was just me at home and like I have to pause the campaign over and over just to make sure that they weren't [ __ ] around the corner but that phase is ending because they're really not doing that anymore like only if you just forget to take them out or if you're like will they pee like they really don't poop in the house or anything anymore like they're pretty good at ringing the bell like they're growing but at a glacier rate of growth where it's like one of them was six seven six and a half or seven and a half pounds and they've gained one pound so they're like eight and a half pounds now I think and the other one was like eight pounds and now he's nine and a half pounds so they're both teeny tiny little fellas but yeah pretty much as soon as I let them out one of them pissed and the other one [ __ ] and then like four or five minutes later they reversed roles and the other one she had and the other one pissed so it should be good it's an area where big dogs are strong the pings like my dogs I think I could leave him for 17 hours and they wouldn't be in the house yeah big dogs are good that way they say oh yeah this is all dog thing like they need to be at least like six seven months old before they can be trusted to hold it for most of the day because their bladders are so small and they're only like five months old now so they'll bring it in there this is one of my favorite actresses yes kick-ass did something yeah yeah her mom's way younger and kick-ass she was like a kid still hot Taylor oh oh the dog so Kyle's when we stream together they would talk about dogs and cats but I actually didn't see the benefit of cats and one of Kyle's friends who illustrated it really well he's like dogs are a pain in the ass they're always like sure they're loving up on you and stuff and that's nice but my gosh like they they need so much attention I think about like yeah like I've had dogs would they want you to throw the ball again and again and again and again cats and say hey look I like you but we don't have to make a big deal out of it and sometimes that's nice too like they they open my eyes to where cats can be good as well I could see that kind of but also like when I come in my garage and I walk into the kitchen and the linoleum floor is good for that well when I get home for the day I bust in my garage and then I walk through the door into my kitchen and like they're in like the caged off area in the kitchen and they kind of like they see that I'm home and they start like wagging their tails so [ __ ] hard and they're just to them they're like oh my god I didn't know you were you ever gonna come back it's been I'm a dog so it's either been four minutes or the thousand that like little feeling of like ah you know maybe I had a stressful day a rough day a lot of stuff to put up with and deal with and and [ __ ] and you get home and it's like wow that's kind of nice like they're just stoked to see you they love you like it's nice I really like having them yeah I love dogs I absolutely love dogs hate cats yeah I wouldn't kill a cat I wouldn't kill a cat just for the fun of it or anything yeah me either mostly that's it that's the level that's a level of wow that's the amount I like a cat look well I wouldn't just kill you like an insect see ya I'm still team dog but an animal that I'm good with it loves up on me every once in a while maybe every other day and isn't a pain in the ass like I can see the appeal of that to cats will eat you if you dine there in your home well til I die then I'm okay with that you could still be stroking out on the ground and the choir Isaac well that's not nice no dogs will wait until they're borderline starving and before they start to eat you I don't know if they'll eat you even then some of them won't they might just starve like okay Tyler take it bulls I've seen dogs like lay by a grave or a dead owner or something like it's sad but that it is yeah I like seeing them like these two dogs like they have the same dad like they look a little different because one of them had like a more poodle II well no they had different moms so but then also one of them the smaller one stable light word well like start to like I haven't seen it yet but my girlfriend swears she's like sometimes when they're playing Teddy will start humping Fozzie and I'm like we will not have gay incest will not stand for Taylor has their ass checked out by the colonoscopy so just hear the [ __ ] childhood just ensure that there's still virgins I went to the colonoscopies I liked watching their little games they play like the like one of them will see that the other one is on like the desirable spot on the couch right next to me and so the other one will run into a corner of my living room and like pretend like oh wow didn't know this was here and like feign like chewing on something or like a toy that they already had until the other ones like well I'm not about to miss this oh they'll jump down and when they get over there the other one just Sprint's over and takes the spot and no it's neat seeing like I'll be at low you know because their dogs level of well that's actually not that low intellect that's pretty smart like knowing that there's something desirable feigning interest in order to get them to do it you see that dog the other day that had like 20 different buttons that said words and he would communicate by pushing the [ __ ] buttons I was very skeptical on I haven't seen that yeah he was like one ball outside and I'm like I don't know about that I don't know like I just questioned that he's really forming sense like he hits the button he goes want ball hits outside Oh as if he had hit something else and you offered a ball he'd be like no we shouldn't have put those buttons down the buttons weren't a good idea Banksy's a little little violent I think yes but yeah the dogs are doing well I'm really enjoying them hanging out and everything they're they're pretty good for the most part now they it was like a like a weird learning curve where the first month or so month or two maybe I was like these little [ __ ] are never gonna stop going in the house when I ignore them for like two seconds and then now it's like oh wow well that changed really [ __ ] quick like they've kind of put the pieces together Jackie and I got dogs too and I think we were open about the idea that we were sort of like trial Parenthood you know like let's just see how this fits with dogs before we have kids kids and I think we had kids late well we pregnancy like six months later no we'll be watching your progress Taylor I mean I've said before it's only a matter of time because we are not using anything other than the pullout method so really this all is on my shoulders to be responsible at that in those in those last few seconds so I'm trying not to react it's to me yeah you might as well have just said well I've been experimenting with black tar heroin and I'm gonna tell you the thrill of sharing the needle would the guy I buy it from I mean rolling the dice I mean I'm rolling the dice all the time so we'll we'll see eventually that house of cards will come crumbling down I would prefer that you are on black tar heroin pullout method is pretty effective if you actually pull I think the reason the pullout method fails is people don't pull out I hope you're sterile Oh but he's way that's something that you'd like to have himself and thinks you would enjoy it as much completely selfish place don't worry I wasn't driving today can't play video games to kid I swear to God I was driving today and I was thinking like yeah year two I'll be able to go to another one of those cool vacations with Taylor unless he has [ __ ] children tell your wife while she's holding a little toddler in her hands and go hey I'm going on a smoke ation with Kyle and she would understand because that is a work trip honey I have to go to Colorado and get high with my friends oh you're gonna be I thought you gonna be less honest like yeah we have a new Walmart distributor in freaking Colorado I'll be my business is sending me there for this many know I would straight-up say no for content for it to do the show for all that we're gonna get nice and silly out in Colorado spend a lot of money on magic cards and forget most of them there oh I took them with me I got I don't think it's a bad idea to establish the mancation precedent early in the marriage well I have lots of friends who if I wanted to do the mancation thing it would be a no and some guys will see that really be like yeah you know I can't imagine a relationship like that but a lot of that's not an uncommon thing that the guys can't just go leave their wives at home to handle all the [ __ ] when they want to but [ __ ] that lay that precedent down soon yeah I feel like I already have probably that explicitly but probably passive him I mean I brought up through the day she makes you talk back but right away popped her in the nose and I don't make a big deal out of this but I can kick her ass I'm I'm getting quick big meaty backhand ladies like it when you get violent with them say they don't but on the ground but you know you read between the lines that would be another smoke ation that would be a lot of fun I'd like that yeah I want to go skiing this time I was so sweating last time no skiing I was so fun last time because I was like I was convinced because we talked before it with like you and cheers now and you guys were like we're not [ __ ] skiing we're not doing that and I was like on team let's go skiing and I was like I'm gonna be able to convince them to go skiing I'll be able to convince them and I was not with a the you the United Front is the stern no you might as well have asked hey guys hey guys let's go get let's go get rectal exams I know a guy I know wasn't licensed come on it's gonna be fun no he doesn't use gloves it's better that way trust me it's all natural he's gonna get in there deep about this I might be you would love skiing what no you didn't want to do my thing Taylor I've gone skiing with Kyle I don't know you might forgot this we went to Vermont and we went skiing and in spite of the fact that Kyle is a fairly athletic build dude skiing didn't agree with him like his ankles were hurting and worn out early in the day and it was there's something about like like the way my knees are shaped or why my ankles are shaped or something where it literally has to be a [ __ ] medical issue or like my inner ankle becomes excruciating Lee he was suffering early on like an hour into it like you yeah I wanted to do here ice-skating as well like it so I've broken that ankle twice and like I would love to ski I'd love to learn to do it it's it's the sort of thing I enjoy it's like I love being out in the cold I love the snow I want a ski I'd like to go fast cuz it looks like when you fall it doesn't even hurt all that badly I would love to go skiing and learn to ski and get good at it but I think maybe I could be convinced to do it but I would have to snowboard because I think you can just wear like boots and those just buckle in and I know that snowboarding is harder and I have no skateboarding experience but I think that's the only way that I can do that sort of sport without really having like a actually issue yeah you can always try snowboarding like you go way slower well yeah not as fun but yeah I feel like an [ __ ] telling people I don't want to do it because I want to do it and it is one of those things really we're here we're here we should do it but but like I literally can't I don't [ __ ] settle for sledding I just like the snows a lot of dude you weren't there on the trip where we went sledding we had one of Kitty's friends had like a big SUV like a forerunner or something and we tied a rope to it and gotten us like oh yeah like a big inflatable like donut type thing and there's some video somewhere of like cheese eating [ __ ] he's on that thing going like 35 miles per hour around a snowy corner and that thing like does that thing where it like hits a bump and so the next time it hits a bump it's double it's like you don't really bounce a trampoline he's like some zoom he just sails miles an hour on a sled it feels like you're going Mach 1 Mach 1 like he gets up and his beards all full of snow he's just that's a great [ __ ] time but you didn't want to do the silly thing that jizz and I wanted to do last time the the sensory deprivation tank oh yeah that sounded like boring I've heard it's like a trip no people do drugs in the tank I don't know if that was part of the plan but that was part of the plan we're gonna I was I thought we should do edibles which is incredibly potent and then you get in the sensory deprivation tank you're in it's it's a very high salinity water so you float and no audio no it you complete you're locked in there like a not locked but the lid is closed so it's complete darkness complete silence and know like tactile light like senses whatsoever because you're floating in that salty water and then to be on something to you know you could go on some sort of a weird yeah weird trip I thought that's some paranoia to a sensory deprivation tank that's great doesn't make me it doesn't make me paranoid either like I'm being silly I guess there were times on that smoked Asian where I was like like in the thing with with weed compared to alcohol is like if you take 15 shots of vodka or something you're not gonna be able to explain Magic the Gathering to your friends for the Fourier just not gonna be able to but there was times like sitting there at that like shitty little table with like Kyle and cheese like I was first like explaining the magic thing and we'd like like I went like a little I guess overboard with the edibles because I was so excited being in Colorado like oh this is illegal Oh a little pill neat little chocolate square well it's only this much and like trying a bunch of stuff and there was one time just sitting there like as I was like explaining tapping to Kyle or something we're like like the world slowed down for me as I was like I was like hunched over like explaining the game and it hit me like kind of suddenly and in my head like I was with it enough to have like a cogent moment of like you can either forge through this moment right now or you're gonna have to go to bed yeah and I was just like like in like it was like a movie or like it came back to me like am I like my next line I still remember it was no Kyle you have to tap it spend like you're okay you're fine and then that little mental realization was like oh oh I was being silly just there okay but it was like a crossroads yeah if I had been like if I had stood up then and been like I'm done I would have had to like go to bed no to passed out for like 11 hours just no [ __ ] joke yeah I know I love that like like I don't I mean I don't know how I feel about apples I've just rather smoke you know nine ninety percent of the time like they're fun occasionally and they're fun to do as a group so cuz everybody starts kicking in at different times and you get a real good read on different peoples like metabolism there's this let you you know it's like an hour in and I'm just like oh this is kind of rough huh guys and it was like what are you talking about you're not you're not freaking out right now no like four hours later like my girlfriend be like I don't feel so good where am I just now now it's kicking really [ __ ] yeah this clip she just sent I watched it earlier please watch it that is that guy has that's on the wind stupid prize is subreddit I I don't even have a preview in discs or oh wait it's on public freaked out for me actually I'm on public forget to you have to honestly I prefer to watch the public freakout video because the one above is is a guy getting his legs broken s that really badly that's the one I didn't watch that one yeah and and the one below seems to be like some sort of police on yeah okay I'm cute at zero on this police brutality nonsense 72,000 up votes in two days seems rather popular I'm out three two one play wow that cop has already ripped disguise these dragons now we show how we got there he's refusing show his driver's wife okay so you can either do so easy way there's the hard way you go to jail so you don't want to give me your license this is absolutely ridiculous this guy deserves whatever he gives traffic stop me show me license he's putting on his window break coming out now you're coming out or handled it nicely I wanna learn the statuses license looks good you have a nice day sir my window that guy he's not good at compliance no I would say very bad this isn't Michigan Lions yeah I had no problem with what the cops did they didn't even overdo it right like if they had pulled him out and started beating on him while saying stop resisting that'd be a different situation but all they really did is little Neal and back pressure I'm sure he didn't like it but he looked uninjured at the end of that yeah he was more upset about the fact that he's going to jail well that wasn't choose to he definitely didn't happen if he gave him what you think it was probably suspended like a suspended license the cop said that that was the cops theory it's a good what you guys thought like what my warrant oh yeah that's probably the best one yeah who knows I mean the loss he has to provide his identification if he's driving a car now if he's walking down the street he doesn't even even refuse to give him your ID if you're walking down the street but it's not rating the [ __ ] motor vehicle yeah he's got eyes he's got a show ID is to show proof that he's a lot he's licensed [ __ ] driver privilege yeah yeah there's an ACLU complaint but [ __ ] I call [ __ ] on this one and I'm the first one to call nonsense on like a light like what does that subreddit bad-cop bad-cop no doughnut yeah yeah yeah I I really hate for police brutality and then you know these are bullying right there's a certain that there's I think a common attitude amongst policemen that everyone else is little less than them they are the you know the the super group but everyone else is this lower class of civilian and they just feel like they can walk into your house when they want do they could beat you up when they want to they can do anything they want to they're cops they're better than us they're in charge and that kind of stuff that can go too far and I mean it's pervasive amongst a lot of cops then there are groups - yeah yeah for sure yeah I definitely agree with you hundred percent I don't like that either a lot of cops do seem like bullies and I think that's because they were bullies previous and like that or they were bullied previous and life and oh my god I'm gonna get a badge a gun and take care of this I think the being bullied thing is just as likely yeah exactly part of that transaction they probably had we were playing with my friend MIDI the other night playing Cod he had some good games he's working in loss prevention at a store right now okay and you're supposed to be hands-off you know he's like a security guard who's like ah crime me cause he uh nobody knows his real name he watches monitors and you know listens to podcasts while he's watching them on the bank of mother's lives back in his office yeah and and and you know if anybody does some crime you know he calls the real police or or I think he'll actually like you know if he see someone doing something suspicious maybe he'll go out and like stalk them a little bit like confirmed that they're doing a crime and then call the cops but I guess is like partner or like co-worker thinks he's like Dudley do-right or something and this like took a guy out the other day really like tackle some guy like to the ground yeah was he rewarded or chastised for that before you hired like fifty-fifty like that it the guy was an actual thief stealing some [ __ ] and like the cops got there right away and like you know I guess the game like a pat on the back like I you got him congratulations you know and that was that but I don't anymore trouble was it's like a department type store like a big retailer right I think it's maybe even like a Home Depot or something similar to that light like okay some expensive tools and such around I didn't get there well this gentleman is stealing to running chainsaws this is the first time he's able to change with old school hockey mask is it just me or do British gangsters or hooligans or whatever seem less intimidating right like this again oh god yes I see like six people picking on a girl at a movie and think if I was there I'd beat up all those pasty [ __ ] on her behalf they would take off their caps with razors in it face Michael nice agree beans on toast to celebrate what does he know about fighting I mean I don't know there's a couple I mean I like intellectually I know I'm wrong but emotionally this freakin pale skin slightly chubby cheese okay pale pale skin you see a bunch of Eastern Europeans or Russians in track suits doing that do you feel as confident both no both those would [ __ ] you you know how much strength it builds to not have pub what benches to always be squatting is leg day they run like jackals [Laughter] it'll be funny one day when they like they're doing the sprint [ __ ] Ukraine finally figured out like so you connect so you can use the entire all for limps in this it's like well that's son Orthodox I mean the Kenyans who have won this every year for the last since we included Kenya they're doing very well on two legs they're gonna start dominating they're gonna figure out their their frog-like propulsion they're gonna use some sort of leopard stride they will yeah just electrics to try to where their hands are finishing and here we see how this love maintains its incredible speed nothing but anger at the late Soviet Union and vodka I'm told even his house had no chairs Kyle have you watch the Netflix think II know it's on my watch list I'm I'm watching this terrible show called Mars right now I'm in the second season of it I'm already invested so I'm gonna keep going I was hoping you would be Mike you know I you know I watched the [ __ ] trailer for and it got me pumped cuz there's a part where let it's one of those trailers that's like kind of snappy and you know they've got like like three voiceovers going simultaneously and it's kind of it's like heroes from nothing and became everything and then it's got the guys like yesterday I was a pool boy and now I'm the king and then there's like a third like audio track going I can't remember what the King's name is but let's just say it's Richard Richard Richard Richard they're like chanting and there's like a tune and he's like getting suited up and get his sword with doing that if I didn't saw what she think and I haven't seen it so I might have the plot wrong but it appears that he goes from a partyer prince friend a war king overnight kind of like all of a sudden he goes from irresponsible party prints to it a king leading battles and so that's part of it also there's a Netflix YouTube video that's 10-minute song I didn't watch it because I didn't want spoilers that explains it to you which makes me which implies to me that it's more complicated than you know a typical TV show or movie so I I don't know I'll have to watch it and you develop an opinion but oh [ __ ] yeah I'm definitely gonna watch this I'm on the trailer right now uh-huh it looks great I I love the part when they're chanting his name what is it did Richard dick dick King Henry yeah it's like it's like it like like every scene is punctuated by one of those he's like I need a man around me that I can trust and then you get like a quick scene of like a dozen knights putting their like spheres for it and then you turn all right this is the time that my life actually matters and then you see like a guy do a sword flourish and it's like I'm just like what popped is [ __ ] I wish this guy was a baseball team I'm gonna watch it when we're done here actually I'm pumped yes the Kings they make the playoffs and lose every other oh yes I don't even know who won the World Series the Nationals right yeah st. Louis is off to a good start I think they had the are you telling me hockey zone again yes well it just ended for us because we won the Stanley Cup and I kept talking about it the whole time months later it started again now blues first place in the Western Conference because we we were one point ahead of the Edmonton Oilers last image nor second place in the conference isn't that [ __ ] crazy there's still second but we took a Big East Boston is a true force to be reckoned with this year but they were last year and look at how that ended up haha else it was the second best team in the league second best in the league nobody remembers second best so and and that's a feeling blues fans know very well because nobody also remembers fifth six seven up until last year but uh yeah I'm I'm stoked at hockey's back on super excited about it I watch every game I can it's so frustrating when there's like I know it's just my bias speaking but I'm always like why do they schedule every game for Thursday night I got to watch the last two but anyway yeah we won't talk about hockey cuz nobody gives a [ __ ] it's still too early in the season but yeah I'm hoping the Blues really collapse and fall apart soon become terrible wait until January maybe even early February then surge back we're not gonna Tarasenko broke his shoulder and so he's out and for the entire season playoffs oh oh yeah he's supposed to come back like three days before the playoffs and so warm yeah exactly and so it's like [ __ ] our best goal scorers out for the entire season so and then we lost one of our good veterans last night he had a high ankle break or something so he's out for I guess a shoe yeah I have he's like 35 and so he's not not a spring chicken in the age I had that too yeah you and Alexandra Steen are very suitable people make this up all the time you know you say leagues early season nobody cares right so I'm watching the Sixers and they're all like I think they'll be like second best in the East and maybe you know seventh best in the league and they started off five and oh and then it means I like huh five and oh that team you thought was better is four and one get the [ __ ] out of here you don't know anything about basketball this course posted I don't wanna play the rest of the season I love following the early parts of hockey just similar the way you do with basketball I'm sure where it's like early in the season like Red Wings fans were like yep 4 wins 0 losses 1 overtime loss guess we're not as bad as everybody thought boys and they've lost like 10 in a row or something plummet right to the bottom and now they're like well you know guys we got a storied history to look back on yeah I will switch topics quickly I promise cow but I think no no keep it coming the Sixers have lost either 2 or 3 since they went 5 and oh and all the Sixers it's true if we're looking for a new topic I outlined a little Bible tale for us it's been a hot second oh I'd love that what what are you gonna regale us with today Taylor I was gonna do Easter what I wanted to do something a little less common knowledge and so are either of you familiar with the tale of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego it again Shadrach Meshach and Abednego yes it's Kyle just know it I took Church you know i legit thought he'd made up an 80 meeny miny vote Daniel 3 through 6 I think is where yeah I know because I reread it reread it tell me the story I just disappointed my parents and your parents mr. and mrs. Woody's parents I dare you to find one thing wrong with this boy's long so basically Shadrach Meshach and Abednego three Jews hanging out in the Old Testament and this is one of the many times that the Jews are the State of Israel was just getting or maybe Judah the time I don't [ __ ] remember they were just getting butt-fucked by whatever powerful people that were at the time they were the Babylonians like Assyrians like all throughout the ages this was a babylon time and so they were under the thumb of king nebuchadnezzar the original chad and king nebuchadnezzar was he had his Hanging Gardens of Babylon like they were the most powerful empire in the world in their known world at the time and he had all this dope [ __ ] and he had so much extra gold sitting around that he was like you know it would be tight I'm gonna build a 90-foot solid gold statue of like myself or some like guy who's kind of like me there are some you know God they don't even like really say what it was and so he built some topaz statue gold sixty cubits high and what six cubits wide and I looks that up that's like ninety hundred and nine feet wide like a cubit is apparently like one and a half feet okay so this is a lot of gold it's a real flex on the rest of the world and so he builds this and he's so stoked on it that he invites all of his and I remember all the words I read him down all of his officials from the kingdom governor's senators sat traps I assume some kind of mayor judges treasurer's everybody from every corner of the Babylonian Kingdom all the high rank and you know hullabaloo people show up and they're like you're right you're right King Nebuchadnezzar this is this is really cool and he's like it doesn't stop here guys anytime you hear music from and I'll read this list I'll just read what the town crier said nation and people of every language this is what you are commanded to do as soon as you hear the sound of the horn flute zither lyre harp pipe and all kinds of music you must fall down and worship the image of the gold King Nebuchadnezzar and so first of all pretty sure a lot of those instruments are made up he sends all the governors everybody back they relay that same message and Shadrach Meshach and Abednego they weren't just like three random Jews walking around the street and like shitty-ass sandals they had like not the the over ruling part of a province but they were like a couple levels down they still had nice houses nice [ __ ] like they weren't in poverty or anything and pretty much immediately as soon as this town crier said that he added an addendum which Nebuchadnezzar also instructed where he's like and make sure they also know anybody who doesn't bow down as soon as all these made-up instruments start going they're going to be brought to me they're gonna be brought in front of me and I'm going to burn them alive in a really cool big furnace I also made and believe it or not that was compelling to most people that got them on board and so as soon as they heard the zipper and the lire boom right down like almost like Mecca they're like even if you can't see it from whatever province they're in they're like I'm not risking some ancient cop finding me and ratting me out I'm aiming right there and pray and Nebuchadnezzar Shadrach Meshach and Abednego say [ __ ] you they don't say [ __ ] you they say no thanks no thank you their overseer goes to King Nebuchadnezzar goes hey NAB never goes don't call me that because I never cognizer these three jews not bowing down did you tell about the furnace thing yes I led with the furnace thing of course I told you brilliant King and so Nebuchadnezzar is like okay bring him to me bring him to me as far as I can tell they're doing a good job on paper but if they're not gonna do what I want bring him here so he brings him there and he tells them hey and King Nebuchadnezzar is like in the opposite situation of like a rock and a hard place with he's between like tits and ass no matter which way he goes it's positive if they show up and they say I'm not bound down he gets a handful of tit so to speak where he gets to throw them in the furnace burn them alive and ensure that everybody's like yeah that [ __ ] is not playing he will burn you alive bow or if they do what he wanted them to do nice handful of ass and they bow down it's a little ego stroke where he's like yeah all it really took was them seeing me in my glory for them to bow down and do it and so they show up he says bow down or you're going in the furnace no other options they say I will not I will not bow down no not bound down no that's not my god I'm not bowing down to your false idol whatever the [ __ ] and he goes like probably a little like kind of like happy about it like okay time to break in the furnace but he tells his furnace guy first he goes turn it up seven times as hot as normal and in my head I'm thinking like Shadrach Meshach and Abednego at this time we're kind of relieved or they're like oh oh he said seven sevens one of those numbers that works out well God if he had said twice as hot I would have [ __ ] myself but seven we should be okay thank God good so and so Nebuchadnezzar biblical number like yeah it's all dude a lot are you talking to you no I know that things happen in sevens all the time in the Old Testament and in the new and so Nebuchadnezzar wasn't just content with normal soldiers tying him up because he's brought some of his governors and sat traps and people to see this whole thing because he thinks it's cool it is cool and he brings out his most burly ripped soldiers to tie up Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and then he tells him throw him in the fire and he says that the fires were so hot that when they went to open the furnace to throw the three Jews in that the men throwing them in themselves died and so he wasted a bunch of juicy man muscle just in trying to get his point across which I wouldn't have done I would have used worthless soldiers but what do I know I've known mmm and so he throws him in there and he's sitting on his cool gold throne the extra gold that was left over from the statue just kind of watch and I guess there's a [ __ ] window in this furnace to see what's going on and so after a couple minutes he's like pure what I see honey I mean Jews do we Shadrach Meshach Abednego was there another one they got a Kofi has names was there for there's four people standing in there right now well don't take him out yet because even if it is there God maybe he'll run out of magic and they'll eventually burn you know like maybe he could only stave off the flames for so long so he leaves him in there a couple more minutes to simmer becomes clear God's not gonna run out of magic and so he goes take those guys out of there take him out of there and so he opens up the furnace three the three you know Shadrach Meshach and Abednego come out totally unscathed it says they don't eat smell of fire are they naked like they've been there no their clothes were fine too and so they all come out and all the governors the satrap everybody's there they're looking and so King Nebuchadnezzar has to pull a world war to Italy where they switch sides and pretend they've been on that side the entire time and so he goes Wow your guys god is really cool I'm on board you don't have to worship this statue everyone we're keeping the statue it looks awesome I don't have to pray to it but you're not getting no I don't we're not getting rid of it that's fine we're keeping the [ __ ] stage and so he keeps the statue and then also he's talking to Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and being like wow your gods like legit real my gold statue didn't do anything but shine brightly and so he asks him about their God they kind of have a little back and forth and then because King Nebuchadnezzar still has to appear hardcore he goes alright we're all following the Jewish God now and any of you anyone in my kingdom who questions the Jewish God I will have you and your family cut to pieces and your homes razed to the ground and everybody's like 40 minutes ago we were talking about whatever you say dude we're all on board with the Jewish God I don't want to get cut to pieces and then to end it all he gives Shadrach Meshach and Abednego a raise and a promotion so what did we learn hope I was proof I was hoping for insight because I didn't learn anything nothing at all at all it's it's a little similar to David in the lion pit you know I feel like I feel like they maybe they they just recycled that one at some point you know they probably do but if you think about it they're like identical stories right except yeah lions instead of fire you think that like one scribe or whatever profit back in the day was writing that and describes like this is very similar to this is very similar to to David in the Lions Den he's like no no it's not no it's not named the teacher hands out a project and she's like no group projects Lions no mines got a cool statue King Nebuchadnezzar we should run both through one of those like plagiarism checkers they use in colleges now oh yeah definitely that would be funny it's like you know Jeremiah ripped all of his [ __ ] it's like that year the in the tomb of deep impact and Armageddon came out the same year you're like wait a [ __ ] what what we'll and ours destroyed hits all right what I've learned the most is the more like I read these Old Testament stories and like I've got a couple more stories outlined for the future I just like doing them in our just us girls Chad's is I'm not learning anything I'm not learning any morals any sort of compass for my life for most of these stories it's really just like come on you get it though right you do you do I get if you're supposed to praise this God no it's about faith under fire literally yeah but it's trust in God no matter what and and god life that doesn't work at all you become a martyr once people get cancer and ya know believed just as much as these [ __ ] well that was part of God's plan you know that's a convenient out that's the truth question-it and you could burn too I just feel like if I had put my faith in God instead of my reserve parachute two months ago this show would be down one host yeah dude if if the afterlife Israel that would have been God's plan if the afterlife Israel race is [ __ ] st. Peter next to the pearly gates is gonna pull up one of the many YouTube compilations you listeners have made of my Bible stories and I'm going straight to hell for that thanks for that but it's not real so don't worry that's the list I'm like 99% sure yeah are you 100% or because I'm only like 99% no I would say I'm like high 90s percent but if yeah if I die and it turns out it's real poof I am NOT gonna be pleased me either and you know I think about it you wouldn't you wouldn't risk like like had a seat belts work in your car that says high 90s 1993 94 percent of the time they were not really it doesn't that concern you like aren't you always worried about every time you get behind the wheel really I mean that was that like they taught us that in school as like an argument to believe in God it was called Pascal's wager and it was if you believe in God and it doesn't exist you have lost anything if you believe in God he does exist you go to heaven if you don't believe in God and he doesn't exist nothing happens if you don't believe in God he does exist you go to hell so it was like well mathematically you should believe in God and my thought even then was like he's gonna know I'm faking it know that I'm only doing it out of fear of not going to hell in like I don't think so based on what I've read he seems pretty okay with scaring people into worshipping him yeah Old Testament God was much more into the fear Jesus was a little nicer but Jesus also did well not even mean funny stuff like whip people and the when they were like using his like the Pharisees and Sadducees were using the church as a like a bartering ground and trading and financial play instead of using it as a worship place just goes in there it starts cracking the whip on all these Pharisees and overturning their tables that was a most fun yeah I like that was a good scene I brought that up in my my drug class in prison I don't member have yeah yeah the teacher was an absolute [ __ ] and and he brought up something looks like he'd get he get like really stuck in the mud with the conversations like he'd start arguing with with us and we knew how to just like drag him down into the mud so he didn't get to teach us anything suddenly came up something came up I don't remember where it came from but he was just like you know Jesus it what wouldn't would never did anything violent yes was all about peace and I'm like by the time he worked all those guys he said we talking about the time he went to the where the tax collectors were in the temple and he whipped the [ __ ] out of those people and turned their tables over uh well those were Jews and I went it was three white guys and eight black guys I like [ __ ] none of them are here to complain about this damn it I mean they were but they weren't just Jews they were Pharisees did you sees like the bad kind of religious people that were just manipulating the Old Testament into making money are you so much use or the bad kind cuz they make money no no yeah yeah that's why Jesus was so against him he's you said that and also like he said Jesus never did anything violent there's literally in Matthew a verse that says I bring not peace but a sword well that was not the way I do even better than Woody's parents they want to dispute that no joke I think they're at Israel right now getting extra lessons straight from the source right now yeah they go walk around your Jews does she not know that like like people in Israel aren't Christians I don't understand most of them are why it's so cool but yeah that's like Euler favorite place to vacation and they go to Israel probably more than once a year they probably if they're not in Israel right now then they just came home I wonder did like nice beaches and stuff there right on the minute that's not what they're doing they're like taking camels and checking out Moses is 40 mile walk or something like that yeah so I've definitely seen them on the let me let me try to find a picture yeah I mean it's a nude beaches Israel does I figured they'd be way too conservative for that kind of thing no no I'll just look up Israeli nude beaches let's see where can i sunbathe nude in Israel you got a massage for like even [ __ ] like porn isn't legal in Israel you gonna new to speech at the oh I found a youtuber heading to the nude beach on the Dead Sea in Israel the Dead Sea's in Israel and she's naked for some reason I thought it was in like Eastern Europe or something like was this uploaded September 23rd 2015 sure was we're on the same video you're gonna want to skip on forward to when she gets naked she blurs everything but I'm still pleased she's got some of that dead sea mud she's rubbing it on her face I'm like like like war paint oh she's got a too big no-no in Judaism anyway do you like this yeah definitely nude beaches in Israel yeah well the more you know the more you know the Dead Sea is somewhere that would be less your mom normally she might go on to the nude beaches you don't know yeah your parents I wouldn't put it past another wrong with it right hike the we're gonna hike the Sinai desert trail going to Masada they we're gonna get our freak on is Masada the one where the Israelis held out against the Romans for like a long time and then they suicide it at the end so the Romans could claim no victory it's I don't know is this a Bible story or just like in the middle area like for the Maccabees were well I don't I don't know my Bible that well but I'm I thought that that was the story of Masada it would make sense because Mossad is like they're CIA so it makes sense they named it after something like that um I don't well that's the Mossad I don't I don't know if that's I mean maybe Mossad was I don't know yeah yeah let's call the whole thing let's see yeah in 66 AD Masada was a Roman garrison a group of Jewish extremists overcame it and settled there in the next several years more people joined them and then they were there was a siege led by Lucius Flavius Silva and 72 ad it lasted about two to three months and it culminated in the construction of a siege ramp and tower to try to get at them but seems like 960 Israelis held out for like a really long time like over a year or something like that and at the end they did a like a mass suicide so that like the Romans could claim no victory that's a really cool story I can't believe I've never read about this that's yeah that might be fun also like like what you say Flavius [ __ ] whatever the hell yeah Romans head cool six [ __ ] names why can't we bring that back black people have I went to school with an Octavius okay well was his Octavius Flavius Caesar no just now he's dead now he's dead now and he's cut like bone but maybe it was just like my part of the world but man like I I started elementary school with like six or seven black guys only one of them graduated and I know of like three of them that have died since then one of them just died last week farming is late thresher sucked into a thresher he was thrown from his vehicle he was ejected he was DUI sling or something like that the other one has been in prison since I was like 22 because him and his buddies like somebody owed them some drug money like some middling amount of money you know like somebody owes you $70 I think you should go buy like that movie that gangster movie wouldn't Brooklyn tails Bronx Tale you know the guy who's in $20 and he's chasing down the street yell at him and and the the main gangsters like hey hey don't do that do you like that guy it's like now I can't stand him I'll think about it this way for $20 you'll never have to talk to him ever again he's gone he's out of your life that's a good point they should have said that about the $70 worth of drug money instead this person I went to school with who was my age and two of his buddies kidnapped him they rolled up next to it and this is in small-town Georgia life may your farming community where I'm from they roll up next time on the sidewalk he's with his girlfriend and they have this ridiculous they're armed like they're playing pub G all right it looks like when you first land and everybody's got this mishmash one of them has like an actual submachine gun like a little mac-10 one of those got a saw yeah when I'm gonna shotgun the other one has a hammer I like to feel like hub GE they're like if one wore a pot as a helmet its level one all right man he pulls out the hammer and so they they grabbed him threw him into the car and they drive off and it's like this was 15 years ago but cellphones existed so his girlfriend just goes yeah Octavius Johnson just kidnapped my boyfriend and drove away and a silver Honda Civic yeah yeah they're in Livonia right now yeah there's three of them in their dad guns yep all right then go get them right away of course and then kidnapping is like a 25 big deal it's like third worst thing you can do behind like murder and rape it's kidnapping how do you know that it's a huge deal yeah they they they and there wasn't one of those kidnappings where it's kind of like borderline where it's like all right nobody leave this room until we get this [ __ ] straightened out you know people can go I was kidnapped he wouldn't let me leave but this was like they scooped him up like they're the [ __ ] mafia drove off with him they're still in prison at that that was so long ago I don't remember the fire details I don't remember what the other two guys serious crime it was prescribed if it was their first crime it was oh if it was these nurse crime I can almost be like I think they didn't realize what they were doing was as bad as it was oh they definitely dude if your first foray into crime is at gunpoint kidnapping someone you need to be put in jail because you're not gonna go I think what if what if what if that guy was robbing you and you decide to keep him right and you say well he's a thief so we should probably you're describing a citizens of rulers will share that but then when you Brandon baby situation its defense it's not kidnapping well it was a defense of kidnapping right III read yeah I read you well yeah you don't kidnap people but yeah everybody all those guys I went to school with and like they had every opportunity I don't know what happened and I don't it wasn't institutionalized racism for sure because like they had every opportunity light like my mom was one of their teachers and it was just like he couldn't do anything with those guys it was definitely their home life it was definitely their home life so just had a hard time I think that I think they had a hard to home life and and that made them shitty and that made them like have a real rough time but like I said I had a decent-sized graduating class and there were only two black people in it and one of them her mother was a teacher and the other one just decided he was a football player and he decided to like really buckle down his last two years of high school and like got a mentor who was in the faculty and and made it but a lot of those guys didn't just not graduate but they're dead and like we're not from like some rough town that's is I'm I'm like Chael Sonnen you know it's it's it's one oh yeah sorry I just spit on the sidewalk walked away I feel like a almost million town because I spend so much time in heart was there like sister towns hmm super simple yeah oh I honest I was thinking about if I had a friend in high school and friend is an exaggeration do we like sometimes ate lunch together and talked when if we were next to each other we'd talked but we never hung out after school and he was cool he transferred to the school and there were just aspects of him that made him cooler than the rest of us like his hair was spiked and he had a jean jacket I don't know he just had a vibe about him that was cool I didn't think about it until way later but he was a cutter used to like hang on mad words into his forearm and [ __ ] and now I look back and I'm like I bet that guy was [ __ ] okay Betsy his home life was like I don't know like he's just remember here oh I don't like that like in big letters on his forearm one time why would you do that wait did he do it or was somewhat torturing him woody I think he like he showed it to me like I think we just call for help but I misinterpreted like like if I could go back and replay that day I would have told a guidance counselor or something but I just I saw it and I was like damn like his pain tolerance is high too it's like another cool thing like that was my dumbass interpretation of it 7 over 13 yeah [ __ ] knows anything I don't like people who self-harm it's not they don't like them it's just it makes me so uncomfortable and I don't understand it myself I'm really ignorant about it and it just really rubs me the wrong way I want them to stop that's my main that is stop stop yeah you gotta be in your own team there's gonna be people in this world who aren't on your side you can't be one of them right yeah you're not gonna get far if the first roadblock you run into is you ma'am yeah I don't understand it like ice and salt thing Oh God put a bunch of salt on the back of my hand Oh ice on it and it's gonna give me a burn and it was like but but why ya know your skin off and leave this yeah I I is it permanent the scar it can be if you hold it there long yeah it's a serious it's a serious like frostbite that it creates the the salt lets the ice go to a really low temperature and you know you're numb from the ice so you don't really feel the pain like you were branding yourself after a while you be like oh that's enough of that but with ice you can just be like yeah this is cool huh yeah I'm super hardcore if I hold it longer right and before you know it you've got a really nasty scar yeah very dumb very dumb things yeah there were so many of those weird things that we did and that kids did and especially with the mid like around 20 2008 2015 it seemed like like and I think the news media was was just make blowing things way out of proportion and a lot of times like like find out the new craze snoring condoms tonight at 7:00 it's like how many people snorted a condom but to make you do this news story because I think it was three yeah I think three condoms got snorted nationwide and all of a sudden you've got to do a whole [ __ ] expose on it and now tomorrow 300 kids are out buying Trojans oh it's the same thing that like the media does now with social media where they'll be like there's a craze of kids eating Tide Pods and then it's like well really you found five tweets in three YouTube videos and and now there's a huge glut of these things cropping up yeah Jib one like I remember the cinnamon challenge like that was cool yeah I think like nobody got hurt yeah it was funny to watch the ice bucket thing when they were raising money for whatever neurological disease that was their baby I have three letters in it anyway Ellie LHS or some I'm spacing out on that one but any k you know all those celebrities dumping water on themselves and some found a little funny twist to it and whatever I was doing that stupid dance Marla oh yeah yeah you did a Harlem shake woman is trying to end the cinnamon challenge after her son's death [ __ ] you know what cinema killed your boy then he was not gonna make it too deep into the world all right gentlemen this is really funny should you be one of those internet types an avid YouTube watcher a tumbler pre user a safe this is like 2014 a Facebook scroller it's quite likely you are and if you've made it this far beware memes can be deadly no you probably won't have a conniption fit from watching too many gifts or a stroke from scrolling through the fat Jews Instagram feed but should you try to replicate some of the allegedly harmless idiocy that occurs in those slapstick videos of the sort of challenges you might not come out alive ok baby someone breathed enough [ __ ] cinnamon to ruin their lungs dude you think I'd be anti ok boomer because of my age but I'm not I [ __ ] love the whole okay boomer thing my facebook feed is filled with insults on younger people that aren't that aren't accurate and that bothers like it these guys think they're gonna start a revolution they can't even start a lawnmower okay boomer oh my god they're just all these dumbass old people like me insulting young people with these sweeping generalizations that are [ __ ] I love that okay boomer is an effective comeback that apparently older guys don't like I saw some funny like tweet where someone was like I'm dreading when Kamala Harris or Pete Buddha judge calls Biden the Boomer and ruins the whole joke it rips or Millennials ruthlessly they rip on Gen Xers they think they're so much better and of course every old generation does that to every young generation but I don't know something about this time around they just seem to genuinely think that everyone who's 22 is a boy in a dress and you know doesn't understand genders or something like that and it's just okay boomer [ __ ] up yeah shut the [ __ ] up boomer all of our boomer listeners I mean a ma'am or boomer vacation that going to Israel I don't know what if uber vacay is the cruise cruise okay a cruise around it yeah I mean the Boomer memes are funny until they get too big and just like every meme it stops being funny it was I was surprised that Trump got booed at the UFC event I thought that was I thought that was a [ __ ] crowd and you know each other close yeah it's it's New York right it was Madison Square Garden right yeah so there's gonna be girls there but it's also his home you know it's a cage fight you know the he's got a close relationship with Dana White um you see Dana's Instagram that he and Trump were like by themselves like backstage watching the prelims in the greenroom and stuff and then they booed the [ __ ] out of him though yeah he had some bad election results too on Tuesday like the in Kentucky the governor's a Democrat now and in Virginia the Democrats swept all the House and Senate and what have you and they haven't had total control in decades and they do right now let's go Bernie it's getting closer and closer to the election and I just don't [ __ ] care this time like I'm not getting sucked into it you better get energized absorb you better start feeling the Bern Taylor you although actually I'm [ __ ] no you could because I may be of Taylor Hodes he'll carry bazoer II know yeah I don't know I just am NOT into it this year very much maybe when it gets the closer I will but I follow it every day but I try not to talk about it on the show yeah they need to narrow that [ __ ] down there's there's way too many of them there's been way too many for a long time when they get down to like the top three I think we'll have something interesting I don't know how many Warren is so anteye charismatic uncharismatic look like I can't stand to look at her and hear her talk she looks like us look at like a [ __ ] schoolteacher okay like Bernie away man like her I like I like Bernie and I like all of them better than her she is my least favorite although I didn't mean beta but at beta was my least favorite and then she Biden would be pretty funny like he's already clearly losing his mom I'm fine with Biden Biden spines cool enough you know like if it's gonna be somebody it number one choices I was at Bernie dude says gonna legalize marijuana the first day and expunged everybody's [ __ ] records I gotta go with that oh he's not Trump said we were gonna get out of Wars the first day and all this sort of stuff Bernie Sanders has never told a lie I've never knowingly told a lie a couple of times I mean Bernie Sanders is honest though right he doesn't have Julie's honesty problem for sure yeah do you Trump tells his total thousand or so lives they look at literally every president who's ever run in modern history where they're doing this and then they get in it's like well let's take it slow that's not actually true a lot of people when they have a first day thing it's things they can just sign in history yeah Obama said he was gonna close Guantanamo Bay day one it said he's gonna pull people out immediately like that didn't [ __ ] happen it turns out not such a good idea it turns out people there are pretty [ __ ] I went I would call me a terrible word it's six letters do G's in the middle you can guess what it is it starts with an F actually surprisingly [Laughter] yeah every time hockey season comes around it's like yeah what do you mean every time it comes around to hear you tell it it's nine months out of the [ __ ] year right thirty nine months when we do well otherwise it's like sad it's shocking to me that has is it the longest sports season that exists no it matches up with basketball pretty much exactly that's why you don't know it's a baseball and hockey fans because basketball starts like one week a week and a half after hockey and ends like a week to a week and a half after Hawkins I know that I'm the weird one that I'm not into any of these team sports they just don't mean anything to me but but I they just don't I just don't care you know like if I just don't feel like they represent me at all in any kind of way and I don't understand being a fan of the Lakers it's like all right yeah why because they're good at basketball right and you like seeing basketball perform well oh no no Lakers for life even when they're bad I like to watch I don't get that let you're a fan of like the colors that they wear you just like the gold and purple or whatever like I mean they're different Los Angeles represent no they're not no they're not they imported them from every [ __ ] other state because they're the best that they could afford to buy these are mercenaries it's a mercenary sport all sports are and I like I like the sport of hockey like I'll watch like if the [ __ ] like if we weren't doing the show tonight and yeah the Islanders were playing the Penguins both very good teams this year Islanders are better there they were on a 10 game win streak until the Penguins won and over time I would have watched that game like I liked watching the sport of hockey I'm glad you said that because that's how I define an actual sports fan in my opinion you know I think that if you will watch the sport being played regardless of who's playing it as long as it's at a high level then you're just a sport a fan of the game and by doing that maybe you can come to admire a player or a team but I don't but but I think bandwagon fans are the best fans because those are the fans who if you honest feedback they're giving you honest feedback and they're like hey I like what I'm seeing right there I'm a fan of this not a fan of like some nostalgic [ __ ] from from when I was 13 and the Bulls won like not that because that doesn't matter Jordans not playing ball anymore there's Scottie Pippen's dead isn't he I know he's not for the longest time I give [ __ ] to Hawks fans because number one they're our rival and we have to give them [ __ ] and they had such a ridiculous bout of success with three Stanley Cups of the course of like five or six years like but even then like now I'm seeing friends of mine who didn't give a [ __ ] about the Blues just being like oh I'm all about the Blues now they're awesome they're great like because we won the Stanley Cup and so they're getting really but even that like I don't dislike like I don't actually dislike the bandwagon fans it's just a nice little chirp to throw out there and be like oh you didn't even know and at this point like it's been long enough that like Hawks fans even on the hockey reddit will be like I've been a fan ever since the team was created in 2010 because yeah I understand being a fan of a player you know in the same way I understand being a fan of a fighter and like I could like I would totally understand it if somebody was like a Colts fan because they liked Peyton Manning and then when he goes to another team blow up now I'm a Vikings fan or you know where he goes yeah I get in that I just don't it was Denver yeah I was space now but but still I just don't understand being a fan of like the mascot and the the jersey and doesn't this never me so like like the way it is for me like I like different styles of hockey so like the Blues are a very big defensive slow the game down hit really really hard and like play a little dirty frankly like the Blues are like of the team's existing now they're probably the dirtiest I like that style it's more old-school hockey they grind you down and then like going into gameday threads and seeing like you know I don't know I'm just picking a random team like a [ __ ] Philly fan being like why are there being this isn't hockey why are they just grinding us and hitting us so when the Philly fan would not say that I know I was let's say for say Penguins fan Oh perfect look at these people with their badly beards yeah I like seeing that but I also like my Eastern Conference team the Tampa Bay Lightning they're all run-and-gun super fast they try and make the other team play their game and if you can't keep up with them you're not gonna do well they have too many high school players and so I enjoy the different styles and the way the game can be played and like you can watch the Blues play the lightning and lightning is able to force the Blues to try and play catch up with me lightning are gonna blow us out they're gonna win for sure if the Blues are laying heavy hits and keep making the lightning players a little bit scared because there's a team on the smaller side blues are gonna win like you'll see a puck battle going in and you'll see [ __ ] cuchara going and then you'll see Pietrangelo going in and you'll see Kouta pull back a little bit match up for the ages or Perico who is oh right I love Rico is one of the best defenseman in the league he's like six foot six or he's an enormous guy who plays for us and he has the hardest slap shot in the league now at this point I would say and so often when he winds up to take one from the point he'll hit a player and if he hits someone on the other team they'll like he's shot the skate blade off of people before and so like the blade will come off and the guy who got hit will try and put his foot down and then he just eat [ __ ] and falls must have liked another player into the bench but other times he'll take a wind-up and slap it and it'll hit one of our guys and the guy will be like spitting blood like just hit the other players if you're going to hit someone our guy's teeth anyway what did you think I just bought that nerf blaster no big deal but what's the purpose of this got a nerf blast house new girl I was like I'm into toys I saw the commercial on YouTube and I was like man I used to love nerf guns when I was a kid oh it's not for nothing it's not for nothing and and I was like wait a minute I'm being honest I still like nervous and I got $50 to spend ooh I feel like it'd be more fun if you had an opponent no buy a shitty gun places do this belongs on a tinder profile come on over I got dueling nerf guns I'm into toys I hope you like toys I've got lots of toys and she gets there like showing up and like check this out rabid or whatever nope you just fire was so much fun I didn't like nerf as a kid because you would always try and establish the rules in someone's basement like if you get hit you got to be dead you got to be out and there was no honor system as eight-year-olds know I would know I cheated so much completely different than adults and paintball totally different yeah we switched to airsoft not long after that and then and then the paintball as soon as as soon as I could get a paintball gun yeah that paintball is the best now we don't people's the best because like that was always the dream for anybody who played with nerf guns as a kid so cool oh yeah you know you did and I hit you first yeah but now we've got a gun [ __ ] shoots balls of paint at 300 feet per second we're gonna know that's why paintball is better than airsoft yes and I'm cheating uh everyone says that I've only played herself one day and it seemed like it hurt enough that people would desperately want you to stop hitting them now they wear like super it depends where and how you're playing but in my experience I got played in out here in Atlanta in like the indoor sea close quarters battle airsoft and it's like a gigantic room filled with like plywood like rooms you know like like mocked up houses yeah yeah and and you're just laning people to shooting like that and people are wearing such thick [ __ ] Army Combat nonsense that like they don't care at the a time I played I went with [ __ ] my paintball pants and a t-shirt I play to the desert and that might have made the difference to like you would suffer in a whole different way if you were really patted yeah they were so padded up I was I was not happy with it would like playing with them because like everybody had this like they had like the big military bullshitting knee pads and elbow pads and big like gloves with the like Kevlar knuckles on them and [ __ ] like they don't feel it I mean they could they could tell if they've been hit but it doesn't hurt them enough to quit it was hurting me enough though lay it like you know you going room to room like you are you know and call duty when you run right into the guy and you will spray each other down real quick when that happens in real life it is excruciating because we both have like fully automatic em fours that shoot four or five hundred feet per second and we just spray each other down at clothes at like point blank range until somebody lets off the trigger and just it hurt it really hurt yeah it's no joke yeah but yeah I didn't I never like that because of the cheating and then laser tags never really works for real but so paintball has always been my thing for sure so you mentioned a while ago about horses and movies charging into like foot soldiers and just wrecking them mm-hmm what's I I had my suspicions that in real life that's not cool at all right like um picture I'm on a horse and you and your hundred people are on foot I feel like I get I know I take out two or three guys as I plunge into the mass and I'm surrounded by people my horse is freaked out we're getting poked it with swords and spears you're just going to your death right no those guys were like the the height of military technology of their time like they're covered in armor you know the horse has got a lot of armor and the guys they're attacking or those foot soldiers you know there weren't a lot of professional armies back then a lot of times it's just some a bunch of [ __ ] out there and he's just swinging in that sort and if he's on that if he's a knight like an actual Knight it's like the Spartan story we always it's like it's like obsidian what what is your profession I'm a porter he looks smart earns who does your profession in it whoo-hoo-hoo Haru it's like the guy on that horse like that's all he's up to like like he's it's like Game of Thrones the most realistic part is probably that those those noble born people like Jon Snow you know they've just been training with a master of arms their whole life so when he gets up north the wall and he's like going ham on everybody and the man guys like he probably didn't have a master of arms when he was eight that's the first time he's ever picked up a sword John maybe slow down John's like [ __ ] hey hey I guess you're right [ __ ] I'm gonna am I the [ __ ] yeah yeah you are so I think in that it's like if John showed up in like the pottery house and was trying to do it he's like get it better [ __ ] [ __ ] idiot dummy that would know wouldn't serve my dog milk out of that jar you're right you know you're crashing into that line of people which probably isn't that thick you know the line of people depends on the mind it's here because I've what that's the problem you get or eight people deep and now you're surrounded and you've got an issue yeah it depends you know a lot of those every time we see it when his battles in a movie it seems like it's like 20,000 versus 10,000 but I think in reality it was you know a lot of those battles was like ah the English have 3,000 men and the Scottish have brought 1800 as I will help and and by the time they spread the lines out and they've got you know it's just a few thick it just all that weight going that fast it would be a crushing blow I'm a scared of horses like I've been around horses there there's frightening Lee powerful when they're just like moving around you you just like I hope he doesn't decide to murder me right now you can and what was that clip of like the camel like just biting some guy's shoulder once just like gloves just like get the hell out of here dude just like bit his trap muscle off and through them yeah camels are powerful they're any good UFC events coming up max Holloway and Amanda Nunez are on like the next card my money's on Holloway he's gonna beat the [ __ ] out of her [Laughter] unfortunately they're not fighting there's uh there's kuznetsov verse halt the jews I'm just using hockey players dude dry sidle verse [ __ ] Agostino tell me you're not excited about that whose names I'm almost made up I I wanted to look up some like famous cavalry charges with sabers drawn about six hundred Italian cavalry men yelled out their traditional battle cry savoir and galloped headlong toward two thousand Soviet foot soldiers armed with machine guns and mortars it was August 23rd 1942 the cavalry men part of the axis invasion of the Soviet Union during World War two were attempting to close a gap that had been opened between the Italian and German lines the town and German armies along the Don River it was to be the end of an era though experts believed that smaller and less well-documented caliber charges likely occurred later on in World War two and possibly as late as 1970s in Rhodesia they generally described this as the last major charge in history in closely packed formation the Italian cavalry men hurled themselves at the left flank and rear of the Soviet line tossing hand grenades and slashing with their sabers despite heavy losses they then passed through the line in a reverse direction and helped dislodge the Soviets from their position the final us the final US charge took place in the Philippines and 42 when the pistol wielding Horsemen of the 26 Cavalry Regiment temporarily scattered the Japanese soon after however the starving us and Filipino soldiers were forced to eat their own horses so that ended the six galleries charging the end of the story on the Italian victory yeah man imagine how upsetting it has to be to be one of those guys where you're like are you [ __ ] me like I'm a tank guy you human hop on the back of this horse and charge him with a saber I'm gonna get molested over there especially with those Russians they're tough they don't live in the Mediterranean and an Asian mafia [ __ ] the way we do you think that's uh you know that's the whole premise of that movie we were soldiers with Mel Gibson is like that was the first time the cavalry was had transitioned you know post-world War two into the sort of Air Cavalry yeah that's a good [ __ ] movie yes when he tries to drag that guy off the battlefield and it guys been napalmed and all the meat slides off his legs like our [ __ ] barbecue rib you don't heal from that and I forget which one it was I think it was his like Gunny sergeant like a second he didn't have a gun and they're like don't you want a gun and he's like either gonna be all over the place in no time at all they get to me it's over anyway he's had that pistol here that 1911 that guy's yeah at one point what he was like kills a guy yeah it's a good [ __ ] movie no Gibson movies are almost always good what's the worst Mel Gibson movie Passion of the Christ oh no I just actually even seen it it's powerful like you don't have to be religious to be like [ __ ] just just kill him or let him go pick one they're just like all right now let's whip him even harder how much whipping as hard as I could sir we'll give me a bigger man and a bigger whip to latest days just all day they're just beating the [ __ ] out of this guy just just worse and worse and he's just like bring it on and watch recently the South Park from when The Passion of the Christ came out okay and Cartman uses it to like try and get Nazis going again oh god geez didn't you kill TVs and they kill gzc like he gets like a big group of people who all love the passion and they think it's all about like reinstalling Christian values and things and he's like yeah he's standing up there and like a Hitler suit and like nobody's getting on he's like when I say shootin that Jordan are like oh that must mean like Jesus is the bomb which i think means the Jews killed Christ oh yeah preach Christ preached Christ yes so far kisum some big it's good this year that this whole China thing like kind of I bet the season wouldn't have been nearly as good if China hadn't banned them and now they have somebody to [ __ ] with now they had somebody to let go after like when that happened they're like he's right themselves now although I hated the Halloween episode I haven't seen I saw the first two I think but the good thing about them being able to go up to China I would imagine is that's a target that you can say whatever you want and nobody's gonna get upset there's not an interest group here that's gonna be like hey be cool the Xion ping yeah LeBron James would get upset okay well they made fun of LeBron didn't the other what Cartman say exact exactly word for word Cartman's experiment yeah absolutely I go to the NBA subreddit and I can't call it it very well but you know how they do a thing where they change like 5% of the LeBron quote and they reply it happens all the time now like you don't know people could people could get hurt emotionally and physically like they just do the whole thing but it's it's it's just you see copypasta yeah we need the poo they rephrase it for this situation yeah do you see Randy killing winnie-the-pooh oh yeah you we got at least one more good one I had of you it's uh what did you see Randy go to China I saw him go to China when he's like oh yeah that's that's my weed its integrity marijuana [ __ ] they throw him in that horrible prison I love when he's sitting there he looks over and that guy just takes the most uncomfortable squat [ __ ] in that hole in the floor and then he looks out the window and the guard just blows like there's brains out for no [ __ ] reason it's dark they're not pulling any punches yeah it's real [ __ ] up and yeah they're well they're banned in China now I wonder I wonder how easy it is if you're in China to like if you wanted to watch it to make that happen probably super easy with the internet like good good a VPN I I don't I don't know the answer to that question I don't know how China works I just know there's like four times as many of them over there as there are here in the yep they're catching up man we'll see I I wonder I wonder cuz um I think everyone agrees that China's economy is gonna pass ours and there's a lot of stuff that supports that okay I get that and by one measure I forget which it's already passed but Japan looked like this too if you look at a Japan it was like their economy reached 85 or 90% of the size of ours and it looked like they were gonna pass us by and then they kind of fell apart when was this call it the late 80s you know the Japan was catching us like that and China you know in some ways brilliant economy they haven't been wasting all their money with pointless wars in the Middle East like we have they've been investing into their infrastructure and so like that's great great great on the other hand they also have lots of shady [ __ ] all sorts of incomplete buildings really low quality that we get a lot of the things that they do is built on sort of lies and [ __ ] and I wonder if that haunts them if the US did ever collapsed China would collapse as well like it is what I've heard like they can't maintain any part of their economy without their advantageous exports and import it's weird yeah way more of their [ __ ] than they buy of our [ __ ] by an order of magnitude so people smarter than me point that out is a real like weakness in what they have going on you know like like all Americans do it Americans ok but you know like China is really dependent on exports they don't have all those exports their whole world crashes and it's well I thought that was good I thought it was good when everyone in the world wanted to buy your stuff and you know where we import too much I thought that was bad but more sad for being sustainable like we need more manufacturing here maybe they'll get some sort of a horrible like virus going over there that'll kill like half of them I just wonder if like all this infrastructure they built up it's like no building codes or building codes that they ignore you know and that starts to bite them at one point like the Russian Olympic Village remember that yeah stuff like that like it yeah that was a joke it was so funny to see like the social media come back from like our athletes and like they play like turn on the faucet in the shower the doorknobs don't lock it's done yeah crazy do that dr. Seuss [ __ ] I know it's UFC stuff but two things one John Jones announced his next opponent yeah Oh Dominic how do you pronounce it rise raise they re y es race I don't know what dude the guy's undefeated he's big he's strong he's at 205 were he's not just a 185 or that came up like most of his other fights but something about the dudes aren't inspiring to me and I think I'm judging him by his physique too much but Dominic Reyes has dad bod I don't know man I'm not seeing that and I mean here he isn't weigh in I think that's usually pretty telling um I'm showing him on Fight Night right now and he's just um there's a link okay did you get six-foot-four that's the best of him yeah he's 64 I don't know how tall Jones is there if he's a true 6-4 really I think the beard and the and the fact that he's not ripped right like he definitely has a bottom half body for the UFC right even a bottom quarter but he's undefeated so I guess this guy in the Viper you're saying yeah oh this guy's this guy's pretty [ __ ] bill there just search his name do a Google image search on his name of Dominic Dominic yeah and just let I know look around at the different pictures that show up for him no yeah I mean look he's no Paul Kosta whatever but he's also probably not a cheater you know what like this like John Jones I we're gonna have to agree to disagree I'm not aware of any proof that John Jones has ever done any cheating except maybe on some girlfriends and at the idea of the steroids well you know the eye pokes were incidental and I'm not aware of any proof that he's done any steroids but it did seem that he did hit and run that pregnant chick pregnant woman's which I think just gives him another victory on his record yeah no - that's right he got the little one-two one-two punch there you know undefeated undisputed champion just we'll see how he does I'm convinced he's due for a loss and it's not convinced this guy can give I mean you definitely do for a loss yeah okay oh and the other thing is you were talking about Nunez and Holloway oh yeah Colby versus humans on that card that's a massive card it really is yeah it really is yeah I'm gonna pick I'll make my pics now Nunez who's Holloway fighting again bull Kanaskie yeah Nunez Holloway Colby wins his and Jones is on that card no no he just said I was gonna say goddamn night yeah what's the other fight then those are the three big ones I definitely pick Holloway Nunez and I'm really spacing out here tomorrow so I'm gonna say new Diaz wins I go Lee I'm gonna say all the way wins I agree and I'm gonna say the Colby fight doesn't happen because Kumar gets busted for peds ah well if it that's a Colby win no matter what then cuz because if they do fight my money's on Colby for sure I look as Nunez fighting two random ei if I had 135 or 145 I thought it was 35 and you're right about it would be 45 right hey it could be either because Nene answers thirty champ champ it says yeah I thought it was yeah I didn't think de random he wanted to fight at one four or five yeah you know I hate Duran to me so I'm really looking forward to Nunez beating the dog [ __ ] out of that horse faced she's the one that was in Sheep against Holly Holmes right yeah yeah and and it's it's taken about two and a half three years for her to get her comeuppance but it's coming this is my dream whenever I saw like even back in the day like some [ __ ] was a jerk like give a title shot let Chuck Liddell have at him you know cuz that guy will put her to sleep and like Duran to me I'm with you she's one of my least favorite Amanda Nunez is gonna take care of it but I feed her to John Jones for all I care I don't give a [ __ ] yeah for real yes I would be fine watching her be assaulted would be okay if it was a situation like when Jorge Mass but I'll beat that guy up at the press conference after the fight Leon yeah yeah if Jorge happens to be around after the fight you know hands behind his back random II bucks at him and he just unleashes one of those elbows he hit Diaz with then I would I won't say I've worked I just happened to catch thank Y my space in man's Vidal was interviewing Jerry today it happened like eight months ago or something yeah his story was [ __ ] hilarious to me because he's like you know leotta Edwards asked me when we were gonna fight I started to tell him he told me to shut up so I went over to him and I feared for my life I was I was scared my hands are behind my back I was defenseless there was nothing I could do but hit him four times he's like he had all these hooligans around this lady passing by and I believe that his elderly father was there too he made a move toward me and I think that was a breath I think he was bailing yeah yeah yeah very offensive in the mass but all this hands come from behind his back and just starts going [ __ ] apeshit yeah he's pretend that he's handcuffed like oh yeah can't can't be of a little concerned all spider of the Year man I hope he wins it he deserves it fighter no I mean I mean I mean well it could be Sahu tow it could be Nunez and it could be Jones he's fought a lot all right you know he did what he get three surgeon wins though he's gonna fight four times this year you know oh is that right pretty sure yeah you fight you win for you know decisions or split decisions or not you give win for fights in the UFC in one year after being off for that long and then coming right back might be fighter of the year but my money would go to Jorge just don't entertainment value he's been the most entertaining entertaining entertaining at all of all of them from me with that Askren KO and I love ask him but goddamn he's fought twice this year I was twice or three for the year then yeah it might be four times within a year because he fought December 29th oh yeah that's what I'm thinking yeah yeah I'm counting that then come on give me the two days I hear ya but yes this will be his third oh I'm not even sure it'll be this year he just announced the fight I don't get the date okay well we'll see what happens but yeah though I think those are the contenders for fighter of the year so who doe obviously went in two belts and coming back gets Dominick Cruz I believe it was it really convincingly and really crazy fight the championship fights whoo DB yeah I could maybe wasn't um I don't know that weight classes fighters very well I don't I don't care about that weight class frankly so who does the most interesting thing in it and he's the only interesting thing in it you know especially with Mighty Mouse gone I'd love to see just him in Mighty Mouse fighting every three months forever let's just do that keep rolling it back Alice Shaw Telus oh yeah that was a good win but there was another one where he came back yeah Morales is the one you're thinking of or Alice that's the one that for sure and then noona has taken cyborg apart and I think she also be Holly in the same year so that's super duper impressive not so much for Holly but cyborg and the way she took cyborg damn that wasn't some five round point fight where she like danced around and ran from cyborg she's out cyborg cyborg she mauled her and just hit her with bombs like you've never seen in that way class homes any women a weird career like she said I like she is a crisp Weidman career right some really impressive wins and some really nice losses in there you know she lost us some quality opponents she looked pretty good prior to the knockout you know lately there's a lot of parallels with her and Chris Weidman yeah but she's a fan favorite and they just keep bringing her back I don't know how many she's lost at this point like her last five it's four look her up it's not good it's not good like I bet her last ten it's probably something like six or seven losses she's another one that I look at for peds a lot yeah you don't like her big [ __ ] I don't say not like is though easier did your phrasing it yeah I don't like a look at that big I'm totally fine with the look of it I'm just suspicious of its development yeah but yeah one two three four five losses out of her last seven yeah that's nasty that's that's no good you know Connors coming back soon I I think interesting fighter it's there it's hard to tell though all he does is like pretend to take fights he says that he's said yes twice but I believe him because here's the thing there was a time obviously when like oh if he said yes they were like all right yeah filling get in there go but he's such a big name now and he gets whatever his contract is God knows like he's getting such a big piece of the pie that they need like three months to promote this guy to get their money's worth Adam I think incident it right like have you been value that Conner brings is the media tour so when whenever somebody drops out like like I like a thing there's been twice that he says there's twice we're like fighters have dropped out and he's gonna hate I'll jump in and they were like no no we can't pay you I'm just making it we can't pay you 10% of the [ __ ] pay-per-view that we take in tonight without use without getting like a 60 days of you pumping this thing up and traveling to [ __ ] Ireland and getting getting people getting the Irish to fly over here to Vegas and getting the whole like montage cooked up and everything without without the promo tour you're literally just not as valuable and that makes sense unless you'd fight for less right like if he I guess maybe it was worth as the man says well but he's not worth as much without the media tour if he was like hey if I could not do the media tour thing maybe he'd be interested in like I'll take 7 million and I'll just go fighting yeah you know instead of traveling all over and stuff I don't know I'll watch when he fights and I'll be a fan till he does I like the guy I find him he's just so fascinating I dislike the guy but I like him on my TV you know I'm interested in the Nate Diaz is that way - it's he's already waiting saying he didn't really lose he's a bad loser he's a bad he denies what's obviously truth he does he beat Conor that second time he did I watched that fight three [ __ ] times like like whenever I bought like the ESPN fight thingy the monthly subscription service I was like holy [ __ ] I can just watch this fight whenever I want and I watched it once by myself and then my dad came over he didn't know Conor McGregor was so I was like let's just watch every fight he's ever had and and and after watching it three times like I think I'll agree with the professional judges and the the vast majority of the human beings who I also watched it and say it looked like he was gonna chop him down by round three Connor did like he was somehow the leg kicks just stopped working Nate was limping and at the end of round two and like having a mobility problem and then somehow and rounds three and four like it just stopped it was almost like they snuck him a [ __ ] shot in the end the corner leg went numb and he didn't have to worry about it anymore but honestly that's what it looks like it's it's almost like his legs went numb and now he could no longer film he's a real [ __ ] warrior he was like there's that part in Sin City where there were Clive Owen is doing the voice-over and he's talking about Marv Marv's character sitting at the bar is like mom would have fit in fine on some battlefield 1,200 years ago putting a battle-axe through some other fools head later thrown him girls like Nancy back then this is like yeah he does not belong in our time he's a goddamn barbarian I feel like Nate Diaz is almost that kind of guy he'd have been a great [ __ ] they Diaz say he's like I'd be the baddest caveman out there you know and and I think you know what if no one else is on steroids he's way up there now I don't think mass Fidel's on steroids but um I'm sure he's fought guys who are yeah of course I think mass but I was a bad [ __ ] though I think that about lausanne career to like you know how much better would his career have been if everyone else was clean mm-hmm yeah I agree he definitely have a couple more wins and those winds might translate themselves to win streaks and translate themselves to different fights in front of him that are better matchups you never know you know there's an alternate universe where Joe beets Pettis you know and gray I will shot you know that that would really love with you sada mm-hmm yeah yeah yeah I think that was the case I think if he beaten Pettis especially if he'd like Keo Pettis or like submitted Pettis like I think certainly yeah that the guy he beat before him was fighting for a title fight it was a black name with he dyed his hair oh yeah Edgar Melvin guard Melvin Guillard yeah Melvin Guillard would have had a title shot if he beat Joe right so that's the Joe was like that level he didn't when Joe and Pettis were on the card one of them would have filled in for the title shine on the card it was Edgar versus Henderson they got them to go out to Japan by saying hey you know what one of those guys falls through you you one of you two is gonna fight for a title or an interim title was either Joe or Pettis and and clearly the winner of that got a title shot like it was kind of a title eliminator and do Joe's way yeah yeah yeah but yeah what are you gonna do won his last one convincingly I hope we hope we get to see him fight again or I hope he just rides up from the sunset enjoys his uh his life either way he's cool everybody the way he's cool with me man's got a great life yes yeah any outros there are no outros all right by the way many loved you guys spamming him with with messages so keep that out keep on spamming I don't know what we're talking about I'm a PK and I told people to message MIDI if they wanted to play with me because they have these steam I don't know how to like my Steam settings like disallow like messages and friend requests from coming in uh-huh so just random tomato okay if you want to play with Taylor or I send a message to MIDI and if you have any packages you'd like to send to me or Taylor Woody's address easily google send those to MIDI also pKa for 64
Channel: WoodysGamertag
Views: 330,445
Rating: 4.8572836 out of 5
Keywords: commentary, woodysgamertag, mail monday, motivation, inspiration, pka, painkiller, already, podcast, diy, vlog, blog
Id: eGanRuMQldE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 34sec (14374 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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