Kitchen Gadget Testing #49

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- It's all in Japanese. Colin's heads exploded. No. (burbles) Oh my, (laughs) (bright bouncy music) (slide whistle whistling) Hello everyone, hope you're well, welcome to Kitchen Gadget Testing 49. If you're not in the middle of a Barathon do check out the rest of the playlist at the end of this video, start from number one, it will take you a whole weekend, but a lot of you love it. Almost as much as I do, and before commenting down below, please keep consider that some of these gadgets, although some are novelty, some can help people, and do help people with disabilities, which is an amazing thing, and it's just great to get people in the kitchen, and just having fun. in sometimes an interesting way as you'll see today. There's actually a bit of cooking going on, quite a lot today let's start with the... Yes, this first one is more of a utensil, or a tool. This is something called a Nutella knife. Look, oh wow, it's just come straight out of the packaging that it arrived in, there we go. Nutella knife, can you see the curvature on it, that's the only reason, I love how shiny that is, look at that. It's called a Nutella spreader, and when I ordered it, I was like, it's really nice and weighty actually. Why would that be needed, why would that be a thing, so I'm just gonna get a knife out of my drawer, butter knife, okay, so can you see the difference there between the Nutella knife and a normal knife? And in fact this has a very delicate, in fact that's not a butter knife is it, (laughs), this is just a table knife. But that's what I would just normally grab from the drawer with a serrated edge. So this is smooth, so it's gonna be good for spreading, and also maybe the curvature is good for the jar? I've gotta be honest the one time I actually do use Nutella I don't use a knife at all, I tend to just use a spoon, and just scoop it around 'cause the curvature can get all in the gaps. Can you see, hopefully that lines up with that, yeah it's got that sort of custom neck hasn't it, a jar like that? With a standard knife you can go in, and you can scrape, and actually to be honest, you can get in there. So, no look, see I am scratching at the surface, I'm revealing the glass there, there's not a problem, that's fine, (laughs) Straight down, straight on there, it's fine. Okay so the Nutella knife it feels more valuable, I'm gonna stick that in there, so actually that is inline perfectly, so if I really try and help this it just feels a bit over the top but look, if I go like this, I am actually scraping that, I'm getting it flush, what about the neck? Where's the neck, there you go, I'm getting some up there as well, but I'm really having to sort of scrape that. But I don't think it's really about that, I think it's just the fact that it's a nice knife that you can scrape in there, really wipe it clean like that, and then most importantly you've got a smooth edge so you can then go along like that without serrating your toast. (laughs) No, I don't really, I think it's a novelty thing, I don't think Nutella knives are needed. Anyhow, check this one out. This thing arrived from a follower in Japan, can you see that, it's got this egg thing with a handle, some weird, look, look at these serving suggestions. Now I got a bit confused because it looks like it's like an egg scrambler but then the Japanese are serving it with caramel sauce and chocolate sauce, and almost like a creme brulee kind of vibe. It does have some sort of help here, I don't know what this means, some sort of nuclear egg, but it looks like you put the egg in the sort of holster thing, you then boil it, which I think 30 minutes perhaps, I don't know, we'll do that, and then you can serve it with your sauce on top like that. (laughs) I don't really know, but I think it's gonna be a bit of fun. Oh let's just rip, no, no, no I'm not gonna rip, I'm gonna give this one away 'cause it's so quirky to my patrons, remember I do a Patreon giveaway for gadgets. Someone now has a cheese gun in their possession. Look at that, it looks like a light bulb. Look at the cartoon of the kid, no don't eat the egg. (laughs) This is cool, it feels like a comic book but it's all in Japanese. It's literally all in Japanese, yes, every single bit. (laughs) So you open this, and you can then take that out, oh this is quite sophisticated, look at this. Okay, okay, so this is our sort of shuttle, it's like a spindle look, all that is, is that moves this, that's cool. It's that shuttle that the egg sits in? The egg goes in, this goes on. It honestly does suddenly feel like a NASA space launch. (laughs) It's sticking out the top there, look at that. It is literally, I wanna draw a face on it, yes, let's draw a face on it. To infinity and beyond. Look at him, you all right in there mate? You're upside down. Maybe you can sort of screenshot this and have a look at how funny these instructions are. I mean there's an egg there in shock. I've got the rotation picture to do next, but it doesn't say for how long. Okay, (laughs). So I've got various different versions of, I guess we're technically spinning the egg. I've got another one upstairs with a pull cord, and that's basically it. I'm just worried that we haven't pierced the egg. (jaunty horn music) All right that'll do. I think this is where we might go wrong because it's got here this is black and white but I can still see that neon colour egg difference there. Maybe the eggs are different in Japan, I know they're different in America for example. It's sort of saying how they would go from seeing the white to the yolk, maybe the shells are thinner, or maybe that's just a visualisation of what is happening inside Colin, that's what I'm gonna call him. The very Japanese name, Colin. (water running) This is still cold but rather then shocking it I'm actually gonna put it in there now, so it warms up with it. I am genuinely worried that it could burst a little bit by not putting a hole in it, but we'll go with it. In fact do you now what, I think I'll do quickly just another one off camera. Another random point, the gadget, bizzarely, smells of marzipan. There we are, so I'm gonna put a little hole in this one with the big smiley face, looks a bit like Jaws don't he from the James Bond movies. And then we'll see if that makes a difference. Only a little hole, this is actually a sweetcorn holder thing, there we go. Ooh, you see it's seeping, that's possibly why you don't do it, but at least we've got some comparison. So we've got Colin in there, and then we've got Ed. Ed the egg, oh no look your brains are coming out already Ed, oh dear. Yeah, can you see, it's actually spilling out a little bit, but I think it could seal up. ♪ Ba-Ya-Ya. ♪ Do you guys get that reference, I don't know. For those of you asking what kitchen gadget testing 50 is gonna be, let me give you a hint. Those of you that are fans of Star Wars will have to stew for not much longer, hmm. Oh my gosh, let's get it off the heat, look at that. I'm gonna put it on my smaller hob, that ones a bit powerful at the back, but I put a lid on it as well, 'cause I wanted to try and get some control. And I can still see an egg in there, what the heck is that? (laughs) There's something floating to the surface. Er, well one of you, (gasps), it's Colin, Colin's heads exploded look he's got an afro. (laughs) Look, I'm glad we did Edward. Edward's holding strong. This next gadget is, obviously you can tell, look, it is a Mediaeval looking, this was sent to me, one of you guys sent me this, thank you very, very much, very, very kind, this is a burger press. It's two burgers, gives you two separate options to do different thicknesses. So let's make some burgers. Bit of salt, smoked garlic powder, some onions, and some beef mince. Wow, mix this all together with one hand, so I'm keeping one hand clean for the camera, but I'm gonna squish all those ingredients together, all those flavourings, and you could add more of course, it's your burgers, it's more about the gadget really but I'm just gonna make a little bit of effort on this here. Wow, this mince is cold, (laughs). All right I'd say that's pretty darn good. This gadget, scrapey, scrapey, is very simplistic I think. I mean I love it, it's really strong and metallic, I've no idea where it came from which country, but look you open it up, you're gonna place your meat in there, maybe you could grease it, maybe you could put some non-stick paper in if you want. But the most important thing here is I don't know if you can see these spindles here, now they apparently will adjust the height. See that one's low down, and that one's a bit higher up so you put your meat in, and you can press it down. But that should, you see if I push them down, look how lower down that one goes. So the lower down it goes, the more smaller and thinner your burger's gonna be. (laughs) It's really awkward, so I've never used this before, I've no idea how thick we're gonna make it, and bear in mind whenever you cook any sort of meat or burger, generally it shrinks by about 10 to 20%. I've got one hand trying to keep that still clean, I'm gonna put this, I guess that's like a tennis ball size of meat, so we're gonna push that down on it. I'm gonna press that, (groans). Oh my gosh, I can just hear some squelching, I'm not sure if that's me. (laughs) That's actually really cool. It's a little bit lopsided, but that might have been the amount of meat that I put in there. That's actually worked, really, really well. So with this plate a lot lower down, this is gonna be a thinner one, so I'm gonna get the same amount of meat, pull that down so it presses in place. Oh wow, you can see I've put too much in there. So the initial level of the plate is pushing the meat anyway, but we'll go for it. And then I'll push, (groans), look at that. This is brilliant, that's actually really fun. It's a teeny bit lopsided as I say but I think you can play around with it, and work with it, that's a fun little gadget. You know I actually, I've just got this in my cupboard, prefer this one, you know where you can push the meat in and it shapes it for you, and when you cook it although they're that sort of shape they do go round by the end, and then you can freeze it as well. I do prefer that, whereas this is a bit more of a sort of Mediaeval times thing. I like it. It's not got the straightest edge on it, but that'll do. (jaunty accordion music) That is a nice burger. That's just watercress, a burger sauce which is basically just ketchup and mayonnaise mixed together, and tomatoes in there. Oh my gosh, anyhow, back to reality, let's see how Ed and Colin are getting on. (laughs) Look, he's got a bit of a headache. Hello I'm not having a very good day. Love what you've done to your hair. - Lets try Colin. No, let's not try Colin, let's try Edward, which I just dropped, and he, you've got the little hole at the top that we made there, other then that, and the fact that I just dented it, he looks all right. All right mate, how was the sauna? (laughs) So these have cooled down a bit now, and what I think I'm gonna try and do on the box they've got some serving suggestions, I quite like the one where they've halved it there, and you're looking for a really nice yellowy yolk, where the white and the yellow has mixed together, hence the spinning. This one might be more achievable but we'll have a look. Sadly Colin I think we're gonna have to take your head off mate, all right. Oh dear, I span that like a mad man. Huh, who's smiling now. (laughs) That hasn't worked at all. Maybe I should have spun it much, much longer. And then you just want a fairly flat bottom for it to sit on, and then you drizzle your caramel sauce on top. I don't really wanna do that. Does not bode well for Edward does it. Oh no, oh wow, no that one's worked better. The one that I put a hole in, look. That's actually worked, there's a difference in colour, that's actually darker. Maybe I spun the other one more, in fact I think that, I did it off camera but I spun it less, I just went, boop, boop, boop, quick. But that's definitely worked, so definitely put a hole in it, I'm sure the Japanese instructions probably told you to do that. They go for that sort of restaurant style zig-zag by the looks of it. (laughs) that's gourmet right there, we'll get out teaspoon, so this is effectively what they're classing as a pudding, I'm classing it as a very confused boiled egg, but maybe the sweeten will help. No, (laughs). I was thinking doesn't matter, the caramel sauce will mask it, no, it just tastes like rubber. We have at least proved that that concept worked. I guess it can vary depending on the sort of eggs you use, and your tastebuds, (laughs). Let's do something else. Let's bring together three gadgets that's gonna finish off this video to make one epic pudding. Okay so we are making some macarons, not macaroons, macarons are the slightly more posh things with almonds that are trickier to make. So I've got a gadget that should hopefully help with that, this is a macaron keszito szett. It's a tray that's got the grooves in it, and a pump, basically a piping bag. For the macaron mix we need to separate our yolks, we've got a little yolk catcher, and the last thing we've got to help with our ingredients, might not need it too much but I'll probably use it going forward with other things. This is a digital scale with a measuring cup on the side. So it's got grammes, mils, cups, everything you can think of, I think, I haven't used it yet, but that's what it's supposed to do. So macarontastic times. And I like the fact that the lids got that stem on both sides, so this is it to I guess keep it cool, and you can keep it in the fridge, but when you turn it over and the spout is good too like that, you turn it over, this becomes the yolk catcher. Crack an egg in, the egg white is seeping away through those holes, and the yolk will stand. There's a big gap in the middle too, it's draining it off for us. (egg cracking) Oh my gosh, boom, straight in like that. I only need three eggs, that's eggshellent, look at that. Egg whites are collected down the bottom, I'm gonna leave them to do their thing, and we'll crack on with making it. Okay so this is the digital mug, oh look it's got cups on that side already, and mils and ounces on that side, which is really, really cool. But there is a digital screen here, and it says tar. What does tar mean, it's like a pirate thing, and then mode. So you put it on a level surface, I think that's quite important, put the power on, then the LCD screen will show. In normal mode the scale cup is set to grammes, and the density is one gramme equals one mil, which I think is about normally pretty accurate to be honest. So it's very cool because you're gonna get your fluid kind of measures there anyway, but then on here you're gonna get your grammes and your other cup sizes, and your ounces and all that other stuff as well. I don't want to go too crazy with this because you can sort of see what this is gonna do but I do need some almond flour. Oh actually I've just seen it's got one of those watch battery things in there, and I can't quite pull that out, so there's a perfect gadget for that too. Slightly dirty Nutella knife. (laughs) There we go, and we should, oh look we've got power, Marty we've got power. 20.9 degrees C, that's the temperature isn't it? It's got a thermometer in it, what? I'm just gonna put it up here, there is a little bit of wobble in that, look at that, but I'm gonna be super delicate with this. I need 95 grammes of ground almond flour. Come on, it's like at the petrol pump, there we go. Just a little spec, and it's moved it up to 90, that's exactly what I needed. 95 grammes, which of course is 200 mils, there we are. There's also about seven ounces, or 3/4 of a cup, what a cool thing. I need icing sugar this time. Oh my (laughs) Oh no, 202, that's what I do at the petrol station, yeah, gonna get it bang on 10 pounds, 20 quid, 30 quid, whatever, 10 pound two p. So we'll just pour that straight in there, and yes, the plume of icing sugar that's brought it down to 200 grammes again. Those two grammes are in the air somewhere, and if you wanna make it super fine, you can get yourself a sieve, like that, and then just work it through. We can now go back to our egg whites, tip them in there, and then I guess what we can do is tip the yolks in here, store them upside down like that. That's awesome. We'll whisk these up, okay so we've got soft peaks. 50 grammes of sugar, again using the little jug thing which I've washed out, so I'm gonna do this in about four batches. (whisk whirring) I've got the stiff peaks there so vanilla extract, and a smidgen of food colouring. So I'm gonna go for yellow, don't need too much, I'm gonna do this is batches. There we go, nice and blended in, stiff peaks, and if you wanna check that it's done stick it over your head and it shouldn't fall out, but I'm too mature for that. You see. I've transferred our sieved almond mixture, I'm gonna do this in four batches, we just carefully fold it in to that whipped mixture. All right so that's combined, our third gadget coming up, and I guess this is a little snippet of a request I get quite often of doing a cooking video with just gadgets. So if you like what we're doing here, in this little section, let me know. Okay this thing, that's the baking mat. There we go, it's a little bit flimsy. There we go nice round silicon baking mat which I'll give a wash, and this looks like a whoopee cushion. (air puffing) It's not, okay yeah it is like an icing pen, we've got literally different nozzles on it. So we just kind of want a fat round one. Oh and a cap that's pretty good. Yep, so that's on pretty good. Oh we've got to get the batter in there, and then stick this sort of curved lid on. Let me give this all a wash, and then we'll sort it out. Okay so that's in there, it's not the most snug fit but I'm putting it in the tray because look how loose that is. Once we pipe them, when I move it again it's gonna all collapse everywhere. We'll open up our whoopee cushion, and I am going to spoon in the filling. Gotta just try and get this lid on now, this is gonna be tricky. It's sort of got a lip on it, you kind of wanna seal it down, and now is not the time for Seal puns. Come on, is that on? No, there you go it's on. (laughs) Look at that, wow. The other thing with macarons is once you pipe them you want them to kind of go hard on the top which takes about half an hour to an hour. So we're gonna leave them to stand, but also you're gonna wanna tap them to get air bubbles out at first, which is why the tray would be so much better then just leaving it on that, going (burbles). But let's try this out, I'm gonna squeeze there, oh that's coming out so easy. I don't know how big to do them. I'm just gonna wing it, it's quite good 'cause for symmetry it's given me a consistent vibe. I think for this experiment that will be it, but it is sitting nicely between it. And a little trick I learnt, if you lick your finger, if there's any sticking up you can just tap it down like that. (tray banging) So there's my tapping, I might do a few more anyway but that's the air bubbles coming up. We now leave this for at least half an hour so it firms to the touch before baking. These are going in for 17 minutes. Just as an aside while they're in the oven, look, this just arrived, do you remember Alice, I showed you this week, this is the actual drawing. Look guys. Thank you so much, if anyone else wants to do some fan art I'm mulling over having a whole wall full of it, I've got quite a bit collecting up, and this is pretty impressive, look at that. I can't even do Etch-A-Sketch. I've just got them out of the oven, they're looking good, they've got some decent feet on them but I'm gonna let them cool down fully and we're gonna fill them, and there's only one thing to fill them with, the Nutella knife. Oh you see that, (laughs). And also I can't see it, I did a mini one as well. Awesome. Okay no joke, moving the camera to basically say thanks for watching I drop it on the floor, my mini one. No! I totally did that on purpose so I could have the bigger one, here we go. Oh should have chilled it really, Nutella's spilling out, it's not a bad thing. Those three gadgets came together quite nicely then, and the Nutella knife was actually helping. I wasn't really thinking about it, I was just scooping it up, but yeah, again novelty that, but they've all actually been pretty darn good today. This was my favourite gadget out of all, the sun has actually come out a little bit as well, it's a little bit brighter in here now. Just to celebrate the world of this gadget, and actually most of them today, they're all pretty good. This one, the novelty one from Japan I'm gonna sign that right now, smiley face and all that stuff, I'll be giving that away to patrons. So if you are not a supporter on Patreon please consider doing so. Don't forget to have a Barathon now, any cool gadgets you've seen do let me know down below. Thanks for watching, and this has been excellent. Bye. ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style the kitchens for me ♪ ♪ Simon's moustache, goatee, maybe all three ♪ - It's all in Japanese.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 221,917
Rating: 4.8919649 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen gadget testing, testing kitchen gadgets, gadget, testing, kitchen gadgets, gadgets, food gadget testing, food gadgets, testing food gadgets, weird gadgets, weird cooking gadgets, barry lewis, myvirginkitchen, test, tested, kitchen, food, weird, odd, tools, haul, kitchen tools, life, hack, kitchen hacks, food hacks, experiment, science experiments, you need, inventions, review, gift ideas, cooking, novelty, Salt and pepper pugs, McMuffin maker, Slotdog, Pacman colour changing glass, Teafu
Id: 13mg6Xj4ROQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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