Kitchen Hack Testing 13

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- Oh my gosh it tastes like the Red Sea. - Have I just poisoned you? - [Barry] That is toilet waste. - That really hurt. - That is all kinds of wrong. Ah no. Ooh, my gosh that was not safe. Oh, my that's disgusting. I've done what the internet's told me to do. (bright music) - Come back. - Hello everybody welcome to Kitchen Hack Testing number... - 12? - I think it is. - 13. - Maybe. We're not sure, if you've missed any don't forget to have a Barathon, and check out the rest. But today, as always Mrs. B doesn't really know what we're doing, with the hacks. And we genuinely want these to work. The last video we did, they were pretty good weren't they? - Yes, it's the one before that didn't. - Yes, shall we crack on. - Yes. - Thanks. I did not realise this as you may or may not be aware, Mrs. B wears contact lenses don't you? - I do. - And if you wear contact lenses when you chop onions that's actually possibly the best natural hack ever in that you don't cry. - No 'cause it's protecting your eyes, like a film over your eyes. - Yeah. But there's inventions, there's like onion goggles, which are basically like swimming goggles pimped up. - Like glasses? - Like glasses, yeah. Does that work as well? It must do. - I can take them off. - Can you see me from here? - Yeah, I can see you. - What about there? - I can't see the camera screen. - What?! I just realised we were like, "All right, so now get a really sharp knife and chop up an onion." I can't see anything. - I can see right in front of me. - You can, can you? - Yeah. - And you have to kinda cry. Okay? - Yes. - So this is some bread and what I'm gonna do, I don't know if it's essential, that you toast it but we're gonna toast it, okay? - Okay and I would like bite, hold it in my mouth, while I chop? - Sort of yeah, apparently. Any sort of thing, well I actually told that if you stick your tongue out when you chop an onion that, that does the same thing too. - It's cause your minds being taken away from the onion and more focus on that. - Your mind or do you think, like, the fumes, the onion? - No, it's all about, I think it's all to do, - It's mental? - Mental. - Okay, then, well if you're like, if you really believe that chop this onion now and focus on not crying, there you go. - Okay. - Are ya crying yet? - I'm focusing on something else. - Well what are you thinking about? - Don't want to know. - God. - Oh, k. - What? Are you crying? My eyes are stinging. - Are they? - Yeah. - Let me have a look. Let's have a look. - I don't ever have this feeling. - What you crying? - No, like the stinging sensation. I always wear my contact lenses. - Look, toast. Can you cut another onion and then we'll stick this in your mouth and see if it makes a difference. - Right. - Okay. (laughing) I did offer to do this. (mumbling through the toast) - What? - This is a sharp knife. - There you go, there you go. - Well, you can't. - Well are your eyes stinging? - Yes, yes, they are. I don't. - Well its not working then, is it? - No. - All right, sorry. Okay, so we're gonna crack on. Mrs. B is using some of that onion and some beef and pork mince to make some meatballs. That's going to come on to one hack in just a moment. But, also, whilst that's starting the process, you all right? Happy, are you okay? - Yeah, I'm fine. - I'm gonna do something else, another hack. Involving one of the easiest ways of making a poached egg, apparently. (kitchen clatter) - Tell me when to stop. I don't like doing this. - [Barry] Working as a bit of a team here. There's some seasoning, yeah. (grinding) - [Mrs. B] Stop. - This is a bowl and the hack that I'm about to do is all about this ladle. And I'm a bit worried because this, our ladle, is not metallic, right Mrs. B? - Right. - This is what we're gonna do. We're gonna poach an egg in this. Oh no. (laughing) I was concentrating too much on, I looked at the camera very quickly. Um, no, no, no, yes. - Okay, cool. - [Barry] Are you ready for this, what are your thoughts? - I am, I'm thinking is it gonna float out? - [Barry] Well, let's, no you have to submerge it on the surface, gently. If fact, we might as well start doing it now. - [Barry] It's just about to Simmer, isn't it? - [Mrs. B] I turn it down a little bit? - [Barry] Just to the bottom, like that. - [Mrs. B] Like that? - [Barry] Yeah. Just making sure that water doesn't get in there. - [Mrs. B] Oh, okay, I thought we had to put it right under. - [Barry] Yeah, so what's gonna happen is it's sort of, I guess, cook it. - [Mrs. B] But does it need to be metal? - [Barry] Well I was thinking that. - To conduct the heat. - [Barry] It should but then this is gonna still get heat. I just don't know the conduction of that verses the metal. Ahhh! - [Mrs. B] I think it's safe to say yours isn't working. - [Barry] Yeah that's right. Well, we'll just use yours then. Yeah that's been in there about three minutes, now. - Oh, lo, lo, look, it's working already. - [Barry] What?! Oh my gosh. Well we don't need this then. - [Mrs. B] No. - [Barry] That's excellent. Look at that. - [Mrs. B] Wow. - [Barry] Never thought of this before. The only problem is, look, you are sort of stood there, holding it. Where as with a, some of the gadgets you can get they just cling on the side of the pan and do it for you. - [Mrs. B] My arms starting to ache. - [Barry] Is it? You wanna tag team? Here. - I'm all right. - [Barry] You're okay? - I'll wait til-- - [Barry] Has it got hot? - Not yet. I'll wait till it gets hot. Then you can have a turn. - [Barry] Thanks a lot mate. - [Mrs. B] This is the longest two minutes of my life. - [Barry] It's definitely working. It's just a lot longer than, you know, what you would hope. This is no joke, Mrs. B's been stood there for about six, seven minutes now. - Was it really? - Yeah, I just looked at the time, yeah. It started so well, didn't it? - Yeah, it caught really quickly around the edges and it's just slowly. - [Barry] It's getting there, still isn't it. Mrs. B, what you think I'm gonna do with this? - Ah, put meatballs in it? - Yeah, good guess. - K. - So the meatballs, we have got an ice cream scoop here and apparently, I did not know this, you can bake meatballs in these. You can portion them up, yeah. And it will absorb the fat. - No way. - Way. - You're gonna put cardboard in the oven? - Well I use to do that all the time with giant food bowls. - Oh, yeah. But you'd wrap them in foil. You don't have to wrap it in foil or anything? - No apparently not. So you just use the ice cream scoop to help get the shape. That's pretty decent, that's worked well. And literally put it, portion it in there. Like a holster for the meatballs. - What? - I know, it's crazy right? - They'll probably be cooked by the time this eggs done. - Is this the whole video now? You're just, like, gonna be cooking an egg, I'm doing the rest on my own? Apparently we can stick this right in oven, now. You keep cooking that egg. Well how's that going? - I need to sneeze, can you hold the egg while I sneeze? I think you're a bit too keen on the toast. - [Barry] Oh really, yeah. - [Mrs. B] I don't like cold toast. - [Barry] Oh, yeah, that popped up about five hours ago. It's weird cause it's sort of done but there's a little bit of egg white just sat on the top right by the yolk, isn't there? - [Mrs. B] Yeah. - [Barry] It's just not going away. This is like twenty minutes now. - Yep. - [Barry] Day five. Okay, in that time, I've also peeled a potato, ready for the next hack. So we're gonna get our cold toast and how do we get it out? What are you gonna do? - [Mrs. B] I was gonna just run a knife around it. - [Barry] All right, go for it, let's see. - [Mrs. B] Well, it's pretty solid. - [Barry] Is it? Oh no, what if we've ruined it and it lives in there forever. (laughing) Look at the stick of that. It sort of worked. But it's not coming off of there, yeah. I mean it's done. - [Mrs. B] Hang on. - [Barry] Yeah, it's done. Look at that yoke, it's well cooked. - [Mrs. B] Yeah, that's not a good poached egg. - [Barry] No, it's cooked through so much that some of it has got almost hard boiled. - I was thinking this was a really good hack. I was really positive. - [Barry] First ten seconds, yeah, otherwise. - Twenty minutes later, mm-mm. - Mrs. B, the other day we made a devastatingly nice, you might be able to see it in the background, folks, tomato and basil soup. - We did. - We made way too much, as most soups. - Yep. - So we normally keep it in the fridge and work our way through it, sometimes the freezer. And it was almost like a sign for this next one. - It was. - Apparently, hence the reason we did the potato, if you-- I don't really, I don't like this idea cause it's a really nice soup. But if you over salt, like insanely over salt, a sauce or a soup by shoving in a potato and letting it simmer it down, the potato will absorb the saltiness. - I don't wanna ruin my soup. - The people need to know. - Okay. I was really looking forward to eating this. - Well, hopefully, if it works, you still are. That's the point. So let's get it in. That's really, really cold. That's not very nice at all. - Nice cold soup. - But, do you know what it needs, Mrs. B? It needs an unnecessary large mountain of salt. - That's enough. - Well, oh my gosh. I've done what the internet's told me to do. What people sent me, look. Ah, I've gotta test it now, haven't I? - Yep, you do. Did I do that thing when you're feeding your children and you go. - GAH! Oh my gosh, it tastes like the Red Sea. - Have a just poisoned you? - Gah, Jesus! My lungs feel like they've just gone, boing. - You've had like your weeks content of salt, sorry. - Let's get this hack to work Let's have a look. - Oh, why look. Look like they're quite cook, yet. But you can see. - [Barry] Oh, they look amazing, no, no look at that. - [Mrs. B] Look, you can see the fat. - [Barry] Oh, wow. Yeah the fats been absorbed into the packaging. That's what we wanted. - [Mrs. B] Maybe we need to turn them over? - [Barry] Yeah, let's take em out and turn them over. That'll be fun. Oh, look at them. - [Mrs. B] That needs to cooking a bit. - [Barry] Yeah, it needs a bit of browning on the top but it's still, it's not red. What other cardboard can we put in the oven? Find out for yourself, let us know down below. Go to your recycling bin and get some cardboard out and bake it. So we're letting it simmer. I just think we just keep it going. Like, maybe about twenty minutes, we give it that? Oh my gosh, stay there. Actually, look up right, slow. You're wearin the hat. You're wearing the sombrero, look. The cardboard cut out, Homer Sim-- Let's divert from that and do something I feel, I'm quite confident will work. - Okay. - Um, you make caramel primarily with sugar and cream but also there's a hack where you can get some condensed milk, which is the tin here from the super market, pour it into a microwave proof jug. Microwave it for, apparently, five minutes. It might vary depending on your wattage of microwave, ours is 800 watts. That will give us instant, pourable caramel. - [Mrs. B] Oh, oops. - It did say five minutes. So let's give it that. - Oh please, that's a new microwave. Let's not ruin the new microwave. - [Barry] What's that, yeah, actually, this is a brand new microwave, I didn't tell anyone that. This is actually the same model. We got a new one cause I kind of destroyed the top of it. Oh my gosh, oh shit! It's black! Sorry bout that. Oh wow, might need a bit more time on it now. - [Mrs. B] Why? - [Barry] I don't know. I don't know what we're doing really. It's all a bit of a guess, isn't it? Oh my gosh. - [Mrs. B] What happens if it's too. I think we're gonna keep stopping it. - [Barry] Well, yeah but it's gonna burst again. - Well, what do we do if it does that, put it in a bigger bowl? - [Barry] That's like the end of a Eastenders episode, I'm waiting for the do, do, do, do. I don't know. But my point is it's gonna brown soon but then I think that brown thing is getting very close to being burnt very soon as well. In other words we might need a new microwave again. What we thinking? - Is it meant to be golden brown? - Well, it's meant to be brown, it's caramel. Well we do have a low wattage microwave. Yeah, keep going, keep going. We haven't exactly given it a fair crack of the whip have we? - A few minutes? - [Barry] Yeah. What the heck? - It's bubbling. - [Barry] Well that's good, we want it to bubble. Oh, look, there's a little patch there. - [Mrs. B] Oh, do we keep going? - [Barry] Yeah, let's go. That is the first traces. It's the first traces of caramel. - Okay. (laughing) - [Barry] Yeah, you don't care. Ah, go on then, straight in there. Stir that around. - [Mrs. B] Oh, look. - [Barry] Oh my gosh. - Jesus, that's like a, like, a really, really weird texture. - [Barry] That is like burnt rice pudding. - [Mrs. B] Yeah, I'm not sure we should of. - [Barry] Whatcha mean it's not done, it's burnt. - What, no it's not, that's caramel. - [Barry] That is not caramel. That is toilet waste. It's suppose to be a smooth caramel sauce. - Look, it's fine. How long were you meant to put it in for? - [Barry] Five minutes. It's been in there about eight now. - Maybe we were meant to put it in for five and then stir it and it would have been nice and caramely. - Nah it said five and then good. - Just like that? Five, good. - [Barry] Yeah. - It's hot. - [Barry] Did you pick that up? - No I just stick my finger in it to taste it. - [Barry] Why?! - Just that really hurt. - [Barry] Are you okay? - No. - [Barry] All right, don't worry back cause your caramel's ready. Oh, my gosh, no. No, no, no, that is all kinds of wrong. Look at that. Disgusting. - [Mrs. B] I think it would work. I think it was us. - I think you're right. But I think it, why is the video saying five minutes leave it when-- - Maybe it was, we were meant to because when I stirred it before all underneath was brown, it didn't look brown on the top. - Yeah. Just realised that the meatballs are still in there. Hey, at least they're gonna be done. The meatballs are ready. We pretty much forgot about em. Look at these. So good. - Can you see the fat? - I can, look, it's all absorbed in the box, yeah. That's brilliant. Yeah. So whist that shenanigans has been happening this is reduced down considerably. - Well it has cause now you can see the potato, see what you mean. I turned it over and the side that was in the soup was soft but the other side was rock hard. - Okay, if it's rock hard that means it's not gonna absorb as much of the salt, is it really? - No. - Cause it needs to be-- - Needs to be? - Shall I test some? Oh my God. No. Yes, do definitely keep that simmering up. In fact, we probably slice that potato into quarters so it cooks down quicker. I think it needs to be really softened through. If that's gonna work. That still tastes just as bad. I feeling very confident about these meatballs though. I'm gonna like, pick one right out right now. Mmm, yeah that's good. Cook through, nice. I like that there. That's pretty clever. - I think so. - I don't know if we'd ever do it again. And I can't taste the packaging either. All right so this is the last one whilst we see if that simmers down and becomes slightly less salty. What do you think? I don't think it's gonna work, nope. - I'm not hopeful. - But this last one, have you ever been in the situation Mrs. B, where you're like, "I really want to make donuts but where's my donut cutter?" - Yes, every day. - Maybe you can do it with your own homemade donut cutter thing. Bear with me. This is a bit weird cause you need to get a bottle where it's narrow at the top because you need the narrow bit, okay. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh that was not safe. I'm just gonna get this off first of all. So there you go. We've got, okay, a round bit. - That doesn't look much like a donut. - I know, that's, yeah, well done we've done a donut. That's not it, yet, okay. It gets better. What we do is we glue this into that and then you've got a ring and then a, like a, like an egg. I was gonna say something else, look. Ya see? That is a perfect donut cutter. - Oh the donut, I see the donut shape now. - Yeah, you glue this on there. You glue that on there and then this becomes like your little stamper thing to lift off. So you can just do exactly what I've done with your bottle. - No thanks. It's a little lopsided. But this first of all, needs to be glued onto that. - Can I ask a question? - Yes, why are you raising your hand? (laughing) We're not a school. - Are we, are we making donuts? - We are. - Are we? - [Barry] There you go, so that goes down on there. Yes, you see, there we go. So now you can see, it's all glued and dried. Now you've got your little stamper thing that you can pick up. And you got your circle inside your circle. - I do not think it will work. - One of the easiest ways to make donuts if you're in an absolute rush, I mean it's not authentic, but ready made puff pastry. This does actually work though as a little get out of jail hack because you can fry it and it'll puff up a little bit. Kinda like a cronut. - I've never seen this before. - Well I've never done it before but it does work. - Okay. - I saw it on the internet, just like all these hacks. What could go wrong? Here we go. It's not gonna be the most accurate shape donut. You could see how it could workish. Maybe not. - I mean I just, take this bit out? - I don't know what we've done. The middle bits enormous. That's why I thought the bottle lid and that's not what the hack told us. We've done what the hack said. Yeah. It's a donut. - It's a donut. - But the actual donut hole is bigger than the actual donut itself. - Yeah but you've got two types of donuts. - Yes, that's exactly what we've done. I mean it is kind of working. We're making weird shapes and stuff. But I've got a little pan here with the oil. We're just gonna shallow fry them and just hopefully make em work. That's quite a lot of middle for a donut. I wonder if we should fry those as well. - [Mrs. B] I think so. - Look, they're softened now. If we leave that anymore the potatoes gonna go into the soup and I'm seeing traces of burn mark. Oh my gosh. The potato will go into the soup and it'll just taste like mashed potato sauce. So I'm literally gonna lift out the potato. I'm gonna test that. I'm gonna see if that's salty itself, if it has absorbed anything. That's one way to really test it, I guess. Oh, wow. - [Mrs. B] Looks like an onion ring. - [Barry] It does, doesn't it. All right, so we're just making a very base cinnamon sugar. I gonna think these are more like churros, actually. But I mean, it's the same sort of concept. And over here, we've got our donut frying away. I think we can dunk this now, let's have a look. It's got a nice colour on it. Straight in the cinnamon sugar. Oh, is it burnt? No that's the cinnamon. - No that's the cinnamon. - Woooo, this is fun. Oh, this is got some good colour on it. Yeah, let's just get one of these on there as well. Look at that. That's fun. Okay, so with them slightly more drained off. Little rush around in the cinnamon. - [Mrs. B] Oh nice. - Look at that, that is awesome. Okay it's time for a bit of pleasure and pain. I feel like this is gonna be the pain bit first. Go on then. It's not a cake, blowing out the candles. - It tastes like I've swallowed the sea. - It's not good. - That has not worked. - No, oh my God. How did you even no even react more than that. Oh my, that's disgusting. That is literally like getting a whole tub of salt and going agrf. - That's horrible. - But, let's just do a little test to see if the potato tastes of salt. Yes it does. - Does it, wow. - Yes it does, wow. - So maybe there was (laughing). - Try that. - No thank you, I believe you. - It's just like someone's got a chip and just completely dumped salt all over it and it's over seasoned it. Wow. Anyway we've got something much nicer than that, we have got. - We made pastry donuts. - We've never done this before. This is exciting, this could be a new thing. I'm gonna try a little round one, one of the holes. Do you want one? Oh, no, cause you've eaten three off camera. - Two, only two. - Two, whilst I nearly burnt myself. - I do feel a bit sick. They do taste like those donuts that you buy at the fair. - Yeah, that's worked really, really well. It's like a confused pastry. But as a hack, a lot of people that as a get out of trouble to make emergency donuts. And that's pretty good. - They are good. - A lot less salty than the soup. Another batch of hacks done and in the bag. I think there's a couple that if we did what we thought we could do, like the caramel one with the condensed milk, if we did stir it. Not like what the video told us to do. It possibly would have worked better. - I think so. - I'm trying to think of one that was, I mean the donuts were okay. They taste amazing. - The meatballs, I was really shocked at that. I didn't ever think you could do that. - The meatballs and if you got a lot of patients, the egg one, maybe oil it slightly. It'll kinda work. But the meatball was probably the best one today. - I think so. - If you wanna see some even worse ones check out the rest of the playlist. But the last video we did, they're actually pretty good. There was a few interesting ones on there. If you seen any other hacks do send them in. Do have a Barathon and subscribe if you're not already. And well we got some soup to eat. Blahhh. ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchens for me, ♪ ♪ sideburns, moustache, goatee maybe or three ♪ I've done what the internet's told me to do.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 186,295
Rating: 4.8780951 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Hack Testing, kitchen hacks, food hacks, testing food hacks, mrs barry, food hack testing, testing kitchen hacks, pinterest hacks, weird cooking hacks, barry lewis, myvirginkitchen, virgin kitchen, my virgin kitchen, put to the test, banana, hacks, kitchen tricks, trying kitchen hacks, life hacks, weird hacks, buzzfeed hacks, 5-minute crafts, diy projects, food challenge, tips, blossom, donut, meatballs, egg carton, easy life hacks, how to
Id: sEOZiOlnrvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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