Kitchen Gadget Testing #41

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(groaning) (bright bouncy music) (groaning) - What! (gadget clicking) (upbeat music) - Hello everybody I hope you are well. Welcome to another kitchen gadget testing video. This is number 40 something, which means we're potentially at the mid-life crisis stage of the gadget testing series. We have got so many gadgets to get through today, I'm gonna cram as many as we can in, and hopefully we'll have a plum pie, and hotdogs and chips made by the end of this video. As always before commenting down below please consider that some of these gadgets can help people with disabilities and put on your sweatband, have a Barathon if you've missed any of the other gadgets. I'm getting so many people going Barry, try out this gadget, I've already done it. So check out the playlist. Speaking of gadgets, alright so I have been teasing it for long enough and I can confirm I am now fully in progress, process, what is this, it's my logo, it's just these are some dummy boxes, look vegetable chopper, Boston Amy salt and pepper shaker pug things. I'm gonna finally do it, I'm working on it. I don't know if I'm gonna Crowdfund it or not yet, I don't know, I might try and do it on my own. But just know I'm gonna be bringing out my own range of gadgets. They'll be available worldwide wherever you are and I'll let you know more info about it as I progress. So keep an eye on social media if you don't follow me already. Anyhow, we have got a lot to get through today, let's do it. So I was in Bath the other day with Mrs Barry shopping, she took me out and dragged me round the shops and I actually don't mind that generally. Although I did do a video on Twitter going, like, what are you supposed to do? Do you generally take interest in the dress and go yeah, I'd quite like to wear that. Anyhow, half the time we spent in kitchen gadget shops, there was loads there, and I found this thing and it just eggcites me. So here is an egg, there's the evidence, that is an egg. This thing is from France, it just says The CookOut France, (speaking foreign language) eggs, yolk separator. So we've had many of these on the channel before but I just love the fact that it's a chicken and of course you can just do this with a plastic bottle but what really got me was the front cover where it's like a yolk just coming out of a chickens bum. Let's do it. Alright, so whilst goldfish takes a day off, I've given this a quick wash and I'm just gonna squeeze it in, suck up the egg yolk and boom, there it is. And I don't know why I have a separate ramekin 'cause I need the whole egg for the thing anyway. Come on egg white, droop off. Le chicken et le egg. Okay so this is what we're going for, there we go, like a chicken bum laying thing, see that. Oh my God, (imitates fart). There we go, these things are eggcellent, whichever ones you get. I've got about eight other different versions of these upstairs, but the chicken bum just did it for me. Anyhow I will need this egg beaten together for the pastry in a bit, to give it a nice golden colour. The pie we're making today was originally going to be cherry flavoured. Yes using one of these cherry pitter quick pit chef and gun things and (makes gun noise) fire out the pits, of cherries. So I went in the supermarket, yeah, and they didn't have any, brilliant, I'll do that another time. Instead, here's a brand, the Handy Kitchen theme, we've seen some of their stuff before. This is the plum pitter. A bit like a cherry pitter, but it's the armpits of a plum rather than a cherry, so, I've got some plums, I picked up the wrong ones first of all that were not ripe, but I then found some ones that were ripe and ready, some standard coloured ones like this and also golden plums, how exciting is that, and I've just realised that they might, no, no the should have the pits in them. So the cherry gun goes for another video, but this, I've just given it a wash, taken it out the packaging, Handy Kitchen thingy plum pitter, effortlessly remove plum stones in one quick and simple movement. So, oh there's a lock on it, okay, there's a lock here, I guess we push that up, and will it open it up, yes it will, oh my gosh. So we're gonna stick it right in 'ere, and then go (strains) come on! What, why is it not doing it, this feels like it could break. This is not good, look at that. Look at it, it's starting to fade there, it could snap. (strains) No, it's a great plum holder, hi, I'm plumb holder. Lets give it the benefit of the doubt, lets try a golden plum. Oh, it's just, it's gone through. (strains) It pushed something out, it pushed, look, look, look, look. (strains) if I go look, it's gone right through it. Oh, look at that. Oh I have got something out, look, look, look, look, there it is, there it is. (amazement noise) Doesn't smell like an armpit. But there we go, this is, this is this is okay. It might be the bigger ones that work 'cause maybe it just gets easier into it. (strains) Oh look, look, look, look, look, oh, look, and there's there stony pip, the bit, is too big for the, well it won't even go through look. That's a poor design, that needs to be a bigger hole. Alright, I'm feeling more confident in it now, I'll try another one of these, but these are a little bit firmer and smaller, so maybe it does need to be bigger, you know, big daddy plums. (strains) There's that, that these ones aren't doing it, but the yellow ones, I'm glad I bought two different versions now. Yeah, so every single one of those ones out, this gadget has gone from being pants, to acceptable. But what I do like about it, is you can go like that, and then slot this across, if I haven't broke it, and it locks into place. This is actually really, really sharp. So, I'm gonna make a smaller pie now. I'm gonna coma at ya now with three gadgets in quick fire succession, but just quickly back on to the subject of my own gadgets, I'm only gonna release ones that I've endorsed and actually liked in the past, or create my own ones from scratch. So, sometimes there's no need to reinvent the wheel, but other ones I'll be like, yeah, I need your help. Well I'm actually gonna come at ya with four gadgets, and we'll come to these in a minute, but this is our legitimate new grater because our other one broke, so I ordered one for Mrs Barry, and she was like, can I use the grater? I was like, just wait till I do my next gadget video because I can shove it in there. This is not just any other grater, I think this one's by Oxo, look (strains) look, inside it, neatly, it snugly fits up there, this is a pot, you can take the lid off, you can sit your thing on top like this, and then you can grate away, great! So, what we're gonna do, rather than get cheese and stuff all over the table, we're not using cheese, we're gonna use butter. So this is really cold, what I really like about this canister thing down there, is it's got measurements on it as well. But I'm just gonna grate the butter, is it collecting it, I can't see, I'm trying to work quite fast before it melts in my hand. (laughs) Yeah it is going really quick. But this is going really quick too. Oh my gosh. And this should hopefully, well I did actually do a little bit over what I need so I'll get rid of this. And obviously, generally, you tend to use this for cheese right, and vegetables. (laughing) I've christened our grater Mrs Barry. But look, the butter is in there. Aw, look, it's all collected in there, now I've gone a bit too much more than I needed, but you could see how you could just quickly get your lid, oh my gosh, stick it on top and store it in the fridge, pre-grate your cheese, I blooming love that, that's awesome. So I've done this on proper recipe videos a bit more detailed, but 225g of butter, nope, flour, this is flour, this is plain, plain flour. Flour with no personality. We'll shove this into a big old mixing bowl, obviously not the biggest mixing bowl I have because of this. (snapping noise) I think I just broke, I've just cracked our mixing bowl. So then, what you would normally do is get your butter, okay, that worked alright, but you'd rub it between your fingers and thumbs, which I absolutely detest. But that's where this thing comes in, and I need to wash it, the pastry blender. It looks kinda like a potato masher that's got a bit angry, and just been like, yeah I wanna be Wolverine! It's got a thumb holder, oh look at that, that's what that's for. I thought it was for hanging off the edge, look, you can just put it on, edge of the bowl, no. Alright, so, I love this little thing, that's great. And remember it shoves back up to the grater. This is nice and washed now, and these are not sharp at all, they look it, but they're not, they kinda like, you know, that's probably what they did use on the set of Wolverine. Maybe Hugh Jackman just used these. But then I just go like this, aw my hands are clean, I've got my thumb holder. Everyone needs a thumb holder, it's like the new version of a bum bag. I'm sure you could do this with a potato masher though, but, I'm working it together, you work the fat into the flour. So all I need to do is get some water, and add a tablespoon or two, and then the water will act as the glue, to bring it together and bond it. You can use milk, you could chuck some sugar in here, now if you want. I'm just going for a really, really basic dough. And this is sort of kneading for us, and what I like about it is, so far, I've not even touched it. Having that, sort of, thumb press thing there, is really helpful. And the shape of it, the curve, so I can go round the bowl and bring it together. I really like this. Thank you so much guys. All as one big lump like that. Ooh, there we go, brilliant. But rolling the dough out is so hard, if only I had some sort of silicone mat bag thing that kind of helps you roll it out. Oh yes, we can, this is a silicon dough rolling bag, and it's by Oxo, in fact, that was who made the grater. I think Oxo, Dream Farm and Joseph Joseph are three of the gadget companies that I really will take inspiration from with my own range. I'm actually at kind of like, you know how there was that image of like Google and Apple, they all started in a little garage, how we could kind of, like you could be part of that. You never know, it could fail but hey, lets just do it right. Oh look at this, aw it's like a face mask. Ah, look it's got the sizes look, you can go all the way to like a 12 inch pizza. Okay so I've given it a wash and I'm way more tidier than I was when I was making the Jammy Dodger, but, look, potentially, if this works, what I'm gonna do, I've opened that way too wide. A bit of flour in there, I had to dry this out thoroughly inside out by the way, because if I put flour in there with the water, it will just be like glue and stick there and be like. (makes sticky noise) Was that a bit close? So that's sort of, gonna lubricate it a little bit. Hang on, so it's on there, (struggling noises) Get in there, I feel like I'm packing one of the girls lunchboxes for school. Right there it is, there is our ball of dough, inside a zipped up bag. Look at that, that's awesome! Look at you, look. Now, if only I had a rolling pin that could adjust the thickness so I could roll it out to the thickness that I want, not that I'm really bothered about that. So this by Joseph and Joseph I've had in the house for so long, so, so long, and I'm like, when can I use it, now we're on a roll, we can use it. Do you know why I really like this is because you know when you're making dough, you roll it out people say roll it out thinly, now you know that you can roll it out and it's even in size, I really like that. And it is scary by doing that, you can get so much more out of it, look I've nearly got a full on 12 inch pizza here, which is amazing. Yeah it might be a little bit delicate, I can ram it full of flavour, but I have not touched this pastry and it's made. I didn't see many of these before but this is genius. Ooh, ooh, ooh, yes, it does need a little bit of flour on it okay, that's the one thing I would say, if you wanna do it completely hands free till you get to this stage, flour it really well, but, look it's gonna come off of that, it's fine. Right I'm gonna leave this bit for now, oh yeah, you're a little stuck, that's alright. Right I'm gonna make a small pie with it, and I should have a bit of excess here. That is a really good dough. So I'll push this in, (upbeat music plays) trim off my excess, I'll collect my dough together, give it a bit of flour, this time I'm gonna get my hands in here, 'cause I don't feel like I've done it, it's really weird. And keeping it on the same setting, I'm gonna roll it out. And of course you can turn it over, I didn't even think of that, wow! Sorry I just get really excited when things work. Ah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll make it fit. Little bit of water. Ah, in go our big old stoned, teeny bit of sugar, and we're just gonna warm this up. So we'll stir these round gently so the sugar will dissolve into the water and it will soften and I can mush these down little bit. Just as the side, I've found some strawberries in the fridge just then, so I've just quartered them, just mushing this down, not for much longer. It's about five minutes just to soften it up. So I've pricked the base, and I'm just gonna spoon in the fruits. (jolly music) So our egg wash from earlier, just brush the edges, the egg will act as a glue. Yeah, so I'm just bringing that together like that, quite rough, I love that sort of approach, egg wash on top. And here's some other good measures that I've got, with a, wahey, they are good normally , they've got a little windscreen wiper on it, so it levels them off, you've seen them before. In you go my pretty, goodbye. As I wait for my golden pie to bake, I'm excited about this next gadget, every now and then I hold one in my hands and I'm like, work, now here is the chip and dice by a company called Lakeland, I think you have them in the States and other countries as well, basically a big kitchen shop. But the chip and dice, nothing to do with the Chippendale's, you put a potato in there, you smack it, it pushes this bit along, the potato comes out as a severed friend. You put him in as one and then he's multipled. You make chips with it, basically. As you know, I've got history with french fry making chip gadget machines. (struggling noise) Yeah, but what I like about this potentially is that you encourage it, you nurture it, to go towards the blade, do you know what I mean? Ah, I like it already, it looks a bit like a Wrapmaster. It feels, urgh, sturdy. So, ooh, is this a spare blade, yes, I like this. So that's quite a wide one, hello. Alright, so I've got all the bits here, the actual main base bit of it has already got the smaller blades in because you can make thick cut or skinny cut chips, and is also does work on onions and carrots and stuff like that as well, cucumbers, carrot sticks, and cubing potatoes, if you just wanna cube it. (ping noise) ah, you put it in twice, that's amazing. I've just worked out how you change the blade, look imagine that I'm Arnold Schwarzenegger in an action movie, (does impression) Jenny, get down. (gun reload noise) (struggling noises) You see, you reload it. So you just pop down the button and then, (does impression) Jenny, get down. And you put your blade in. Now this is the knife guide and that is how you cube the potatoes, so I think it goes under here. Yes, so you can actually fit a knife down this gap. That's how you cube the potatoes, 'cause you go in one way, and you can do it that way. Ah, okay, so this, goes up into here, oh my, this is really sturdy, I like this a lot. (clicking noises) Behold a washed potato, I'm not even gonna trim the top off. Alright, here we go. (clicking noises) Oh wow! Look, and then I think, I just pop this up, like this, I lift like that, and back it up, there's a little bit in there but, wow! I've got chips. (clicking noises) Look, you have to give it a bit of force but then once it's there like that, oh my gosh, we've got cubed potatoes, that's amazing! That is brilliant. You can make, I think is it, called Parmentier potatoes, really cubed nice, ooh, really good with a Sunday roast. If you do wanna see me on the next video do some more vegetables on it, I think you might not need me to, 'cause, it works, that's awesome. Alright, this is some oil in a pan, that I'm gonna warm up and fry these chips. I'm doing it, I'm frying the chips, I don't normally fry chips, I don't really enjoy frying, but I'm doing it for one other gadget. Our last major gadget, is this hot dog toaster. Now, you might think, that there's just one hot dog toaster, but no, I have another one that's arrived, that I'll save for another video. But this one, I've been trying to get for quite a while, it actually toasts the buns and the dogs, and it's quite neat, and also I think it's a UK connection. ♪ Ahh, UK plug, yes. ♪ Oh no, no no, I do not like that idea, metal tongs with a toaster, I aint using that. Do these guys think I'm crazy with toasters or something. So you've got an insert here, I don't know what that flappy thing's for, very cheap. But, you put your buns in there, wahey, and that slots in there, and that's where the hot dogs go. Right, here's one thing I was worried about, it says about the size of hot dogs, do not use jumbo ones, use standard hot dog sausages, because if you use jumbo ones, they'll actually swell as they cook and potentially jamb the toaster. All hot dogs and buns are not the same, that's true, just like people, therefore you need to adjust the variable heat control accordingly. You know, normally it says to do one initial heat to get any smoke off of it, but it's not saying that, I think we should go for it. I've never studied hot dog buns so much in all my life, but they were genuinely, pretty much all the same size. So that goes in there, so what I'm doing I'm not completely ripping it apart, but I'm opening it, so it fits in there. I don't like the fact that these bits at the top aren't gonna cook are they. So I did by two different size packs of these hot dogs, you know, the really unhealthy ones, like one, is 30%, 32%, yes, of your daily fat intake. But this is the jumbo ones, and this is the normal ones. You see, the jumbo, ooh, it just goes in there, but that is gonna, that's gonna expand and swell, whereas this one, that sits in there pretty daintily, so we'll stick with the smaller ones. So there we go, we are about to make a hot dog. Right I've just taken it out, I don't trust it, I think when I put it on there'll be some smoke, there always is. Oh it's on, oh my gosh. There's a power setting as well of one to five, I'm not gonna go Spinal Tap, crank it up to eleven, there's a stop button if I need to stop it, and yes, there is actually smoke coming off it. Wow, that was lethal. So I've just turned it off at the wall, I aint taking any risks with this. There we go, that's in. Alright, power three, and down. I need to turn the power on. Okay the hot dogs are in, but the bread, the bread didn't go down, but I'm hoping by toasting it, it'll actually give it less friction, it might come up easier. It's definitely cooking in there, it's been two minutes, I can't see any browning on the buns or the sausage yet, but, I'll keep you posted. Crikey, I don't know, one of my sausages has dropped right down there. Turned it off at the wall. Ah, oh my gosh, it's cooked! I was turning it off at the wall 'cause I was really worried that the sausage was dropped down there but they're really browned. See, they're browned, I don't think the buns are though. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ha look at that. They're lightly charred, they're not completely burnt yet. Okay, they're kinda trapped in a cage, look it did swell up. The buns right here, aren't done, so we're gonna crank it up to five, oh and they're fitting in, this is good. I mean it's not good is it. The other one is, I think, better, bit safer as well. We'll keep an eye on that, but, I've got my oil, I'm gonna do this very carefully. Alright, chips going in. I said carefully, whoops. (worried noises) Okay, off the heat. That's why I don't like frying. I forgot about my buns as well. Urgh, somethings burning. Oh that's a bit of hot dog residue. Oh lets just stop it. Ooh, they're toasted on the sides. Ah, all that excitement was worth it. They're just on some kitchen towel, what about my pie! Ah, my pie, my pie, yes. That smells insane. Well there's my hotdogs, and the good news is, yeah that's cooled down really quickly. Alright, so the buns, wahey, oh wow, you couldn't see it, but, there we go. This is really, really, really hot. Ow, ow, ow, oh, it's off, it's off, lets do it. Yes, yes, Cinderella you shall go to the ball. Look at that, hotdogs. Oh, I forgot my last minute bonus gadget. Do you remember the time that I burnt my old worktop, my Oak worktop like this one, (dramatic music) It was because I needed, one of these. Wahey, this is a trivet. But this one is an expandable one, look, imagine you have red hot cups, or ramekins, and then you've got slightly bigger, like saucers, or huge plates, or one big pan. Maybe like that, for oil, hot oil. I can put my pan down, oh my gosh, please work. This is from Joseph Joseph again, stretch expandable silicone pot stand by the way, so, obviously if you don't have Oak worktops, you probably don't have to worry about this so much, but, look. Now, if I was to put this down on there that would singe it and make a lovely ring on it. Some might say authentic, rustic. But no, down on there, and I can't tell you how long I've wanted to review this gadget so I can just basically use it in future videos. There you are, it's a trivet, but it extends. I could probably get two pans on that. Yeah, you could get two pans on it, amazing, you can get trivets all shapes and sizes, sometimes you can use a small ch... no, not gonna say that. But I like that, ooh it's quite hot anyway, but look, I just go like that and then shove it in my gadget drawer. (drops on floor) But then I need it, I need it don't I. Oh, you golden beast, ah look at that, I need it, I could have really done with this for the roast dinner playlist. I can stick it down on there, air's getting under it so it will coll down a little quicker I don't have to no longer stick it on my hob. Trivets are the future. So all, the cool places now call it like a dirty hotdog loaded alright, so, you come to Barry's, although I am potentially making a pizzeria this year with a friend, in my home town, come and visit. Look at that, there's my dirty charred 'dog. And I'm gonna load it with filthy relish, and also, like, yellow mustard, 'cause yellow sometimes is a dirty word isn't it, yellow, urgh, grungy. Oh and I'm gonna drench it in stinking fries. There we go. (laughs) Well, it doesn't look like too bad a hotdog does it, we've done well today. Hotdog and chips, and a lovely pie, that will be amazing. Aah, nice! I kind of, didn't grease it did I? (laughs) It's stuck but, we've got the top on it, and it's not about recipes really in these videos, it's more about the theory. The kids are gonna go berserk but I don't care, I pay the mortgage in this house, you listen to me. Sorry. Chocolate custard, so a little dribble of that, I'll put it in the fridge for them, but, aah, we've done well, this is my lunch. Hey, I told you we were gonna get through some gadgets today didn't I, wow. Don't forget to subscribe for regular videos if you haven't already, there's at least two a week and some regular live streams coming soon. Don't forget to have a Barathon of all the videos, there are over 1500 here on the channel, and if you've seen anything you want, any suggestions, let me know down below or on social media. (outro music rap) Oh, the chips are great. Oh my gosh. My hotdog, I mean I've had worse at friends barbecues, you know who you are, alright. You know when you're at a barbecue and you do that, you're like, thanks, and you're literally eating a block of coal. Yeah, it's good. The device though, dangerous. Keep an eye out for the other one. Also on the subject of charring, check out this tweet I sent the other day about the graph of toast, this was my amended version. Let me know which battleship place you take. Oh, chocolatey velvet custard with it as well, is stonking. I'm pretty certain there was something else I meant to show you, but it doesn't matter, I'll save it for another one, so from me, and from Boston, hello boy, and from Amy hiding under the chair, goodbye.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 353,516
Rating: 4.9112043 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen gadget testing, virgin kitchen, barry lewis kitchen gadgets, Flexible Trivet, Plum pitter, my virgin kitchen gadgets, testing kitchen gadgets, barry lewis, food gadget testing, myvirginkitchen, kitchen gadgets, testing food gadgets, Kitchen Gadget Testing 35 - special, gadget, inventions, weird cooking gadgets, food hacks, you need, food gadgets, review, Chicken egg separator, Hot dog toaster, Chip and dice, Pastry blender, Pastry rolling mat
Id: B0FTq_KyQfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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