Kitchen Gadget Testing #44

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- Ready, steady. No instructions. Oh gosh. (crying) Ugh. Ah. (upbeat music) Hello everybody, hope you're doing well. This hedge trimmer has literally just arrived, it has nothing to do with this video, but yeah. How's it going, welcome to another kitchen gadget testing video. If you've missed any others so far on the playlist you might be in the middle of a Barathon already, this could be one in the past, there might be another one after this already. Wow, thank you so much for supporting the channel in general love it but if you do wanna start from number one, people love that, checking out the rest of the gadgets before suggesting any other ones. And before I start please remember, some of these gadgets can help people with disabilities, they can genuinely improve them in the kitchen. And others are generally novelty, so without further ado we've got some stonkers today, let's get going. Now I've talked about it enough here on the channel before and you guys probably, actually you guys probably know as much about me, maybe more about me then I do. I generally tend to like my coffee in the morning, can you see there's a coffee mug right there. I made that about an hour and a half ago, I've been to the shop for my ingredients for today, I've walked the dogs, had some breakfast, had a shower all that stuff, and that is hopefully cold. Yep, I mean that is cold, that's not like Titanic Leonardo DiCaprio ice cold water kind of cold but it's cold, and I would drink that right now. I love it, I making a hot coffee and letting it cool but this is the USB, USB, USB sorry, USB cup warmer. So basically for someone like me that makes the coffee in the morning and then goes and walks the dogs forgets about it, and comes back and enjoys their cold coffee, no, no more because apparently this is a hot plate that will warm, or keep warm your mug. It's basically gonna be, oh yes, I went for the wood finish, you see that. There was also light wood, dark walnut wood, black, white porcelain, I thought I said white popcorn then, that would be cool, and water drop. What a way to drop your box. So there we go, it's just like a ceramic plate, it's looks quite cool like an earring. And a generic USB cable thing. It's quite a long cable as well, nice. So I'm gonna get a charger thing for my phone, and we'll give it a try. Plug this in, there's no lights on it or anything so it's quite a good little prank, if it gets really hot you can just leave it on for someone they go, tssh, aah! Right on, ooh, that's getting nice. Ooh actually that's getting quite hot. That's bearable, but that's hot, it's not warm it's hot. So we'll stick that on there, lettuce do it's thing, did I say lettuce. Lettuce pray it works, food pun, let's crack on with another. Hang on a minute you got something behind your ear. Cheers. Missed. (laughs) yeah that'll do, non-slip hack, boom. What the hell is wrong with me today? I know what's wrong, I need a lemon and a gadget in my hand. (clicks fingers) Because this is a lemon, and this is, The Catcher, by Joseph Joseph, The Catcher. Citrus reamer with pip catcher, that's why it's called the catcher. It is an aggressive looking lemon wedger, juicer, catcher of pippers. Ideal for squeezing lemons and limes, never forget your limes folks, flexible cup catches the pips and the pith. Ergonomic handle, it is ergonomically designed, I like that, it's got that slight mm, I wanna hold it, I just wanna carry it round. Anyhow we're gonna slice the lemon up, and juice it, you can juice it straight into your pan, we're gonna juice it into a bowl. Yeah 'cause I'm actually gonna try and make some sort of bizarre coleslaw for a burger later, just trust me the gadgets will take us there. You're gonna have to use a little bit of manual labour and it's failed already. Look can you see there's a pip in there. I think yeah you're supposed to hold it upright, I kind of had it flat so the pips rolled in. But you get it like that, you get all your juice out, all the juices running through those holes and I have actually successfully caught one pip. This actually feels like a workout, it's still quite physical you know. It's not making it easy, I have had gadgets in the past that do make this a little bit easier. I'm not gonna lie, but it is fun. Now I was concentrating there, and I got another pip in there, so hmm. I'll get the other lemon, when life gives you lemons. I can't see any pips in that one. I wonder if that's a male female thing? I mean as a juicer it's fine, it works an absolute charm there is no pips in there. Even the holes now are starting to get clogged up with actual lemon flesh as well. That sounds disgusting, lemon flesh. It does eventually get through, bit disappointed in that actually. So when life gives you lemons you maybe get one of these if you want. It's hard to think isn't it, that our coffee is just up there warming up, in fact it might be warm already. It didn't have any instructions in it or say how long it takes, but we'll leave that surprise to the end. The next one is gonna be eggcellent, and that's no yoking around. Yeah we've got quite a lot of pannage involved in today's video, and by pannage I don't mean when you pan a camera wahey, like that. I mean I'm actually using the frying pan quite a bit. So this next one is froaching an egg. This again, by Joseph Joseph, is the healthier way to fry eggs, the Froach Pods. Set of two silicon egg rings, uses 95% less oil. Because you're tryna fry and egg, but you're actually poaching it, hence the froach. So we will lubricate our ring, I guess this is just, even though it's silicon it's gonna help it release a little bit more, nice. Apparently medium heat, so I'm gonna go low medium. We're gonna warm this pan up, we sit our lubricated ring in there. Now I'm worried because I have to crack an egg into that gap, and you might remember by theory the other day from the hacks video, Mrs Barry about don't worry, the yolk will fit in. Watch, watch, watch, watch. - [Mrs Barry] See. - We've gotta make it fit in that, but I guess if it breaks it breaks right. But then I won't have a runny yolk, I'll make the runny yolk in there, what's going on. So I'll give this about 30 seconds to warm up, then we get the egg in for 30 seconds, then we add the water gradually. Just to show you though, look at that diagram, that is exactly what I'm supposed to do, drop the yolk. All right that is hot enough, oh my gosh, here we go, here we go, let's go, let's go. Oh look at that, it just slid in, amazing. Okay, okay, one tablespoon of water, I think it's been 30 seconds. (groans) Ah, I just burnt myself on the pan. All right into the reservoir it goes, the water is in there, it's seeping down. You can see the egg white is starting to go folks, we are getting some action. So in it goes again, a tablespoon and it's just dribbling through there. Wow, and some of it is coming out. I used to be pretty good at Call of Duty before I had kids so my aim was not too bad normally. That's just going straight in there, I have really burnt my finger, that hurts like hell. So really I should be able to take this off in a minute and that will be our egg done. Oh look, that water's pretty much all evaporated, I'm taking it off the heat. Ooh my gosh, look at that, that's bloomin' weird init, but we'll er, it's like a little CD. It's like a fried egg, only we've poached it. We froached it, but we did put oil in there, was that to lubricate the sides, or was it to give it that golden bottom? I don't know, I don't care, that's actually worked quite well. Just as my doctor says from time to time, let's check the bottom. Yes a little bit of golden colour, you see that. Froached. I really did burn my finger, I put it right on the rim of the pan. But let's see if it actually is poached. Oh look it's runny yolk baby. The pros of this, it worked, an absolute charm. The downside to it is it felt a bit dangerous, I'm not gonna lie, the steam, burning myself on a pan. Yeah, but hey. Can't think of an egg pun, I know I'll just eat it instead. Oh, that's good. As we're building towards this burger I am gonna make the other one well done with a more set yolk. So I'm gonna do that now and just show you the egg CD. When it comes to cooking eggs, my favourite eggscuse is to always have them froached. This next one has nothing to do with the burger that we're slowly making, and actually the next one after that. Then it will, we'll bring it back in. We're going like that, and we're gonna, yeah. Let's froth some milk because this is by ProCook the milk frother. It's a milk frother, it's a milk frother. (laughs), that's basically it. It's got some AA batteries included which I think is amazing. Every toy I buy for my kids it's like daddy can I get some AAs. Take them out the TV remote don't you, and you're like I can't change the channel. Oh yeah 'cause it's in that alarm clock that you never use. Love you kids. It's a milk frother. I know some of you are like oh Barry, why don't you warm the milk in there, but I'm like no this is all about my coffee, I've got quite a ritual going on but if I can have a USB coffee warmer when I walk my chiens, all for that. Leave a little bit of gap for the frothage. Packaging looks like it's from the 80s, that's the only other thing I've got to say about it. (plastic scraping) What a noise. It looks like it's second hand, oh it's got a stand and that rhymed. Looks like it's second hand and it's got a stand. AAs, that also look like they're from the 80s, and they're really light. Luckily we've got enough spares. And a whisky wand thing, it's worth the whisk. Do we slot it in, oh there we go. What? Those batteries did feel really, really light so I'll get some AAs out. Get some bunny ones, of course I may have put them in upside down. What's going on, no. No, what the heck. I'm gonna try every possible combo. (whisk whirring) Ah, yes! The dad in me kept going all right. I can put it on my stand now, brilliant. (laughs) All right, that is pretty hot stuff, you see that? Yeah, almost had a skin on it, has got a skin on it. Okay, so we'll put it in, ready, steady, uh, (laughs) Uh, I'll clean that up. Well the thing I'm not working out is how much milk is needed in there to get a good froth 'cause I want it to be level like that and it's reduced down. So I'm gonna leave it as it is and we can use the thing to catch any spillages. Gonna stay a bit further away though. This is fun, it's really, really hot. I feel like I'm cement mixing. When do I stop, shall we just carry on? Ah, look at this. That's awesome, I mean we lost a bit of milk, rest in peace, but I tell you what now I'm done with it, nope. That's why it's got the stand because if you sit it down. (whisk whirring) (laughs) All right, yes, if you want a milk frother, that froths milk. Woo that's hot, wow. A gadget, or I guess a utensil appliance that I get asked about a lot is actually a rice steamer. Now I don't have one here yet, I'm so surprised I don't but I will order one because I genuinely wanna try one out, I've never actually used on before. I've manged from one and it was lush but I think this one is similar. Again nothing to do with the burger, then we'll go back to the burger. I've had this for bloomin' ages as well, this is the Professional Line, makes cooking easy, that's it. What there's not a name on it. Well it's a rice ball thing. You can make a ball out of rice, you can make anything out of rice. Once you cook it you can shape it, I've done a Christmas tree once, it was a bit weird. But you can effectively make a dome, that's a better word isn't it, a sphere, a globe of rice, and who doesn't wanna do that. I don't know if I can make it look as awesome as that, that's amazing, it's crammed full. It does swell up doesn't it, so we'll give it a go. All right looks like a really upset disco ball. Oh you see, kids look away now. Nice. No instructions, no instructions. What the hell am I supposed to do with it? Am I gonna guess? For maximum 250 grammes of rice for cooking rice easily with closing clip and chain, stainless steel. How the hell do you use it? It says 250 grammes, so we've got that, that's the key measure I think here. I'm gonna use long grain rice which hopefully it should get compact and not fall through the holes which are like colanders, let's do it. 250 grammes, I'm gonna boil some water up, and we'll plunge it. (bright bouncy music) So that is 250 grammes of rice as it says on the box. This cooks in 10 to 12 minutes, your normally bring the water to a boil, that's what I'm doing over there. And then hopefully it'll cook. So I guess I'm gonna put it into me dome half. All right, only made a little bit of a mess, so probably got about 245 grammes in there now. There's holes in it and everything in me is just saying it should just gush out but it's sitting there, so I'm gonna put my lid on, gonna clamp it, oh Gosh, oh gosh it doesn't wanna clamp. Oh gosh, come on. What? Oh, yes did you hear that? But why would you need that? I do think that that hangs on the pan you know. That's your way of getting it out isn't it. Look into my eyes, we're going to make a rice dome. Okay here we go, I've moved the pan to the ring a bit closer to us, down here but it is basically simmering now. We're gonna lower it in, and I guess we just wait, and I'll leave the strap bit off the side of it. Is that it? So placing it in there has lowered the water temperature massively, it was just bubbling away there and all of a sudden now it looks stone cold. But we are just gonna leave this for the, I'm gonna go the whole 12 minutes and see if the rice grains swell up and maybe fill us a dome. If not we'll have half a dome. Folks I wanted to just make sure the power's still on and I couldn't resist it, I just put my finger in and this is stone cold. It is still freezing, but the plate is still hot. So what I think it might do is it might hold the temperature to keep it warm. So what I would have to do is make my coffee, and then literally plug this in and sit it on there, and see if it holds the temperature. We've still got a bit to do, so what I'm gonna do, is make a new coffee and keep it on there after making it, all right. Ooh that's hot. Oh I need something to compare it don't I, I'll make another one. ♪ Hello ♪ (whisk whirring) Frothy milk. Lionel, you sit there, and you, let's just double check, yeah that's hot. All right we'll see you in a bit. All right, rice, rice baby. I'm gonna turn off the heat, it's had just over 12 minutes. Oh wow, that is really heavy, oh can you see it's dripping off? Ah, the steam, (groans) I don't know what I'm expecting, I just double checked the box and it says for cooking max 250 grammes, and that's what we did, of rice. I was thinking, oh maybe you have to put 250 grammes in each half, no. Ah, you, (groans) (laughs) hang on a minute, that's not the clamp, that's the hinge. (gasps) Right, just have a second and think what's it gonna look like. I'm going for the half dome okay, I'm gonna lift it off with this. Look, it is a half dome, that's fine. Disappointed to not get the full football shape but I would have had to have loaded it up with rice. Of course the great thing is now because it's already in a sort of rice mould, go like that. (laughs) Yes! It's a shame that we can't make it look like that. I mean I could maybe try it again if you really want me to see it overload it, let me know down below, and I will if you want, double the rice amount and see if it fills it up. I don't know if that is it though. I think they're just selling it by going look, you can make a Death Star out of rice, 'cause I know what this, but there we go, it's all right. These are the magic trio slicers. They are called the trio slicers I guess because they come in a pack of three, and I have been, this is no joke. For the last 12 months, maybe more, people message me nearly every couple of days, one of you, please review these. They look like standard peelers don't they, but they have different serrated edges, hence the trio thing, different sizes and stuff like that. But they're pretty good apparently on a host of vegetables. So let's have a veg fest. So I'm just gonna pick a carrot like this and look you can do your standard carrot peeling thing like this, but apparently, I need to be careful here, you can sort of go like this, back and forth. Oh my gosh, look at that, you see that, that is so sharp as well. I'm being really careful but that is wow. This one's got a serrated edge, try it on a courgette. Oh my gosh look at that, it's making ribbons of courgette, I'm just going back and forth along it, can you see all that, that's really cool. Oh my gosh. That's gliding. That is unbelievable. Just take the side of a lettuce like that, ugh, well maybe. I mean it's shredding apart that lettuce. Lettuce is one of the easy ones, what about a turnip, that is quite butch? It's tougher, but I'm actually going a bit slower because I do not wanna slice myself 'cause I can feel how sharp that is but that is making shreds of turnip. So with that in mind, can we just make really easy potato wedges. Yes, like strips of potato. We're just destroying it, and shredding it like a dream. So you could pick the one you want, and really go to town on it. One other thing I did see was where you actually whack the vegetable against the peeler, so let's try that. So that's half an onion, and I'm sticking it on a fork, and apparently I can, look at that. (laughs) It's just flying off. So what I might do is, a big leaf fell in, but I can just chuck some lettuce into a bowl like this, bit of carrot, bit of olive oil. Bit of pepper, bit of salt, and a smidgen of our lemon juice that was reamed, gonna be well ream yeah. Mix that together, and we're gonna have ourselves a nice little mini salad to go in our burger that we haven't made yet. Let's do the burger. This next gadget is a pug. Amy have you ever thought to yourself I want a hexadecimal burger. (Amy grunts) I've gotta take that as a yes. Yes our final gadget is the Burger Master. By Shape+Store apparently. I don't know if they do many other ones but this is the eight in one step burgers, (speaks foreign language) quarters pounders. Burger waster, burger waster, you're such a burger waster man, oh my God, burger press and freezer container in one. I think that basically summarises what it is. I didn't really look at it in too much detail this morning when I went to the supermarche, and I bough 1.5 kilos of beef mince, which was quite a lot. So hopefully we'll do it, but the aim is that you can make burger shapes very easy like so, it's silicon, so then you can seal it, stick it in the fridge, or longer term have it in the freezer. I'm doing lots of arm stuff so not only can it help shape them, I don't know what you want them, that is a hexagon isn't it, octagon's eight, yeah. I don't know why you'd want that, I want a round burger, they could probably still have done that right, but we'll see if that complicates things. But you can shape it, you can then store it, I think that's quite a good thing. All right, so I'm not gonna do anything crazy but of course you could mix your mince together and make, don't wanna mince your words, you could make any burger recipe that you want. Wow a bit of static off of that, bottom tray, it actually says it on there, quite like that, and actually on the note of burgers, the peanut butter jelly burger, you guys are trying that, phenomenal isn't it. I'm loving that you guys are loving it too. Ooh, they're actually quite small, there's quite a lot of burgers, but the actual size of them, quite high though, quite high. I'm gonna wash it first, hang on. So this is 750 grammes of beef mince, straight from the supermarket tray. I'm not gonna do anything too fancy, a standard pack is normally about four, 500 grammes, so this is a slightly large one and I got two of them because I was like I don't want to go to all this effort and not have enough to make a burger. And looking at it we actually might need a teeny bit more. Yeah I reckon we're probably gonna need about a kilo which is pretty cool, it should have said that on the pack, it doesn't. (bright bouncy music) Yeah, let's take about third of it, and just see if that's enough. That's actually worked out pretty well. Just imagine just frying that on it's own, like yeah I want a weird looking burger. So if you are storing it you probably do wanna wash your hands and try and keep the lid clean and away from the raw meat so let's do that first anyway. But then we take this lid then, and oh that way, we press it down into. Can you hear it, can you hear it popping as I'm getting all the air out of it. So that is actually, going round every edge. That's hopefully making some cuts and incisions in it. I'll get rid of these bits, I'm gonna need to wash my hands again but hopefully now I guess if you build up the trust in it you won't really need to open it. You just shove it in your freezer or your fridge, but we'll have a look. I'm gonna let you see before me. What is it like is it good? (laughs) Look at that, it's actually made proper serrations. It's gone a little bit wider at the bottom because I don't think I've reached it all the way down, so it's still a little bit joined. But I'll take it like that, because once it's cold or frozen you could easily slice that off. Maybe I'll just try one more push down on it, just to be sure. (book thudding) Gonna have to wash that book. Put it in a freezer or fridge now, and pop it open. Ah, yeah you're gonna have to slice them out a little bit but that, look at that, that's amazing. You could play blockbusters with burgers. I'm just gonna cook it. (bright bouncy music) (laughs) Boom, that's a fat old burger as well. So while the other burger's cooking away, you can put your lid back on, gutted they're not circles but maybe there's a reason. Oh yeah, 'cause you fit more in there don't you, yes. I'm having burgers for the rest of the week. Cheese. Amazing! Oh it's gone less hexagony. Oh, it's a little bit small for the bun, but that is a basic burger bun size, I went for a bit of a flashy roll. So I'm gonna sit my fried egg CD on top. (laughs) get some of that coleslaw from before. Bit of ketchup, and that is me burger all done. Look at that, naughty. A gadget burger. Of course I've got to test this burger for purposes of seeing if the egg was well done. Oh yeah, that's amazing. It is, firm yolk, zingy naked coleslaw, that's what I'm gonna call it, cheese burger. Mm, we can use a gadget to test if the gadget's worked. Yeah, using this. Ooh that is warm on the bottom still wow. Give Lionel and Mr Glass here a stir, just to spread the temperature around. Let's do Lionel first. All right, so we're looking at around 35, we'll say 36 degrees okay. Now, has this got even one degree higher. Wow, it is literally one degree, no, oh that is higher, that is actually warmer. Not by much. Yeah it is literally like one and a half degrees warmer but I don't care, we've frothed our milk, we've kept our beverage slightly warm. Is it worth the electricity, I don't think so. Maybe wrap a bandage round it. Hmm, I prefer mine cold. But there we go folks, another kitchen gadget video in the bag, don't forget to have a Barathon now. If you're not already on the playlist go back to number one and watch them all because you guys love doing that. Some people, ♪ Some people ♪ always do that, they spend weekends watching the playlist. Literally if you are one of those people find a community of you down below and go yeah I do it too, let's start at the same time. Massively appreciate you guys enjoying these videos and all the others on the channel as much as I do. If you've seen any cool gadgets do let me know down below. Favourite one today is tricky, I like the peelers, I do, but the burger thing is impressive I think that's really, really clever, smart. See you next time, bye. ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchens for me ♪ ♪ Simon's moustache, goatee, maybe all three ♪ - One, two, three, four, five. - [Barry] I had to do that as well, that's cool right. - That is cool, I'm impressed. Nice, burgers for dinner. - All month long baby. - Woohoo.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 295,530
Rating: 4.8832078 out of 5
Keywords: barry lewis kitchen gadgets, barry lewis, Kitchen gadget testing, my virgin kitchen gadgets, testing kitchen gadgets, kitchen gadgets, gadget, myvirginkitchen, Froach pods, virgin kitchen, food gadget testing, testing food gadgets, Kitchen Gadget Testing 35 - special, inventions, weird cooking gadgets, food hacks, review, wish, microwave cake maker, gadgets put to the test, jospeh joseph, USB mug warmer, Rice ball maker, Magic Trio peeler, burger master, lemon catcher
Id: CjH2urL7Aso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 44sec (1664 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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