Kitchen Gadget Testing #42

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- We pop off the... (clattering) (he laughs) that was dangerous. (he screams) I don't know what to do. - [Woman] Why do I smell burning? - Fudge! (upbeat music) (clapping) Hello everybody it's Barry. Hope you're well. Welcome to another fun filled, I hope, kitchen gadget video. With the playlist, if you've not seen it already have a Bar-athon after this video. This is like number 40 something. Please remember before commenting down below that some of these gadgets can help people with disabilities and also some are very novelty indeed. Starting with one in a minute but before that, little bit of an update. Four, three, two, one video part four that I put up recently I did the egg, didn't I? We need eggs today so I've got Elvis who you might hear singing in the background helping me boil those eggs. We want them hard boiled for one of our first gadgets which actually, isn't this one. Nope, it's this one which I've had in the gadget box for probably 18 months. One of my very first ones and it just keeps going to the bottom like, "no, it's your time!" Magiclux tech- (beeping) Elvis is singing. (beeping) That might get annoying. Butter spreader knife with the latest heat cutting technology. So this is basically a butter spreader and I just kept putting it to the background, like I can't remember why I got this, it's just a knife. But no, it's not, it's not just any heating knife. It's a... (beeping) Alright, Elvis you gotta go. You're sitting there in my breakfast bowl. But look, it... (beeping) So it comes with, check this out, a USB cable. This is just no ordinary knife. In fact, it's camouflaged, you can't even see it. (he laughs) And we need to charge it. So I'm going to do this and then we just turn it on and it should... Ahh, does anyone remember that thing, a GIF where it's got something that looks just like this and it cuts the toast. I think somebody would call it a light sabre or something. I wonder if it can do that as well? 'Cos this will get hot but we'll save it till the end of the video because it needs a blooming good charge. Just to show you my eggs are nice and boiled now, hence this timer which doesn't make noises. We had to give Elvis a cold shower. But these are good so I'm gonna let these cool down because we'll need them for... This is the Nicer Dicer quick. I think there's many different Nicer Dicer ones, a bit like the slap chop thing and the other big smack-y thing that I'm gonna be doing on my own store as well. Many news on that coming soon. As seen on TV, extra sharp, super strong, so so so so so so so many of you have told me "Barry please, please review this," so I am. It's like a handheld slicer thing. Just on that note I'm getting so many tweets. Do you remember that gadget video where I was like, "Please leave any Amazon reviews of products I've done and put 'Barry says this is stonking'?" Loads of you are like sending me photos of it, like this and then just getting 58 or 60 people, wow, found that helpful. (opening package) OK so here we've got various size. Like this is the one actually for the eggs that we've just boiled so hopefully we'll get them nice and quartered. Ooh, very very sharp, can you see that? That's serrated. Ah, that's a lock, oh that's amazing, look! I didn't look at the instructions but look, push that in, it won't pop up. Push this, like a car boot! And then in here we've just got a blank one. Why would you want a blank one? I know, we're gonna slice nothing! (plastic clattering) I think I'm missing one, unless, does that... Oh my gosh, look, that is ingenious. See the grooves, that goes in there like that and then you create. I was like, "Ah, they've ripped me off, I'm missing the cross hatch one." I've got two like that, you stick it in there. Oh, that's good. So along with the eggs which we'll peel in a minute I've got some mushrooms, I've got some courgettes and I've got some peppers. They were not... Ah, I always do that. Mushrooms, courgettes, eggs and peppers, let's do it. (he laughs) So the slightly thinner one, which is this one, is perfect for mushrooms. So with them being tender, we'll start with those first. I'm just gonna push it through like this. (Slicer snaps) Oh, that, that felt good. It had a good spank on it when it closed. We pop off the... (plastic clattering) That was dangerous. Nice sliced mushrooms. Alright so if we want something bigger we go for the wider blade with courgettes. Now this is what I don't like about it. I can't just stick that in there and go, uh. It won't work. So what I have to do is get a rough feel for where that is, which to me, kinda defeats the point of it because you've just got the knife out to cut it into a more of a nicer chunk. Look at that, it's like a log. (slicer snaps) Aw, you feel that? I really wanna eat you. That was a bad idea. Bang. (slicer snaps) That's cool, I like this. (classical music) (slicer snapping) (Barry grunting) That was me throwing a grenade, not a mushroom. No, pug! But again this is what I don't like about it, I've got to, for the peppers, that cross hatch one, I've gotta take a cheek off. We build our blade. So look, it won't do it if it's like that, it'll just bend it. I'm gonna have to cut this flush. (chopping) There we go, a nice window of pepper. So you know like my other one, where I just smack it down, what I like about it is you don't need this. Sorry if that looked a bit barbaric. You've got to like, prepare it and then have the satisfaction, the enjoyment of going... (slicer snaps) Yes, I mean that, that is really fun. That, I love, I could do that as a sport. Boston, get off the pepper, please mate. You know, a mushroom, straight through like that, you've just diced and squared a mushroom, (he snaps) but it's the slicing. (he hums) We have got one other blade to put in and that is for our eggs. So let's de-shell m'shells. Ooh nice, it does clip in but it never unclips out. This is our egg-y one and hopefully if I get it right in the middle... Aww, shall we do it up here? Ah, look at that! (slicer snaps) Yeah, you've quartered your egg. (chewing) It's bearable isn't it? In case you didn't realise we are on our way to building an omelette, look a pile of herbs has suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Thank goodness we've got, by KitchenCraft, the stainless steel rotary herb cutter. (he hums) (plastic clattering) Alright, wow, this is it. Do you know what, it looks like metal but it feels more like that very basic cheap nasty metal that kid's toys are made out of. Do you know, it's really like, heh. So this goes in. (he laughs) Look at this, brushing your teeth with that. ♪ Hoy di di di ♪ Oh, is this something? Ooh, crickey! Ah wow. This does not feel natural. OK, putting it in the wrong way. Right, that rests in there like that and then you go... (cutter clicks) (cutter clatters) Gosh, oh there we go. Look. So this is some parsley, I'm gonna just shove it in there and then I'm gonna wind. Is it? Oh, it's doing it, a little bit. It's making it rain parsley which is kinda like a poor man's rapper, that's what they would do. They don't make it rain with money they make it rain with herbs. But that is not, now it's stopped. Now it's stopped, why have you stopped? Do I need to actually push you down? Ah no, look at that! It's kinda like a handheld lawnmower. It's kind of, oh, it's getting dangerous. Actually, why don't we do the opposite? Why don't we just completely load it up so like the weight pushes it down. ♪ Ah, the fields are alive with the sound of music ♪ And herb cutting. It's smells amazing in here now. It's doing nothing. (he laughs) But if I push that right down, get in there. Oh, look at that. I am making it rain herbs, can you see all of that now? I mean, that's all I need; let's make an omelette. Oh but what if you just put a spoon like that? (he giggles) That what it needs, it needs a spoon attachment. Brilliant. But what could we make an omelette in? Here's an idea, you could actually make omelettes in a mug so let's use this novelty retro arcade mug which is heat thingy. You know, it's black and then you put water in it and then it's ooh, retro. (unwrapping) Oh, no I wanna take it back mum, the buttons don't work. It's proper ceramic, it's like a nipple. Look, does nothing. Ah, and it's not microwave safe but let's just see if it works anyway. I was gonna make my omelette in this. (kettle bubbling) You can't make an omelette in it but can you make it into an instant arcade? No, no you can't. (he laughs) What's going on? (he gasps) (he laughs) Oh no I nearly poured, no, this is... (he laughs) Look at that! That's pretty cool. Yes, that is not microwave proof but of course, don't forget, the Barry Lewis mugs are. Available in many colours. Here's three others for example. Just to let you know on my website soon, I'm gonna have an option and when you order merchandise or any of the gadgets that are coming I will actually personally sign them and stuff, send you a little message. Maybe for a birthday, Christmas, funeral? I thought to myself, "You know what Barry "You are making an omelette today "so you were bound to have an omelette making thing "in your box up there," and I did, I've got like three left still. This is from Lékué native microwave omelette maker. Can cook an omelette in two minutes like most omelette makers do. And there it is, yeah, it's like a pencil case at school. Hello and welcome to pug watch. This is what is known as a white pug or faun looking very sleepy in her bed. I've given it a wash and what I like about the instructions on this, it's kinda like a flow chart. Amazing, we learnt about them at school. Bit like Pythagoras, never really used it. But what it's saying is you load the ingredients in first of all which is what I'm going to do. This is the word's worst omelette. And what we'll do is we actually start to cook it in this already. We close up our lid, OK, and two minutes. (microwave beeping) We were so impressed with the last omelette maker we had, it looks like a set of eyes or Elton John impression, that we kept it. So this one could supersede it. My gosh, I just missed that but it went bang! Oh, what's happened? It's blew the lid off it. Ahh, shoe shoes, shoes, I'm not wearing shoes. That's hot. (he yelps) Wow. (he laughs) Well it's definitely cooked now. So in there is two eggs, some butter that I'm not even gonna melt 'cos the heat in the thing will do it and a little bit of milk. Right, and I'm gonna pour that mix in with those ingredients. Now my theory is with it going boom a minute ago, will this? It's gonna pour out, isn't it? Look at that, it's starting to pour out. Oh am I doing it inside out? Oh there we go, look, why is it all seeping out? Ugh. Imma let you finish Kanye West. (microwave beeping) Every time. I gave it two and a half minutes. Ugh. (he grunts) Mm, ah! (he laughs) Oh, tell you what, it's worked. I think I prefer the Elton John one simply because you can see what's going on whilst it's cooking. (chewing) Needs seasoning, needs cheese but that's alright. It actually worked so hooray! You keeping up so far? Good. Remember the last kitchen gadget video where a churro making pusher thing arrived? They're taking it up a notch, we have got a electronic churro maker. So let's make some churro batter and for that we can actually use another gadget to help us. Do you remember these measurer things that snap off with the windscreen wipers on called Levoons that I love? Well, they've got a big sister or brother. These, like Levoons how they're like spoons that level, these are Levups, so they are really for cup size measurements kind of... Ooh, that's wrong, (he laughs) cups and mls. So they don't do grammes but I find generally that mls are the same as grammes in some circumstances. I mean ultimately I know how these work, they're gonna be... Oh wow, they'll snap off, look they'll snap off and they'll have wipers on them, like this. And it's got ml measurements on the side and they'll all stack together neatly for storage but the annoying thing is, as I say, you've got your mls and got your cups and ounces, so you can pretty much find your way round. Any good Google search or Alexa will help you. So for our churro batter we need 250mls of water, boom. That is not 250, maybe I went over a little bit but you don't really need your wiper 'cos it's a fluid but... (water splashing) Well I've got 250 now, got half of it out the pan. We also need 60 grammes of butter so that's just gotta go in like that because we can't really weigh that 'cos it's not melted, we want it to melt and some salt from a pug. I basically don't need the Levups much at all, this is a teaspoon measure but hey, we're gonna sprinkle that off and then just put some more in like that. We need a bit more so hopefully, I'm hoping that I can show you using that in some way but first we melt the butter up. So while that's coming to a boil, I need to keep my eye on it, very very quickly indeed, we need 140 grammes of flour. Right, I wanna go a little bit over like that because I want one cup (he laughs) of flour. In fact, if I shake it. Okay, here we go. Aw, look at that, I love it. I don't need to talk much more about these, they snap together, different sizes like that, if you're unsure just google your measurements and that but we do need this if our stuff hasn't burnt. Buttery water (he laughs), nice. And what we'll do is add our perfectly weighed out, in quote marks, flour in. We'll give it a little mix and it's gonna go back onto the heat and that was not a pun about the pop band. There we go, look at that, like one big old fat tennis ball rolling round the pan, just to cook that flour through, we do not wanna burn this so that should be enough. (he laughs) Churro maker is out the box. Apparently it's rotational so we can go like this when it making. It's basically just a sandwich toaster isn't it with a lock on the front and rows to put the churros in. Look at that, churros, is that why they're called that? I mean that's it, it doesn't come apart it's a beast of a UK socket, look at that thing. So that's it, it is rotational. I'm just praying that the instructions that come with it aren't saying that I've gotta do some sort of magical specific churro recipe made from a unicorn or something so hopefully my standard one will work. We'll just plug this in and give it a go. It's also got the world's worst instruction manual, look. That is all in foreign language, this is blank and that's blank. (he laughs) There are some piping bags though because obviously once you make your batter you normally pipe it out straight into hot oil which is why I'm loving this idea of the gadget, no hot oil. So maybe I've still gotta pipe it? So I've plugged it in and apparently "it will give off a residue". We've been here before so lets do that. (socket switch clicks) (he sniffs) Yes that is letting out that new bought store smell. So a little drop of vanilla extract and an egg. It might not look like it wants to but we now whisk this together. So that's nice and whisked and my green light has just come on and the smell is disgusting but apparently it's fragrant. They always say that on all the instructions and it will go away so we'll turn that off and then we'll heat it up again, 'cos that makes sense. (blowing) I think I will pipe it in using the PacMan glass. Whoa! (he laughs) I don't know how much to fill it but we do give it a little dusting, dusting? A little spray of spray oil. And then we pipe the mixture. Ah, look at that! Right a couple of them are about to join in together like two little snakes lying in a little nest. I'm just gonna close it and lock it and turn it on. Look, can you see the steam coming out of it? Oh my gosh. I'm supposed to turn it, it doesn't say when. In the instructions it's like, "Just cook it, just cook it." (he laughs) It worked. Right, I've got a bowl here; this is how you make cinnamon sugar. You get some sugar and you get a little bit less cinnamon and then you mix the two together. That's your tutorial on how to make cinnamon sugar. Don't forget to subscribe. Meanwhile, ha ha! I don't know what to do! (he grunts) Wow that feels dangerous. It was dangerous, there was steam coming out of that. Don't turn it, you turnip. I'm turning it off, you turn off. Oh this is so hot, this is so hot. (he gasps) (he laughs) Look at them, they look amazing. You see that? They're not quite cooked; they're not browned enough so we'll turn it back on. Ah, that's stonking! I never say that on a gadget video! Yes. (he yelps) Fudge! I've raved about how much I hate cooking with oil before. That is so much better and actually healthier, right? I mean, not much but a little bit. So lets take a churro and we'll just cover it. (he laughs) It's completely the wrong shaped dish for this, I thought it was gonna be perfect. But look we'll just drench it in that cinnamon sugar. (he sighs) ♪ Shake it off, ah, shake it off ♪ Ah. Whoops, they look awesome. Great. I've just warmed this up in the microwave, oh, so hopefully I can just grab one of these. Oh in fact, let's just dunk it in. (chewing) They're so good. Our final one before we try out that USB heated knife butter spreader thing and it's related. This is a toaster but not just any toaster. It is a toaster in the form of a tunnel. Something a vehicle may pass through just like in Back to the Future, you know with the hover board scene? It could be based on that. (rustling) Somewhere to store your iron. (rustling) And there it is, look at that, you could imagine Biff driving through there in his car couldn't you? That's cool! And that's a button. (toaster dings) What does that do? Oh, it opens it up, that's cool! Uh, oh wow, yeah that's really bad. Woo, that's almost grilled cheese toaster territory. On the box not only does it have bread being toasted, it has bagels and it has croissants so look what I've got down there. Oh yes, we're gonna do the bread first intentionally because we've got this other gadget over here waiting for us. Bloody burning my ear off because where it's been preheated it's still so hot. I don't like that this end is exposed either. So if I push this button down, open sesame. Is that high enough? Is that high enough? It's like a vehicle going into a bridge isn't it? It's just going in, shall we risk it? Yes we shall. Or, oh no, it's come out. Ah. So you place it in like that and it will not turn on unless it's in like that. Round we go, on. And apparently it's gonna beep when it's reached the temperature, whatever that means. But what I can tell you is I nearly burnt my arm off then because look, in there it is like an 80s music video. ♪ Do do do do do do do do do ♪ ♪ Do do do do do do do ♪ It's almost kinda like you're watching bread on a sunbed. You can look down it and watch it as it browns. So I do like that about it, that is cool. (toaster beeps) It's beeping which means it's "reached temperature". I don't know that means because it was hot from the start but that is an automatic shut off. So, ooh crickey that's hot that end. That ain't too bad and I can take that whole row out and because it's plastic bottomed I can sit it on my worktop. I'm not gonna do that, I'm gonna put it in a little bit longer. So if I just pull it out like that it'll... Ah, I'll tell you what, inside the toaster it did not, it looked really pasty and white but that, that's quite good toast actually. Ah, go on, hang, let's give it a little squeeze. Look how wedged that bagel is in there. No, no no surely not. I don't think it's designed for this. Hello Mrs Barry. - [Woman] Why do I smell burning? - You smell burning because I'm trying to toast a croissant and a bagel. (she sighs) Ah, wow. I don't know if you can see, the backside, the backside of mi bagel is looking great. That's actually worked amazing. I've got nothing else to say about this. Conclusion, it works, teeny bit scary but fun. The toast is now cold so the butter, when it hits it, won't do anything. Good job we've got our knife charging up. Highlights of the instruction include this beauty: (sped up talking) "The advanced heat and cutting design is a meaningful breakthrough compared to the cold cutting era." But the cold cutting butter era was very significant wasn't it? It's time. ♪ Ah, ah ♪ I've made a little investment particularly for this folks. I wanna let you know, just for you watching right now, today I went and purchased this, is it called a butter boat? I don't know. Six pounds for this beauty. This has been in the fridge, it's cold. We press the on button and apparently, look, how it's red and green, that means this is warming up. It's gonna take a couple of minutes. That is actually getting quite hot. (he laughs) (fridge door slams) I think it's gonna do it. It's still charging, it feels like an electric toothbrush. I'm gonna go for it. (he laughs) It did it, it got it off, look! (he gasps) Look, (he laughs) that is actually working. Ah, look at this. That is great, and then you just butter your toast. (he laughs) I can't believe I've had this upstairs for months. This is brilliant. There was one thing that I wanted to try that I teased at the front of the video. I don't think it's gonna do it. Remember that sort of jif GIF thing? Doesn't work, brilliant. (crunching) - I can't believe you just did that. ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style the kitchen's for me ♪ ♪ Sideburns, moustache, goatee, maybe all three. ♪ - Subscribe if you're not already. If you see any cool gadgets, any recipes you want me to try do get in touch and I'll muddle my way through them. Goodbye soldier, bye Mrs B. - Bye! - Have a happy lunch break. (breathing) (she laughs)
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 359,780
Rating: 4.8542371 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen gadget testing, barry lewis kitchen gadgets, my virgin kitchen gadgets, testing kitchen gadgets, food gadget testing, myvirginkitchen, testing food gadgets, virgin kitchen, barry lewis, kitchen gadgets, gadget, tunnel toaster, Kitchen Gadget Testing 35 - special, inventions, weird cooking gadgets, food hacks, you need, food gadgets, review, levups, jospeh joseph, nicer dicer, churro maker, microwave omelette maker, wish, self heating butter spreader, herb slicer
Id: S1qqVl3bpUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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