How To Know If A Man Is Husband Material Or Not. IS THE GUY YOU'RE WITH REALLY ENOUGH?

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[Music] [Music] yellow this is ROC Blake's junior and I want to thank you for tuning in to my channel today this is your first time just kind of give me a minute let's let's feel each other out see if this is your kind of thing or not I think God for all of you who have subscribed and have become a part of my extended family and that's exactly how Lisa and I think of you all we think of you as family today we have a very interesting conversation I want to talk about for a few minutes you know in in in in essence how can a woman kind of comb through the suitors how can a woman comb through the men that may be interested so as not to waste her time with a man that is not qualified for her because as I as I see it there are many women who testify that they've wasted great chunks you know I know that's somewhat of a crude term but I think it creates a visual for us they've wasted great chunks of their lives with men that were not qualified from the beginning simply because no one really ever sat them down to teach them how to identify a eligible suitor one that is really not only eligible eligible but one that is suitable just because someone is in pursuit does not necessarily mean that he is actually suitable for you and of course there are a lot of things that have to play into this and I don't have time to elaborate on them now go back and look at some of my previous stuff and I think you'll get a lot of information you have to first know who you are as a woman if you don't really know who you are as an individual simultaneously you do not know who you should or should not be coupled with this is why we really have so many divorces it's not for lack of love it's that people have come together who were never really supposed to be together because and they came together because they had not mastered individuality so they failed at compatibility they failed at coupling because they didn't know did it they did not know who they were as individuals and so they joined themselves together and there was never really any basis there was never any there was never a real Constitution within each of them that agreed with one the other because they did not know themselves so a woman has to know herself before but let's get into this teaching today now the interesting thing about the way relationships between men and women between man and woman Adam and Eve started is that God completely listened to this very carefully God completely developed Adam before he even made Eve all of the other animals I cannot say enough he made male and female alike all of the insects male and female together but when it came to man there was a delay between the making of Adam the male and the making of Eve the female he made Adam completely and Adam being a complete man as we see in Genesis and we will look at today was about more than him just being the physical form of a male but God formed God made Adam completely listen to this statement before he ever made Eve a possibility he didn't even create Eve he didn't even give Adam the the potential or the possibility of trying to develop a relationship with a woman until God looked at Adam and that he was complete in his moderation and when God looked at at him and God said okay you're complete you're a complete and whole man now I will make you a woman God never even made Eve an option for Adam until God looked down and saw that Adam was whole and complete God didn't even give Adam access to Eve until Adam was enough God did not give Adam access to Eve until Adam was enough because as I just said a minute ago there's little that is worse than a woman connecting herself to a man that is not enough to cover her life this is why this teaching is so important it is because there's little in life that is more traumatic than a woman connecting herself to a man that is not enough it's it's it's it's more crucial for the woman to know that the man is the right man than it is for the man to know that the woman is the right woman what is your basis for saying that well the Bible calls the man the covering of the woman and as I look up in my house right now my ceiling has a certain height if I desire to go beyond the ceiling I cannot go beyond the ceiling because the ceiling is my cap when a woman puts herself beneath a man that is not enough and if she's more than the man is she limits her own potential and she stifles her own growth because she has put herself beneath a man that is not enough to accommodate her greatness now if we look in Ephesians chapter 5 verses 22 through 29 the Bible says wives submit yourselves unto your own as unto the Lord for the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church and he is the savior of the body of the body therefore as the church is subject unto Christ so let the wives be to their own husband's in everything husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word that he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish sought men to love their wives as their own bodies he that loveth his wife loveth himself for no man ever yet hated his own flesh but nourisheth and cherisheth it even as the Lord the church so we see the great responsibility of a man qualifying to be a woman's husband a man has to have a tremendous depth of character in quality input and in power to actually perform as a husband now if we just took just is this block of verses Ephesians 5:22 through 29 most of the men that you guys entertaining won't qualify they can't love you like Christ loved the church they don't know Christ in a lot of cases they don't go to church husbands love your wives even as Christ loved and gave himself they're not giving of themselves that they're takers and they're not giving us that he might sanctify and cleanse it they're not able to make you better by the washing of with the washing of water by the word they don't know the word that he might present it to himself so most of the men that a lot of women are entertaining won't even qualify they won't even get out of the block so we see the great responsibility of a man qualifying to be a woman's husband but we also see here watch this there in verse 22 says wives submit yourselves unto your own now watch this when he comes in pursuit of you you have to recognize him as your husband you have to discern him as your husband and that is the beginnings of your submission when you discern him as your husband and you say yes to his proposal you're now beginning to move into the realms of submission as wife so it means that you're gonna have to have certain certain wisdom and knowledge and understanding before you make the commitment to submit yourself to a man that is calling on you to be his wife just because he's calling doesn't mean that you're supposed to submit to that call and that this is what I want to look at today I want us to talk about you know how to get to a place where you're not wasting your time and how to comb through maybe you have more than you know a multiple men that are trying to pursue you how do you call them through that to figure out what's what who's who what you should entertain what you shouldn't who qualifies who doesn't now let me read this impact point I teach with impact points for those of you that come to my church you understand what that is Adam was so complete spiritually emotionally and physically now I gotta read this slowly because I want you to get it Adam was so complete spiritually emotionally and physically that when God got ready for Eve he pulled Eve out of Adam's side when God got ready for Eve he didn't have to go back to the dirt and farm up a woman he just reached into Adam and pulled out a rib and Adam was enough to bring forth his own wife and watch this this is even more powerful when you look at the Genesis record of the creation of Eve not only did God go inside of Adam to pull Eve out there's no where God had to breathe his spirit into Eve there's no record where God like he took out him he formed him from dust picked him up breathing him the breath of life and Adam became a living soul the only record we have is that God reached into Adam side poured Eve out and Eve was Adam had everything within himself for his wife's natural emotional and spiritual sustenance so now let me just pause right here the man that you're thinking about right now does he possess everything you need for your natural your emotional and your spiritual sustenance think about that okay now let's look at let's look at let's look at the I wanted I want to look at explore three phases of manhood or three kinds of men three levels of manhood and we're pulling all of these levels out of the adem ik experience Adams Adams evolution Adams moderation the first man's development is where we're pulling this from and the first the first I want us to look at is the form of a man write that down write that on the screen or on your tablet the form of a man the form of a man the Bible says in Genesis 2 and 7 and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground Adam was first in his original state he was first just a form God originally formed Adam from meaningless clay Adam was nothing more than a figurine Adam had watched us when God formed him informed him and you know what you know Adam was boy yet to be configured if God formed him or since God formed meet formed him you know we have to be awesome he had style but he had no inner substance he had form but he did not possess character yet as he was just the form he didn't know what it was watch this when he was just a form of a man he didn't know what it was to be faithful he had not experienced what it was to be faithful to anything nor had he learned what it meant yet to be committed he was just a form and see that's that's that's unfortunately that's a great deal of what we are facing and in society today we have males that are fully formed but they're just figurines they're external there's no internal Constitution there's no internal makeup there's nothing they're empty on the inside they know nothing about commitment nothing about faithfulness they're just forms and a lot of women are really content to simply connect themselves to just the form of a man as we put it in out in our Mountain culture a piece of a man is better than no man at all a piece of a man is not a man at all because a man is whole man is whole he is not a man until he is old he may be the form of a man but he's not a man it's like a it's like a as always say on in the illustrations it's like taking a shoe I bring you the soul of a Jordan tennis shoe it's not a Jordan tennis shoes the soul of a Jordan tennis shoe you cannot sell it or call it a Jordan tennis shoe until it is completely developed then you can package it proverbs 25 19 says confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth and a foot out of joint when you're dealing with just a form of a man he lacks the capacity to be faithful because in in in most cases he's not had a point of reference and he's just a farm and you attracted to that form that form looks good you you that form can be sexy you can even have sex with that form you can make babies with that form but you can't make a husband out of that form you can't make a father out of that form you can't make a home with that form a formless man watch this has no personal structure there's no structure to his life he just kind of lives his life randomly he's not concerned about things he's not he's not concerned about matters that should concern a man his credit is is wrecked he's not really that enthused about keeping a job there's no real concern for his own personal spiritual well-being as you look at it he's not even really concerned about you and your well-being and it's not that he doesn't he's not a good person he just has no no personal structure because he has no watch this no god awareness Adam in his original form he wasn't aware of God and anyone even self aware so he had no personal structure no god awareness and no self awareness because this is a man that that that is formed externally but he does not have an inner Constitution yet he can't lead because he's in spiritual and emotional limbal Adam when he was formed from that dirt he was in spiritual and emotional limbo he's typically had this man of a man that is just the form of a man he's typically had no teaching no oversight no guidance or real authority figure in his life he's developed externally but he has a child's mentality the Apostle Paul says in 1st Corinthians 13 and 11 when I was a child I spake as a child I understood as a child I thought as a child but when I became a man I put away childish things just because you have the form of a man does not mean that you have the internals of a man it's kind of like you know buying some product off of the shelf and you come home with the box and discover that the box has no content a form of a man is easily identified by his immediate now listen to this very carefully he's easily identified by his immediate and consistent company a form of a man is only comfortable around others like himself in other words you're not gonna find a man that's at the beginning stages of manhood where he's just a form you're not gonna find him running with guys that you know have really evolved and matured and developed and grown he's not comfortable around that so he spends his time around guys that add his same level so if you see a you see your guy that you may be interested in and if you just pay enough attention to the circle or the circles he runs in and you look at the quality of that circle the quality of a man's circle is probably one of the greatest indicators of the man's level I couldn't I couldn't as a man personally I couldn't run with guys that won't take care of their family this I can't I can't be friends with a guy that abuses his wife I can't run with guys and sleeping around on their wives that's not who I am I'm not comfortable with that a man circle is always an indication of his level now the danger for woman is that she may very well be attracted to the form of a man with no regard for his content going back to buying the box off of the shelf you'd fall so in love with the box you don't investigate you you're not even paying enough attention to feel that the box is pretty but it's lightweight as if nothing's inside and you bring it home you follow that you've fallen in love you paid for it you've paid the price for it you brought it home and now you discover that you you bought an empty box and the greater tragedy is that the woman may position herself to have children for an incomplete man that's what the form of a man is it's an incomplete man it's not necessarily a bad man it's just an incomplete man that is not ready to be introduced into any kind of relationship with a woman and then you you you you you you buy into the form of a man and then you begin to have children for him you have sons and daughters for him and so he's ill-equipped to be able to develop his daughter's self-esteem he's ill-equipped to be able to massage or create the manhood that is within his boy and you're sitting there and you trying to be Mama and Daddy and you're frustrated because the form of a man that you married is incapable of doing his part number two so number one we see the form of a man that's what that's where Adams started but God didn't give him a wife when he was just a form number two we see Adam evolve into a man with potential he started out from just a clay man God squeezed him a Plato man squeezed him from the dust he started out as but then God evolves and he evolves into a man with potential the Bible says and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground watch this in his devolution and breathe into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul he came alive internally spiritually intellectually emotionally he came alive before he was just a form now he's a living soul he's of thinking speaking spirit so now he's a man with potential God has given him potential that's all God gave him when he breathed into him was potential now potential is a good thing but only if you use it he now has a mind he has a voice but he's a being of volition he has choice if he chooses not to use his mind not to use his voice he'll remain a man with potential but his existence will still be on the same level pretty much as a man that's just a form I can offer a man watch this let me show you about this potential thing I can offer man three jobs tell him they're yours he has potential employment but if he does nothing to show up for work his potential will never amount to paycheck he has the potential to be employed but he's not exercising his potential so his potential is not manifesting God moved Adam from a mere form to a man with potential so God then takes Adam after he forms him and he breathes consciousness into Adam God breeds intelligence and spiritual vitality into Adam now has watch this the potential to be God aware and self-aware which means that he has the potential to dominate now he couldn't dominate anything as a form but when God breathe into him breathing his nostrils the breath of life and he became a living soul now God's given him the potential to fulfill his purpose which was to what dominate the earth God didn't get into him and use him like a hand uses a glove God breathes into him potential and so now he has the potential to fulfill purpose so at this stage Adam has the capacity to fulfill purpose and to lead as he has been led now what does a man with potential look like a man with potential is a man that has a healthy mind a man that knows who he is a man that is sensitive to God a man that has the means to profit that's a man with potential he has a healthy mind a man that knows who he is a man that is sensitive to God and a man that has the means to profit doesn't mean he's going to use all of his stuff but he has it 1st Corinthians 4:1 and 2 says let a man so account of us as of the ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God moreover it is required in stewards a man that what is stewardship it is one having been given the potential to use something to create progress it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful all potential is is stewardship God gives you the ability to go to the next level and then he steps back to see what will you do with it if you will be faithful with it or not he says let let a man that is a store be found faithful what does it mean to be found faithful it means to be found utilizing what has been entrusted to you potential is worthless until it begins to manifest and becomes observable they have all the potential in the world but it's useless it's worthless until you begin to manifest it and the world can now observe your potential in manifestation so God forms him then God breeds potential into him then God sits back to see what's going to happen and there are a lot of you who have men who have potential God has given them all of these wonderful qualities in all of this gifting but as you as it stands you still just have a man that has potential and even at this point we still don't see God giving out of my life because a man with potential is not enough to cover a wife and a woman does not have enough power within herself to make a man manifest his potential I know you'd like to think that you can take a man and just you know do him like you build a bear but you can't do that you cannot you can help a man but you can't make a man that's the t-shirt right there a woman can help a man but she can't make a man if he doesn't choose to use the potential that God has given him there's nothing you can do with him but go down with him Matthew 25 I apologize for my voice Matthew 25 22 through 29 listen I reads he also that had received two talents came and said to stop my stewardship to remember stewardship has nothing but potential given lorridaile delivers unto me two talents behold I have gained two other talents beside them now the Masters coming back to check on what they deal with their potential his Lord said unto him well done good and faithful servant thou has been faithful over a few things you've maximized your potential I will make the rule over many things and down to the job my lord so he gave him even more then he which had received the one talent came and said lord I knew thee that thou art an hard man reaping where thou hast not sown and gathering where thou hast not Astrud and I was afraid excuses I was afraid and went and hid thy talent in the earth lo there thou hast that is not everything you gave me to start with that's all I've got left I did nothing with it so I'm giving it back to you his Lord answered and said unto him thou wicked and slothful servant thou knewest that i reap where I sold not and gather where I have not strewed thou art is therefore to have put my money to the exchanges and then at my coming I should have received my own with interests take therefore the talent from him and give it unto him which hath ten talents for unto every one that hath shall be given and he shall have abundance but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he had so we see that the master gave each of them potential the one that maximized and increased on it materialized it the master gave him more and blessed him the one that had julen did nothing with it the master cursed him and took the little bit he had so I had a move from a form of a man to a man with potential but even as a man with potential we still don't see God yet giving him a wife never hit you wagon to potential never marry a man based on his potential always look at his track record of manifestation if a man is not manifested anything now he don't have to be totally manifested in fact he shouldn't be because then you wouldn't have a job your job is to help him but if he if he's doing nothing what is there for you to help again you can help a man but you can't make a man I know he's a good form I know he has great potential but if he chooses not to do anything with him you may be wasting your time and if him falling or if him walking in love with you as I like to put it if I'm saying that he's in love with you is not enough motivation for him to be himself or the best version of himself that should speak volumes and in thirdly and finally let me shut this down because my voice is making me Adam moves from a form of a man to a man with potential and then in Genesis 2:15 through 20 the Bible says here and the Lord God took the man he had been formed he's breathing to him rhythm he's become a living soul and the Lord God took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it in the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die and the Lord God said it is not good that the man should be alone I will make him an help meet for him and out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them we see item working now using what God gave him using his brain using his spirit to communicate with God into here from God naming the animals and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them and whatsoever Adam called every living creature that was the name there and Adam gave names to all cattle into the file of their to every beast of the field but for Adam there was not found and helped meat for him so God watch this proves Adam he gives him the potential Adam then uses that potential he uses that intellect he uses the Spirit of God that's within him he downloads the will of God he begins to name all of the animals he's caught evading everything around him and while Adam is working his potential and understands his vision and his purpose then God says it's not good that the man should be alone I will make him an help meet God proved Adam listen to this God proved Adam before he approved Eve God proved Adam before he approved Eve you should prove a man before you approve a man don't say yes to a man that you've not proven goes back to my philosophy on dating date for data some say you don't date well I don't know how to create relationships there may be they're just more spiritual than I am you date for data you don't date for romance you date for data you date for infamy you date to prove a person God proved at him before he approved Eve he would not release Eve he did not even make Eve a possibility God wouldn't even take his daughter and put her in the vicinity of Adam he didn't even make her a possibility until Adam was proven God didn't present Eve with potential alone God gave Adam the opportunity to actually use what was given to him before he gave Adam his daughter he waited until Adam was a whole man he went from a farm to a man with potential and now we see Adam functioning as a whole man he's using his body in fact this was the autumn and he used his spirit first he used his intellect and his body and when he was functioning in purpose and on purpose God said it's now not good for man to be alone a whole man is a man that is in manifestation he's not just full of potential he's doing what he's been gifted to do he's not just talking he's walking in fact he's doing more walking than he's doing talking watch this a whole man uses all of his god-given abilities progressively he works to cultivate everything in his care Adam was cultivating the entire garden and a man one of the major roles of a man is to be able to cultivate what's in his care and the main thing a man has to know how to cultivate is his wife and his children the Bible talks about husbands loving wives as Christ loved the church Christ gave himself for cleanse the church with the washing of water purifying the church getting rid of all of the spots in the wrinkles man should have the capacity to make his wife better to love her through her difficulties he uses all of his god-given abilities progressively he works to cultivate everything in his care he has a clear connection to God's voice he discerns the purpose of everything in his care Adam knew this is a cow that's a horse that's a hog that's an eagle that's a pigeon that's a hawk that's a snake that's a worm that's a fly that's a bee Adam knew the name and purpose of everything in his care he is complete enough finally a whole man is complete enough to underwrite his woman's development and future as I said in the introduction God reached into Adam pulled out Eve and created a whole woman body soul and spirit all coming out of that man he was complete enough to underwrite his woman's development and her future and when he met her he knew her and he said you Eve because you were taken out of me bone of my bone flesh in my flesh he knew she was because he was a whole man so as you as you entertained suitors consider these things is he a form of a man is he a man with just potential or is he a whole man that's in manifestation that's moving in the direction that God has intended for his life and is he a man that you can fit into what he's doing and he helped him to get to where God is bringing him I hope this has helped you today I apologize for my voice I've been wrestling with a little something but I'm fine I hope this has helped you today I'd love for you to subscribe to my channel that this is your first time watching and if you would just kind of hit that thing and the more likes I get the more influence it gives me in the more more people get a chance to hear my message and invite somebody share this with people invite people to come and to check out the content here on the channel I believe that I'm put in the earth today to speak to people who have an ear to hear what the Spirit of God is saying in this day and time about these matters the Bible talks about teaching them to observe all things and so I pray that there's something that really reaches you and benefits you sir as a consequence of your giving me a few minutes of your time you can reach out to Lisa and I at the email address pastor RC Blake's at don't forget to stop by my website ROC Blake's comm and check out my check out my books but also check out what's coming up we have conferences and what have you that are coming up I'd love for you to come in to be a part Lisa and I would love to meet you at one of our conferences we just love you and stop by the church you know we have no home Family Worship Center in New Orleans Louisiana as well as in Houston Texas in Baton Rouge Louisiana oh my god I'm between New Orleans and Houston Texas we'd love for you to stop by the church and come and visit us and let us hug your neck so we just thank God for you and I pray today that you've gotten something out of this message and aymara see Blake's jr. saying to you once born-again you're on top and you're going higher God has more in store for you god bless you until next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 167,265
Rating: 4.9328766 out of 5
Keywords: how to know if a man is husband material, soul ties, Derrick Jaxn, RC BLAKES, ROBERT BLAKES
Id: 4TWrczVH4hU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 26sec (2546 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 05 2018
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