Developing Your Belief System | Dr. Myles Munroe

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[Music] thank you for joining us for another power packed message from dr miles monroe provided by monroe global incorporated and we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message you begin as a person an innocent baby and the moment you were born your culture and your family and your environment and your educational system begins to form your belief system and that could be detrimental because if your culture and your environment does not teach you the truth then you will believe a lie even about yourself and your belief system becomes your personal philosophy out of which you influence other people and that's why the foundation of your public leadership is determined by your private belief system and that is why i am teaching you carefully line by line to challenge your ideas about yourself because you came out of a history just like i did where we were formerly oppressed by colonial imperialism which taught us some ideas that were not true about you you were trained to be maids and yard men and farmers and workers on plantations and serving tea and cooking for people you are not trained to own a business and build a company and lead a country and buy your own oil field or invest in your own gold mine it's always somebody else doing it because you've been trained that you cannot and should not try to own an oil company and so we accept the idea so our philosophy says we cannot own that so we have been trained to be an employee not an employer as a matter of fact we've been so brainwashed by the wrong philosophy that we are afraid to own things we are afraid of success even the religion we were taught reinforced our lack of self-belief you know what you were taught for the last hundred years in religion your doctrine came from another country your belief system was imported by people who owned your forefathers and they taught us songs to sing didn't they songs like i got a shoe you got a shoe all of god's people got a shoe when i get to heaven i'll put on my shoe i'll walk all over god's heaven interesting song so the enslaved oppressed person sang that song and they sang it to the master the oppressor they said to the master i got a shoe and you got to shoot all of us are god's people we got shoes you wear yours now i'll wear mine in heaven that's a dumb song but he sang that in churches and believed it and even had the spirit on it i got a shoot that's a dumb song what you're telling the master is you prosper now i'll stay poor now i'll be rich later something's wrong with that philosophy and so they make us afraid of prosperity they say things like you don't want to prosper you might forget god so stay poor and you'll stay humble before the lord philosophy as a man thinks so he leads so the pastor who comes out of that philosophy preaches to his people stay away from politics stay away from money stay away from power stay away from influence just hang on until jesus comes and that is what we preach we actually preach to our people that they should not be leaders and they should not own and they should not have influence and that's why the creator sent me to talk to my cousin [Applause] you are a ruler you are a owner you are an employer you can run any business [Applause] but you got to change your belief system let me show you a picture of a little boy see a little boy i wonder who he is can you tell me who he is no one knows who he is just an innocent child remember everybody is born as a person this little boy came from a family a broken home his father abused him his father was religious but yet beat him hurt him and the little boy grew up with a twisted belief system about god let me show you who this little boy really is that's the little boy he looks so innocent doesn't he but the boy is really that man that man was trapped in that boy his name is adolf hitler his philosophy was very serious because he believed in an idea that he picked up from the romans and i want to close this session talking about the romans because papua new guinea is ruled by the same ideas that the romans had hitler believed that he was born and chosen by god to restore the roman empire he believed that he believed that he was created and born to bring back the glory of rome and therefore he had to subdue all of europe because rome ruled the whole world from africa all the way to england rome was the most powerful empire and kingdom in history rome was the first kingdom to colonize the whole world no kingdom has ever arisen to be greater than rome rome was the most successful colonization process in history rome ruled the whole known world of europe and hitler believed that he was born to restore the glory of rome he called it mind camp where did the romans get their ideas from and this is important to think about leadership the romans conquered the greeks the greeks were the ones who invented the philosophy of leadership that control our world today please listen to me carefully because jesus was born under the roman empire in a roman colony controlled by greek ideas so don't miss this the greeks were the most influential philosophers in modern history the greeks were the ones who invented the ideas that control the world right now as a matter of fact the roman empire adopted the greek philosophy when they invaded invaded greece the romans were so powerful that they conquered greece and destroyed the greek empire but they did not destroy the greek libraries the romans are smart people they took the greek libraries and they adopted the greek ideas and philosophy of leadership and so the romans became greeks in thinking but romans in military power want to give you quickly why this is important to you in papua new guinea because papua new guinea is a product of the romans and papua new guinea was ruled by greek ideas and that's why we are having difficulty right now with the mentality of the papua new guinea people so you have to listen carefully what i'm going to say i'm going to talk about your future and your past the greeks believe certain things about humanity and about leadership the romans adopted them and the europeans used them and they colonized papua new guinea and they used the same ideas of the greeks to control papua new guinea papua new guinea is a very young country you are still battling with greek ideas i want to prove it to you because every colonization process carried the greek idea and subdued the people what did the greeks believe that's important to you write them down number one the greeks believed that leadership was a product of natural endowment very important words the greeks believe that leadership was a product of natural endowment what does this mean some of you know about the greek philosophers who changed the history of the world let me give you a few of their names plato very powerful greek thinker aristotle very powerful greek philosopher socrates a very powerful greek thinker these are the kinds of thinkers who gave their ideas that control the world today i always tell people that the world is ruled by dead men our countries today including papua new guinea is ruled by dead men how because they left their ideas with us ideas outlive humans and ideas are more powerful than death and the greek philosophers like plato and aristotle and socrates they invented an idea look at my lips please i'm going to quote one of their ideas this is a greek idea a democratic democrat is a greek word the greeks invented the idea of democracy democracy is not from the bible it's from greece the greeks developed the idea of what they call politics politics is a greek word it means chief citizen politics it's where we get our word politician from it's a greek idea what's a politician a politician the greek says is a person that the people give their authority to and make them chief citizens over them it's a greek idea it's when people give their power to one person and tell that person to lead them and to rule them it's called the power of the people given to a chief citizen called epolities listen carefully please jesus christ was born under that policy the romans adopted the idea that leadership was a product of natural endowment what do they mean by that the greeks believe that some people were born naturally endowed with certain distinguishing factors that made them superior to others for example listen carefully the greeks believe number two that leadership is a product of birth traits birth traits what do we mean by that the greeks believe that certain people were born naturally endowed to be leaders because they had certain traits that made them superior to other humans for example the greeks believed that if you were born with sharp nose and blonde hair and blue eyes and thin lips you are automatically a leader you can read this on the internet if you want to it's all there the greeks believe that if you were born with fair skin that means if your skin was light fear and you had sharp nose and blue eyes and your hair was yellow or blonde you were naturally a leader you were chosen by the gods to be a leader now you know if that's true there's no hope for me i got a big nose my eyes are brown my skin is dark and my hair ain't blowing so the greek says if you were born without sharp nose and light skin and blue eyes and blown here then you were automatically a slave the greeks believed that the romans adopted it and so there's no hope for you being a leader you get the wrong skin the wrong nose the wrong eyes and the wrong here follow me the greeks also believed that leadership was a product of providence very important word providence providence is referring to the gods the greeks believed in many different gods and the greeks believed that if the gods chose you to be a leader then you were automatically superior to everyone else if the gods did not choose you to be a leader then you were automatically a slave and a follower for the rest of your life in other words the gods choose leaders well think about it so if you were born with dark skin and brown eyes and a big nose and thick lips then the gods chose you to be a slave that's what they taught that's what they believed that was their philosophy the romans adopted that philosophy let me give you one more the greeks believed the greeks also believed that leadership is a product of charismatic personality the word charismatic is a greek word is the word charisma do you know what it means it means gifts of the gods charisma gifts of the gods charisma means the gifts that the god gave a person which means they were very confident and they were very extroverted and they had a light personality and they were talkative and they were communicative and and they had extroverted attitudes they they were they were exuberant the greeks say that was the gifts of the gods so if you were quiet and timid and not extroverted then the greek says you are a slave and this is why when the romans conquered the greeks and adopted this idea they told the slaves you must be seen but not heard and i only supposed to see you when i need you and you never speak leadership ideas and finally they believed that leadership was reserved for an elite group of people who were destined to be leaders in the world and the rest of us were destined to be followers i'm trying to teach you something that's very serious because the romans adopted these ideas and made them their culture the romans conquered all of europe from africa to scotland they conquered the whole of europe and they implemented their ideas so when they met people who were not like them who didn't have blonde hair or light skin or sharp nose or blue eyes then they automatically considered them sub-humans the the romans used the word for themselves they said we are superior chosen by the gods they call themselves the aryan race now i'm going to give you the most important information today here it is the roman empire ruled the entire known world from africa to great britain the most powerful kingdom on earth under caesar they believe that they were chosen by the gods to rule the world they believed they were hand-picked by the gods with certain traits to dominate the world they believed that they were superior to all other races and that was in the roman mentality do you know how rome was defeated no one could defeat rome it was the most powerful empire in history it had the most powerful army in history no country could defeat rome militarily it was so powerful that when rome showed up everybody bowed and that's why you hear the statement when in rome you do as the romans do wherever they went they colonized the whole world and jesus christ was born right in the middle of the roman empire he was born in an empire which believed that he was automatically a slave and that's why they treated the jewish people through whom he came as dogs jesus christ was born in a colony just like me he was born subjugated by a powerful colonial power called rome just like you he was taught that he was born to be a second-class citizen he was taught that he was born to be subjected he was taught that as some soldier in the roman empire asked you to take your cloak off and give it to them you had to give them your clothes that they were cold he was taught that when a woman walked in you stand up and bow he was taught if the roman gave you his shield to carry for a mile you got to take it he was taught if a roman soldier got tired carrying his spear he could say here take it from me and you have to take it he was taught that he was not a leader he was a slave he was born in a colony just like you just like me listen carefully and that's the mystery of jesus christ he was born under that culture but never allowed the culture to be born in him let me explain papua new guinea when the roman empire was defeated it was not defeated by an army it was defeated by what destroys most countries the roman empire was destroyed by immorality as a matter of fact history teaches that the roman empire was destroyed by the loins of their leaders your loins are right here their sexual life destroyed them they died from the inside they decayed from immorality fourteen caesars twelve were homosexuals they slept with boys not women they fell in love with their lust to the point where they became so immoral that they began to have men marrying men it's as old as 2000 years ago they were destroyed by the lusts of the flesh when a country begins to embrace immorality their demise is on the way when a country begins to sanction immoral acts that god condemned don't worry about their country they are dying no matter how powerful your guns and military weapons are if your morality becomes a cancer your weapons become useless and rome died in the bedroom and so the roman empire fell apart it break up through strife look at me please this is important when the roman empire fell apart it broke up into small little kingdoms it used to be one kingdom but now it became many kingdoms let me name some of the kingdoms the roman empire became there was a kingdom called franco we call it france today that was the roman kingdom the second kingdom was spanian we call it spain today it's a roman kingdom another kingdom was called portugal we call it portugal today it was a roman kingdom another kingdom that came from the rome roman empire was anglo britain anglo britannia great britain is a roman kingdom we call them england today anglo light skin interesting all of these kingdoms have the roman philosophy and they decided to expand their kingdoms and so the french and the spanish and the portuguese and the british send their ships out they are roman in their minds greek in their thinking and they come to take over territories so they began to invade islands and continents they they came to the caribbean they came to africa they came to central america they went out to south america and then they came to the pacific and they bought with them their philosophy what's their philosophy greek what does the greek teach they are superior you are inferior your nose is big your skin is dark your hair is not blonde and your eyes ain't blue and your lips are thick you uh the gods gave you to me to be my slave so why educate a slave why give a slave nice clothes why give a slave a property why give a slave authority why give a slave money why give a slave a future philosophy and so is the story of colonization it's easy to sell a slave after all they're not chosen by the gods now let me say something very quickly before i wrap this up uh every philosophy comes from an ideology ideology means ideas every ideology needs a theology to justify it so every time there's a philosophy and an ideology there must be a theology to give it credibility and this is why religion was used to even justify the ideology of superiority do you know what they taught us when i was a child they said to me you fell out of the sky we had no idea where we came from we were taken away from our homeland and we had no history and we'd ask the white teacher where did we come from and they would say you fell out of the sky you have no heritage you are one of the fallen angels theology they say look the bible says that that that the beast of the field shall carry water for you you are the beast that god talked about you will carry water for me they would teach this in sunday school philosophy and here we are now still on the democrats 200 years of conviction that you are not equal to others 200 years of miseducation that you cannot think sophisticatedly 200 years of believing that others with certain traits are much more superior and more intelligent and better than you philosophy and so they say you must be quiet you cannot speak much you're not supposed to express your ideas you keep your thoughts to yourself just make tea you're not supposed to speak up when you see something going wrong how dare you you're not smart enough to see what is wrong leadership problems here's the biggest one since you were chosen by the gods to be followers why waste my time on you training you to be leaders so if you study all the colonies in history including mine where i'm from the colonizers never trained leaders and what's amazing is when they finally abandon and leave you they expect you to fail and that's why they leave they always say well uh if and of course there are more of you than us so we're gonna get out of here in case you kill us but uh uh we know you can't lead any house so your country will fail so they expect you to fail well you know i don't understand that because if you didn't train me how can i succeed and when you do fail then they blame you and say see i told you you ain't intelligent enough to succeed they forget that my failure is proof of their failure and that's why this leadership training series is important i have come to correct 200 years of history you are a leader you can run this country you can lead the world take a deep breath tell your neighbor i was born to lead clap i want to show you this before we go because it's so important all the world leaders if you study them they're all battling with these issues by the way in one of my books i did research on what happens to a people who have been oppressed for over a hundred years and i discovered that they all have the same problems i used a case study of the children of israel in egypt they were oppressed for 430 years and when they finally came out of egypt they couldn't get egypt out of them and as soon as they got independence or should i say deliverance from egypt under moses moses was their leader and even moses had psychological problems remember he was born in egypt but you remember that when they came out of egypt they didn't go into freedom they was just delivered don't confuse deliverance with freedom papua new guinea is not free yet you are simply delivered you are in the desert and why does god take you to the desert because he doesn't want you to go into the promised land with egypt in your mind so he keeps you in the desert to try and change your mentality to think like a free person don't ever confuse independence with freedom independence is an opportunity to become free it is not freedom they were delivered from egypt they were independent from egypt but they still wasn't in the promised land you are not yet in the new guinea that god promised you yet because that papua new guinea requires a new kind of mentality one day my wife and i went to egypt to visit and we we were in israel for 10 days and we caught our flight from israel to egypt i will never forget my experience we took off from tel aviv and before i could fix my seatbelt the announcement came over the pa system please prepare for landing i became confused we just took off and we were landing now i thought that egypt was far away from israel and so i became confused i said to the flight attendants excuse me ma'am is there a problem she said why i said why are we landing she said we are about to enter cairo egypt i said but we just took off from israel she said yes sir i said but we didn't fly she said i know i said we're landing on she said yes we're landing i said wait a minute it's only been 20 minutes she says yes i said wait a minute lady i was in israel that's kane in the promised land and in 20 minutes i'm in egypt she said yes i became confused i started calculating let's see 40 years [Applause] why would it take 40 years to make a 20-minute journey interesting question when we arrived in egypt we went to the hotel put our bags down our guide came later that day to take us to see the pyramids and go to al-aqsa and all the places of egypt to see all the pharaohs and know the history and everything and we went to the pyramids and everything and beautiful and we felt like we've entered the old testament because that's where the old testament really most of it took place and i said to my guide and we were driving i said sir uh how far away are we from israel he said depends on how you get there i said okay if i drove in a car how long would it take he said it'll take about seven hours i said what if i walk from egypt to israel he said it'd take 40 days i said over the aircraft he said 20 minutes i began to calculate i said wait a minute if i drove in a car on a bus it's seven hours if i walked it's 40 days if i flew it's 20 minutes i went back to my hotel room confused i picked up my bible because i had to go and find out what happened and the bible says and they left egypt headed toward the promised land but god did not take them directly there i'm quoting the bible because they were afraid in their minds so he led them the long way around to get egypt out of their minds now here's my mystery this is egypt this is the promised land and it's only 40 days walk why would it take 40 years and i was confused that means he kept them going around in circles for 40 years do you know why because they kept telling moses we want to go back at least we knew where onions came from we knew where garlic there were parts of food in egypt let's go back to the british way it's too hard to run your own country it's too difficult to take responsibility for your own future take us back to a place where other people run our lives we didn't have to think take us back where they provided peanut butter and cheese and god says none of you will enter the promised land because you don't want to get rid of the egypt thinking so he led them for 30 years do you know why because 40 years is a generation that means he kept them going in circles until he got what they were carrying they were carrying the next generation joshua was not born in egypt he was born in the wilderness caleb was not born in egypt he was born in the wilderness there are some people in this room who cannot make it to the promised land of the new papua new guinea why they still want to go back i'm not talking to you i'm talking to the one right behind you and this is why the young generation is the hope of papua new guinea and i say to the older members of this great country ask god to change your mind ask him to deliver you from the scent of oppression ask him to give you a miracle not in your body but in your mind because their mind kept them out of the promised land it's amazing god healed their body but never took them to the promised land he fed them food but never took him to the promised land he kept their clothes for for 40 years but never took him to the promised land in other words god will preserve you until he gets what you want from you and then he'll kill you if you don't want to change your mentality he'll bury you in the desert moses never made it not even moses made it how close are you to the true papua new guinea can you see it you know two hours ago i was sitting with your prime minister we spent almost an hour together today and i asked him a question three times same question i said mr prime minister what is your vision for papua new guinea what do you see as the new papua new guinea and he talked about what he saw he saw a country where everybody was educated free education he saw a country where people had good health and and welfare they they were taking care of diseases were almost non-existent he saw a country where opportunity for people to own companies and to build businesses and to have share in the in the investment of their country he said i see this and i told him then you need to educate you need to provide free education for every child in papua new guinea because until their mind is free they are stuck in the wilderness sitting in this room are some of the greatest leaders in the world and i believe that with all my heart you are an awesome leader young woman but you have to unlearn what you've been taught by history you must be free from the greek mentality and the roman ideology you must be set free from the spirit of colonization and believe that you can govern this country effectively by god's help i beg you today to be delivered from greek philosophy because i too was a victim now let me close with how i got delivered you wanna know how i got delivered traditional leadership teaches that leadership is controlling and imposing your will on people that is not true leadership secular leadership says that leadership is management of people leadership means you are superior to the followers they teach that leadership means that you are served by your followers they teach that leadership is measured by how many people serve you this is not leadership please go back and invest in those books because until you get mentally free you'll never make it to the new papua new guinea the promised land is a beautiful one i'm afraid for this country this country has so much wealth in it now that we need true leaders to govern it and that's why you here today maybe god is preparing you to go into political life to govern this country in the fear of god intellectually stimulated by the truth about yourself where you do not harm people for your own private ambition here's my philosophy of leadership it's opposite to the romans number one i believe that trapped in every follower is a hidden leader number two i believe that every human being was created to lead and design to dominate number three i believe leadership potential resides in every human being number four i believe that you were born to lead but you must become through a process a leader number five i believe that true leadership is not doing things but manifesting yourself i believe in all my heart that the purpose for true leadership is not to maintain followers but to produce other leaders i believe these things as my philosophy and that is why i travel around the world to come here to wake up the sleeping leader on the inside of you my philosophy helps me set people free not oppressed people my philosophy helps me believe in your equality not your inferiority where did i get my philosophy from i got it from the one who created all humanity and here's the bottom line genesis chapter 1 verse 26 it says and god said let us make man how in our own image and in our likeness why to let them have dominion over the fish and the birds and the animals and the trees and over all the earth and all that creeps upon the ground why did god create you to have dominion he didn't say let some of them have dominion he said let all of them be dominators tell your neighbor i'm a dominator by creation say it loud i was born to dominate shouted loud i was born to dominate [Applause] tell your neighbor i'm a dominator by birth tell your neighbor i was designed to dominate come on say loud i was born to dominate god said let them have dominion over the earth so the purpose for your creation is dominion and therefore dominion is the most important word to you verse 27 says so god created man in his own image watch this male and female created he them and god blessed them and said unto them have dominion that means male and female are equal before god and they are both dominators clap your hands anyhow my wife and i are equal but different she's a leader and i am a leader but we are different but we are equal male and female created he them and god blessed them and said unto them both of them have dominion in other words the word dominion is an important word it tells you why you were created i did some research for you write it down the word dominion is the hebrew word r-a-d-a-h and here's what it means it means to govern to rule to control to master to manage and to lead in other words god gave you birth to have dominion over the earth to lead and here's the bottom line if god created you to have dominion which means to govern to rule to control to lead to master then that means he built into you the ability to do it god built into the seed the ability to become a tree but the seed could die as a seed because it's in the wrong environment for 180 years some of our countries have been in the wrong environment we've been fed greek ideas and so we can't come forth and that's why this leadership conference is here not to make you superior to anyone to simply make you yourself you are a leader a dominator a ruler a governor a master a controller ladies and gentlemen let me put it this way he said let them which means male and female every human being is a leader trapped on the inside and here is the mystery of how it works when i first met this beautiful lady when i saw her rather mother teresa before she died what a woman she was four feet five inches high little lady she weighed 102 pounds and she spoke to the united nations she was a nun what made her so powerful she discovered her gift she discovered her purpose compassion listen please whatever you were born to be is trapped inside of you if you notice what god did god didn't just give you dominion he specified what you should dominate he said have dominion over fish birds cattle plants and things that crawl on the ground that means the only things you supposed to dominate our fish check your neighbors see if they have any fins come on look around any fins any scales birds check your neighbor any feathers any beaks look around check your neighbor any leaves any roots come out of their shoes things that crawl check your neighbor do they crawl on the ground on all fours no then the only creature on earth that you are not commanded to dominate is another human and that is why in order for slavery to work they must reduce you from being a human so they call you sub humans highly developed monkeys sophisticated chimpanzees intelligent guerrillas they just don't want to make you a man a human why if you're a human they cannot dominate you so any attempt to control master rule or dominate another human is completely ungodly that includes even a pastor trying to dominate his members you are not supposed to control your members they are not your property you are not to control and own anyone in your company and so jesus was living in a colony ruled by people who oppressed and dominated humans his disciples which means students he was trying to change their thinking just like we're doing today and one day they were sitting down just like this and he heard them talking to each other and they were arguing which one of us is the greatest hmm they must have been from papua new guinea always want to know who's in charge fighting over positions and he said to them what are you discussing he heard them and they were so embarrassed he said are you asking who's the greatest among you and the bible says he called a little child he says come baby and he put a child in the middle of them he said the greatest among you is like a child a child never desires power two days later he was sitting having a meal and two of his disciples came to him again and they said uh they said uh mom uh mom go and ask him if both of us could become deputy prime ministers when he become king of his kingdom forget the other ten make sure looking for ourselves mom he listened to a woman and their mother went to jesus and said sir good master will you make sure that my two boys sit on your right on your left when you come into your kingdom and jesus was shocked and he said woman first of all you don't know what you're asking you can't ask for leadership positions he said secondly you shouldn't try to be like other people because you couldn't drink the cup they drink the word cup means price you couldn't pay the price for their position never be jealous of someone because you don't know what it cost them to get where they are can you drink the cup they drink leaders don't become jealous of other people's positions and then he said these words to sit on my right and my left is not mine to give these places belong to those for whom they have been determined by my father that means you can't even pray to jesus for a position ladies and gentlemen listen to me it's okay listen don't look at me it's very important and then he said these words you know that the romans and the greeks i'm quoting matthew chapter 20. you know that the romans and the greeks love to lord it over one another unloaded over the people the word lord means to own something that's why you call your landlord landlord it means owner he says the rulers of this world love to own people like they are property and there are some pastors who get that same spirit these are my members ain't your members the apostle peter says pastors do not lord it over god's flock the same word jesus used for the romans you don't control people true leaders don't own people they set people free to become great he said do not lord it over people like the romans do and then he says these words it shall not be like that among you because in my kingdom if you want to be a great leader you must become the servant of everybody and that means true leaders serve their gift to everybody it doesn't mean to become a subservient it means to serve yourself to your generation to give your gift to humanity i'm doing that right now this is my gift my gift is training third world leaders this is my gift what is your gift because your gift is your area of leadership and that's why great leaders never seek followers they seek to serve themselves to their generation he ends the seminar with this statement he says just like the son of man did not come to be served but to serve himself a ransom for many thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes monroe global possible please visit us online at for more product partnership or to join us at one of our live events around the 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Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 245,154
Rating: 4.8881283 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer, success
Id: 82AD-HxA-a8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 51sec (4071 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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