The Heart of Leadership | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message from dr. Myles Munroe provided by Monroe global incorporated and Monroe we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message leadership this is in the series on the spirit of leadership the heart of leadership say there with me the heart of leadership we're gonna get to the heart of the matter today I want to remind you that we use the Bible as our textbook even though there are many hundreds of books that are available on the subject of leadership I myself have a master's degree in the area of leadership and administration I've studied that the rules and read famous authors who have contributed much to the development of leadership thought and theory and management thought and theory but reading all of those books and I still read them I this past month July I read three books almost made for I try to make four books a month but all the books I read this past month were on leadership which I try that can be consistent with my burden and my passion you become refined in the area of your gift so you should study that area and the more I read these books written by other authors I've come to the conclusion that they stole all of their ideas from the violin all and they're getting credit for it the Bible is the most important book in the world however the Bible was given for for not for information and that's the difference the other books are written to give you information but write this down the Bible is not for information but for transformation the Bible is written with a spirit behind it and that spirit is assigned to transform the reader not to entertain the reader you can buy science fiction books and you can buy drama books you can buy books of love stories and be entertained by different writers Stephen King and others who write on horror and all kind of dramas that are dramatic stuff and interesting books you may find them entertaining but they do not necessarily transform your life they entertain you but the Bible is not for entertainment the Bible is for transformation what we have is a multitude of informed believers but very few transformed believers and my goal in this series is to take you from information to transformation a lot of us are filled with the Word of God but the Word of God has much filled us we have not began to think like the word of God Romans 8:26 says this it says that God's intent for us is to transform us into the image of Jesus Christ do you see that then he has given us everything we have to take us back to the image of Jesus Christ Romans chapter 8 verse 28 everyone reads in verse 28 they Micro's 28 but this verse 26 is very important in the same way the spirit helps us in our weaknesses we don't know what we ought to pray for but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings and words that cannot be uttered and he searches our hearts the heart of leadership the design of God is the deal with the heart look at verse 29 for those he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brothers God's desire is for every human being from the beginning he predestined your image to be like the image of Jesus Christ when God created the species called man he had rulership in mind that was all on his mind God made it very clear from the beginning in the book of Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 when God said let us make man the next statement of his mouth is and let them have dominion Dominion means rulership government Authority leadership power stewardship management author authorization to have control God's thought for mankind was rulership and leadership that means trapped in every human is the spirit of leadership and the spirit of rulership that therefore also means that leadership is not an exclusive club for those who were born with it every human on this planet has an instinct for leadership you have it I have them but most of us do not have the courage to cultivate that instinct because our environment has beaten us down so badly that we believe only a few special important people could be leaders while we are regulated to following for the rest of our lives that thought is satanic the spirit called man was created to lead but man lost the leadership spirit all humans possess the potential to lead but lost the passion for leadership we want to do better or we don't have the courage to try we want to go into something that we dream after but we don't have the boldness to step out in other words we have the instinct for leadership but we've lost the passion for leadership the goal of God is to restore man spirit to leadership but more importantly to restore the leadership spirit to man the fall of man resulted in the oppression of man's spirit by the spirit of Satan this oppression resulted in a distortion of man's image of himself and obviously of God in whose image the man was created the spirit of man took on the Bible says the spirit of slavery and believe me friends the spirit of slavery is more dangerous than the chains of slavery because after you've been physically enslaved if you never receive the spirit of slavery then the change cannot hold it but if you receive the spirit of slavery after they remove the change you are still in slavery the lost of man's spirit resulted in spiritual mental and so local and eventually physical oppression galatians chapter 4 verse 1 it's a very important reference for you to note it talks about a son thinking like a slave and if you want to know who is talking about it's talking about us humans please turn to Galatians chapter 4 quickly I want to read how the Bible describes every human on the planet tell your neighbor he's about to read about you if you were in a hotel room take the Gideon Bible and take it out right now read it with me read in the drawer by the lamp yeah the one right there alright thank God for the Gideon's Galatians chapter 4 now if you read the verse right before 4 which would be the last verse of chapter 3 it says if you belong to Christ then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise what I am saying is that as long as the heir is a child he is no different from a slave even though he owns the whole estate in this chapter Paul is talking about the spirit of sin how the oppression of Satan has caused us who are sons of God to think like slaves and he says that as long as this the son is still acting a curse made even though he owns the whole estate he has the slave attitude and you will find in this next statement he says that this therefore means he must be subjected to guardians and trustees until this time set by the father so also when you were children you were in slavery under the basic principles of the world underline that word principles read in the Bible and your notes principles Paul says slavery comes from principles are you getting this this is awesome statement he's a slave he is not a matter of change and colonialism and oppression he says Union and slave until it gets in your precepts until your mind begins to believe it until you become mentally damaged to the point where slavery becomes a norm where you believe you supposed to be at the bottom where you have accepted that this is the way things supposed to be I'm never going to be advancing this is the way our people are when you begin to think in those principles Paul says you have been enslaved properly successful slavery is when the slave accepts the principle of oppression as normal some of you don't believe you could take your boss's job you don't believe that you even supposed to have that position I've come to tell you that you could own the company but you gotta have a mental brainwashing you you gotta wash your brains hallelujah Paul says slavery is a mental bondage I notice he says by Satan everybody's a principal you got it written down principal please write another way down principality see the connection not write another word down 3/7 the Bible says we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities a principality is a power that rules through principles which means Satan's number one target is your brain you thought it was your body it's your brain it's not even your brain is the thing that's in your brain is after and that is your work your mind if he can trap you to believing things that are not true then he has you because as a man thinking so is the man so Paul says we've been enslaved by the principles of the world speaking of course of the world that is ordered by satanic forces for his fall but when the time had fully come God sent forth his son born of a woman born under the law to redeem those who are under the law that we may receive what the full rights of sons because you are sons god sent the word capital s spirit Holy Spirit into your spirit the spirit of who his son into what your heart man listen you gotta underline this stuff this is loaded he says the slave spirit is in your mind which means you can be born again and still be asleep it's not in your spirit it's in your mind when you're born again your spirit is reaching regenerated but your mind is still trapped and that is where the problem lies and that is why I will not stop ministering this word and tell me get it because you see you can have leadership in your spirit but not have the spirit of leadership there's a big difference between the two look at this thing very important statement he says because you are sons because you are sons God didn't trust that to be enough he sent the spirit of his son into you to do one read it into your hearts what is your heart what is your heart we get into the heart of leadership now what is your heart the subconscious mind what is your heart the subconscious mind what is your heart where does God sent the Spirit of Jesus where does the Holy Ghost really want to take up residence what does he were to take over yo this is tough for me too because I've been taught by the church that the heart is in my chest no wonder why I didn't change as a Christian for years because I've been trying to get God to change my chest are you getting this in other words we have a mindset that's suffocating the Spirit of God and the Lord Jesus Christ has sent the spirit the capitalist means the Holy Ghost into your heart why because that's where the problem is out of the heart comes the issues of life out of their heart comes murders and strength Jesus says out of what the mind he says the Holy Ghost can just get that area converted then the Sun will stop thinking like a slave this is the problem I recommend to you then to meditate on verse six for about two weeks because you are son let boys Emma son said again I'm a son of God then God says that any nothing I'm going to give you a spirit why listen friends let's be honest you've been a Christian for many years and you're still afraid of God there's a difference between respect and fear when the Bible says fear the Lord it doesn't mean when God shows up to run but that's what we've been taught in religion the word fear is the Greek word and the Hebrew word and they brought means to respect or to honor or to reverence now don't you respect your daddy of course you respected your daddy but you didn't run from your dad every time you sure you respect your mother you reverence your mother but you're not afraid of your mother now why am I saying this read the last statement in that verse for six he said the Holy Spirit got a big job to do you are sons but you don't call god father is that right look at that he says you call God all kind of stuff like awesome consuming fire killer of the wicked murderer of the unbeliever the giant of glory that walks with his rights tuara to swap the unsuspected humans who make mistakes that's your picture of God do you know what made them attack Jesus familiarity my father always shared my voice howdy you being a man man claiming God to be familiar jesus says he's your father do what am I saying this we take you something if you true how many believe God is your father I think it is I don't believe and God doesn't believe you I mean think about it okay first of all if God is your father can you give me a few descriptions of who your daddy is come on give me one shuttle of laughs just I just want one word who is he that he's kid what up what he is interested now I will describe his character who's it a rich powerful awesome la miracle worker healer owner of universe he owns that cheap one a thousand is come on talk to me faithful protector more than enough provider la try he's one he's charring deliverer faithful how much does he own you sure now all the blue cars you found only answer please let me down how many does he own but you don't act like that so the Bible says something gonna happen to you after you are the son of God look at it it's that's a because you are the son of God that ain't enough got it put a spirit in you and the spirit is working on what your heart if they give you your pink slip and tell you that you are fired and God is your daddy now why did that office when they give you the slip and they telling you farewell how do you react I mean if God is your daddy God on the bracelet and the pink slip but what do you do you fall apart Oh what am I gonna do now Laura I got no job and I got a rent to pay children need food and you get mad cuz the people are and you are a Christian claiming God is your father why cuz your mind it hasn't gotten there yet what it says the spirit has a big job with the job one simple job to help you say ah that's a familiar term in the Hebrew when you go to Israel today and some you remember me you were hitting little kids just around the hotels and they call their daddy you know they say this is this is a normal Hebrew word it's it means proper it's it's a it's an intimate turn that's why I look at it is written in the italics what because Paul is saying this word we are used to use it with God but he said that's what God wants if God is your father no one can fire you come on you'll talk to me in God if my dad in the whole world and someone believed they'd fire me that's my daddy moved me around or something better just he controlling the whole situation now we call it firing because he knows we won't leave crap your hands right there sure then God has a way of getting you out of the cockpit this man was a pilot loved it bring it over to it whoa nice shirt deep Gossett he ain't gonna leave that someone mess up the whole thing run into the fire that's working for him now he can settle to be a pilot or be in charge of all the planes tell me if I can't be fired I can only be relocated if your hands in prison that's right I tell you they can't fire you if your father is gone it's tough to get the mind changed it says the air thinks like a stayed until the Holy Spirit can convert his heart then he begins to think like a BA Thomas do you know when one day would be like if you got this on Sunday hey glory hallelujah could you imagine stepping in your car Monday morning little Toyota broken down put your to God as your daddy you pulled around I say girl but he still driving this yeah my daddy got a nice one under way but he tell me to take care this while awake hey man why but my father told me if I'm faithful over Toyota he'll make me a rule over Mercedes he said my Nana problems with no Toyota this ain't about the car it's about who my father is [Music] I'll never forget I would never forget this experience that this gentleman named mr. John temple delivery in the Bahamas multi-billionaire he wanted to see me I went to his office I ran behind that big gate now their life aqui walked into that place and I saw this little young fella old man we walked out of there he probably watching this program because he's a man of God this man wanted it in a kind of hole in tennis shoes with holes in it or old shirt and it buttoned up wrong and I mean the man heroes he says good morning I'm dressed real nice you know and I ain't got nothing come on talk to me this brother guy everything and he ain't dressed up something wrong I look the part he is the part [Applause] and the Lord says he knows who he is so he don't need to put on come on somebody [Applause] [Music] these some of y'all put on Sunday cuz Monday you got nothing when you know your father is you ain't gonna you know fake nothing to them hey and I'm only typing here for a little while and only waiting for this mechanic shop for I think it's autumn own business and I'm going okay are you learning some things my dad on this one on that one Pete has to change our minds but I tell you the four masters up so badly the entire redemptive program of god I wanted to write this down the entire redemptive program of God was to provide the means to restore to man the Spirit of God that's exactly what Jesus wanted that was the whole game everything God did in Christ was to restore the Spirit of God back into man because that's what man rose and therefore man could not think like his father because didn't have his father's spirit what is the Spirit of God the spirit of leadership God is never oppressed he's never depressed God has never been ruled by anybody and that's the spirit that he put in you that's where you came from now God has a challenge his challenge is to cultivate the spirit of leadership in the human spirit and how through the Holy Spirit that's why it's written there in Luke chapter 24 verse 49 Jesus said I will send the promise of my father which is the Holy Ghost but stay in the city until you receive power from on high Acts chapter 1 please turn to Acts chapter 1 we got to read this one this one has been in my view very gravely misunderstood even by me I have been preaching some things with partial knowledge over the years thank God for progressive knowledge let me read Acts chapter one we always think of power and we think of the Holy Ghost power and we think of miracles and we think of people being healed and slain and and all this good miraculous stuff but do you know I've become to understand that this has been probably the least part of it that's not what Christ was really after as a matter of fact in Acts chapter 1 it says on one occasion while he was eating with them he gave them this command first of all do not leave Jerusalem but wait for the promise or the gift my father promised which you have heard of me and what I spoke about all the time John baptize you with water but in a few days you know that if I told you about yeah you shall be baptized for that gift which is the Holy Spirit now undermine the statement which you have heard me speak about underline that do you know what that statement implies in the in the Aramaic is dispersion within our make it actually is you know Luke was was an expert doctor and Luke wrote this book and then the original manuscript is written this way which I can personally kept on saying to you in other words we have not seen the full message of Jesus even as Luke says if we wrote him down we'll fill in all the books in the world but apparently he spoke more of the Holy Ghost than anything else he said I kept telling you about this promise of the Father which is the Holy Spirit in other words my entire message everything that I want to do is to do with this ghost this spirit what because everything is about this spirit if I can get this spirit back in you then my job would have been successful and then when the spirit is back in you now he got a job you know Jesus said in John 3 verse 3 except a man be born again he cannot enter the kingdom of God and then in John chapter 6 he says the fourth Spirit gives birth to spirit and flesh gives birth to flesh so is everyone who is born of the Spirit they are born from the spirit who was he talking to Nicodemus who was Nicodemus an old man an expert in the law a religious man this man knew the law he knew he knew the Pentateuch the first five books of the Bible studied by Moses that was a requirement for a rabbi he also knew the Torah he studied all the prophets and all the minor and major prophets he knew Daniel he knew all of these great people he memorized the scriptures of Isaiah to be a rabbi you knew the word mattified the Bible says he was an expert in the word of the written law of God and yet Jesus said you ain't saved yet what am I getting at you have information but there's no transformation yet and I'm talking to you believers you are born again even but you still have a change that his man wasn't even born again crisis first you need a spirit in order to begin the change Nicodemus was missing the stuff that makes you a leader he missed the spirit of the law those of you who are lawyers you know that in this room there's a big difference between the law and the spirit of the law hello the law is the hard written document on the paper mean you could you can manipulate that stuff but the spread of the law you can't touch that and the spread of the law is only in the person who wrote it that's why it's tough to be a successful complete righteous lawyer because you're dealing with cases written by people who are dead and you can't consult them about what they met that's why a a charge is called a judge he doesn't know what it really meant so he got to judge it and he with me I guess what I'm saying is Nicodemus knew all the words about who he was but he could not become who God says he was to be because he needed the spirit of the one who wrote the words about him God says you are my son but now for him to get you to believe that he got to put the spirit of that in you and then convinced you and that takes a long time especially when you've been asleep for six thousand years the point is Nicodemus Jesus said you must be born on this spirit for that mature Spirit is spirit in other words you are a spirit what I said about you is spiritual and only the spirit can reveal what I said to your spirit and when your spirit get it that means your body will get it and your whole life it's not enough then to mentally assent to the Word of God you need to have the spirit of those words in your life I want you to turn quickly to the book of John chapter 20 verse 21 and 22 it says a very interesting statement about Jesus Jesus Christ came to earth he lived here for three and a half years in ministry he was thirty three and a half years old when he died on the cross for our sins for those three and a half years of ministry you know what he did he went about doing good the Bible says heeding the sick raising the dead cleansing the leper and then he says he gave his life as a ransom for many and He shed his blood on the cross to redeem many and then the Bible says the last supper he took the cup he said this is the New Covenant in my blood remember my blood seeing the Covenant then he says my body this is my body which is broken for you to me to heal you and then he said I'm doing this for you I'm dying for the world to save the world why did he die he died because we need to be forgiven we need to be cleansed we need to be redeemed we need to be sanctified now God did all of that for one reason when Adam fell Adam lost the Spirit of God which is the spirit of rulership which is the spirit of leadership so Jesus came to put back would Adam lost that's all that's why it's called restauration to restore what was lost so all of this great work of God was not just me to have church services and have choirs and the same that was in the deal the deal is to get the ghost back in you to put back what you lost so the whole thing was about the Spirit of God that you lost your body was contaminated by sin sin was in your rebellious spirit in Adam who rebelled against God's will so we were born sinners Christ shared the blood because what the shedding of blood there's no remission of sin so we needed blood soaked rice provided that and then the wages of sinners were dead so in order to get over debt he also gotta create the resurrection power so he goes to the grave comes back so he got two things come 1 our sins can be crayons because the blood and now we can also overcome death so we can come back from the grave but the third thing is he went back to hell and he did some stuff that's very important he got some kids sit up straight and say Amen now the keys represent some power glory hallelujah these are keys of the work death hell and the grave he grabbed those keys that came back and then he says all power this thing is about what power but not it's not power to heal the sick raise their gas Adiemus all that stuff help me more let me ask you aggression if man had never felt would there be any healers miracles casino demons in other words the Holy Ghost was never really given originally to deal with the devil see April 1 power I want powers like of a ministry it ain't about ministry if we had never fallen you wouldn't have I wouldn't be a pastor my job comes from your floor hello then all these people making money or cast those demons and giving prophecies they better thank God for sin come on and there was no sin you couldn't go around proper lyin and collecting money you you couldn't no no healing people and being famous this ain't about Fame it ain't about power this thing hit me the other day conscious conscious the Holy Ghost was never given to deal with the devil the Holy Ghost was given to help you fulfill your dream your vision your purpose that's why a young man dream dreams gonna get all the girls and old man see pictures okay you get it in other words the Holy Ghost is for your dream do you understand the power is for you to fulfill your dream to fulfill God's assignment now when the devil gets in the way he used the power on him and then we call that ministry that ain't ministry but just moving the guy on the way hello somebody and when you go to set people free from the devil you use what the power of the Holy Ghost but that is not the purpose for the Holy Ghost because of man had never fallen he would still be fit with the Holy Ghost so why have it in the first place because of the assignment of Dominion what is the minion leadership the purpose for the Holy Spirit is to fulfill your leadership responsibilities I hope you getting this that means that means see let me tell you what is important because what have you think if I'm not in the fivefold ministry that I'm not doing something important if I'm not a prophet or an evangelist or a pastor or teacher then I cannot serve the Lord that is a matter fact those five jobs are products of sin their job is to help you discover yo your purpose and God according to the Word of God the Apostle Property Management as a teacher was given to train the Saints to discover and work their own ministry which is what they give things that God gave them and the power God was given to them to fulfill that assignment so the anointing of God in your life is not for you to just about and look for people who would get here or something it's matter of fact you jesus healed people so they could go do what they supposed to be doing am i making sense the blind man at the gate begging for money Jesus is look this man could work funny thing is there's a blindness in the way so the miracle became necessary because the purpose was being hindered that's why it's so exciting to have the holy ghost because they've got Tori to start a business and there's resistance and opposition and problems the Holy Ghost kicks in he starts moving people changing hearts he started getting into people's faces he said working miracles not for you to walk around saying you a miracle worker but so you can get the job done hello somebody that is why the power was given let's read this it's very important to understand that that the prints of the Holy Ghost you see it says in action chapter 1 let's sorry John yeah John 20 verse 21 it says as the father sent me I am sending you on with that he was freed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit this was after everything was over he said I've been waiting for this all my life honor he said this is the moment everything was for this receive everybody say ricci say it again receive right the way down receiving capital matters please very slowly ar e - c e i ve got it now the word receive is a grammatical construct it's a word with a prefix the word is seen green is the prefix sieve means to have it's an old old Japan ik word three means to return to the original prefix so when you say sieve it means you're giving something for the first time but when you say read sieve you are putting something back that used to be there so when Christ said to them three see he was saying you used to have the spirit now I can officially restore the spirit which will help you regain your leadership mentality so you can cry album you know we falls so far from the Lord census that the sins of Adam and when we receive something we always had before we have a thriller Kazakh what's going on this office and you I just put it back you put your back a new battery back in you you take the battery out you charge it put it back the car goes low because we've been so long without him we think it's you and he has to retrain us all over again we have to learn how to be like our father again you know billions of dollars are spent every single year in institutions all over the world and they are training thousands of would-be leaders in management techniques and organizational skills they are learning how to manipulate humans professionally with theories and methods of control and all kinds of persuasive mechanisms to use to control people that's what the universities are teaching our leaders and they are spending billions of dollars on this and yet the quality and the standard of leaders are decreasing which means something's missing the question is why do we have so much money being spent on leadership and he got the poorest quality of leaders in history because something is wrong well you could answer this way the question is why our questions go in to church for years a name change is the same problem because they're getting the information but they're not experiencing the transformation why because there is a little thing missing leadership is not a technique a method or style of our position of skills but leadership is the manifestation of a spirit make a note of that a leader doesn't try to be a leader you can only tell when a person has finally connected they they don't fake anything they don't try to leave a leader doesn't the put on a power tie she doesn't have to wear a nice suit with a brief to look leadership when a person is a leader it happens on the inside something connects and they got a revelation about themselves and all of a sudden it doesn't matter where they live what they got or don't have suddenly the attitude kicks into one spirit that you can't understand and all of a sudden they began to see property as opportunity difficult difficulty as challenged rather than danger they all of a sudden the attitude changed same person same environment but everything looked different when this spirit gives you I'm talking about myself too people call things problems I have no problems in that none I used to have problems until I connected with who I am when the Holy Ghost showed me who I am when Todd made me to become I became a dangerous man me you if you take her in my house Carl clothing you know take away everything no problem get it all back you know I'm get it all back right cause it ain't about them being it's about what's happening on the inside of me it's not what happens to you that matters it's what you do about what happens to you they're menace leadership is the manifestation of a spirit if I was as a man thinketh so is the man is a spirit being and the nature of his spirit dictates the nature of the manifested man until man spirit has change the man is unchanged that's why I leadership begins in the spirit of the man if his spirit doesn't get it then the man will never get it please turn the First Samuel chapter 10 I want to reread his scripture reread have you ever studied the word read it while you find in that voice Samuel Chapter ten anyone ever saw the word read written down carefully come on be careful what you read even when you read read read as a deep word when you read you what you re are as many where despair right three prefix ad when you read Yuri add to your knowledge that's why reading is so important in life the more you read the bigger you become you keep adding to yourself and the more you read the bigger you become and a man or woman who reads would always become bigger write this down he does not read is no better than he who cannot read get it he who does not read is no better than he who cannot read so I'm not impressed with the fact that you can read if you're not reading write this down a leader is a reader they are one if you're gonna lead you got to read you're gonna be a leader you got to become a reader shut that TV off read run away from your friends go hide in the beach and read get away from the telephone put another on the wall and read young people leave me grid and you become a lead you older people some other thing you do all the read that's why you do old to lead a leader is a reader the more you know the more God will trust you with that come from God's talking to some people here for example chapter 10 look at this verse verse 6 the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you in power and afterwards you will prophesy and you will be changed into a different person once these things are fulfilled that means once this spirit comes on you and you change into another person then do whatever your hands trying to do what the Lord is with you man that's a powerful Scripture you should put that out put on your Bureau the Bible says the Holy Spirit comes on you not to tickle you with the tingle you his goal is to make you one a completely different person now when you become the different person then you'll get visions prophecies then it says whatever comes to you when the spirit changes you doing what God's with you and as heavy stuff the Holy Ghost supposed to give you some bigger ideas when you change your thinking when you go to the transformation you go through some visions and dreams and God will say try it I'm with you oh lord please do with me I'm with you it's me giving you the idea whatever your hands fine don't that doesn't sound too safe I need I need to know what you want me to do whatever you're thinking do it I'm with you why because my holy ghost has come over you and as over shot at you and has changed you into a different person now you could always tell when you ain't changed how if you still don't believe what he telling him he says when the Holy Ghost changes you then suddenly gonna see some things to do he says to him I am with you which means that if you see what to do but you keep saying it can't be done you ain't change yet Holy Ghost hasn't gotten your mind straight yet because God will never tell you something that you cannot do let me tell you what my passion is this year and next year my passion is to see every member and follower in this ministry take on the spirit of leadership in the mind and you could tell by the name there when people are still not doing a job because it's someone else's job they haven't gotten the spirit of leadership yet when a piece of paper is on the ground in the lobby and you go and acts for the janitor you ain't got the spirit it ain't there yet you ain't got the spirit of it when you see something dirty on the wall and you don't want to paint it you ain't got the sprit of leadership yet understand me when something could be done better but you're satisfied you ain't get it yet oh I'm gonna that has to enter everybody when you quit right in the middle of a project you ain't got the spirit of leadership yet you know on my laptop I have my screen saver and on my screen saver on my computer the statement I wrote their leaders finish and the things are important even but it is to be a leader finishes they don't just stop and quit in the middle they need a complete assignments that's leadership spirit they don't stop until they are finished they try it but they still throw it for the named idiot people get your man you still go in they don't treat you right you're still going cuz you ain't doing this for no party you're doing this for an integrity that you make commitment to yourself unto God it's bigger than environment that's leadership leaders never have excuses write that down you know I ain't never gonna believe you will even tell you another excuses that's the biggest example of a leader and lead them and never tell you I'm sorry why cause they gonna excuse people find a million reasons why they do something you ain't no leader yet leaders do not find excuses they have a recent with an excuse study Jesus man with it would a guy he never had to say he was slower sorry matter of fact his big words were it is finished his attitude was I listen I came to do the works of my father my father worked so I work my father's always working so I'm always working I work the works of him said so don't bother me I'm working don't disturb the pharisees sadducees hair audience don't fool with me I'm working I'm busy I gotta finish the work the father gave me to do cousin if I gotta finish the work he says the father gave me to do I gotta finish the work and neither has a finishing spirit but you ain't we don't work as a leader we work for people and so if people get us mad it's a spirit what I'm trying to get at is we know one gotta tell you to do something when you are the leadership spirit when you get a spread of leadership you just look at things and you know they need fix it and you fix it oh you know something needs to be done and you do it I mean Anita is always advancing things even by their own initiative follow us wait for assignments but I finished that wait till they come and tell me what to do next you ain't no leader you ain't there yet you just born again that's all you haven't gotten the spirit of the Holy Ghost anointing in your mind yet initiation if you got the sprit of leadership it shows up on your job they sat riding good reports about you cause why you've become a completely different person support you shall come to work earlier than necessary you think later than its demanded of you some days you'd even go for money just bring your sandwich heat at the desk but you want to keep working man you you you're a different kind of person some folks can't wait for lunch they pray for lunch - oh Jesus better come quickly you ain't no leader I mean be fast and pray for vacation that it come quickly Lord vacation come along yeah I got three beats this year I'm gonna take all my father I mean maybe you need them but what's your attitude toward those days do you want them because you tie it or you wonder because you tire do another Bible says the rest of her laborer is sweet in other words you should rest after you label worked you've done something you you achieve something you deserve a break some folks on eternal break and getting pay for it every single week they just you know these matter of fact they they take a break to do some work and that's when the big boss comes down from Canada and because he's a different-colored a friend I do leadership doesn't need external motivation the spread of leadership is motivated because of a revelation of who you are on how you're supposed to be I supposed to be excellent this is my nature I'm just like my daddy is excellent what a spirit see fiber says in proverbs 4:23 above all else guard your heart and your mind for all of its flaws what the issues of life what a powerful statement in other words until it gets into your heart your thought life is the source of the transformation and your thought life gets information from words pictures words carry thoughts that transmit concepts which create math and I thought as you know you've been told as a silent word for the word of the xposed thought so whenever you hear things people are transmitting thoughts to you they're becoming a part of your heart therefore words are the source of life write that down words create your life be careful would you read and listen to because you're creating your own life you right now are a sum total of all the words you heard all your life that's what you are and what you believe about those words that transfer to those thoughts is exactly what you are becoming and continue to become you believe and therefore a belief begins with the words you hear that's why Romans 10:17 says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God the source of your thoughts are more important than your thoughts and I said this last session I want to say it again this thing is becoming so important to me write that down please the source of your thoughts are more important than your thoughts because the source of your thoughts determine the quality of the thoughts and the quality thoughts can determine the quality of your life because as a man thinketh in his heart so is he so whoever controls the man's thoughts controls the man's life therefore the sauce is more important than the thought that is why it also says in Romans chapter 10 verse 17 consequently faith comes by hearing we know that whatever you hear brings belief but then it says your belief should come from the Word of God in other words let the source of the information be God and no one else because only God knows the product he's the manufacturer he made you he know you better than anybody else and if God tells you something about you it's the truth hello somebody and the Bible says let God be true and every man a liar that means if you get your information only for men you are living a lie you're becoming a lie and you are manifesting a lie in your own life but if you have the information from the truth from the sauce from the original then you become what he intended you to become and that is why to change a man you must change the thoughts in his heart say this with me if I'm going to change my thoughts must change if my thoughts are gonna change then the source of my thoughts must change Ephesians chapter 4 verse 23 oh you got to read this one for yourself this is too awesome Oh Ephesians chapter 4 verse 23 wonderful powerful books in the Bible as Ephesians and Ephesians deals with the heart in the spirit of the man and look at this verse 23 he Fijians for verse 23 anybody has it I want you to read this with me very important it says even for his 20 to get a context you did not come to know Christ that way surely you heard of him and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus you were taught with regard to your former way of life to put off your old self which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires and to be made new in the attitude of your mind how many Bibles here say that statement was he had if your Bible says attitude holy has come hi hi hi hey buckaroo all right you must be reading the NIV okay now some of you got the King James Version what does it say isn't that interesting spirit of the mind is the same as what this is where we get this whole series is going that's what it's about pastor Richard how many the spirit is one day but having the attitude different story this is written to Krishna's Ephesians a church at Ephesus opposes you you haven't got the attitude yet he says put off the old way of thinking you're born again you got the Holy Spirit you're speaking in tongues but your attitude come on talk to me it takes an attitude to pick up a piece of paper and you ain't the janitors another to pick that up if you ain't changed you call him for the janitor what I did my job he says put on the new attitude of your mind and put on the new self the Holy Ghost come upon you I shall change you into it what a different person brother and you've been born again you stinking mega slave acting like you still tended and intimidated by people then you ain't get it yet I dream of a church or three thousand people that frighten everybody why but they afraid of nobody ain't afraid of no situation ain't afraid of no challenge nothing is impossible to them and they know that they can overcome no matter what the situation is and if anything falls apart around them the rest of them say that's what you see how she overcome this because she's one of us you know just to see that kind of people is God's dream that's what is all about until that gets into the attitude man we still working on threats Warren never do things gotta pay them more money to do things you got a sweet him up to do things you gotta be careful how you're speaking you gotta beat you know that you protect a movie stop holding back you've three with the sake did you see you and they may leave you'll see that no more and so you live and you really want to tell them something why because they're not leaders yet we Jason trust me a leader is the most difficult person to hurt I tell you I am one you can rate the meter you give the tell if you forget not do anything yet you ain't got the spirit of a lil yet you cannot write a leader I study Jesus for the last three years man every single chapter I'm studying the split the ultimate I'm studying this guy and he sure you can they call him a bastard program da Cunha's you come where you ever say that Jesus said under there you can say anything you want I mean they just call him a bastard why because a leader already knows who they are some of you hear me say for years to a leader your opinion means nothing that's the truth why you can only have an opinion if a person is open to receive that's why they call it your opinion it is it's your what you think of me and it will touch me if I'm a leader but it has to get here of your mind that's why leaders are tough to get rid out they keep coming back there's a mental woman this woman hit me this week I was reading this chapter on the woman who came to the judge wasn't about no woman no judge he was talking about a spirit of leadership this little woman they had much man to a woman but she had the spirit of leadership why we do what we read in Galatians 4 a little statement I didn't emphasize it says the Holy Spirit comes in to your heart to teach you how to say our Father but the next statement we didn't emphasize was so that you might know what are your rights as sons of God they say rights man that's important when you discover who you are in Christ who you were born to be a leader Dominator and you got rights to the planet and as yours then it makes you audacious biggity come on I'm talking what I know you the woman walking the judge and says I want this judge if I was a judge didn't like nobody didn't favor nobody didn't care for nobody many of you became the judge they were intimidated they left the judge cussed him out they walked out never came back put this little woman she was a pass that's what I want to be I want to be a pest to anything standing in the way of God's purpose when I cast it out of my way that Judge got sick of this woman he she kept coming back Jesus said and she kept coming back and the judge says if I don't give her what she demands she will know if it's God's will for you to go to college because you need that degree to fulfill his will then I tell you man no teacher no report card could stop you you go back and take exam again and again my say that's not a man go she keep coming back together leaders do not they know it you were right to the dream would you go in after God put that in your heart and it may take too many years but a judge will let you have it because the judge is gonna be irritated by your persistence because your persistence is not motivated by some you know attempt to impress people is motivated by the fact that you know you got a right to do this thing this is yours by right God's will it's so important for us to understand it once we know God's will for our lives we become dangerous and it has to do with the mind I select when I'm when I read this it says put on the new man wears 23 oh I tell you this is too wonderful anything are you sure for your pastor I love each one of you so much individually I want to see everybody a terror to the devil and a trophy for God I want to see you become the best you can be and make the whole world know that Jesus Christ is with you by the way you succeed just read this with me we can wrap up on this is very critical here it says you were torn in regard in the former ways where's 22 of life put off the old self which is corrupt but it deceitful desires but be made new in the attitude of the mind or the spirit of the mind and put on the new self created to be like who God in the true righteousness and holiness the King James says to be made in the image in other words God wants the holy spirit to take you back to teach you who you really are you are the image of Christ and once that connects you become a different attitude I think we are probably in the church victims of positive thinking rather than transformed thinking see positive thinking doesn't really change you it helps you to lie to yourself I ain't talking about positive thinking this thing listen a dog no he's a dog to the dog in trying to be called alligator you know bird is bird I've never seen a bird trying to be at all we have the only creatures who ain't you all would be armed so we try to be other people that even try to be other animals there has to be a revelation I was wondering why I didn't roll that thing in Psalm 139 until I began to understand this is my life David says Oh Lord my lord I am fearfully wonderfully made and when you read about Davis childhood read the same Bible it says he was a frakkin phrase runt a shaggy head dirty boy that was description of David in the book of Samuel but now in his own book what lives in a knee right with me you only get this man I get excited by myself there's and I appreciate what they called me back there but I had me a visitation and I got me some information now it's become revelation and it's cause I see I know who I am I don't care what these two call me buck teeth big nose piggy head but now I am fearfully Who I am wonderfully made check it up marvelous he still had freckles but they were marvelous come on my legs still bow but it's a holy book sign five big hips no come on drop the Hat thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Munroe global possible please visit us online at
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: TNy3-f6xgmY
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Length: 74min 34sec (4474 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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