Overcoming Seasons of Crisis | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message provided by monroe global incorporated and monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message overcoming seasons of crisis everybody said with me overcoming seasons of crisis say it loud no little louder all the way in the back say it loud when you say it again I want to say seasons real loud say it overcoming one more time overcoming seasons of crisis we're going to focus on understanding the keys to overcoming times of stress understanding how to rise above a crisis everybody say seasons of crisis this is very important please take notes today please everybody say seasons of crisis when the leaves change on the trees and they fall off and the weather changes of temperature everyone know a season is coming I want you to remember what you're about to hear because this will keep you very peaceful there is a benefit two seasons please write this down nothing is permanent except God and his promises set up with me say loud say to your neighbor say together knave on the other side come on look at me the face nothing is permanent except God and his promises now say to yourself nothing is permanent except God and its promises you better give God thanks for that statement number two this is very important God promises that nothing is permanent God promised that and that's a good thing to remember right now number three Ecclesiastes chapter three makes this statement in verse 1 it says to everything there is a season and there is a time for every purpose under heaven say it aloud with me to everything there is a season say it again to everything there is a season say it again to everything there is a season God says everything only has a season nothing is permanent except God and its promise now here's something about this statement the statement is a promise God is promising you that whatever you are going through is only a season you're to give him a big hand for that but that's a poor hand it being shouting can we have fear you see you don't understand what he's saying what he's saying is it doesn't matter what's happening it can't last so I heard from God today listen to me watch this seasons got power here's the power of seasons number one seasons guaranteed change say it one more time see since God says everything has a season which means that it doesn't matter what you are experiencing whether it's good or in your opinion bad it will change number two seasons gives hope no matter how cold it get in the winter summer is coming you know red winter comes you don't throw away your swim trunks you don't sell all your living clothing do you what do you do you store them up why you wait why are you waiting if it's winter how come you got hope to keep your clothes listen don't close your bank account out leave some money to keep it open why the season coming a lot of money is on the way keep the account open don't shut it down it's only a season tell you a beauty book for a season Matt y'all go with me show me the same and now if I don't feel you're coming to slap here say it everything is seasonal don't throw your clothes away don't let nobody make it through your hope away rate is down number three nothing remains the same say it this is important summer doesn't stay winter never stays autumn never stays spring never stays and God says to everything there's a season unemployment is seasonal oh Jesus amazing if you aren't employed then employment is up ahead clapper girl you're looking to get this the Word of God says everything has a season in other words the season for you to leave the job you are on has come why there's a better one up ahead he got to prepare you for that so he got a closeout one chapter to open a bigger chapter get ready for something big big big bigger than what you had you want to give God praise that's the promise write this down this is important seasons are always temporary say it crisis is not a permanent condition and crisis is a human description God has no crisis it's just a season and the key to life is outlasting the season said of it me the key to life is outlasted Isis if you can stay warm long enough some of them come what you have to do is organize yourself to outlast the season that's all it cannot stay that's why seasons give hope you don't quit permanently in a season as a matter of fact write this statement down this one got me going last night seasons give the incentive to plan for the future you know the best time to shop for me the clothes it's in the summer now why are you buying making summer people may laugh at you but they don't understand you are aware that summer is a season hello so what you got to do is plan for the next phase seasons gives the incentive to plan this won't last let me get ready for what's coming let my expectation be based on the fact that seasons don't last that's why Kingdom people live in faith their faith is what I'm going through cannot last it's very important next seasons are always moving tell your neighbor it's moving so you stay still you know we panic too quickly we throw our hands too quickly and God says no I like with the way God speaks to the tournament of Israel he says stand still and she that was Pharaoh they're moving you just stand still and what see the Salvation Lord you can't see salvation unless his stand steady he will save you not from the storm but in the storm through the storm I was speaking to a hotel group this last couple of days and I was telling them I was over that ladders actually speaking to all their managers over 2,000 and I said look let me tell you something relax why because one thing with hurricanes they move now here's the problem with hurricanes though sometimes the the the the weatherman will say it's moving 15 miles per hour so you gotta calculate how long it would take to pass my house now heaven help me if he say it moving 2 miles per hour you're a bouncer I'm talking about right that means they're gonna stay over for a little while well I Got News for you whatever is coming it came to pass in able we are durable we are stronger than the wind we are built on a rock the foundation of Christ you know why they come the rock of ages' because all the ages keep passing come on clap your hands now after this that's why they come the rock of what ages it was the age of brokenness the past the age of Plenty that passed the age of submission that past age of confusion that pass the age of crisis that pass the rock is steady write this down never respond permanently to a temporary problem never respond permanently to a temporary problem your life is never finished so don't throw your hands up and say that's it it's over I never gonna make it you're trying to make a permanent condition out of a temporary experience hey winter's coming to throw away all of our some clothes that's a permanent solution to a temporary problem the Bible says keep your faith this is why we have faith in God because God is stable everything else changes therefore everything moves in seasons he has a verse you need to remember yesterday's chapter 3 verse 4 there's a time to weep that's a season and then there's a time to laugh that's a season now if you laughing now don't worry praise the Lord there's gonna be something that shows up to make you weep a little bit but then when you read don't worry laughter come in again tell your neighbor you on laugh again say it loud you're gonna laugh again in other words laughter only goes under weeping wait till we've been finished then laugh we'll come back look at the next statement it says a time to mourn and it's a time to dance these are seasons now here's one that really blew my mind ecclesiastical for six says there's a time to what get oh boy plenty plenty plenty plenty then there's a time to lose or gone and going and going these are seasons let me tell you something evidence of God's blessing is not measured by you having things well I broke a must you did something wrong no no that's just a season you see the Bible says there's no temptation or test that comes in case it is not common to all men and then it says the trying of your faith wicked patience God allows the seasons to come to test your faith faith simply means belief do you believe God when you have nothing good then then you make sure you have nothing for a while to see if you really believe there's a time to what get and there's a time to lose that's what the Bible says some people walk around say well you know I can't maybe I'm sinning you ain't sinning that's a broke season and the Bible says keep your faith in the middle of that season it's your faith that you supposed to live by not your money or your plenty you shall live by what hey what kind of faith do we have we already got faith forgetting not fateful losing look at the last line a time to what keep and a time to cast away you could applied it to a thousand things if there's some France who you keeping right now keeping some company the time would come when you gotta get rid of those company cuz they speak a negative now you've all grown them hello there's some people who ran into the crisis with you they ain't coming out with you because they won't stay you need to get out of that situation getting the right atmosphere and keep your attitude right and you might have to change your friends there's a time to keep and there's a time to cast away maybe you have a piece of property and he was keeping it for all these years and now God says okay tell you what let's cast it away now you you can get a bigger piece later but right now I want you to convert that into liquid cash there's a time to keep and then there's a season to cast away here's something that blew my mind Genesis 8 God is speaking god says verse 22 as long as the earth remains is the earth still here it's the earth still here hit your neighbor tell you neighbor we sit here hit him again say we still here hit him hard tell him we still here alright now tell you near but read up with me come on say read up with me hey but let's go together read as long as the earth endures seedtime and harvest cold and heat summer and winter day and night will never cease and rest my case some of you are in night right now God says listen that's part of it but after every night there's what day some of you are in the midst of summer right now things going good but there will be a winter period and he says this will happen as long as the earth remains so Kingdom people don't worry they are seasonal people they handle the seasons and never waver because they know that they are steady not the season and so no matter what people call the environment what's going on that doesn't bother us because our faith is steady we are focused on the rock the rock that is the cornerstone that never moves very important look at Ezekiel 34 everybody read go verse 26 I will bless them and the places surrounding my hill I will send down showers in season there will be showers of blessing now showers of blessing if they will come and seasons so when the blessings are coming you know that it's not a permanent condition is your faith still in God when the shower stopped I will send them blessings in seasons you know when I first read verse I was a little teenager when I read this verse you know my father sitting here today they taught us how to read the Bible I won the first chapters that they made us memorize I know my dad even remember this you know dad you you you you made us memorize a verse when I was a little kid the voice was Psalm one I never forgot it it says blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly no standing in the way of sinners nor sit in the seat of the scornful for his delight is in the law and in his law shall he meditate day and night and then it says he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of waters that bring it forth is fruit in its season there's a season when there ain't no fruit you working hard you see results you recognize the God's tough part of the season it brings for us it's food we're in its season it says that leaves also shall not wither neither you don't eat the leaves the leaves are sides of the tree still alive but he no fruit in other words my faith is still grounded my roots are still endure but by the water of life I'm still alive but right now I bear no fruit I'm just working hard I'm planning how I'm thinking hard but I promise you there'll be a season that I can feed everybody get go to hand that you are a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth food in the season your leaves also shall not wither and whatsoever you do shall prosper he said I bless you in seasons write this down a crisis is an event over which we have no control we have no control of what's happening in the world right now I'm talking about nobody has control over all the g7 nation they called neither did the g20 a yeah they meet me in Washington they still don't know what to do why because something is happening no one in control that's why they call it crisis a crisis anything that happens that you cannot control or you didn't cause so those of you were laid off your jobs don't blame nobody because no one could explain that don't try to find someone to attack and say you know the management or or not a company nothing to do with that everybody is a victim of what they call a crisis what's the crisis say it aloud what's a crisis an event over which you have no control so here's the second statement this is important we are always in control of our thoughts so we can have a new perspective of what's happening even though we don't understand it we can interpret it and that's why this teaching is so important you can look at it and say no matter what it is it cannot last why because I understand from my kingdom perspective this is only a season you can have hope in the middle of winter because you are convinced that summer is coming that's what keeps your spirit peaceful you know what makes people commit suicide when they believe that the season is permanent suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem don't throw your arms up don't despair don't be anxious for anything the Bible says why because everything is seasonal Namah three crisis have always been the source of growth and development this is the time where you are destined to grow and develop you never change until you have to have you noticed that you spoke in all these years the doctors say you know something you've got three weeks to live if you don't stop smoking all of a sudden you stop smoking he was trying to start 4,000 years all of a sudden he said look he could be dead in three weeks I mean all of a sudden you change tops okay you know your arteries clogged up and if you don't stop eating cheesecake and macaroni and potato salad on the same plate you were dead in three weeks all of a sudden you say I didn't draw carrots in other words sometimes crisis is the only way we change our behavior tell your neighbor get ready to change get ready to change get ready to change get rid of change we're going through a period in the world where God's going to bring massive development you know one of your like with hurricanes hurricanes are God's way of cleaning up a country them old trees that look good rotten on the inside hurricane passed through crack everything on the ground and the place look like a mess but if you stay around for the next five months you see new trees coming up new flowers new birds why because a hurricane gets rid of all the stuff that's faking it including the houses that ain't built right oh come on now let's talk about that huh hurricane or to shake those who violate the building code come on give him a praise anything up there's some folks who walking around looking good yeah praise they're gonna get you now bomb let me see what kind of feature that praise the Lord God is good oh yeah let's see how good he is Wow here comes the crisis and cleans out all the fakers don't look now he's sitting in front of one of them see isn't it or they can praise the Lord dance and shout but when the trouble come here there's a goodness God he was going to my gosh I'll supply tell you neighbor rejoice in the furnace say it loud rejoice in the furnace screaming lastly rejoice in the furnace come on John say rejoice in the furnace same laughs rejoice in the furnace listen you don't wait till you come out to shout [Music] crisis always forces development this is the four point crisis creates opportunity for creativity you will have to invent new ways to deal with old problems when crisis comes and that's what's happening right now in Washington DC this past week 20 heads of Nations for meeting in Washington with President Bush and do you know what they're doing exactly what I wrote here they are trying to find new ways to deal with a new situation they'd never seen before they gotta invent a new economic system they said why because crisis shakes the foundations of what you thought was traditionally sound that means you gotta find new ways to make money in the Bahamas I'm so glad for this crisis because our country will never diversify and tell me lose tourism based on don't get mad at me now all that seafood we got an ocean if we don't develop that some [ __ ] can come here with some ships and take our seafood back to China to feed them building people I given you a good advice you're laughing you develop angrist some Chang will come here with two billion dollars they can give y'all a stadium to fool your but it really after Andres why they got to feed a billion people and you got good soaring that grows 12 months of the year that's the kind of soil they want we can sit right here on another hauled Island returning to paradise are we gonna be slaves crisis creates creativity we got to be creative when the leader of your country speaks for an hour and ain't say nothin we need some new creative thinkers around here come on clapping look at me funny I live here I watch it I say you know something al right here talk to me but something new the king of birds is the eagle and the eagle has seven wingspan seven feet wide when a girl is full-grown seven feet wide spell but when they're born they born in a smaller leg massive burns on the only way an eagle learns to fly is when the male takes the little eaglet on his wing and he flies five miles in the air and then he closes wing and then brothers start falling now you got two things to do die or fly say it one more time say die or fly get you Davis say you better die or fly in other words God wills closest wing on the country you're better fly or you'll die come with a new way to flap [Applause] yeah God got a way to make it creative write this down please the Japanese write this down is very important you know why agents always succeed wherever they go I couldn't believe it you know in Bane town I got the street in the middle of the ghetto was a [ __ ] store and we had to go down by rice and lard remember lad yeah peace abide by the pound in a white piece of paper lad I figure why I'm still alive today hey you can lad all in my lungs but that's those Chinese line in the middle of black neighborhood pop when they laugh business do you know why a [ __ ] an Asian always makes it because in Chinese and Japanese there's no word for crisis it's not in the vocabulary matter of fact the word for crisis in Japanese and Chinese is the word opportunity say it say it again so when a [ __ ] house burned down he say Oh big opportunity opportunity opportunity opportunity pay me the same my god trouble [ __ ] opportunity opportunity opportunity when the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima World War two they obliterated Japan destroy hundreds of thousands of people in one minute the city was leveled turned to rubble the Japanese says opportunity opportunity opportunity and they came out of the dust of that bomb and became the number one exporters of Toyota cars Mitsubishi cars hatchet hatchet at Shekhar's Yaka Yaka cars suzuki motorbikes they sell you the radio the TV and the CDs what an America became so afraid of them America says stop exporting to us you are imbalancing the trade balance lagrima news briefs Japan is an island when I'm going to Japan I got mad but me landed a single something this island mr. McAndrews they rule the world in cars here we are begging people to get some money little porridge as if we are just beg us in our Islands is how you think out of their crisis came creativity I want you right now from this day forward this is my command and image Jesus from now I'm going to leave this room when you walk on this room everybody you meet in the hallway in the parking lot all week or next week beginning today when you see them and ask you how you doing opportunity opportunity tip opportunity when they say we gotta lay you off we're gonna say opportunity opportunity stop my own business not my own business not my own business that's why Chinamen don't work for nobody every problem they see opportunity the Chinese know that black people like Greece oh I can talk about it you might as well get ready for this so they're not I put that grease in that rice bomb that grease and that my oh boo boo chicken bomb look at your face you look guilty and they put the restroom right in the middle and a ghetto hey buddies opportunity opportunity and you sit right there and don't open the restaurant yeah and then rice don't last when he didn't but they give it to you they got it work till you keep coming back for more tell your neighbor opportunity setting opportunity that's gonna be asking for the rest of the year okay all of it you could anybody can say what opportunity that's right no matter having the opportunity why because we are Kingdom people we see solution in every problem the Bahamas and Africa and South America and Emily and Haiti ain't going down we are going up come on crap you believe it say hallelujah this is the time to go where everybody opportunity opportunity opportunity sale again opportunity you know crisis in the Japanese mind whatever you call a thing that's what it is write that down please whatever you call it that's what it is if you call opportunity then you start taking advantage of it very important so to a Japanese every problem is a business this is the time for you who you who have been set free from a job let me say it again you're missed that this is the time for those of you who've been set free from the cage to go hunting for problems why sale of every problem is a business I asked the Lord today how am I suppose the closest Simon he said I want you to do something specific so I'm gonna show you in a few minutes when he told me to do right is down the effects of crisis I want you to know they know what they are so they won't happen to you okay when crisis comes they produce fear trauma depression despair frustration anxiety a sense of loneliness abandonment worry hopelessness sense of loss sense of death sense of survival abuse crime and domestic violence now that's a problem for country and that's what crisis does in humans and that's what's happening all over the world right now that list describes what's happening to people accept you as you are not under the world's system people are anxious they're afraid they are lonely they feel I did only want having problems got a water spirit and that can destroy people's lives and make them make permanent decisions in a temporary environment the Bible said be anxious for nothing but in all things you must pray I never stopped praying and then it says rejoice what because winter is only temporary don't throw off your confidence Paul says because he who began a good work in you he will finish it this is only a season you know one of the things I've been teaching you all the last few months on faith one of the things that I mean I wrote it in my in my in my computer you know it comes up on my screen just to remind myself there's life after the test say it and that is life after all of this stuff don't throw your confidence away it's very important by the CD praise the Lord John 16 verse 33 read I have come out together I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace okay in this world you will have many trouble that's a promise of Jesus he says but take kar-wai I've overcome the world what a kingdom attitude you were not many troubles he said that's normal for Kingdom life but we are stronger than the troubles he says we overcome them I've overcome them I've shown you how to overcome you follow me look at the next verse John first John 5 verse 4 read aloud please go and this is the victory that has overcome the world even our faith who is it that overcomes the world only he who believes that Jesus Christ is the son of God he says you overcome by your faith you don't fade this faith is believing in the dark what he told you in the light can I say it again please get the CD faith is what believing in the dark when he told you in the light you believe in winter that summer is on the way that's faith therefore you are not despairing in the middle of winter because you know that he promised summer is coming this is only a season that's how you overcome the world notice Jesus said up up in John he says there be many troubles troubles are always moving they are temporary they are seasonal he says so you overcome them by your belief your faith I will come through this this cannot last and I was thinking people get divorce please don't take it personal okay unless it's for you but you get divorced sometime too quickly could they forget that that the spouses go temporarily insane I'm serious about that there's some folks will do some dumb things temporarily and if you make a permanent decision on a temporary experience you can lose out suppose my wife divorced me 20 years ago she had been divorcing a guy who's a multi best-selling author come on talk to me matter of fact I want you to if you marry I would I want you to tell your spouse right now you might say get used to me cuz I ain't going nowhere just in case you become a multi-millionaire just you don't know what's up ahead in their lives you never know who you are living with never know see people go through insanity seasons that woman do some dumb things i'ma leave it don't leave she insane temporarily that man off God now you know there's some situation that's really rough you know somebody's thinks you know sometime thing can be so bad though that this ain't no season this place it could be d crazy devil sometime you can let them go but there are many conditions where you'd know in a word giving up temporary comfort that's what we want if I want to get on fast I want them very comfort now the Bible did say there's a time together and there's a time to scatter some folks are so insane they gone too far you got to scatter them go if they want to hurt you physically go go go if they don't want to change go go go go he hasn't let me give him some some important wisdom here when I was a teenager I read this bad thing come you didn't put my mind it says God loves the world then it says God love is long-suffering and I read I don't hit me it didn't say God's love is forever suffering it's just long suffering suffering means allow to allow in other words there comes a time when the long ran out now go go go go go go are you with me yeah there's some people who you you know you could give him a long rope it's okay you know I would allow this and I put up with this but there comes a point but even the love of God runs out and then judgment takes over that's why you will be judged God will put up with you and tolerate you for a long time and then after a while he realized that you know hey you just abusing His grace he says he making apostate he turn you over to the devil but some things are seasons so don't give up in a season write this down please very important this one is important here the word world is the word cosmos in Greek Jesus used this word it means governing systems it means personal power of control it also means systems of influence in other words the economies of the world the cultures of the world he says you have overcome the system now right now the system may work into well yes banks are collapsing insurance companies folding up oil prices fluctuating economy going crazy business is downsizing some going belly-up I mean you know you cannot make company's falling apart the system ain't working he says well I have overcome the cosmos now how do you overcome cover he says you overcome by your faith you will overcome the system and our government simply has a system our economy is a system that's the world that the word world means it means the system that that controls he says you will overcome that system and that's encouraging to me and so he says look do not worry about your life what you will eat which you will drink what you will wear or about your body which you aware is not like more important than food and the body more important than clothes Jesus says don't worry about those things and then he goes on to say in verse 33 he says you don't be like the pagans cuz pagans worry with those things they get anxious and fearful and depressed and I want you to leave this building today knowing that you are not one of them you are not a pagan you are a peaceful person you are confident that the see single-pass and that there is a better time coming up ahead and your fate will make it through the storm nothing can stop what God promised you he says only pagans worry about things he said but your heavenly father one knows what you need but therefore you seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all of these things will be given to you as well therefore do not worry about tomorrow because tomorrow has enough problem of his own he want you to be peaceful confident that the season will change I drop this on you here James 2:14 says what hey boys a fate works ok this is what I want to close up when I you know the next time we the next session I'm going to take this into a deep practical side but I want you to see something everybody say faith how do we overcome by our faith how do we overcome okay what is faith is the word pistols in Greek it means to believe so we still believe in the middle of the crisis we believe that God will bring us out God will do what he says we believe okay hey boy say faith help me Lord takes - please behold he goes okay hey boys I say okay so everybody was showing just now when I talking about faith pray it's a lot better my first alone but then in the military storm you say wait look at this it says faith must have work you work in the middle of the tough times you don't overcome just by faith read verse 14 James - read what does it profit my brother if someone says I have faith but does not have works can faith save you in the crisis no look at the next verse thus also faith by itself if it does not have work is dead anyways they work this is the time to get to work while you waitin on the next season apparently God knows that in the middle of a crisis is the greatest time to work but you gotta work from a different perspective as a matter of fact he says but someone will say I have faith and I have work show me your faith James says without your works and I will show you a faith by works if you believe that God will bring you through he says work while you eat do something that you never do something say it again do something that means there's always something to do you know when crisis comes it create unity hey all right me and you live in the same apartment right I live upstairs you live downstairs and we don't speak to each other we don't like each other okay Liam bad attitude toward each other all of a sudden the pop is that burning down so I grab bucket you grab buck if you don't speak let me hate each other now but our house is about to go up in flames what happens after that we start working together you get the water I'll roll the bucket see crisis turns enemies into friends when the boats sinking everybody's that bailing now we don't see each other before that now crisis creates unity number two write this down crisis creates community when people are in trouble they have to get along that's why God allows crisis to bring love back into situations thirdly crisis produced empathy sometimes you've been doing so well for so long you don't know how to feel to hurt no more and you become so heartless to what people who are hurting that God will allow you to lose some stuff so you can be reminded where you came from and then you start liking people again give God a half of that see crisis can bring you back down to humanity some time God needs to make you lose everything to feel with those who have nothing feel like again so you can love them and help them empathy crisis also produces a sense of solidarity we work together you know we've been telling you to bring a can of goods every single Sunday put on this podium we keep telling you keep bringing it we bring in why because when the crisis hit we work together as a community now some of you aren't getting the message here you have to understand that when we all in trouble we all gotta help and that's what crisis does it also produces humanity it makes you human again it helps you to realize that and you back them up with your nice car now you'll lose your car and your house going in foreclosure you're back in an apartment now you become nice to people who in apartments crisis can bring you back to your manager give you back your sensitivity and that's why it's important it makes you simple again you know this is no time you to go by I know I poured you need food simple life you you're gonna sit down what kind of airport I want that in crisis you don't think but that but a John sorry but that but you know that's the apple fell over there yeah you know you you have to deal with the simplicity of life when crisis comes it makes you spiritual as well all of a sudden everybody won't go to church when trouble comes that's why God allows trouble so you come back and worship and some folks had two job mister church all the time bomb two jobs gone they show up in church to learn about the bracelet see you back to spirituality again crisis brings you back to spirituality the Bible said many times God says when I take it to the land and you prosper don't forget the Lord is least I would drive me from the land again and God's doing that you watch in the next few months Church gonna be back standing watch you watch they can be stand all against the wall why because when quiz it we're going God God atheist are saying Lord I love you crisis it also makes you friendly with people you know some posed to walk her head and nose in the air walk right past you not again a job how you doing man how you doing see they friendly all of a sudden crisis bring you right back to Friendship Day neighbor less new friends rather got something so and I got nothing you know come a little bit something you know that's what crisis does it works good stuff it makes you peaceful it makes you friendly it makes you spiritual it brings you back to sensitivity empathy right this one now it also makes you think of the common good and finally it reprioritize is your life it makes you understand what's important again what are the real basic things that are important crisis brings you back to the simplicity of life prosperity is dangerous in the sense that it could make you forget the source of it and that's God garbled back off so you can come back to him he pull his hands back so you can come back looking for his hands again he knows how to allow you to experience a night so you can appreciate day again I'm not disappearing I'm excited God's gonna benefit from this crisis through his grace in our lives write this down true leadership is tested in crisis crisis is the incubator for leadership development that's why you can become a better person crisis is the source of growth and development crisis places demands on your hidden potential crisis reveals your true beliefs and your convictions as a matter of fact crisis test your faith and this is why this morning is so important god is saying look I want you to hold steady in the middle of the season your faith will not fail your faith is stronger than the test and your faith will overcome the test we overcome the world by faith and our work you must work in the middle of the test you're ready to slow a crisis on earth is an incident in heaven when the Lord told me this I almost dance around the room let's say together a crisis on earth is an incident in heaven you call it a terrible experience Gaza that's just a little blimp on my scale this is an incident so don't panic here's something I think would help you proverbs chapter 22 verse 2 says what the rich man and the poor man have one thing in common God made them both now when I first read that verse I was living in being down and my dad you tell you know we we were living in an area we don't even know he's poor because everybody around us was you know living the same way but when I wonder when I read that I got angry at god I almost Chris Garvin I read that because I was a young man reading that verse and it says the rich and the poor have one thing in common God made them both that to me meant that God made rich people God made poor people the problem was I was the poor one so I became angry at God but he didn't make me one of the rich ones until I read the rest of the verse it says the rich and the poor have one thing in common God made them both and God gave sight to both now the last problem I mind when I did the research on this verse he has a rich written and in the original Hebrew God makes people some become rich some become poor based on how they see me say it again God makes people that's what he makes people some become rich and some become poor depending on how they see so poverty is a product of how you see life and riches riches is a problem but on how you see like I remember this true story of two young men who used to go to California University of Southern California and during the summer they decided to go on a summer break and visit India and program-ready India and they put their backpack on the cutoff jeans and they you know saving up money to go to India and they went to Bombay and Calcutta on these trains mean these two young guys for the college and they spent all summer in India and they were right all through those cities they saw millions of poor people sleeping in the streets and murder and the cardboard boxes and me in India it was filthy and these guys were overwhelmed and one morning they were living in a hostel and the guy opened the window looked out on the porch the second floor and he saw as fast as eyes can see Indians in poverty barefooted bareback kids with no clothes on living in the mud flies crawling all over the people they were sleeping under boxes and tin and under the bridges and the guy was so violent with it he says man he said a crying he says gosh man look at the poor people they don't have any shoes or no clothes man and his buddy came to him in the he's a here man wow what a shoe business and that's all he said they went back home went back to college they bought in the same class they're both studying accounts and administration and one of the guys said in the class and for a whole two weeks he couldn't get the picture of his mind he saw those bare feet and he started sketching on a piece of paper in the class a pair of shoe I need to design a pair of shoes sitting in the class and he became so possessed by the idea he decided to leave school and go and develop the shoe and his friend said are you crazy you better stay in school get a job singing you know make some money and make a living the guy says no man I got this idea I see this thing and I see we could provide shoes for those people and he got a designer to design a shoe for him he made a prototype he he was able to get it tested and the company that made the prototype said that they can be used to shoe for 15 cents plastic shoe so he went to his friend his brother's friend he says look you got some money I like for you to invest in this idea I got I want to sell shoes to India the guys have you got a mouth he's a man I got millions of people that I got a big market in India he said we could sell this shoe we can make it 15 cents we could sell it for 50 cents and we can ship it over there and we can get the shoe business going and the guy believed in this idea hey what's the idea said again idea the guy saw this vision within 12 months they were producing over three million there's a shoe shipping it over to India selling over 50 cents 55 cents the guy became a multi-millionaire one year never went back to school when the guy graduated the following year his friend he hide him to count his money as an accountant the guy who started the business his name was Tom last name McCann they wear shoes all the time he gets tours on all the malls all over America Tom McCann the guy saw the people now here's the key don't miss the key bow men saw the same thing one became rich the other employed but they saw the same thing one saw bare feet another saw a shoe business it's a good time to study the Bahamas or America or England where you live you need to go back home and study and ask God to show you the businesses this is the time to see beyond your eyes there's never a time when there's no business going on write this down what lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us you are carrying something so awesome and it's God's idea and it's bigger than anything you could get an education for study your environment and you will see that there is no crisis there is only opportunity opportunity opportunity that guy looked at bare feet and saw an opportunity don't sit around looking for a job crate you job don't sit around bring someone to employ you for you for the government to find some project you need to start looking at their feet and see a shoe business I discovered something about life and this thought hit me yesterday hard God said this Emil estate he said son human needs never change study human needs no matter what what the environment is human need water they need food then he clothing they need security they need protection they need preservation no matter what happens they need some things they say that when when economy falls apart three people always have a job one new medical field to the counselors we haven't added that it and three the Undertaker always got a job so you use the IT specialist we might need you right now three bells are looking at their feet and see shoe businesses there is no lack of employment in our country there's lack of sight listen to me hog island was always Paradise Island ah we peed up to make whatever you call a thing that's what it is someone came to our country and changed your name we lived with it our government calling all guilin so we got a daughter Ally to and on the map in the bomb to say all that I say they put on the map they put it Hog Island another guy kids they don't like the name let's put a partisan and now it's paradise haven't see what do you see when you look around you stop waiting for a job create your job there you know crisis of economy this crisis of vision but you know what our pride is so deep we always want a sophisticated job ran a uniform wear a suit the Gaza snow go bake cookies I'm gonna give you a global cookies business but it gonna start in your back trunk go pick some cookies people gotta eat and I got an idea you know develop a bohemian nutritional cookie you eat one of them you don't need to eat anything else you're laughing your mouth you need to go and put vitamin C in it right I'm an A in it vitamin D in it wait a minute you get this cookie and call it Bahama boo bah how something you know eat this cookie give you a child it's cookie you put you know a little little oats a thing in it seems that you're putting in conflict in other words you you dream you think people gotta eat do you know they say that McDonald's and Burger King this past month their profits are up 1/4 why cuz people ain't going to no 5-star restaurant they can't afford it they're going to get themselves one more time a Big Mac see some of y'all got deliver a Big Mac until now I can't strict my fast food where I gotta for know ten thousand dollar meal I need a four dollar meal see they making money because they solving a problem your kids want to eat you used to go to the five centers front taking kids who are brothers out and eat all that food cost you $200 you can't do that now you tell them you eatin McDonald's today what ten dollars in other words look for the problems cuz that's your business people putting off doing major development in their homes now oh and a business differently but they putting it off they they are delaying it so if you are a plumber you aren't attrition you are contracted you better start thinking diversity because when construction slows down you can sit around waiting for a job something you got to start creative look at their feet and see a shoe business let me close with some authority write this down job versus work this is for everybody here because this is where we act take this back to your country number one never confuse your work with your job see here's why number two your job is what you were trained to do your work is what you were born to do listen carefully your job is your career they can fire you from that but your work is your life's assignment they can't fire you from that your job is your skill you were trained for that but your work is your gift you were born with that your job you can retire from put your work you can never retire from because you can't retire from yourself oh do you need this message right now they can lay you off a job but they can't lay you off yourself so when you leave you take a gift with you remember your gift lands it starts to grow again don't allow people to control your life by you making your job equal to your work because you are more than your job I love to see you know as a past your place the other day down there on West Bay Street you know and that's the division we got a dance school I'm thinking wow man this is creativity the other Bible says balances working the day and at night don't let your hands be idle you have to realize that your job and your work are not the same and your gift is bigger than your skills this is the time to use your skills to use your gift to develop this last statement jobs prepare you for your work you use jobs to refine your gift so that when they release you from your job you got a valuable gift this is why when a person finds the gift they have peace I remember when Moses was fired from his job Moses used to be a prince that's a top executive job he was fired and became a fugitive he landed in the desert in Midian guess what Joseph what Moses did mostly decided become a shepherd he had another job and in that job he was training how to organize leave deal with the desert handle to find out where the water is where the food is for the sheep he was using that job in preparation for his main work because he knew later God knew his work would then take him from sheep to people instead of taking the Sheep of the desert he now to take people to desert he learned the skills of the desert his job fed him for his real work that's why God would release something from the jobs why he expect your gift to be developed now you know we got a young lady here who's the winter lettuce and she called the home she probably didn't know I was listening and she said pastor Myles pastor Ruth you know I was in that number and I was thinking this woman is one of the top pastry chefs in the world and I'm thinking boy what a chance this time a pastry business turn your oven into a business undersell all the other bakeries get yourself a business use your gift and turn it around I talk about my cookie woman who I saw the other day and she driving a Rolls Royce now woman who used to be making beds in a hotel and I went to Mount Airy Mar Erie Pennsylvania thank you darling and I went there to speak in a conference and the place was just like this and she was a maid in the hotel making beds sitting in the crowd place was packed and I taught on potential fees get those books they please that beg you members get him because that's what gotta change she read the books and I spoke on potential for three days at the end of the last day the lady came to me she said you are speaking tomorrow morning the last session say yes say yes ma'am she said my name is so-and-so I work in the hotel and I'm a housekeeper I make beds and so forth she said but you touch my gift today and the next day she came and she bought me some cookies just given to me this is my gift I went back to the hotel and bit into a cookie I had an experience I won't tell you how it felt I mean I'd take my shoes off and wiggle my toes that cookie was and I still remember the cookie she must have had some stuff in that that don't exist on earth so that evening the last session I found her I said the lady poverty cookies please come forward she came down the crowd I said madam this is your gift you're not a hotel worker making beds you are a cookie maker you need to take this gift and start serving it and I gave instructions I said number one you start baking these cookies and give them away free to all your families and your friends just give it away free it's like drugs key the first word free come on clap clap now it's a true story and a woman did exactly what I said I went back to Mount Airy one year to the day the next year twelve months and when I pulled up in the car the security guys left me out and all these folks around you know want to shake my hand and this lady walks up and you should have seen this lady she had on a beautiful suit man Joe shilling a nice hat and she had this bag with all kind of rings and stuff for later be a million dollars man she came walking to the car and she and this guy says no man I said let that lady through and she look rich she looked cool and she had this bag in her hand and she said do you remember me I said no man she said you don't know me I said no ma'am I don't remember you she says I'm the lady from last year I said what lady she's I'm the cookie lady I said all my goodness you have any more cookies and she gave me this beautiful bag wrote a beautiful name on it gave me this bag and she's like I brought you some cookies and then she sat there and told me a story I opened the bag these were cookies packed in cellophane beautiful label everything she says when you left I started giving my cookies away and the cookies began to become in demand and my family said ordering batches of cookies for their parties and for their events and the folks who work in the hotel SATA ordered Jesus and I started making hundreds of cookies every week and now it's up to three four hundred everybody she said today I have a cookie factory I want to take you to it I employ 182 people and I am now a multi-millionaire she said the stores in the city start buying a cookies putting it in the big stores one year so I took the bike I give her a kiss ran back phoned that night I had a stand up as a testimony and then I went back to hotel room opened the back I couldn't wait to get to the cookies and I open the cookies and in the bag goes a white envelope and I open it with $10,000 a little note she says thank you for tapping into my cookie gift I said lord I need some more cookie women don't you've got a half a woman who found that gift I wonder how many of you making bears when in fact you get a cookie factory I had a scripture I want to read for you before we go important scripture write this down there's no future in any job the futures in the one who holds the job your job is as safe as you are there ain't no safety in any job carry your gift with you they cannot take your gift away this woman became unemployable because she found a gift Wow from making beds to driving a Rolls Royce because of one session on potential I wonder what you're sitting on we ain't got no crisis in our countries we got a crisis of vision jobs are temporary work is permanent she could never be fired again can she write this down you can fire you can be fired from your job but never fight from your work write this down you can retire from your job you can never retire from your work write this down your work protects you from your job there's no guarantee with that Bank you work forward to do next month you have no idea what they thinking what they plan it you better get in touch with your gift just in case they decide to take their job back as an important session you are more powerful than the place you work they don't know your gift you just given them some time you are powerful there's something on the inside that's bigger than your job and that's why God actually allows crisis to come sometime so you could find your gift you're an awesome person write this down your work is your seed if you plant a seed in Haiti it'll grow but what's amazing is the United Nations have calculated that Haiti is the poorest country in the rest of the world the seed doesn't care it still grows no matter what they say about the economy your seed will grow see some no respect for announcements by governments hope you all hear what I'm saying it doesn't matter what they say the life of the scene is in the seed not the announcements you're gonna succeed if you find your seed well should I put this to you everyone possesses a seed of greatness your seed is your purpose and your passion your seed contains your future and in every seed there's a forest that woman was working in a hotel sleeping on a cookie business worth millions she was waiting for someone to come along and say you are more than what you're working you know the Bible says about a man of purpose it says purposes are like deep waters and a man of wisdom comes and draws it out today I'm that man the purpose is that inside of you they're deep and every word of God is like a bucket that goes down inside of your spirit and pulls of stuff you never knew you had that woman didn't know she was a cookie business there's a store called Lyons supermarket in that city when I walk into supermarket I saw her cookies on the shelf and every time she sees me she'd give me a check that's why I keep visiting it Mon Ami why the Bible says you should do good to those who fed you she's a giver now not a beggar from a seed write this down your see determines your natural talents and the world is waiting for it you were born to do something that the world needs it's not a matter of the economy they need what you get and our country needs to get free from this single industry spirit we are filled with multitudes of great seeds clap yep replace the clap your seed is the idea that won't go away it's the thing to keep thinking about doing it's what you'd rather be doing and I like with the Bible the Bible is a good book in the Bible says working the day I'm if you get a job go to work it says but in the evening don't let your hands be idle so you do your job in the day and do your work in the night do what they tell you to doing today and then do a God taught you to do in the night it says because you know not which one will prosper you either this one or that one this is why that woman cookie life is such an example to me she kept a job and baked the cookies the same guy and tell her cookies became bigger than the job go home and stir you see that you always have which you were born with I know I'm going a little over time but I want you to get this okay because I'm gonna take a break this week write this down you always have what you were born with say it can you say it again say to your neighbor what I'm telling you is so deep you were not born with a job and where does someone give you they could take back from you but you always have what you were born with and then to number two you can never lose what you were born with you were born that you're see and I'm a tree your future is not ahead of you it's trapped within you so doesn't matter what they say about the environment your future is inside of you and therefore you were born a seed this is why you could say with all your might the key to your life is discovering and developing and releasing you see and that's what that woman did with that cookie idea she had a gift she developed it then she saved it keep in mind again give it away free first give it away free that's lady in our church who I don't know if she heard this cooking message before but she said give me some cookies and cookies taste good you know and every time I go to the office on Sunday one there's a box of cookies I'm like this then my daughter fell in love and she came home from school she's had eating the cookies one day my daughter called me she says whoever baked those cookies can you tell them to bake a batch for me I said what you talking about she said they're the best cook it like then I let my friends and Texas use them and they like him too and so they want these cookies so I ended up putting an order and for the cookies to ship to Texas for the give her friends I say tell your friends to give you money to give me money to buy my cookies in other ways the cookie business started from someone just giving me cookies can you imagine with your PhD you say I'm picky no cookies I got a master you better go bake cookies now get masses three is broke yeah are you understand me I'm certainly better by the pride piece famous got this pride thing farming in the Bahamas are you crazy I don't find my no farmer you better go farm what people gotta eat you can't lose your farming yeah write this down seeds are never in recession you ever heard a mango seed saying well I can grow now they say that the stock I could fill a copy all right now let's see you don't care just give me soil and here I come oh this what I want to close on this script I won't close oh oh this is so important right is now and the Lord said to him to Moses what is in your hand Moses I want you do something for me I'm Moses start telling God what he didn't have and that's what we are right now I don't have this I don't have that I get that cuz it look that's not the question it's not what you don't have what do you have in your hand Moses says a staff the Lord says good throw it on the ground we're gonna work with what you have and there was that piece of wood that said a nation free I wonder what you carry in your hand is set people free in your country to turn the economy around second Kings chapter 4 verse 2 Elisha replied to her how can I help you tell me what do you have in your house he said your memories woman she's about to die look what she said she said your Simon has nothing there at all now that sound like a bohemian but the last part she pushing there real quick ex let me tell you something you always got something except what's what is your except where they laid me off I ain't got nothing my addition is except you still got a brain but 5 billion cells and it's working why don't you think about something someone says all I got is this we gonna die afterwards he says wouldn't do you have in your house anybody say your house the stuff is in your house how many hours your Baker ain't working turn it into cash how many hours your sewing machine ain't working what's in your house how many hours your computer in working found a computer business sales from computer go check your house down she said all that was a little oil you know that's enough he said that's enough he says bring as many he said go to your neighbor and collect as many bottles as possible and guess what the Bible says she went and borrowed she borrowed people's bottles and she bought him back no here's something real deep it says have any lie she told you guys okay now pour a little bit of oil you have in the bottle she bought all the bottles he's at pour and then she pour the oil wouldn't come out I mean oil wouldn't run out this is tea porn she porn and the bath and when she reached to the last bottle she filled it up and then the oil stopped now here's a trick the oil didn't stop because the oil was finished hey boys a star for summer yeah you want to get plenty place for God to bless think big in the middle of a crisis there was a famine in the land when he met the woman hey buddy the land the land means the country the nation there's a famine in the land but wasn't no family in a house when a man of God walked in the house I am the man of God this morning I walk into your house go get your borrows you are coming through this you're gonna sell oil the batter that she begins to sell oil to a neighbor's who she borrowed the borrows from in the middle of a crisis what do you have in your house turn it into a business and Jesus had some bread Jesus said feed them they don't need to go away you give them some day we have here only sounds normal this is all we have we only have you never only have you only see you always have more than you see all we have is five loaves of bread and two fish he said bring them to me we had five thousand people he said bring them to me in other words what you see is five loaves and two fishes what I know is a banquet what do you have this is all I have that's okay you got cookies I start a factory the name of Jesus may the Lord give us the grace to see a banquet in a roll you see thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at www.atlona.com
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 806,535
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: a167Vg3WlqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 39sec (5199 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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