The Key Principles of Business and Wealth | Dr. Myles Munroe

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[Music] thank you for joining us for another power packed message from dr miles monroe provided by monroe global incorporated and we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message success is predictable so is failure both of them are results of law either you know the laws or you don't so let's talk first of all about leadership every human being was born to be a leader most of them will die as followers and that's because they've never been told how to become that leader i want to begin with a statement here's a picture of some sheep sheep are the dumbest animals on earth they are the only animals on earth that don't have a leader if you study a flock of sheep you will never see a leader there's no such thing as a leading sheep this is why sheep are dumb they just follow what's in front of them and this is why they fall over cliffs fall into rivers fall of mountains this is why they are the only animals god created that need a shepherd every other animal doesn't need a human she do sheep are dumb if someone calls you a sheep that is not a compliment some of you wonder why god says you are like sheep that is not a compliment god says you are all like sheep gone astray you are lost you don't know where you go when he says you've walked away from my laws and my principles you are wondering like see he said but i came as the shepherd to guide you back to where you fell from not to remain fit because sheep are always dumb and god doesn't want you to be dumb here's a statement i want you to think about an army of sheep led by a lion will always defeat an army of lions if they are led by a sheep let me say it again an army of sheep led by a lion will always defeat an army of lions if they are led by a sheep what does this parable mean it means that leadership determines everything in other words leadership determines the quality of the followers leadership also determines the mentality of the followers leadership determines the morality of the followers leadership determines also the attitude of the followers leadership determines the commitment of the followers leadership determines the destiny of the followers you can only be as good as your leader if your leader stops growing you will stop growing if your leader stops expanding the organization will stop expanding you cannot live beyond your leader jesus said these words if the blind lead listen to his words i quote jesus if the blind lead then the followers must be blind and if the blind lead the blind they both fall in to the ditch he's talking about your destiny he's telling us first of all that you can be in leadership and be blind you can have a title a position power and authority and yet be blind don't ever be convinced by people in high positions it doesn't mean they know where they're going some of you are wondering about the world leaders today i work with them personally i'm talking about heads of state personally in a room talking to them and i am shocked at their ignorance they are blind and we depend on them to lead our countries our communities our organizations and our economies and jesus said wherever they are going you will go they both fall into the ditch so it's important for you to question your leaders don't ask your leader if he has power or authority or money or strength ask him do you have a vision where are you going why should i follow you what is the destination some of you are so emotional you forget to be sensible we get excited about people who work miracles who have no destination we get excited about good preachers who have no destination we get excited for people who do miraculous things but have no destiny and they are leading you into an emotional ditch leadership is the most important activity on earth because it determines the destiny of the followers and this is why i focus on leadership so much leadership is powerful write this down leaders provide confidence in people who are frightened leadership provides certainty where people are vacillating leaders also provide action where people are hesitant you know when the train of israel came to the to the rear sea they began to become depressed everybody was afraid and and he and leader emerged moses he stood up on a rock and he stopped the hesitation he said i promise you today that the people coming behind us will be dead at sunset he took action and then he ran behind the bush and said to god did you hear what i told them leaders normally pronounce things they can't do write that down true leaders always speak what makes them dependent on god it's important for you to do that proclaim things god will perform it don't wait for the performance put pressure on god number four leaders give strength where there is weakness they give expertise where there is floundering leaders give courage where people are cowardly they start people to believe like moses told the people stand up and be strong everyone of pharaoh's army will be killed tomorrow he gave them courage leaders also provide optimism where there is cynicism leaders provide conviction that the future is possible but the term came to me this morning a few moments ago and he said you know we still have our budget to me in this conference and i i'm not surprised that he said that most leaders have no money they have vision they depend on god to meet the need in the process and that's why god brought you here he this man has conviction and he believed that this convocation was possible so he booked the hotel for every room before the people registered that's conviction and the hotel signed an agreement with tom and said for every room that's not filled you will have to pay for it he signed it hoping that you would come that's leadership and all i must must act that way it's called faith faith means to believe in something that you can't see yet and you are so convicted in it that you act number nine leaders create commitment in other people to pursue strategy and success in other words a leader a man and a woman can motivate people to commit themselves to the future that hasn't arrived yet and encourage them to give their energy to a strategy and a program this is leadership i influence over 15 000 leaders all over the world in our network it grows every day millions of people look to me for direction so i keep close to god because i need to give directions because i have to give them strategy a program to create the future write this down leaders design the future i want you to think about why you were born you were born to change the world the present state of the world is not what god wants he doesn't want you to complain he wants you to comply to his will he doesn't want you to be depressed he wants you to sit down and design the future of your community and so remember this a leader finally gives hope and faith hope is giving people a reason to believe in the temporary everything that you're going through is temporary and a leader makes you believe that that what you are experiencing is not permanent you are on your way to a better place this is leadership i come to you this morning to tell you that 2014 will be a better year for you if you believe that clap your hands and thank god now that's faith that's fair there are two animals on earth that god identified himself with as a matter of fact the only two that he identified with and stated it the first one is the lion the second one is the eagle these are two important animals and why did god identify himself with them first because he created them secondly because he knows he put in them leadership qualities just like him so god identifies with leadership the lion is the leader of the animal kingdom the eagle is the leader of the bird kingdom both of them are leaders and god says i am like an ego and i will take you on my opinions i will stir your nest like an eagle stirs a nest i will take you up on my feathers i am like an eagle and then god says i am like the lion matter of fact my son jesus christ is not the dog of judah he's not the bird of judah he is what the lion of judah see he's the lion of judah jesus says i am like a lion i want to talk about the lions for a moment because the lion is a contradiction of leadership i learned from the lion i am today first of all the lion is not the tallest animal in the jungle the lion is not the strongest animal in the jungle he is not the most powerful he's not the most intelligent animal and yet the lion is the leader tell your neighbor there's hope for you the lion cancels every excuse you had for not becoming a leader the lion cancels the belief that you need to be strong intelligent big tall powerful he cancels all most of the animals in the jungle are bigger than the lion more powerful than the lion stronger than the lion and more intelligent and yet when the lion shows up everybody's nervous so obviously the lion teaches us that strength doesn't make you a leader power doesn't make you a leader intelligence does not make you a leader so the question is what makes the lion the leader i discovered from my research one simple word attitude write it down everybody say attitude say it loud say it louder [Applause] [Music] you are exactly what you are because of your attitude so the question is what is attitude and where does it come from the answer is in one word belief attitude is a product of belief whatever you believe creates your attitude if you are timid afraid depressed sad if you are nervous afraid of stepping out that's because of your belief system the lion has a belief system that makes him a leader he believes he can eat an elephant the elephant is 180 times bigger than the lion 800 pounds heavier than the lion he is 190 percent more intelligent than the lion the elephant is heavier than the lion he is taller than the lion he's more powerful than the lion and yet the lion doesn't care why his belief system belief produces a third thing confidence when a person is confident it's because of their belief system they believe in their ability to achieve their assignment this is why moses had so much confidence he believed what god told him in the bush in the burden bush he believed it so when he saw the odds of egypt the most powerful civilization on earth at that time moses was not afraid he told pharaoh i come to tell you let the people go where did he get this confidence from his belief where did he get his belief from god and so his attitude made him a leader in other words you are exactly what you believe you see this photograph i took it myself i traveled to africa at least four times a year and one of my favorite places to go is to a game park i go to see my cousins my best friends are lions that's why i love jesus and i love to watch them because they teach me how to run my companies how to be a good pastor how to make money how to develop people how to train young people the lion teaches me all of that they teach me how to advise governments how to be a good consultant look at this lion the elephant is right next to him and he refuses to move as a matter of fact look at his eyes i wonder what he's thinking i discovered what he was thinking the elephant is a powerful tractor monster power strength weight intelligence and the lion looks at all of that power and strength and might and he thinks one word one simple word clap your hands right there that's the way the lion thinks the lion simply says there's lunch now imagine what the lion is doing here he's reducing the elephant to a meal in his mind that's what leaders do they look at a problem they look at a challenge they look at an obstacle and the leader thinks we can handle that we can do this we can achieve this they reduce everything to a meal god thought that way god wanted to save the whole world with all of its problems and sin and depression and darkness and sickness and disease and god says let's fix it and he sent not 10 000 people one and jesus just like the lion looked at the problem of the world and he simply says for god so loved the world he sent me what yeah just me why this is lunch and then he says as the father have sent me so send are you your country is a muslim country it's a hindu country it's an atheistic country it is an ungodly country and god says go back home and have lunch clap you have the capacity to change your whole country if i tell you my story some of you saw the photographs of me receiving the medal of congressional honor from the government of peru i received honors from over 80 countries going to nations impacting the whole country i just was in swaziland last week i was in botswana sitting with the king of swaziland he changed the whole country from one meeting with me he made a public announcement i gave him advice that changed his government process can you change a country yes it's lunch stop thinking small about yourself you are a leader say it loud i am a leader say it again i am don't go back hoping things change make things change start right where you are because the world is falling apart and i want to in this first session talk a little bit about the world this elephant that you're facing i call it the global challenges and i want you to think about them real quickly our world is in trouble we are in the middle of wars right now located where you are on the south there's egypt people in the streets on the north there's syria people in the streets on the east attention refugees everywhere and on the west is the mediterranean sea right across from europe where there's 40 unemployment our world is dying my friends from brazil will tell you the tension in brazil where the people are arguing over sports being more important than employment the world is in trouble and your country is no different whether you are from malaysia or africa or america your country is in trouble let's talk about what's going on first of all we have what we call globalization globalization is the biggest problem on earth it simply means that what happens in other countries will affect yours globalization is the destruction of independence and sovereignty no country is sovereign anymore this is why what happens in washington affects you what happens in beijing affects you what happens in france affects you what happens in the middle east affects you i was talking to my driver when i arrived here 2am yesterday morning and the driver said gas gasoline in israel is eight dollars a gallon u.s he said i am driving for the money. not to live he said because of the war the price of oil is affecting everybody it's globalization that means that globalization is the interdependence of nations and that's an elephant and we who believe in god who believe in jesus christ as our king especially those who supposed to be in the kingdom of god this is not supposed to affect you the bible says be in the world but not of the system don't miss tonight i'm going to talk to you about that because it's important to you to know that the kingdom of god is present now i live in it every day i bought my aircraft in the middle of the crisis why i am in a different country it's called the kingdom of heaven and it shall come to you today it shall come to you today it shall come to you today i believe that god doesn't want you to be a victim of the systems you should be in the world but not of the world am i right yes so the biggest crisis on earth is globalization i want you to write this down the world is filled with fear and people are afraid of the crisis but here's the good news write it down crisis creates creativity and this is where business comes in the best time to go into business is during a crisis see you don't think like a lion that's your problem crisis produces opportunities those who see them become wealthy so the key to life is to look for crisis crisis produces one creativity the kingdom of heaven is never in crisis it feeds on crisis if you study jesus all of his miracles was the result of a crisis without a crisis you don't need a miracle are you slow tell your neighbor let's look for some crisis so we can work some miracles clap your hands all you lions moses would be a boring leader if there was no crisis as a matter of fact if there was no crisis we would never know about moses if there was no crisis we would never know about elijah if there was no crisis we would never know about joshua if there was no crisis we would never know about daniel what made daniel famous lion then what made shadrach meshach and abednego famous fiery furnace no wonder why you ain't famous yet you may have no crisis yet tell your neighbour i'm on my way to greatness when you go home i promise you this is the promise there shall be an elephant at the airport [Applause] club jesus promised us crisis let me quote jesus all of you who live godly in christ jesus shut up i promise you he says suffer persecution there's an elephant crisis produces business i'm going to say it again crisis produces business this is why china is taking over the world no one understands china in the chinese language come on those in china there's no word for crisis did you know that there's no word in china chinese for crisis the word that you use in chinese with christ is the word opportunity see they tell you opportunity everybody's opportunity say opportunity say like the chinese opportunity opportunity china is taking over your country because you say you have a crisis they say you have an opportunity and their belief everybody's a belief their belief creates their attitude stop cursing crisis welcome them as friends go home look for the crisis because business is solving problems write it down solving problems you can never go into business if there's no problem existing every business solves a problem even you pastors don't know that you are in business you are solving a problem people are going to hell that's a problem and you wonder what solve the problem that's why you get money you call it ties and offerings they are paying you to keep them out of hell be honest [Applause] they come to that building for you to teach them how to stay out of hell that's a problem and you solve it and the better you solve it the more money they give and if you don't suffer they go to another pastors and you see so people change churches because you stop solving their problems every business is a problem being solved write this down so kingdom citizens grow in times of crisis see that's why god sent you to this conference and he said me i traveled 24 hours to get here from my country because god knew that you were about to crumble under crisis you are about to miss the biggest opportunity at home go home and start a business you are not a sheep you are a lion [Applause] go look for elephants not for grass [Applause] go ahead clap right there write this down so the secret kingdom keys to success in crisis is crisis jesus had 5 000 people with him up north from here in galilee they were sitting on the grass and they spent three days with him and their lunch ran out that was a crisis he didn't tell the disciples send them home he simply said feed them in other words this is a great opportunity to prove something and peter says master we can feed them which means that they they were not broke some of you all think that jesus was poor read the story carefully peter said that jesus we can feed them they had enough money to feed 5 000 people and then they said but we'd have to go to another town which is three days walk away we can buy bread and come back that's six days the folks with staff and so jesus said what i hope you will say from now on what do you have in your hand say it what do you have every businessman or woman started their business from something they had in their hand it was called an idea write it down write it down idea you always have ideas without money you have ideas without people you have ideas without buildings you have ideas ideas are more important than people and buildings and money because ideas produce all three of them what do you have he says and they said all we have is wrong answer but that's the wrong answer he said what do you have they said all we have is that's not true what they should have said is all we can see is write this down you always have more than you see if i have a seed in my hand and i ask you what do you see your answer will be what a seed but that's the wrong answer because in my hand i have a tree and the tree has fruit and the fruit have seeds and the seeds get trees that are fruit there are seeds with trees that are fruit with seeds with trees their fruit translate that for me please quickly so in my hand i don't have a seed i have a forest clap god never gives fruit he gives seed to the sower not trees he always gives you more than you can see so it takes discernment the entrepreneurial spirit to see a forest in a seed this is why business begins with an idea what is the source of crisis i told you crisis is important jesus said the world's crisis is a result of greed in the book of mark chapter 7 verse 22 jesus is speaking he says what causes heartache and pain he said greed malice deceit lewdness envy slander arrogance and foolishness all of these evils come from where the inside of a man's heart greed the number one problem on earth today is greed poverty does not exist on earth it does not it is greed that creates poverty as a matter of fact look at luke 12 verse 15 jesus said watch out be careful be on your guard against what all kinds of greed you people need to study greed pastors and preach on it for a year notice he says all what kinds of greed there are all kinds of greed there are thousands of ways to be greedy and he says greed is the cause of poverty a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possession jesus says so don't live just to accumulate things one day i was in the united states i was going to speak at a conference in a state called idaho it's a state where they grow big farms cotton corn they grow potatoes and one day we were driving through the farms going to a little town for a conference a retreat and we drove for two hours and for two hours all i saw was potatoes my country is not that big i was overwhelmed and i saw all these potatoes and then i saw something i couldn't believe i saw a big tractor two of them in the middle of the potato fields and they were digging up the potatoes throwing them in the air and they were crushing them and i was confused i had just come back from africa where i went to villages where people were not able to eat and here in america in idaho they were crushing millions of potatoes and i said to my driver i am confused what are they doing he said they are destroying potatoes i said what i said but potatoes are one of the highest forms of carbohydrate to give health to the human body he said i know he said but they are destroying the potatoes because there is too much on the market and the price is going too low there is no poverty in the world so i said to him why don't they rip the potatoes ship them to countries that need food he said no no no no we got to keep the price right greed some of you think that the devil is evil god disagrees let me quote god money is the root not the devil not the devil money it's the root not the devil every problem in the world you can take it back to money for example why would russia support syria because syria is buying weapons from russia and syria got oil money russia says leave them alone they are good for business everybody if you're not careful will be controlled not by the devil by money jesus said listen to jesus he said there are only two masters on earth now jesus was an economist he said there are only two masters on earth only two and he never mentions the devil as a matter of fact jesus said satan is not god's competition jesus said there are only two masters on earth either love one and hate the other or you serve one and despise the other you can't serve both jesus and he never mentions the devil you cannot serve god watch him now and money he didn't say god of the devil this is why the worst time in any worship service what are you laughing at i can see the guilt in the church right here see right in the middle of worship i love you lord don't touch my money i'll serve you lord don't touch my purse [Applause] god or money greed i used to be that way my wife and i were born in a poor country today our country is one of the wealthiest countries in the world the bahamas we have the most successful government in our region we came from nothing as a country our per capita in the world is the second highest in the world we learned how to give as a country if you eat a seed you ate a forest what did i say write it down please write it down but if you plan to see you secure a future the bible calls money mammon it's material that you can either multiply or consume there are three people three types of people in this room i gotta stop it are you glad you're here this morning are you learning something tell your neighbour i'm a lion if you're a sheep go sit somewhere else tell them how i will eat you let the lions clap their hands one more time it's a good morning this is a good morning good morning to eat some elephants huh hallelujah jesus said the number one enemy of god is not the devil it is money so if you cannot control money it will control you and you'll become greedy you'll become the part of the problem i said to you that business is result of crisis this is also the result of god preparing for your promotion hallelujah i'm excited sorry can i say it again whenever god creates crisis he's planning to to promote his own people i'm going to say one more time write it down crisis is preparation for promotion in god's kingdom during this time in the world right now the church should be positioned for promotion when the world is in trouble and depressed and confused that's when the kingdom supposed to emerge [Applause] the demand for my service around the world is the highest it's ever been every day a request from a government comes in my email i don't have enough days in my life to fulfill the demands they're asking and they pay me i am valuable crisis produce promotion okay let me prove it before we close god allows christ to test your management write it down you know when there's a problem that you face god begins to look at you twice as hard when you face a crisis god stands up and looks at you let me see what's he going to do now let me see what he gonna do now let me see if he if he will do what he claims he knows all this singing you've been singing let me see if you believe the words can i say it again all these worship songs you've been singing let me bring a crisis to see if you believe what you're saying my god can do anything okay good he has a crisis let's see what you believe my god is strong okay then here's a problem let's see how strong you think he is there are some crises created by men but there are crises created by god crises are designed for promotion uh let me show you this genesis 41 32 some of you remember this story and god gave pharaoh a dream remember the dream god showed pharaoh this dream of uh these cows and and these cows seven were skinny and seven were fat and you know the whole story and uh and pharaoh called his consultants in and said give me some economic advice explain the dream to me and none of his experts could solve the problem that's how your government is right now every government in the world that i have been to so far cannot explain their problems and the people they have around them cannot give them good advice think about your government right now do you know why listen carefully please i'm talking to you because the solution to the problem is in prison i am the solution they haven't found me yet clap right there give god praise right there i feel like shouting hallelujah right now the solution is locked up it's locked up in your house and some of you cannot imagine you can't imagine coming out of prison and becoming prime minister i mean you first you got to come out of jail after you keep your time then you have to change your reputation from being a prisoner then you have to make some new friends then you got to leave your country go to a place where they don't know you then you got to make some other new friends then you got to hide your name and change your reputation change your foes from prison prime minister one day come on clap i'm gonna prophesy right now lift your hands receive it i prophesy that 12 months from now you shall be promoted in a miraculous way and no one can stop it in jesus name if you believe that saudi amen receive it right [Applause] [Music] they told you you got to go through 10 years of preparation 10 years of study god says no 10 months i'm going to make this 10 months you're going to be the solution to a problem that's going to promote you give god a hand for promotion in short order [Applause] read this statement about the crisis god says the reason the dream was given to pharaoh in two forms is that the manner has been firmly decided by god in other words god says there will be economic crisis in egypt and i'm behind it i'm going to cause a farming the word farming in the bible is the same word as economic crisis god says i will create an economic crisis why because i have someone in prison who needs promotion give god a hand for promotion right you got it bastard yeah see he said look some of y'all are so confused about what's going on in the world right now all the oil prices all the joblessness all the unemployment businesses shutting down companies collapsing economies turning upside down governments confused god said this is exciting i'm getting ready to promote my people anybody promotion [Applause] let me take a break in a few minutes and you take a few moments in this mountain i want you to go walk outside for a few minutes today and just look up in the heavens and say god i'm ready for my promotion come on say it i'm ready for my promotion come on everybody say it i am ready for my promotion say it again i am ready um come on tell him tell him i'm ready for my promotion give god a hand you will be promoted in crisis never curse a crisis you are not a part of the system the one who is your father controls the system it's a setup for your move up it's a setup for your promotion joseph became successful because of a crisis moses this will stop at 12 40 right no 12 30. okay i have to close yo i got to come back and do this some other time i thought it was 12 40. it's 12 30. i want to thank you all for listening to me i love you stay where you are please lions are very disciplined sleep get up anytime sit down you receive wait until you are formally released sit down lions are very disciplined that's why they are the leaders first of all lions never keep company with any other animal leaders choose their company secondly lions mark out the territory if you see a lion walking around and begins to urinate be careful he's telling you where not to come you are a lion i want you to before you leave this mountain i want you to go home in your mind and walk around the territory and spiritually urinate [Applause] that's mine oh come on business people go back and take territory [Applause] i mapped out my whole country the bahamas if you go to the bahamas right now but alfie will tell you my name is the number one influence in the country people come to our conferences like this and they come to the airport without visas and the officer would ask them why do you come to the bahamas and they would say i come to miles monroe conference they'd say no problem it's called territory give god a hand you're going to go back and mark on your territory and lions are so strange they don't care who was already in the territory in other words there's some people in buildings that belong to you they're coming out i said they're going gonna turn it over to you in jesus name there's property that other people are on that god's gonna give to you let's go and mark it out hallelujah and the last thing about alliance is this when a lion sees an elephant a lion will never attack when a lion sees an elephant and he marks the one for lunch he never attacks he begins to make a [Music] sound makes a sound and the sound is on a frequency that travels through the bush this sound can only be heard by the other lions in that pride see an elephant is not afraid of one lion because the elephant knows he can destroy him one stop a lion can be killed by an elephant so when an elephant sees a lion alone he's not afraid so the lion does not attack he makes a sound and it travels and all the other lions who's supposed to be a part of that group hears the sound and they know hey someone sees lunch that's why you couldn't stay away from convocation 2013 yes the lions are together the elephants are in trouble clap right now the elephants are in trouble finally when they come together they surround the elephant and guess who attacks first the females clap come on ladies come on ladies come on women of god you ain't afraid of nothing you ain't afraid of nothing you ain't afraid of nothing you are women of god thank god for women that's why i married one that's why you shouldn't marry men if you are a man hallelujah if you want to destroy elephants brother marry a woman because when the females jump on the elephant they dig their claws in they put their teeth in and they never let go when a woman gets her hands on an idea [Applause] come on ladies clap look for me thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes monroe global possible please visit us online at for more product partnership or to join us at one of our live events around the world
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 192,130
Rating: 4.896873 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer, success
Id: bYkWy9XIxH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 30sec (3630 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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