Kingdom Authority, Truth and Purity // Brian Guerin // Living Truth Church // 9.12.20

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such an honor to to be with you all i um how do you never heard me uh speak okay in uh live i guess huh and and whatever so i'll give you a quick backdrop i um i forget where i was last year in arkansas we were up here really powerful but i'm a bethel yep but i just where in arkansas i used to come up to fort smith too you just love it up here it's beautiful louisiana's a little more flat but uh good fishing crawfish do you all eat crawfish up here oh come on man we're basically family i was just in maine i was just up in maine and i was telling them you you know y'all would get it but i was telling them because the big thing up in maine is lobsters and they're amazing as well you just slam them in butter and they're good but i was like man we have lobsters they're just a little smaller they're called crawfish and you eat a lot more at a time and uh but anyway yep i'm uh got born again in in uh 1998 in louisiana radically saved um i don't know where where the group is these these guys up front what what is the backdrop on there man i could just feel heaven on you guys the covenant okay yeah i'm at rehab okay yeah i come out of the same background as i can relate but i just felt heaven on you all in the covenant loyalty man that's very very special um and hope dealers i'm like this is amazing come on this is a good good company for sure but i'll tell you a funny story i got born again 98 and uh out of steeped in sin i mean you know all of it you name it it was really when i'm into something i'm all in and that usually doesn't work too good if you're on the wrong side of the track is all so i was all in it was just the wrong kingdom and um i found myself real fast felonies all kind of stuff the age of 20. but anyway jesus found me 1998 september actually about a couple weeks from now 98 i was 20 years old and wrecked my world man this was not some jesus from some christian magazine or something i ran into the living jesus christ and i want to tell you anybody here tonight on the fence or backslidden we're going to make a chance for you to just you don't there's nothing else in this earth other than jesus christ and your life fully over to him there is nothing yeah everything how many know in the world young people hear me everything is just that dangling carrot before you that you'll never get in the world but jesus you not only can obtain him but he's way more than you could ever think or imagine so i met him and i was just i'd sit in my room and just bawl and cry my eyes out and i said what have i been doing my whole life he's alive he's real a friend that sticks closer to than a brother presence the peace grass was greener i just had no idea so i just love jesus and i figured man the whole world's got to know about jesus which they do so this is a funny story and uh so i was like man college group i got born again and they were called the the upper room and uh i said man let's go hit the streets i know right where to go i just came out of it you know i'm saying let's go right down to college campus lsu was was where i was at baton rouge and uh it was the perfect like buffet for for the gospel for the lost like it was a four-way you could literally cross one street by the circle k and you'd go into the hood which was my connections and drugs and all this you could hop another uh street you'd go into the fraternity boys and all that and then another block the grunge punk i mean you could just pick it whatever you wanted and uh so i brought a college group i'm like this will be brilliant this is amazing we're more manpower now we can just tell them and pull them all out everybody's going to love jesus it's going to be amazing well i pull up i'm telling you night one this this didn't go in my favor how do you know sometimes you have a lot of zeal but wisdom isn't always there yeah this is a lot of my early days and still still current a lot but uh so we pull up and i drove my car that was that was number one no no wisdom so they recognize my car so i've got a college group they're all packed in they've just been in church their whole life don't know anything about the streets well one of my main connections alvin i remember him he would he'd be the guy on the bike to run deep into the hood get the drugs and run back and forth i knew him he sees my car's like brian he rolls up on his bike what you need what you need i'm like alvin man no i got born again i'm trying to witness to him i said man i got born again he goes oh you just want some weed then i'm not kidding that happened i was like bro and you can imagine the college group's like what is going on honestly this isn't working too well so uh but anyway born again louisiana i'll tell you another funny one just to keep it and then we'll just go for it and uh make room is that okay i'm seeing a ton of carpet up here this is perfect bodies and then anybody loves the concrete we've got catchers that just go for it so uh how many of you are into the power of the holy spirit yeah me too man and so is jesus obviously i was reading recently when they came to get him before he uh he's moving powerfully listen to him he's moving right now if the news is loud in some facet you better believe heaven's already a step ahead always you can always bank on it just depends on what channel you're listening to internally he's up to something man i can i can feel it you feel the potency of him the revelation that i'm just i really really like it i'm in a weird way very intrigued and excited right now and you don't look at the newspapers and you wouldn't think so but he's really up to something you see moses uh brought the staff commissioned by heaven under two signs remember the staff to a snake god said i'll give you two wonders before pharaoh this staffed to a snake love your beard bro that is sharp man this guy's rocking the anointed beard uh where are you from arkansas dallas no way dude what have i met you before oh no way i i i knew it was more than the beard i'm feeling drawn to you man i keep looking at you and then i was you got to watch that for ah i'll notice it is though anointed though for sure the beard i've got so many grays i can't i can't do it uh wow so dallas texas what what are y'all doing over there um are you up a room or connected with anybody sorry to put you on the spot i'm super like laid back or whatever uh okay that's awesome man wow hopefully i get to chat with you later and super honored to have you in the school but i'll be in dallas next month with uproom and those guys and hopefully we can see you guys that's awesome man but moses uh staff slings it down snake grabs it pulls it back up hand leprosy in his jacket right two wonders you noticed heaven that's awesome and heaven will sneak in at some of the most inopportune times too just so you know so i don't care go for it if he touches you but you notice moses throws a staff down snake uh hand leprous this that the other then the darkness comes to mimic the darkness always tries to play catch up you guys tracking with me so in the earth you better believe heaven's he's not ordaining a lot of what's going on by any means but he's allowing no way what's up this is how i'm seeing familiar faces he's he nothing initiates outside of his knowing obviously god and he's up to something powerful so um buddies moving in a very powerful way and i just want to encourage you guys i was reading recently right before they captured jesus to take him to the cross and uh they said who we're looking for jesus christ read it it's in only one of the gospels and he says i am he three words because i am he power hits them they all hit the deck people like i don't know about all the slain in the spirit when it happens to you'll know about it you know and not that it's about that but it happens and i'm telling you i've seen people's world get flipped upside the healing and bodies dreams visions destinies that just flip upside down in an instant by the power of god he just loves to move and touch sometimes it's the simplest inner emotion too i'm into all of it i'm not in the manifestation but the power of god is very real and so jesus he it's like he was letting him know one last time before he knew he had to go fulfill the the cross he says i am he three words power all the soldiers hit the deck it says they get back up remember judas led them to him they get back up and it's almost like they they didn't know what just happened and they asked again it's like they forgot what just happened he says we're looking for jesus christ he says i am he but that time he he dialed back his power and he let him take him because it was his time but i'm telling you man when i feel like it lately uh jesus is about to say i am he up in here and and for his kingdom purpose yeah and uh you can feel it man power's going to flow i don't care um not in me i know that it's in jesus christ acts 10 30 says he went about doing good healing all that were oppressed of the devil i don't care how long you've had it how big it seems to be how impossible there's no mountain that can't be thumped by the blood of jesus in an instant i'm telling you man i can feel his authority and i just feel it lately like the enemy is trying to overplay his hand of fear in the earth and and i'm just looking at it the lord's like no sir the fear of the lord is what's coming the reverential all of him period that's what we bow to there's there's an angel it's very interesting in revelation get proceeding to the end times it says he's flying through the air to bring the good news it's a last-day message you're going to hear come on the forefront and he says fear god i'm telling you the fear of the lord it's not always a happy topic or popular but man listen it will bring his power and his kingdom that they sing about and it'll set up dominion matthew 24 before the ten p the parables of the ten versions the end time infrastructure jesus gives the very last thing he says before he returns is you'll notice the gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the world which is salvation but not that alone it's also the good news of the kingdom there's a there's a dominion taking place of him setting foot on the earth and taking over and you can feel it man i really um like it that authority of him that severity side starting to come forth in a beautiful way don't don't get me wrong he's full of love and mercy and kindness and patience but he does not play games you know and you can feel it like the enemies just trying to bring fear i don't like i'll tell you another funny we'll keep it light i can just feel authority to it and man i just love jesus i just want him to be glorified and pleased but i'll tell you a fun one the other day i was in the airport uh yeah we just got back from new york that's what it was i was in atlanta with my daughter oh my son judo you want to stand if you give him a hand 17 he's shaving now it's like wow so i could feel it i was telling my children in passing because i can feel lately just with what the enemy is trying to bear down into the earth and i'm okay with it if that's your reality but when it gets sticky is when you start trying to force your reality on me and i'm not good with that i still love you but your whole world don't don't and something's been asking the lord help me holy spirit cause i can feel it i've been coming close to lines where again love how many of you know we love sinners we just hate the sin you love the wicked you hate wickedness hebrews 1 9 psalm 45 7 says jesus because listen because jesus christ the flawless lamb of god says because he hated wickedness and loved righteousness because of that these are two minds main recipes we need in this hour more than ever before on a higher level we need a greater depth of hating wickedness living pure and holy keeping our eyes clean you hear me and i just had a dream i'm going to stay in this a little bit but just live in pure man because heavens want to step on the spotless bride and display his power but he will not step in polluted waters it's not going to happen and he still loves you the same i'm not saying even your salvation at times won't be questioned but jesus hated wickedness love the wicked but wickedness loved righteousness because of that it says the father looked down and anointed him with the oil of gladness which means to be painted or smeared with i used to paint i wasn't a real good one but but i know what it means it's like really sloshing it up good i'm getting a good coat on and the eternal oil of joy once it's painted upon you it doesn't come off and that's what jesus walked in always and it says the bible it it brought him up beyond his peers are you guys tracking with me so anyway i'm in the uh airport we had just got back and uh a lady was it was a stewardess on the plane that's what it wasn't she you could tell she was in fear and i'm okay with that again if that's your reality i'll meet you where you're at i don't care but when if it's such a reality that you want to enforce you're trying to put it on me i'm like nah that's just not my world i don't do that listen i'll do this right here this is what we do in this hour and like never before yeah and uh and i get listen to me i'm i'm close with all kind of pastors and streams travel all over i hear the stories i know what's real i'm not naive but also this is the standard this is the reality i don't you i don't care statistics latest this none of it if it doesn't line up here it's just it's non-existent you know what i mean it has no weight and so um you can't let circumstances and stories you hear start to dictate your belief pattern this is the plumb line you guys hear me this thing swings from heaven is the perfect upright of heaven's voice his will his purpose his heart and everything else and just because in the earth some things swing a little out of camp from it a little out of whack and it seems real to you in the moment you don't begin to adhere outside of this does that make sense and so now more than ever listen we've got to dig deep in the word old new testament songs probably go deep deep deep become so hungry and infatuated with this thing all the versions i don't care a lot of people are doing the uh the passion translation lately i love it so it's awesome super expressive new living whatever works for you but devour this thing so this lady uh she was sweet uh you know tried to be in and i'm on the plane my daughter's next to me and i forgot honestly the whole mandatory mass thing so i'm in prayer and uh and if you are into him i again if it's your world go for it i don't care i'm not some of them look really cool you can wear a bunch of them i don't have a problem with it but what i have a problem with is when fear though is trying to become the reality over this i don't i don't like that and that's what i'm trying to tactfully in love bring on the forefront back that what jesus did his power what he has available for us to walk in while being wise i'm not saying you know be foolish so anyway uh but this lady was extra uh in fear and that's okay i don't mind i don't mind she had like the mask the shield all of it man just you know walking up the aisles and uh you know she looked great in it pretty lady i don't care i'm with my daughter but i forgot and so i'm in prayer that's another no-no man because i just want to be with him and when you interrupt that my children will tell you that's just don't do that there's nothing more valuable i do than be with him i want to encourage you guys set your life up there where there's nothing more valuable you can do every day than to be with him was it charles and john wesley their mom they said she would lock up in prayer and she said don't even come unless the house is burning down don't come bothering because she knows she knew the value of being with him his presence his voice is everything listen to me there's nothing more valuable this than daily bread the man from heaven so anyway she's like she comes up to me she's like sir sorry she just jabs me in the arm like whoa she kind of startled me he goes mask on mask on i'm like oh yeah yeah sorry i forgot and then i've got this other glitch that's genius on planes if you fly a bunch you just there's this one little writing in there that says if you're eating or drinking you don't have to wear it while you're eating or drinking so it's just einstein it's totally a revelation from heaven i'll keep this big bag of almonds in my lap and just go one at a time real slow kind of flip them over look at them just kind of chew on it and uh and that gets me by a lot of that usually works but this lady was adamant man so uh i think yeah she only told me that one time and uh and then before you know it um anyway but but i go to i go to get off the plane and security gets on the plane and i'm like i saw i normally i'll let my daughter go because you know you do the gentleman thing women go first and all this but i said babe get behind me i didn't want him to intimidate her i saw security i was like nah man and then i could feel it i snapped yeah it probably it might have been some of the holy spirit i hope it is we'll find out one day it was i was in truth but i want to find that balance of love kindness but but also authority and so i'm like man now you're going to get security on me because your world's so you're so bent up by nah i'm good so so this guy he was cool but i said uh because that's what i don't like what's starting to rule people are you guys track with me that's what i love i love it we've got to go for faith listen to me paul just get back into this okay this is what's relevant always this is the standard this is the plumber paul the apostle paul who's filled with the same holy spirit you and i are believes in jesus christ he shipwrecks out of malta he knew what was going to happen angel came to him in the night into the book of acts they go to make a fire the apostle paul they're going to make s'mores on this island he grabbed some wood deadly viper this was not a grass snake deadly viper this is your and i bible end of the book of acts read it for yourself is on tim this is not some covid okay and i'm sorry i'm going there i'm just i'm being honest though like and again again i know i know some of the reality with it but also i'll just tell you straight up i was on the phone the other day with um you guys know roy fields he's an amazing worship leader he's a good friend he he's a tree he's a hoot man i guess the riots we're on facetime catching up been a while and he uh he's like bro what kind of how bad is it if you have to be tested to know if you even had it or not he just tells me that that's a good point man but i do know others just so you know i get the full spectrum i know others have been hit hard lost lives pastors i'm telling i'm telling you from what a real full spectrum but also whatever's real does not override this that's all i'm saying so paul as believers listen to me in this hour we've got to we've got to get back to fasting prayer holy ghost field bible believing authentic you know what i'm saying like we need that walking the earth and that's kind of what i was wanting the security guy to feel i think i'm hoping that i'm hoping to have him give me a check on that one but um because i was like now we're going here now their reality is fear right which again i don't mind my heart goes out to them i just don't like when they're trying to over impose it when we have faith and so paul deadly viper latches on to him he didn't flip out run for the germax bottle i'm just being honest with you okay again don't don't take this i don't mean to step on toes i'm just i want to crush fear and have us jesus christ that his blood hit the globe the most powerful substance to ever be shed stripes by his stripes you were healed you know what i mean and and i like i love that because that's what's in heaven he didn't run off anyway he shakes the deadly viper off he's like get the marshmallows and hershey's like went straight off to s'mores totally fine they on the island they thought they were gods they're like how did you live a deadly viper latched on to you mark 16 out of the voice of jesus read letters you're in our bible says the same jesus says he sends them out he says you'll do mighty signs you'll preach the gospel heal the sick deadly serpents won't hurt you you'll drink poisonous things deadly poisonous things they will not faze you listen i've been in cancer where aids open wombs sick villages whatever it is and i just want to again raise expectancy faith in the body of christ get that tenacity back into the belief of the word because you you begin to yield to whatever you yield to becomes your reality and you become submitted to by default just so you know i'm serious if you if you yield and submit to fear by default you become subject to it in whatever's under that umbrella are you guys tracking with me faith gives your umbrella then you're like oh my goodness stuff is rolling off of you you don't know how you're just you know full of power heaven and then you're the the sphere of life light and power so this guy gets me off he's cool but i realized this lady had caused the narrative to sound like we were some big troublemakers me and my daughter i'm like oh my gosh man i was in prayer i forgot and she's got security waiting on me i was like nah we're not doing that right now so i said i said listen to me man just you know i'm super kind considered i'm not a controversial guy but it went there and i saw i said listen to me and i'm telling you the body of christ you can feel it the lord is has the body of christ starting to raise up in a very authoritative way not out of arrogance ever complete humility complete meekness sincere love consideration considering others better than yourselves this is all in the full context of scripture but also with authority in heaven i was just reading in acts 13 in full of the holy spirit in power we cannot come off the supernatural right now at all we need to go deeper into the fullness of this word i was reading in acts 13 um and i'll finish the story with the security guy um i just i'm feeling pulled and uh but i was reading acts 13 okay new covenant okay that everybody calls the grace dispensation and it is it's god's love but also the bible is clear it says behold the kindness and severity of god he's full and all of it's perfect love but paul acts 13 it says him and barnabas are rocking through preaching the gospel and it says all of a sudden they roll up into a region pappos where there's a false prophet and uh if you read closely it says the false prophet a sorcerer basically he attached himself to the governor and that's what a lot of what you're seeing in our modern day you're seeing that it's all we all know what's going on it's just totally we don't rest on this flesh and blood it's dark powers obviously we love humanity but there's a stirring up of it but what you're seeing is dark fueled based agendas that are attaching to government because the government has the authority and say so over regions so the very same thing happened in acts 13. same thing happened with a haman remember and then mordecai he tried to you see it all throughout scripture well current day this was happening these demonic fueled um things are coming up and attaching to get through government to to force their agenda and i'm like whatever we just do heaven so it happened in acts 13 it says a sorcerer a false prophet attaches himself to the governor i guarantee if that guy was like a librarian he wouldn't attach himself to him they want to they want authority to try and force it over the people so paul loving gracious forgiving paul and this is stuff you're going to start seeing again out of love but the church we are the we are the salt of the earth we're filled with the light the kingdom of heaven that cannot be shaken we're the only ones how many of you are born again in here yeah come on we are the only ones with the kingdom that can't be shaken period that's all we need to get the harvest and the people born again because anybody outside of any other you know in any other sphere anything they touch can be shaken and will be but uh paul he comes through and it says the governor that this this false prophet attached himself to was intrigued about their message because it was new so he says i kind of want to hear what they're talking about the good news of jesus christ so he calls for paul and barnabas and the sorcerer were y'all just in that recently or they're just talking they're just excited about it but anyway uh the false prophet prophet gets in the governor's ear and he tries to make crooked the past he says no he tries to divert the situation to get away from paul and barnabas he was just pressing against this situation paul if you read closely acts 13 it says paul or a says saul also known as known as paul comma full of the holy spirit that's the key right now i'm telling you we got to stay full of the holy spirit full it says paul full of the holy spirit turned and looked the sorcery in the eye he says you son of the devil full of every everything wrong basically i curse you basically on the spot sorry but this is this is just this just is what it is and it says blindness will come upon you for a season isn't it interesting in the encounter when paul was persecuting the church what happened to him blindness remember three days so that he he carried something in that realm that he could also release it that that's a very powerful dynamic in the spirit that which you tap into in the secret it has been imparted to you by god you carry in a in a powerful kingdom impartation way but anyway curses the man goes blind and it says right after that the governor believed because he saw he didn't preach the gospel or anything yet he says because he saw that the supernatural display all that being said we've got to have the holy spirit i'm seeing there was a major church situation with a pastor that the government was coming against and two nights ago i went to a dream where i saw it wasn't going to turn out good for the pastor which i wish it would we're all kingdom and body you know whatever whether our beliefs are the same it's a different denomination but they don't believe in the holy spirit in the supernatural the power so they're going at it in the natural legal against legal and that's not how we wrestle you wrestle again we don't rest in this flesh and blood but in the spirit so we need that's what says paul full not halfway not a slightly half full tank full slam full of the holy spirit turns to him looked him in the eye and dominates the situation reversed it governor gets born again on the spot and so in this hour as you're seeing these things elevate we need the church full of the holy spirit you won't win in the natural and we don't that's just not how we fight anyway so anyway i'm this this guy i'm like look uh he's trying to tell me his world and i said um i said look man i know what's y'all's reality and i think it's don't have a problem with it but let me tell you what's my reality and what i believe and what i know i'm a preacher of the gospel of jesus christ i have seen legs short i started telling this guy my daughter was like oh she said they're going oh here we go and uh but i think they need to hear that man i'm just like what are we doing anyway anymore like let's just go for it i kind of don't care anymore let's just kick it in fifth gear yeah like either this thing's real or it's not you know what i mean let's wake up tomorrow morning fall madly in love with jesus christ just do what he tells you to do and let the chips fall out where they do while you're loving people you love them but also it's like you know i think it's healthy to see authority and power and so uh and just heaven just people full of heaven so um yeah i was like listen man i i you know basically i get what's real to you and what you all are trying to implement i apologize i forgot but let me tell you what i know it's your reality let me tell you it's my reality what i know i'm a preacher of the gospel of jesus christ i have seen deaf ears open by the power of the holy spirit in the name of jesus christ you're in that atlanta airport people going everywhere i said i've seen legs shorter than the other grow out by the power of the holy spirit in the name of jesus christ because we're not we're not going to mix words now that we're going there you they came to me so i'm like we're going here and you're trying to force your agenda and what you believe i get it government's behind it that's fine but i've got a higher government here and then and and please hear me i'm not condoning go go i'll be some maverick you know i get it like be compliant when you can my whole point is is fear if you're not careful is trying to um you know have its way and grip people and i'm not a big fan of that that's all and another thing you want to do is be consumed with this and the newsreel of heaven not what's going on down here and uh so anyway security guys like he goes amen amen he was like yeah amen and uh we shook hands you know blessed them we went on and had a good day but um yeah but we just we got to get back listen to fasting prayer filled with the holy spirit and power don't come off of it pray in the holy ghost pray in tongues say well my mind doesn't really understand it real well the bible doesn't ask your mind to understand it it's a mystery you know we got to get back to the foundational things and stay filled with the spirit ephesians 6 i'll share this quick dream i had today for tonight and then i won't keep you too too long and we'll just lay hands is that okay yeah i saw you already doing it so i figured it was a green light yeah and um if you all want prayer would love to lay hands on you and we'll have catchers and just go for it i mean the laying on of hands is very biblical there's a transference that happens yep uh the bible says you will lay hands on the sick and they will recover their paul even says those gifts that were imparted to you he writes us in the word by the laying on of hands we've seen that there's supernatural gifts of heaven that get deposited in an instant by the laying on of hands um apostle paul and barnabas received their call as apostles by the laying on of hands they were prophets and teachers in acts 13. it says the holy spirit said set apart for me paul and barnabas so i can send them sending is an apostle fasted prayed hands laid on elders of the sick lay hands uh elders started like hands on the sick anyway i'm just trying to give you a lot of scripture for but the laying on of hands is super biblical and profound and uh and again i just want to crush the whole the the last thing you need to worry about is cobid when we're laying hands i'm going to breathe on people i don't care you'll get the holy spirit that's that's about it into the book of john it says jesus um breathed on the disciples you say where is that in the bible he breathed on them and they got filled with the holy spirit it's the ruach breath of god you know when the holy spirit came there's a mighty wind and i'm telling you i think many of you get a fresh baptism of the holy spirit dreams revelations divine encounter a deep connect with heaven the whole point first and foremost of all of this is to fall madly in love with him and the holy spirit does that better than anybody he's so infatuated with jesus christ he'll possess you start to produce holiness in you which sin separates from god so he's like you know we gotta get rid of get rid of that first you know and he he gives you a grace for it and then it he he begins to remove it straighten the crooked path of our life and jesus comes in fully deep deep intimacy with him and then you can obey more clearly because you hear his voice more clearly so anyway i had this dream real quick uh powering up today you guys get dreams uh how it works yep um it was very simple i saw a white belt be put on and tied into a knot which is um honestly i'll just tell you it was a karate belt which is i don't know that probably really makes sense to somebody here too but i knew it had to do with preparation in in warfare and stuff that some of you have been going through because karate is a fighting type tactic but the white belt is purity and the tying they're not making a covenant with purity when you tie it out it's a covenant with such a thing but also it's the belt of truth out of ephesians 6. i've seen this before when i see belts there's something with the spirit of truth the holy spirit wants to bring again right now that there's been deception and crooked ideas and ideologies which is okay we've all been there but truth and purity does that make sense to you guys the bible says you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free and jesus describes the holy spirit as the spirit of truth capital letters so we're going to pray for a fresh baptism of the holy spirit who is the spirit of truth and listen man old revelation will come that'll unlock lies re rejection false ideologies things that keep you bound and also healing in bodies and there's going to be freedom but also purity produced and i've really been seeing him after that just over and over in different ways by revelation he's really producing purity so i want to touch on that real quick and then we'll make time to pray together are we we're somewhere else tomorrow right okay okay nice do you all know where we're going tomorrow awesome i'm following you okay yes andy you don't know okay you want to announce it quick before we bomb goes off later yeah tomorrow we'll be at my church uh 165 cove chapel road it's in springfield it's up uh around damascus area so it's up in there so it's uh it's kind of out in the middle of nowhere so you know don't don't feel like that i'm lost you know just keep driving and you will come to him i always tell people it's it's one of those churches that if you're coming to our church you're coming to our church that's so awesome yeah man come on we'll just shift it and i was just up in uh indiana and it was an outdoor tent deal it was a blast man it felt like i felt like r.w schambach or something like some old tent revival and uh do any of you know who he is rw schambach oh my goodness a lot of you don't this guy you got to look him up on on some old videos if you can he was a worship leader for a.a allen these old tent revivalist gunners he would take five gallon buckets of oil he wouldn't get the little on the you know the forehead anoint you with oil he would get five gallon buckets that come through the sick line and he would dunk his hands wrist deep almost elbow deep you know five gallon bucket and just slap oil all over you wang be healed in jesus name crazy miracles power so it was awesome we're at um indiana and bodies are just flying off under the grass by the and there's lightning bugs flying around which is awesome and lightning bugs i had one tracking with me while i was preaching they loved the glory so a real quick purity um jesus is purifying his bride man like never before and he's just all he's asking for he gives the grace and the empowerment it's by his blood you can't live pure outside of him and cultivating and sustaining a deep intimate life with him we just got real serene i guess the ac shut off and uh so intimacy is how it's fueled bible says throw off in hebrews those sins that so easily entangle us looking unto him so there's always a cooperation of looking to him as how you keep them off of you but also it asks for you to throw them off does that make sense a lot of us think well if the lord wants it he'll do it and and it's like no he's he'll ask and holy spiritual gentleman and he'll woo and ask again but the more you you shun and aren't pliable his voice will get more obscure in that area and you'll start to justify these things he still loves you but also jesus can't fully walk where there's tainted waters that's why i sent john the baptist first to make straight the crooked paths and then he says yeah yeah those are pure and straight watch it he steps in fully well just as so in our individual lives does it does it happen this way the holy spirit if we allow him to have full reign and get those little weeds out and those little foxes that the song of solomon mentions they so easily spoil the vine you know i look at it as is it mentioning jesus because jesus comes in the new testament says i am the vine i am the vine he says abide in me and let my words abide in you and you'll bear much fruit so listen if you need more fruit in your life success if you want to call it that whatever it is all you do is you abide in him the fruit then fruit happens you can't stop it from happening you ever seen those believers they just got born again and you're wondering how they're just shooting off like a rocket and the things of god there's fruit all around them they're just in a glory bubble and they're just so madly in love with jesus they abide in him but it's before they get caught up in the martha stuff of thinking oh i've got to do the fruit myself i've got to produce the fruit and make it look just right and it's like that's when it diminishes you can't even produce it for you look to him and abide in him jesus you're everything to me i'm useless without your presence i'm useless without your voice just speak you are the manna that comes down from heaven and i'm telling you you want your whole life all your chips in that basket i don't care what your career is your title how long you've been around been a believer or not that's you when i'm all in there i'm so grateful he made it that way the first and greatest commandment is to love him with all of your heart mind and soul and um but from that he he produces purity but that vine it says in song of solomon that it's the little foxes that come and destroy it it's the little things how do we know that the devil it doesn't say it's the big bears of the lions like the devil's sharp he's not gonna you know he doesn't come at you if you're a believer which most are in here um he doesn't come at you with these blatant crazy sins he starts with the little ones just open your eye gate a little bit more go ahead and click over that one one further on the internet or into that search bar or whatever it may be or lit it's okay to hear that and listen to that listen to me start cutting people off listen if jesus hated wickedness and if it has to come with the wicked person love them but i'm not i'm not into your wickedness so sorry you got to go too i'm serious like you got to get real diligent about it vigilant like i remember when i was i was born again um it's funny my dad used to tell me this i didn't realize it but we built custom homes for years about a decade before full-time ministry uh got so busy i couldn't do it anymore you know i got born again though and i fell in love with jesus i got filled with the holy spirit and the holy spirit's holy you know and just anymore in life i'm like man what pleases you holy spirit i read the other day that those that are controlled by the spirit even their thoughts are pleasing to him it's what you think about but you meditate upon what you allow to get around you and in your world and and i can you can start to the more you yield your life to to that what pleases you you start to realize what doesn't please him i'm so sorry wash me holy spirit i was in the brownsville revival uh two years that's where i graduated bible college steve hill one of the baddest evangelists yeah to ever hit the globe it's beautiful he would tell us you said look all i do when i mess up or drop the ball we've all fallen short of the glory of god he said i just looked at you say wash me jesus make me new and he gets back and he doesn't do it anymore the repentance is very simple it's just turning you were going this way you allowed this little fox you kick it out and you turn the other way i was in dominican public one time preaching and there was a fox he was he was in the form of a chihuahua though and i was running getting my cardio in and uh and i found a perfect block but this chihuahua was like he thought he was a dumb vermin pincher or something i'm like bro you weigh like two pounds like don't get you know proud here and i love animals but he just needed to be humbled so i'm running and he'd start snapping at my ankles and i'm like bro i can end your world real fast and so i so i was like we need to definitely have an agreement because i'm going to be here all week i need to run right here so sure enough he came up bold again and i had some big old nike air is on and he just came at the perfect time i was in backstride he was spinning like a tornado shooting that way and he was fine but then i came back around the block and he just hung out by the curb and kind of gave me a look we had a mutual agreement he was like i'm not as big as i think i am and but the little foxes you want to do that way just give them a shoe in the mouth and you say well but it's you know it's been around so long or it's connected to so-and-so it doesn't matter man the holy spirit's the most valuable relationship you'll ever have your friendship with jesus christ is the most valuable one you'll ever have and sometimes you got to just you know cut a line in the sand and move it but uh but those little foxes will come and start to eat at the vine and diminishes and then you're abiding in the vine is is polluted you know and that fruit uh starts to wean and and your most importantly your relationship with jesus starts to starts to fade and you become dull to things that used to be sharp to in conviction you guys remember that and so we wanted to come back again the beauty of jesus is this pulpit's sweet man i don't know what this is i just noticed it this is awesome do you know what i know the pastor's back there what is it yeah that's gorgeous did you have a custom made i figured bro that's bad to the phone my custom mine will start working and that's awesome but um yeah but anyway you guys get get the point we just want to let him have full rain and sometimes it's the simplest reassessment readjustment yielding becoming pliable again to him and the holy spirit having his way joy i'll start breaking out so awesome let's stand and i welcome him and then we'll uh we'll pray quick see what the holy spirit will do yeah thank you jesus maybe the worship team could come would be awesome joy unspeakable and full of glory thank you jesus yeah just put your hand on your heart we'll pray together corporately sometimes this helps and let the lord wash us thank you jesus and bring the spirit of truth just say this after me lord jesus wash me and make me new be glorified in my life holy spirit make straight the crooked paths now come into my life jesus have your way in your precious name amen
Channel: Brian Guerin
Views: 8,973
Rating: 4.9514565 out of 5
Keywords: Father, Son, Holy Spirt, God, Jesus, Holy Ghost, Prayer, Fasting, Intimacy, Son of God, Glory, Signs, Wonders, Miracles, Angels, Power, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Teacher, 5 Fold Ministry, Prophecy, Prophetic, Stillness, Meditation, Worship, Spirituality, Spirit, Supernatural, Divine, Encounters, Angelic, Glory Nights, Glory Cruise, Jesus Conference, Jesus' Bride, Bridal Glory, Spirit and the Bride, Brian Guerin
Id: n3H469WirPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 39sec (2739 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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