To Diligently Seek the Lord // Brian Guerin // Kingdom Awakening Ministries 8.22.20

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i don't know you got to keep your word be integrous yeah anyway i brought that back but it's got a bunch of holy oil on it praise god man acts 19 11 says i i touched on it briefly last night that handkerchiefs god did extraordinary miracles by the hands of paul and how many of you know we all have the same holy spirit i remember when i was first born again um like last it was two months ago just got born again for the two people that didn't hear me [Music] they're like what why did i bring this guy up in there i'm teasing but uh when i got born again at 20 i would read those stories and be like man that would be amazing but that's certainly for the super saints have you ever done that you read the word and you think but the more i'm in this thing i'm like man god's no respecter of persons and you have the same holy spirit i do and and it's in there for us really jesus the highest model anything he touched into he says we'll do greater works i believe in quantity and quality because it's all him anyway so i mean i heard of a story recently where someone was raised from the dead in germany after four days lazarus was i want to say three um i forget but anyway um was it four lazarus as well yep sorry well somebody matched the lord on that one oh thank you so much and uh but anyway jesus said out of his own mouth we'll do greater works than he did uh monique let me know if god's been sharing anything with you if you want to share anything whatever she's slammed full of oil but in worship i was just feeling drawn if there's anything you want to share come get me but uh anyway but acts 19 it says god did extraordinary miracles by the hands of paul handkerchiefs would physically touch him all right sweat hankies you blow your nose in them things like this just handkerchiefs nothing profound about him didn't say the certain you know this certain specific one it was the anointing and literally would touch him then you could take the cloth put them on sick bodies people would be healed demons we're talking the eternal realm demons possessing people would fly out from a handkerchief that a man of god touched isn't that crazy that's in your and i word the bible and uh soon anyway that's what we're believing for here i want to pray for uh is there any way we can get a hold of some anointing oil in this building no way praise god i'll just make sure i heard right one of the strangest thing was in prayer this morning and i saw uh the old um well i don't know if any of you ever heard of uh rw schambach he was like an old revivalist he was the worship leader yeah for a.a allen amazing thank you so much what flavor we got here frankincense and myrrh wow still smells heavenly just pretend that you're sick if you want to know any this on you she's just like i don't know i'll probably have something just lay hands on me this stuff smells amazing we were just in a meeting in uh alabama methodist church holy ghost is smashing this place you're seeing miracles it's a move of god and uh i saw the whole burning bush shoes off your feet thing before the meeting and i was preaching on it and i didn't know but burning started uh like incense and burning broke out in the meeting this has happened before i was up in whitefish montana and people like the wife literally this was just a month ago she thought someone was burning down the building because they're kind of persecuted in the area and stuff she goes no that can't be and then her son thought my microphone was starting to burn from electronics i didn't know what it was where it was coming from the pastor throws the leaves and it's uh usually a manifestation but there's sometimes anointing oil too ascent will come through the room and it's jesus loves this stuff um but anyway one of the things i saw this morning was r.w schambach from old he would get a five-gallon bucket of oil we won't do this to you we'll spare you miles says let's do it well get the bucket anyway he would dip both of his hands up wrist deep you just come by the prayer lines you go ch he gets to slap you just slosh oil all over your power be healed in jesus name i saw that this morning in my hotel room and so if you're specifically sick at the end of this i want to maybe get miles myself pastor john whoever and specifically lay hands on you with oil i believe you guys are going to work miracles exactly amen [Laughter] yes indeed anyway i saw there's a yard sale over there is that our people oh man we got to go rummage through that thing in a little bit soon pick up some goodies before i go to the airport me and jude are like check this out bro yard sale the holy spirit's all about a good deal [Laughter] anyway but um but that would be in the word of god where you you get the elders and and there's the laying anointed anoint your hands with oil lay hands on the sick anoint people with oil and you will be healed we know it's always the word and there's there's also healing without oil and there's just different dimensions but when you see it in prayer often there's a method listen that was years ago i was in prayer and um this goes down to where the bible says jesus did only what he saw the father doing he would see it first in prayer and then walk it out and look if you can get to that realm you obey with such accuracy the potency really amps up the success in him if you will because you're literally just walking in step with him those that are led by the spirit those are the true sons and daughters of god the bible says in romans and um so i remember i was in prayer years ago they said william branham i know there's a lot of kind of controversy on that but he was a legit man of god powerhouse there's a lot misconstrued on his latter day part of his life a.a allen as well listen to this man you better when you start touching the anointing the anointed of god you better know what you're talking about that's thin ice i just don't go there i would advise the same don't go there well well they're anointed look david i was just reading it lately and a man came up thinking what's that that's awesome he's like that's good yeah i got my boy in the back shouting me down that's awesome man but i was reading recently you all know when saul and jonathan got finally taken out and david was raised to power as he should have been god anointed him as king who the prophet samuel well uh the the runner kind of comes to tell the news to david he says look i saw him leaning on his own spear he told me take him out i did the just thing took him out here's his you know sword and whatever david says look to your own mouth man you you were bold enough to touch the anointing of god no sir look look i mean there's something to do with and listen i'm not for compromise and you know all that stuff but the anointed of god you just don't touch them it's just they're anyway and take a day or two in their shoes and then talk to me really man really i see too much people talking and i'm like god have mercy they've never walked at that level they don't know the opposition that comes with it the authority in that realm and again you don't you don't compromise or excuse things that aren't jesus but still anyway um a.a allen it was falsified towards the end of his life that he was a drunkard and an addicted alcohol and things like this powerful man of god listen he locked up in prayer some of the stuff i want to talk about this morning briefly won't keep you long then we'll lay hands on the sick five gallon buckets of oil and oil does not come out of stuff i don't know if y'all know that no we'll go easy yeah um but anyway he he he was really hungry for the lord in the power of god listen miracles it's for today jesus christ is the same yesterday today and forever never going to stop that he only builds actually from glory to greater glory and a.a allen said this mike you've got my good side i'm messing with you i'm totally teasing you do you do your thing i don't really have a good side he was so hungry for god he's like man i've got to see you move you know the from biblical the biblical standards and uh so he locked up gallon of water and just went in his closet and he's like babe told his wife when i come out i'll come out similar thing to william branham listen man these these age old generals stir me and especially the word first and foremost stay in the word and um but there's modern day generals that walk this thing out that uh can really wreck you and you see things they learned allen as a young boy a whirlwind would follow him and it would just appear in the tops of trees and as a young boy he was totally uh not raised born again at all you know his his dad was a um made like moonshine illegally you know this is the kind of was it kentucky or i forget where he grew up was it arkansas okay and uh you know just country boy they said a light came in and hovered over when he was born and they didn't know what it was parents weren't believers anything like what in the world and uh people say he thought he was elijah at the end but that's nowhere in his sermons at all it was falsified totally people listen the enemy will try whatever he can to stop lineage in heaven on somebody and the very first supernatural photo ever caught they they documented was in one of his meetings this pillar this angel really would come and it'd show up as a pillar of light over him and next to him and things like this we've seen it in certain meetings but literally he'd tell you he'd wait for the angel of the lord to come an angel came finally this whirlwind it showed up when he was a young boy in the top of a tree he was like that's not normal kind of like the burning bush with moses he says then he's going to get water for his dad pails of water his dad making moonshine things like this a voice came out of the tree says look don't ever defile yourself in any way don't drink don't smoke the things he knew as a young boy begin to told him stay pure and you saw how when that worship was amazing again you guys are incredible but you saw when you hit give us clean hands on a pure heart you felt the room shift i'm telling you man you've got to watch this we were just in new york major joy squirrels heaven and then they hit holy holy is the lord and the whole atmosphere shifted heaven's on it man right now listen the closest proximity you get to the throne is the four living creatures in scripture main theme holy holy holy the nearer you want to get to him purity is there in a beautiful way i love that miles touched on that is that's what it's all from to and sustained in intimacy anyway i love that it you can his presence i love like daniel kalinda likens it to this he says it's like if you were in a big um you know like this auditorium whatever it is and there's a curtain with a crack in it somewhere he says the glory of the presence you're normally feeling for that opening and then so i would be behind it feeling pop you feel it and you go in you open it though the secret place is that way when you hit realms he's still there it's still powerful but you hit it and everything shifts and everybody gets pulled in it's like wait we just hit a chamber with a key that's different the notch is lined up and it turns and it unlocks and that's helpful for the secret place corporally to watch it because if you unlock it in the secret place go there public and watch it open up and pull people in and it's beautiful um anyway whirlwind show up it scared him he dropped the water and ran home try to tell his mom like you're hallucinating son grew up older several times the world one would follow him this is the spirit and power of elijah okay this isn't elijah at all but when you see whirlwinds you got to watch how god encounters you there's mystery in it always the burning bush with moses because the fire of god would purge his people out of egypt but then in the wilderness to prepare them for the promised land so he'll come in a manifestation that depicts your call it's beautiful blinding like to paul to bring illumination revelation i saw the scales and they fell off unto his people angel of the lord of hosts to joshua and what'd he do all the days of his life with the sword and conquer and take ground and jericho and so however he encounters you pay very close attention because there's details in it of what you're called to so this whirlwind it's when you see winds it's always how did elijah get caught up whirlwind the so much so that the prophet said towards the end they said but maybe just a whirlwind pick them up and set him up somewhere else they were so it was such a normal thing around him whirlwinds and um but towards the end he says man it came again he's told his wife he says look i don't know it's going to go here but there's just something i believe with commissional encounters um sending unlocking listen to our forgot it's the master lock it's unlocking the master there's really something on you with that man and uh but anyway it came again he told his wife uh william branham just a normal pastor not a lot going on he says i've got to figure this out like something's up i don't understand so he told her same thing babe i'll be back when i'll be back if i come back and sometimes how do you know it takes a tenacious pursuit of god to encounter him look i'm not into works it's all him anyway it's the holy spirit that even stirs you to look his way but there's a diligence coming up in people a tenacity uh the the fervent prayer of the righteous elijah prayed seven times till he saw the the the cloud the size of a man's hands daniel just think if he stopped on day 20 with the fast he would have never got the revelation prayer heard day one but 21 days there's a battle in the heavens and so he goes and locks up in a cabin he had somewhere and sure enough he says at the 11th hour which really they think was around probably 3 a.m it just meant it was it was cliche phrase for like the the last hours of the night so um which also that reminds me i know i'm all over the place i'm just feeling just following um how many of you know john paul jackson he was a prophet amazing man of god yep it was really honored to meet him me and michael columnist in his office the year before he passed it general general of the faith listen his eyes will pierce you and i'm sitting there like a kid in a candy store just talk whatever whenever however and the authority and power of god and just intimacy he was on character integrity of certain other but he was born in the 11th month of his mother's womb many people don't know this he was a sign a prophet has an 11th hour prophet okay he was in his mother's room for 11 months it was a full-blown silent wonder john paul you can look this up born and god spoke to his mom he's a sign and he's in that i love an 11th hour prophet and he passed recently so all that being said if you think we're anywhere near the end we're at the end of the end okay i'm not condoning jesus is going to return tomorrow but we're in the last of the last days you need to know that you need to know the times and seasons things are amping up and it's exciting like we got to carry the last baton anyway he goes in this um cabin pursues heaven about the 11th hour just water fasting prayer and all of a sudden a bean comes in an angel he could see he could see a light shining on the floor angel comes in and commissions him under two things he says i commission you under the order of moses two gifts as i gave moses i give you the ability to read men's hearts and heal the sick and and then from that his ministry was known from crazy words of knowledge and power you can look them up on old videos it was wild and but he would sit there and minister they said he would literally he would just wait for the angel of the lord until the angel of the lord came they said sometimes the meetings were totally boring he was just waiting for the glory really he'd be just fumbling and talking and then all of a sudden his his like left or right arm start shaking when the angel would come next to him then they said the whole room would shift he would say right now take authority anything that is not under heaven in this room and just the whole round would shift then power miracles see people would come up like yep you're not for you're not even here for you you're here for your daughter she has cancer i mean down to the t in miracles and um anyway but it was falsified with him a a allen locks up same thing and the lord spoke to him he says there's 14 things you've got to get out of your life i think he listed all 13 but the 14th when nobody ever knew not even his wife it was so personal and he turned from them and haven't anointed him with crazy power fasting and prayer in his closet and i'm telling you there's going to be a stirring listen to me young people you're going to feel the lord pull you in the enemy's like oh no no no no get busy do something distraction something don't do that and you want to lock up listen people think you're nuts let them think you are because when you come out it's going to be all she wrote really really that jesus christ modeled it 40 day fast he went in the wilderness led by the spirit spirits in front of him and if you really closely in the book of luke it says he came out of the wilderness in the spirit's power you go in led you come out possessed and i'm telling you he's wooing people right now i want to touch on it briefly um matthew 25 the 10 bridesmaids he's starting to amp up the five with too much oil right now and you you want i'm trying to woo us myself included into the five with extra oil but a.a allen i love this uh bobby connor will tell you out of his own mouth he's a prophet too amazing revere him dearly um he uh what's going on over there y'all got some secrets oh yes praise god frankincense and myrrh come on bro nothing but quality in this house spirit of excellence anyway he some of the some some people that had authored some books i know them but they were some of our criteria to read in bible college we had to read about them said some of these falsified things about these generals well bobby was just repeating kind of parroting what he had heard about say hey allen some of these guys jesus christ came to him himself he says why are you lying about my friend a.a allen bobby connor will say this out of his own mouth he goes what do you mean lord i'm just saying what i was taught and know to be true by records the record books you better get heaven's record book listen don't touch the anointed even let's say there were legitimate mistakes get to heaven god keeps no record of wrongs to those who truly repented man as one i told you last night hebrews 10 14 again not condoning compromise but he's good and love first corinthians 13 keeps no record of wrongs he's the god of a clean slate and brand new and uh anyway so he tells bobby he says why are you lying about you know hey allen he's like lord i'm just repeating this thing another and the lord began to reveal to him how a doctor was paid to falsify his death certificate and say alcohol was in his blood to diminish his credit his credibility and legacy in god the devil listen he'll he'll know if he's like i can't stop him now let me just cut off their legacy so nobody will learn and glean and be stirred from it he'll stop it however he can before during or after so sure enough bobby repented told the truth about it and then it came out later that the doctor like later repented that sure enough he had falsified light he had been paid he was an authentic man of god all the way to the end isn't that awesome so some of the stuff you hear listen you better make sure heaven's saying it otherwise i wouldn't touch it or don't get on it it's just thin ice why even go there and often they're they're the lord's friend and he loves them dearly so david so many mistakes that we you know all know to be true and we all make at some point but david's he's written as a man after god's own heart that's how he's seen in god's eyes you know um i'll share it quick i've been sharing it lately but roland bach generation ago too powerful man just a normal pastor loved the lord it was in his office reading one day and just bam went out and got taken into an encounter and he's in the heavenly realm the lord showing him records and books of from the generals of all david sampson all these guys and he knows their stories as a pastor and he's reading through them he's like god where's the account where abraham lied about sarah like it's not in there sarah laughed in doubt like it's not in there he says these record books are all wrong god goes what do you mean i don't keep records of wrong they're not there in the record books of heaven isn't that amazing and if you say i don't know how biblical that is hebrews 11 is the new testament lens in this start looking at how the new testament covenant through you've been forever made perfect those that are being made holy right and hebrews 11 has them all in there pastor john wasn't it i think stephen said samson's in there anyway sarah all of them and just righteous holy you know pure qualified faithful and again just to encourage us because the enemy loves to try and keep us trapped or cut off legacy and things like this but still we live holy and pure and go for it but anyway so um let me see what time we got here 11 55. we got our oil just trying to make sure awesome maybe we'll line up front and yeah just go for it and all right just make sure we got everything um yeah fresh oil come on where are you from ma'am oh really you sure are beautiful you're from massachusetts or you're from the area new hampshire oh manchester is it all new england isn't it yeah that helps me boy that keeps me safe i just should say new england new hampshire oh yeah we're getting that bucket full thank you buddy oh yes anybody wants the double dose we'll get you this bottle anybody wants to keep your outfit clean dose we'll go with this one [Laughter] yeah man oil so yeah i want to talk to you briefly about this though there's a even a deeper meaning in oil that's tied into intimacy with the lord it's so beautiful in this hour man and he's raising a people up that have endless supplies of this and you see it matthew 25 won't be here long at all but this is one of the few fewest if only places jesus condones excess meaning look just have too much i don't even need i'm not even going to put a cap on this for you personally just have too much of this right now in this hour and this is the hour i was hearing it before things got crazy in 2020. let's be honest this year is going to go down is like the craziest ever you know what i mean and uh but with sensing some things and then definitely seeing some things that started to play out and we're seeing an increase but uh but this oil right now and just to really uh preface it fast if matthew 24 that i talked about last night when you read it halftime is where jesus says look it's it's the kind of infrastructure for the end times and the increase of pressures you you guys know matthew 24 not a popular chapter but war they'll be nation against nation famine earthquakes things like this and really all of them are cracking and popping to be honest with you a lot of us think well that's that's for the future no we're in the thing listen we're in it just have that sons of israel no times and seasons we're deep into it i'm convinced we're further into the book of revelation than many think you know i won't go there but um matthew 24 he basically jesus goes through the the parameter of the end times the pressures and then immediately read it for yourself he jumps into what we just turned into the next chapter but how do you know the original word there weren't chapters it just basically jesus kept talking and he goes right into the parable of the ten bridegroom so the ten virgins super interesting like boy that was a a clear shift like man he just was going this direction and then bam it felt like he just went to a totally different topic about the tent the parable of the the ten virgins but obviously the lord was calculated in this and look the gist of it is for the sake of time jesus says look he goes into this parable he says there will be ten virgins there are ten bridesmaids five were wise and five were foolish and look at this i was reading this recently in chronicles second chronicles 4 if you want to read it when you have time and i could see it i could see where i believe the lord was figuratively pulling from if you see in solomon's temple solomon i just touched on the purity side last night the ten basins five on each wall for clean hands and a pure heart in the sea well if you go deeper right before the holy of holies let's call this gateway right here the doorway in matthew 25 to the wedding feast deep intimacy and union with him and doorways of destiny that are continually opening up that only extra oil can get you through listen where you as you walk through life doorways pop up they're constantly destiny doorways popping up that the is trying to pull you through and if you don't have extra oil you can't get through this is biblical i wish it was all like yeah we all graduate just because we're saved it doesn't work that way or the temple that houses the presence of god but leading into the most holy place if you want to look at solomon's temple same thing right well look how solomon builds this by the heaven's blueprint right outside the holy of holies he also builds ten lamp stands puts five on each wall there's a split between the ten five and five on each wall jesus just ironic in matthew 25 he says look there's ten brides they all have lamps they all have lamp stands right outside the doorway to the holy of holies the wedding feast he says five were foolish five were wise it's it's very interesting solomon breaks the ten into fives and separates them he even goes further and says he he built ten tables to hold host the bread of the presents i don't know why kings i don't want to say it's first kings seven talks about solomon's temple it says one table it just emphasized the brethren presence once isolated a text actually a doctor in theology or one of my spiritual fathers bob gladstone the other day he'll be teaching uh in our academy i forgot you all did corey tell you any about the academy you know we have an academy coming up and uh he's in it anyway if you feel called to go deeper into ministry it's going to really launch folks it's going to be awesome but i text him he'll be teaching it as a guest instructor i was like bob bro what in the world why did kings in second chronicles miss some of the details in the temple i'd never seen it before i was jumping back and forth and he goes man i need to look in it further it was awesome he said scholars would tell you something he was like the liberal scholars they just pick anything that works for him it was awesome because how do you know we need the holy spirit though to unlock in in all scripture is uh god breathed first timothy says but he did say this he says chronicles they were more concerned with the davidic order like they there was probably more details there that they focused on which was the lineage leading unto jesus anyway ten tables that carry the bread capital b jesus christ the bread of his presence same thing ten broke off five and five on each wall because i always wondered 10's the number of testing which is also uh that's all throughout scripture a time of testing which is going to increase in the earth that's matthew 24. jesus lays the parameter for pressures listen the pressures you see they're not going to lighten up i wish they would i'm not a doom and gloom preacher i'm just the word guy i love the bible i do believe you're going to see ebbs and flows like for instance some of the heightened things you're seeing in politics and just the pressures of the earth and pandemics and all this stuff i think you're going to see some normalcy start to slow down but then an increase then normalcy an increase is are you following me and it's going to keep the pressures are going to keep increasing but it's the goodness of the lord to prepare us and yield now and prepare now and watch there's things i saw with a pandemic that the lord was doing i won't bog down the time with but he's he's it's in his goodness to prepare you now but if you don't get extra oil now this is where you don't want the small bottle all right small bottles of the five foolish on the north wall do you want to be the five wise and the five foot no monique's over here she goes no you didn't she goes my whole section or the big bottle all right this one's over here monique's always the heavy oil and then sorry guys well no we'll just say we'll say some false group over here y'all are all yeah everybody wins yeah yeah yeah [Laughter] he said sorry lisa yeah she settled on my oil back that's awesome that's awesome but um but you know we'll just say but the the more oil the five wise it's interesting that jesus after the pressures that will increase in the earth he's basically ending it with the remedy of leading unto his return are you guys following me this whole parable is set in the context of the spirit and the brides had come that bridal union with jesus christ which this whole thing's going to end in so he he just lays out this whole outline on the pressure of the end times increasing then he jumps straight into listen to me real quick there's 10 bridesmaids 10's the number of testing splits them right down the middle just as solomon did there's five over here five over here the bread of the presents in the burning lamps outside of the holy places to see in that intimate realm to enter into the the deep holy of holies or the wedding feast and i was like man there it is i was wondering always why did jesus pick 10 and split them in fives and solomon did just that in chronicles by the blueprint of heaven to build his temple in that crazy but the number of 10 is also testing so that the pressure will increase and this is the hour if you're found with less oil you can't enter in and it's not that god loves you any less he he warned us and he's going to will us by the holy spirit but if you read closely it says that all 10 of them were virgins meaning they were god's children and longing he said they all not only pure but they were going to see the bridegroom this is matthew 25 so you have 10 of them all of them they all check off on the list to have the same things except the oil amount that's it all 10 of them had lamps that's the 10 lamp stands you see outside of the most holy place solomon's temple anyway it says they're all going to find the bridegroom that's what the lamps do they burn with oil and even lisa's oil that's just as amazing but so it burns so bright and the flame is is fully lit when there's so much oil yes to be a lamp to this world and minister but the higher place that this parable set the backdrop it's painted on is to find the bridegroom intimacy burning so bright and it says they all were weary from the journey so they all fell asleep even all of us you'll have casualties in life you'll fall asleep that's where i would have thought the lord would have come in and rebuked and split the group like ah y'all weren't sober and alert but now he was fine with that everything was fine then it says at midnight a cry came the bridegroom has come he's here they all woke up alert and there was a doorway there doorways speak of a transition from one place to the other and this is the season we're in right now a lot of us we're at doorways in our destiny and the greatest remedy to get through that doorway is more oil right now which is intimacy and you're going to find out in a second only you can produce more oil you can't borrow it you can't sit in a conference like this this will help but it won't produce direct oil with him it will be in your lamp so anyway cry comes bridegroom has come they're all awakened they checked their lamps and five of the foolish didn't have enough oil to keep the flame burning to get through the door right the five wise ones are like man where'd i stack all my buckets i've got too much but they can't you can't give out your oil to others because it's the intimate place it's the it's your secret place listen couples you can't ride off of your husband children you can't ride off your dad because he's a preacher i tell my kids this listen to me you're useless without his voice and his presence you can't write all they know that we need him man we need daily manna that that bread capital b of his presence every day uh his tangible manifest glory well man i don't feel well then go till you do and even if you don't you're there listen how long do i wait until he comes just lock up go man i'll go out to my woods my kids know like oh atv's gone he i don't know when he's coming back you know i don't mean to whatever uh to my own home by any means i need the holy spirit i'm trying to stir hunger you know we've got to listen to me the the least important thing i do is right here that you see it's a great great honor man but what you never see is is where it's at and i'm condoning the same you don't need a paddle in the back a new cookie or you did good he's everything he's the highest valued substance you can ever attain on any given day and he's made available every day give us this day our daily bread he said i am the manna that came down from heaven the man that comes every day fresh bread today's saturday there's fresh manna from heaven jesus already allotted before time for you and only you there's fresh oil that's meant to be overflowing out of your lamp for today that's only for you and if it's not attained he loves you the same he's not sitting there brow beating you but it's not attained you understand in a doorway may you may miss a doorway because of oil so there's a season man he's calling us into to start to cut out the fat definitely the pure realm but deep deep infatuation and intimacy starting to go through your schedules rake out things that don't matter the distractions the voices the wasted time you know how much time we waste when i hear people say man i just really want to pursue the lord but i'm so busy all you're telling me is what's what's priority to you and i get it i've been there you have we all have to watch it but that which is of utmost priority to you you'll make time for however you have to do it listen money doesn't even trump that you'll quit jobs if you have to and live on a tighter budget it doesn't matter it's just him right now and i'm about being blessed too i'm just saying there's just so many excuses that come up and none of all of them fall short to intimately knowing him and so anyway they wake up the five foolish are like please let me have some of your oil and i promise you the the five wives were like i would love to but i can't oil this type this kind right here from the secret place it can only be produced by you and you alone between you and him that's why it's a bridegroom parable intimacies only isolated you and you in in the marital bed so to speak one-on-one the deep place of intimacy the only place you can be produced being with him and some of you say man i don't know you know i just lately i've been struggling or it may be hard that's okay we all bit have been there i guarantee you if i've got a wave of hands and you're honest we all get that but you got to start somewhere just go for it he'll meet you where you're at and and we want to have too much oil so the five wise like basically the five foolish had to go by their own while a doorway the bible says at midnight it ironically says it goes out of his way to say at midnight the door came the bridegroom came which speaks of a new day how many of you want to step over on a new day in destiny yeah and you can feel the season shift all the prophetic voices are saying 20 20 is a reset it's a new chapter and i'm getting it while the lord's like yeah get too much oil right now i'm opening a new doorway i'm unlocking i'm taking a new unlocking a new 33. from 30 to 33 was a window but now 33 on it's a different one and if we're not careful if we this you know i just i can't resound it enough or over emphasize that enough if we're not careful right now you have less oil half tank or whatever you can miss doorways doesn't mean it's going to cost you salvation but you can sure go around mountains longer than you need to you guys know what i mean it was supposed to take the children of israel 11 days to get where they're supposed to get in other words it took 40 years i'm not into 40 years i mean i love mountains but once i see them once or twice the same side of the mountain you know i'm saying like yep beautiful let's move on and uh but they tell the fullest they're like look you know i can't give you mine what do you mean this is produced in the secret that's why jesus says look you go into your closet and shut the door behind you how many people can fit in a closet one person look corporate meetings is is definitely the lord and we're all for it and do it but miles will tell you just like i will if that corporate doesn't sustain through a closet something's going to be off real quick trust me go into your closet shut the door behind you and that's where oil is produced you know i liken it to um because it's olive oil that would burn these lamps you know if you imagine an olive tree and you go into the secret place even the bible says there's these two witnesses in zechariah 4 that'll pop up again in zechariah revelation 11. sorry it says they were two olive trees or branches and they would produce oil they would fill the bowl and keep the seven spirits lit but it's like that like you're an olive tree and you come into the presence of god and his glory the kabode his weight comes down upon you and begins to crush and press those olives it through deep intimacy purify you break off this world break off the insecurities the voices the rejection just pure virgin olive oil how many women cook with pure virgin olive oil i knew monique did that's awesome i wish i could say i did i don't we have the olive oil nonstick spray forever for the pans that's pretty cool that makes you just feel more healthy [Laughter] no we do olive oil but boy jesus help me i'm learning anyway um but in his presence he'll constantly day in and day out that manna will come and come into you and transform you into his likeness you become that which you partake of you eat but you are what you eat you eat the bread of the presence and you become like him those olives start to get crushed and pressed and produce oil it's funny i uh we were in israel recently with um daniel kalinda dear friend he does this tour it's really amazing over in israel it's getting real spiritual just reminded me and uh we get to the garden of gethsemane where they believe jesus prayed sweat drops of blood and things like this and there's olive trees in it have you ever been to israel anybody in here yeah and uh oh praise his name sorry edit that on film i won't touch the hanky with that all right so we're in uh israel and uh olive trees ancient they believe some maybe from around this time whatever just ancient olive trees and me and todd white were like bro i'm seeing some olives real close to the fence if we can snag one or two and plant them back in he's in dallas i'm in atlanta we're like bro we get some holy olive trees growing up in dallas in atlanta it's on so we're kind of like like getting ever so closer to the fence kind of doing the whole and dude i kid you not we feel like oh those dropped way too close again we're each through the friends snagged we got he got probably more than we probably got two or three olives from the garden of gethsemane so hopefully look if they grow in atlanta jesus loves me and god will forgive us later it wasn't like stealing kinda you know what i'm saying it was like our hearts were right [Laughter] that's the whole like like be shrewd as a serpent innocent as a dove that's where that verse always works you can find a verse to work [Laughter] what's that yeah yeah exactly exactly that's exactly what he did so but anyway his presence it will continue to produce oil and before you know it you've got a reservoir i mean you're just loaded with and this is where jesus doesn't put a cap on he's like just have too much look don't lean on the side of just enough and go go really excess here you guys tracking with me and it's an intimacy you can never go wrong with sitting at his feet too much she chose the better part he didn't rebuke martha look we're super busy god's about kingdom work he'd go without food at times because of the kingdom the press of the people and things like this paul says fasting's often involuntary voluntary i mean just out at deep i mean they were they were gunners but uh mary's that's sitting at his feet you can never do that enough you're going to be more fruitful anyway look if fruit starts to diminish the abiding is is uh is lacking if abide in me and you'll bear much fruit and you think sometimes if i'm more busy and connect more and do more things your kingdom's backwards you abide more so if you need more fruit abide in him and you'll bear much fruit and but anyway so the five foolish go to buy more oil which speaks of it will cost you okay obviously the delight in him absorbs you in the fullness of all that he is but sometimes it takes discipline to lead to delight and i've noticed this with people and where everybody's at and so you need a healthy dose of both especially children sometimes they're like they may not get it so just i would encourage you set a parameter up of discipline just pursue the lord fervency diligence and then he starts coming the other night uh me and judah were downstairs and zoe comes down i was like i was like buddy what she normally always she bathes every other night and does her hair and she has all this routine she's very routine so i know it like a book and uh she bathes at seven o'clock because she's got to be out by eight and if she shaves your legs and all this stuff she's just got a routine you know you women and uh but it's awesome so i was like bro it's like 7 15. so i mean right i mean she's on the dot with it nine o'clock goes to bed on the clock i mean no matter if you're in the middle of a per important conversation she's just yep gotta go to bed now and uh because she gets up early she'll beat me some mornings i mean coffee's done she generates decaf judah don't full with coffee yet but so i'll do decaf and uh it's kind of a race to get up in the morning and be with him listen my 18 year old daughter i'm so proud of her judah he don't come down for coffee so we never know but he's up early too you're him on his guitars are going for it or when we have guests in town they use the noise cancelling we're considerate how do you know you don't want to guess in town and start blowing shofars at three in the morning jesus you're like i'm never staying at your place again so you want to be you want to be considerate too and and you know consider people better than yourself and so uh but anyway she comes down 7 15 7 20 remember i just told you i said man something's not right she your eyes are all puffed over man she said yeah heaven came he came in he messed her up and she was on her keyboard and he snuck in he's starting to wreck him and wreck my kids man and uh and if they'll tell you it's started by discipline sometimes it's reaching you don't know but just start getting oil and when your oil kit just gets too strong you better believe man that his fire will come and you can't not run into him and that goes for adults and all of them but she was her eyes glazed over and uh just started taking in into realms of him and then then they're too far gone because they tasted him listen i was in revival so thankful my uh the lord called me there i dropped out of college had just got born again 98 and uh like i said a lot of zeal no no wisdom um i never forget i was giving away all my stuff like drug stuff i just i was like why didn't i burn that that was so stupid i was on a college campus this young guy was like yo you want to go clubbing whatever it's like bro no i got born again i met jesus as a matter of fact here take this i give one of my drug pipes to a guy on the on the campus i'm not kidding it was a marker it's pretty slick actually you could use it in class but the back end would pop out anyway sir i was out there it was it and uh and uh anyway so he comes with me like day or two later hey bro what were you smoking and i think my lips went numb and all this i was like oh i'm born again now i'm like helping people sin and i'm now a child of god it was bad lord's like you amuse me son you know you need help so uh but he he immediately called me off to bible college uh brownsville revival of pensacola my parents were saying no just go here we had a powerful bible college in baton rouge but i knew i was i knew it was always clear enough i was supposed to go there i didn't know why i got there as the authentic substance and presence of god there'd be times i'd pull up into the parking lot my legs would go numb from the glory like jello the parking lot prostitutes and drug addicts would walk up the block and fall under the conviction the fear of the lord and come in and repent they didn't know what for and just get born again on the spot they'd be baptizing people in the baptismal pool and it was like entertainment because they were getting shot with taser guns there was like angels in the pool they and they knew it they'd have to have like three full-grown men in the baptismal pool to carry the bodies out you can watch them on youtube it's wild heaven was just blazing people i'll never forget one of my favorites if you can find it short-haired lady she's uh yeah my name was rebecca but the lord changed it because i was a liar i would just steal and and fool people but not anymore lord i'm all yours and she all of a sudden she stops telling the pastor she's in the baptismal pool she looks at him she goes lord please i'll take all of you if you'll take all of me and she when she went to say me just wham like you shot her with a taser gun bam out into the water like the lord couldn't wait to let her finish her sentence he just possessed her and they had to carry her out and uh it was bananas raw power of god first time i ever saw gold dust and i know that's weird some of you guys out but listen man get to heaven and talk to me heaven's a bananas the streets are gold there and we get a little dustin and being like whoa watch out new age you know or whatever there's four headed creatures around the throne with six wings six of them they open them and then there's eyes all in their wings and don't let them get down into the earth and realm in ezekiel because then a wheel within a wheel with eyes and them is spinning near them you know in any way it's just this is the same book same book it's like they'll turn this way and it's a lion looking at you this way ox and then if they spin around this was the eagle this is right nearest the throne this is the god you and i serve and so um anyway i remember i was on the balcony man lindell cooley rich glory and the presence would come in so strong you'd lose time hours would just go by you didn't it was like 10 minutes he's he's in all of time and i was in indian style rich glory came and i was praying i remember all of a sudden i looked and i had gold all over my hands gold dust how many of you guys have ever seen that before yeah and some of you that haven't you know i don't really we just love jesus but when his glory his manifest kingdom comes in jesus says your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven i'll tell you a wild one man yeah miles is cool you don't care okay sorry if you got to clean up anything but uh but you gotta you gotta hear some stories man my mom she's the sweetest thing on planet her she's like a love bomb she was the best listener you ever had on planet or she'll listen to you for two hours straight wow amazing and she means that she's listening but she's got the most childlike faith i've ever seen you could tell her gabriel in the whole arc host of heaven flew through the building and high-fived everybody's no way wow you know wait what you know it doesn't matter what you tell it's just the most childlike faith and heaven loves it because she always gets the craziest encounters really crazy stuff so she messaged me one morning she's like brian craziest thing i went she showed me the video there was a angelic experience that happened in a trail of gold dust started in her restroom went through the wall and picked back up in her closet on the exact side of the wall and went straight through the closet a gold stream and the problem was she has this little yorkie named nikki that would sleep in that closet well from that night that it happened the dog wouldn't sleep in the closet anymore the dog saw something you say well where's that in the word there was a donkey balaam's donkey saw the angel before balaam did and then spoke by the way same bible went full out e-or on him started talking i'm telling you i read the word man talked donkey talked in the bible anyway um yeah another one um i i will land it here in a second uh i'd come out of a school we'd do these online schools and rich glory came in i don't know why heaven just surprised us that night and i got hammered i was really hammered my legs would go kind of jellowy and i went back to get my kids and going to my parents house and i was hammered still but the glory of god listened to me you get so just get lost in him and he'll start doing things unlocking things that nobody can withstand he's the most powerful substance in the earth i'll tell you sometimes you go visit your lost like relatives or parents or whatever just get saturated glory and go visit them and see what happens just go in there hammered you know and see what happens it's light is always the most powerful source and uh so i come in and uh baxter he's a shih tzu and uh he i call him double stuff he looks like a double stuffed oreo i was like double stuff yeah okay come here his name's baxter but he looks like a double stuffed oreo like black and white and uh he's not very uh like affectionate he just wants to chase the ball or he's hanging which i kind of like that about him he's not trying to be in your lap and all that stuff and uh but i go to visit and he's all over me he just i guess he could sense the presence he want to be in my lap and i was like he never does this he just wants you to chase the ball otherwise he's not he doesn't care about you if you don't throw the ball for him he's like whatever but you remember that night he was all in my lap and he just all around me i was like this is different but i was hammered and i realized there's something with the supernatural presence of god and creation being connected from that night he started go i'm kids you know we have it on video he started seeing angels just got touched by presents and he started he'd go into it my mom's like what's he doing she would video it and then we'd come over there sometimes in the presents and he would start he would start seeing up blank walls and he'd be wagging his tail and he'd start growling and we're like it's a blank sheet rock wall and he'd follow him around the room and like there's nothing in there and uh this stuff happens i know the lord has fun with it but sometimes the presence and power so real sort of unlocking things the realm of seeing and things like this and you can't stop it and uh but anyway um yeah so my hands are covered in oil on this balcony and i'm kidding i was so naive i thought man what a cheap bible i brought to bible college i thought the gold binding was coming off that's what i thought i was so naive to wonders i go man that's cheap bro i'm getting a new bible [Laughter] i go back to my hotel room uh no my apartment i was living there and i i'm literally trying to get water on my hands and trying to remove the gold to see and it wouldn't come off actually they do a really good job trying to get that off when you get a chance it doesn't work and then i was introduced that's how it was it's always accidental with me i just love jesus and then he just starts doing things and i have to figure it out later so um you guys like the eeyore one huh you like the er he's up in there man he's in the word [Laughter] so anyway yeah man whoa okay hey uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] um so yeah so let's pray yes so there there's another oil in uh psalm 45 called the oil of joy yeah yeah it says jesus was totally you know and that word joy it means hilarity or laughter jesus was anointed with the oil of joy peter said in acts 2 when the holy spirit broke out he said look we're not drunk as you suppose it's only 9 in the morning this is the holy spirit so yeah more jesus awesome i love you holy spirit [Laughter] see if you want to stand if you can we'll pray thank you lord let me julie you mind helping me thanks man yeah i'm hammered man thank you lord thank you so much um yeah paul said in ephesians he said not to be drunk on wine but to be filled with the spirit he was correlating there's an intoxication that happens when the holy spirit comes on you it's beautiful man he's touching his people he's really purifying his bride through through drunkenness he's super sneaky like that so [Laughter] yeah before we pray for the sick while we're still in this atmosphere why don't you just take just one finger super easy and just touch the neighbor next to you release the kingdom right now be filled there it is be filled with the holy spirit the holy spirit super contagious holy spirit's way more contagious than covet [Applause] let us be filled with the holy spirit awesome taste and see that the lord is good awesome whoa wow you did that oh that's my man back there bro that is awesome so yeah just keep continue to receive the holy spirit he's in this place obviously come on lord there it is pickle your people pickle your people me fiber
Channel: Brian Guerin
Views: 16,101
Rating: 4.917757 out of 5
Keywords: Father, Son, Holy Spirt, God, Jesus, Holy Ghost, Prayer, Fasting, Intimacy, Son of God, Glory, Signs, Wonders, Miracles, Angels, Power, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Teacher, 5 Fold Ministry, Prophecy, Prophetic, Stillness, Meditation, Worship, Spirituality, Spirit, Supernatural, Divine, Encounters, Angelic, Glory Nights, Glory Cruise, Jesus Conference, Jesus' Bride, Bridal Glory, Spirit and the Bride, Brian Guerin
Id: ida9GlnRdco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 55sec (3655 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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