Taking the Narrow Path // Brian Guerin // Kingdom Awakening Ministries 8.21.20

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wow so hogan it got wild huh yeah yeah i remember being with you also it was two years ago then i was trying to remember was it two years ago and uh golly what's up girl good she's amazing um have you announced yet you're okay so we'll wait on that don't worry about it no i'm teasing yeah anyway i'm excited proud of her she's amazing oh yeah yeah yeah but before we get going too i want to honor myles and lisa can we give them a hand kingdom awakening [Music] uh they are the real deal honor and love you guys dearly i was trying to remember so it was two years ago and i'll never forget the hotel where we were at yeah i saw either in a dream revision hogan walking down the hallway and i was like oh snap but it told me a lot about you guys and i know that to be true man and just want you all to know they're the real deal um how many of you are under kingdom awakening see a good bit of you everybody that's not you need to know they are the real deal holyfield and that's just slang for jesus loving bible thumping you know i made heaven filled folks and and they're just refreshing to me and it's honor to be here with you guys so let's just jump in it feels really uh good in here and i'm seeing all kind of carpet space that's just a gold mine to me i'm just seeing bodies everywhere i'm just just being honest with you in my years of ministry you start to assess the situation and i'm like oh we got oh thank you so much i really appreciate it and corey lied to y'all man he's the greater one don't ever believe that he's my hero a general legend and uh love him to no end but uh come on jesus man you want to just go for it is it okay it feels really good in here but anyway yeah i'm just seeing i mean we can just stack it you know wherever and uh yeah anyway there's one thing i saw on the plane flying here and uh i think it'd make it a little swirly if that's okay but god loves that you know he's into it and like miles said i want to encourage you guys just to be hungry that's all your job it yes all you have to do is be hungry it's pretty awesome he kept it simple for us thank god and he says the hungry shall be filled and you may be all put together and not so much of the manifestations and that's awesome i can relate actually but heaven may thump you i've seen it and he may not but if you're hungry that's all that matters and um he'll touch you powerfully and that's what i'm like john what's up man i didn't see you was he gone when i saw you linda okay anyway definitely have to honor pastor john and linda store on ministries if you can give them a hand they're incredible miles do you know them okay yeah yeah you guys got a link up and how far is maine from here sorry that's probably a dumb question are you guys far from here oh that's not bad at all we're going to do a big throw down shin dig or something some big holy ghost explosion yeah man that may be i may be prophesying or something because there yeah you guys man that could get out of hand smash some lobster after i don't know i mean that's got to be in there somewhere but anyway so i'm from louisiana some of you that don't know me we have a lobster they're amazing they're just real small they're called crawfish you boil them you know but they look the same they're just many but anyway yeah so but i think it may get a little swirly if it's okay and um i'll go ahead and share that first cause i'm excited about it my son judah you wanna stand super proud of him if you give him a hand he uh he'll travel with me quite a bit my daughter was just with me we're in new york last weekend how do you know it's really important that we raise our children in the anointing in the presence of god and just go for it they're gonna far surpass us i can i can tell you bella what's up abby the whole row yeah i'm mixing the names up but um they're gonna far i tell my children this all the time listen man we're just barely scratching the surface you guys are going to um really take this thing further than we ever knew you guys know that and so don't like candy coat it i mean you may need to chop it up worship team amazing give them a hand say we're doing all the honoring you guys were amazing such a rich rich presence but you know you may need to sometimes chop it up into bite-sized pieces but you don't come off of the richness of the presence and god and you just raise them up going after heaven just want to encourage you guys how many have kids in here yeah i mean since they were little uh my children we just go for jesus you know there's nothing else out there anyway that's more important and i don't even know in this hour we've got to go for it man you can feel it like quit playing games and i may get a little harsh at sometimes but my harsh is super gentle it's all bathing grace and love but bobby what's up um anyway i'm seeing all kind of people but um he saw some things too and just want to share it with you all and and um but my daughter hopefully will come next time zoe she's 18 june 17 meaning i'm getting super old it's crazy my daughter's driving my gray hairs are multiplying by the day any of you men every time you pluck a gray one in like five come back the next day it's the whole sowing and reaping this is the back it doesn't work galatians six it's biblical uh but anyway i'll go and share one of the things on the plane i saw was a jar full of a substance that was pickled i knew and uh it said never seen anything like this before my life but god love god how many know the prophetic and god how speaks mysterious ways and symbols and things it's all throughout the word if you really are hungry and read the scripture from that lens it's i mean all throughout it's the nature of god it's his desire often to conceal matters his glory proverbs says but it's your glory to search things out he'll conceal them in mysteries um acts 10 peter's on the rooftop in prayer hungry bible says he was hungry how many of you ever been hungry and tried to pray super difficult sometimes peter what's up and uh so it was hungry in prayer it says he goes into a vision a sheet came down three times this is acts 10 10. unclean animals bunch of bacon in the sheets all this stuff god's like eat he's like what not you know i'll never eat anything unclean three times this happens and peter spokesman on the day of pentecost right hand man with jesus in the top three peter james and john mount of transfigure i mean if anybody knew the voice of the lord it was him and if you really closely it says he came out of the vision and pondered as to what the vision might have meant meaning he didn't have a clue holy spirit revealed to him that's the three the three sheets is the three gentiles about to come to your door go with them they need the holy spirit and all that being said god speaks in mysterious symbols and things like this so i see a pickled jar substance i didn't see what it was in the jars and it was pickled because i was to see the word on it and it said mephibosheth on the jar read it when you have time but that's the son of jonathan you all know the story that do those are two that don't read it on your own time but it's a beautiful upgrade coming to somebody in a supernatural way of favor david listen because of god's goodness david said look i want to honor jonathan basically because he was so close to him is there anybody left in saul's lineage his family he calls out he found a servant to saul he said sure enough meshevil fifth or whatever i'm horrible with it just saw it on the jar and uh but he's alive his grandson jonathan's son he says bring him right up to my table he'll eat next to me all the days of his life it's a major favor an upgrade of somebody that has felt like you've almost been ignored and downtrodden if you read this whole story actually the earlier um he got dropped and things like this he was crippled and so he was in a crippled state somebody in here i'm telling you and it may land with many of you you felt crippled in destiny and listen only heaven can do this stuff i don't know how he does that but i love it especially when he speaks prophetically we know it's his desire it's his word it's his will but when he speaks in a now word like this prophetically there's a great action going to happen in an upgrade of favor where now you just go through a door you never thought could have opened and you get called up by heaven to eat with the king and his table in destiny does that make sense to some of you guys but sad to say for some of you if you're religious happy if you aren't you're going to get smashed with the holy spirit that's all i'm saying because the lord knows i know this that one of the original definitions for baptism which is the holy spirit immersed is one of them is is for original recipe uh for pickling pickles it means baptismal for pickling pickles meaning you will it look if you're hungry if you're not the lord will skip you but trust me you want to be hungry um you will be immersed in the holy spirit completely have you ever seen a pickle that was still halfway a cucumber they're completely immersed every fiber of its being in the holy spirit i believe we're going to make room here in a second it's going to sweep through this building and i'm going to be right in the pile of bodies with you hopefully because i want to be have a fresh baptismal of the holy spirit how do you want to be pickled by god okay wow okay hungry bunch all hands went up okay so there aren't any religious people in here that helps but if you are my man i love you and so does god and usually here the first one he's going to come at i've seen it he'll man he's sneaky he is super sneaky and uh but yeah so mephibosheth read it when you have time but there's a major upgrade i'm taking a hold of that too prophetically there's something to do his whole life got spun around instantly by major door major favor and that's going to be really good um my mind's all over the place but let me share this before i get going um so miles i was on a plane man and i saw you glorious flight praise god lately man i'll be honest with you i'm not a mass guy i don't like a man they're very restricting they hinder the glory i'm teasing no i'm jesus no no but if you wear them they're like they got some cool looking ones i don't know you know teach his own but to me i'm just not a big fan so usually i'm the guy pushing you right up to the limit not i'm very considerate of people not trying to be that guy but also just not a big fan so uh but this was great man they weren't bothering us on the flight you know it depends on who you get last week with my daughter it got a little a little interesting i'm just being honest with you and uh i was preaching at a security guard i'm just just stopped there i was like i was like listen man i don't and i was like i had to like calm down but i was i just i love the bible and i don't like fear that's all my problem is and when i sense fear i'm not a big fan of it you know and so i love people i just don't like the substance of fear trying to come on people it's not god man it's not in the bible and i don't like anything that's not in the bible if it contradicts the word you've got apostle paul this is one of zillions of stories throughout the word just goes to get a little firewood and i love that you said the authority might have been sensing the authority of god listen the severity of god is so beautiful and filled with love but he's starting to turn a new chamber and reveal himself and show up through mouthpieces in profound ways and he's look making no bones about it you can sense that i'm seeing it in a secret place i'm seeing it through dreams to my own children we finished a daniel fast both two ago and my son goes in a dream he saw jesus as judge literally crying on the way to the gym saying i never want to see that side of him again see he's very good long-suffering kind patience slow to anger but also hebrews 10 says it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living god listen to me the angel and you know we're just going to go here is that okay it's the bible it's in your book too there's an angel flying around in the end times bringing the good good news and the first thing mother's mouth said fear the lord the fear of the lord is going to come back in such a profound way through mouthpieces i'm telling you the fear of the lord and it's beautiful it's his love but that reverential awe you're gonna see it come first and foremost back on the forefront through mouthpieces that word like a hammer and uh in love it's his loving kindness that leads us to repentance but he's not playing games so anyway um but i'll find myself because i don't like that at all i love the people i'm just like fear paul he's trying to start a fire man grab some firewood shipwrecked on the isle of malta and you all know the story a viper latched on to him shook it off in the fire he says no no let's go ahead the s'mores are still on get the marshmallows the hershey's graham crackers you know what i mean and he makes s'mores deadly viper he shakes off in the fire you know and uh and and that's all man i i really listen to me fear god revere him in his word and what jesus did and stay on that and uh and just really start to mute the other voices i want to encourage you guys really crank up the volume in his voice crank up the volume of intimacy and mute the other voices that would negate this and counter this you know so i'm telling the guy he he was like whoa okay i was a little passionate that switch hit i can feel it and i'm like no help me holy spirit because i want to be tactful and kind but also i can feel there's a thin line there so i said listen man look i don't expect your world to be you know mine i know what you know but i believe what i know and i know what i believe i said listen to me i just went for it i'm like man i got you now y'all came to say hello to me and uh but it was it was kind of a misunderstanding that the stewardess i've been flying every weekend we've been cool but she was really fearful so bless her heart but she had on not only the face mask but the shield it's like darth vader you know just like really and again if i don't care if you're wearing it it's fine but but so i was in prayer on the plane i was about to go preach in new york i was just in presence man so sweet and also she's like sir mask up mask up and i said oh yeah sorry ma'am i totally forgot i was just in the presence and you know but i didn't like that man you know you do anything we start getting distracting my secret place we got problems instant enemy and uh but no we were fine and she just told me that once next time the guy but i had my snacks and whatever and i was in and i get off the plane and um i had went to the restroom and they told my daughter and but we were good we you know but i get off the plane the security guys waiting on me i was like you got to be kidding me i said bro you got me now you're going to hear it so uh so i said listen to me you know i don't know what y'all your world is but i'm just telling you mine i'm a preacher of the gospel and you need to know i've seen deaf ears pop open by the holy ghost in the name of jesus christ also legs shorter than the other i'm i'm right here up on him in love but he's sitting there oh okay we got one of these i said i've seen the legs i can feel it man and uh you know i've been telling my kids i could you know i can tell and i'd want to do well i just want to love people but there's a thin line between jesus christ though and the fear of the lord and the raw gospel and faith and power and and i love him he's real and that's all so it's funny i was on the phone with todd yesterday you all know dreadlocks todd white he's wild and he's something boy there's only one of him and good luck trying to rein him in anyway it just ain't going to happen and i'm kidding i'm on the phone he's going to walmart hey man god bless you how's your back and i'm sitting there just waiting for him to be done he's like yeah is that okay just checking man and then uh anyway but uh but i thought i said look i've seen legs shorter than the other grow out by the power of the holy ghost in the name of jesus christ and you're going to talk to me about some kovit thing i just told him straight up i was like listen i wanted to just get that faith and power into what jesus did it's way more real it takes precedent over everything the blood of jesus is the most powerful substance to ever be shed and it remains throughout eternity same yesterday today and forever you know and again i don't condone doing things that are foolish you know wash your hands that's fine but i'm just saying it's he's sitting there he goes he goes hey man amen and i said look i apologize man i'm passionate but bless you we shook hands and we were good but uh but i will be honest i was i was uh i'll be honest i was like man i wonder if i got red flag because i'm i fly with them so often you know delta hubbed out of atlanta so i was going to watch today and they now we were good actually they came and and congratulated judah because he's up and in status because he's been flying with me so much but i was watching him was like seeing if we were red flagged but anyway but miles on the plane and sweet presence thank you lord i saw you man turn a master lock the black dial ones specifically they're master locks where you run codes i think it's like write once twice left right once the high school locker ones i saw you turn it to the number 33 and i knew it would unlock so there's something on you man and even the name of your ministry i'm just thinking in worship bro it's so prophetic right now for this hour uh but before we go there um so that obviously 33 is the age jesus kind of completed his earthly ministry but began a new one so to speak and was resurrected there's something to do i feel with a shift right now and i'm glad we didn't talk more because you know we hadn't caught up but where you've been in the will of god and i know you guys are getting it done and just rocking it for the kingdom but there's something to the stop of an old and a start of a new in a real resurrection of the lord and power and heavenly realm on you in you and through through you something to do with the supernatural the kingdom see because now 33 on he's now resurrected lord and there's something with the kingdom you unlocking the kingdom realm in a new way of power and authority man that's beautiful from that dimension here ephesians 2 6 says we're seated in heavenly places with christ and um and it's beautiful too if you look in matthew 24 uh not a popular chapter but very biblical again obviously and love it kind of the parameters and infrastructure for how the end times will unfold uh jesus gives read it when you have time matthew 24 where there's like eight kind of uh prerequisites that have to check off before the lord returns all right well the eighth and final one is the gospel read it specifically the gospel of the kingdom will be preached around the world and that's a very speci it's it's you have to read it strictly for that word and break it down you know in the greek and read it the gospel of the kingdom listen there's the the gospel is the gospel the good news of jesus most of us hear the gospel we think salvation and it should be definitely included in the kingdom but the gospel of the kingdom is a big big difference it includes salvation but it goes way deeper it focuses on his the lord's return setting up camp and running his kingdom here now and preparing the way for the king to return it's a lot of heavenly realm his kingdom reigning through christ and you also see in acts when jesus rose again 40 days he was in the earth you all knew that died rose again he pit stopped in the earth for 40 days before he went to heaven do you all know that that's where he says thomas touched my side my middle name's thomas after my dad i was like what were you all thinking man downing thomas the only disciple that has the bad rap and you okay you know that's how it is no a lot of people don't know this but my mom she was gonna name me joshua paul i was like oh that's pretty gangster i mean in a holy spirit way but she was all depressed and you know you know women that the emotions i can't imagine what you go through the post you know just pregnancy and crying and she didn't know what to you felt pressured and because she had to put some on the birth certificate so i think it's still the lord hopefully brian means virtue but they just name named my name after my dad so um but ironic enough i had a pretty profound encounter with uh thomas he brought the gospel to india was martyred for the lord and it was really profound one of the most profound heavenly encounters i've had tied into him but jesus died rose again stopped off in the earth for 40 days and if you read closely he talked to the disciples about the kingdom i read it afresh lately and i was like hold up man hold on that's the only thing it highlights not like peter how's your wife man how's it been y'all holding it down you know listen the holy ghost is coming soon he did but it says he specifically talked to them about the kingdom listen there's definitely the gospel of salvation one of my best friends all the world daniel kalinda is like one of the highest level gunners i know in in souls and slinging nets and harvest and salvation and and todd white as well but he would be one on one man guru if you get in his presence and you're lost you're done you're gonna get born again you don't stand a chance one-on-one so soul salvation it's all included but it goes much further salvation is the threshold you step over into to be born again but then from there the progression of his reflection in us becoming the bride and also his kingdom coming to return and reign and there's something on you with that man and um it's interesting the gospel of the kingdom has to will be you'll start to see i believe as an overriding theme coming through mouthpieces in the earth the fear of the lord the gospel of the kingdom that includes salvation but it goes much further is this making sense to you guys you'll start seeing it if the lord's by the holy spirit's going to start popping it up in people's hearts and going deeper through the word it's going to unlock by revelation and mystery and kingdom awakening bro it's just an end time thing on you guys and and it's awesome so um what are we watching here on time are we uh oh really so grace is just full of grace that's awesome man awesome i do want plenty of time because i just want my hands on each and every body we'll just go for it you all have catchers yep my son can catch you too he's been in the gym um yeah i want to share this and my son's older son in worship he didn't know what it meant or often we don't have time he'll just lean over but papa saw this he's a real seer just says he was very young when he was age of three my daughter is two though um but since he was three i went to a vision and saw he would have a call like daniel and we're very prophetic so i was like thank god i can maybe help him a little bit you know because if it was something else like pastoral i'd be like oh praise god help him you know i'm saying there's something that and uh but sure enough four years later at the age of seven he starts going into open eyed visions it was crazy um i remember one i was preaching in brazil and uh he goes into open eyed vision i had seen him in several of these my mom had not so my mom was watching the kids i was preaching in brazil and she calls me up jude is hallucinating i don't know what's happening she thought he's in a hallucination but he'll literally go into a vision he can see you still but the spirit world opens up too and he can see them both how do you want your eyes to be open to see what happens yeah man this is bible this is jesus it's real you know and uh some of us are scared of these things and i get it you know but also i think the lord desires us to be hungry to first and foremost to intimately know him but from that to know his voice you can obey as well and he speaks through this realm of seeing ears to hear the most repeated phrase jesus ever used was he that has ears to hear what the spirit would say he is unlocking spiritual ears like never before in this hour so she began to say what is he saying what is he saying and sure enough he foresaw uh anyway a presidential election he was doing a mathematical equation in it he was like 50 minus 38 and he'd name the president 50 minus 38 i was like that's 12 that's the number of government and it was just real daniel like mysteries hannah on the wall type stuff and sure enough it came to pass he's 10 at that time didn't know anything about government anything another fun one how do you know god has great humor i love to share this when he was young and i've started to just have to learn how to house it you know but all that being said i want to build your faith and also when the you know i want to encourage again encourage you to really stir your children up to go for it listen fall madly in love with jesus if they're real young would encourage you to take them corporately in the living room to pray together with them but as they get older teach them look you need daily bread you need jesus present his manifest presence in his voice coming directly out of his mouth to you more than anything you ever need this day please hear me this is adults all of us the most valuable thing you can ever go for and attain on a daily basis is him his presence and his voice and the devil trust me he'll come checking you out he's like no no no stop them now give me the gifted ones give me the studied ones which i'm still for i went to bible college the bible says study to show yourself approved but my whole point is intimate abiders who dwell in the shadow of the almighty those the devil's like stop them now stop them stop them early bring distraction discouragement whatever because those that will fall in love with him that you just can't stop them and that's what this whole thing's really about so anyway uh a young one he goes into a dream he was probably man seven or eight papa had the craziest dream last night i see uh i saw this wild pack of chihuahuas you know the taco bell dog with the little cute ears man i i gave one a mouthful of nike in in puerto rico sorry just no dominican republic sorry he was he needed to be humbled though he was way too bold trying to bite me i was running anyway he just thought he was a dove from the pitcher i was like homie you weigh like five pounds you snap at me again and i was i found a sweet block in the dominican republic i was preaching and every time i'd come around and hit by his house he just had to he was snapping at my ankles so i was like i didn't see the owners around i said look he needs to be humble i love animals i love pets and we have a dog but it just worked out perfect man he was coming i was in back stride nike air maxis he came in and he did about a 720 that way but he was fine but he was humbled we were like best friends after this i kept coming around the block and he just he'd stay behind and look at me just kind of we're good i love you buddy but look you're not as big as you think you are no uh so uh so yeah jude is like wild pack of chihuahua's craziest dream of running around attacking people i was like okay you know that must have been too much pizza that's strange kid you not like that day or something we're walking somewhere in a headline news i was on a television saying craziest thing headlines wild pack of chihuahuas is break broke loose in arizona attacking people i was like what in the world headline news in arizona we're in louisiana and uh just wild stuff he'll see you know i realize the lord's like look listen man listen i have a sense of humor but the young ones can hear my voice and so um but he leaned over in worship tonight and he saw we're growing in interpretation learning what all it means um you know but i have time to tell him but he was like strangest thing i saw like a zoomed in version up close of leeches in the place of somebody's um eyebrows okay and here's what it is leeches obviously suck the blood which is the life of somebody your eyebrows protect they're meant to protect you from like the sweat of your brow it's god's genius design but there's somebody that the there's been a striving and hard work that's sucking the life out of you and the enemy's trying to right now um and just the sweat of your brow things like this that i believe god's gonna set you free of heart works probably in the spirit but also there's just been a a real tireless sweating in the life you feel like life's been sucked out of you and i know it's going to land differently with different people but when the lord reveals he heals so the remedy by the spirit is going to come not by your might or strength but but by his spirit i believe he's going to come in a fresh new way zechariah 4. and but there's something to do with the enemy trying to get you off into a martha thing even where you just strive and and by the sweat of your brown it's it's literally sucking the life out of you does that make sense to you guys and that's not always the lord listen we work hard we're busy but also jesus is the one that says come to me all you who are weary all you who have leeches for eyebrows i'm teasing he says i will give you rest take my yoke upon you his yoke is super easy look jesus the same one that worked so hard at the gospel he didn't even eat at times jesus but also he's got that ornate ability about him he'll give you a yoke which is basically put around cows next to pull and his always has all caps on it written rest jesus he can take that heavy yoke of this world the sweat of your brother the life being sucked up some of you feel drained like man i don't know if i can keep doing this well he wants to turn the chapter on that tonight and impart the spirit of the lord and give you rest and so um and then also he saw measuring kind of device he just knew it was to measure in the shape of an l and l is the 12th letter of the alphabet again this is the prophetic symbols that's why i kind of prefaced it but it's ascending it's usually a commissioning apostolic doesn't mean you're an office of but it's a sent one so there's something to do with measuring somebody to send them out a fresh sending gonna happen and we just want to pray for that how do you know acts 13 is beautiful i always quote this one paul and bartemus were in a season under the titles of prophets and teachers paul and barnabas and the holy spirit said set apart for me out of this group paul and barnabas specifically them too set them apart for me they fasted and prayed laid hands on and the holy spirit sent them there was ascending that happened in literally the next chapter in 14 they're under the title of apostles meaning sent one so all that being said there can be installments or seasons of your life where the lord sends you in a fresh commissioning does that make sense a fresh sending an assignment and a grace for it because i'll have heard it said and i love this that there were some that went and there were some that were sent and you don't want to be those that just went does that make sense that's like you get out in the sailboat i saw some beautiful ones today on the way here wherever we were took a bunch of wrong turns and what we got here when you go into those tunnels in boston your gps just like deuces it's like no i don't work under bridges you better hear the holy spirit and uh but i saw some beautiful sailboats but when you start to operate like that you know it's like you jump in the boat and throw up your your sail and if you went and weren't sent the wind doesn't come your sail just sits there flat have you ever been in those seasons you're like lord but you said he's like yeah but you missed the timing and i've done that a bunch and uh it's a big old fat martha typically or ishmael um but let's jump in that's some of the prophetic things and then we'll lay hands on you guys but uh oh he's like i don't want the sailboat not to go anywhere you better have some wind yeah come on jesus so and yeah and then we'll be back tomorrow morning 10 30. he said okay how many will be back in the morning come on man stay for the whole thing and you do not want to miss mile's accession listen to me what he's carrying is going to get saucy you're carrying the word of the lord he's going to lock that 33 chamber and just look out but um i want to talk to you real briefly a few things just from my heart and then make room for the holy spirit to come but something i've just been sensing of the lord lately and it's beautiful but also to continue just to build into this conference of um the purity and the intimacy of the lord that he's been purging and producing in people that's so beautiful and it's just a consistent thing listen i've been preaching almost every weekend since things lightened up and it doesn't matter the way he shows me i see what he's doing he's after his bride how many of you feel like you you walk with the lord in here you're born again whoa okay hold on how many are born again okay how many just lazy at first they want to raise your hand a bunch anyway listen if you're in here and you kind of don't know honestly born again and what's this guy talking about sometimes there's just one or two listen to me they can be in here i was lost really really lost so i'm 42 now yeah you know when you get older you totally forget your age you have to think about it man i'm there anyway uh until the age of 20. i was really really out there steeped in sin you know really fell quick for the whole carrot and bait trap and you never get it though in the world there's that dangling carrot and the enemy will make it look like whatever you he wants you want it to look like but you'll never get it and i chased it up to the age of 20. before you know i have felonies i was fully depressed by clinical what other doctors tell you on all kind of antidepressants plus illegal drugs alcohol felonies it was bad the lord was cornering me i was getting down i couldn't even blink twice in the city or i'd get arrested it was bad my whole crew we were on the list watching and and i was raised in church but i just didn't know any better you know i didn't know i i quickly fell for the world's trap and jesus came knocking man at the age of 20 september 1998 and i got born again in the upper room of the church this pastor led me to the lord i went home was weeping because i had met jesus christ listen to me young ones too there's no there is nothing else in this earth that matches him i can tell you from both sides there is i feel sorry for the world now it's so empty it's a trap alive from hell it's it just binds you it's like a spider web that you fly into or the light that the flies that flies love and they're attracted to and then you'll get fried in the end it's the spider web that you you just it's oh but that's the broad path it looks i've got more choices and freedom now i can do what i want when i want it this has got to be the way for me but the broad path there's a lot of spider webs there and what happens is you start to fly along the way and you get trapped in one you think i can get myself out you start to wiggle a little bit you get more bound more tied up and you can't get out without the blood of jesus it's impossible the lies the rejection that happens anyway i definitely didn't mean to go here but somebody listen you may be on the fence whatever it is the narrow path is what you want jesus says look the narrow path leads to life that the most free path there ever was and is in the earth is the narrow path meaning the bondages of this world hebrew says that you and i are supposed to throw off those sins that so easily spider web us they entangle us the sins of this world and if you ever had a question so anyway i'm weeping man i'm like i found what have i been doing my whole life which i was only 20. but i was like all 20 years and i'm in my room now i live in a condo with my brother he was lost i was worse off he was lost and actually called my parents worried about me he said listen watch out man brian's out there i was really really out there because i've got this i'm thankful for it on the kingdom side because i'm kind of all in if i'm in something i'm all in but it doesn't work so well if you're on the wrong side of the kingdom you know what i mean if you're on the other side and that's was the problem and uh it's funny he's lost even i found out years later he called my parents he was like look watch out something's you know anyway but the problem he had is i got born again now we live together and i'm radical not a lot of wisdom but super zealous madly in love with jesus and so i'm in the other room oh we've been just worshiping jesus he's like shut up to turn your music down i'm like you shut up you need to get born again no not really but i'm just like you can feel it in the house and uh i'm just in love with jesus you know he's brand new and and i'm just like man the sky was bluer the grass is greener and how do you know it's not all roses though you've got to walk it out the enemy talks loud and you just follow jesus and i want to encourage you guys tonight like literally come get me personally or miles or their leadership listen if you're like i just don't know you know or i once walked with the lord deeper and i want to be back there again come we'll pray with you and jesus will light you on fire he that's what's so beautiful about him if you get off track he can he just needs your heart after him he can put you back on the track instantaneously you know some seeds that were sold you can definitely reap i'm just not going to candy coat it for you but nevertheless in him he can put you right back on track and so um but this purity i've been seeing him emphasize that's all in in different ways throughout the word he's just really um kind of taking it to another level in a very beautiful way the lord is he's looking at his bride and listen revelation says the bride prepares herself and makes herself ready and i'm seeing this greater emphasis on us aligning with him you know what i'm saying listen to him i'm full out for the grace of god we couldn't do anything outside of it he we're righteous in christ one of my favorites before i go there's hebrews 10 14. it's debatable but you know most people think hebrews wrote uh paul wrote hebrews but hebrews 10 14 the author writes i love read it into the different versions my favorite would be the nlt on this one but it says what's up man i love your earrings they're like portals man that's awesome dude so you can put different colors in there dude how long did that take and i just touched one of the portals whoa what's your name nick nice to meet you buddy how old are you 24. so cool you from the area salem wow so how long did that take wow come on eight years wow he said i took my time you don't want to rush something like that yeah yeah no doubt how long you been walking the lord man come on it was rough yeah that's awesome come on dude no wonders yeah one of my close buddies run for years out of seattle area he went to teen challenge it was really out there wow so you got baptized the whole bit come on do you mind if i pray for you i i really feel bro that you're going to carry an aspect of ears to hear there's going to be a sign on you in this generation of ears to hear man there's gonna be this inner knowing that you carry in the generation they're gonna how did you know that you're like i don't really know how i knew that but it's an inner knowing by the lord a river is gonna flow out of you in the prophetic man it's gonna use you as a powerful mouthpiece and those purity portals in your ears man i love it so jesus saying thank you lord ears to hear rivers flow out of this young man power and purity flow i see you even blooming right now watch the spring i see you as a flower starting to open up and blossom for the kingdom of heaven it'll come quick you say man winter's not even here yet or fall but watch the spring when the flowers begin to bud there's a quick work a quick work do it jesus on all four sides there's four petals all four sides surround him sealing by the spirit be glorified mightily through him in jesus name amen man that felt really good i thought i wanted to touch those those are awesome so so yes so this purity though is really really beautiful how the lord's um beginning to work this in the bride and i'm just seeing him start to amp it up in a real precious way but like i was mentioning before the grace of god thank him for it but i'm seeing him begin to emphasize the cooperation from our end not to negate his grace hebrews 10 14 i was just going here says listen to this it's one of the most beautiful verses ever thank god it's there it says from god's lens it says god has forever made perfect those that are being made holy isn't that crazy it's like what being perfect wait how you know in some say sanctified however you want to read it but the beauty of this is god has forever made perfect those that are being made holy meaning there's a sanctification of walking out your salvation ever so yielding into more of his likeness and purification does that make sense to you guys while yet he still sees you through the lens of the blood of jesus as perfect in that awesome and that's not a license of like sweet i'm gonna go sin now he sees me as perfect not at all but listen read you know just start read through romans hebrews whatever he's calling for no compromise but also you see the love and grace for him he sees you as perfect but he's forever making you holy and i see this pathway getting narrower which to me is so beautiful because it's freeing people up listen if you want to go to the next phase in destiny the the sins and the entanglements and the little foxes from the past chapter can't get through the doorway doorway's tighter now let's try it and you will not graduate and it doesn't mean he loves you any less or you miss salvation but you won't get through it's tighter now it's it's tighter now the narrow path but when you hit it it leads to all of life and freedom and there's no bondage it's just you know it's a free free place but i'm just seeing it all over the word and the lord emphasize it to his people for a higher level of purity you know who who may ascend the hill of god he that has clean hands and a pure heart look i was just in chronicles the other day looking at solomon's temple and i won't bog you down too much here but i begin to see this connection that solomon had made he he basically has ten wash basins made okay five on each side north wall south wall there's two temples at the entrance to the presence of god the temple right one he named jacon one he named boaz boaz is debatable but but this version i love jacon was on the south side of the temple a pillar boaz these temples to enter to get into the presence of god boaz on the right jacob jacon means established boaz means quickly and there's a quick establishment happening for those that will abide and get deep into the presence of god okay number one but on these same walls you see him make these ten basins for clean the cleaning utensils for the sacrifices five on each wall then you see this sea they call it a big pool basically like sixteen thousand gallons of water something like this and uh which would represent jesus the blood of jesus the holy spirit that washes us and makes us clean and so even within that you see the psalm 24 you see the clean hands and a pure heart the basins you would clean the utensils that were the works of your hands with the sacrifice but it says the sea the priests had to be cleaned in the sea themselves and it's beautiful i can even see just a figurative language in there of clean hands and a pure heart listen sometimes even within the church we have clean hands meaning your outward deeds and what you do and what is seen on the outward but our hearts aren't pure you guys know what i mean and he's going through the hands into the heart the thoughts everything to such a pure pure level look motives holy spirit i'm telling you like a fine toothed comb he's going through and he's checking motives why'd you do that why are you doing that right now i didn't tell you to do that why are you listening to that it's not pleasing to me listen something lately i've been doing more and more and wanting to and convey to my kids and and um and those who are just teaching and training discipling is we want to be a vessel that's so precious and inviting and pleasing to the holy spirit at all times he's named the holy spirit for a reason that's his description obviously the holy spirit and so we want to always be in a posture of pleasing him when nobody's watching whether you're going to get the brownie porch or a paddle on the back that has nothing to do with it it's him you want to go home one day every day or your hotel or work whatever it is and be able to look jesus right in the face and you'll make mistakes this isn't a condemning thing look we've all fallen short of the glory of god but pick back up wash me jesus i love steve hill he was an evangelist the brother revival he would always say that look when he you know make mistakes he would say wash me jesus it's very simple repentance is just a simple shift of the heart it's a training and a turning and a wait i've been going this way that's not the lord help me lord turn wash me jesus wash me make me new and you turn again and you turn again and then you turn again and then you're never walking that way again you understand you guys tracking with me wash me and holy spirit his voice will get way more clear the more there's mixture his voice is obscure you say some people i can't hear god's voice very clearly just help him show you sometimes there's mixture because the holy spirit does not mix with the world listen to me he loves sinners but the wicked the sin no sir he has no time for it listen to me not at all man perfect religions james says you know the widows the poor take care of them all but also those that keep themselves pure and from being stained by this world we're not to be a part of it at all there is no well it's relevant no relevant is living in complete holiness and purity one with jesus christ that's relevant that's where power will flow that's where the anointing will flow and it's not a works thing it's i'm so in love with jesus wait you don't like this okay i don't like that you like that i love that that's all it is holy spirit what's perfect and true you lead the way you're everything you're everything i want to please you and he's so kind and patient listen he really really is you watch jonah the story of john he's so patient and then jonah finally obeys he relents judgment on nineveh and jonah flips out he's like see i knew you would relent you're a god of mercy you're slow to anger patient kind and all these things and so but the holy spirit will begin to nudge you and the more you yield and are pliable he'll become his voice will become strong his leadings will become more clear does that make sense to you guys and so we just want to start to cut the obvious things for sure but he's going to the non-obvious things and he's he's not allowing us to crutch off of pointing our fingers at somebody else anymore have you ever done that you just all you do is go to the next person that like is living in a with less of a standard to make yourself feel better have i been the only one that's done that like where you're like yeah but so and so their bars down here my bar is super high you know and none of that works jesus is the model and there's this level of purity that's all i just want to encourage you guys to yield to him let the holy spirit come in clean house and you'll watch this graduation this level of jesus that can walk in in such a more potent powerful way purify yourselves tomorrow the lord will do great wonders amongst you and joshua over and over again we are to lay aside those sins that so easily entangled ii timothy 2 paul writes to timothy he says look if you want to be used especially for god he says all you got to do is keep yourself clean keep yourself pure you guys tracking with me i feel like i was neglecting this section you all are so beautiful and handsome but keeping ourselves clean and pure right now listen turn off the nonsense okay news is another one i'm just going to go here i can feel it listen the vacuum of the news is sucking people in just ask the holy spirit if he enjoys it i get some of it but i love i think it's bill johnson said he says if you watch it you need to immediately let the holy spirit have you pray about it and pray into it and intercede be productive does that make sense but a lot of people um social media there's just so many vacuums though listen i'm gonna tell you something a little mystical or whatever but recently i saw this in prayer i saw the lord turn the dial on a watch in the heavens and i was like that's interesting it was like he's speeding up the time like speeding up the the which the lord you all know he runs everything he's not taken back by anything there's things we look at now before all this year and i was like ah it makes sense but when you've never seen something hit the earth before you're like prophetically like i don't know how that's going to happen and but he runs it all but as soon as i saw that it's almost like he allowed listen i don't believe the lord by any means is ordaining what's going on but you better believe he's using it he'll use it listen he'll checkmate the enemy on every front yeah go ahead actually i'll turn up the dial let you overplay your cards go ahead play them real strong in this hour because i'm raising up my company because the knowledge of the glory of the lord will possess the earth like the waters of the sea go ahead go ahead play your biggest cars biggest and baddest ones go ahead listen the bible says even the antichrist can't come out there's times and seasons but right now i'm just telling you what i saw i saw the lord amp up the speed of time and that's why you're starting to see a lot of progression now right after that craziest thing but you guys get the prophetic you already told me you did so don't don't use it against me i'm teasing but i see these jellyfish like figures start to descend out of the heavens the dark realm start to amp up the dark agenda in the earth and the lord's like bring it because my son's coming the wrath of the lamb is coming read the bible listen revelation 6 it's just no joke jesus and it's all through perfect love who he is but it's it's all going to conclude back to him and you just want to be on the right side of the fence that's all um but i see these jellyfish type figures come out and i began to do my homework on them and i knew too it was it was going to be even through the summer picking up this is before it hit the summer uh because jellyfish we all know the only time you know about them is in the summer when you go to the beach you know who says how in those seasons and things and uh and i really i read up on them and they apparently release these arrows into these these little things they they can somehow shoot into you i didn't know this you know i was reminded of psalm 91 a recent dream i love that myles quoted that that the lord was showing now more than ever we've got to abide under the shadow deep deep intimacy marry the presence of god and that's how the arrows that fly by day they won't stick in you but somebody just emailed our ministry i don't know who it was and sure enough on july 2nd they caught this this this picture in the sky you can look it up or hopefully um i don't know how we could share it but it got emailed to our ministry and it's legit uh they literally called it jellyfish sprites uh i think that's what they're called that the way the weather pattern worked and they were even red in color which is similar i saw it um caught this crazy weather pattern of all these lightning strikes they look just like jellyfish descending out of the heavens it was so crazy and so just want to encourage you guys the lord always wins and he's never caught back by surprise but also what you're seeing is kind of an amping up of of the two agendas dark darkness is getting more dark and light's getting more light and more pure and more full of power and more called back to its true identity and that's why i don't like when somebody on the other side wants to try and force you under their umbrella i don't do that god bless you i love you but i do the umbrella of jesus christ the umbrella of this and listen right now devour this say well i know brother the word but but there's a lot of people saying that and it just stays dusty i mean daily listen devour this right now i've been the lord i wouldn't bog down the time with the revelations that have been coming but he's pointing back to this like never before your bible go deep man old testament through the new there's such a fresh wind on it um the the word of god listen to me that the bible is clear one of the things i had seen prophetically for 2020 was that out of timothy where it says there's going to be people starting to fall away and drift by myths and teachings that tickle their ears we you can't go for the tickling you say holy spirit show me this thing you know all things you you wrote this all scripture has god breathed and don't fall for the well it's not relevant from their cultural time it was this that in the other and uh now don't get me wrong i love like pastor john he'll take you into deep he's a he's a doctor in theology so study to show yourself approved go into the hebrew group i do all of it but i mean there's certain doctrines out there that the bible says clear it says it's doctrines of demons that's what's called doctrines of it takes parts of the word and it twists it and it contradicts the word you've got to be solid in this thing right now read it deep don't be moved and you know find the balance of love and grace with people but don't come off of this you guys know what i'm saying and uh because the collision's kind of increasing and there's just going to be ever increasing light and darkness more clear the gray area is kind of being removed and this right here is what we've got to stay firm on joshua basically says if you want to succeed meditate on it day and night never turn from this psalm 119 i want to encourage you to devour it the longest psalm there is it's all about the word it says how do you how does a young person keep themselves pure by obeying the word devouring the word listen ephesians 5 27 this is what he's doing right now he's washing the bible says literally this is a washing fountain of life jesus says blood this bible it says it washes the bride and cleanses her it says wash washing by the water of the word ephesians 5 27 it says the lord's looking for a bride without spot or wrinkle say well how do i attain that fall madly in love with jesus and his word because look you just you say well man it doesn't it's not making a whole lot of sense just keep devouring it listen if it if you feel like it's not making a lot of sense what i'll do i'll just tell you as i'll close it for a little bit go pray in the holy ghost for 30 minutes to an hour the holy spirit authored this thing get saturated in his presence and then crack it back open like oh my goodness it's a pop-up book how many of you guys pray in the holy spirit go for it listen it wouldn't make sense logically neither to me but go for it anyway that the bible doesn't ask for your logic to make sense with it you're like yeah but it's like for two hours well then every once in a while i'll throw on a hat whatever listen to trust the mystery listen my tongues man it's simple i want to encourage you and just demystify it free you up go for super simple every once in a while some pretty wild ones will slip in there and i'm like whoa that was great don't know anyway but listen go for it focus on him the bible is clear says it edifies your holy spirit smith wigglesworth said some read the bible in hebrew some read it in greek i read it in the holy ghost do the hebrew in the greek but read it by the holy ghost he pops it open like oh my it's alive it's alive it's a life so listen take full half hour hour hours if you can whatever but pray in the holy ghost get strong in the spirit sometimes we're misaligned because we're too heavy in the soul this is your mind your will and emotions what somebody told you your to-do list for the day and the holy ghost doesn't care about any of that you know what i mean he does but he cares about glorifying jesus in and through you and so you pray in the holy spirit i'll pace i don't know i learned it in bible college and i enjoy it or i sit in indian style and rock there's my buddy so swalt um you know and it's funny everywhere i go i've got these four i'll go listen i'm gonna just tell you take you into my prayer call one two three four ha tata shamba one two three four turn hata abba one two three four it's alright and and then before you know it i'm lost i'm not there but there's this pattern that gets walked in all my carpets of my closets like i remember the last time i sold one and they came in my mom was a realtor on that one they were like what happened in here literally walked a trench through there i walk miles in tongues and he'll come man and the beautiful thing about the holy spirit i can feel him right now he he brings into remembrance all things pertaining him there being obscurity there bra na na clarity remembrance somebody told you this or god gave you this dream or remember that person you saw yesterday i meant for you to connect to them he'll bring remembrance clarity wisdom plans of god that you could have never seen before listen pray in the holy ghost don't care what anybody thinks about if your spouse thinks you're dumb say just wash my fruit honey or a hubby or whatever because the fruits on the fruit's undeniable undeniable pray in the holy ghost crank up some anointed music um get in the word and let's just go for this thing and ask him you know he's the one that purifies so he gives the grace but there is a yielding on our end and far too often i'm seeing and i've been guilty of this plenty but where we justify little foxes and he's he'll sit back as long as you want but he's like look the chapter i'm taking my bride into this path is super narrow and listen but you want that path it's the most freeing you ever walked on full of power and anointing and clarity and intimacy which is the highest prize in life to know him to just hear him say anything is all of life listen this is eternal life to know you intimately it's getting really good over here yep so anyway um yeah man i can just feel it but we we want to yield like never before um fall madly in love with him get full of the holy spirit stay deep in the word and just watch just stay that course don't ever come off of it like that's where you want to be legalistic you know what i mean not really but just stay on it discipline choose another diligence fervency the fervent prayer of the righteous availeth module i'm very fervent but if the righteousness isn't there you want to veileth anything righteousness matthew 6 33 seek my kingdom there it is again first and his righteousness how do you know there's a seeking of righteousness make me pure lord search my heart oh lord purify me find anything in me that's not of you pull it out paul writes to pursue godliness so we're forever made perfect but also there's a pursuing a training and godliness a yielding help me lord help me tame my tongue help me walk in humility he's like look at me more got it you're everything but i want to reflect you i want to really please you today and i messed up 20 times he's like that's okay i love you tomorrow be 19. you know what i'm saying next day 18. you're doing amazing and then whoops 22 on thursday dang it but that person was aggravating you know it's like well get back up jesus you're everything to me i just want to please you that's it i can't get back yesterday you're everything to me listen that's one thing that's undeniable each and every one of you sitting here you cannot deny that you can read it in the word all of our callings are very different how we display god all that but you are made for him period there's not a human that walks the globe that wasn't specifically created for him intimately and for him to use you and then our yielding our yieldedness to that will really uh see what plays out from there but i just want to encourage you guys each and every one whatever our call looks like he's on the edge of having longing to be one with us and we've we've also got to yield into that so so come on jesus awesome let's leave room for prayer um if the worship team wants to come or if you have tracks or whatever how many healing in your body come on man come on i'm excited about healing not not your sickness the lord's going to touch you it's beautiful i don't know pastor jonathan that man still sleeping good but we were at their church military pstd or whatever and listen i love been telling the story it's so beautiful he had his he's good come on jesus he even had his dog with him um in the service i guess to comfort him and i think that's awesome tell you a quick story kid you not this happened while they're coming on a plane and remember him a few weeks ago flying north carolina judo is with me on this one i look over judah noticed at first lady had one of the pet bags with her i said i must have her dog with her okay cool check out in prayer the planes are great secret place you just need some good noise canceling headphones and you get the chip eaters man dig in their back they don't chew with their mouth closed you're like jesus you're everything see the real quality noise canceling but i happen to come out and look and i kedgie now she starts pulling what was supposed to be a dog out of her back she pulls her pet chicken out of the back i'm not kidding i was like i'm in a vision right now there's no way there's a chicken across the aisle for me on a plane i don't know how she talked the airlines into this and she's just sitting there like just every other day just sitting there petting her chicken just looking out the airplane window petting her chicken i'm like you got to be kidding me so i had to ask her i normally wouldn't do this and ma'am is that a rooster or a chicken she said oh no it's a hen she lays eggs had her eight years she's the sweetest thing i was like oh my goodness you know i'm kidding my mind goes here i'm so childlike sometimes i really thought i was like man he he was looking out the window i was like i wonder if he thinks ever like if this is what it's like to fly because chickens don't fly i'm like i guarantee you thought it at least once but anyway but me and uh pastor john were praying for this precious man listen thoughts and it just rattled in his mind the whole leeches life sucked out of him couldn't sleep i believe not getting sleep and it's so powerful we go to pray for him uh maybe y'all can help me man tonight if you'll have time pastor john miles we just whatever but just jump in there's some heavyweights in here anyway uh it was beautiful uh i thought we were going to give him some big profound breakdown but this is all pastor johnny says listen to me he was going on and on about all those issues and this pastor says the anointing breaks the yoke i was like oh that's good lay hands on me next the anointing breaks the yolk we lay hands on him bam didn't he testify the the next morning you mind telling him quick i just want to build faith he testified i think sunday it was the first time he'd had a full night's sleep in years so he's a vet ptsd and just extremely full of static anxiety noise but just a simple word the anointing broke the oak come on static that that's the best word ever that's you could feel it and some of you are there and that's okay but listen to me the anointing breaks the yoke the baptismal of the holy spirit and all you have to do is be hungry that's it like touch me lord even just a little bit he's so listen all he needs is a little bit you don't feel like you have to be some perfect status for him to meet you just needs a little bit of hunger and even if you're not you may get swept in i'm just warning you i'll never forget john g lake one of my heroes he uh listen to me man i feel the lord going back to the days of old power raw power is going to hit the earth there's a vision i saw years ago of jack cohen a.a allen and those people from those days a lot of rain movement healing tents they would just yank people out of wheelchairs jack cole there's a cancerous uh growth on a person's face just pulled it off in the name of jesus christ brand new skin crossed eye lady wham he puts he says get the camera here up front and center laid hands jesus name be healed pull his hands off straight eyes um a.a allen had a meeting documented recorded a young boy 26 creative miracles happening in his body one meeting man that those days of power smith wigglesworth but listen to the purity um i'm forgetting his name who was under him under smith wigglesworth uh yeah lester sumrall yeah he comes to listen he comes to smith wigglesworth's house over in england gruff man he was a plumber didn't start ministry until about the age of 40 smith wigglesworth read only the bible ever his whole life he had nothing else powerful man i wouldn't advise his tactics in prayer lines they were a little rough but they said one time a person had a tumor in their stomach he jackson uppercuts them bam mike tyson right in the stomach and the tumor comes flying out of their throat healed instantly and he says i'm not punching them i'm punching the devil in them he punted a baby back to life sorry he would say look first person that gets in the aisle will be healed right now jesus saying people to run to the aisles first foot touch healings miracles uh but lester sumrall come to came to his house had the daily newspaper under his arm just the newspaper no big deal smith wigglesworth said on the spot he said what's that what's under your arm they said it was real gruff not how you been man how's the day top of the morning to you no what's under your arm he goes the daily newspaper he goes lies those don't come in my house called him out on the spot made him leave it down with his umbrella out by the the potted plant at the front door wouldn't let newspaper in his house purity holiness things that aren't pleasing to him well you're getting a little legalistic brother out there will watch me i'm going further then because if it pleases him i don't care what you think i don't care what you know the status quo and well you're just not only up and up you just don't know what's current relevant no what's relevant is him what's relevant is his precious presence man what's relevant is his gaze the clarity of him man [Music] man i really pray messes us up what's relevant is him he's the only thing well you're so heavenly minded you're no earthly good no that's that's the biggest lie you ever heard on planet earth those that are most heavenly minded are the only ones earthly good otherwise you're just running around hamster wheeling it martha's running around doing nothing talking a big game you know a lot there's no substance he's not there and uh so just want to encourage you guys this is the hour man you can feel it yeah yeah very excited not angry so passionate and loving because look i'm up here i walk on the highway of holiness that's why i sent john the baptist to straighten crooked past because i walk on straight ones and they're super narrow because it's just me i'm just just me nothing else outside of me can fit on these paths just me because you come to me and that's how you get to the father so anyway john g lake if you say man i just don't feel there yet it doesn't matter anyway we'll pray for you you just want to build your faith a man came to janja lake uh he's in south africa crazy miracles they said he would get up and look at the mirror almost daily or something like this and he would look in the mirror and say god lives in that man he had such a reality that god was in him janji lake he would look in the mirror not out of arrogance but god lives in that man and i'm in him it would be points where the press of the people this happened to jesus would come so much to get healed for the sick he would lay hands on like a tree stump or a rock and say just touch the rock now that's acts 19. handkerchiefs would touch paul and be taken and touch people they'd be healed in their bodies shrieking devils would leave back in spokane washington it was recorded the most healthy city in the u.s recorded by like the mayor in the newspapers why because his ministry was there pockets of glory possessing people that are really in love with jesus is going to happen listen to me safe places where there's just a bubble of glory persecution yeah that's it's going to come but stephen he was so lost in jesus he didn't even care and there's lovers that are so caught up persecutions like and it was a recent dream on that but um this man comes in john g lake he looks at him he says look i'm being i'll be straight up with you i have no faith in any of this somebody told me to come to you i'm sick i don't believe for any of this stuff the the the story goes john jalee kicked his head back and laughed in his face he says look here boy i got enough faith for both of us be healed in jesus name he was healed on the spot so some of you the lord's like look where just you you made a bad decision even getting in the building heaven can just meet you and take you over so i want to build your faith but expectancy too and lean and jesus just i don't want to be here anymore it's been great but i want there's more you know you can feel that there's more i want to go through that doorway through that bridesmaid's door that wedding feast of a new place with you and just want to build your faith in that and um we're going to pray so yeah if you want to stand we'll make make room and [Music] yeah just keep this in my back pocket is that okay and then i'll put it back jesus name be healed be healed in jesus name look we were in brazil i just want to build faith for miracles and a young man he had his head split open you could see the scar and all the way down his leg young man motorcycle accident brain damage meaning he lost parts of his brain okay equilibrium shot he couldn't run anymore barely walked and he was his mom said he was fully depressed ever since because he couldn't play soccer anymore we're in brazil and the gift of faith came i felt because it was just almost like it was impossible it wasn't going to happen that didn't always happen but anyway so i began to pray for him fogu it's basically fire in portuguese it's very close to spanish which would be fuego but fogu jesus name be healed jesus name be here to start laying hands on his leg you see a scar and then the main things bring them how do you know brain damage doesn't just heal up on its own it's you need to create a miracle you need more brains back so in jesus name be healed by the power of god how do you know the bible acts 10 38 you know i think this is that authority man miles was feeling i could feel it just authority god's power acts 10 38 says jesus went about doing good healing all that were oppressed of the devil all he went like no you're good for today we'll wait no not you no healing all this is what jesus did you and i lord and savior jesus christ went around doing good healing all that were oppressed of the devil but anyway fogu be healed jesus name uh i said start running he starts running in place he's about to fall over so if you're watching it from the outside you're like yeah no nothing jesus name keep running i'm talking through the interpreter folger be healed in jesus name all of a sudden something click bam and he starts running instantly in place healed on the spot only your equilibrium can line up like this so i look over his mom starts crying and then at the same time it hits him he's like wait i'm really running this is impossible he starts weeping so i tell him start running up and down the building he's healed on the spot in jesus name another lady came to to mock us really in colombia um rich lady my friend noticed her purse she's like well that's a six thousand dollar person women would know what they are i don't know what it is but we found out later she was mocking our meetings and her daughters made her come her knees were shot she couldn't stand up really or do anything but we get by her and i think i had a word of knowledge i knew something she needed healing in her knees i said get up i didn't know this is the lady that thought we were flakes you know and uh get up in jesus name i commanded her there was a very authoritative feel you could tell so she listened to me thank goodness and she was healed on the spot how do you know often the lord will pick out the the mockers on purpose to display his power deafness and ears barren wombs whatever your issue is blindness and eyes just miracles we've seen over the years i want to encourage you guys legs shorter than the other grow out often people don't know this but if your lower back's been hurting you often there's a misalignment in a leg shorter than the other and it's effortless for the in the glory of god you can sit in a chair and stick your legs straight out and you'll see them misaligned and so whatever you're dealing with blood diseases issues like this whether it be trauma in sleep your sleep deprived things like this the lord wants to set you free the bible says wherever the holy spirit is there's liberty you guys tracking with me so i want to raise your expectancy faith um financial miracles relational whatever but just look to heaven right now we're going to pray [Music] thank you jesus be glorified your everything hear everything be glorified jesus walk the aisles touch your people right now just begin to receive right where you're at just begin to look and step into him the bible says while peter yet spoke the holy spirit began to fall on the people be filled with the holy spirit right now all over this building through media be filled with the power of god come holy spirit fire authority power be healed in your body spirits of infirmity loose you now in jesus name that's striving that shame you know there's shame that's really uh haunted some of you and guilt i bind it that's not the voice of god at all the enemies lying to you be free in jesus name those thoughts be free right now
Channel: Brian Guerin
Views: 10,766
Rating: 4.9299998 out of 5
Keywords: Father, Son, Holy Spirt, God, Jesus, Holy Ghost, Prayer, Fasting, Intimacy, Son of God, Glory, Signs, Wonders, Miracles, Angels, Power, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Teacher, 5 Fold Ministry, Prophecy, Prophetic, Stillness, Meditation, Worship, Spirituality, Spirit, Supernatural, Divine, Encounters, Angelic, Glory Nights, Glory Cruise, Jesus Conference, Jesus' Bride, Bridal Glory, Spirit and the Bride, Brian Guerin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 30sec (4530 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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