"It's Time to Go All In!" | Brian Guerin

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[Music] [Applause] Wow praise Jesus you may be seated what's up Peter how are you guys doing no it's nice just my memory was correct or what but wow it feels really good in here that's all I know it feels a bit saucy already so yeah see where we end up and super excited yeah I have not well I'll just get going to forget I just want to honor you guys first can we give it up for John and Linda Pastor John oh Linda yeah yeah I just want to thank you guys so much for letting me come back honor and love you dearly and you know it's rare to find a house that's so deeply rooted in the Word of God but wide open to the Holy Spirit but walks in purity and character and you know they're like all of the above and everything beyond and it's super refreshing just honor and love you guys big time and thank you so much for the hospitality always it's just over the top I got these little butter cups in my gift basket man those are epic they they said like butter better butter and all kind of yeah the last time we had lobster but so it did it didn't the light bulb beating yeah yeah I'm kind of kind of remember those already but uh no right when I saw him I said man this is so I instantly always go to joke 2096 you know it's like one of my favorite verses that Jobe says Oh as if it were in the days of old or my feet were bathed in butter sounds like how would they know there is amazing Oh gullible me and then the light bulb went off holy spirits like genius that's for lobsters you know and but they're sweet little cups but how many want your feet bathed in butter or like I guess I don't know Lourdes speaks of is favor acceleration ease and the anointing of God Jobe knew it the blessing of God and he was through a rough window they don't know some of you have been in and but he hit that butter lame man he started sliding and he just he remembered it so yeah so we pray that happens tonight I'm kind of already hammered so it's a night meeting and I'll just see where it goes and Oh before I forget to honor my son Judah you want to stand a grown man now yeah yeah he was able to come with me and my daughter Zoe that many of you know she's she's holding the fort down with this we have this English Bulldog he's like all fat and just rolls and so she's holding the fort down with him and Judas killing my grocery bill you guys got to pray for me or something he hit that 17 mark and it's like he's never never full so but I know I'm really excited I feel the Holy Spirit just got borderline hammered in the hotel room and normally what it you know how many of you know typically what you tap into in the secret pours out in public and you just want to courage you guys like Pastor John said just really receive and let the Holy Spirit touch you and can we do the whole laying on of hands and stuff for okay I just didn't want to be sure an honor whatever the setting was I don't see master or anything so I didn't know but to each his own I don't really care what she do holy goes of blow right through a mask man he'll hit you though I'm just telling you right now and I was so we were in the airport this morning crack of dawn me and Judah and I I just messed up I didn't mean to get too close to this older lady she was really sweet and dressed real nice but I think I got past the 6-foot mark I was just wasn't I was being careless you could tell she was head of masking a bit worried and look back and I'm thinking ma'am if I breathed on you you're gonna get covet nice okay full of the holy goes I'm teasing but you want us near you I'm trying to let this precious lady know like you don't you know but I'm teasing but me and you were messing around but no yeah this is the first meeting since it all hit and it's just amazing that I'm even with you all you know I just really feel like heavens gonna hit this place I want to jump into it with you all share some things prophetically that we saw and excited about as well definitely jump in the word and but I'm excited too because I feel like I was gonna touch people powerfully you want to raise your expectancy healing and bodies you know complete liberation freedom that's what the Holy Ghost does and you know one thing I've learned about him is where there's a higher level of hunger he's more explosive he's super potent when there's hunger and when I see if people gather like this and these times you know it shows me that you kind of went past the fear and a lot of the the status quo which I understand fully and don't blame anybody but I just know there's a hunger group in here and it's probably gonna get a little dangerous that's all in a good way so but yeah I first saw her Cory lied to y'all man he lied he said something about the it did or did you tell the others did he tell you something about like the greater ones coming after him or somebody yeah no man no man that guy is you can't lie in the house of God no way many whose texting I was like bro don't you tell him that yeah I'm just kind of the little dessert man he's that he's the steak for sure but love and honor him to no end he's oh my gosh you guys already know but just love Cory and even though he's not here he's gonna honor him big time what a legend in general we were just together it's pretty wild we have an Academy coming out and we're in that thing together and it's he was just in town shooting a bunch of content for the curriculum and boy it's potent it's gonna get out of hand he was just rolling through hours three days straight and now he's he's funny but that's not the truth at all so uh but anyway yeah I actually it was March how many of you don't know how a clue who I am sorry about that anybody oh we're good yeah I'm from Louisiana originally hey how are you in the back what's your name Carla car nice Cara oh that's beautiful name so my name is Brian from Louisiana I live in Georgia now got born again last month and nothing no but yeah just love Jesus and we'll just see where we end up but love this house and appreciate you letting me be with you all these next couple of days but I was in we were on a cruise that we do a lot of you all know we do this big big cruising we just missed the whole Co big thing and God was good enough I was in prayer and saw the they were probably like the doctor you know level of what code would look like I just don't know a lot of that the virus but I went into a vision and I saw them moving and I saw him freeze and pause in the Holy Spirit spoke to me that was during our cruise and then when it our cruise ended I saw him pick up and move again and I was like and sir I'm seeing familiar faces and so at least I was comfortable by about this it's a big event we do on this cruise ship you think how can God meet folks on a cruise ship but it's pretty epic a bunch of good folks who get together and just really encounter God so I was comforted to know we'd be fine although it's like thousands of people in this vessel out at sea just wouldn't wouldn't look like natural wisdom to do something like that you know in a pandemic or whatever and but we were good I didn't know a whole lot about it I don't really watch the news anyway much it's okay if you do I just don't get into it so wasn't tracking with it and we get off the ship and I found out actually Daniel kolenda mentioned later he said bro we just got off the ship in time I don't if you know but a lot of people got stuck on ships for like weeks you know so we step off like March 12th that's what it was and going to the airport I'm like would hey man I was just here same airport there's masks and people well you could feel it you know the fear in the air you could cut it with a knife I was like what happened and so praise the Lord but since then not traveled sense in that while yeah and the boys been good you know haven't done give a rip what he does but he's still rich the the oil of heaven pours out daily devil messes up you know he'll give you more time with Jesus I'm like dude that's amazing now I got more family time time with the Lord we're gonna get oil right now from Matthew 25 and and I'm sensing that in the season I want to encourage you guys that I feel like so much is happening don't get me wrong I know there's a lot of twisted lives around the whole thing that's happening it wouldn't encourage you to buy into a whole lot but nevertheless Jesus is slap in the middle of all of it and he's raising up his bride he's got the Spade card in his hand he always wins and in some excited about that but I want to share a few prophetic things before I forget and then we'll just follow the spirit and see where we end up a few things I saw and then at the end we'll make room for just prayer in ministry to hopefully bless you guys but I went into a dream oh yeah so funny you mentioned this Christine because it's it's totally what it was that in this dream I saw somebody had dropped their calling their assignment in this specific season we've been in this you can call it quarantine pandemic whatever I knew is this last few month window and this is a good thing this isn't a condemning correction thing I love that Linda said that got so loving kind gracious full of mercy I was just reading Jonah again the other day one of my favorite books of all times in Jonah you know I was blown away at the discernment of the lost on the ship and seen this quite in quite some time from this angle jumps on the ship he's running you know we all know the stories running from God what says a storm came obviously from God he's trying to get the profit of the hour to release his word immediately the other sailors everybody on the ship connects it to the spirit they're not even believers it says they got their other idols started crying out figuring out what the storm was connected to during the storm they cast lots they basically spent a bottle and it lands on Jonah they're like you're the one they're like who are you where are you from he's like I'm a Hebrew who worship with the Lord our God you know what I mean he they're like oh he said I'm the problem trust me throw me overboard you know I was blown away at the discernment of those who worship idols they connected the storm they knew something spiritually wasn't right and to me that's far past sometimes the body of Christ in this current day I'm not trying to be you know I'm just being honest and truthful and even call myself higher but the discernment we need the Spirit of Truth in the hour the Word of God like never before people of the Spirit that are swayed by the voices and the hoorah of everything that's going on we're just razor-sharp with the word of God crystal clear see through the storefront window by the Holy Spirit and stay on course and and been sensing that so anyway finally they they were gracious they tried to spare Jonas as they rode harder they don't want to throw them overboard storm got worse then they said nah did you know we're all gonna we're all going down so they chunk Jonah storm stops immediately whale swallows him the whole bit well he finally goes to Nineveh releases the word of the Lord remember it's a very unique book John would know it even better but it's just the details here but like from a theological stance but it's just crazy because it says he released the the rebuke of the Lord and it says they heeded it Nineveh so much so this is the only time I found a scripture where they said even our animals don't feed our animals really strange he made their cows and cats and English Bulldogs fast I'm like don't ever check either with my dog man he's got judo I'll tell you his idol is food and he won't he doesn't understand anything else but eating the whole day that's like a highlight of the day I'm teasing but he loves to eat so animals fast too says the Lord recognized and relented pulled back and God in his argument with Jonas you know he spares the animals and the people he highlights that people were spared too because they fasted isn't that crazy it's a very unique connection in the word but Jonah to God says see this is why I didn't want to come he didn't say he was scared of the place a lot of us think it was just such a rough place he didn't want to go the cost to go there whatever it was he says I knew you were God of mercy slow to judgement full of compassion and I knew soon as I released that there really did you'd pull back your word in that while Jonah so knew God's heart and and that's how he is so he hear this that he's he's just after somebody pick him back up they're calling but I've seen this one time before in the meeting you just mentioned it's so wild but in this dream crystal clear during this window which I totally get it it's through through a lot of people off somebody got off of their assignment and dropped their calling in their destiny and got skewed a little bit and that's okay but I'm here to tell you that the grace of God the Holy Spirit that revelation again to pick it back up to pick back up your calling I saw it in a dream is here this weekend I want to pray for you guys the anointing of God is going to come upon you his compassion and mercy I was in Arizona and and we do see some wonders sometimes they just get interesting I don't have anything to do with him I just love Jesus preach the word and you know he does interesting things but this is what Christine was talking about it was around the same word so funny you mentioned that because it had to do with people drop in their calls it was the only other time years ago I'm actually in a conference with Ryan Lestrange know if you know him he's he's awesome he preaches over in like a lot of the african-american the community he's got the sweat rag and oh yeah it's awesome I love it love any race but he's a he's a white dude but he's got that soulish you know so he's a lot in there great guy so we're preaching a conference in Arizona in the night before in the hotel my phone rang in the hotel room it was so real I thought it's somebody really called it was alert woke up out of sleep grabbed the phone it's just busy nobody was there nobody called it was so strange it really ranked so I picked it up and nothing happened and and I journal just forgot that it may be something to assume i picking up their calling i didn't understand and but the Holy Spirit showed me it was people later that people needed to pick up their calling he was calling people and they weren't picking back up their call they weren't answering the call of God so we get in the meeting like Christine mentioned I'm just ministering doing what I do and cell phones start going off first it was a lady up the aisle and it went off in her purse and she got embarrassed and started she could get to in her purse in time so she starts running up the aisle to leave the meeting and it answered in her purse and the person's leaving a voicemail mail somehow even answered it picked up in her person like hey Tina how are you girl you know whatever it's like you can hear the person talking and the lady's embarrassed she's like walking out and we're like that strangest I kept on preaching before you knew it one of the elders on staff her phone rings and then I'm been in conferences long enough the church leaders and staff know in meetings turn your phone on silent so then I was like that strange I know she wouldn't left it on phones phones are ringing meeting ends and those people come up they didn't even talk to each other they didn't know but the one lady she said I'm so sorry my phone was on silent I don't know what happened it just rang elder then comes up to me a little bit later two minutes later I'm so sorry my phone was on silent on a how it rang and it was a sign that phones that were ringing they needed to pick him up there's callings and it's just so funny you mention that because it was crystal clear I saw it in a dream that somebody's calling or assignment destiny has gotten dropped and it's not a heavy condemning thing at all it's just God's goodness getting us back on track and we'll pray and get back in alignment and a lot of times the spirit of wisdom and revelation will hit real strong and it's like you can see again does that make sense and called path another one I was on a the plane this morning the first flight and just spending time in prayer and went into a vision where and don't you don't need to raise your hand but there was a female that's been having suicidal thoughts and want to pray for you heavens gonna set you free is gonna be amazing I saw just so you know I saw they're coming from the dark realm there they seem real these thoughts that are coming but they're totally demonic not from God from anybody else their lies from hell but they're so real I saw it was forming a darkness of your eyes to see clearly anymore it was coming in the ways of suicidal thoughts and the spirit of Lourdes gonna set you free instantly the Bible says wherever the Holy Spirit is there's Liberty in that awesome so if he just is given one corner of this building that's the freest corner in the whole house you just want to go again in it you're saying but he's gonna possess this place and you're gonna be free those voices will leave and and it'll be awesome in then Judah during worship tonight saw a bird's nest from he was like no pun intended he chased and they're telling me to worship up but I saw from bird's eye view and and there's a hole in the bottom of the nest with green forming all around the nest and I think what this is is somebody had a possibly and again you don't need to raise your hand or you can I just don't ever want to put people on the spot but as we and I'll hopefully remind you later when we lay hands I just want to minister to people because he loves you but I think there was somebody that maybe had a miscarriage and the hole in the nest but there's a new birth and a new growth coming that green speaks of a new beginning around the housing of such does that make sense to you guys and want to pray into that and Jesus loves you my kids will see some really accurate stuff lately he just saw a presidential thing coming up and just want to tell you guys man too you can feel the times we're in there they're legit you know it's real and you don't wanna be naive but you can tell to to love Jesus like never before is just feel before us in a fresh way we've been hammering this but it's like you can feel we really need to grip that now does that make sense going all-in for for the Lord and I want to share this too and just hopefully it'll land and again wherever this needs to go but recently not too long ago four five days ago maybe I went into a vision where I saw the hand of the Lord reaching deep within mankind and pull out these two acorns and right when I saw them I heard the verse Psalm 51 six I desire truth in the innermost parts yeah I'm telling he's on this right now and I feel these two acorns are definitely much more but also connected to the two main topics right now that we're seeing in society with the Cova deal and the racial hoorah and I just want to that being said when I know the Lord's looking for truth that shows me there's a lot of missed truth that's present you understand what he's desiring and looking for it it's not readily available does that make sense to you guys so I just want to tell you that don't and other things I've seen that you know I know it's a bit touchy but one I'll just say it I mean why not this was a while ago maybe a month but on a major movement to around all this it just started I want to do a crystal clear dream that there's a there's things starting right now I want to encourage you guys to stay in the Holy Spirit I know you know this but sometimes we need to hear it man because I don't know how people start getting swayed by voices that aren't Jesus and we just all the more need to hold tight to the Holy Spirit the Word of God like never before and don't move don't budge but I saw a dream where a major movement that can seem like justice the Lord spoke to me crystal clear that it was connected to first Samuel 15 verse 23 and it's at its root in core it's the rebellion as the sin of witchcraft and that's a heavy verse I said whoa Lord I came out of it yeah it was just at its early beginnings and it seemed right and this another but I just wasn't feeling released to to really you know with Machado couldn't find a piece I don't know what's going on and then the Lord showed me in a dream you know and I'm not biased with any of it I don't care just love Jesus and love people you know what I mean your devise you do the same but I just want to tell you there's certain things if you're not careful at a rapid race that are moving and they're contrary to the Spirit of Truth I saw those looking at for it right now on all kinds of topics and it's so anyway I know I'm speaking generally but hopefully the spirit I'll make sense of it you know but want to encourage you guys like now more than ever to really dive deep into the presence of God intimacy like never before truth where freedom is you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free I was teaching on this recently the you know if you had a 90 percent full let's say this bottle is 90 percent full of truth and ten percent of it has let's just say you put gasoline a little 10 percent on top and the rest of the 90 was water to be ruined you guys know what I mean we need full truth in this hour and the only way is Holy Ghost old school Bible Jesus you know me cut the fat out I'm just being honest with you guys you know now more than ever we've got to stay on the word I'm seeing people I'm like Howie that's so unbiblical like how is so obvious right now and so you know again I know it sounds elementary but I'm just like now more than ever we've got to stay full of the Word of God you'll see where tomorrow morning goes but even may open it for some Q&A or something this would just prayer intimacy the secret place the Word of God like never before and stay on this thing man a recent dream I had I could see where the Lord's trying to build the body of Christ this fresh new temple and it had an apostolic connection to it which is a building in a sent ones of course but building a fresh new temple but it was all back on the Word of God the solid foundation of the word and just want to encourage you guys be you know to be deep deep lovers of the Bible again I mean you say well it's kind of boring sometimes you know just do whatever you gotta do begin to devour lately I just been falling madly in love with the word again there's a fresh wind on it and I would encourage you just find a version you like I actually enjoy the New Living Translation to read and then when I want to stop and camp out I'll go deep into Greek and all the ESV and the KJ in break down versions but for reading sake you know how many of you read the passion translation yeah I've been seeing that's amazing just would encourage you guys whatever you got to do the fall in love with the word again shut off the other voices and get possessed by God in this hour man how many of you are working again still oh that's amazing you never stopped okay Wow everyone's like we amped up actually I know the quarantine actually forced some people to uh to crank up how so how long did y'all get to start meeting again or did things shut down here mm-hmm oh I'll doors nice that's fun yeah and then so when are we able to start meeting back in here this oh nice yeah okay yeah oh that's awesome yeah cuz I just was curious I know it's different all over the place you know I've been talking to close friends and a lot of stuff's changing but no matter where you're at though just want to encourage you guys like man to you know I know I'm just like beating a dead horse here but I just don't see anything else yeah in falling madly in love with Jesus more than ever before like to me those are the people that are really standing out in this hour you know and he's raising up warriors and so many other things but there's a bridal company that are so infatuated with him that's leading to the Lord's return that culminates to the end of the book that says the spirit and the bride say come you know some of you men are like I don't know about that man what the Lord mighty in battle you know and I get it but I just want to encourage you guys to now more than ever just really dive in too deeply to the presence of God intimately and like recently I remembered Christmas Day which I should have known there was things looking back now that I was seeing leading up to a lot of this stuff and didn't realize but I begin I'll just be honest with you guys I began to see as of late over the last six months to a year that the tone of the Lord's voice change a little like crank it up a notch still incomplete love major mercy you can't change that side of him but the other side the the Bible also says behold the kindness and severity of God and I'm didn't see in this tone we myself and my kids we did a Daniel fast not too long ago and at the end of it Judah went into this dream that I believe that the fast kind of triggered where he goes before the Lord has judge 16 he's 17 now when he was 16 he just turned 17 we're on our way to the gym and he starts tearing up it was loving but we need to know this God's too in the word and this thing's amping up I just I can see his tone that's all and you can tell games are kind of over you guys hearing me and please hear this in a love he's so loving I mean I just weeping the other day in his presence in his intimacy doll that's still there but also I just want to encourage you guys now is not the time to keep just going through like go all in I just want to start hunger you said well I'm kind of busy who cares change your schedule switch jobs really now's not the time make everything needs to pivot around him everything right now I'm telling rearrange whatever you got to do to put him as a central point and just get consumed by the word his presence his voice highway of holiness integrity character let the fat be cut off right now in this hour people of us are catapulting I'm telling you the kingdom of light and darkness are really starting to separate that that gray area is being removed and so he goes we're going to the gym in and he's like Papa he's like man he was telling me about how he saw the Lord you know the Bible actually says it speaks of the wrath of the Lamb and that Jesus will truly judge sorry this is the Bible you know I mean I'm kind of loving all of it Matthew 24 whatever just fall in love with it it's all Jesus the good the bad the heavy the hard the fun you know you guys know I love the fun we're gonna do that here in a second I mean I'm all about Jesus the same Jesus I'm talking about the Bible says was anointed with the oil of gladness beyond his peers or companions which if you look that word up in it in the depths Greek and this any other or you know you can go to the Psalms or Hebrews where it's at it means utter like laughter and hilarity hilarious like laughter you know it's not like some giddy in word joy he was full of joy but I want to say is that John five anywhere Jesus says the father judges no one he's given all authority to the son to judge and so Judah my 16 year old son I don't even talk to my kids like this I talk to him about the cost and I we preached the raw Word of God and and blessed are those that are persecuted and don't come off okay no compromise we don't play around but also I don't like hang out on Jesus says judge you follow me like we but he goes straight up he's taken before the Lord as judge and he could see what presented heaven behind him he said Jesus meant business listen to me says I don't ever want to see him like that he's in tears very loving but also he meant business and we will all stand before him he says I saw you pop and Zoey and I didn't know what y'all's results were and that's the goodness of God he's not trying to expose or Cup you know I love he went to the woman that the well and remember the word of knowledge kicks in about her married five times before if you read closely he starts telling her her baggage in such a loving way to only heal her and reveal her heart and set her on fire but he goes he picks up on easy at first he's just thirsty from the journey the Bible says he goes up to Jacob's Well ask her for something to drink and he starts picking up supernaturally I believe by word of knowledge he says where's your husband or whatever she's like I'm not married he said you're right you've been married five times before remember that well it's not the most like highlighted you know emphasis you want to bring us much passed up you know but he did it in love and if you read further it says then the disciples came up he did that one-on-one he's so loving and caring he's not trying to shame and he's not that way but he does have a standard and he the Bible says be perfect as he's perfect he's calling people up to a higher place and he wants us bride without spot or wrinkle this is Ephesians five twenty seven and we're going to heavy for y'all okay sorry but I can just I'm just telling you I've been feeling his heart lately you know I'm I'm wooed by and I love it but it's like he's like come higher come higher listen I any well finished Judas dream so he's like don't want to see him like that again I'm like yep me either I'm sayin but thank the Lord and but he was super is Jesus but also we will stand before him all of us and but back rewind Christmas morning my parents in town nothing Shakalaka super spirits on my parish in town you know just whatever hanging out we're gonna do presents which I don't know why we do that it's awesome I think it's great to give and but like we never get into the whole Santa Claus thing sorry if somebody just we don't do fake stuff so but we do that we got a tree and love all that stuff sorry my kids are just never you know we we don't anyway no no I just felt a real peace about that but that it's funny I'll let you into our back-end world a little bit so Todd white you guys know him with dreadlocks he abhors anything like that like despises it I get it I'm gonna be a little more gracious with you although we don't do it but you talk Santa Claus with him he don't play so it's funny well be in a group text Mike wouldn't care and all of a sudden like it'll be around the holidays you something Michael Coolio knows he's a clown he's always cutting up heals tech he'll group text a bunch of Santa Clauses the toddlers like like whatever you know and it's funny but um but Christmas morning which we know prophetically speaks of and God's good like this we know nobody knows the scripture is not clear on when Jesus first came was born which is interesting you know there's like no birthdays in the Bible that I can find it's really interesting that there's the mention of them but a date like it's really hard to find that I can see but either way he was born we know the wonder around it in all this and so what we treat as his birth December 25th I'm awakened at 3:20 four in the morning from a full out encounter and it was that that that wake up realm I know of the Lord I love the butter we're gonna do in a second thought Holy Ghost the oil all of it but also I've just been seeing his tone and it's his goodness doing this you know really we don't how many of you want to get caught behind the current of God yeah not me either and or in front or anything we want to be caught right where he's at and moving and that's all I want to reiterate and remind you guys the the hoorah and the noise right now that you're hearing don't even waste your time with it I get some of it legitimacy and knowledge you need to know for certain things but you want to get really caught up in the noise of heaven right now really caught up in his glory his manifest presence oil poured out we want to be the wise virgins bridesmaids from Matthew 25 you just feel alright they're full extra oil Matthew 25 oh no wonders okay I got to feel this shift right there it's lower I don't know why but uh man let us be found on the five Wise Ones full of oil right now some of you say I don't know that parable too well super simple where any of you not here this morning Oh everybody was here oh you weren't here yeah there's ten bridesmaids I'll sum it up real fast Jesus said my favorite parable out of all that Jesus ever gave you know why speaks within the house to you and I unless somebody's not born again here you don't know the Lord you don't know tomorrow where you spend eternity if so you can today is the day of salvation come pray with us at the end but he's hammering the church he says there's ten bridesmaids all virgins all dressed ready to see the bridegroom ready for marriage that's what this whole things about you know this whole book sums up with the spirit and the bride say come love that Pastor John talked about the Holy Spirit he's the signet ring if he's the seal of the whole thing man I love that because sometimes if we're not careful we get off of how real and valid the Holy Spirit is like what would we do Jesus says it's better than I go that I may send the Holy Spirit but there's ten five on each side Jesus splits them down the middle says five were foolish five were wise and he said the Wise Ones had extra oil it's one of the fewest times in Scripture Jesus condones having extra or too much fewest times you even see when he multiplies the food there's extra left over and he says pick it up like save it baskets leftover says go grab the extras but this it's like oil right here I'm telling be this be this trust me I don't care for the land right now let it land when you leave here or something be this in life a wise virgin and bridesmaid from Matthew chapter 25 and everything will be okay you don't need to learn more but do you know what I'm saying but this is the fix all people completely full of oil from heaven so they had these lamps some people would say it eliminates ministry I look at it as intimacy with the Lord and and that are full of oil from they can only be produced in the secret place of loving him really well and that's right now what I'm sensing he's a pawn more than ever before it's it's producing the butter that people are sliding through doorways and in things like this and so Christmas day I am awakened by the side of my bed last time that's cool it's just different the chairs that's why I'm just so yeah Christmas morning you know family's in town you know you know nothing seems seemingly more spiritual than any other day but literally the hand of the Lord my spiritual eyes were opened to see the hand of the Lord knocking on a membrane of heaven I could see it right out over my bed abruptly awakened like a quick awakened not a subtle sweet romantic nothing it was a boom the hands of the Lord can see the knuckles the whole bit unlike this membrane of having hovering out over the bed awakened instantly a 3:24 you know someone up real fast and won't keep you guys too long but the Lord showed me this was Revelation chapter 3 anytime again recently the knock of the Lord revelation 3:20 which is I stand at the door and knock he's doing this right now he says if you hear my voice open the door I'll come in and dine with you and you with me basically the remedy right now in this hour is hearing the knock and letting him come in in deep in a deep intimate way if there's anything you want to invest into life right now oh yeah there is oh that's the passion translation nice but right now so basically but I was at y3 3:24 Lord this is my little journey on it because I always know that to be 320 over the years but he showed me this correlation that I believe prophetically applies and hopefully it'll land with you guys how it may but it was it was a overlapping of the Church of Sardis and the Church of Laodicea ok Revelation chapter 3 verses 2 through 4 was the 324 well 2 through 4 he basically says to the Church of Sardis wake up exclamation mark and IV NLT the one he knows I read others wouldn't say be on watch but basically wake up and it started it awakened me abruptly in 324 wake up you have a reputation of being alive but you're dead this is Jesus you know what I mean you guys know what I'm saying if you ever had Jesus do that kind of talk to you a little sternly he disciplines those he loves even Jesus obeyed sorry learned obedience through what he suffered but it's kind of a it's a bit of a rebuke and I never saw the correlation but I knew the knocking was the wonder from Laodicea so he did it in the form of over overlapping both so being to study both churches in Revelation first off you need to look at it happening on Christmas Day because I watch all this in the prophetic like why did you do it on this day in the Holy Spirit we're going to speak to me that he was speaking on the day of his signifying first coming in context of his next final coming right and and obviously we know from revelation that's the final book leading unto his return and he's knocking wake up like his his return is soon which we know could still be you know a ways but not according to all of humanity if you guys know what I mean it's getting close so the knocking Church of Sardis and Laodicea I began to look at in Church of Sardis it says you have a reputation of being alive but you're dead and Laodicea is the only one similar it says you think you have it going on basically you think you need nothing you're rich you know this set and the other but basically my assessment of you is you're blind nekkid and the wretched and so forth you guys remember that and I'm just being honest with you I think at large the church the assessment again I know it's a bit heavy but it's good if we're yield it's a good thing he disciplines those he loves but his overall assessment of the body I feel right now in this hours wake up you think you have it going on but you don't go back to the beginning I love in this called first love or even first love Church of Ephesus he says go back and do the work she did at first return to me he says a very similar in Sardis and Laodicea but I love how he sums it up in Revelation basically how I see it every church he comes in with a beautiful of affirmation correction ends in on a remedy how to fix the correction and at the end this will be the reward it's beautiful how he does it my dad we used to call it the sandwich effect okay we built custom homes for years and we deal with some pretty high-profile profile people big high-end customs lawyers attorney you know architects all this stuff so he would call it the sandwich effect basically butter them up with the affirmation it's all truth bring in the correction that ended again on a good note you guys ever heard that and it's a pretty good tactful thing well Jesus sort of does it in Revelation but Laodicea which by the way is the seventh and final Church which I think prophetically or figuratively speaks of you know it's coming close the end but he basically the remedy for all of it which I'm thankful he said this as the standard in the bar is intimacy he says look all that to be being said how do you fix it how do you wake up how do you you know get back that which strengthen that which is remains here the knock of his voice open the door and dine with him intimately you guys tracking with me and so I encourage you like never before that we'd be a people that are hearing that knock and I really feel like he was show me it's also from Revelation 3:20 but from 2020 was awaking up that happen and then soon as the year turned it was it was December 25th the year turned and then it's been you know on ever since but I believe we even there's a there's a four year window you're gonna watch under 24 3 24 22 24 there's gonna be a grace pocket not that it'll just close when 24 is done but I think now more than ever what I'm saying is the time to lean in you don't want to find yourself behind the current because it's all the harder to catch up and so so yeah let's let's land on that to leave enough time for ministry if those okay if you guys want to stand maybe the worship team come but yeah we'll see where we're going the morning but just want to courage you guys the word man um lately just to practically bring you into my world lately I've been spending my morning time intimacy waiting upon the Lord praying in tongues so can whatever it may be and then I'll drop back in the afternoon and jump back into the word and just slowly lock in and just go deep and chew it up and it's kind of a cheat sheet I get a second window to go back in and be with the Lord you know but what I encourage you guys whatever works for you but deep deep no days off man I said and didn't legalism it's just infatuation and hunger go deep into the word so awesome want to remind you guys stuffin I was trying to like pick up on the prophetic one time at a rib spot we're eating ribs my buddy and his tall guy looked athletic I'm like I mean come on hold ups trying to pick up just prophesy and word of knowledge and oh man you did you play sports in high school because they know I was in the band like dang missed it bad then I cried a few others and missed them all I was like okay man what's your name yeah yeah just loved on time it was good but uh but yeah just remind you guys the the callings you know in a second I want to welcome anybody wants a prayer but if you feel like that's you and you could have dropped it which we've all done at some point no condemnation at all but you want to jolt from the Holy Ghost and that revelation to hit you again a bit of pick back up a calling so on a dream suicidal thoughts I saw a female but if it applies to you that's fine as well and a new beginning and birth around a miscarriage and just let you know you can come pray with me too if you want buddy and any of your leaders or whatever but he's super accurate when he sees these things I mean he's seen all kind of stuff elections well I'll never forget when he was young when he was three juda the Lord showed me to have a call like Daniel you know I was like that's wild and then it didn't start playing out - seven years old I don't know why seven weeks are gonna visions one time we went into a trance and four saw one of the elections I was in Brazil preaching my mom said he's hallucinating I was like no I'd seen him like this before he'll go on a vision and see you but he's in another world I don't you know we need to raise our kids up in the Holy Spirit visions dreams the word of the Lord all of it like set the bar really high the Bible says you know the Lord can do far beyond what you could even imagine or think but I'll never forget one I think was just the humor of the Lord has a dream one more as a pop-up craziest dream I saw how pack up chihuahuas I'm not kidding you this happened he was like Tim he's 17 known as OE - is just super proud open they just really love the Lord I saw this want a dream saw a wild pack of Chihuahuas running around you know the Taco Bell dog little chihuahua Taco Bell attacking people it is crystal clear saw this dream I don't know what the world is are okay buddy am they getting too much pizza you know kids you know we're going to restaurant us off the headline news there were strangest thing over at Arizona they said strangest thing a wild pack of chihuahuas is running around attacking people like it Arizona oh you gotta be kidding me man the Lord spoke to you about that like what you know they didn't have a knee we didn't know anybody to tell about it like watch out for the Chihuahuas in Arizona but it's just got Schumer but also it's just wild how he speaks so just hopefully bless you guys and it says appreciate you're just beginning to look to the Lord if you don't mind and welcome the Holy Spirit brothers of God come Lord Jesus [Music] you just looked at Jesus begin to worship [Music] yes begin to sing in the spirit [Music] Oh [Music] just begin to sing in the spirit rivers form of your belly [Music] you go [Music] I'll tell you she continues to worship if any of you felt like that call has been dropped over this past season and want to come up first just so I can see you love to pray for you come now if anybody feel like that relate to you you could come now just want to pray for you Julian [Music] yeah anybody just wants to set back on course of destiny thank you lord thank you Jesus a new day picking up calls [Music] I come through quick and prey just begin to receive the presence of God right now come Holy Spirit right up here to the front glory of God Comfort glory of God come currents of the Holy Spirit company [Music] Jesus Jesus name bless her look Jesus thank you Lord never the same fire [Music] Jesus Jesus thank you learn air with us sake you
Channel: Linda Eckhardt
Views: 4,442
Rating: 4.9741936 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 32sec (3092 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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