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[Music] okay so recap session five recap from from up till now in the beginning was the word capital w the word was with god jesus christ all scripture is god breathed second timothy 3 infallible no question you can go ahead and just check that off your list he puts his word above his name all thy name psalm 138 2 heaven and earth will pass away but never his word what does the word inheritly do heal our bodies restores resets rebuilds our soul makes and keeps us clean praise god brings supernatural blessing we learned of the abiding key from john 15 we must have his presence and his word enabling us to abide in his love unlocking our joy being complete the word is a lamp unto our feet but also a light unto our path we learned about victorious living through the word and it being our only offensive weapon last week it was just uh imperative we learned we're in a battle while yet that's not not even close to our focal point but we must have the word within us okay so this week um i want to hit one more kind of byproduct product of the word and then land it with what i was telling you guys is it so vital and and uh and pray with you guys and we'll do dreams communion words of knowledge all that fun stuff and go from there so listen to this i want to talk about how the word the word of god builds our faith and this is like absolutely imperative vital just a non-negotiable in the life of the believer i'm going to expound i think we we're like yeah i know you know builds our faith and we i just think far too often this points kind of looked over and not dug into very deeply on its validity and just a need in the life of a believer but watch this romans 10 17 if you're taking notes whoa that's blazing let that tone down a bit you know romans 10 17 so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god we all know this verse but listen how it really applies and i'm growing in my knowing this is listen this is huge this is this is big romans 10 17 so then faith comes by hearing and what else does the living energy-filled word of god do god breathed hearing by the word of god brings faith that's how faith comes basically the bible is crystal clear that how do we gain faith how do we increase in our faith we've been given a measure of faith but also how can we grow an increase in it by hearing the word of god the word of god produces faith so i have here this is absolutely vital in the life of every believer as number one listen to this you can't even please god in anything you do without faith listen i was just talking to my children about this last night i forget on what topic even but i was i was letting them know like look look more and more we've got to conform to his world his ways his mind his heart we do things his way he loves us unconditionally more than we could ever compute understand but he has his ways and they're going to be done his way and we've got to more and more renewed to his reality to his way of doing things and listen faith is like the number one lane that god intends for believers to not only drive in but stay in i know about you guys i love to switch to the left lane because it's a little faster at times atlanta's got i'm loving atlanta they've got so many lanes it's glorious it's like the promised land it's not the narrow gate it's it's the broad one but i feel like it still leads to life because there's like seven lanes it says somebody wants to be lethargic one day i can just let them be lethargic in that lane you know just pick another one but we we stay we try and stay and respect the law but you know what i mean anyway so the lane though listen a believer uh if you want to do anything for god but but that's what i just said number one you can't even please god in anything you do without faith hebrews 11 6 without faith it is impossible to please god if you're taking notes and it's like okay faith man i need this where'd i get this from oh hearing and hearing by the word of god this is the number one source that will infuse you with abounding faith how does faith come oh by hearing and hearing of the word of god hearing directly which obviously to read and meditate is to resound sometimes even meditating on the word of god hearing it through others as well but the word of god is the source for building faith numero uno the the word and so a romans 14 23 i'll be quoting a lot of word tonight obviously anything not done in faith is sin this is how god sees things okay the scriptural lens and god's take on it anything not done in faith is sin even if it's not inherently bad or anything it's just not done in faith so the more you start mulling through the word slowly and digging through it you're gonna be like oh my gosh faith is like one of the big three there's the big three you see me first corinthians 13 again i'm getting ahead of myself with faith hope and love and those three bad boys right there are like pillars in the life of the believer and it just so happens that faith if you want that pillar strong it comes through this hearing and hearing by the word of god so i have here none of us if we are honest enjoy doing things by faith our flesh runs from the word of faith and this is where i'm trying to again break down worldly mindsets transform our our soul into the renewing of our mind you know not to be conformed by the world because it just by default humanity's nature is to run away from the faith walk in the faith realm on the faith lane that god ever so loves and it pleases him uh i said i have here none of us if we're honest enjoy doing things by faith our flesh runs from the word faith because you are now talking about the invisible realm that the flesh is not inherently familiar with faith flesh loves what it can see and touch faith is not in that realm ever it unlocks the tangible realm but it's the most powerful substance in the spirit realm and how do you build it here if you have a faith problem it just it's a dead giveaway there's there's a low diet there's a low amount of the word in your spiritual diet you know just like if i don't know say you were lacking muscle density or something i don't know you you realize your proteins are low or whatever it may be this is a if you sense your faith is constantly low and you're struggling in the area of faith it's not a condemning thing at all it just shows you that how do i increase it how do i how does faith come oh yeah i forgot romans 10 17 by hearing and hearing of the word of god you start overdosing on this here going deep letting his words abide deep faith comes and and not only will it come it'll come so strong that yet i'm getting ahead of myself but it's what unlocks the invisible realm and takes it into the the uh natural the visible realm it overlap it overlaps that world into this one and it is possibly the most powerful substance in the spirit it's the currency of heaven period faith and i feel like it's far too often overlooked um and it's just how god set it up again it's not our flesh is like no thanks you know if you guys are honest i know me i things done by faith are like not fun to the flesh while yet it's it's god's world of pleasure is that you you know without faith it's impossible to please god but the flesh and soul love to operate in the visible tangible realm what we can already see touch and have figured out but god is spirit and he set this whole thing up to properly function through the invisible realm keeping our dependency and reliability upon him through intimacy that's what's so beautiful about it is the invisible realm that keeps you dependent upon him through intimacy it's so so brilliant i have hearing faith is the only source that makes the two worlds overlap faith is the currency of heaven and i'm going to further explain but listen this one's big and it just so happens that the word thank god is how you produce it it's how it comes and how it's how it increases in people with a lot of faith tangible i'm talking about real not head faith because i'm about to explain there's a big difference not you think you have faith you know how to quote it i'm talking about re the real substance in the spirit or a dangerous folk they're a dangerous breed and the enemy can see it faith in the spirit is seen it's a real substance it's just not seen here that's why our flesh is like yeah let me let me walk by sight not a big fan of walking by faith you know and god does not like that realm he knows we enjoy sight intangible and already knowing and figured out what we can see and touch you know but that's uh that's not what pleases him ephesians 2 8 ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 for it is by grace it is by grace you have been saved through faith you can't even be saved without faith so if that tells you anything faith is so vital that it is the very substance that unlocks and sustains salvation for you which is the doorway just to begin knowing god salvation that's why we must make disciples praise god we win the lost but then what do you do with them they just got through the threshold in the doorway of salvation and now they've got to be taught trained discipled brought into a deep knowing growing in their knowing of god you guys remember from the school of knowing him and faith without faith you can't even be become saved or sustained sustain a salvation so faith is is the most imperative substance one of the in the top realm of the spirit that is produced by this is just huge so i have you can't even be saved without faith ephesians 2 8 if you already take notes now watch this hebrews 11 1 you say what kind of what is faith further expound the best definition biblically of what faith is is hebrews 11 1. and again i know a lot of us already know these verses but what i'm trying to do is kind of pull back the layers a little bit and go deeper and slower with you guys to where it hopefully um not only reminds but actually illuminates and takes us a little deeper and like oh my gosh yeah like i knew that but i didn't know it like that you know for all of us hopefully but hebrews 11 1 now faith is the substance faith is of real substance it's just not real in this world and that's why our flesh we don't like walking by faith we want to know we want to wait and you could you will miss god 100 times out of 101 doing that i'm telling you you've got to hear his voice pay the price to know him intimately hear his word clearly and do it do it listen delayed obedience is disobedience what he tells you is what you do well but it may cost me i don't know this figured out and all that go ahead start walking by your own understanding the bible says lean not upon your own understanding but trust god in all your ways and your plans will succeed you hear that faith in their trust faith it pleases him it's the way it's the highway you stay in you hit cruise control in the faith lane and never come out of it and one of the most productive ways of doing that is being stuck deep in this thing just dive deep into it stay in it because faith comes by the word hearing the word word of god so um so anyway listen now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen so like i'm trying to think let's say i was trying to think through like let's say this coffee and i probably won't draw tonight so let's give you some visuals let's say this coffee mug is worth a hundred dollars okay and i don't own it yet so i don't have it so it's not technically seen in my world with a reality because i don't own it i just know of it and i know it's worth but i have a hundred dollar bill that i know can overlap that world and make it available to me okay so if you can imagine a hundred dollar bill i wish i had something remember got my snazzy kleenex is we'll say one of these is a hundred dollars which let's be let's be honest they kind of are worth that sometimes i'm teasing 100 so because because faith is a substance it is tangible and real and look look those that walk with the real faith i'm talking about the biblical faith in the spirit oh they're known oh they're known by god and guess what god's cheese and ear to ear why because faith is how you please him why did he set it up this way i don't have all the answers but i can promise you it's in the word and without it you're not going to please him you can beat on your chest all you want you can do all the works preach profoundly cry out emotions listening god he gave us emotions he's a very loving god he's the creator of them but they won't move him i'm about to explain i'm getting out of myself but god is moved by what he's moved by and what he set up the own listen the only things that wowed jesus were faith one was the great amount of and the lack thereof that's it he's not stoic and non-emotional and just like you know some zombie because you guys have heard of me hebrews 1 9 psalm 45 7. he was anointed with the oil of gladness giddy laughter and joy he's the most humorous life-filled glory bomb that the earth has ever seen but i'm talking about on a real spirit level in a deep unto deep level faith is what moves god and how does it come here so if our faith is low you know that excites me i'm like oh my gosh yeah jesus let me walk in what pleases you we say we love him then let's walk in what pleases in faith so jesus he was astounded by faith and astounded by the lack thereof that's what what he was watching in the earth if you look anyway faith hebrews 11 1 says is a substance meaning it's tangible just not in our world but it builds up really like a bank account in the spirit you dive into this right here and it builds in the spirit and then you have it to draw from and it works but it works more it's more powerful than anything because now you're tapping the power switch of the spirit realm that is more dominant to the natural you are now overriding every natural limitation by that which is is possible the possibility of the spirit dominates the impossibilities of the natural just totally obliterates and blows all the limits off the jericho walls fall you name it and that's what faith does this is massive for the life of a believer so faith back to our hundred dollar bill our fake one i know that this substance faith is a substance of things hoped for i'm hoping for this but this is not only a substance of things hoped for but also the evidence of things not yet seen okay healing prosperity blessing authority destiny uh god's voice in a deeper way relational breakthrough victory um the chapter to turn you know all things good that god intends they're they're definitely for you you can see it in the word of god there's prophetic promises or something other but they can't be tapped outside of faith which is the substance and evidence you know substance around things hoped for evidence of things not yet seen yet seen and so what happens is faith comes into the scenario and then it's done it with one more factor i'm going to build into and land it tonight if i if i can i think i can but in the spirit what happens is see the hundred dollars you know it will cover the value of this and the natural and bring it no longer from being hoped or not yet seen but bring it into uh seen in yours now and it it it accesses that which is invisible listen to this we went over it in session one where jesus was the capital w word hebrews three you go two verses later watch this by faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of god jesus christ so that what is seen was made sorry was not made out of things visible so even how god kicked the whole thing off with you and i we were created through faith by god he loves this realm this is his realm but we need to learn it quick and get into it deeper and yield to it more through scripture and again um transforming our mind into his ways not being conformed to the world because the world wants to clamp you so far out of faith they always want you to operate in logic what you can figure out what you can touch and see what plans work for you and this is how i'm going to plan this out the other and and your own understanding all of this world does not please god number one number two it will not unlock what's intended for the life of a believer the unbeliever again they don't have the covenant made available there is no faith in their card their deck of cards they can't pull that one so they better figure it out they better have understanding you know but with us thank god we don't have to operate by that you know it doesn't mean go around be naive and not use practical wisdom but you know what i mean so faith but faith that's what this does and this is powerful because listen as i read it again hebrews 11 3 by faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of god so that what is now seen was not made out of things visible so faith brings what is not seen and what it it turns the invisible realm it overlaps the spirit rolled into the natural it pulls it into that's why you have keys to unlock loose the the uh heavens so it'll be loosed in the earth and bind and the heavens will be bound on the earth so faith is a substance in the spirit realm that unlocks the invisible to bringing into the visible it's so powerful and this is what god's uh this is the mode this is the mo it's what he operates out of this is how you heal the sick this is how you stay saved that's how you become saved and stay saved by grace through faith through this realm that is a real substance the bible says it's not some christian yeah i'm just walking by faith it's it's a real substance that you can build up in your spiritual account by the word i must stay here too long anyway um uh let me skip that if the if the listen there's another this is vital if the bible took out an entire chapter for this thing called faith it you better believe it means something hebrews 11 there's a entire chapter dedicated to faith this is i'm telling you this is god's mascot topic it's massive uh then we might want to pay attention to it i have here the bible very seldomly takes up entire chapters for one word or topic alone one of the only other places you see it is on love that we all know is first corinthians 13 the love chapter it's called and it's actually pretty short chapter hebrews 11 is on faith which again i told you guys the the big three you know um some of you guys that follow sports you have like usually the big three and basketball anyway if you go back to major teams and stuff like this but in in first corinthians 13 it says you know and um i'll just have it right here known as the love chapter and even at this chapter you see the big three at the end faith hope and love with love of course is the greatest because anything not done in love is completely counter intuitive in every way as god is the very substance of love and nothing transpires into true eternal fruit that is not done in love but they all work together um and you guys remember the biggest chapter in the entire bible's on the word psalm 119 but when you start seeing whole chapters dedicated to one topic or word like this you better know god's like this is big this listen like he's like hello you know this is very very meaningful and this is faith that thank god it's not like just delegated this song we're all given a measure of faith but also how does it come right here i've got other examples just trying to time this thing right yeah now let me let me skip the examples but hopefully you guys got the substance this is big it's a it's the devil c's faith is big anyway in the spirit gonna skip that um romans 10 paul's talking about it's in the context of the lost being saved and that's what he's saying he's like listen how are they going to hear how they're going to be saved nobody preaches because faith which leads to salvation comes by hearing and hearing of the word of god but also that's a dead giveaway verse unto our personal life how faith we can increase it from the word but this is what i now want to point out and camp out on for the remainder of this uh school wowzers i'm gonna move a little fast so right here which brings us to our last and final point with and again the word i mean my gosh it's a life school you know you guys know i was trying to mostly hit the pillars of the word stir hunger fresh just for yeah fresh hunger and in depth in the word a life of sustaining it and also you can see in this hour i feel like now more than ever we've got to get back to the foundation of this thing stuff's starting to get really shallow and mixed deception doctrines of demons things like this we've got to plant our feet in this thing now more than ever so watch this but which brings us to our last and final point with faith and the word because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god i love i was listening to a kenneth hagin senior recently love him i'll listen to anything man anything that's got anointing teaching preaching prop prophetic i don't care just give me give me jesus and uh would encourage you guys do the same just have a healthy well died to teach my kids it's like pull from the prophets the apostles teachers pastors just make sure they got the anointing in the spirit because we don't want religion that'll kill you over time and you don't know it even though it's truth coming at you it's not moistened by the spirit which we'll see in a second but anyway kenneth hagin is so good he was talking about romans 10 17 he says it was either i think it was him in dialogue with somebody saying how it's just ironic that it says so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god hearing and hearing he said why did he put it twice hearing and hearing by the word of god and he was making the point that god was even emphasizing how the word must continue to be heard over and over hearing and hearing the word of god hearing and he's got to constantly go deep and get in you and stay in it and it and it goes deeper and deeper and it'll transform our world but i have here uh brings us to our last and final point with faith and the word as both have pre have a prerequisite switch on off built into each of them and uh and if this switch is not turned on they both absolutely will not work or function or produce the due results needed so let this really anchor and hit home with everything else we built in the school up to this point but this right here is big and i feel like where often most of us miss it as believers and why sometimes the word and faith that comes by the word don't don't work and it is so clear in scripture thank god he didn't make this thing complicated but sometimes just again in our natural makeup and through time and just sometimes sheer habit choices we make for creatures of habit you know um we we aren't hitting these switches that are absolutely prerequisites meaning they have to be applied they're on off switches with the word and on off switches with that substance i'm telling you about that we'll either let them work or not and and this is a really really key you know we've heard these before but again i just want to take a little bit deeper and hopefully they land kind of light bulbs go off in an impartation way holy spirit yeah make the word land in a transforming way you know we want to go past the head deep into deep james chapter 1 verses 22 through 25 if you're taking notes thank you lord for your word and your presence james chapter 1 verses 22-25 listen to this this is so good we know this passage but but may it resonate deeper but be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving yourselves james was a gunner for if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror for he looks at himself goes away and once forgets what he was like but the one who looks into the perfect law the law of liberty and preserves perseveres sorry being not a hearer who forgets but a doer who acts he will be blessed in his doing remember how the word blesses your life inherently you'll see in deuteronomy 28 there's the meditate day and night in obeying everything all the commandments there's obedience listen everything in this christian walk you're going to see a conditional accountability or reliability factor on us in it because it's a relationship it's a two-way field it's how god set it up and this is touchy sometimes to go down this path because people they they start to throw up you know these make-believe red flags of watch out you're getting into works and and it's just but it's not biblical because the bible's full of work should be rewarded according to what you've done your works will be tested by fire the bible says whether it be wood hay and stubble and burned up or silver gold and precious stones jesus says i come with my reward in my hands i'm about to show you faith without works is completely dead of course in the love of god birth from intimacy by grace my goodness but but i think far too often we love to ride on the sovereignty of god topic alone he's sovereign but it just so happens in his sovereignty he set up this whole dynamic of relationship with a a dependency and a reliability upon us you can't even be saved without faith guess what faith relies on us uh well what wait brother you're starting to take the the kind of limelight off of jesus by no means it's a relationship everything the limelight is always fixed upon in and through jesus he's done it all there's nothing you can add to it hear me i'm not saying you know you can work for salvation but you sure faith has to be applied which he's not going to do faith for you so you understand that there's always a reliability and thank god he did it this way he did it on purpose because he wants lovers he wants sons and daughters it's a relationship he didn't want robots that's why the angels they look in and peer into our they don't understand the realm of the gospel you know and uh but listen this but the one who looks into the perfect law of the law of liberty and perseveres being not here who forgets but to do who acts he will be blessed in his doing you're going to see this this accountability reliability factor that he totally empowers that he totally gives grace for we it's all done through him but yet we have a will and you know there's that yielding factor so watch this jesus hits it another angle james hits it be doers of the word you're going to start seeing like hold on the word it yeah it's got to get in me but i've got to do it it has to be done the word is null and void when not done which it is similar to faith i'm explaining but watch jesus hits it so beautifully in matthew 7 verses 24 through 27 in this parable matthew chapter 7 verses 24 through 27 jesus listen to this man i love this one i was in it the other day jesus says everyone then who hears these words of mine the word and does them that's it you're going to see the only difference in this parable from the six success the the successful and the unsuccessful or he who does the word or doesn't it's the doing of the word it must be done everyone then who hears the words these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock the rain fell floods came and the winds blew beat on that house but it didn't fall because it had been founded on the rock and everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand rain fell floods came winds blew beat against that house and it fell and great was the fall of it so a quick reader's digest version on this passage is listen you've got i love this one too because it's another one of those parables that hones in on the believer just like the bridesmaids it laser focus hones in on you and i giving us no excuses because it's it's two companies those who and they all hear his words that's the believer it's just who does them or not and listen this i'm telling you especially in this last hour is going to separate the men from the boys the women for the girls you know however you want to look at it but you're going to start to really see in in increased shaking because the shaking is going to come listen the scenario for both sides of each team here nothing changed everything's the exact same rain fell floods came wind blew his words still came in everybody heard his words nothing was different out of each one everyone who hears these words of mine and does them is wise everyone hears these words and does not do them as foolish you remember the wise and fullest virgins same scenario in this parable you have wise and foolish but they're only wise because they everybody heard the word in rain floods and wind blew on everybody everybody had a house built everything's the exact same in this scenario and this is how it's going to be in the life of the church in modern day christianity and when shaking comes you're going to start seeing real quick this is what happened in 2020 and i'm telling you it's going to increase not doom and gloom just bible you're going to see real quick when the shaking comes oh i see who did the word everybody heard the word the rain hit everybody the shaking it's going to touch every facet of life if you think you are smart enough to build up something so untouchable that's that's comical i'm telling you the shaking that the bible talks about this coming it will touch but the problem is it cannot touch those who hear his words but they heard his words too you have to do them you ha it has to be done lean not upon your own understanding of god when god speaks listen to me you pay the price to hear his words and when he speaks you do them don't don't listen to anything any other voice i don't know why i just feel man god right now you we've got to be we've got to do his word when he speaks do i don't really feel the presence but this word you gotta do it or it's not gonna work you do what it says his spoken word you do many people are really excited to hear and mean everybody heard in here everybody hears in the christian life more or less a lot of people are excited to god spoke and shared this revelation that i am too and let's go for it dig deep and it's amazing but nothing's going to [Music] ever gain traction and produce success and and bring you into destiny until it's done has to be done we've got to be doers of the word so the rain the bible here is saying look rain's going to fall floods are gonna come when's gonna blow period it hit both camps that's not up for grabs that's not an if that's when and how and look i know these weather patterns that's that's south louisiana all day that's hurricane right there rain fell floods came and winds blue that's hurricanes i know those real well my whole life september get the water jugs flashlights ready that's hurricane you know and all you down you know texas florida we all know that it's wild because now living up in atlanta i don't i forgot we don't even have to pay attention anymore but i'm teasing but that's definitely a progression of like a hurricane type situation the problem is rains fall moisten the ground floods come erode your foundation then the winds blow and down it goes you understand and right here if you if you look closely it says both camps had enough time to build their house they didn't say they were still building it said they built and when the one fell great was the fall of it meaning it had plenty of time to build this was a little hut this was probably a mansion he it built so that's another thing this is a real big key to watch you can build for years on what you think you're doing and this is another thing let me backtrack your life is building something whether you like to think it or not it's happening the only problem is if you're not building according to what he's telling you in his word whatever's being built right now the shaking is going to come the rain is going to fall floods will come this isn't a scary thing it's just like it's like a thank god thing like wow i can i can set my life up in a way to where the shaking that's inevitable is coming period and going to increase and it just happens in life but i can build in such a way that nothing will fall that it's like the rain is just a peaceful sound while you're sipping your lemonade the floods are just pretty rivers that you never had in your backyard you know the wind blowing is just like man that breeze felt good but to those i'm telling you this is what happened in 2020 shaking you can call it whatever you want the lord will use the evil and turn around for good and i'm not saying this stuff was of the of the lord either but he'll use the devil's plans and nevertheless shaking touched the globe and you and again not to point fingers where it looked like things fell either you know what i'm saying but i'm just like those type seasons with shaking they start to show you where houses look like everybody was fine but when shaking comes that which was not done when his words weren't done that's what sets your life up on a rock okay and many people they've built houses that they think i've got it figured out on their own understanding and setting up things and planning for years in retirement that or whatever it may be and again i'm not against all these things i'm just telling you the rain flood and wind scenario when it comes if we weren't doing his word it says in the house not only fell but great was the fall of it and listen i built houses for years as many of you know my father he still is finished a monster recently it was beautiful send me pictures of it but sometimes in great was the fall of it this is a compound this is a mansion a hut it just tips over that's not great was the fall meaning and houses take a long time to build the big ones can take a year and a half whatever it may be and when they follow great is their fault in sooner listen to me doing the word we gotta come off of the figuring it out first and you pay the price to hear him clearly also you guys know i'm not into just going off of a whim and producing ishmael's but we've got to do the work okay i'm bogging down too much time here um but every in this scenario matthew 7 everybody heard the word rain floods wind came on everybody everybody had houses built the only factor that came in that that made somebody wise or foolish here was one did the word and one did not they just heard them and they still applied some of their understanding in their timing listen to me this is big you can you can for your whole destiny this way for and we're all guilty of it we can relate it it's my god that's why i've built here our flesh does not like this realm of faith but you you're you want your life built this way i'm telling you you want it built on doing what he tells you to do because that's the rock then the rain will fall and all your understanding is safeguarding and padding this and it was built all that long anyway it's going to be all for not when you miss god's will because in the shaking anyway i'm not trying to scare people you know what i'm saying it's just the word but i love that jesus james hammers it doers of the word jesus in matthew 7 doers of the word we've got to be doers of it james chapter 2 verses 18 through 26 i'm about to show you the prerequisite switch for faith but someone will say james chapter 2 verses 18 through 26 but someone will say you have faith and i have works show me your faith apart from your works i'll show you my faith by my works this is james look he gets a little chippy right here he he was kind of a straight shooter uh you believe that god is one you do well even the delete demons believe in shudder do you want to be shown you foolish person that faith apart from works is useless not a whole lot of tact but just bringing it do you want to be shown you foolish person that faith apart from works is useless so you you start seeing these connectors right wow praise god faith comes by hearing and hearing in the word of god but wait a minute i can hear the word of god and not do it and james says that's a major no no so did jesus because it would have been different if they said yeah the second camp didn't hear my words so they couldn't do them and so they built a house and when the rains fell floods came when blue the house fell no everybody heard the word but it has to be done you're like oh wow okay but praise god so hearing the word and doing it is what sets my life up on a rock got it but thank you lord that hearing and hearing by the word of god is how faith comes but wait a minute james says faith without works is dead useless so you see these connector switches to the word and faith that are absolutely vital to make them work and again i i didn't have the instruction manual on this thing to set it up but god this is the way god set it up and again our flesh doesn't like it but that's all we have to find that compressed way a narrow gate and who cares what our flesh likes we do what this says this is above everything everything's going to pass away anyway let's go out like you know what i'm saying let's go out blazing for glory in jesus christ for his glory sorry but and these are the ways you do it you just start to to no i'm not going to lean on my understanding i'm going to pay the price lock up hear the lord whatever i need his words and i just do them you don't ask questions you can he's a loving father he'll answer sometimes but sometimes he won't sometimes say abraham just leave i'm not telling you where you're going just go he loves faith and anyway show me your faith yep got that read that was not abraham our father justified by works when he offered up his son isaac on the altar you see that faith was active along with his works and faith was completed by his works you see what's happening here faith is completely useless without works it has to be worked so the word has to be done and faith has to be worked works have to apply into faith well you're going into works brother we're saved by grace you know don't i'm telling you the religion always goes here and it keeps the body of believers dormant it's it's the way jesus works faith you you heal the sick with faith but faith has works that's where what jesus would would heal the sick but there would be works often you'd notice not always but often mud in the eyes spit uh peter would grab them and pull them and then then healing would enter and you you work i'm telling you you were in the more i'm learning this i'm like light bulb thank god and it pleases god number one that's first and foremost but this is how the bible works is how god set it up and he's not going to overwrite his word healing you can constantly walk in healing by faith with works but faith without work so you just name it you know and then go crawl in bed because you feel sick you submitted your your you know the verses you're claiming them but you're submitting your works and you're yielding to the reality of sickness over faith which faith in the word says you're completely healed there's a new covenant remember it's the substance of things hoped for and so more and more again not to condemn us but just to tell to show us there's a higher way in coming in a higher way of faith that keeps potent that realm of the supernatural overlapping and just flooding into our natural world and keeps us walking and how jesus walked um but anyway i just want to encourage you guys more and more you have to work faith you work it so anyway uh was not abraham our father justified by works you see that faith was active along with his works and faith was completed by his works faith is completed by works i never forgot i was locked up years ago houses ago in baton rouge was not trying to see this that's for sure i was loving jesus locked up for like a weekend going to a vision i actually saw the scene prophetically we're like abraham's the knights in the air and i should have known it was probably a season what i was even coming into but but his hand was shaking it was wild to see from the prophetic scene i was shown into his hand was shaking with the knife in the air got that close to bringing it down and killing his son even to the point of such faith that he knew god would resurrect isaac the long-awaited promise in you know a lot of us want to think lo i had i have faith because i know the verses i quoted it i walked halfway up the hill but i'm telling you the way god sees it read chapter hebrews 11. it's all on faith faith with works is what's alive and very very potent not works in the flesh works led by the spirit works in grace you guys hear me but faith without works is dead this is the bible and i think far too often we're getting way a little too far the pendulum swinging to where we're like if god will do it you know it's sovereign and supernatural and he will but he's sitting back there going i told you crystal clear in the word faith pleases me number one but also you got to know this about faith it's dead without works so pray for them but pull them up pray for them but make them run like i remember the guy motor cycle accident brain damage equilibrium shot praying for him nothing i haven't sort of running in place and then all of a sudden he's about to fall over he's going to be in a total embarrassment i had to work him into the faith of healing and i hadn't been able to play soccer talk you could see the score on his brain brain damage i mean that's a miracle down his leg he was hobbling he couldn't even play soccer equilibrium shot because of brain damage the power of god hit him though as soon as we worked faith fogu on praying in portuguese over his leg he starts running in place and it lies he gets healed right four eyes he looks at his mom because it sinks in he starts crying running up and down but uh again sometimes it'll happen sovereignly but i'm also telling you there's a switch with faith called works it is how it operates and so god often is like yeah no no i know you're full of the word but you're not doing it and so there's still sand under you that's why nothing's working oh no i know you're full of faith because you've been reading the word and the faith comes by hearing you hear another word but you're not working your faith so it's dead i hope you guys are hearing this this is big listen just recently bullseye we just apply this i'm just telling you guys don't don't walk in what grace you're in and what season you're and i'm just going for more man i'm like find me another gear i just meant i want this thing i want all of jesus all of his word all of what he died for and that he gets most glory that i'm that i know him to the highest intimate place you know jesus god sorry slaughtered his son for this covenant to be made available who are we to think we should walk in less than what it paid for like nah anyway uh so you know in an amazing way i'm not it's just man he's everything and so help us lord to to uh especially in this hour we need some real you know bible believing holy ghost filled glory bombs man that's what that's what's going to shake the earth and so uh anyway just to tell you again where we're at where we're going i'm only going further and i don't care i'm like whatever people think we're crazy let me see your fruit your fruit better back what you think is real because if it doesn't i'm for sure i'm listening to you if i have better fruit why am i going to listen to you know in not an arrogant way because my goodness i'm useless without jesus and his presence and his word it's all him anyway it's just us aligning into him but just so you know we don't do uh sickness none of that stuff we don't do that that's not in the covenant like we start to feel which honestly i was thinking earlier i don't remember the last time zoe and judah and myself sick we don't we don't play that game and again not to minimize not to condemn i'm just trying to say there's a there's a realm that's made available that you can you can lean into with this and work and do and crack it like but even if we start to feel something we work we hit the gym harder we're like now we're going to the gym today we don't yield to that's that's not reality this is reality it's above every name it's above uh cold it's above flu you know whatever name you want to pick it's above a symptom and you work it and it becomes a reality and that that savings that count on the spirit of faith becomes that substance builds up so strong it starts to overlap and overrun everything in your world last time i remember i was i think i felt something mostly was i think you guys were in a class with me or maybe the academy maybe a year ago i was locked i was out in the woods all day in prayer waiting on the lord and the wind was whipping it was cold and so made my throat sound a little funny but i felt great but but we just don't you know for the most part i mean we're not perfect but we're striving for what he paid for i'll say that like recently bullseye our dog okay we just we just don't you know anyway and i want to raise faith and expect him not condemning you guys hear me but i'm telling you why settle for less of what this thing's made available for us this if it's in here it overrides everything it's above his name in it in it you know what i'm saying it it never passes away but so-and-so said who are they but science what is science this is the reality this is the plumb line it's god breathe you know what i mean i'm not trying to be disrespectful but i'm just saying i think the hundred dollar clinic is prophetic i don't know it'd be tearing up and stuff but anyway bullseye recently don't know what happened we just broke that daniel fast corporately i feel like it's a demonic i don't know i don't upset you know says a devil under every rock but it was weird he's just he's a tree trunk strong never really you know he's always healthy and whatever but whatever like right when we broke it that day he started limping out of nowhere totally like wouldn't even walk on his foot three legs i had to carry his chunky self a little roly police 50 pounds so i'd carry him and uh and i'm talking about lamping like wouldn't step on his wouldn't he put pressure on his foots he would just lay there all day because he was in such i guess pain and so right there you have a choice and i'm telling we've seen many they want to come but you have a choice to tap into faith which is a real substance of things hoped for evidence maybe not quite seen or submit to what is seen that's a lesser reality and adhere to it and hold on to it and trust me you do that it will become your reality and again and again and again it'll become every time you grab it and welcome it and claim it and say oh well this and it becomes your reality and it now has a doorway and it keeps a place in your life which again we've all done no condemnation no worries but i'm saying there's this doorway made available through the blood of jesus christ through the word faith and so we're like be healed not and so immediately you think oh my gosh something's really wrong this is a bulldozer of a dog that that he doesn't feel pain like he'll pop his jaw on something be bleeding he don't even know he's bleeding he's just tough he's that bully breed you know i remember in my bc days before christ i lived with some friends in an apartment we had a pit bull his name was king and he chewed up a ballpoint pen i don't know if i ever told you guys this uh i'm sure i didn't i don't remember we were gone came back my roommates uh he chewed up a ballpoint pen with his paws and got and then walked all over the carpet carpet of the condo paw prints and ink ballpoint ink all over the carpet now that my friend went ballistic again we weren't born again he got this pit bull threw him into the wall he crunched in the sheetrock like then it in a big big segment of the sheetrock in the wall and the pit bull king came out and he's wagging his tail like wanting to play like this is how these breeds are they just don't sweet as can be but didn't you know but so right away you're thinking oh call the vet or something's wrong or he needs something i'm like nah we don't want to be healed in the name of jesus period i know some of you think oh my gosh that's inconsiderate oak that's fine but again when when fruit through time matches that's cool but uh and i'm not you know i'm not trying to go there anyway so lasted that whole day and it looked like those type things you don't come out of quickly i didn't know something bad into his paw he wouldn't put pressure on it so things like that let's say he rolled an ankle or something was going on bad or something embedded into his paw whatever definitely if you can't even walk on it it usually takes time to slowly ease up and get out of it whether it's a twisted ankle or whatever put them to bed that night be healed and this is what we do so judy we just don't we don't buy into what may seem real because this is more real and it's not being in denial like i said this last week you know it's truth is is superior to facts wake up the next morning he's sprinting around like nothing ever happened no progression nothing totally healed instantly and i i'm telling you sometimes the devil will throw real facts at you and symptoms to see if you'll bite and you just don't bite yeah you're not in denial you see them we're not dumb i've picked them up and carried them but this is more real this is what we adhere to we don't welcome that i've told you guys there's been times where a mission field you know i'm about to preach our whole team's there team of 40. we got souls on the line you know this is gospel crusades and and we have a meeting that morning or something there's been times where the facts came real real nauseated was about to puke it and all these things came and felt real but faith has to be worked and right at that moment you can submit put somebody else up to go preach oh my gosh i gotta wait wait for this you know a fever to come and it'd break and there's all these things we've been taught that are not the word or you say no what no way i'm gonna work my my faith in you you know and so jump on the bus don't say a thing no need to why highlight a lesser reality you're kind of in denial i don't know okay well then you know again check check the the path and see how the fruits matched up over time i'm just telling you what i'm trying to work towards and what i see clear in scripture sure enough get behind the pulpit anointing comes bam all of these seemingly facts or cards the enemies trying to play loose you forever and the problem is when you do that and you gain victory you gain ground more in the spirit you gain greater authority and these things have less of a doorway or even even a place to sit in i didn't meet up all the time anyway uh and the scripture was fulfilled that says abraham believed god yeah but remember the knife in the air god let him get all god totally acknowledged his works as completing faith so you've got to look at what was in hebrews 11 6 yeah without faith it's impossible to please god but also the scripture completes the puzzle by putting in their faith without works is dead though so you can't please god without faith but what we need to know is the faith that pleases god and the real faith that's completed is justified and completed by works so you you this this has to come into play to make these things come alive and i think far too often we stay back with the word and we won't do it because we want to lean on our own understanding we hear it we just don't do the word we have faith we don't work it and we've got to start um you know but you see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone this is james penning by the spirit how god sees it in his realm you see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone and in the same way it was not also rahab the prostitute justified by works when she received the messages and sent them out by another way for as the body apart from the spirit is dead so also faith apart from the works is that listen this applies to everything finances lack wants to become like look like it's a fact so what we do because we don't work our faith we go to the natural and become less generous come off of ties and offerings and that's the worst thing you can do in in a provisional i was just talking about healing earlier but all of them are cracked open and kept open through faith it's just the highway and lane of the spirit that pleases god and how he set it up again you can't even be saved without faith well same thing it works through healing keeping abundance and blessing unlocked and so what we do is we dial back our generous uh generosity that we're supposed to walk in as believers crystal clear in scripture ties and offerings are giving to god because we lean on our own understanding and what you start doing is you take works out of faith and it goes dormant and you empower poverty and uh again it just applies to everything healing salvation faith is applied but faith has to be worked so when you see lack that's for a believer that's all the more time to so stronger that's what you do you work your faith you you work it um in any way we could spend it just applies to everything in the same way uh was not also rahab the prostitute justified by works alone yep read all that so i have here uh and this is where so many of us fail this side of heaven in this journey called life we don't truly do the word and we don't accompany our faith with works again the bible type of works hope you guys hear me the kind jesus condones and god sees justified where abraham went up and lifted the knife and then he's like yep now that's true faith it's he's justified now you understand he could have been like dude like just when we got the firewood together that's that's plenty he waited to abraham got all the knife in the air and then got it it says rahab same way was not also ray have the process of a prostitute justified by works when she received the message and sent them out by another way when all that was completed i'm telling look i don't like it as much as many of us do but this is where the rubber meets the road road in the spirit when people start putting works to faith listen you start unlocking the spirit realm you start making tangible that substance of things hoped for because faith without works is dead so we love the hebrews 11 1 faith is the substance of things hoped for in the evidence of things not seen but when we talk about putting works with our faith that really empowers then um you know it's the the crowd thins a little bit i have here again you must work faith and do the word uh neither will come alive without these two cooperating factors coming into play faith without works is the exact same as if you were to take the batteries out of your tv controller you know the controller works it's or it should buttons are brand new you kept good care of it but you take the batteries out and that's how faith is without works is dead it's completely dead you know what i'm telling you i feel like often as believers we have a ton of believers with plenty of faith they read the word but we get into habits where we don't work it you understand you you believe god can heal the sick but if we don't pray for the sick the works have to be there we don't believe ourself to be healed and pray and yield ourself in a works manner unto faith it doesn't unlock it make it alive it's dead um i hope you guys i hope this isn't getting too you guys can tell i mean it in love i really do i'm preaching to myself and all of us hope you guys hear it uh but this stuff excites me because it's like thank you god that you made it so clear and uh man i want us to grow up be a mature bunch that built our house on the rock that we're working faith and that's where people go hold on a second how is that how was that justified oh yeah no big deal i had the same faith you did i just the only difference between us is i worked mine i actually cut the firewood went up the hill brought my son tied him up it was very costly oh the work side of it trust me i wish i could have just claimed the verse and believed it in my heart but no the works i put to it when god said there it is he lifted the hand in the air done done make a covenant with him his offspring was made be as many as the stars but change his name he'll be blessed and and this is i'm telling you where the camps usually split as you see in matthew 7 those that do the word or just hear it hearers only james says this is a big deal if both of them are talking about it if james had to take out a whole passage and say look don't be like a hearer because you just keep reading the word and then forgetting what it looks like reading it again this is how people go around mountains and obviously i honestly i feel like your heart can become callous because you keep hearing the same preaching same prophetic words but we're not doing it which doesn't enable it to come come to life and we keep building our faith we don't work it and uh you know we believe and read the healing scriptures yet we we again hear me i love i'm not trying to step on toes but yeah just he that has he used to hear the spirit i guess but but man may we work it and uh yep so oh listen to this one's really good uh it doesn't matter even how dire your situation is and i know we don't like this but again i'm just telling you the bible or how desperate you may be or if your entire destiny and directional purpose is on the line god is not even moved by emotions we we need to know this as humans i think sometimes we think that if we cry enough and and he'll listen to me god is the most loving father far beyond what our minds could ever conceive so don't mishear me please but he he has his ways and he set him up way before you and i came around and he won't override his word for anything okay he he he has a certain way he does things and you're not going to approach him or get through him or to him any other way and he i'm telling you he will let life get super dire and often we just start to our theology gets warped because we start saying well god that's where god just wants to teach me this and you know well it's just i'm still battling through he's preparing me for stuff and it's like okay i hope that keeps working for you because i just don't see that it warps our theology that's why we're gonna go so deep in this world and understand it and then do it and work it and uh and god's up there loving you okay he sees the emotions he gave you them so it's just they don't move him like we think they all we think if our our situation gets just dire enough or we cry just loud enough and and again he loves us it hurts his heart he he's he created us in his image okay he's a loving father but it doesn't mean also needs to start changing the mechanics of how he operates and set things up he's not going to i'm telling you listen to this the bible even says this uh in hebrews 5 7 you can look it up when you have more time the bible even says that jesus even prayed with loud cries and tears his god's very own son was crying out in from the humanity standpoint with loud cries and tears but listen if you read closely you know what had god hear him it says but he was heard because of his reverence that's what caught god's ear the word became flesh the lamb of god who came to take away the lord his flawless son loud cries and tears he listen to me it hurts him he loves you i see he never intends us for that his will is that we prosper in all things be in good health even as our soul prospers but he's not going to change the way he functions and he he can never override his word and his word is uh has these these ways about it don't get me wrong he hears the cries of the righteous he does you know what i mean but i'm just saying if we want to not walk in faith and work faith and be doers of the word yet we feel like our situation alone is going to get desperate enough that we'll get breakthrough good luck waiting for that that train to come around and pick you up i'm just being honest and i've seen it or or we're just lazy we don't want to go deep in the word and then press in to know his voice clearly to then do it as well or be so full of faith and then work the faith it excites me like he's like man he gave us the cheat code to life in him and it's in here uh or if we think we you know emotional or things are just whatever it is still it's got to be done his way you're not going to please god without faith anything not done in faith is sin the wages of sin is death but watch this the bible says that jesus but why jesus was heard is because of his reverence his fear of the lord in honor which does what watches psalm 112 1 psalm 11 1 how blessed is the man who fears the lord who greatly delights in his commandments or his word you could put there you see who does the word that there's and it's again he's not stoic and this non-emotional god he's actually way more emotional than we could ever conjure up in in he he is love he's perfected he's the substance of the very thing that's perfect love but also again i just want us to hear like oh my gosh like because i feel like many of us go around mountains and keep thinking and all of a sudden we start just we don't mean to but through time our theology gets warped we check it off too well god's just still doing stuff and we're going around mountains and he's sitting back there going not really i love you and i mean for you to be way up here but it's okay i still love you the same and i'm still right here and my destiny's still there for you we're gonna get there but please come please please get into the lane i've been that pleases me and that is my only way i set this up before time i spoke the world into existence by faith that just so happens to not work unless to to be dead without works and my word you have to do it has to be done so please he's just out of mercy and love and patience long suffering and and sometimes that disconnect is there and destiny just keeps staying stagnant and on delay and endormant you know and so anyway uh faith is dead without works and the word either written or current to you from god will not work unless it's done you saw it in matthew 7 they were hearers of the word they just didn't do it and they still their house fell bam anyway i have here god will not violate his word under any circumstances we must know that this is the only way he will operate alongside our destiny and storyline he is sovereign i said a lot of this early but his sovereignty will never by any ma any means override his word and you will not get to him or through him in any other way than through faith which without works is dead or by actually doing his word both written and spoken many times god speaks and we want to see it come into fruition before we do it he does not work this way okay faith calls things as though they that aren't as though they are it works in reverse and again our flesh does not like that we're like ah it's like a cuss word to us faith our flesh does not like you guys have heard me say the indiana jones bridge but that bridge is what pleases god he pleases it listen he actually the supernatural visible realm was giving to the believers really if you look at it from this lens when they were immature in the wilderness there was a pillar of fire that guided them okay this is walking by sight okay pillar of fire by night is visible it's there pillar of cloud by day it's visible it's there manna supernatural bread of angels i believe angels delivered psalm 78 bread of angels being fed every day divine clothes never wearing out shoes never wearing out walking by sight more or less grumbling complaining more of an immature breed hit the promised land which is a deeper company only joshua and caleb could enter in moses and most of them couldn't even and they hit the promised land it's as soon as they crossed over which speaks of a deeper maturity in god it says the manna ceased to exist from that day forward no more pillar of cloud no more pillar of fire you understand i feel like often sometimes we we miss the the tangible seeing and the encounter the supernatural which my goodness i'm all for we walk in and love it and condone it you know what i'm saying but i think uh figuratively speaking sometimes the mature walk even more by faith in a more comfortable way and this pleases god it's that indiana jones bridge it's the abraham is joshua and cato like whoa we don't we don't have mana anymore like where's the okay this thing's a little bit more by faith you know so i think it should encourage some of you guys if it felt so wow in your early years and now it's like kind of seems like it dried up sometimes that's the goodness of god taking you into walking by faith not by sight not the religious kind like sometimes religion gets in there and i don't like that at all it it it really points away from an encounter in the supernatural that's not god at all you guys know that but you know what i'm saying i'm trying to bring it in a healthy balance so what's this second corinthians 5 7 for we walk by faith not by sight that's what the believers do genesis 3 11 romans 1 17 the righteous shall live by faith you can't live any other way this faith thing it's it's the way of god so listen to me start working your faith start doing the word both written and what he's spoken to you work and do do and work both faith and the word are powerless without these two accompanying accompanying ingredient ingredients okay with the word and faith are dead without works and doing and it's like whoa brother you're putting a lot on us you know i feel like we're going to take the glory away from jesus this is the word this is how he set it up i wish it was all him and we just could sit back and slip lemonade you know but then it wouldn't be a relationship it wouldn't be the most pro profound love story ever written by he who is love he set it up so perfect and uh and it's beautiful okay i'm gonna land it here whoa i'm gonna have to uh let me go over um but i want to talk out of luke chapter 8 4 through 15 on the word as a seed again we all know this passage just want to kind of hit it home a little more thorough and uh and landed here but uh to kind of preface it this passage is all about the word in the context of being a seed that ultimately bears fruit again this is red letters jesus talking this is beautiful about the word the word any lesson is any fruit bearing tree because this whole you're about to see in luke chapter 8 verses 4-15 jesus does this beautiful breakdown of a parable all about the word and it being a seed that bears fruit actually fruit through patience and right away that that's a dead giveaway when you hear a seed that has to bear fruit and not only that bear fruit through patience that anybody that knows see from from a seed form to fruit fruit trees take at least three to five years some five to fifteen and again our flesh doesn't like this but i'm excited because i i love we gotta go god's way we've got to do his world his timing his methods his ways are higher than ours his his world excites me his voice his presence we need to get out of our quick microwave because our stuff that build it doesn't last anyway his ways are anyway it's so good but longevity sustainability patience all these are involved when you're talking about the word and walking with god but even let's say it says a seed bears fruit and fruit through patients but let's just so a fruit with tree three to five years even up to five to fifteen let's just say a seed that produces fruit through a plant let's dial it back a little bit for ease sake strawberries whatever maybe forget i get all those confused vegetables and fruits but let's say a plant so it's quicker in growth still and this is what god compared the word to a seed that bears fruit through patience and we're going to read it here in a second but i want to mainly highlight this point here when he compares the word in this way it shows you it needs time but the seed let's just go the trees take time plant even takes weeks if not months to actually get fruit a seed planted even takes a week to two weeks to even sprout and be seen and break ground and actually see you have something there and start gaining roots much less fruits not even born yet so i have here we must know this in dealing with the word of god and god's way of doing things it takes time consistency and time god is the one who creates the acorn to ultimately turn into the great oak tree that then outlives the very human that planted it listen look start slowing down looking at everything god does everything he does it takes time but it sustains through way more time than what human being humans typically build i love his ways and that's what we want to conform to and that's what we want to yield our life to we're not trying to do this world system at all get me out like you know i'm off that train years ago and trying to get further away from it popular or not i'm good give me god's ways you know jesus taught my seeds that need to bear fruit through patience and that's the word so be it how do i find that track you know uh i but god's he's the little acorn but once it turns into that oak tree it lives through generations he's into longevity sustainability we are typically the ones that start a business that catches fire in a space of time but then fades out in no time because the some new fat hits the scene okay not always but that's typically can be how how human human works you know play out god deals with the workings of longevity sustainability and quality through time he builds for the long haul and this is exactly how the word of god is meant to function within our lives listen this is what i'm after how about you guys i'm not into the older i get 43 last week i'm seasoned but just the more i'm in this thing that's what excites me planting according building on doing his word so when the rains come because they're coming it didn't say in case they no they're coming in whatever scenario you're in and god have mercy on the unbelievers this that was in the context of believers that hear his word but if you do them rains come floods come wind comes and your house is still there stability longevity building in that manner and according to his word being the seed that bears fruit through patients but watch this um i have here we must make it up in our minds that there are a few non-negotiables actually there's many but let's just say a few of the main ones in this christian life the word of god being one of those obviously first and foremost in his presence his voice and we are to never come off of it stay steady consistent constant give it time let it abide deep it's a seed that this is what i'm really wanting to land it with and uh when we hit the parable it'll it'll come to life more but hopefully but i want to encourage you guys like we got to realize as believers like there's some non-negotiables in life this is one of them and we got to stay steady here you just don't ever come off of this stuff you don't ever come off of the presence his voice his word generosity kindness walking in the character where there's certain ones they're just you just don't they're immovable you just don't budge there or you you by default come out of line with with god's highest purpose of what a believer should be and so i have here um let the moisture of the spirit and the sun s-u-n s-o-n of god saturate the seed of the word within the soul of your life and watch it work watch it work again it's got to be done though because you can see the word only heard and not done makes it null and void and faith without works is dead but that being said it's also a seed and it will work we've got to give it time to plant it you guys remember we planted something last year jalapenos those were a disaster those did not do the word at all those were hearers only for sure they broke ground but we never saw one single thing i don't think yeah okras major doers of the word bountiful beautiful okra and tomatoes bob made it he made it through we planted too late that was the big problem we got to get something this year but boy i learned a lot you got to water them sit them in the sun just give them time in this generation my goodness we want everything quick and now and that's that's where the enemy's like i got him you'll see it in this parable here in a second he can just throw a few cares in the world and we need to just come off that that channel like that's we got to come off that frequency and realize that's not how god works he's into he loves to plant the seed let it sit on the ground for a while keep keep watering it keep it in the sun weeks later oh my gosh a little bitty spout sprouted forth keep water give it time you know and we want the quick now if it doesn't come our way and that that's where a lot of us miss destiny's opportunities the enemy's sharp if you can't get you to just full out backslide he'll hurry up and throw opportunities at you to get you off of like loyalty and faithfulness into what god told you originally that's a whole nother teaching i was in the talents of the day on the plane and he he said good my good and faithful servant you've got to be good at what he told you but also faithful because it says he went away on a long trip you know i'm getting off a whole other parable but the enemy he just this quick generation microwave quick pop everything we want now now now which again i'm about efficiency don't get me wrong we do things i don't like wasting time but when it comes to his presence and word that's where we abide you just hunker down and go deep put your feet in the concrete and let it harden and don't go nowhere that's what we do with the seed in his presence but everything else like quick well stuff that doesn't matter like efficiency get good relationships take time you know the things that matter loving god loving your neighbor anyway uh yet we get too impatient and inconsistent as humans never letting the seed of god's word get actual roots of any sort and sprout forth to work for us in this thing called destiny we will we'll stay on it for some time and then just you would get distracted move on to something else and if the enemy can just keep doing that in your life instead of you just making up your mind you know what from this day forward i'm immovable on this this is a non-negotiable i i am useless without this deep within me always consistently in his presence like i shouldn't even be here let's go ahead and just call this life over if this as a believer if this is what i'm doing there's no point and the enemy sees those people say oh great the john 15 key they're going to buy deep in their presence let the words about deepen them consistently oh it's over it's over they're going to sit there and wait for the seed of the word to come forth and be planted in good soil uh man i know that kind nations will be shaken may take a little bit for that acorn to become an oak of righteousness but boy once it's up nothing's taking that down and wait till the legacy it leaves because it drops more acorns and we got a big problem on our hands big big problem and the axe is not laid to the roots of that okra okay righteousness because it produces fruit you understand you start seeing that and it's like that's what we want listen even young ones i don't know if we have many in this class but hear me you come off the quick fix fast now i wanted that you know all this stuff um again in life cool i'm all about super being of being super efficient with time but the seed the word we've got to let it anyway luke 8 4-15 luke chapter 8 4-15 jesus says and or and when a great a great crowd was gathering and people from town after town came to him he said a parable this is where jesus said a sower went out to sow his seed love this one love this let me just read the word over you and you guys will will remember the passage of course a sower went out to sow his seed and as he sowed some fell along the path and was trampled under foot and the birds of the air devoured it real quick let's say this is the this is where he's going to sow his seed that the sower went to sow his seed and that's what i really want to hit it from that angle in our life we want to sow this seed of the word in our life and this is really in the in the context of uh sowing seed amongst unbelievers in the world because he goes to sow is seed but in sowing it says some fell into other places so when you you know when you so but we want to sow the seed in our life and also the next after this passages jesus goes straight into a lamp can't be hidden you know light into the world so it's in the context of our sowing our seeds also outside of our life into others which we should but you're going to see the same working dynamics of sowing the word in our life but you see right there sower went to sow his seed and in doing so some fell in different areas uh and some fell on the on the along the path trampling underfoot birds of the air devoured it some fell on the rock um you know what i was thinking about this let me get yep sweet we got three plants back here this is going to be glorious so i'm not going to draw but at least i'll get us some some different we'll do the different paths all right these things are totally fake but they look cool am i right i'm teasing so watch these will be our pass okay which one do you guys like the best that'll be the good good soil maybe this one because it looks a little different and it's it's more bountiful and beautiful yeah you'll go we'll go good soil here these kind of janky things will be the you know what i'm saying soon but watch this some uh fell along the path trampled underfoot birds of the air came devour the seed some fell on the rock or the rocky path and as it grew up it withered away because it had no moisture some fell among thorns uh grew up with it choked it out oh sorry there's three no no's and then our fourth one is going to be good soil sorry you you had a good chance but this would be the good soil the word some fell among thorns and the thorns grew up with it choked it out praise god this next company is you and i in the name of jesus some fell into good soil and grew and yielded a hundred fold then jesus says he was here let him hear disciples came up disciples are like yo help us out you're talking in parables again we're not a clue what you mean jesus says look it's hidden from many but to you i'll tell you what it is this is what the parable is jesus says in verse 11 the seed is the word of god okay he compared jesus compares the word of god to a seed that ultimately you'll see bears fruit through patience um the the ones along the path are those who have heard then the devil comes and take takes away the word from their hearts that's the dirty ravens the birds that come in and steal the seas the devil whenever when you ever see ravens and birds coming through the sky like that remember abraham had to fight off ravens coming in trying to take away a sacrifice before the lord he had to sit there and fight him off to protect this this sacrifice before god that god then came in and made a covenant with him it's the monochrome trying to come in and steal the seed this basically is when the seed is not given any type of consistency you notice it fell along the path just in the business of life again this is in the context of sowing seed to unbelievers but there's no discipleship there's no biting there's it never gets to take deep root it stays very surface level and that's what happens when we just kind of read the word here and there quickly on our way to work on the path along the path the seed fell and so it stays at a surface level the devil can just steal it the birds come in it doesn't ever get underground get deep within us that's why discipleship is key you can preach to somebody at a moment sow the seed but if you don't give it time and consistency like i see to get deep into the soil of their heart and gain roots and grow the devil can come it's it's where the words at a very surface level and watch what happens it says the ones along the path those who have heard then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts listen to this so that they may not believe and be saved because why you're saved by grace through faith you see the connection with the word and faith if he can steal it he can take away your faith and take away your faith he can take away your salvation remember last week i was telling you guys if you can get the sword of the word out of your hand he can then knock down the shield of faith if you knock down the shield of faith he can knock off that helmet of salvation and you're done that's why the word so vital it's the all it's the only offensive weapon but here in a different lens and context it's the same thing the devil's like oh my gosh no get the word out quick get that sword off of them because then from doing that i can uh i can take the yeah take it away the word from their hearts so take the uh so that they won't believe i can remove faith and you have to be saved through faith anyway that's that company the ones on the rock are those who when they hear the word receive it with joy but they have no root they believe for a while and in times of testing fall away if you back up into the parable it says this seed fell but there was no moisture that's the presence that's the the abide in me it's got to be with the word otherwise the the soil of our heart is rocky it doesn't receive the roots uh sorry the seed of the word and gain roots and then grow to be strong in times of testing so these type people do if they're word only and there's no moisture earlier meaning that the soil is is rocky there's no softness there the moisture of the spirit that's why i abide in me abiding me about him he said five times let my words abide in you the seed must have accompanied moisture of the spirit the presence of god and the sun you can even look at the moisture as the spirit and the sun of the sun of jesus christ's face the intimate realm that allows the soil to no longer be rocky to be good soil to receive that seed then take root and when you have roots you're strong and testing comes and it can't it can't pull you down and as for what fell among the thorns they are those who hear you notice all of them heard the word the seed fell on all of them but they're different scenarios in the enemy listen to me he's like yeah yeah let me let me you know they can be believers let me just let seed fall but by no means can i have it fall here i can work with any of these three companies here and i'll keep them dormant all the days of their life and maybe even ultimately take away their salvation but i can i can run these this camp but here the acorn lovers that turn into oaks of righteousness bad day for me and mine you know but watch this and uh as for what fell among the thorns they are those who hear but as they go on their way they are choked out by the cares and riches and pleasures of this life and their fruit never matures this is big this is why lately i've been hammering this and feeling it this this set apart is coming out of this world system i'm gonna hit some verses here in a second but the the cares and riches and pleasures of this life if the if the enemy can keep those in to your life just long enough it creates these thorns that fight the word from from becoming coming into maturity the fruit can never really come into full growth and uh good soil these are those who hearing the word hold it fast listen to the greek word well i'll do that in a second in an honest and good heart bear fruit with what patience we got to realize this thing is be in this for the long haul go ahead and just make up your mind like this word and tell your spouse look this is what we do do we want to do this thing god's way okay this is a seed and we want it moist we need presents we need word we need body is love and this is just non-negotiable for for me and mine as for me and my house we're going to serve the lord and this is what we do mega mega word mega mega presence and we just don't ever come no days off why you know what i mean this is the compressed way that leads to ultimate life there is nothing else for us there'll be plenty other fun things that come around but this is this is what we do we want to bear fruit with patience well it's it's not as illuminated now i just feel like i was there was a season where i was hungry for the word and again i can really we all can we get it but i'm just saying here moving forward just make up your mind seasons of battle victory distractions are not if you're busy or not let busyness never overtake this right here but listen to hold fast this is the good soil company those that hold it fast in greek this is what it means hold fast bind to a rest basically put handcuffs on this thing arrested he's going nowhere detain to restrain to hold back from going away this is serious this is the people where the word bears fruit through patience and this is what what causes the soil to be good they literally handcuff this thing detain it restrain it hold it back from going away this is what it looks like to have his words abide in you you you hang on to it with dear life but let me break down those three no no's real quick with the word and then we'll land it um yep again uh the seed on the on the uh fell on the path no consistency in the word it's never allowed to be planted into the heart it lands at a very shallow level never gets deep this is why it's absolutely vital that we make disciples i've touched on all that um part two it takes a oh no that's verse 12. yep part two the seed fell among rocky ground this is where we hear his voice um but there's no real abiding in him there's no moisture the the the soil of our heart is rocky his presence in his uh his spirit and his presence are not there in a real deep abiding way and this is what religion is really and that's why you're going to see when when resistance comes religious ones are are gone they're going to be uprooted real fast theology is going to twist quick persecution they'll fail in the middle of that's why love is the most powerful substance it's the biting of his presence and word but if it's word only with no moisture you've got rocky ground and that's why the spirit there's no supernatural there's no presence there's no illumination by revelation of the word and the supernatural gifts flowing how god intended it to be and so the word doesn't really get take roots not thereby not not only producing much fruit but when resistance comes it will fall that's why in this last hour we've got to be a people full of the holy ghost full of the supernatural full of the spirit that gifts a supernatural company because the enemy will he'll make a heyday with religion alone and just wear it only with no moisture yep third one and this one will quote some verses and we'll land it uh this is the seed that fell among thorns i feel like this is a big one often if we're not careful this is clearly when the word is planted in the midst of sustained cares of this world the riches and pleasures of this life this is why these must be rooted out the cares of this world the riches and pleasures of this life uh the cares of this life must be uprooted and kept at a minimal if kept at all this is why you have been hearing me say a lot lately to simplify that's what i'm talking about cut out anything that hinders or brings delay or obscurity and hearing and knowing his voice we've got to simplify cut out you name it the things of this world the world will absolutely not mix with the desires of this earth the word sorry the word will absolutely not mix or commingle with the desires of this earth the desires of this earth by default will produce thorns that will wrap the word and never let it come into full maturity and growth well we don't want to be legal brother we want to be relevant in this generation and stay stay with the up and up of whatever no we don't no you do not trust me it's crystal clear in the word you i don't care what anybody else is the new hip what i don't care you understand i want to know the newsreel of heaven what what's making jesus heartbeat where his glory is moving his manifest presence and that's all i need to be you know while i win the lost and that's how you win them if you're so much like them what are you winning them too you understand that we've gotta we've got to come out of this and you guys know what i mean i'm not trying to say go off and be monks and live in a cave but you know what i'm saying we just can't have any place within us because it will for sure quench the cares of this world okay let's let's not even talk about pleasures of this life the cares of this world is a killer in this hour politics and what's the latest who's doing what the cares of this world we we should not care again i'm not saying be naive i vote or that's just one of the hot topics of the day there's so many and the enemy will always make sure there's a fresh one up just keep the cares of the world and they're trying to keep thorns in there for so this word cannot bring fruit to maturity in the life of a believer but as soon as you cut the umbilical cord to the cares of this world watch the word skyrocket you have the biggest strawberries in the bundle or i love watermelon watermelon let's go with that one seedless is preferable anyway but you guys know what i mean the fruit on your life and people are going to ask you like did you hear about so-and-so no sorry i'm kind of out of the loop but did you know what jesus is doing man oh my gosh but so and so okay man sorry to hear that i just didn't even know uh you know but man jesus his life his glory his power like him and the word just takes on fruit and you may look a little i mean but listen to these verses i'm about to quote anyway john first john chapter 2 verse 15 do not love the world or anything in the world if anyone loves the world the love of the father is not in them this is the good old bible james 4 4 do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with god therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of god i have to be very careful how close you let your life get to the things of this world i say detach as much as possible so the word can grow to full stature unhindered without any thorns in sight to choke it out soon as you start cracking little doorways to the cares of this world or the riches of this life or the pleasures of life um thorns start coming in and they just choke out the word from coming into full maturity no thanks i'm good i'm good and so that your light will not shine like the new day sun so that the glory of god will not rest upon you shine in and through you like this generation has never seen last one oh we did good first peter chapter 2 verse 11. you just heard john james and peter gunners watch what they all say dear friends i warn you this is peter as temporary residents and foreigners basically of this world meaning you don't really belong here as soon as you got born again your temporary residents and foreigners here you don't mix here you know you're in it but not of it um you know you you hear all the verses you know and uh but to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls so the worldly desires cares of this world they they just do it that's just what they do they wage war against your souls and they allow thorns to come in and there's a battle you know and i say just get them all out but um awesome we did good i just wanted to land that last one with this so absolutely vital of doing the word faith must be worked which comes by uh hearing the word in the word of god and then just building according to that and then obviously the seeds letting staying constant consistent steady in the world let it go deep we don't want to be in any of these paths you know um ah the pear would have worked great because it's patience you know the fruit of patience why don't i think about that before we got all kind of stuff we could do here anyway let me know if you want to pick something else but yeah it's so good irelia the narrow path but see look with the good good soil company though it says um for for that in the good soil there are those who hearing the word hold it fast arrest it bind it re retain it uh keep it from going or hold to it what was it to hold back from going away meaning you're not getting away from me for nothing you know when you love something dear you just hang you're not getting away from me that's how we do with the word and in doing so in an honest and good heart bear fruit with patience so i think it's helpful to know in in talking about the word so we got so much stuff up here that it's a seed meant to also bear fruit with in our lives through patience and uh it just takes time and you want to stay on it don't come off of it for anything and the enemy especially in this quick give me now generation he's like oh yeah i can just get him to hurry up be the seed on the path it just doesn't go deep keep them busy going on the path doing things and or just keep enough of the cares of the world in their life to where that word never produces real maturity and fruit thereby negating them from stepping into full destiny um or the the second one yeah the rocky ground my goodness no presence no abiding just word only that's typically religion rocky heart very hard no because if you back up you know he said jesus says when he explained it to the disciples he said the ones on the rock are those who when they hear the word receive it with joy but these have no root they believe for a while but in times of testing they fall away if you back up to the parable he says there was no moisture meaning the soil was rocky that that's why the seed could not take root and then in that and that's why there's no intimacy without intimacy testing will you're gone you'll deny him before the father any day you know pre-pre holy spirit see the spirits that moisture pre-holy spirit being poured out peter denied jesus trials came and he was gone which we all would have been i don't know why when people are like those i can't believe you know the disciples like good luck walking in their shoes but anyway post holy ghost moisture came on the word oh my gosh martyrdom martyr he was crucified upside down baddest voice in the land as soon as the holy ghost fell he's the spokesman the bible often says peter and the eleven it highlights peter it's like a little bit different and the eleven doesn't even say the twelve says peter and the eleven that's post holy ghost that's poi post moisture presence abide in me let my words abide in you and so that's what we wanna be you
Channel: Brian Guerin
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Id: rK2sDeGxiRI
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Length: 104min 39sec (6279 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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