Brian Guerin: Navigating the Glory | 3 Questions Ep9

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[Music] well I've been testing one two three four five six hey Brian husband what's up man not much dude oh you man yeah hanging out with Brian Gearin I think we met in 1999 yeah dude we go that's history together Bible School students and yeah yeah ears yeah super crazy but you haven't no not one gray hair bro you know yeah bro come on can you find them you're like it's like glory hair it's not really gray that's encouraging I haven't put quite like that yeah there you go there you go that wisdoms just looking out of the Clark Kent style it's all arid but um so Bridal glory I know a lot of you guys are gonna be familiar with Brian and what he does but he's just a really a carrier of glory like the tangible manifest presence of God just following you just as a friend but then also just online and different meanings we've been in it's like everywhere you go sometimes it's like Jesus even runs ahead of you mm and you just barely begin to speak I remember a couple years ago it Jesus 17 you're just kind of getting going and oh the glory of God just falls into place so question number one would be how do you know when to in navigating to glory to kind of step in step out they kind of navigate the flow what's happening listening to the spirit kind of like I'm gonna say something here but right here I'm gonna pull back a little bit what's kind of going on in your world when God begins to break out and you you know you're surfing the wave so to speak yeah yeah that's a great question that first off though just want to say how much I honor you man how about all that you're doing the man of God and how you just rocking the globe writing books and you know you know we follow you close and honor you big time but thank you yeah but man it's a great question and I definitely would not even come close to claiming like I've got it all figured out by any means as you well know where I was learning administration oh that telly I do know one story that marked me pretty good on the other flip side do you mind if I share Oakland Gehenna years ago in Brazil I was ministering real green in ministry you know Larry you know really kind of starting out and I had a specific revelation on where God wanted to go in the meeting just like you mentioned I'm beginning to start out I'm going through an interpreter those in Portuguese yeah and I begin to share this revelation and just like you said haven't came in and took over man glory people with rocked and all this and so kind of natural instinct to me was like let God move yeah and because you remember Bible College we won't get taught these type things and hermeneutics oh yeah yeah what to do when the glory invasion comes almost see you later yeah and a lot of times we saw the leaders just take a step back yeah I was good was the idea of I don't want to touch what God's doing I'm gonna let you finish your story but you don't want to touch what God's doing but how do you like how do you sink your heart with God kind of thing and I think you were going there told Raziel story yeah yeah totally this is the flip side of where I really learned the other way and God began to break out so I begin to step out of the way and let him move according to the revelation and what happened was being prophetic you can pick up as you all know on people's thoughts and I was picking up on the interpreters thoughts and they were uncomfortable sitting there Wow you know a lot of preachers just feel like we have to be doing something there can't be alone yeah and I've tried to become over the years and somewhat starting to answer your question comfortable and waiting and being still because especially being prophetic it can be difficult as you well know you start to pick up on thoughts what is he doing what will a sermon where as a verse come with the next thing and but if we're not careful you can shift into a gear and the Holy Spirit's like a dove very powerful will dominate them again but at the same message can leave just as quick as he came and in this meeting in Brazil I submitted to the fear of man you know and I and I could feel I'm uneasy sausage I mean it just it made which made me uneasy and then I said let me just go on with something in the meeting to appease this person yeah right when I did that the Holy Spirit left the lost the whole meeting yeah and it was just me out there hanging talking about it was and I was like so been there man Jack you're swimming it's like we're the tide to go or your other waves you're gonna up totally learned you know learned plenty others since then but I learned like Oh God you know please come like doesn't mean you know if he comes into a meeting far more happens than anything I could ever teach or convey why are we there exactly he's at the point totally yeah Jesus says that the letters the word of God speaks of me it's him alive enough flesh manifested so even this weekend you're talking about you know the balance of being so consumed and on fire for the word the whole point of going in like that is so you like I think you mentioned it last night you have a vehicle that's ready to embrace and navigate the encounter is so good that yes so good I don't think I put quite as good as that but that's good and in hosting it or trying to I've just learned that when you you begin to start to sense him come into a meeting that you know if we would make a room and start to you know and in the best way you can we're all wired differently but have the people focus and engage on him because anything you draw you know you you bring attention to the steward will increase and so that you'll see little pockets sometimes it'll just start through you know it's starting to break out in the room sometimes like popcorn you'll see it start to break out and it's contagious and starts to move so much so that sometimes the meeting gets lost and you can't preaching you got to be okay with that because sometimes only have some big revelation or you're halfway through a sermon totally we were we've done school revivalists this year in Augusta Georgia and God's moving and I had you know one of our teachers who helps us with the school she was getting ready to come up and teach on Vinnie's fire whoa so like I'm ready to hear about this like I'm wanting her to speak so bad and like and she's ready she's you know she's happy and but there's that there was that moment they entered the room mm-hmm and it was like so we're all sitting there in silence and like I really want to give her the mic you know and it's stuff like that and then I'm just sitting there like under the pulpit and Jesus goes please please just just just give me five more minutes mm and I'll be honest I was feeling it vows also like you know feeling like just warming on or the person that asked to come all the way took us to Georgia and share and just different things like that and go please just give me five more minutes and almost to the teeth five minutes later man it's just like it all broke out and God really began the movie through a couple of pastors wives in the room and the gore guy just rushed in yeah so just kind of in lieu of that with meetings now there'll be some times where I'll physically feel I don't have a scripture for it I don't really know but I'll feel almost like almost like surges coming from behind me through meat towards the people and I even I can feel vibrations at times and usually when it's that strong I get really heavily intoxicated pretty quick and it starts to kind of hit the hit the atmosphere you know and and and I've learned a lot of times what you encounter in the secret place often by default breaks out in public and not that you you're specifically trying to tap into certain things but whatever your calls aligned with often gets broke open their pursuit and then you're really just a vessel on display that he breaks open to the important I think learner Ravenhill says something along the lines of you never have to advertise whether or not you have a parallel that's good because we have to make this three questions it can't just like you know the guys starts prophetically answering everything as yeah that's great Oh any other so I know that for I don't know how long it was like it like you're talking about secret place you spent was it like a 10-year period of like eight hours a day no no no not even close I wish but but a little over a year yeah so how can people you say you know if you go in the secret place what Heaven's in the secret place will be gonna happen around you in public what's one thing we can do to like press through and have a live style of living from the secret place ya know that's a loaded question but so powerful but I think can be complex you know but just try and simply put it without opening up too many directions first and foremost if the Lord and you know all this but there's so that one season you just mentioned what's sovereign I really felt a drawing away for like a year where I just it was an unconventional lifestyle wasn't even working as ten years in the spirit yeah yeah come on and it's funny you say that though that it felt like things and I think you've heard me say this before the things that I unlocked back then in the secret place projected tenures out to what we would carry and still see yeah so that's when he said that but so obviously when you have a sovereign pockets whether it be long seasons like that or even if you can take a weekend go or in a hotel and just you know he's a rewarder of those who diligently seek you and and be fervent about it and then obviously to you then have the practical application in everyday life of the early morning hours like Jesus did pursuit but throughout the day even like even we can be talking right now but turn our heart to him trying to practice the presence and engage brother Lawrence people come from miles around just to watch him watch digit dishes in the presence yeah what is that yeah he probably mastered it it speaks conference come watch me watch dishes in the glory crazy right right so yeah and even how that looks in person to person that I love how God set it up so different man like how you're wired and I'm wired it tele approach to hell that's Kingdom family all the things that are popular fella says is everyone has their own special sauce but when we bring our sauce and put it on the table everybody gets to come in and take a bite oh it's so good especially so but yeah man just love it I say just go for it love Jesus the best you know how and and then if you feel inadequate just he says if you have not you know you have not because you ask not just ask help me Lord tell so you become more like you in and just go for it you know mm-hmm so how can me people you know learn more about you follow your ministry you have two books out three books ya know - okay his foot well no yeah you're right a third ones about to come out how'd you know that but yeah there's one about to release and here first ladies and gentleman yeah it sure did but our websites Brown will glory calm okay we have all the social media and stuff go on in yeah yeah I really like you like you're doing like for me it's like you're even talking about this morning you're unique for me it's like a unique you're taking all these avid of ministry like a glory cruise I mean it's time to be away in the secret place in the glory yeah in the heavenly glory and the natural glories like double glory yeah you're talking about that Oreo stack double stem you got heavenly glory natural glory in the egoic Fame in the middle so briar glory calm I read his book modern-day mist it is that does the name changed oh yeah it did supernatural reality sign book book supernatural yes if you want to read Supernatural yet no supernatural realities I think I read that book and probably a couple of hours oh wow just kept well most have like read right through it is like each for me encounter was an invitation to another encounter if you guys want to hear about just some really amazing things encounters to where you really see that heavenly come in and literally move things around in their earthly and that becomes a sign in the wonder in our generation just really check out Bryan has been a dear brother someone I've just even the Bible School like there's just something about you bro you just carry that intimacy that thing in the secret place and you just we get around you and there's like this this drawing and not to say obviously it's Jesus mm-hmm but I just want to honor the fact that you've honored him so well Wow and so that's just really it's you're an asset to the body I feel like people have these crowns but they don't know they're there and they're kind of sitting there almost like a computer they're waiting to activate they're waiting to be turned on and I feel like what you carry releases the combination for that thing to begin to fire and the the crowns begin to activate and come on and then the reality of heaven on earth becomes real and then one of the things you do is you make it tangible mm-hmm and attainable because you've steward your life so well so thank you for choosing to live your life there and thanks for being on video tape oh yes encouraging man such an honor and appreciate love you dude and preciate it man just one more thing made up can you just please double by for the bicep flex just know you need to show your is that that's why I got two layers man alright cool man thank you no of course
Channel: David Edwards
Views: 6,641
Rating: 4.9661016 out of 5
Keywords: dave edwards, david edwards, allessia edwards, revival, revivalism, revivalist, kindred, brian guerin, bridal glory, presence, god, knowledge, supernatural realities, god of wonders, brownsville revival, fire, school of supernatural ministry, jesus, the dove, holy spirit, signs and wonders, miracles, manifestations, gems, feathers, oil, angels, sovereign, trinity, pentecostal, charismatic, third wave, prophetic movement, prophecy, prophesy, prophet, seer, mystic, mystical, seeing in the spirit
Id: F8jRYvthFE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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