LIFE IN LIGHT // 7/18/21

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[Music] so wow let's jump in this morning i'm super excited have a brief exhortation out of first john i would love to kind of expound upon with you and a couple of quick announcements pick up an offering tithe if this is your home church offering if if uh if it's not and uh and then we'll land it go from there maybe price it for some folks and stuff like that so did you guys sleep okay last night quickly like a like a brian power nap good yeah these go late at times and then the morning comes quick yes indeed so um yep couple of quick announcements again for those of you anybody that was not here last night okay wow welcome where were you at i'm teasing they're like i'm never raising my hand again no i'm teasing welcome so good so grateful to have you here and and um come on jesus so uh yeah quick announcement again um our academy um this fall september that's open i recently had some somebody asked me was it closed down yet so if the registration is still open that would start the september you want to take advantage of that two years of your life just sowing into going for the lord deep in the word and our community together school of academy will graduate it's going to be awesome actually have a physical graduation here whether you're online or in person so we've got students all over the world different countries nations continents and all this and hopefully as many of them can fly in as possible for the graduation because look it's going to be official you come up on the stage you get the certificate and then bam holy ghost is going to hit you so hang on to your certificate first and then uh then we'll roll the bodies down the stairs and come up one the way walking rolled down the other just we got it all strategized and uh did i ever tell you guys about the uh the cruise we did with uh todd white's just ingenious plan did you all ever hear that one uh okay did anybody not hear that one okay enough i'll sell it i'll tell it quick so we do this cruise every year which you guys will be the first to hear about it we're trying to hurry up and squeeze on it and pull it off for spring of 2022. so we don't know wait till you see the announcement because they're trying to enforce the whole you know the world stuff that we don't do the just restrictions so as soon as that'll lift we can we can get in there and uh anyway but our very first one and these are major contracts you know with big cruise lines and all this we ink this deal and it basically um we hop on this ship together and it's everybody's trapped in the glory lost or saved you can't get off you know it's just a bad move people that are lost they're stuck with these glory bombs walking around the ship we kind of take it over and uh so dear friends daniel kalinda todd white eric gilmore michael cullianos cogliano's we all just jump on this thing and go for it it's really really a fun time all week out in the caribbean this last one we did uh the the whole pandemic thing i guess hit we didn't know it we were out at the caribbean you just don't know what's going we hopped off the ship like what happened to the world there's mask and people doing this and i'm like i just sneezed i'm good it was just piling or something what did y'all did y'all feel that i was like whoa you just felt like you couldn't even anyway uh but we hop we just and daniel he was like bro you know we just got off that ship because they were like within days they were starting to trap people on the ships they were getting stuck out at sea so we heard the lord thank goodness on that but the first one last night i promised the people was anybody on that very first one um wow ron and stacy eva okay they will remember um oh wow you're on the very first one too yes so uh i promised the people we would do a fire tunnel those are super biblical it's basically you walk through this portal of heaven and good luck getting out the other side and it's the the laying on of hands is where you find that description but double up and and uh so we're all getting pumped up for this last night of importation and uh fire tunnel daniel kolenda had the last night and if you all know daniel he can get in preaching mode and that's all she wrote him he's just such a powerhouse and how it works on those cruise lines they're like a small city on water i mean they got just people running there's different you know uh events going on all of the time and so our sound guy was from the ship and he had another engagement right after ours was over to hurry up and go to another and run sound and they're just moving and uh i reminded daniel our closing time and we wanted to leave enough time for the fire tunnel and he's never before or since done this i think it was just heaven was playing a trick on me or whatever but because daniel's boy he's calculated and for some reason he he mis read the time and went well past his time and i look back our sound booth guy's gone nobody's running the sound i'm like sweet jesus and uh daniel's in the glory i'm like i'm not touching that microphone i'm like boom he's bringing it powerful message for the last night and uh so we've got 15 minutes left before we've got to be out of this ballroom on the ship everybody else come back in and i'm thinking we can't do the fire tunnel you know several hundred people getting through it now you know those fire trucks they get like messy in a good way so i get up there and i'm like and daniel closed it so powerful said hey so sorry guys or because i hate now how do you know we need to you need to be a person that keeps your word it's very being be a person of integrity you know and character so i hated that because that would give them their work so i said so sorry we're not going to be able to do the fire tunnel here come the dreadlocks man todd white right up here he's like he's like oh bro super simple like just solomonic wisdom because not super simple you just look see that exit door we we stacked the fire tunnel by the exit door on the way out we're out of here 15 minutes good [Applause] so me normally i'm a little more wise than this spirit of dumb hits me wham i'm like oh great idea [Laughter] so i tell the people no we're good fire tunnels back on green light meet us by the exit door problem was holy ghost taser guns were going off i mean bodies are boom flying and stocking up and i'm going in our rusters are dragging bodies through the door and we're on a full out secular cruise line you know this is not your normal and so we're well over our time and power of god's hitting people and uh and i'm just i'm thinking oh boy here we go the cruise line's gonna be on me and and so people start stacking up for the next event in the ballroom they're trying again and we find out that they're supposed to have karaoke night in there so lions building up and like they're like looking at what in the world is going on people get hit by the power of joy they're stacking up by the elevators this is why i kid you not this happened a couple comes up they had cocktail in their hand totally alcohol is ready to go karaoke night lo the lord doesn't get too intimidated by this stuff so jessica corleone's michael's wife they see them they're like they're thinking what are they drinking i want what they have you know they're going to trade out the cocktails for the holy ghost you know ephesians 5 paul says don't be drunk on wine but be filled with the holy ghost be filled with the holy spirit is the fruit of joy and our people were way more intoxicated in the spirit than they were so they're like cocktail the husband had a brace on his arm something wrong with his elbow and uh jessica goes up to and says hey y'all want to come through the fire they're like sure so here come a cocktail i remember seeing it man alcohol coming through the fire tunnel yay i think it's the first ever in history and then here goes the lord smokes them her husband gets healed by the end of the fire tunnel takes off his own brace yeah he's totally healed and uh i think jessica led him to jesus they got born again on the other side skipped karaoke night i'm sure yeah so that was so good and uh but i remember it was the lord set up and i remember thinking i remember thinking boy i can't cruise line is going to be emailing us here it comes this is our first event big contract they don't know us well and uh their big organization i'm thinking here come the emails i'm just waiting through our assistant but lo and behold that was the last night we had to go if some of you remember we had to go to dinner right after we had the allotted um time for for dinner and there goes todd again i'm like bro when will you stop he has no off switch this this guy on social media just blew up with i don't know how many thousands of views remember eric whipped out his phone but he gets in there oh no this is what happened this is daniel's very first boot camp group boot camp group he had some guys under just fiery evangelists they're amazing going for the souls and so so good daniel just taught in our school recently so we're sitting over there i'm there with the speakers we're taking up a good chunk of the uh the dining hall we're several hundred but you got probably almost a thousand in there so again we're a third of and the rest are all lost in there like a third us two thirds just lost people all around well uh one of daniel's interns oh no they come out how many of you have ever been on a cruise before okay so you like them they're amazing you got to get your sea legs under you abby have you ever been on one okay okay yeah yeah with us yeah i remember the first time i was introducing eric and i'm like it's we're leaving port and it's like i'm like and eric's amazing you're going to love it you got to get your sea legs under you but once it straightens out you're good well uh the last night they come through and they you know they all the cooks and everybody you know they come out and do a big song and all this so the guy has a microphone though big mistake he comes out and he's like hey so glad to have you on this trip they're kind of closing out the night and seeing where everybody's from that works on the ship well daniel's intern he didn't hear anything else he just sees a microphone he's thinking and he sees the microphone he looks at daniel he goes can i get that microphone and daniel's like i'm good he looks at me because i'm running the thing i'm like i'm good sure we don't know what he's going to do and then i'm thinking we just got out of the the holy ghost melee fire tunnel just half hour ago he goes and he goes up to the head cooked guy he goes hey can i get your mic in the the cook fell for it he thought i think he was going to we love you and honor you and he's you know which we do but he took the mic nobody knew he was going to do this and he gets it runs over to todd white puts it in todd's hair here we go part two so todd just whips up does what he does she's like listen everybody i was you know dreadlocks he just you know he looks all he's got like the toe shoes and then it's like there's only one todd and uh i've figured it out and he knows this he's like do you have any fishermen in here that like to fish yeah love to fish okay sometimes you need that bait that's just it catches your attention and it comes through the water and the basses jump on it he's that's what it is you see them on the streets they're like hold on a second and uh and those fish he just yeah so yeah once i'm using the handheld in there so he grabs the mic and he says look drug addict 19 years jesus set me free so it's preaching the gospel to the whole entire dining hall cooks and all he goes he set me free he'll do the same for you he's about to work miracles right now i'm going oh my gosh you know yes please but look we don't i'm like you're not with me you know because we got like you know big zeros on our contract behind us thinking that stuff just starts to put pressure on you so anyway um he goes and he wasn't happy with that we've got tons of souls lost people all these these staff out here you know todd he's like no no go in the back clear out the kitchen i want all the cooks everybody oh we'll wait right here and they listen to him i don't know how he gets away with some of this stuff on one of our recent cruises i don't mean to go here but it's just why not it's fun he went into the gym on the uh cruise ship big old muscular dude he was telling me about it he goes right up to him smacks him in the chest he goes wham i hope you got a whole lot of jesus under all those muscles i'm like how do you not get knocked out you know he said oh he was angry at first but boy i got him i'll get him you know he just he's so filled with love he'll just mow him down you know you can't defeat love it's impossible and uh so he uh sure enough i'm like they're listening to him like how what's happening he goes in this is supernatural totally he just takes over places and they all go back out there bring out the cooks and now we got more staff like great and he goes on everybody all week our people we've been under the glory the meat the teachings and meetings let's do do the word and so they all start laying his backs you're getting healed miracles breaking out in the dining hall and uh and so i'm thinking sweet jesus i think we got out of that one it starts to land well the head guy indian man uh mary you'd love this he'd come you'd do the accident better but he comes around he's looking somebody ratted me out he found out i was the head guy of the event and i'm like oh great so he comes and finds our table i'm like here it is here we're done one and done our first cruise or you know never again they're going to see our name and we have to change our nonprofit name just to get back on a ship and he goes he goes ah are you you people are different you know with his accent he goes we've had many christian groups but not like this before on cruises he goes i want to thank you you make this place holy that awesome so god was glorified and we never got the email we keep doing them so anyway [Applause] so praise the lord i guess they liked our thing better than their karaoke or something but uh certainly uh spring 22 would be awesome and uh if we can pull it off we'll announce that the wait for the announcements because we're just waiting for those restrictions to we just don't like to play that whole thing and uh so that also um uh this fall we we're trying to pray through the exact dates because it's going to take time to build but the community here locally and wanting to serve um want to encourage you guys i think that's going to be on our website um yeah let me see yep there's the website how you'd like to serve and we should be doing a video probably within the next week or so really focusing on we've been real busy i was traveling all of june plus we launched our first pentecost meeting here really i thought my life schedule was light but zoe was like no papa like she knows it and really jasmine does it more than all of us but zoe's got to back into it as well to where we're all on the same page and uh so i'm still running a bit and also we've just got a lot on our plate but as it gets closer into it we're going to be many of you desiring to volunteer in turn all these type positions look we're going for worship you can tell we have all the stuff here we're going to build a full worship team and some of you feel called more in the levitical you know it could be melchizedek if you're going hebrew seven whatever your take is but it's uh unto the lord worship we just had a prophecy with ben remember i don't remember hannah's word you guys got us up there the last day so powerful and uh and i began to release that really powerful prophetic word of how many worshipers would come out of this house as well and we want to raise that up so not just preachers of the gospel but also those that feel that that call to minister unto the lord because we really want to host him above and beyond everything minister unto him we're going to make pockets for that and so however we're going to get more specific on that you feel led feel free i think there's a form you can fill out we're going to start probably jumping on calls with guys and meeting you because we want to really know who we're working with and build a core team not just you know we could do something just to do it but i'm really after especially in this hour quality and character and foundation and intimacy i'd rather go low and slow and build quality we don't want to do weeds and all this stuff you know i know a pastor that told me you know i'll just put it this way you can get a river super wide and really big but it can be a mile wide and an inch deep and just kids can play in that it's just you know not a lot you know can go on it and you can do that especially with what we have at our fingertips in this hour with technology platforms and you can you can move pieces around and organizational skills and i'm okay but there's really god's favor on a lot of that there's reason for that i'm behind it but i'm just saying much rather give me 20 feet wide but so deep you can never find the bottom of it because that's where current comes listen jesus shook the modern day world of 12 men one of them a betrayer three really tight with him the other nine were not even in the inner circle and then in the inner three there was just one john and guess who wrote the final book of revelation john he was trusted with the deepest peter was more of the mouthpiece upon this house i'll build my rock the spokesman but you can tell the intimate the secrets are shared with intimate ones and john had the most as far as you know anyway so we want to go deep and we're really um passionate about protecting the lord's presence his voice his people doing it in a quality way and so excited about that and um now i'll just take up a quick offering i met mary do you mind maybe in a second if you feel a grace don't want to put pressure on you but listen she's got some of the craziest financial stories in the context of i just want to do it with their offering of when we linked up together starting in 2017 just that i think would encourage you guys and again just more importantly a kingdom principle not so much with us it just so happens that when we linked up and she's a incredible supporter of our ministry that her business is look pandemics can't stop this woman it's crazy you'll you'll hear the story she's super powerful um but i just want to read one verse to you and uh we'll take up an offering here in a second let mary share and encourage you guys and i want to pray but listen to this proverbs 3 verses 9 and 10 a lot of us know this the bible says honor the lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce then he will fill your barns with grain and your vats will overflow with good wine so basically here it's it's all sufficiency everything you need you know barnes full is food that's full is drink you can't do with either you can't do it without either or you can look you can have tons of hamburgers but if you got nothing to drink you're gonna die you're gonna plenty of gallons of water no food you're gonna die you get both it's it's basically what this verse says is all everything all sufficient for everything you need will be there but it's prefaced with honor the lord with your wealth the best part of everything you produce then if you ever see if or then in scripture there's it's conditional and this is good to know you know and i'm going to actually first john has a big fat if in there too that i want to share mostly from this morning and so i want to encourage you guys as you feel led this morning um if you this is becoming your you know permanent house the tithe we welcome that if you go to another church though your tithe would go there you can give by offering way of offering and want to believe for the lord just to increase how many know the lord's just set it up this way we do not give to get but it just so happens that the lord set up the spirit realm this way it's a protocol that it unlocks abundance to keep giving to unlock more abundance and then we're just big blessing bombs in the earth it's how we set it up so the it's obviously down to the heart but there is real scriptural principle on giving unto the lord and it unlocks abundance listen if things ever get tight i know right away my first step there's not even a close second place my first step is what can i give away generosity i've given shoes away man um watch is it doesn't matter any chance i get some guy was just and i don't mean a two-pound horn i'm trying to convey a generosity spirit we must walk in you know i'm telling you proverbs also talks about how lack follows those that are stingy you you it feels right to human nature to just hold on hang on to what i got but then lack is your domain but it says the blessing follows the generous it just keeps that that unlocking uh prosperity realm upon you and so anyway mary i'll bring the mic down to you but if you could share maybe 2017 your journey it's been nuts she shared another one with me last night she was literally worked less anyway i'm telling you it's just funny but we love mary jones give her a hand she's amazing that she can preach too so you got to watch out so um i joined this well i started following um i almost called you jonathan my son okay i guess he's on my mind i started following brian in 2017 and um before i was married to work like my job was my i was a slave to my job never took time off never did anything and then a major loss in the family happened and you know there's two ways to go so genesis 50 20 says what the enemy meant for evil the lord turned it around for good so i was always a cheerful giver always tithed then 2017 we started just i went to everything my whole thing was i'll do funerals and weddings and that's it completely never said that ever again and went for anything i can get my hands on to just get into the glory of the lord and my first encounter with truly my first encounter with jesus was when brian prayed over my husband and myself and eddie's eddie was just like yo you are vibrating i don't remember that part but it was amazing i mean amazing so then um after that the end of 2017 so 2018 when you when i looked at what i had done that year financially it's the most i've ever given i mean the most i've ever received my the money i made was the most i've ever made in my career and i was like wow i took every month off i was giving and giving i was linked and quickly linked onto his mystery but what's funny about his ministry is whenever he does the you have a morning breakfast what is that called vision breakfast he does a vision breakfast i'll go into the vision breakfast i'm like all right i'm already giving and the lord will say a new amount and then i'll be like i gotta hear it twice and then brett spears comes up and says the amount i'm like okay so the lord has been so as when you are moved to give let me tell you the lord is going to show up and he's going to show off like nobody's business so 2018 comes and i'm following brian uh i mean pretty strong and just giving into the ministry 2018 end of 2018 i look and i even did a one-week trip to honduras with a different ministry and it was powerful and again 2018 was more than 2017 in my career of working then 2019 same thing so my thing i have to tell you guys is when you find fertile ground start sewing into that fertile ground because this it's fertile ground i have tried it i mean malachi 310 says right bring your tithes and but also bring your tithe offering but also let the uh test him not that we're trying to test the lord all the time or anything but test him and he will show up he will show off and you will be in overflow season in the name of jesus so i work full-blown commission full-blown and i never took time off but of course now i'm taking time off and it was pentecost weekend and i met a client a client found my profile and she looked me up a month before and i told her hey you need to come before before memorial day weekend and let's get this started so i knew this would end around one o'clock i left and went back to cobb county where i work and i met the client at the time the the amount that i was associated i was going to close with her because usually i'll go to a client's house so i do interior design for bassett so i go measure out and i put a plan quickly together i mean quickly and the deal was 25k she would spend so i was signed brian and brent i was like i'm hoping maybe you know 30 would be nice who knows let's see what happens i get so i leave here and i get over there and when we added it all up it ended up being a 45k sale so i said i'm so sorry let me take some stuff off because i never want to go past what the client is saying and she goes stop i want it all glory glory be to god almighty then i was coming this week and this week i was like oh man god i gotta get up july is busy there's a lot going on so i was like oh please god let me just get this all right and um last sunday i met two ladies and they're like oh well we have to come back with our husbands but we really enjoyed working with you i'm like oh i hope they come back so this week tuesday they come back and usually i tell myself you know mary do 20 or more a week they come they come in on tuesday one came in at one and the other came in at three long story short 20k was closed that day and then i didn't have to worry about coming here this weekend and not being at work because where we make our money is on the weekend so once again i say like when you even when you feel like you don't have enough give it because when you don't give is when you feel the lack but when you give and you listen and the lord says that person give that much give it don't hold on to it holding on to something is not going to get you anything the only thing you need to hold on to the holy ghost and the lord almighty and he will take care of the rest god bless y'all yeah there we go hey i told y'all she's got some treats yeah you can't get that volcano going wow it was amazing thank you so much mary john that was incredible so i want to pray and um yeah i think the different methods are up there you can't give via text checks made to broadway international and um oh yeah they have this thing just check this out you can plot your iphone watch this is cool you can zoom in and uh down just to do it for funsies and uh you can zoom in your camera now media director is just on top of it and let's make sure it works uh because this would be a way did it work with y'all yeah in that cool so we've got those will be coming in for different things and we'll pray so yeah jesus we love you be glorified i pray right now just lift your hands to heaven i want to pray a blessing or the blessing of god right now financial breakthrough in the name of jesus right now even off of last night's word we pray no more lack either brand new day of abundance provision for the vision in the name of jesus amen awesome so you can come give we've got baskets on the uh right and left and uh and in the balcony as well and we'll jump in together so so good bring can i give this to you for now appreciate it man thank you lord hmm that's so good worse than daniella at are you on the balcony daniella wave where's daniela yeah i know i saw her daniella somewhere i can't see up in the occasion the restaurant yeah i remember she uh gave last time it reminded me got smoked right there i know if you guys remember that well she emailed back in and some maybe she could share it later some financial breakthrough happened and uh it was like 10 times something it was really crazy something so good should have shared that before the offering i'm teasing so awesome i want to share with you real quick out of first john you don't really need to turn there won't keep you long at all and um we'll let you guys go enjoy some lunch have a good day and again remind you tonight we'll be here at 6. doors open at 6 and worship will start at 6 30 be super intimate my uh my son judah probably just sitting in a chair with a guitar we can go deep together kind of old-fashioned home group feel and i'll be teaching from the floor and uh on our session three of the school of his voice going deep into dreams and how god speech speak so intricately through them love to take we'll take communion together here and pray for you all and that'll be good so doors open at six worship starts 6 thirty i'll start teaching live at seven and we'll go from there so look i wanna read a quick verse i'm gonna exhort for a second won't be long uh first john chapter one verses five through seven okay just gonna read it over you and first off john the beloved like i said earlier closest to the lord paul i believe hit another error in hit in his day but john's just a different caliber guy okay first off all you have to do is know this about the gospels that you have matthew mark luke and they're all called the synoptic gospels meaning they all have the same synopsis synopsis they see together the same john lo and behold he doesn't make it in the group he's just got his own gospel he writes things very differently he's the only one when jesus walks on water if you look closely john says and they were eager to get jesus in the boat he had this extra thing on them through intimacy that i think you're going to see an overriding theme upon this last hour of bridal company that this they're driven by intimacy listen there's camps that are driven by works servants of the kingdom power and doing things for the lord and we should doers of the word but what you're going to see strengthen in this last hour is this bridal theme undergirding everything it's all birthed out of love love is the most powerful powerful force behind anything song of solomon says fire can't put it out waters can't drown it it's the most powerful substance so when persecution elevates love it's like that i'm gonna see jesus quicker bring it you know what i'm saying that it doesn't really matter well john was this guy he just wrote from a different standpoint had revelations that were very very different and here he had a revelation on light like nobody else you know you begin to see it how he wrote it's like where are you coming from nobody else says the things you do he's the only one that mentioned the the uh wedding and cana just the the bridegroom dynamic and it's beautiful not that you negate the others they're all needed in full that's why we need the body but it's i love this about him so watch this he's the only one who pins from this angle he says in this is the message which we have heard from him capital h jesus christ john's basically saying listen i'm telling you now what i heard firsthand from jesus christ meaning this was this is what he conveyed to us and it's super important and now we declare to you that's a whole another teaching in and of itself listen in this hour we need people that are bringing stuff they heard directly from jesus not regurgitated so that's okay but but there's substance on people going deep into their closet hearing directly from jesus christ and i don't care how gifted it comes out we just need it coming from jesus look bob jones one of the most powerful prophets ever most grammatically off guys ever yeah back when i was born again and uh you know i'd see him he'd sit in a stool at churches he was like yep they weren't a blue angel okay and there's there's a there's mysteries i'm like what is going on right now but heaven would take over the room and uh his he he just grammatically was off but he he was a friend of god and so in this hour look i love orator skills and honing in and preaching and delivery let's go for it but much more we need those that walk with jesus and hear directly from him acts 4 13 i shared it before uh untrained common men but they knew jesus they walked with jesus so basically that's what john's saying here he says listen this is what jesus told us we're just declaring it to you that god is light and in him is no darkness at all this is so real to john nobody else writes like this no god is light james says he's the father of lights but john knew him as a revelation of light he even in the gospel you know of john and things like this but he says look this is what jesus can jesus told us about the father because now when he says god he's talking about the father he says this is what jesus told us now i'm telling you that god jesus told us this about the father he's light he's not around it about it he is it and in him is no darkness at all not the slightest ounce it's not in him there's nowhere to be found around him okay john goes on he says if we say that we have fellowship with him god and walk in darkness we lie and do not practice the truth this is also what i love about john he was very straight to the point like look i was just reading in uh in titus the other day okay and uh let me try and find it in paul um this is one chapter so it's hard to find but paul um i'll find it another time but paul his writings were very elaborate i mean he would have i don't know how he didn't make run on sentences all the time he just so many commas i mean just look at the introduction to titus i was just in the other day and said oh my gosh he he even hit semicolon says another sentence colon another sentence comma therefore god extraordinary and beyond grace be unto you and he's like amen period it's like you gotta like but i love it because it's so full but paul was very elaborate right in his way his communication style and i love that because you see how god uses different people in who they are but john was like look if you're walking in darkness you lie liar he was just super bang bang and uh and i like that because i'm similar just straight to the point well like john's the type guy you get on the phone with you be like good day awesome yeah jesus is good yeah and then it's like good talk just straight to the point but he says if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not practice the truth and this is beautiful what i want to more focus on um actually from the grace of god and his love is the the walking and the light part okay not so much focusing on the darkness although it's all in here it's the word but his loving kindness leads us in this direction in a pure way in this hour but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship with one another comma and the blood of jesus christ his son cleanses us from all sin okay so that i want to just give you a picture here again won't keep you long at all but basically what john's saying here he starts it off with listen this is what jesus told us so jesus sat there and told him you don't see this in the gospels but in any great depth but jesus began to tell them about the father listen he's light in him no darkness at all and if you claim to have fellowship with him but walk in darkness they basically they don't mix and in this last hour i'm seeing it over and over and over throughout the word in the spirit breathing opponent that the lord is really setting up his bride in such a pure pure way i mean look pure water is great you know spring water but then you can just purify things even more more thoroughly you know what i'm saying you can take them through all kinds of different filters and so i think psalm 78 says the word of god his promises are purified seven times over and he's really by his loving kindness his grace desire he's drawing people through intimacy it's not a bashing you condemning thing at all that's not god he's not that way but out of love he's pulling people into him into such a level of purity that reflects the sun because he's building up his body jesus's body is light and in it there's no darkness at all in ephesians 5 27 says in this last hour he's looking for a bride without spock or wrinkle so that john's listen if you really slow down and these epistles these these apostles hit it head on over and over and over again through the grace of god so basically what john's saying here he says look god is not only light we're gonna do light over here okay we'll do darkness sorry guys darkness is this side yeah y'all want to flip it they're like yeah um i've done this before preaching on the uh wise and foolish versions normally i'll split the crowd down the middle i'm like this will be the fullest version no they're stoning me like wise virgins extra oil and uh but it'll be just the stage it won't be you guys so we'll do over here uh darkness because john talks about walking in it an aux bound over here light john says listen jesus told us this about god the father he told us he's light let's start thinking about the lord and uh and in him no darkness at all such a beautiful place all power liberty freedom everything you've ever longed for in the fulfillment of every promise you ever thought you could walk in is there because when you get out of full darkness you can't not fulfill destiny it's not it's impossible to not walk in destiny over here so god's not only the light he's in it and in him no darkness at all not even an ounce so john says basically he's talking first off epistles go to believers okay that's this is letters to the church he's talking to believers here he says so if you claim no sorry if you walk in darkness it's over here which is your life choosings and desires and yieldings within and where the lord's going now with it is with a fine tooth comb not even blatant sin things that would never be allowed in the presence of god where there is no darkness at all he says if you walk in this but yet you claim you have fellowship with him you're a lie and you don't practice the truth right and then so he goes on he says but if you walk in the light as he is in the light you not only have fellowship with him but listen where it goes further at and this is where i'm telling you a lot of people don't like this but it's just bible 101 you'll have fellowship with him but also the blood of jesus cleanses you from all sin so just picture a shower head over here rainforest shower head of the blood of jesus it's always on in light okay but i'm telling you where it's not it's not in darkness and see that if i talked about earlier watch it's in here new living has a if and a thin watch this this is the message we have heard from him and declare to you that god is light in him has no darkness at all if we say we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie do not practice the truth verse 7 but if any time you ever see an if it is 100 conditional listen there's there's positional righteousness and relational righteousness they're both absolute truths in scripture they're both absolutely necessity necessary for walking with god and they're both totally scriptural truths but they're both very very different so positional righteousness is your spirit man brand new creation born again righteousness through the blood of christ it's how god sees you right we all know that but relational righteousness is what john's talking about now and this is where the men and boys separate women and young young women and this is what a lot of people don't preach on a work the grace message gets obscured it gets it gets a bit blurry hebrews 10 14 i've quote this a million times it's one of the most beautiful verses that i believe highlights them both in at once because if you've got to how do you know we need to read the whole word of god anybody can build a argument around their their take on something through picking and pulling i've seen it throughout the years listen man and they're really good at it you know i remember i had a baptist friend when i first got born again and uh he knew the word i love the baptist man uh pastor stanley i know he grew up he got slammed full of the holy spirit and but i love this about the baptist they they're deep in the word they're passionate about souls and some of them are full of holy ghosts too but if they're not you know they they don't they don't believe in the gifts and things like this right and that's okay but this guy dear friend we we our connection was the lord he was deep in the word but he had all his verses you know pulled out for against healing in the supernatural i was like bro it's too late i already seen too many miracles i'm not the guy don't talk to me about it you know i mean i would say then i went on purpose when i'd see stuff and supernatural just keep hitting him with it wham wham and uh because it's just once you see it you know and um but we need the full word of god as soon as you start pulling puzzle pieces out out the picture gets obscure it gets distorted and out of balance and so hebrews 10 14 says that god has forever for all of time made perfect possession position righteousness in christ you're forever made perfect in his eyes through jesus those that are being made holy it's like hold on paul there's two different seats you can look at it like your seat of possession or righteousness in the spirit but your soul and your desire of man that's being renewed your mind being renewed and you must walk out the salvation through fear and trembling but that relational righteousness we want to continue to merge and the seats be together does that make sense you want your relational righteousness to match your positional and far too often we love the grace messages i i get it and they preach heavy on the positional righteousness and there's no accountability for relational and john's hitting it with a bat man i used to play baseball he's like give me that fastball wow he hits it he says if you walk here you know and you think you're there you're a liar he's talking about the relational seat here and it's really key by the grace of god and he's really given such a grace right now this hour to to yield to it but watch this he says if when there's ever an if there it's completely conditional right and so he says if we walk in light as he is in the light we not only have fellowship with him and i want to read some notes i wrote through quickly with my phone to hopefully just hit some points home but there's fellowship here in the light but also in the if is connected the if is connected i'm not talking about your born-again positional seat i'm talking about relational if you walk in the light also then if it's conditional only then your sins are cleansed by the blood of jesus so that being said the the blood of jesus rainforest showers not raining over here nor is the fellowship with god so this is where we miss it because often we we do inner choosings of life in darkness while he's over here and there's areas of our life that disconnect and don't have fellowship with him number one number two there's areas of our life that aren't being cleansed by the blood of jesus and people love to go but my position in christ that's that that's true but also your relational position and this is what john's talking about he says if meaning in light there's only fellowship and in lights where the blood washes you does this make sense to you guys this is why too the bible says even submit to god resist the devil and he'll flee a lot of areas of our life aren't submitted to god they're walking in darkness and we're rebuking the devil ain't fleeing because it's first is submit to god get in light then resist the devil the devil has no open door he can't get there and so um in this hour in such a beautiful way and again the standards are coming higher of coming into pure pure light he's calling us to that by his grace and so i want to read you some notes um just quickly out on my phone listen i wanna hit some really fine-tuned ones okay uh even the slightest ulterior motives of our heart like gossip slander those things aren't in light listen in light there in him there is no darkness at all uh gossip slander um selfish ambition again not to be heavy but just like oh yes jesus get me fully over here i want to stay under the rainforest shower head of the blood of jesus and i want deep fellowship with you as soon as decisions are made and the yielded and allowed in the realm of darkness that begins to detach your fellowship with him and of course by the blood and the position we have a way back in but far too often we make these continue choosings and there's a disconnect there and it becomes obscure divisiveness unforgiveness jealousy envy pride telling half truths um you know y'all done that before it's like if i say it this way it's gonna man you know i caught a fish this big you know you know it's like and yeah yeah and uh and god loves you listen he's like i love you i get it but let's go on let's keep moving you understand into pure pure light and another thing is about when when there's a mixture and things get dim maybe we can dim the uh hey can y'all maybe dim the house lights a second i'm gonna mess with the film so yeah when things get dim now start trying to look around and find things it's harder so as there's mixture in here and you're not in pure light as he is it starts to get harder to see things and find them you can crank them back up and but when you walk in pure light everything starts to get you see it more clearly and that's why often certain believers are like man how are they get doing that how are they getting away with that they walk in a purer light and how about we just go more and more into the pure light that god draws into where there is no darkness at all and you start to find those little things not to point the finger or how dare they you love them you're just like man don't come over here it's way better over here there's complete freedom there is no really not even a big need to resist the devil anymore because there's no doors open he can't even i'm fully submitted to god he even starts to get near and i see him way over there i'm like man he sounds like charlie brown's teacher and you just laugh at him and say psalm 91 can you come near my door and you just keep walking in light and then he's scared to come near because you're walking at such a high plain and pure light where there is no darkness at all 100 fellowship with god under this rain shower forest head of the blood of jesus and and but what's beautiful john says but if you read further he goes if you claim to have no sin you're a lie too he hits it dead on because we need his grace but if you keep reading he says we have an advocate with jesus christ wash me i love it steve hill at the brownsville revival real simple you say he'd say repeat this after me wash me and that was it that was his prayer of repentance wash me jesus and then you turn repentance is just a 180. it's just you were walking one way and you turn and go the other and you go back into light and this is where fellowship is so pure his voice is so clear you're constantly being washed in the blood of jesus listen also you walk in healing and freedom things can't there are no doorways you walk in complete power the blood of jesus heals sets free keeps you pure everything and it's all over here and so um yep i said that already yeah also i just want to point this out because if you read it closely he says walk original context he's talking about walking in the light and then walking in darkness i have here this must be a lifestyle of walking step after step he didn't say step in the light for a second come out stand nothing to walk is it's just not even a run it's a steady pace of life but you can't walk unless it's step after step it's a continual choice of lifestyle walking and and walking in it you know what i mean it's a simple everyday choosing on our end but it's it's a walking we do and i have here the word cleanses us from all sin if you look it up in its origin original greek it means to make pure and remove of all admixture or intermingling and that's what it does within us and it just makes you new you know it was so powerful talking to ron last night we've been been running for years now actually i met him back in louisiana ronald stacy and actually prophesied georgia to them or before we knew we were connected to george it was so crazy i was telling louisiana and i think you're having a recording so yeah stacy and they just got born again nine months and uh sure enough because i was talking to him i was like man because they just walk in a real deep pure level with the lord no mixture no time for it just jesus jesus possessed you know and by saying humility and i'm like hold on you haven't been morning in that long that you know but they walk at a level that's far past many that have been walked with the year with the lord for years and he said sure enough people prophesied over them that the lord had them in like a fast forward mode and that's what happened but i remember uh y'all were brave to come to that meeting because he knew to the things that the spirit and ron got tased like a taser gun hit him on the front brent was with me but i remember prophesying i saw a peach and i'm like peach or something with y'all in georgia and i didn't i don't even know we were coming yet it was so funny but um but this this walking in pure light and detaching from the things of the world is what the lord is doing i've been preaching out of joshua you know in no mixture and the lord's doing it a beautiful way but it means to remove all that mixture and if we ever want to find him we must always know that he is not only in the light he is actually the light himself and so i want to i can't hear the lord i want more details go go to the light if he is it and he's in it he's not over here and not only that i know people don't like this it's just the word the blood of jesus does not wash over here there's a if if you walk in the light then new living says if and then this is new king james with the new living right here is watch this i just want to do it for for emphasis sake he says but if we are living in the light as god is in the light the true you originally walked though uh then only then we have fellowship and only then does the blood of jesus wash us i hope that makes sense to you guys i know that people don't like that because like no no i'm washing the blood it's okay i hope it looks that way in the spirit because i'm telling you the bible is saying if you got you know choosings in darkness and you walk in it you're not washed in the blood but i'm born again i know your positional seat is relational is not that's what john's talking about they're two different seats and they both match up in heaven and they're beautiful that's not too heavy huh yeah i i i just excites me because it's like he's so good and you see him hitting it in this hour y'all are awesome they're like bring yes indeed that's good um but yeah i just love it what the lord is doing in myself and in all of us by his grace and his goodness and um he's just so pure and true and i'm telling you he is light he's in the light he doesn't know anything else and he's not going to mix with it while does he go into the darkness to get the loss of course he burns for him yes indeed there's daniella i knew you were here she's amazing but yeah he burns listen but the thing is when you get born again you step through that that threshold and doorway of being you know saved we want to come further and further into the pure light because that's where he is that's where the blood of jesus washes right so when you get born again positional seats set up not questioning salvation nothing condemning nothing like that but also we need to start merging over into this pure pure light and uh and it's beautiful i'll never forget and i'll close it here this encounter i had um i didn't wasn't meaning to share this but it was beautiful i saw the lord like like john's talking about was locked up for that season when i took off for like a year and parent my parents thought it was crazy and uh it had built you know how do you know you can build into deep places with the lord there's definitely the kingdom within us you practice the presence you know there's there's constant communion but also there's something to be said about going into your closet shutting the door behind you and it was days i was building and it got to this place where i don't know you know all i know is is the lord i could see him coming in from the right all as light and the closer he got i physically couldn't handle it you know those of you that have had these top encounters you get it it's hard to explain spiritually things to the carnal mind but all i know is i saw him coming from this way and the closer he got i was literally thank the lord nobody's in the house he would have put me in like a loony ward like you put him in the straitjacket i was getting like hit with power and i couldn't handle it the closer he got all of pure light and he's he's putting that into his people in this hour pulling men into pure light and they're walking the devil's like no no no no please just keep a little mixture just keep some of your decisions your thought life even in darkness please because then i can detach that area from fellowship and i can detach that area from being washed in the blood and i still have my foothold in there somewhere because that's the only place that the rainforest is coming down at all times over here and uh so i had the strangest thought in the encounter believe it or not of a close friend at the time in north carolina i'm down in baton rouge louisiana and i thought man i wish this person could see the lord like this a thought in a heavenly encounter when you're in the heavenly realms you you don't even have to communicate in heaven everybody knows thoughts it's pretty wild so that was it the thought i was like that was weird how that come to me in the moment next day the person uh calls up and they're like you're not gonna believe what happened last night mind you was that evening i had that encounter well that night this person went into a dream and they said the lord came to me all as light and the closer you know he got it was power and i was like yeah you're basically saying what happened to my and they didn't know i had thought that but i just didn't pray it i fought it in the encounter and hit this person and uh but that's all that we know him we would walk in deep light and listen watch freedom break through destiny start to happen that's all it is a lot of times it's just the re-posturing of getting closer into the pure pure light and uh it's awesome everything will change so austin you want to stand we'll pray jackie and tracy if you don't mind coming helping me uh thank you lord yeah so just focus on the lord we're going to pray together corporately and allow him to take us further into the light by his beauty and love [Music] you'll just begin to see jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] and as you continue to focus on the lord there was one main thing i saw crystal clear that there was there's i believe a good many of you in here that you um you've recently lost your hope specifically that hope you know the bible says hope deferred makes the heart sick and hebrews 6 19 talks about the anchor of your soul being hope and i saw it really clear in prayer regarding this week and there was there were some of you that have you've lost hope and listen hope is in the top big three of corinthians faith and then there were faith hope and love a lot of times it gets neglected or overlooked but hope is really really big and i feel some of you have lost that so in a second after i pray i'd love to invite some of you
Channel: Brian Guerin
Views: 7,527
Rating: 4.9607844 out of 5
Id: 9xF69sQiMl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 10sec (3610 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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