CUTEST BABY Sea TURTLE EVER! - Sea Turtle Lays Eggs - Feed and Grow Fish Gameplay

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hey everybody I'm blitz welcome back to feat and girl fish check it out sea turtles are now a playable thing that we can play in the game I believe it is the great map because some of the deathmatch stuff doesn't quite have it yet so we're gonna just try the survival on the great map and we're gonna see if we can become a sea turtle yar wait no I do my two sea turtles have to be pirates I don't know there we go so angler fish the mahi-mahi oh I gotta get a bunch more food oh it's not as much fun as just becoming a sea turtle all right my little baby fishies are swimming around just fine I've run up a big army of them and now we can turn over to the sea turtle take those 50 eggs and oh oh I guess my children can eat me yummy and now we can become a baby sea turtle this is gonna be great you're gonna be a seater face card hatch space oh there's the sea turtles oh we're gonna go I want to see what a baby sea turtle looks like I bet oh my word oh oh my word he's so cute how do you do oh my on land I'm on land I get it I gotta wander my way over to the ocean Thank You about me and dad easy turn I got a look oh okay look at him he's so cute he's so stinking cute look at that oh man I like the beat I like being the sea turtle oh I'm getting hungry though okay I gotta crawl myself into the water I guess I have to lay my eggs out Saul I'm getting so hungry can't jump come on there's got to be something down there for me to eat I see a little fish swimming around baby get in the water oh there's there's some food right there there's some food I can eat it okay it's so hungry okay there's a starfish and junk oh okay look at all that splashing water okay got it ah yes eating oh I like the little guy oh he's so cool okay let's what is this thing is that food I guess baby food baby look at his eyeballs what's going on with that oh those must be shells in the water nothing cool what is going on with his eyes you know the back of his head like that now we're gonna eat this no mom no that's my food a little monster my food news thing's trying to be our parents junk probably eat me if they had a chance okay here eat this one no oh it takes a long time to level this guy up we're gonna do the best we can because I really don't want to have to well I guess I've got enough points oh yes we can blinking blinking oh yay okay we're gonna try this thing right there good got it uh-huh air and Oh get away from me Mom get away I want my own food what get away from all of these others sea shark Turtles gonna eat this one then oh we're starting to get into a little bit of danger here oh thank you I needed that my life my mouth mine Rick we have that we have this one too I don't think I can quite attack the crabs yet but I think as an adult I'm gonna be eating eating crab dinner every night what's this thing is this Oh mom she's breaking it breaking up the stuff for me so I could be a little vacuum cleaner oh I'm getting out of here we're getting out of here what see turtles okay I didn't realize there was air in the game now whoo you see the little breath and the look I know that disappeared I needed to eat it my mouth full okay mom go find me some more food please thank you this is like uncle uncle Uncle Dave over here our Uncle Dave got me bunch of food like that and that's not food it's your food up here here is nope that's not food these are just shells I wish I could eat these it'd be nice look like candy canes and these are rocks can't eat those either hi what a won't way be a turtle I liked a little nursery over here but I think I might need a venture out of it because there ain't no food over here we ate it all gonna eat the grass and eat the grass nope no eating grass there's a bunch of crabs jumping fountain food pounds of food sandwich hopefully nothing besides to eat me hey mom help me thank you no you you ate it you ate it all oh no not quite Billy's too fat you know how frustrating this is when mom is here just being a helicopter parent all day long just swimming around hovering right over top of me not letting me go and eat in peace with my friends just just hanging out it's so annoying and then there's no food because mom keeps eating it was this oh there's the crabs over there can't eat the crabs yet there's another turtle there's just no food they picked the worst ocean for me to be in look at all these crabs oh there was some food right there there's a little bit let's go after this one maybe they'll eat me hopefully they won't now watch I'm gonna have this thing about eating up and mom will come in and eat it no maybe not this time hey little mahi-mahi hey I got one all by myself nope there's mom you're not allowed to eat this I gotta go fly I gotta go fly I gotta go fly me flying out of the ocean gotta get a breath though I'm reaching like a whale now where's the rest of it was that big mahi-mahi it is okay where am I going now oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah wait what's this thing what spinning Mike I don't know me I'm eating it oh I'm level seven yes need one more level to go Oh what happened what is this all about hey can I eat a fish these are pink fish I'm gonna try to eat a fish I'm probably not I'm gonna not gonna eat a fish maybe this will be the last one I need maybe not oh hopefully though nope not quite okay I need I need Aryan dude dude dude dude dude dude I like why I'm going upside down just like to breathe upside down in the water okay well there's one right over here this is taking a long long time to level up there we go fight it open or so close maybe this one will this be the last one we need well hope not there's the starfish right down there you know why they call it a starfish it says it looks like a star right right hope so okay Bob stay away stay away from my food oh shoot man I got big super fast mom where are you there you are hey I got an idea I got an idea oh this maybe hopefully you're not my mom hopefully hopefully you're not my mother how many eggs do we get to produce wait I get to lay the eggs I don't understand this Hey five eggs six eggs now you're swimming off that's all this is is this all this is to you I guess so okay we need to be on land let's go see if we can find some land Oh what's this oh just a little fishy I also I'm hungry great see if I can eat this guy how much damage showed you ha or nine nice I can't I can't eat him woohoo nineteen XP good baby my baby's won't go hungry no like I did my parents are bad okay I see a land land oh-ho bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump this is really bad man there's some land up here and if we go crawling oh my word this is so super slow hey I'm a shark I'm a land shirk yeah this looks good to me oh maybe I want it to be like a little flat area that my eggs won't go everywhere that's something else crawling over there look like it there's still the air bubbles in there okay I think this will work come on your poop about those eggs there they go they poop over my head my back okay great come on little guys you can do it you can hurt yourself that's not all of them what happened to him one two three that was six thought I had eight did we lose some come on little guys hatch hatch your bad selves please we got one that's now rolling into the water no you can't dig a hole either stop stop rolling into the water you don't want to drown you don't want to drown early oh they're gonna bounce yet come on no don't snap snap see that's why I wanted to go up on the hill a little more no no no I think it's actually fine out there bouncing yes they're starting to jump yeah they're rolling in the water I think they'll be okay yeah little dudes how are you now we hit Q okay stay here follow me into the water my little win golden dudes swim swim like a fish swim yay never thought I'd be so happy to be a parent did nine or six little sea turtles seater look at them all oh okay bite forget little fillers let's go let's go eat some crab it's gonna be crab dinner for us oh look at this hey guys I catch you I catch you one of these I got you one of these in my life boom kind of boom eat it eat it I found it for you no eat this one you didn't guess this I'm gonna have to put you up for adoption right away you don't even know how to eat there you go eat it eat it nope we're good and here's one of these down here check this out little guys boom eat that eat it I made it I cooked it for you all these guys are so cool I'm just gonna tease them cuz they're not gonna figure out what that is okay we need to go over to the crab island come on little dudes I wish they would squeak or something okay we got all six we should name them a b c d e and f g a b c d e f yeah oh we got a crab coming up we got a crab coming up got a crab bump there pretty quick hey in nerd commit a Guerette get you oh wow hey little dudes i got your food look what I found hey guys where'd he go hey come back here where is it why am i this is like the worst pun and come back here you monster no I'm gonna eat you back I too can go on land did you get it I'm gonna eat one cuz I'm getting hungry myself there we go more Crabbie's no I can eat it hey there it is okay eat that eat it eat it I got eat eat this right here guys eat this right here eat that in my mouth yeah hey please starfish but they won't eat my crab dinner I guess they're vegetable Ariens wait starfish your food or not vegetables what are you doing new starfish okay figuring on how to eat it I teach him so good don't I they're so good at being learned learn how to eat okay maybe not gonna eat that one okay they ate that piece now where do we go I feel like I need a big catch I feel like we need some big food for these guys to grow up these things will continue working no these crabs turn around don't drown okay and eat it hey it's not my head there we go eat that eat the food eat it there you go you can do it here they're eating it nice got it good job hey one of my little guys is gone we're down to wait maybe we collected I thought we had six look at this little temple maybe there's special food berries over here oh is this a shrew me can I eat this Rumi no I can't eat the Shrew me that's too bad Oh a couple fish hey little cuttlefish let's cuddle my mouth it pooped out ink no you're fine guys this is food we eat cuttlefish we eat the cuttlefish there eat that eat the cuttlefish there's food over here I did good I provided meals and nutrients for you nerds eat eat this stop playing video games and eat your food eat your cuttlefish there you go there you go little hey I'm gonna eat that one since no one else wants it I saw another goal there's a big Sharky phrase can eat that stuff eat this one here's a little yellow fish Oh get rekt Hey Oh No come back here fish oh he's quick he's quick and nimble I think I'm a big I'm big I can't catch up missed you fast it's time for us to get air they fly after me too it's awesome oh oh oh there they are so I'm got stuck out of it in air Hey grew up we got a part of our crew that means the rest of our party pretty close to pop into ores a zebrafish if I could get the zebrafish they'd probably be pretty good repeat that come on little guys okay we're gonna try to eat this fish I don't know if I can actually do it or not they're pretty fast oh this one's dumb enough he got stuck in it in the coral no I can't catch him I can't catch him should i disabled them when I had the chance uh maybe again maybe come here super fast I don't want to leave my little two guys behind no I think I have a small problem oh I only see well says I have five babies I only see three that one just leveled up now he's on his own did I lose one somewhere did I lose two of them I guess I might have that'd be too bad it shows how good of a parent I am bring the kids to Walmart leave two of them behind oh well you can hopefully find new mamas hopefully or maybe maybe they could just live in like the sporting goods aisle it's like the open anyone will eat all of it yeah there's only three swimming around I seem to have lost two hey I don't need that now we need air come on little guys we bring your flying sea turtle I got three can we can I get these three to adulthood maybe maybe I can if I can't I don't know what what else did you look at all these crabs we got this we got this don't dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt a bow got him erect we're so fast as a turtle may need it faster that is another crab oh I see so fast come here turtle you got a little legs okay there we go no big sea turtle that was for my kids I got it fair why are you putting your ears like an emu puts his ostrich he puts his hand into the sand where'd my other one go oh you grew up to an adult never mind you were my kid you can eat that I'll let you have that I'm gonna eat this maybe I can get it figure out where my mouth is there we go leveled up now where's another crap it's crappy time Wow got it yes no no got it hey little dudes I found I found nourishment no big guy get out of here hey no big one oh so annoying that get out of my house get out of my house yeah it out of my house oh there's so many of them around here it's a feeding frenzy oh boy sea turtles for days hey there's another one just leveled up I'm gonna eat these cuz I need to poop well okay where's my other little baby dudette baby dude come on brother let's go get some food I mean he does though you can't have that Wow I'm hungry like my guy is Oh what is going on over here bad mahi-mahi bad mahi-mahi yeah I'll attack you my little man he wants us to dinner my little dude yeah that's right I'll feed him fresh mahi mahi that actually sounds really good right now he'll get keep you squeaking yeah keep your squeaky little guy yes now you will eat you are my favorite too anyway now yeah right here eat that give it to me you would give it to my mouth full no get you monsters you monster fish that was for my baby you and me actually because I'm about to die of die poisoning lack of food my mouth hole hello little turtle Oh coming no no no crab crab crab crab crab crab crab crab crab crab crab crab crab crab crab crab crab crab dig it in there and then one more where is it where'd he go where'd he could what are you two going on here Hey go down here and tada now I need to eat there eat it little dude before the big monster II won't eat it oh that's the hey I did it somehow sort of we lost too at Walmart hopefully next time we'll be able to pick them up but that is gonna do it for today with the sea turtle update of feed and girl finish if you liked it please do let me know down below I'd like to do the ichthyosaurus whatever the fish select this thing it the yes sir I probably pronounced that right anyway thanks for watching and keep your stick on the ice we will catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 2,166,161
Rating: 4.8205199 out of 5
Keywords: Blitz, Blitzkriegsler, feed and grow fish, feed and grow fish gameplay, feed and grow fish goliath, feed and grow fish update, fish, feed and grow gameplay, gameplay, funny, FGFS01, ocean, wildlife, august 2017, 2017, sea turtle, sea turtle egg, cutest baby, cute baby, turtle, baby sea turtle, baby
Id: RnYdg6tG6qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2017
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