Deadly GIANT LIZARD! - Feed and Grow Fish Gameplay

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hey everybody I'm blitz and welcome back to more feed and grow fish we are in the cretaceous reptiles update today and we're gonna head back to the great map so we can select our brand new fish now there are a few one of these in here there's the egg lilac Laurel source and we have the new kronosaurus and the prognost is done as well today we're gonna try to start with well I guess we're gonna have to start with a buy bose because we don't have enough points so we have to get 30 points to unlock this little lizard the little lizard and we'll see what we can do with him ah yes beautiful day to eat some starfish you guys said starfish have five eyes doesn't make any sense I don't know how you gonna have five eyes that's weird I mean I mean it does you guys said that in the last video I can't even believe it I wonder I mean there's so many different breeds of starfish - or species not breeds is you don't really breed starfish yes hello I'd like to like to take a tour of your starfish farm sir Abby that'd be kind of weird it's like a petting I guess they have the petting zoos and aquariums for starfish okay I'm done talking now let's find some more points no but for a serious I think we're really onto something with the starfish farming like I we could sell them to the boutique like beauty stores to use as I don't know I had I had something there I had something like exfoliants there's a word there's a beauty store word we can sell them to spas and junk it would be like blitzes starfish exfoliation service get your skin exfoliate or whatever that means that's what we're gonna do anyway we do have 37 points should I get up to 60 just in case nah let's let's live large and in charge we're gonna go into this one and we'll play oh boy hey there's my little corpse the poor little thing he doesn't even know he's dead yet space bar oh oh we're a land animal we're on land hey I like this I mean that's what he was supposed to be good at all he walks to dududududu jumps oh he doesn't jump okay this is interesting oh there's a crab let's be it let's be a hunter [Music] oh my word this is so slow ah finally we're in the water I'm a snake I'm a slippery slippery slippery snake yeah ha ha oh he's so fast - hey oh that's no damage at all ok this is interesting so we should be able to get away from things oh we should go eat some penguins that'd be awesome I want to go eat penguins although reptiles are cold-blooded and I think that's what is specialty is alright that wasn't too bad slavery slithering oh there's a big reptile right there which one was that called I forget what those ones are called Canada maybe you want to stay away from them and go after little fish are these green ones real what are these I haven't seen these before hi good dead okay oh it's got that cool bite attack nice eye I've not seen these fish are they new to the game I must play with them they're so cool look it work we're dead go over here hey we're pretty good set and a deck oh oh no one does it just both swam in mouth oh hey hi there hole hater hi there what were you on Act uh-huh okay so he's not very fast he's pretty agile though that's good and his bite doesn't do much damage okay here we go no come on come back here come back your fish I'm gonna take you on shore I take you up no come back come on that one I got one yes yes yes bring you up oh you got away stupid fish got him I got him bring him up brave up hahaha oh no oh come back here don't go in the water oh you slithering monster hey I'll get you you don't even know I exist hey oh okay I got it Oh got him yes I'm fishing yes that was cool oh that's so cool now I got to go back at the water again we chase them back up to this short it will eat me an app stuck on a rock so much damage does he actually do six that's not too bad I was gonna take so long to level him up though hey that was a spawn point maybe it won't take so long if I can sit on their spawn send help send help oh this guy looks oh no no no no no I don't have enough money I'll bite you back now that's it work oh I don't have enough money I can't make it again I was gonna swim to an area where I could get money no he looks so cool okay I want a pet lizard like him it's probably some sort of dangerous crazy lizard okay walk straight walk straight no give him there yes yes Oh stick the tongue out there it is oh the jug kind of got unhinged a little bit okay um I wish there was a map I wish he can open up a map in this matter because I think let's see oh there's the dolphin fish that ate me before we want to stay with oh he's eating he's eating all my little I wonder if I can bring the dolphin oh you just killed one the dolphin just killed my fish friend hey hey buddy how are you what are you doing here hey my jaws sideways okay I want to go eat this really quick jump I want a jump button too so you can jump and slide like a dolphin okay ready get set Eadie's oh what's going on my legs okay got that thank you thank you too often man okay no we're climbing back on truck guys it's scary out there all right mission completed so I need to cross the great ocean here oh I so slow on land I need to cross the great ocean ocean to get to the starfish farm yeah that that dolphin over there is looks scary oh hey lots of fish Lots ello ello f lots of fish oh this is good hey it's probably a spawn point over here too surprisingly a little more fun than normal Oh except there's no fish he's fun when there's fish around yeah let's go after him I think other they are hello fish ha Oh see he's got a little bit of snap attack too he attacks a little bit out of his range that you typically see yes there we go eat about and it's pretty easy what all the fishies are stupid around oh and he can lunge just a little bit ah got it see that's not too bad I kind of wish you would swallow these guys hole though it takes a long time to chomp of money for a decent experience two to three nineteen chunks of meat ah yes got another one Oh get up there yes see that one was too so 38 to 157 you know why right swim swim swim I'm a land animal I'm a landable land of all land animal wait he didn't kill him or he killed him and then escaped like this okay he's gone and we get freebie haha frame it ah yes nothing's better than farming starfish hey that wasn't too bad okay how about these uh I need air uh do I die for it earlier I don't want it I'm too young today I don't want to try this oh can we got to go back down there though oh and either I need air give me air don't want to die I don't want to oh my word why is this so far away okay now I can go back down and eat things this is what my belly desires a nice school of whatever these things are called like kelp no that's plants these things oh yes yes krill maybe no creels like a shrimpy thing ah perfect I got so much free experience for days got so much free get oh oh yep what was that oh it's one of those things I thought it was something to eat me here we go here we go right up I'm up yes swim met me swim at me fish for free give me a free level oh nice I liked it I liked this guy he's not too powerful he's kind of fun to play with like did the look of them with them yeah no it was stupid I the look of them with the fins on the side or the legs I mean they're really good it's a really really well made animation and model for it okay how's the against predator fish ooh I'm not too not too good hey hey that one bit him twice now the other one should attack me right cuz they're pack nope okay not too bad those guys getting messed up oh no no you don't out of the water oh that was pointless it was worth 20 X be his better needs starfish blitz a starfish Emporium stealing all your starfish needs I found another school of fish did you on I mean I'm not really chewing on them I'm just kind of swallowing them whole oh they give points yes they give me imma get coins oh that one didn't we're there they are hi everyone how are you let's make a party in my belly and yeah and you're all invited everyone of you bringing praise ring your experience and into your coins it'd be great thank you and then over here you ha ha ha uh wow this guy just looks so cool oh it looks like another school over here I also see a shark at the bottom corner I think I can be I think I'm okay if I eat these guys oh yes this is so cool I like this guys so much I don't even know why cuz he's not that powerful he's not strong he doesn't have any good benefits he's slow but he he's neat it's the first like reptile one I remember I think they can play as the you play as the snapping turtle I remember right but not as like a lizard reptile lizard thing here we go amphibian is it an amphibian maybe angler fish has wandered away from his home this could be scary oh no come back here come back here oh so fast Wow angler Fisher one of the slower animals in the game - whoa oh yes got some good motion I know angler fish are worth a lot of experience - okay and get popped I got big yuck Nastia woodtick oh you're not worth a lot of experience I thought you were oh I guess this thing's better oh yeah I'll take three of those cool look at me I'm walking I'm walking on the seabed whoa okay go up oh that's so cool so it's swimming and then it goes underwater and he can walk see watch maybe now I'm a liar oh there he goes starting to walk no he walks along the bottom of the order it's so slow though everything about this dude's just slow I wish he was a little bit faster underwater we're going after living things not just starfish but starfish our life come back here all yourself what have you so slow hey pooped out some ink that's gonna gross okay and swim fast from fast and fast bite oh no no I can't even catch a cuttlefish this is more my jam right here this is more my jam gema gema get good experience off of that we'll eat this one too hey I need to start up an Emporium blitzes sea urchin Emporium that's what I need where you can sell sea urchins for exfoliation to spas and junk oh oh I think we got that I was gonna call it a saber-toothed tiger it doesn't make any sense what are you eating we're gonna try to kill it maybe okay I bet it I bet it twice oh it's doing this stupid shake thing oh I think I knocked it out I knocked it out yeah did you see its head my head is all like upside down and backwards I was like amazing Oh finally okay so he does do pretty good damage it seems oh it's a big old chunk of meat yes guard shake it up Oh beautiful okay I need to break these oh that's a good level right there easy ah but it took me an entire breath to get down to this level shoot hello what's your name and blitz nice to meet you I should make like a store alright so cuttlefish so I can't catch you otherwise okay okay hold him hold him we don't we don't want to miss we don't want to mess with these guys um I thought I was had a different part of the map this is not good not good for my survival he just chucked one a long way away I'm gonna see if I can poach some of that big meat from the Megalodon let's see if we can do that we gotta figure out where he is though you might leave one please don't leave that please don't leave that I need to I need to eat it need to level up please oh he ate it he's gonna come after me no and there is no way I can outrun him there is no chance of me outrunning to make Moton all this is terrible you only have a chance I have yep they turn around where'd he go where are you hope he's down there she's coming to get me I think so I think he is no he's not oh oh okay I need to go this way then guys submit the wrong spot of the map it's just really creepy watching that Megalodon eat the magical Leo player Don or whatever it is okay see choose him up and he swallows them it responds right on his head and then it's you know don't come after me okay okay it's that it's not we're all right we're all right there was no way that this guy's gonna be able to eat that thing oh here we go here we go finally some food ha I'm starving hey watch it bite his head goes all sorts of different directions it and then put it down okay so if I'm turning it does some funny things okay 180 nice so I need to keep eating these guys up oh I should go try to take on a whale shark I wonder if I could do that yet I think the Megalodon got derpy around and around and around oh I don't want to go over there I do but I don't oh hey free food I should eat that alright so this is a little bit humorous the Megalodon is still going in circles around the Prague not the done you still is it's been literally 20 to 30 minutes so I'm just gonna eat us next I'm gonna I'm gonna come in here and eat all the sandwiches if I died that's fine with me cuz like I've been recording this for a really long time and this guy is super slow and I can't do anything about it so I'm just gonna eat all the snacks that he has made for me I just need to keep an eye I need to keep this think guy over there i'm mickeleh done man so he he sits next oh wow and we have other fish that are doing the same ideas me it's been a long time though so I'm surprised all of this is an early gun he's so dumb Oh see the problem is if I go over there and try to eat him he would eat me he totally would huh yeah so I I'm wondering like I got so lost I've been swimming around just totally lost too I'm wondering if they didn't update the map and add more parts to it like one of the work-in-progress areas has now been put in I don't know the other problem with this guy is he has a breathe so half the time you're swimming underwater trying to find something to eat and then you have to go back down or go back to the surface and come back I guess that's the point of being a lizard right you have to breathe so he's not an amphibian because they can breathe underwater there we go I'm a dolphin okay let's go back down to eat this for the restless meat I hear him I hear I hear the Megalodon swimming and it's really really creepy sounding you can kind of hear that we get a little more bubbles happening that's the Megalodon swimming okay those guys okay might get those zebras to all these zebras are dumb that's my meat see how slow I was oh I could have been it just super slow all right let's try something dumb running after the tiger shark this could be really bad all right I can't even catch up to it so it doesn't matter also if you like the field of view on this guy's a little bit weird okay zoom out okay I'm the longer than the tiger shark is I think I just need his tail needed this tail come here tiger shark I'm really zoomed out and now I can't breathe again okay here we go here we go this is get it I did all 46 damage that's not bad there's nothing to shake a stick at he's gonna bite me it's gonna hurt Ben wait he's dead I did it I've killed the tiger shark now I need to destroy you so I can eat you okay I love his head motions but do you take a bite his head like it was in a weird swivel thing okay there we go eat it up eat it up don't nice okay you know this and then we can come back down here and eat for days oh I'm dying oh what a die event on lack of air poisoning hey I'm gonna make it I made it oh oh oh just barely I just barely made it okay back underwater we go oh there's another shark and he's swimming to me oh I want to come back here oh how annoying what's this thing that's totally a cuttlefish yeah everything's so fast oh I got another shark whoa trying to fight back oh brown eggs here too oh there's a great white okay I got it I got it it was like four bites and he's dead I'm gonna try to take out the big Dunkel oh whoa whoa hey hey hey ha it was a trap you didn't know but it was a trap whoa what a day oh good day yep - right um real good I'm in the belly my heart super hard that's baby okay I got it yes die die die he was a trap you didn't know you didn't know that sandwich wasn't for you okay okay yeah that's a Megalodon Megalodon make the Dawn's freed from his medical your player Adan whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa he Schickel magically appeared on okay he's all right we're all right oh you must have been you must go oh boy this is not good I don't like being this close no no no I'm gonna take my fish away you can't have it you can't have it where is he he's leaving Oh can't have my fish this isn't my eyebrow ring okay that was fun that was good that was really fun I'm good I want you to breathe - whoa doesn't really seem to be worth it for that risk except I didn't know oh he's coming after me let's go away so I eat that chip ice go go go go go swim swim swim I don't like Megalodon I don't like the Megalodon round to fight Oh No oh okay I'm underneath you can't touch me can't touch me oh he's biting me he's biting me oh I got him again I got oh he's my neck is broken I got it I got it okay underneath ow you bit me again oh I snapped him haha yes oh that was a little bit scary I don't ask this guy his neck moves so weirdly and so scary how to bite but I got underneath I think that's the key of killing these guys cuz they're armored on tub hey round three oh yeah biting his face those ten but biting his belly 43:32 oh oh there it is oh he's already you know oh he's not down just need to keep biting them in the belly and under the neck I think I got it yes another another success okay we're starting bigger things now we need to go into the snow biome whoa how does your head move ups I don't like that I got you there's the whale I don't think I want to attack the whale yet I definitely don't want to attack the whale you what else do we have in here there should be some narwhals that would be tasty I think that I think the whale sharks moved over here somewhere - oh this is not good big shadow oh good it's a whale shark aha Quebec here oh you're why do you have to be faster than me I was just eating the pink thing where are you whale shark he's gonna swim back I gotta come off at the pass oh great this is even better uh-huh uh-huh I got him bite him real hard 50 okay that's 150 200 250 300 350 400 515 900 a thousand a million 1,200 million eleventy billion got it yes yes really took like a bajillion bites to get it perfect okay now we're in the money-making if I can eat the orcas cuz they're kind of slow - oh yes look at all them bites we got it for days hello Orca you don't know about me cuz I'm an extinct predator yeah whoa hey buddy whoa well pal we don't want to we don't want to bite back you're just you're supposed to be like one of those volunteer things that give the dying so we can heat you that's that's not very nice to say is it it'd be a terrible thing to volunteer for oh I think I'm on a winning path here I think he's gonna swim right towards me ah oh oh yes I can bite it I can bite it turn hold oh oh no you don't know you don't know you don't whale shark man oh yes finally finally a big chunk of meat today wow he bit me back I don't like that hey he's dead no oh no no don't leave me oh look at his eyeball oh that was gross okay that was fellas fine though cuz we're okay and it just just gonna take forever to get more meat oh I can eat the bigger chunks no good yeah the question is can I get up on sea lion island here maybe ah no it's shaped the wrong way can I get up on this one and then jump across no cuz there's no jumping oh come on I got legs and I want to use them this isn't good I think we're gonna have a showdown oh I'm gonna do it I'm going for him I wanted to try to get up on things over here I think I might be able to do it cuz his neck is so Wiggly maybe okay oh he's not that much bigger than me okay so I just need to stay behind 27 damage per hit I only need to bite him like like a hundred times I think you know about fifty times cause he should have like 900 hit points if I remember right wait today knock him out no he's not knocked out okay need to relax there it is there it is kill the whale kill the whale whoa Oh No okay we got it we got it get the whale get the whale get the whale I got I got the whale I just don't want to get so close into that mouth if I do one snapping I'm dead I think you're five hundred five hundred employees versus like a thousand and I'm doing 20 a seven protect no no no no no no no no no no no no no no way to the back to the back to the back hand bite and chop and bite and chop yes die whale die for how many times you've killed me I'm gonna take you out for what's Wow and this is like a death by a thousand cuts - yeah we got a bunch of teeth and if I have 20 teeth and I bite 50 times that's what two zeroes plus the third zero that's a thousand cuts okay would you seriously be dead right now I don't like you I don't like you big ugly whale how did I do it it is so Oh whoa what you tried to throw me hey go back on the backside I just gotta keep biting him on the this back little honker yeah come on oh oh I got it I got it can't let him eat things if I do he gets health back he's totally chomping on food right now he doesn't even care about me I think it's a beluga whale Oh No okay wait I got to get air oh I think I did it I think I did it I think I knocked him out I'm so tired though I think this is it get up there yes hahaha it's Christmas time I have so much meat oh yes I can eat the big chunks no no I can't forget to forget I said that aha that was fabulous now let's snack on a narwhal I need a tooth thing to clear that way loaded my teeth yep oh poor little poor little was that was that a hundred and seventy damage how many levels that I get from that whale like six let's try this dance again huh mr. whale huh you want to dance you're on a dance with me okay no I want to I want to dance with you oh stop move it you're so fast hey I think it's like the slowest thing in the game besides me okay we're gonna cut them off a little bit swim faster come on are you kidding me get going Oh ivy I feel like the turtles suppose fast no don't go fast you little monster okay I got this I got this like No why is he so slow ah oh there it is see that it was a little lunge at the end okay so I'm doing over double the damage I did 26 per attack last time do it 57 now so it's only gonna take a million bytes instead of a billion oh no oh no oh oh mission failure well no kind of kind of Nod failure cuz we did it we we played with the new derpy Potamus fish thing lizard and it's still pretty cool I like it it is it is a neat little lizard look at him oh that's so awesome I want it I want to get closer to it get a cool screen shot do that look at that the new lizard in the game anyway guys that's gonna wrap it up for today's video of feet and go freedom grow a reptile thing if you enjoyed it let me know tell me what you should play next time and keep your stick on the ice we'll see you later [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 702,769
Rating: 4.8988404 out of 5
Keywords: feed and grow fish, feed and grow fish game, feed and grow fish gameplay, feed and grow gameplay, 2018, shark, great white, fish simulator, fish feed and grow, giant shark, megalodon shark, ocean game, feed and grow, feed and grow fish piranha, feed and grow fish map, fishing, fishing game, fishing videos, fishing challenge, giant fish, feed and grow shark, feed grow, feed and grow fish update, october2018, lizard
Id: aDakw82RccU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2018
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