Exploding Villagers vs Spirit Of The Law!

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that's a little bit faster I'm not gonna use hotkeys until you tell me your hotkeys working or are working oh it's got the HD set up like a default HD setup oh this is this is gonna be brutal man I didn't realize that was Mayans whoops that's probably the worst yup a village here that wasn't pro this is a great way to get carpal tunnel my god [Music] what's hip of my Indians nice all right I have cheap villagers to throw away perfect oh man that actually is a really good one yeah that's my lumber camp I feel like a quality of walking has gone down significantly I am so focused right now man this is not easy I think I should get loom loom is a good idea definitely on on fast speed yeah yep oh so actually fast speed Buble is also if you lose a villager everything explodes that's another reason to get loose oh good call you we're not gonna look at that but but anyways no it's did nothing to do with my farms spirit come on now that is gonna be clip the high heaven how dare you what was I saying bows are saying what was I saying I forget Oh something like oh yeah yeah the speed so HD is slower on fast for whatever reason okay but it is but it is for me let me I'm sorry my brain I cannot think right now I know what you mean on normal it's normal normal it is slower than Buble HD faster is faster that's what it is sorry something like that by the way how many your hotkeys are actually Oh No just eight can see from my house cue your hotkeys oh so I can do H see my board just exploded man my board just exploded okay I'll just do my TC then that really helps a little Noboru action over here oh man didn't know we're playing like that oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god gotta the humming oh my god nope this isn't cool well looking you quick walling like a trihard yeah out of here with that I'm panicking man I am panicking take the time no no no no no no no no I'm gonna T oh you didn't but I'm sweating I was just about to run to your base - where are you it's nice to use hotkeys again I would farm be a are you are you down here maybe why she wants to know I know buddy I just I just saw something which made me think you might be there hmm I don't think i justified losing four villagers there oh that felt very Oh God I lost my skin this is a ridiculous man you always come up with the wacky had some apps man oh I can't even take credit for people are like ah what what type of setting would we like to try and act like and then we we try it and then I ideally never play in a community game because they'll do this to me just imagine what this would be like if there were seven people with me streaming it man I think I forgot a villager that was after a boar and I think it died and then killed the boar yeah that happened to me earlier you know how your berries looking right now very untouched okay I see that and I see that that's the same person that wanted to know about the other thing oh I'm really scared I'm trying to spread it all my villagers where's your eco man good question was just wondering that myself did I get you right here oh maybe oh yeah oh boy oh I feel guilty about that one man the worst is you don't get in attack noise mm-hmm that's that's the worst thing about it oh I actually don't have any my sound fun come to think of it she probably oh wow that yeah that's gonna it's gotta hurt a little bit yeah I have I have an idea did you do she's gone Koreans no that's your weakness right that's your kryptonite that is definitely if you want me to give up just go for Koreans all right I'm planning on doing a show match with pro players with these settings to see what it's like this is good you getting in all this extra practice this so I'm gonna try a thing at some point in this game it's gonna take me a while but it's very dangerous Gothel you waller this is not yeah i knew you're gonna do that oh he wouldn't actually oh no oh god I have to get me next to the T see [Laughter] that was not what I wanted I wanted to get them all underneath the TC what's your pop right now 18 Oh 14 Oh God 90% to feudal age man I don't I still don't regret it I have no regrets that was still that was still worth it I don't think it would be great against the town center though would it if I got them all underneath it would the problem is you if you if the one in front explodes then it catches all the rest of them yeah okay I figured out some of the hotkeys if you want to start using them oh I'm not gonna lie I started using them after that point where I wasn't using any eye so I probably had a pretty bad yeah I mean I've probably had like a pretty pretty big advantage as far as hotkeys go if you haven't had any no that's fine I don't think it would change the outcome the kids don't even have a mill anymore it's rough [Music] the gold so much closer to you what are you VIPRE come on yeah I'm not known for my mad hacks it's a great experience hmm oh no what did you delete a bill complete a palisade and accidentally delete a Ville and loss that's alright I can't get much worse I feel so bad that is awful you lost everything Oh what's your pop now fifteen uh all right I'm at 24 but would for another lumber kid it's like it's like the crazy thing is normally having more eco is a good thing but in this having more eco is a very bad thing no it's so true wish I was in castle age imagine making for Town Center's worth of bills just pump about yep need to see that happen I makes you feel any better I I had to kill two villagers to make that happen Oh No don't do it it's a good way from that I don't know pure luck worth I think you're gonna need to oh no oh it's impossible to get to that TC I know I love it I know it's the chain reactions man yeah I know it's so tough to judge you know what might be a good strategy here you would have to you would have to explode your own house to let me hard to kill me you know you're actually doing it right against that palisade wall yeah it's not bad surely there's nothing wrong with this oh just make new farms when we already have ones we're not using don't know if I have enough right now I don't know it look like plenty to me so there is a force nothing version and you since the trees explode you can sacrifice your own villagers to get weed the trees they get places yeah yeah the trees explode oh you mean it makes the trees I got you yeah like it removes the trees they melt like each tree would explode the next tree oh no you don't all please work so your villages around here I think Indians is overpowered man because I I Bank up so much food I don't know what your food counts like but my food counts much higher than it would be with any other say that's for sure yeah no definitely a good one although your ru futile yet oh yeah you were yeah yeah discount he's still exploring up there with your archers a little bit I'm wondering where you are did you run into any wolves up there I think I've seen a wolf yet this is hexley very stressful uh oh god it's gonna open for a chain reaction there I do not have no villagers forward cuz they're all they all died so I'm only 17 population so this is the most brutal game man oh my goodness I do I do have a plan I wish there was a tech you could get to make village hmm make villagers do more damage you know mmm something like sappers yeah it's like sappers before exploding villagers we got a we got to make that I just got t90 wooed Oh trust me I'm 17 pops Oh oh boy no no don't do it I tried to split away like goes splitting against a maganet or something are you in the middle sorta kind of maybe okay man I was really hoping that would work Oh get him bring him over here go go go have it away too much fun right now I see you over there just hanging out just passing right yeah again it's like with no villagers it's actually not a bad situation for me how you feel so safe we can we have like five villagers yeah Dark Age is the way to go got me I like the slight delay on it I think that actually helps yeah yeah this gives them a chance to kind of get out of the way it's really hard to judge all right do you have Lumberjacks at this point maybe oh oh hello all right sorry it's fine yet they're not really even important to the strategy oh well I mean I've never been more afraid of wolves before dude Gold Rush is the map of wolves I cleared out the wolves in the north oh thanks good I was just heading there Oh what is this that's how you deal with malls man I am not sure if I will have enough to destroy your town centre but I'll take it [Music] what's that was it a Mayan Architecture man Mayan architecture I just got gypped man I'm just I'm very disappointed hey man I like the meme strategy though yeah yeah at this point I could have got like we could have gone for normal strats instead of village whatever oh no aah Wolfe's man really oh why did I do that she yeah she was hiding behind the siege workshop she's a ninja I need something even more spread out than regular staggered formation yeah there needs to be a formation added because of this all right I'm gonna go for what many would consider a Yolo strategy oh no no no no can I blow up your market or am I gonna blow up your market did you do wonder many idols have had I just realized the tab wasn't taking it to my idols anymore dude I playing without hotkeys is not fun nice challenge I have I have some weird habits with my hotkeys to be honest what I do Idol villager mine's mine scroll wheel so I scrolled down for idols that really sucks on nomads though because you have to scroll multiple times but you know the best way to avoid that just never play nomads so it's not it's not too difficult actually oh and I when one doesn't work you sin - hey I know we're gonna I'm just passing those I'm going to set up economy elsewhere okay make sense and this siege towers are so weak to melee units I know it's awful it's depressing split oh you can't even change formations on siege towers what is this nonsense can I still not in advance this is ridiculous please don't please don't please don't please don't please don't please don't please don't kill that's our please don't kill that tower oh oh how did you get away from that I have no clue oh this idea I'm hoping cuz I'm gonna be very disappointed it's not this is a joke because they keep repairing it man dude this is I don't see how I didn't do damage I threw it what 20 pills for that whoo oh man all right and so much for Indians being overrated you're pretty close man you see it a couple more what's your population right now 34 I don't want to talk about mine so we're just gonna leave it at that I think there's something going on with the explosions there because they seems like some of them didn't do damage mm maybe I think they only do like 200 each yeah my estimate just looking at it oh my god dude I'm getting some sick entertainment from this please about three years to cut like if you yeah watch my TC died of this as well I I bet you my T she's gonna die to this we have to test it oh no all right just gonna repair my town just take some time but we'll get it okay definitely possible yeah dude fun game you know what would be great game mode though is sudden death with exploding villagers isn't that what this is don't you die for town centers destroyed no I am cheating I have multiple cc's I just wanted to explode things but but seriously I think we could make that I think would be a lot of fun yeah no that would definitely prevent it from just being like a really drawn-out game yeah and then we could see siege towers you could even you could actually lose in Dark Age imagine having all of your villagers on boar and sheep around like right before feudal and someone's sending in a villager would be beautiful oh my god the villager rash is definitely good strategy I had to double-check there was no rating on that would have been other than a big drop of puntos well played man yeah good game man so uh you got to give up yeah yeah I I feel like we could have continued that cycle for another hour and I've just got old Koli well GG let's go need to look at the achievements here boof what was your ending population like like 1550 isn't like that yeah I think mine was 20 and there were the KD was 87 71 or something like that there's a lot of friendly fire in here so anyways man a lot of fun thanks for playing I don't know what I'm gonna do with that that might just be a stream only thing but it was a great time and obviously casting regicide Rumble was a blast and i would like to do it more often yeah it was awesome things
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 50,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Exploding, Villagers, vs, Spirit, Of, The Law, Spirit Of The Law, King Boom, Nuketown
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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