a definitive ranking of celebrity quarantine blunders

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hey guys welcome back to my channel I hope you guys are all doing really well I think it's safe to say that the past few weeks have definitely been very scary and uncertain but I thought that today for today's video we could look at a group of people that seem to be struggling quite a lot celebrities apparently yes you did hear me right we're actually gonna be ranking the celebrity blunders that have been happening over the past couple weeks in regards to quarantine and everything that's been going on this ranking is gonna make a lot more sense once the actual categories are shown like this isn't meant to be an actual serious ranking where I'm saying one action is worse than another or less worse than another it'll make a lot more sense as the video progresses I swear but yeah I just want to put that in the front of the video before someone thinks that I'm trying to like actually make this a serious video because it's definitely not serious this week sweaty shout-out goes to kya OMI and they sent this photo draw the ultimate bike a worm if you want to get a shot of yourself all you have to do is subscribe to my channel and follow me on Instagram and then DM me your favorite meme of the week and you might get chosen I haven't done a ranking video in a while I'm pretty sure the last one I did was over a year ago and I did the ranking white boys of the month video which I had a ton of fun doing that video but the main reason I stopped doing ranking videos was because visually I felt like it wasn't terribly engaging but now that there's the whole tier maker turn going on I feel like using that will make this a lot more entertaining to watch without being said the visuals are definitely inspired by Mike's mic here on YouTube he is so funny and so entertaining to watch and he has so many different ranking videos as well stuff beyond that that I could not recommend more if you want to check out his channel for yourself which once again I could not recommend more I'm gonna be linking it down below so before we actually start with the ranking I thought that we should go through the rankings themselves because I thought that celebrities deserved a little more than the standard ranking system so starting off at the bottom tier we have the redacted tier and this is basically reserved for any kind of celebrity that was tackling for absolutely no reason the next year is the clapping tier because apparently there is so much clapping that we had to reserve an entire tier for it so basically with this tier it's pretty straightforward anybody he does a little bit of this is going here moving on from the clapping tier we go on to my personal favorite tier which is the goop lab employees tier I like gube lab employs this tear definitely has a lot of layers to it which means that there's going to be quite a range of different celebrities that end up in it but to give you guys I guess a bit of a grasp on what kind of qualities the celebrities will have that end up in this tier I guess you could just kind of think in general of like ignorance elitism no grasp on reality and in general are quite misinformed but then again you could also just kind of boil that all down to anybody who would willingly buy Gwyneth Paltrow's vagina candle actually yeah that's a good way of summarizing it any celebrity that you think would rationalize buying Gwyneth pouches of vagina candle for whatever reason he's ending up here moving on from the goop lab employees here we have the imagine tier now all this category is quite high on the list the requirements to get in Twitter actually quite low because all you have to do is just simply imagine that's right it's that simple you don't have to actually do anything you just have to imagine now the final tier in my opinion it's quite self-explanatory and it is the Britney Spears tier that's it so we're gonna start off with Pharrell Williams who put up this tweet that says hospitals are running low on masks gowns and other critical items we need to replenish their supplies take action make a donation and ask others to join the fight we're in this together let's protect the responders on the front lines and then you put a link to a GoFundMe page now on the surfaces tweet seems fine because he's using his platform to boost a GoFundMe that's gonna be benefiting first responders and just people on the front lines but I guess the fact that he's worth 150 million dollars is why he'd rub people the wrong way because the replies on this tweet are lethal I do not support celebrity [Music] now I don't think this situation is unique per se because there's definitely been time so four were celebrities opposed to GoFundMe links and then there's the odd reply where someone's like hey why don't you just pay for it yourself but I think the sheer scale of this one is what makes it so insane because literally every single reply under this tweet is just ripping him to shreds so when it comes to where we're gonna place Pharrell on here I feel like it's between the imagined here and the GUP love employees here because I feel like he had good intentions by posting that GoFundMe link he just didn't really realize how people would respond to it and how it would kind of come off by posting it he just wasn't realizing things I think I'm gonna put him in the imagined here because I feel like more than anything he was just kind of clueless in the situation and he was just imagining next we have Jennifer Lopez who posted this video on Twitter with the caption we can't go out to any restaurants or anything but the service and entertainment here is pretty good and then the video itself is her kid on a hoverboard delivering her a can of Perrier in terms of ranking yeah this is some goo blab employee activity if I've ever seen it oh look at that she's even got one of the candles burning in the background next we had Priyanka who posted this video with the caption people around the world have shown their appreciation for the doctors nurses and all first responders battling Kovach 19 by clapping on their balconies although I couldn't be there in India today to join I'm there in spirit this video is only 9 seconds long and yet there are so many layers to it I think the first thing we should talk about is her clapping because I don't think I've ever seen someone clap that unnaturally in my entire life I could try to clap along with the video it's the most unnatural thing and I've come to two conclusions as to why she's clapping like this the first one is that she just actually claps this way and then the other reason is that because this was shot as a boomerang it's just kind of cropping it weird which I know what you're thinking it's probably because it's a boomerang but hear me out here wouldn't it just be a little bit funnier if we just pretended she actually claps like this [Applause] but even if we ignore the word Club in pattern this video is still weird like she's clearly gotten someone to like film her while she's doing it which means she would have had to have a conversation with someone along the lines of hey can you fill me alone on a balcony clapping also I just don't understand the point of this like is someone supposed to like watch this and be like wow Priyanka is clapping for me thanks ranking wise though this one is pretty straightforward it is clearly going in the clapping tier next we have Madonna which is a very interesting situation that's the thing about Cobie could one of those be the vagina candle very likely Kovach 19 it doesn't care about how rich you are how famous you are it's the great equalizer and what's terrible about it is what's amazing about it I don't even know what to say like what is this okay ranking wise I'm a little conflicted because I feel like Madonna belongs and redacted but the Quarantine bad thing also feels very goop lab like there's a high probability that one of those candles by the side at the bathtub is a vagina candle even considering that though I feel like all of the videos in general just kind of hold that like redacted kind of energy so I think I'll put her in redacted moving on from Madonna will settle on Vanessa Hudgens who posted a very interesting Instagram live a couple weeks ago yeah till July it sounds like a bunch of [ __ ] I'm sorry but like it's a virus I get it like I respect it her energy in this video is so [ __ ] funny if it wasn't for the fact that she's broadcasting this to millions of people it's a virus I get it I respect it what does that mean guys don't worry our first wall of defense is Vanessa Hudgens respect for coronavirus but at the same time like even if everybody gets it like yeah people are gonna die the way that she likes sings it a bit just tear but like inevitable I love how after she said even if everyone gets it there was like that brief pause where you kind of tell that she was having that moment in her head where she's like should I continue this sentence or should I just shut up and instead of shutting up she instead decided to sing it yeah people are gonna die you think the line people are gonna die which is terrible but inevitable sounds very gooped to me okay next is Kim Kardashian she got in [ __ ] for responding to I think it was like leaked Kanye West's videos that came out like regarding the whole Taylor Swift and Kanye West kind of beef and then Taylor had like acknowledged it and then was like but donate to these great causes and then Kim Kardashian put out a whole thread where she was trying to be like this is so old and like I shouldn't even be bothering responding to this even though I'm still responding to it do you try to pull the whole leg there's better things to talk about but then made a whole thread about it that whole situation is just annoying at this point meaning this is automatically learning and redacted before we continue on with the video I did want to give a quick shout out to today's sponsor which is function of Beauty functionally beauty is a customizable haircare brand that not only lets you create your own shampoo and conditioner formulas but also delivers them straight to your door the process of finding your personalized hair care formula is super easy all you have to do is fill out a two minute quiz outlining your hair type goals and personalized preferences then you get to choose the color of your shampoo and conditioner the fragrance and even pick a name to get printed on the bottle what's also great is that regardless of the formula you customize function of beauty products have no parabens sulfates GMOs or toxins and are 100% vegan and cruelty free since that spring I decided to go for some more spring-like colors so allow me to introduce you to function of sweating obviously one of the main reasons I love functioning beauty is the adorable packaging and the fact that I can actually name my hair care function is sweaty but I would definitely say one of my favorite 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cancel at any time or change your formula by switching up the goals and since as often as you want so if you're interested in checking up function beauty for yourself follow my link below to get 20% off of your first order thanks again to functioning beauty for sponsoring now let's get to the rest of the video moving on we have Ellen who got in some hot water because she basically told her crew to brace themselves for a 60 percent pay cut even though the show is still airing from her house I mean you have to be a pretty sizable to do that so she's going in redacted next we have Justin Bieber hailey Bieber and kendall Jenner who for some reason decided it would be a good idea to go on Instagram live even though it's quite common knowledge at this point that it's almost inevitable that a celebrity going on Instagram live is going to result in them saying something stupid and broadcasting that stupid thing they said to millions of people and then getting in [ __ ] for it how blessed are we to be able to like a lot of people obviously in this time crappy situation you know and they look at us and obviously you know we worked hard for where we're at so it's like it's we can't feel bad for you know the things that we have but I think just us taking that time to acknowledge that oh my god like just stop talking look at how blessed we are like isn't that crazy how blessed we are right now and we're like talking about this while all the other people who aren't as blessed as us are watching but like we shouldn't feel bad about being so blessed though cuz we're blessed ranking wise this one's kind of weird because there's no clapping in this video yet it's kind of giving me clapping video energy but also at the same time he's just saying [ __ ] which means that it it belongs in redacted a video that does truly belong in the clapping tier though is none other than Mariah Carey clapping this next one is very important Liam Payne stop talking tell me you guys might be aware of the rumors about a One Direction reunion that have been surfacing over the past couple weeks as coronaviruses kind of been happening and one person in specific can't seem to stop talking about it now is this technically a corona blunder or a quarantine blunder no but is this just a blunder that's happening during this time yeah obviously Liam Payne is headed straight for the redacted tier please stop playing with my feelings during this very trying time surprisingly dr. Phil of all people is also a part of this ranking discussion and it's because of what he said on the Ingraham angle segment which is aired by Fox News I have no idea why he was on there in the first place considering he's not an actual doctor feel like this is kind of the equivalent of interviewing paw patrol over gun violence regardless of the fact that he shouldn't have been interviewed in the first place during the interview he started saying that we shouldn't have started with the social distancing and when he was pressed for like alternative solutions to suggest he instead just said the fact of the matter is that we have people dying 45,000 people a year die from auto accidents 480 thousand from cigarettes 360,000 a year from swimming pools but we don't shut the country down for that but yet we're doing it for this correct me if I'm wrong here dr. Phil just compare coronavirus to a swimming pool a [ __ ] swimming pool you know what he's right it's basically the same thing they are the exact same swimming pool coronavirus basically the same thing they even run dr. Phil I want to say I'm sorry for doing this but I'm really not you were going straight to the goop lab employees do not pass go do you not collect $200 okay wait I feel like I should explain why he's there instead of redacted really quickly dr. Phil does belong in redacted and goop lab employees at the same time but his goop Ness is very overwhelming which is why he's there you might be wondering what I mean by goop Ness and what I mean by that is that his whole mentality where he's like people died all of the time we need to be free is very much in line with the Vanessa Hudgens video and also just everything Gwyneth Paltrow has ever said isn't that sweet look at all the goobers just goofing around I wonder if goop lab trainees are named like Koopalings greetings good legs welcome to the goop lab okay next we have Ellen who apparently was able to piss off people enough times to end up on this list twice this time though it didn't have to do with cutting anyone's pay it actually had to do with one of these segments that was on her show that she was filming at her house one thing that I've learned from being in quarantine is that people this this is like being in jail is what it is it's mostly because I've been wearing the same clothes for ten days and everyone in here is gay the jokes that I have my god how how do you say that who cleared this I cannot wrap my head around the fact that celebrities have all of this money all of these resources and yet none of them have thought hey maybe I should hire a person who's like job is just being a normal human and I show them everything I'm about to post and they can tell me if I'm gonna look like an ass or not naturally this joke didn't go over well at all especially considering she lives in a house that's worth 27 million dollars obviously this goes in the redacted tier why did you say this why next we have Justin Bieber again and you might be wondering why he's a repeat he was pretty controversial with the Instagram live but apart from that he's kept a pretty little profile but he's definitely been radiating some Liam Payne energy as of late and since this has been happening within the quarantine timeline I'm basically just gonna use that as an excuse to talk about it I'm sure most of you guys know Justin Bieber dropped an album a couple months ago and a single that he was very desperate to get to number one but it seems that his desperate she has not stopped for the past few weeks he's dropped six separate EPS where there hasn't been a new song on any of them and they've only consisted of recycled songs from his album that he already put out just for the sake of recirculating them we've got our and Bieber work from home Biebs and chill couple goals party Haley's fav and literally not a single new song is on any of these like this is worse than merch bundles at least with those people get merch or they get concert tickets but with this he's just taking his songs that he's already put out and it's just putting them on different EPS over and over again hoping that one of them blows up with literally no additional effort unfortunately this kind of desk receive does land you straight in the redacted tier but more specifically right beside Liam Payne now guys we're on the second last one and I'm sure that a lot of you guys can already guess which one we're gonna be talking about next magic now before we get to ranking this thing I do want to put it out in the universe that it pains me so much that Natalie Portman is in this video to a degree that it's almost embarrassing unfortunately for all of us she is in it though which is very sad because this thing is awful I will say though from an entertainment standpoint I feel like this video is so bad it's good like obviously their lack of awareness is terrifying but also at the same time the idea of gal gadot sitting herself down and thinking of this idea and thinking it was gonna go so well is kind of hilarious with that being said though gal gadot why don't you sing us all the way up to your ranking [Music] now the final celebrity we're gonna be looking at today has a tear completely reserved to themselves and I'm sure that most of you guys would connect the dots and you know who's going where but the reason that miss Britney Spears is being ranked today is the complete opposite reason that all of the other celebrities have been ranked while the other celebrities have annoyed divided and angered us miss Britney Spears has United us with this one post during this time of isolation we need connection now more than ever call your loved ones write virtual love letters technologies like virtual communication streaming and broadcasting are part of her community collaboration we will learn to kiss and hold each other through the waves of the web you'll feed each other redistribute wealth strike we will understand our own importance from the places we must a communion moves beyond walls we can still be together beautifully said anyways it seems that we've reached our final ranking I hope you guys enjoyed the process and if you would have ranked anyone differently let me know in the comments down below obviously this isn't meant to be taken seriously this is honestly a [ __ ] post more than anything but hopefully you guys enjoyed anyway and yeah if you guys did enjoy the video feel free to give it a like and subscribe to the channel and you can also follow me outside of YouTube on Instagram and Twitter which are both Casey yawns oh and without being said I really hope you guys are staying safe and you're staying inside and I hope you guys have a good week and I'll see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Casey Aonso
Views: 1,051,449
Rating: 4.8802948 out of 5
Keywords: a definitive ranking of celebrity quarantine blunders, ranking, tier maker, ranking celebrities, quarantine, tips for quarantine, quarantine blunders, ranking twitter’s white boys of the month, imagine video, vanessa hudgens, gal gadot, dr phil, priyanka chopra, madonna, kim kardashian, justin bieber, ellen, ellen drama, cringe celebrities, celebrities are stupid, casey aonso, channelId, tier list, mike’s mic, definitive ranking, cringe, cringey, twitter, celebrities quarantine
Id: dj7r5yZEx80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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