Kids Get Caught In School Fights | Dhar Mann

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all right who can tell me the area of this quadrilateral Jerry um um uh Hey 13 yeah what you did the I'm just surprised your parents got it for you they didn't I bought it myself you're kidding I you afford to pay for it my business Isaiah instead of paying attention to your phone maybe you should try paying attention in class then you'd be able to answer the question what do you mean I can answer it okay why you come up and show [Music] us nice righty butt all right I'll start by labeling Each corner let's call this one a this one B this one C and this one D next I'll draw a line between B and D so what two shapes does that leave us Jerry I what I don't know triangles that wasn't a hard [Laughter] question hey little man you better watch out hey he was just being playful okay since we know ABD is a right triangle using the Pythagorean theorem we can get BD by 15 s + 15 s = 450 but also it's not difficult to figure out 21 s + 3 S is also 450 which tells us what Jerry yo I'm not playing around with you Isaiah I'm serious that BCD is also a right triangle great job Jerry now that we know both of our Tri how is he so smart I don't know but I heard he skipped a bunch of grades to get here plus 1/2 * 21 * 3 which gives us a grand total of 144 right Jerry I'm so impressed Isaiah you got it right high five great job all right I graded everyone's test make sure you grab yours on the way out good nicely done so how did you hey you can meet me in the alley after school you going to pay for this uh okay I'll be there sorry about theup coron what were you saying you're not scared of him nah he needs me he just doesn't know it yet Jerry forgetting something oh yeah if your grades fall too low you won't be able to play football you know yeah I know I'm I'm working on it though yeah there you are thanks Isaiah great J job perfect score thanks teach next time you may want to think twice before calling me out probably going to checking out though huh you know he's not going to come okay come here so you making me look bad in front of the whole class huh to be fair you made yourself look bad which you're about to do again right now oh okay you got some nerve huh all right let's see how tough you are once I beat you with these fists I'd rather beat you with my wit it's a lot more rewarding you do no no you don't want to do that what what are you yes I do what no no dude no you don't trust me you need him what what are you what are you talking why would I need this little twerk that's a good question how about we go somewhere a little B more private so I can explain [Music] wa okay what that was lame coffee um no I'm I'm good yo where where the heck are we my office how do you have an office that D plus geometry test is really going to set you back how wait how do how do you know about my my my grade on don't worry about it he just does Isaiah knows everything the reason we're here is because there's no way we're going to beat the ThunderCats and the Championships without you we need your grade to be at least a 2.0 for you to play and that's where Isaiah comes in according to my calculations factoring in your field geometry tests that put your GPA on track to be a 1.94 now you do have an upcoming Essa that you do win English on Friday and if you can get a perfect score that should bump your grade up from a c to a C+ which would change your GPA from a 1.94 to exactly a 2.0 meaning you'd still be able to play okay so let me get this straight y'all brought me all the way over here to tell me that I need to get a a a good grade on my essay come on man I I know that it's not a good grade it's a perfect grade something you can't do by yourself but Isaiah can help you I do offer different packages the one you'll need is gold which cost $299 there is a 10% discount if you decide to pay in cash is this serious like y'all for real how do you think we got our GPA up coach is happy with us my mom's happy I'm happy it's a win-win for everyone so you're saying if I give you $300 you will guarantee me a perfect score yep and by doing so we can also guarantee that the coyotes will once again defeat the ThunderCats so the school WIS to wow so you guys really don't think I can get a 2.0 GPA on my own dude let's be real it's not going to happen English is one of your worst subjects you need him afraid he's right let's face it we all have our natural abilities yours is Brun not BRS listen you are so lucky John and Devon sto from punching your face in I should have just beat you up when I still had the chance yo who where are you going look yo I'm not okay I may not be very smart come on y'all I'm not a [Music] cheater sorry about that we'll talk to him to get your money okay don't take too long the slids are filling up fast you have a MacBook Pro let me guess your business paid for it too Bingo and what exactly do you do let's just say I'm a consultant consultant that's just one step away from going to UCLA next fall I thought this was your junior year it is but my mom said if I can get all A's and pay for everything myself she'll let me skip my senior year and go right to college that's why I started my own business but why would you want to do that to break a record did you know the youngest person ever graduated from UCLA was 15 years old I intend to do about 14 wow that seems super impressive no no I was going to say a how could you say that do you know how big of a deal would be if I pull this off I'm the international news I'd win Awards I'd be publishing magazines and i' be at books I'd have a Netflix documentary about me I'd have a movie on hoola I'd be on HBO Max my left power level will be over 9,000 he's in he was too embarrassed to want to tell you I'm sor it's from Jerry I didn't count it you can if you want but I'm pretty sure it's all there that won't be necessary and no need to talk business at school oh right sorry so do we have a deal by the way you're going to finish writing my essay sorry wow that was awkward so by telling me that you're a consultant you really mean that people pay you to write their essays what no why would you assume that I was wondering why Jerry didn't beat you up no that makes sense wait you have it all wrong that's not what I do then why does that essay Say by J a wattis please don't say anything okay I won't have to cheaters will eventually get caught one way or another we'll see where are you like hey honey how was school easy as always guess what I have what the rest of the money I needed for my first quarter at UCLA wow I still don't understand how you're able to make so much money so quickly what can I say I guess I'm just a genius is that sandwich for me yes it is why don't you have a seat uh that's all right I've actually got a lot of work to do so I'll just eat in my room okay but just to confirm you're still good with me going to UCLA next year right I don't see why not well as long as you get straight A's again which I don't think that'll be a problem great thanks mom huh hello Sally it's been a while hey what do you want come on why are you upset because what you're doing is cheating Isaiah I'm not cheating I'm more just helping others I was given the gift of intelligence and now I'm just sharing that gift with others for a small price okay listen Isaiah you're smart but don't think that you're too smart okay or come back to buy you whatever hey fellas what I got both your essays also have Jerry if you guys wouldn't mind giving it to me actually we're good yeah we decided to just write them on our own huh but I don't understand where are you guys going Isaiah yes principal Deacon come with me okay o mom what are you doing here you have a seat Isaiah uh okay so uh what's going on why don't you start by telling us about your little business I don't know what you're talking about Jerry's mom called me and told me everything including your little proposition you gave Jerry proposition mhm look I didn't want to say anything but Jerry came to me and asked him to write his essay he was worried he wasn't going to be able to play football if he didn't pass he even gave me an envelope full of cash and everything youed to suspend him Oh you mean this envelope yeah exactly I'm glad you confirmed that you know I had a hard time believing all this until I looked inside but it would be money inside when I'm not paying you this is all made up but you were the one who handed it to me look you're not getting out of this Isaiah why don't you just quit the ACT already man Jerry told us about your little Consulting service that you offer different packages he's lying don't believe a word he says okay you care to explain where Jerry got this he made this up I've never seen this before in my life I certainly would never agree to write someone's essay for money wow you just got an excuse for everything don't you all right let me ask you this what's your excuse for this right here that was just something else uh uh uh uh it certainly has nothing to do what we are talking about right now mhm come on I really don't think I need to explain anything else but if you guys need any more proof I'm sure you can go check his locker yeah I'm sure the essays he wrote are in there let's go M wait why would you do this to me to be honest at first I wanted to beat you with my fist but and I realized oh it's so much better to beat you with my wits good luck Isaiah how about we start over no oh God an A minus that's actually really good yeah thank you you it's just uh it's not good enough to get this GPA up to 2.0 though yeah well dude the team is super bummed that you can't play in the game with us tonight but it's all right hey hopefully I'll still win okay I got this hey Jerry you're not going to believe this what's up your boys mind giving us a minute yeah thanks so we reviewed the test results from geometry it turns out not a lot of students passed that's why we decided to implement a grading curve you did so that would bring up your geometry grade to a c minus and your GPA a 2.0 so technically that would be enough for you to be able to the okay wait is this is this for real like No Cap sure uh no cap what does that mean it's a good thing really good thank you thank you so much let's go oh hey hey I know I know I should have listened so you really have to repeat junior year yep so there's there's no way I'm breaking that record anymore that sucks and I had to pay back everyone so I'm completely broke plus you have to pick up trash for the next 3 months my life is literally over I mean I did try to tell you that Shooters always get caught one way or another you were right so do you think I could um yep [Music] thanks how are youall doing everyone having a good time still nice nice man everyone really does look great tonight Jeremy I saw you on the red carpet looks like you lost those last few pounds Angela looks like you picked up that bit of weight Jeremy dropped could have been a carrot in that dress but I guess you brought pumpkins back in season tonight good thing there's no Fairy Godmother around You' be carting Cinderella off to the ball oh what's this Elijah taking the stage ohow [Music] wow Elijah Lewis just slapped the heck out of me don't you ever talk about my wife that way relax my friend it was just a joke I'm a comedian Elijah you know how it is no disrespect Angela you're gorgeous I said keep my wife's name out your mouth Cory honey calm down on live TV wow um this may be the greatest night in television am I right folks talk about this where you get it from oh oh no I'm actually over here congratulations on tonight one for best actor that must be Monumental for you it absolutely is thank you very much how are you feeling I feel on top of the world look it's an honor to be nominated and all these nominees are phenomenal actors and I have immense respect for all of them Elijah question for you yeah I wanted to ask you about your interaction with our host Cory Williams tonight I knew you were going to ask question how did you feel about it and did you think your reaction was appropriate of course it was he took it way too far don't you think that your reaction was taking it too far not at all you should never let anyone dis respect your wife it's a man's job to protect her yes I think most of America would agree with you but given your status don't you think that a lot of people look up to you I know a lot of people look up to me yeah I'm only asking because is this the message you want to be sending to your fans especially the young ones without a doubt you should never let anyone walk all over you hey sweetie I know you look up to your dad but I don't want you thinking that it's okay to use violence violence is not the answer please don't take that away from him does anyone else have any other questions can I get a picture here Elijah nice thank you shh baby sleeping I'm sorry I'm sorry what is so funny have you seen the comments on the video of me slapping Cory look listen to these Cory's definitely crying on the ride home after this and someone called me iconic how about this comment that Chicago blood hit different don't it Cory hey what a long face come on we should be celebrating this has been an incredible night for us has it it's gotten into you this is the biggest night of my career yeah and you chose to behave like a child over some joke no it wasn't some joke like we've talked openly about your struggle with weight and he was completely out of line for that one look baby I really appreciate you standing up for me okay I can't tell you how much that meant to me but there are other ways of standing up for someone without resorting to violence I just I just wish you would have thought about it more if not for me for our son what are you trying to say I'm just saying there are a lot of young and impressionable people out there you know you're starting to sound like that one reporter maybe you're the impressionable one Elijah you know Wesley looks up to you and honey he's just a kid kids are like sponges they soak up everything all around them you can't teach them to resort to violence because violence is the problem not the solution that's not how we handle disagreements Eli nah babe are you kidding me let's get this Cory got some sense slapped into him the next time someone says something dumb about me I'm going to Boom hold up hold up it was more like this close your mouth when you chew nobody wants to see that let stop watching me it's hard toore a freak Show seriously Ben knock it off what are you going to do about four eyes huh at least my glasses are rayb bands looks like you got your shoes out of a dumpster say that again and I'll put you in a dumpster that's what I thought hey that's not cool someone thinks he's a tough guy huh I didn't say that just leave him alone he's not bothering anyone hey why don't you just mind your own business it's hard when you're putting on a show for everyone your dad put on quite the show yesterday too didn't he you know it's crazy that someone as cool as him could end up with a kid as lame as you don't either a what are you going to do are you going to slap me huh no you're too chicken to do anything like that [Music] hey honey how was school Wesley school was whatever did something happen all the kids at school were talking about Dad I was worried that would happen literally when I walked in everyone was pretending to slap each other I'm so sorry sweetheart don't think about any of that okay all right I'm going to go see how to din hey guys thank you so much for your support I without a doubt have the best fans ever and I can't believe that I finally won best actor it's been a long time coming all right uh I'm going to read some comments yeah okay so Freddy says you're my hero with the way that you slapped Corey that punk deserved that thanks Freddy and I agree do you have any regrets about slapping him are you kidding my only regret is that I didn't slap him harder but let me tell you he'll never mess with anyone again after that uh Hey guys uh thank you so much for joining this insta live but I have to sign off for now uh but I will talk to you all again soon hey son sorry I didn't see you there it's okay I just got home okay well how was your day eh school school okay but what did you learn today nothing that's always your answer nothing interesting okay I will accept that variation can I ask you something sure what's up you don't think you should have you know handled the situation with Cory differently that punk Corey will never talk about your mom or this family ever again you know what I mean yeah thanks Dad I'm going to go start my homework all right well you let me know if you need any help Oo we smells amazing in here hey have you talked to Wesley briefly why what's up you're not setting a good example for him come on I just had an Instagram life and the fans are eating this up I've gained over a million followers after the award show there is nothing to be proud of Elijah yeah yeah look we can agree to disagree this isn't a joke Elijah who says I'm trying to make it one you're being a bad influence you know that right I'm teaching kids how to stand up for themselves no no you're not not in the right way whatever just let me know when dinner's [Music] ready that wasn't cooked morning Wesley what's your problem dude just leave me alone can't you see I'm trying to get into my locker you know what fine that's it man I'm where do you think you're going away from you a are you scared no I think you are how are you Elijah Lewis's kid what do you mean it just doesn't make any sense know why cuz you're a coward don't touch me are you going to cry about it no I'm trying to get to class go ahead get to Home Room run away like a scared little girl Wesley the wimp hey that has a nice ring to it Wesley the wimp Wesley the wimp Wesley Wesley my office now that doesn't sound like our Wesley at all I understand if I hadn't seen it myself I wouldn't have considered it for a second is the other kid okay Ben's fine he's just been a lot lately with his dad abandoning his mom and him that's so terrible it is all of this just doesn't make sense what Wesley's Behavior he's always been a good student has everything at home been okay yeah I think so well where do you think he could have gotten this from mean it must be learned behavior thank you all for coming today I like to formally discuss what happened at the award show and publicly apologize for my inappropriate behaviors firstly I like to express my remorse to Cory Williams I had no right putting my hands on you at the end of the day you're just a comedian doing a job and a fantastic job at hosting I let my emotions get the best of me but that's still no excuse for what I did I'm sincerely sorry for that next I like to apologize to all of my fans especially my young fans you look up to me and I did not take that into consideration I should be setting a better example for all of you and for my son it's not okay what I did use your words not your fist thank you yes I don't understand the last time we spoke you seemed firm and confident in your actions against Cory Williams what's changed let's just say that I realize that violence is the problem not the answer well said [Applause] what do you want you going to slap me again no I want to say sorry for that I shouldn't have slapped you that was wrong with me to do really okay thanks I um I wasn't expecting that sure thing oh a I got you something go are you for real yeah go on take it they're are yours and yeah I heard hun are making fun of your shoes so you know I figured you could use a new pair these are so dope thank you I uh hope they fit cuz I guess on the size uh do you mind if IAD um [Music] I love them I can't tell you how much this means to me don't mention oh just do me a favor oh yeah what's up maybe stop being so mean to the other kids and if I don't you're going to slap me again right think about it I'm just kidding I'm just kidding [Music] quit it I said quit it why do you have to be so annoying did I get a question Nicholas no Mr labrin okay then let's keep the talking to a minimum who can tell me what this stanza means [Music] okay how about [Music] Andre um it says if I but love he didn't tell you to read it he told you to say what it meant pay attention it's not your turn to talk Nick well if he wasn't tapping his pencil like a hey we do not use that word in my classroom Andre just try your best I don't know it's about sympathy and being friends and stuff like that I didn't call any Nick well if we're going to wait on him then we're going to be sitting around forever it's okay okay Miss Mr thorough is expressing that love is the highest virtue because it binds all the other virtues together going to give you a second to finish writing that down before we move on if you pay attention next time you might not make yourself look so dumb it's not my fault I have a learning disability okay then you belong in a special ed class not this one okay anybody need an extra second to copy this before I erase it Andre no rush take your time here we go again my 5-year-old sister writes better than you I'm doing my best that's your best probably the worst handwriting I've ever seen is there a problem back there guys Andre is just taking too much time and holding us all up once again if you needed more time I would give it to you too that never happen I'm ready finally stop berating him I'm serious okay this next stand I'm going to give to you guys is uh that is right time see you all tomorrow thanks a lot you got me in trouble and held up class hey Andre you got a second I'm really sorry for holding up class I no need to apologize I just wanted to tell you that you don't have to feel bad regardless of what people like Nick say what if he's right though maybe I should be in Special Needs classes no problem with going there if that's what you think you need but I will say I have seen your work and you're performing quite well I am yeah just because we learn that different speeds doesn't mean that one person's smarter than the other Albert Einstein didn't start started talking until he was three Nick may not understand but I do my daughter also has challenges with learning sorry to hear that no don't be she is much smarter than a lot of kids older than her so you take all the time you need thank you Mr lber I really appreciate you helping me out don't mention see you [Music] tomorrow Henry David thuro was a naturalist meaning he believed in Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection thank you Nicholas Andre go ahead thorough was also an electrician that does that look like the word electrician to you it says environmentalist Nicholas why is he even in this class this is your last warning the short bu drop him off the wrong school or something what am I wrong yes you are school is hard enough for him without students like you making it worse it's not any harder for him than it is on any of us he's just lazy that is not true never judge somebody until you've walked in their shoes what are you talking about I have a little idea are you interested in a little challenge I'm always up for a challenge okay why don't you go ahead and finish reading where Andre left off just finish that paragraph thorough was also an environmentalist he frequently wrote poems and essays of social responsibility see that wasn't so hard good my question is how many times did I tap my pen huh while you were reading I was tapping my pen okay so I wasn't paying attention to that so I'm supposed to yell at you and call you names for not paying attention to me that doesn't make any sense you asked me to read not listen to your pencil well well for someone with learning disabilities it's hard to differentiate between the two so now you know what it's like to have to try and pay attention to something or focusing on something else I still don't get it okay another challenge I'm going to give you a sentence and all you have to do is write it down okay but you can only look at that mirror not at your paper easy okay to have made even one person's life a little better that is to succeed [Music] the shoot what's wrong just give me a sec why is this taking so long why does your handwriting look like a fifth grader it's harder than it looks how so my mind is having a hard time telling my hand what to do EX exactly one final challenge going to write a sentence here on the board going to move some letters around maybe mess with the spaces a bit can you tell [Music] me what I've written um um my bad one to put put where do you see that word why are you being so lazy I'm not being lazy I'm trying my hardest nobody else could get this either now you know what it's like living with a learning disability this exercise simulates dyslexia that's a reading disorder this here with the mirror that's disg graphia a writing disorder and here here with the tapping that's Attention Deficit Disorder so you see it's a lot harder than it looks right Nick I gu all right I hope that lesson was helpful for everybody I'll uh see you all [Music] tomorrow Andre wait up I want to apologize for how I've been treating you I didn't understand how hard things were for you most people don't yeah well miss lbrand was right you should never judge someone before you've walked in their shoes can you forgive me of course thanks I'll see you in class tomorrow sounds good hey I'm glad I caught you I want to give you that you got the highest score in the class good job wow thank you just because we learn a different speeds doesn't make someone smarter than the other you're right have a good day morning class we have a new student starting today everyone say hello to Gus hi his family just moved here fresh meat now everyone take out your homework I will be back in a few minutes to collect it what do you think you're doing this is my seat oh I didn't know sorry since you're new I'm going to explain how it works you see I run things around here so you do what I say got it you could start by doing my math homework but wouldn't that be cheating did I sound like I was asking get it done or else you might not make it to the second day of school hey Newby like the jacket thank you but uh I think it'd look better on me yeah I got to go to class I don't want to be late I'm going to need that jacket it's mine now please don't this is my favorite jacket I'll tell you what either you can give me the jacket or I'll take it myself you choose told you would look better on [Laughter] me a the new kid doesn't have any friends Dustin can you just leave me alone well sorry to break it to you but uh I'm a little hungry so this is my my lunch now give it back you know what you're right I should share so here have some of my water stop it what are you going to do about it newbie you know Dustin you start being nicer to people cuz the way you treat others always has a way of coming back to you that is about the dumbest thing that come over here Mom what are you doing here remember that new job offer that your dad got well he accepted and so we'll be moving you'll be starting out a new school next week really going to miss you here death DUS no oh please I don't want to leave the school I'm sorry but you don't have a choice grab your stuff and let go Dustin now is about to find himself as the new kid starting in a new school on his first day Dustin walks into the class nervously worried about not knowing anyone as soon as the teacher steps away he meets a new bully who starts to pick on him for being the new Kid the new bully makes Dustin do his homework and then he spots him in the hallway and takes Dustin's jacket he even embarrasses Dustin in the cafeteria and eats his school lunch he now realizes how much it hurts to get bullied for being the new [Music] kid just as Dustin was having his worst day ever he gets a surprise from an unexpected person you can have some mine nukid what are you doing here my dad's job didn't work out so we moved back here this was my old school we can share the sandwich if you want but why I mean after the way I treated you because I know what it feels like to be the new kid and to be bullied wow I'm really sorry about the way I treated you I never knew how much it hurt to be bullied you were right the way you treat people always has a way of coming back to you oh and uh here this belongs to you thanks gum I don't want any of your stolen gum then I'll get your Bad Karma all right tell me you don't really believe in that do you I actually do your actions always have a way of coming back to where are you Karma come and get me through this stolen pack of G you out of the car now
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 1,166,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: JQEat1GcISg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 29sec (2789 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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