Kid Is Left HOME ALONE On CHRISTMAS, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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right yes I do I have the plane tickets I have the IDS I have the itinerary I think we're all set yeah Jay are you gonna be okay Jay where did you get this you know that you're banned from using the iPad after that last report card no but Mom no no no please please Dad no now don't but mommy if you put as much effort into your grades as you did those video games and maybe we wouldn't be having this conversation what if I have to get a hold of you that's why we have a house phone now come on the babysitter is almost here yes why do I even need a babysitter I'm not a little kid anymore I can't take care of myself you are not old enough to stay home alone and even if you were there's been a bunch of break-ins in the neighborhood recently what yes someone tried to Rob more Miss Crawford's house the other day really yeah so listen the babysitter's about to come I need you to promise me that you will be good all right no talking back no junk food no eating on my couch and no pranks I don't want to get a call like the last time okay that wasn't even my fault I don't believe Becky Saran wrap the toilet seat herself Jay we're serious actions have a way of coming back to you and you need to stop scaring off the babysitters I had to find this one on the neighborhood app right and I did let her know that you have an art project due so instead of you watching anime she's going to help you with that I'm gonna miss my episodes I think that's her now hi oh my gosh what a beautiful home you have Annie you must be Jay your mom told me all about you on the phone well anyway I have to remind both of you there is no opening the door for strangers apparently there's been someone casing the houses in the neighborhood pretending to be a mailman salesman yeah something like that but then coming back and robbing them later I've heard about these break-ins the Nerf of some people it's crazy but don't worry I'll keep an eye out thank you is that my oh I think that might be the Uber it is okay great wonderful um contacts are on the fridge the cash is on the counter for food bye honey I love you I love you okay good all right and text me if you need anything I will I will all right all right bye guys have fun thank you bye sir bye guys [Music] thank you so what do you want to do oh that is strike one that strike one oh you want to play it like that huh oh you want to play like that huh listen you dweeb your mom told me all about you and your little Shenanigans and I'm here to tell you it's not gonna fly so I recommend you get started on your little art project okay or or what or else no TV for the rest of the night your choice [Music] yeah that's exactly what I thought now I'm gonna go call my boyfriend and if you pull one more prank on me [Music] oh my gosh you should see this place she has chanels Louise Gucci it's perfect I have to send you a photo Jennifer hello did you get it where are you oh no that's just a kid yeah the parents left this morning I don't know they'll be back around like one day or something what are you doing in my mom's closet nothing what do you want I need you to get the glue in the garage for my project my mom said you'd help me with it fine work later [Music] put this back and let's go foreign I need your help figure it out yourself but you promise you'd help you know what fine if I can't do my project I guess I just have to find something else to occupy myself oh maybe I'll take Draco for a walk who's Draco my pet snake oh the last time I did I lost them for a week and he ended up trying to strangle my dad in his sleep I'm sorry what oh don't worry he's just a snake I mean he didn't mean it do you want to hold him oh my gosh fine I'll help you what do you need alrighty I need to trace your head onto this poster okay I better be getting a big tip for putting up with all this oh [Music] let's see here we'll start here [Music] [Applause] oh oh what I think your hair might have accidentally gotten slipped to some of the glue what are you talking about you don't want to do that you don't want to do that do something get it out get it out just let me just delete okay just leave ah oh it's not coming up hey calm down okay I think I have to cut it you got to cut it what I'm sorry I'm sorry [Music] okay okay I think I got it what did you do said to do something that's it I'm done no you can't leave I'm just a kid you are a monster I'm leaving [Music] [Music] sweetheart everything's gonna be fine if something was wrong the sitter would call right I know and I know but just maybe I should just text and check in you know what a handful Jay can be it's just the weekend relax enjoy yourself it's our anniversary trip after all right huh you're right all right you're right okay and I'm sure things are great just great all right and I'll put my phone on airplane mode there it is got it [Music] worked like a charm [Music] This Is The Life this is it this neighborhood is sweet Gardens water features yeah I could get used to this Focus we have a job to do well there's no cars in the driveway doesn't seem like they're home only one way to find out really good who is it oh hi uh we live just down the street and got your mail by mistake I've never seen either of you guys before which house is yours oh we're just a few doors down you might have seen our grandma uh the old lady with the the rollers in her hair right Mrs Finkelstein has grandkids visiting for the break uh do you mind opening the door I'm not supposed to open it for strangers well we're neighbors so we're not really strangers are we see we're not so bad so uh your parents around you look kind of old to be living with your grandma harsh my skincare routine is Flawless okay so uh look are your parents home or not because uh we have things to do so they're uh you know in the kitchen you know can't walk away from the stove if you want to give me the mail we'd rather give it to them personally uh if that's all mom dad some neighbors bought our mail oh what's that you're busy okay no problem sorry they're not available come back some other time bye [Music] are you buying this I don't trust that for one second come on are you grabbing me like that right over here [Music] hi hey your dad what you cooking the kids love it no one's in there so what's the plan I say we play it safe and come back later tonight I want you to see your girlfriend tonight [Music] what are you doing making sure that little brat can't do anything okay [Music] come on come on [Music] yes [Music] man no phone no iPad I mean what the heck is the kid supposed to do Draco [Music] are you thinking what I'm thinking [Music] foreign [Music] you think he's still in there who cares I don't think he can do anything what is he ten you ready it's show time oh that's weird it's unlocked the kid's making it easy for us wait what if the kid booby trapped it come on okay whatever actually do that that's Hollywood fantasy fiction fine if you're so worried I'll take the front you go into the back it will be chapped you think some random sauce is gonna stop again you've got another thing coming amateur ow L there you are you little brat no one no no [Music] no no yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ladies and gentlemen on behalf of the cabin crew I'd like to give you a warm welcome to Oakland you may now turn on your electronic devices and switch off airplane mode thanks for flying with us and have a wonderful day hmm hmm finally [Music] [Applause] oh the sitter texted see I told you everything was gonna be justified what no no you don't get it we need to be on the next flight back to Los Angeles no I don't want to hold I've already been put on a I can't get the rest of the house phone I knew something was wrong I should have just listened to my gut calm down sweetheart I'm sure everything's okay Jay's a responsible kid okay maybe not that but he's a smart kid and we'll be on the next plane out of here and home in no time I know I know I just wish I could make sure just okay I could call the police yeah I can I can ask them to see if they can they can check on him he's he's only been home alone for a couple of hours why don't you call Miss Crawford next door and have her look in them do that yes that's a good idea that's a good idea okay hello hey yes yes this is he yes that's us okay yes just wild be nice can we help you uh yes uh oh I'm sorry you must be the sitters yeah Jay's mother just called and wanted me to come by and check on him the kid he's great where is he I just talked to men uh sleeping like a baby I hope he hasn't been causing you too much trouble he he's known to be a bit of a rascal him nope he's uh he's a real peach say have we met you look really familiar I don't think so people ask me that all the time you know I guess I just have one of those faces you know um all right you boys have a good night man oh happy too good night drive safe now what are you doing man get up this isn't a slipping slime get up you butt heads [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay Frank come and get me get him [Music] it's working [Music] did you see this Frank what it's like all right this kid really is a little snake huh oh snake [Music] yeah what are you waiting for go why do I have to go first because I said something age before Beauty touch fight [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey hey they're in here hands up gosh sweetheart they didn't hurt you did they okay it wasn't me I swear seems like it was the other way around don't ever come near my house again oh like I'm really scared of you hey get him out of here come on let's go move it you guys should know your actions always have a way of coming back to you that's right foreign how did you guys know to call the cops it wasn't us it was when I came to check on you and they answered I knew I recognized them they tried to break into my house before but they ran away when they realized I was home I wonder how they knew Jay was Home Alone yeah well we're looking inside one of their phones it turns out they had someone on the inside you guys know this person yes we're still trying to track this person down if you have any contact with her let us know actually I have an idea but it requires one last trap Jennifer thanks so much you know I'm sorry about what happened with Jay my husband and I feel terrible about how he treated you I'm glad you reached out it means a lot of course and like I said on the phone I want to give you a little something extra for all your trouble so just give me a minute I'm going to grab my checkbook from the kitchen okay yeah a big tip makes everything better yeah [Music] hmm what are you doing here your mom's given me a couple extra hundred dollar bills for all the pranks you pulled bet you didn't plan on that huh not at first smiling at get on the ground now okay Jennifer Jason we know you've been applying to babysitter's jobs just so you go inside of homes and see if the Customs clear you're under arrest for robbery fraud and conspiracy [Music] in silence ain't nobody nobody [Music] thank you this little sting operation she had going was a great idea you ever thought about joining the force hey now that's an idea you can use your creativity for good instead of evil um I'm okay I think I'ma stick to home security for now fair enough I'll keep you guys updated on the case have a great afternoon thank you officer all right see you [Applause] [Music] now we can finally get Jay okay I'm sorry that's the last prank I swear I swear I swear it is a chocolate stain on the couch I gotta go Jay Jay get back here I'm serious you better foreign [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 23,805,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: Q04ndsYQm9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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