Boys GET OWNED By LITTLE GIRLS, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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all right scouts grab your backpacks and let's head out pink backpack whose is this don't tell me this is yours no mine's right here a billion it's yours isn't it wow i can't believe you were it's mine what are you doing here i'm bailey i just joined nice to meet you scout master john please tell me this is some kind of joke i mean we've never had a girl in our troop exactly so it's time we add one right bailey's going to be joining us today all right everybody before we leave i want to go over some quick first aid training with you all so come here gather round we're going to start with what happens if you happen to sprain your ankle out there you see first you want to deal with the pain and the swelling the best thing for that is going to be an ice pack there's going to be spiders snakes probably even mountain lions repeat that every two to three hours okay date little girls like you for breakfast sure you want to come with us yes i'm sure but thanks for your concern though we better pay attention in case someone at camp gets hurt and needs our help all right now don't wrap that too tightly otherwise you're gonna cut off the last person anyone go to for help is some girl besides stuff is easy i didn't know all this got it remember ice wrap elevates do not lose your trail maps it is very easy to get lost out here okay so keep an eye on them at all times you guys paying attention back there yes sir yeah okay let's go it's not too late to turn back and wait in the bus you know i'll be fine thanks just saying if you get lost don't count on me or one of the boys to come save you as long as i have my map i'm good and who knows i might be the one saving you oh she got you she says she's the one saving you yeah right that never happened watch this where is he going what is he doing he's gonna take him he's gonna take it he's gonna oh it's here no it's not now we'll see who needs to saving all right we're almost to the campfire let's pick it up all right everybody i'm gonna show you how to make a fire now pay close attention because the scout that does the best today is gonna win a special badge you may as well just give it to me now everyone knows i'm the best guy here well we'll see it could go to anyone even bailey yeah right she should have stuck to selling girl scout cookies hey trevor cut that out okay that's not nice besides anything a boy can do a girl can do too if not better yeah right now back to what i was saying you take your flint and steel hold it over your kindling why is she over there nodding your head it's not like she understands any of this hey bailey find yourself this is manly stuff you should stick to playing with dolls hey you guys might want to pay attention to this if there's ever an emergency a fire is a good distress signal [Music] come on that's how you make a fire okay now it's your turn everybody choose a partner go out and find some wood stick together do not lose your map yeah yeah okay hey max want to be my partner uh actually i was gonna be partners with daryl whatever sorry sammy want to be my partner uh i already chose billy man sorry hi your loss hey trevor want to be my partner yeah right i'd rather go alone come on everyone else is already taken and besides i can help you no way hey wait here stop following me i don't need your help this isn't something a little girl can do but you heard about scoutmaster dawn said we need to take our maps and stay in twos well that's for everyone else not me i'm the best guy here and i don't need some dumb map and i certainly don't need some little girl as a partner trevor wait it isn't safe alone trevor trevor doesn't want a girl as a partner so he runs away from bailey leaving her all by herself trevor goes deeper and deeper into the forest in search of a good log that can be used as firewood he finally finds one and decides to head back to camp with it everything seems to be going great that is until he gets lost he can't remember which way he came from because everything looks the same he wanders deeper and deeper into the forest unbeknownst to him going farther and farther away from all the other scouts as it begins to get dark trevor gets worried and starts yelling out for help but no one can hear him he starts to wish that he hadn't thrown away his map [Music] trevor begins to panic as he can't find his way back to camp he starts to run as he does he ends up falling and twisting his ankle really bad he screeches in pain but no one is around to save him [Music] hours have gone by and now trevor is terrified he keeps hearing all these noises trevor now cries and screams for help only to be saved by the last person he'd ever want to be saved by help what was that snake or a mountain lion stay back stay back i'm serious i'm armed please don't hurt me forever oh no not you hey the whole camp has been looking for you everywhere everyone's so worried thankfully i heard you screaming and found this i wasn't screaming i was just resting really cause i thought i heard you say help help please somebody help me can you please leave me alone i'll be fine just about to get up oh my ankle let me help looks really swollen it feels like it's spring that'll be fine let me help you i don't need your help oh remember what scoutmaster john said we need to ice it to control the swelling and keep it wrapped for extra support ah yeah of course i'm just about to do that can you hold on to my shoulder and hop one leg and i'll use my map it's gone have you seen it uh no shoot okay we'll hold up with scoutmaster john do oh we can build a fire and use it as a distress signal yeah of course i was just about to do that come on want me to help you no i got this come on it's not working must be the dumb stick here let me try fine but if i can't do it you definitely can see it doesn't work come on [Music] there now just let me get some more wood so we can start a bigger fire okay you just rest here i'll be right back that should be good hopefully someone sees it or it might be scary spending the rest of the night out here scary the only person that'd be scared is little girl my little girl is you oh trevor bailey oh we've been looking everywhere for you are you okay you're hurt oh yeah i'm fine oh i brought my ankle just like you taught us trevor i gotta say this is perfectly wrapped thank you great job getting the fire going too otherwise i don't think we would have been able to find you guys oh it was pretty easy let me help you up okay you know trevor i am so impressed with how well you've done today that i've decided to give you the special bench what for best scout performance oh whoa i don't know what to say i actually this doesn't bulk to me what do you mean you did everything perfectly just like i taught you it wasn't me it was bailey and to be honest i don't know if i would have survived without her so here bailey this is yours oh my gosh trevor i don't know what to say i do i want to say that i'm sorry for how i treated you and now i know anything boys can do girls can do too if not better so can you please forgive me of course and i'd love for you to be my partner going forward if that's okay with you i love that okay well i'm sure everybody is very tired and very hungry so let's go home huh well if you're hungry i actually have some cookies thin mints my favorite what i love girl scout cookies okay this is a naturally aspirated 5.2 liter v10 you've got to hear it ralph as soon as it reaches 8 500 rpm it sounds unreal i can imagine now my porsche sounds exactly hold up hold up this this little girl must be lost excuse me sweetheart this is a members-only car club sephora's a few streets over oh i know i saw this flyer and was hoping to join your club i'm kate by the way let me get this straight you want to join our car club are you hearing this boys yeah i thought she was lost i did too clearly she is lost what's a girl like you know about cars well i've been obsessed with them ever since i was a little girl you drove my mom crazy you see i'll never forget my brother's 12th birthday please tell me you got me a ps3 you'll see here open this one first hot wheels oh my gosh is that a pigani wow and there's an aston martin a lamborghini give that back to your brother [Music] what's wrong you don't like them no i don't care about toy cars i just want a ps3 just give it to him fine open this one if you don't want these can i have them why do you want those toy cars are for boys not girls we just got you a barbie to play with but i don't care about barbies i'd rather have cars i want to have a pagani one day like this one a ps3 thanks mom thanks dad you're welcome i can't wait to tell my friends hey wait aren't you gonna open up your other gifts and what about your cars i'll open it later and she can have the cars yes so you see i've loved cars ever since i was a little girl i still keep the toy pagani with me every single day what a great story i used to collect however toys when i was a kid too you guys are missing the point you like cars so what that doesn't mean you know anything about them well i know a thing or two that's a lamborghini huracan right 5.2 liter b10 okay surprised he knew that i'm impressed well she probably googled that before walking in here that's a lamborghini uris and that's a rolls-royce cullinan and that anybody who watches youtube could easily tell you that since you know so much about cars then tell me how much horsepower does this car have uh i can't answer that you see exactly she has no idea no what i mean is i can't answer that because i don't know what version it is if it's an all-wheel drive it's got 631 horsepower if not 602. she knows her stuff well you got lucky again so how much torque does it have 443 pounds at 6 500 rpm at least fine then what's to zero to 60 oh um i can't remember yeah you see any guy that sent her cars could easily tell you it's 2.5 seconds i'm sorry but girls like you shouldn't be around cars like this not if you'll excuse us please that's not true my favorite content creator supercar blondie is one of the most successful car vloggers out there and she's a girl i want to be just like her which is why i brought my camera supercar who blondie she reviews exotic cars i've seen some of her videos me too i follow her on instagram and her content is actually pretty cool yeah i've heard about her too told you so can i join your club oh and is it all right if i vlog i was thinking my first video could be about my friend you are very persistent aren't you have you ever even been in a car club no i haven't i tried to join in high school but the boys wouldn't let me in you see [Laughter] now that's an all-new gas engine puts out 505 horsepower at 6 300 rpm that's dope man ice hey guys is this no this isn't cheerleading tryouts no get lost [Laughter] i was saying zero i was actually gonna ask if i could join your car club what could you possibly know about cars i know that's not a zr1 otherwise you'd have 638 horsepower and a 6.2 liter v8 dude she's clowning your car he said it's not a zr1 i'm sorry that's not what i was trying to do all right where's your car huh oh it's uh over there you drive a mitsubishi well yeah for now but one of these days i'm going to own you can't join our club with that piece of junk get back in your bucket and scram but i said get lost you belong in a kitchen not around cars [Laughter] so you see i've always wanted to join a car club but no one's ever let me in wow that sounds horrible i'm sorry you had to go through that [Laughter] don't tell me you used to drive a mitsubishi is that all you really took from that story look i'm just saying it must have been humiliating driving a thing like that speaking of which where is your car now uh it's right outside why what let's just take a look come on boys this should be interesting wait actually can we not which one is it it's over there i know it's not much right now but so so you drive a volkswagen jetta and you want to be part of our car club i mean what's that what's that like 10 grand something like that why my car cost over 200 000 i mean that's 20 times more than that well one day i'm going to own a pagani oh [Music] so you're going to magically go from a volkswagen to a pagoda yeah right now i've never even seen a bugatti i mean what they only make like 50 a year a 40 actually if you include the roadsters whatever the point is you have to own a nice car now sweetheart in order to be in the club not just have dreams of owning one it's okay maybe we can let her in yeah i don't mind if she joins no rules or rules you have to have a cause worth as much as mine to get in well until that happens is it okay if i make videos of your guys cars for my vlog no look i hate to break this to you sweetheart but maybe you should have just stuck to playing with barbies or listen to those boys and stay in the kitchen that's where you belong not here but i look until you own an exotic car which you won't then you can think about coming back but until then you have a nice day let's go boys hey you okay i'm just so tired of always being excluded you know maybe everyone's right maybe i should just give up well if supercar blinny can make it so can you i wonder if she's ever had to deal with stuff like this before well won't we ask her she's live on her instagram right now really she probably gets thousands of comments there's no way she'll see mine i've seen our ad fans on our live before here let's try sent the request here let me turn the volume up oh yeah that's a good question yeah so my first ever car was a mitsubishi lancer um it was like totally bunged off but it got no way she had the same first car as me what it makes me realize cars like this that i get to drive today makes me appreciate it even more all right let's move to the next question cool i see requests coming in now oh hey hey how's it going i can see you oh my gosh it's okay relax i'm sorry i'm a little nervous i'm such a huge fan and i never thought i would be talking to you don't worry there's no reason to be nervous there's only 17 000 people watching no seriously don't worry it's just you and me chatting um do you have a question for me uh yeah i was wondering if you ever had to deal with being excluded you know as a girl trying to join the car community oh my goodness are you kidding me of course i had to deal with that all the time it was not easy i was one of the only women entering into this male dominated world wow that must have been so hard but how did you overcome it because to be honest i'm kind of thinking about giving up no you cannot give up you don't know how many times i had people telling me that i don't belong in this world and i had so many misogynistic comments like thrown at me every single day it it used to bring me down a lot but then i realized something really what that it comes with the territory of being different and being different actually makes you special so please do not give up on chasing your dreams regardless of what anyone says you don't need them all you need is you wow you have no idea how much i needed to hear that thank you so much and i promise i am never going to give up that is awesome yes that's what i want to hear what's your name by the way keith kate supercar kate that has a ring to it it does all right i will see you at the top supercar kate hang in there all right i'm going to take a couple more questions just as i show you you see you were right thank you for everything you're welcome kate is now more inspired than ever to go after her dream of becoming a car vlogger as soon as she gets to her laptop she starts her new youtube channel under the name supercar kate she then reaches out to some of the people she's met to start vlogging their cars she starts off not really knowing what she's doing but as time goes on she gets more and more comfortable on camera she vlogs all the coolest cars and shows off all their coolest features kate was finally doing what she always dreamed of kate would take the videos she shot and upload them onto her youtube channel as time went on her views started skyrocketing and she ends up becoming one of the most popular car vloggers on the internet a few years pass and then one day she goes to pay a visit to the car club well i've probably topped off at about 180. that's crazy hey but i wouldn't recommend going that fast but when you have as much experience as me you know look it's a pagani i can't believe it oh it's super carcase are you serious i love all of her videos can i get a pic please hey yeah of course thank you so much i want to pick too sure no worries me too kate this car is unreal thanks don't tell me this is your car yeah i picked it up a few weeks ago but i don't i don't understand uh how is it your husband's or something no i don't have a husband or need a man to get it for me let's just say that little vlog idea worked out do you really not know who supercar kate is she has like 20 million followers wow that's incredible well now that you have a nice car you can finally become a member of my car club what do you say thanks but no thanks i actually started a club of my own hey girl what's up hey kate what's up i found another girl to join our car club nice that is so exciting hey can i call you later i'm kind of in the middle of something yeah of course no worries cheers thanks sorry about that ah it's okay you know actually i was wondering that maybe i could join your car club you know those guys that was with me and mine they they all bailed and it's been pretty tough trying to find new members hmm [Music] you said your car cost what 200 000. yeah well my car cost over 2 million and unfortunately you got to have a car that cost at least as much as mine to get in sorry fine just kidding of course you can join we're all about inclusivity wow seriously thank you so much hey i'm so sorry for the way i treated you supercar kate can i ask you a question yeah sure what's up i really love cars and my dream is to own a pagani one day just like yours but everyone at school makes fun of me and says that exotic cars aren't for girls is that true no it's not actually i want you to have this now that i have one of my own i don't need it anymore really oh my gosh thank you but you have to promise me something that when you get one of your own you'll give it to another little girl who needs it i promise [Music] [Applause] hey barbie yeah honey aren't you excited well i was hoping to get it playstation 5 oh my god i can't believe it oh we know how badly you wanted it but that's what i wanted does it come with two controllers [Music] don't be silly sam video games aren't for girls that's not true my favorite youtuber sniper wolf she started gaming when she was just seven years old it's my dream to be a gamer just like her sniper wolf what kind of name is that this is what you should be playing with zack let me help you set that up let's go thank you so much mom and dad sniper on the roof drop an airstrike hey what are you doing playing on my ps5 give me my controller back hold on there's only six people up he's the health down give me that pete mom mom what's going on sam took my ps5 and she won't give me back my controller sam i told you video games aren't for girls give him back his controller right now but i'm about to win fine let's see [Music] man see i told you video games aren't for girls i better not see you playing anymore here you go zack oh how cute is this you can wear when you go back to school i don't like dresses actually do you think i could get this new wolf pack hoodie please please sniper wolf just came out with it that gamer girl i already told you video games aren't for girls so forget about it please it's my dream to become a not another word young lady now i've got to get the rest of these bags so you can play with this while you ate here i want to play with barbies [Music] [Applause] oh my gosh i'm so sorry that's okay why'd you kick this i was just mad because i want to be a girl gamer but my mom says girls can't play oh my gosh sniper wolf hi so your mom says girls can't what sorry i'm freaking out right now i can't believe it's you okay my mom says girls can't play video games she wants me to play with barbies instead that sucks but honestly i was always told the same thing growing up you were yeah but i never let that stop me if boys can do something then so can girls there's no reason why girls can't be gamers you're so right i can be a girl gamer but what's wrong i don't have a system and my brother won't let me play with his i'll tell you what [Applause] you can have the one i just bought what really yeah just promise me that you'll never give up and by the way it's just gamer what do you mean you don't call guys boy gamers right so no need to say girl gamers it's just gamer [Music] i never thought about it that way thanks diaper i'll never forget this [Music] i hope to see you at the top one day i gotta move the circle's closing and pop a new uav sam what are you doing you know how i feel about this just wait mom i'm about to win oh here we go again how many times do i have to tell you girls can't play video games i don't even know how you got one but after you lose i'm taking away your playstation yes got him it's the only one person left there he is oh my gosh oh my gosh [Music] i got him yes yes yes i won really hey what happened i just went warzone what you're kidding i've never won before do you think you could help teach me yeah sure come here the mom can't believe that sam just won and as time goes on sam starts to win more and more the mom starts to realize that maybe girls can be gamers a while later sam even gets offered an official spot on a popular esports team that happens to also include a big advance payment her family couldn't be any more proud of her and then one day sam even starts streaming hey guys thanks for joining me and today's live stream i've actually got my mom joining me hi everyone i'm sam's mom and psycho mantis what that's my gamer name [Music] i am so proud of psycho mantis and she showed me that girl gamers can be really successful thanks mom and no need to say girl gamer it's just gamer [Music] okay guys we're about to hop in in war zone but before we get into that i just want to say we're about to hit our five cases home cheers cheers i'm sorry sir but your car was declined um well run it again i'm sorry sir but i did here take mine thank you i cannot believe this you really love rubbing your money in my face don't you no ben no where are you going [Music] thank you guys so much for coming out tonight i know it's really late yeah we really appreciate you coming to celebrating vin's birthday with us well it's almost finn's birthday it will be in a few minutes once it hits midnight we wouldn't miss it for the world and really glad you guys finally got to meet lindsay too yeah i was wondering when aaron was going to finally introduce me to his friends to be honest with you guys i have been wanting to come here ever since this place opened right i hear the steak is amazing what are you thinking about having babe actually the steak does sound pretty good um take a look here 55 who would pay the kind of money for a state don't worry about it sweetheart it's your birthday i'll pay for it get whatever you want it's fine okay i don't need you paying for my dinner what kind of a man would i be if i let my girl pay for my food right so uh ben congrats on the new job ben just got a new job at the local hospital oh wow that's great congrats um so are you a doctor or a nurse actually um i'm a receptionist there jen got me the job it's the the hospital where she works oh nice man i didn't know you two work together you know lindsay and i wrote together too yeah it definitely takes some getting used to that's true so are you a receptionist there too jen no i'm a doctor there oh wow that's really impressive ben why don't you tell me your girlfriend's a doctor maybe because it's a little embarrassing you know my girl being so much more successful than i am honey you shouldn't be embarrassed about that i am very proud of you and besides if one of us succeeds we both succeed because we're a team i actually really like that oh shoot it's probably almost midnight uh what time has it been see this thing's always busted i mean i don't know i'm safe enough to buy a new one let's take a look actually it's midnight oh my gosh happy birthday baby happy birthday so up ben got a little surprise for you oh you guys don't have to do that oh no open it up let's see oh wow a gucci wallet this must have cost a fortune how did you guys afford this uh well it was actually from lindsay and i we both chipped in this is really great thank you i i really appreciate it this is my turn my turn oh boy happy birthday baby we got here well i know you've been wanting a new watch she's you bought me the watch i told you that i wanted to pay for it myself well now you don't need to i just figured it you figured what that i couldn't afford it no no no i was not going to say that at all you know i know you make a lot more money than i do but i don't need you rubbing it in my face like i said i will pay for it myself i know i just thought hello have you guys decided what you want to order i'll have the steak man that steak was amazing yeah now i see why it costs 55 dollars i mean i am stuffed here hi and uh here's your check i'll leave this for you right here great oh i'll just take that no no no no i got it i got it thank you sweetheart it's your birthday like i can't handle it or something no no i never said that cheers cheers i'm sorry sir but your car was declined um well run it again i'm sorry sir but i did here take mine thank you i cannot believe this you really love rubbing your money in my face don't you no ben no where are you going uh excuse me ladies okay what happened back there man everything okay i'm just so sick of my girlfriend being more successful than i am i mean she makes more money than me it's it's embarrassing there's nothing wrong with that i'm supposed to be the man of the house okay i'm the one who's supposed to be making more money you don't get it you know you're showing up here giving fancy gifts and i'm showing up here with a freaking broken watch and you don't understand oh actually i do what are you talking about look man i i was a little embarrassed to tell you this but i haven't been 100 transparent with you you see earlier when i said lindsay and i worked together well what i didn't tell you is she's actually the boss and i'm just the assistant she makes way more money than i do and about the expensive wallet it actually wasn't from both of us lindsay bought it because i didn't have enough money to get you anything so it was from her not me so you see i do know what it's like to be in your shoes because my girl is a lot more successful than me too wow i'm sorry i had no idea that lindsay was your boss it's okay but just because she's more successful than me that doesn't make me any less of a man and at the end of the day if one of us succeeds then we both succeed because we're a team i guess i never really thought about it that way it's okay give you guys some space to talk hey hey i'm sorry about no listen i'm sorry what happened back there that was embarrassing i should have never acted that way i'm just i've been so intimidated by your success it's okay babe you should never feel that way i am so proud of the guy that you are it doesn't even matter how much money you make you know you're right at the end of the day we're a team i should have never forgotten that so does that mean you're going to accept my present now of course i love your present yeah i love you i love you too baby so what's in the tiffany's bag it's not tiffany's oh it feels so cheap let me guess that's your boyfriend the one that got me this yellow for valentine's day but it cost him like two dollars you should leave him
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 9,642,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: yYSv1ayuNq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 58sec (2698 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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