BROTHER HATES His LITTLE BRO, He Instantly Regrets It PT 2 | Dhar Mann

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what did i tell you about coming into my room sorry what you doing what does it look like i'm doing i'm trying to get ready addy's coming over ooh is she your girlfriend now well not yet trying to get her to be this is the first time she's coming over so please don't be a pain what do you mean i'm never a pain yeah hey put it down jackson can i try some no stop it put it down what are you doing putting smoke for you you're not supposed to spray it on directly supposed to spray it into the air and then walk through it now i'm going to smell too strong i'm sorry oh and addie's here great i don't have time to change or shower thanks a lot jackson hi hey what's up what's that smell oh uh sorry about that it's uh cologne clutzo over here and spilt it all over me you probably hate it no i actually really love it it smells good thanks i'm addie by the way oh i know miles talks about you all the time he says he wants to make you his girlfriend jackson sorry there's no reason to be sorry i actually think it's pretty cute um so what should we do we aren't doing anything addy and i are hanging out alone so please stay out of her way it's okay i really don't mind if he wants to hang out with us really yeah right he's been annoying me all day i can't take any more torture hey go to your room but i i just go now fine see ya it was nice meeting you jackson nice to meet you too so uh do you want to see my room sure wow i know kind of a big deal right i'm so modest i didn't know that she played my little brother and i grew up playing tennis it's my favorite sport oh really well maybe someday i could show you a thing or two should have seen the match i played to win that one they went three sets and i barely won eight six and a closed tiebreaker i'll never forget that day wow that's amazing this is so cute seems like your little brother really looks up to you yeah i just wish he wasn't so annoying how is he annoying you gotta be kidding me jackson [Music] hey jackson turn the music down jackson turn the music down [Music] see he turned it off sorry about that let's go back my room so what are we talking about again uh i think tennis oh yeah so what's your game like you more of a serve and volleyer or do you hang out on the baseline you should see my serve i doubt you'd be able to return it all right let me see your form okay it's pretty good if you move your hips like this freeze what are you doing get out of here don't move or i'll shoot don't even think about shooting that thing or i swear hey my trophy i'm so sorry it was an accident you're dead meat no i said i was sorry i it's fine miles i'm sure we can fix it no he's taking things too far honestly it's okay please don't be mad at him he's your little brother these things happen yeah well he's a little brother that i wish i never had why would you say that he doesn't mean it he's just upset yes i do all he does is annoy me you know you know how much easier my life would be if you weren't around i wish you would just disappear like dad did i can't believe you jackson wait i'm sorry for what miles said he didn't mean it yes he did he tells me that kind of stuff all the time sometimes people say things when they're mad that doesn't make them true i just don't know what i'm supposed to do my mom's always at work my brother doesn't want me around and my dad left i was like i'm all alone if you don't mind me asking what happened to your dad he left right after i was born my mom came home from the hospital and he was already gone he didn't even care to meet me oh my gosh i'm so sorry so that's what miles meant when he i really [Music] i can't believe you treated him like that he snuck into my room he completely killed the moment we had together and then he broke my trophy i'm sure if your brother did something like that too you'd do the same thing you're right i used to treat my brother the same way until last summer everything changed you see just like you i'd get so annoyed with my little brother he'd always come into my room and would never leave me alone the things he'd do would annoy me so much [Music] so i'd always be yelling at him and sometimes i would say really mean things when i found out he was going away to tennis camp for a few weeks i couldn't have been happier he was annoying me so much and i didn't even care to say goodbye when he left little did i know what would happen next my mom got a phone call it was the hospital they said my dad and brother had gotten into a really bad accident both of us couldn't believe it we rushed to the hospital as quickly as we could when we got to the room my little brother was in really bad condition and my dad well my dad never made it he passed away on impact so you see it took almost losing my little brother to learn to appreciate him i'm so sorry that all happened to you addie about your dad i had no idea now you know why it's so hard for me to see you treat him like that i know sometimes it might feel like you wish he was gone but if that actually happened that's the last thing you'd ever want you're right i should probably go talk to him [Music] i'm really sorry for breaking your trophy the truth is i should be the one who's sorry i should have never said any of those things to you i didn't mean them i promise going forward i'm going to be a lot nicer to you really yeah and actually do you know what your little brother's doing right now probably nothing he usually stays at home on saturdays what do you think we'll pick them up we could play some doubles together you jackson and i versus youtube that sounds like fun [Music] you in heck yeah let's go okay let's go hey maybe on the way home we can pick up some tools to accept that yeah [Music] okay everybody let's open our books to page 33. yes got him wants to answer question 17 how about michael uh he took my kill hey michael is showing me that you're on mute and your camera's off are you there let's go hey jade you know your brothers let me go check that one mikey what are you doing mr wilson's calling you oh shoot hello hello can you hear me yes michael we can hear you now what you been doing oh sorry my computer was acting up it's finally working now okay good i hate when that happens just uh let's make sure that we got everything ready for tomorrow's final exam okay go ahead answer question 17 on page 33 uh okay how was school today fine uncles what'd you learn um jaden you can tell her okay we went over algebra in geometry that sounds nice there you go hey mom hmm can you get us the new ps5 i mean summer vacation is next week and i'll have a lot of free time uh well how about if you both get a's on your math final then i'll buy it for you how does that sound really okay well you may as well buy it for us now cause i'm gonna ace that test i like that confidence i gotta take this how do you expect getting atmo if you haven't been paying attention in class you should at least be studying with me studying is for losers besides i don't do things the hard way okay what's your plan then to do things the easy way check this out is this our math final i found it online so now i have all the answers what that's cheating it's not cheating it's called taking a shortcut i mean how else do you think people succeed in life mikey there are no shortcuts to success you have to do things the right way now come on there's still time if you just study with me did you not hear me i have all the answers already i don't need to study and neither do you so i'll just give you the link and no that's okay i'm not gonna cheat suit yourself [Music] hey mom if jayden doesn't get an a but i do can i still get the ps5 well i guess so but then jaden wouldn't be able to play that's fine with me means i won't have to share okay everyone gets one hour to complete the test and hey michael your camera still isn't on i'm sorry mr wilson uh let me try it again i don't know why it's not working sure ugh i'm trying to turn it on but it won't okay it's fine i guess everyone has one hour to complete the exam i'm starting it now good luck everyone mikey compares the final exam to all the questions on the website and sure enough they're all the same he happily answers all the questions and then a few days later mikey gets a big surprise can i play no get your own ipad mom he's not letting me play again mikey you have to share the ipad with your brother but i don't want to and when are we going to get our ps5 well did you both get a's on your final exams well we haven't got our report cards back but i guarantee you i did so can we please get the ps5 okay i guess so what did she really get us the ps5 i can't believe it she got it i get to play first no oh my gosh you got it yes but nobody gets to play until i see your exams i can 100 promise you that i i'll get it who could that be mr wilson what are you doing here hey jaden may i speak with your mom for a moment hello come on in uh thanks i'm not uh disturbing anything am i oh not at all is everything okay yes yeah i just came by to let you know that jaden got a 100 on his math final i did high score in school so proud of you what about mikey well michael also got all of his answers correct see mom but i told you i was gonna get an a now i can open this zero percent this is an f huh i don't get it well as i was saying michael got all of his answers correct if those answers were from this website that i created you made that yep see ever since we started distance learning a lot of kids have been cheating so i put up this website put all the questions to my final exam on it but mixed up the answers you did i did so you see michael you failed my final exam i'll be seeing you in my class again next year mikey how could you do such a thing i'm sorry i thought i could take a shortcut that's all you know better than that there are no shortcuts to success you have to do things the right way okay okay just please don't yell at me yell at you oh no you are in much bigger trouble than that young man you are grounded the entire summer what no that means no ipad no computer and you are not touching that ps5 that is so nice those are for you to play with and you do not have to share yes that's someone go to your room now just wait till i tell your dad about this i am so so sorry i will make sure he learns his lesson i can see that sorry to have been the bearer of bad news hey jaden great work thank you have a nice day you too i'll be upstairs talking to your brother if you need me wait which might help me set this up for us sure you deserve it ready let's do this let's go play where should we valley he won't go he's always glued to that thing hey loser come with us we're gonna go play a real sport leave me alone brandon hey give that back i'm gonna lose no you're never gonna make anything of your life if you just sit here doing this all day that's not true my favorite youtuber facerug he makes a killing from gaming in his channel he's even got his own esports team faze clan my dreams to be part of it one day let me get this straight your favorite youtuber is a rug a rock look if you want to be a gamer you have to make videos you've got a camera right there have you ever even turned it on uh no i'm too nervous but but i'm going to one day yeah right you're never going to you've got to have the personality and i hate to break it to you but you have none you're just a shy dork so you'll never be successful i'm going to be successful you'll see i'll see when i sign my first football endorsement i'll be pulling up in a porsche while you'll be waiting at the bus stop like a loser i told you he wasn't going to come where you guys want to eat oh there's three seats over there look who it is seriously you any lunch all by yourself well yeah i don't have any friends that's because you're staring at a screen all day give me that hey stop always taking my stuff i can't believe you're not embarrassed to sit alone i'm just shy okay i'm too nervous to talk to people and you want to be a youtuber yeah that makes sense how many followers does he have that is an excellent question why don't we find out you have seven followers on instagram and you want to be a youtuber you want to check mine out check mine out i'm almost at a thousand that's more than 100 times what you got good for you brandon uh can i please have my tablet back you're right here's a tablet whoops if you want this you're gonna have to get it from the trash now get lost i don't want anyone thinking we hang out with you yo check it out there goes marie man dude you should ask you to be your girlfriend yeah bro shoot your side you know what watch this watch it i'm so sorry i didn't see you do you ever get off that thing yeah when i shower and i get dressed i can't believe i got stuck with the biggest dork in the world for my brother you see that girl that's marie she's the hottest girl in school and i'm about to go ask her out okay so don't you want a girlfriend no girl is ever gonna date a guy that just plays video games all day that's not true faze drug has a girlfriend that dumb youtuber again god ali you need to get real you're never gonna be like him even if you are good at gaming you don't have the personality for youtube you're just too shy but just give up you're never going to be successful you're never going to have any followers and you're never going to get any girls you'll always just be a shy loser now if you don't mind i'm gonna get me a girlfriend maybe you should take some notes hey marie i tell you i'm getting a poor suit uh no he didn't that's right [Music] [Laughter] brandon was right i'm never gonna be successful just too shy to be like faze rug i never should have even bought this dumb merch oh get off hey are you okay oh my glasses this day couldn't get any worse i'm i'm sorry why are you having a bad day it's my brother he thinks i'm a loser because i'm oh my gosh face rug hey man you were saying your brother thinks what i still i still can't believe it's you this is insane you're like the coolest guy ever thank you oh i'm sorry i'll calm down my brother my brother says i'm a loser because because i'm shy and that i'll never make it as a youtuber he's probably right i should just listen to him actually that's not true you know how i know how because i'm also shy but that didn't stop you from thinking i'm cool right what you are shy no way that can't be possible yeah actually a lot of the best youtubers are just think of being shy as a superpower it doesn't make you a loser it makes you cool wow i really like that so you think i can make it as a youtuber i don't think you can i know you can and who knows maybe one day you'll be a part of the faze clan oh my gosh that that would be my dream the thanks phase rug i'm never gonna forget this of course man good luck after meeting his idol ali got the inspiration he needed to finally start streaming when he gets home he stares at his camera for a while building up the courage to turn it on and then he starts his very first stream [Music] he's really shy in the beginning and hardly has any viewers he considers giving up but then remembers faze rug's advice and decides to keep going as time goes on ali gets a little more comfortable being on camera more people start to find out about him and his views keep going up eventually he starts getting really popular he gets so popular that he even gets noticed by none other than the faze clan he gets offered a contract to be a part of their team ali couldn't be happier [Music] and then one day after school he happens to see his brother hey can you take your dad's car to the mall no he's still mad about the last time we used it wait i thought you're buying a car from your endorsement money hardly paid me anything i guess we'll just have to take the bus oh look at this sick porsche wow wait is that ali no way no what are you doing in that car oh hey guys i just picked it up this morning you like it i don't understand how oh well i just signed a huge contract with faze clan they even paid me an advance of 100 what oh also i got a big deal with g fuel since i hit a million followers on instagram what you have a million followers that's like more than 10 times the amount of followers you have thanks brainiac hey actually do you mind giving us a ride to the mall so we don't have to take the bus i would but i've actually got a date hey babe you ready yeah let's go i don't understand you're so shy how did you make it as a youtuber well i just realized being shy is a superpower [Music] now if you don't mind i've got a date maybe you should take some notes wow i guess being shot doesn't make you a loser it actually makes you cool whatever let's go before we miss the bus lebron james does it again man you got lucky i don't want to play with you anymore you keep hurting me you go to cry go quota mommy [Music] what's wrong isaac why don't you play with your brother and mikey jay plays too rough jay what did i tell you about playing so aggressively come on mom that's how he goes in basketball you got to be a beast in the nba okay this is not the nba i'm going to need you to tone it down okay whatever anyways it's getting late let's get ready to go what i don't want to go home i want to keep playing don't you have school work to do no i already did it all please let me stay all right then i'll let you stay a little longer but don't forget you can't fail any of your exam or you're not going i know i know i can't go to basketball camp that's right do you want to go home with mom yeah okay see you later cry baby jay what stop it it's the truth [Music] whatever all right let's just move okay babe you can make it swoosh man i'm already unstoppable imagine how good i'll be at the basketball camp you're so lucky you get to go my mom said the tickets were too expensive it's probably because lethal shooter's gonna be there that's the whole reason i signed up he's trying dwight howard anthony davis yo i saw on instagram he's training drake too but even with lethal shooters help you still won't be able to beat me yeah right wanna bet bet all right let's go let's go ow my arm stop whining no man really you hurt my arm i have for real oh my god i didn't mean to ah your mom's right sometimes you are too aggressive where are you going i'm going home come on don't be like that mikey wow you're such a nerd who studies before school leave me alone i'm getting ready for the exam leave me alone i'm studying for the exac exam what exam the one in english einstein that's the day i i thought it was next week no hey boys are you ready to go we're picking up mikey on the way so we should leave now how are you today i'm good thanks why are you being so nice oh no reason hey listen i was thinking when was the last time i spent some quality time together you know me and you mano yamana i don't know maybe a few days ago why such a long time i was thinking how about i skip school today and just hang out with you instead hmm let me guess you have an exam you're trying to get out of what no there's no exam no then why is isaac studying his note cards hmm because he's a dork and that's what dirk is doing nice try you're not getting out of this one mom now let's go mom there's no exam go mom gotta find a way out of this test maybe you should just take it and roll my chances of going to basketball can't mr dorky worky yeah right open up hey whoa don't tell me that's from i told you i wasn't playing around yesterday you really hurt your arm that bad uh yeah why else would i be in a brace so you're not playing basketball today are you kidding me if it weren't for these pain meds probably won't even be able to hold a pencil man that sucks [Music] yeah but the only good thing is i won't have to do school for a long time hey because you can't write i think you're smarter than you look man i wish i didn't have to that's it do you have any of those slings yeah my mom brought them home from the hospital she works at why let me get one this is a perfect excuse not to take today's exam hey yo i thought you well cap i'll be right back all right mom's gonna know you're faking it the second cheesy doing that sling i'm not planning on putting it on until after she drops us off einstein it's still not gonna work you know what mom says what happens in the dark always comes to light you're gonna get caught you always do as long as you don't see anything she'll never know so i suggest you to keep your mouth shut there you go thanks bro that'll be 20 bucks what i don't have that kind of money [Music] [Applause] fine this one's on me thanks bro you just saved my life hey i got you you're my apprentice uh more like i'm your master yeah let's go [Music] oh jay what happened to your arm oh um i spent my race yesterday playing basketball oh no i heard mikey got hurt but i didn't realize you did too yeah my mom had to see music a hospital last night and everything oh dear ugly the pain meds are hoping but they do make me feel a little loopy hmm poor thing here you go isaac you can go ahead and get started well ah look jay about the test we can always reschedule no no no no no i studied really hard for this i'm still gonna take it okay um are you sure it's a lot of writing and we can always postpone it to you better that's okay mrs anderson i don't really hate to miss this well i appreciate your enthusiasm okay you get started and if you have any problems you just let me know okay all right [Music] is hey are you doing all right um this is a lot harder than i thought wow i appreciate you trying but honestly jay it's understandable if you want to wait and take this when you're better oh wait let me try right in with my left [Music] i'm so sorry mrs anderson i really didn't want to miss this test it's admirable that you even tried what else should i do then uh i don't know um do you have a tablet as a matter of fact i do [Applause] oh old habits let me just um is it okay if i watch youtube with my earphones on well i would need to see what you're going to watch actually um what about if i watch videos on the dharman app oh that's right he has an app now yeah that would be fine i feel better soon okay all right isaac [Music] you haven't seen this one it must be an app exclusive mrs anderson totally bought it and now i'm in the clear good looking eyebrow my plan always works most of the time what hey team team fall in fall in team come on hustle up hustle up all right i have a very exciting announcement for you guys we have a very special guest so i want you to give a warm welcome to the one and only chris lethal shooter matthew get excited coach i can't believe it's him ah good to see you man it's been a long time hey you guys know i used to coach chris right in our school gym coach me yeah coach i fixed your jump shot in front of the kids chris hey hey there's no laughing at your coach now sorry coach jeez but chris is going to be your special coach for the day okay now i know you're going to give chris the same respect that you give me chris take it away thanks coach everybody bring it in bring it in bring it in right now we're going to work on our layups left hand layup and right hand layup this happens hey go is it okay if i play two what about your arm oh this little thing it's really not that serious i can easily take it off watch uh i i don't think that that's such a good idea you sure voila see i'm fine uh okay sure yeah go get dressed yes man that's not fair i want to play too at least you get to watch me you might learn a video all right let me see your free throw knock that down oh man it's all right sometimes you make some sometimes you miss something all right let me see your shot [Music] money nice shot but let me see you do that again all day son [Music] two for two you're coming to my basketball camp right yes sir i got a deal for you if you make this three-pointer i'm gonna give you one-on-one training seriously seriously okay they don't call me jay all day for nothing [Music] let's go oh my gosh i can't believe this mrs anderson they just told me you were here it is oh man it's good to see you too this place brings back so many memories well you played a lot of hours in this gym it surprises me how good the basketball players are here now this one kid he can shoot so great him right here he can shoot so good jay hey this is anderson what happened to your sling i uh you see i uh um he took some pain pills yeah that's it so they helped me for a while but now they are off so my arm's starting to hurt again sorry buddy which is why i was leaving hmm anyways i better go put my braces back on i'll see you guys later wait wait wait are we still good for that one-on-one session yup i'll be there i should be all healed up by then bye [Music] man i can't believe you get to play with lethal shooter so lucky i wouldn't be surprised if i was hanging out with him and drinks youtube you just saw a master at work boy ugh this thing itches maybe you should take it off you don't want your mom seeing it good for it i'll see you tomorrow oh my gosh no no don't put it away put it back on miss anderson's coming okay okay shoot you'll help me out help me out hey boys how you feeling that's so good yeah not good my arm really hurts probably wasn't a good idea to play earlier you got that right oh hey there's your mom i'm gonna go say hi oh no don't do that why not excuse me mrs anderson would you please assist me with these fuss please you sergeant okay i'll be right there i'll see you guys later bye i got those so close honey kick it off what's up guys oh mikey i'm so sorry your arm is in a brace your mom told me what happened thanks you did try to warn us [Music] jay what are you doing hey mom uh sorry i was putting something away come on let's get out of here well hold on where's isaac i do not know but can me and mikey please don't sit in the car why are you in such a rush just just wait right here and let me go find him fine hurry back on miss anderson's coming are you serious cover me cover me up okay okay sorry about that hey where did jay's mom go uh she went to get isaac sorry you missed her i have nothing to do i'll just i'll just wait here until she comes back uh she's probably gonna be golf for a long time i don't want to make you wait yeah okay well if that's the case i'll just get going so i hope your arm feels wait a minute wasn't your brace on the other arm no no it was on the right arm and i specifically remember that because you were trying to write with your left hand and you couldn't uh why did you switch arms well that's because the truth is here are both arms both arms yeah so you know i'm just trying to alternate them because i only have one brace is that so yep anyways mikey and i better get what happened to you oh my god where's isaac don't change the subject what happened to your arm i uh heard it playing basketball wait a minute you didn't know that he hurt his arm you told me your mom took you to the hospital last night i what why would you don't tell me that you made up an arm injury to get out of an exam no you were faking it all this time i can explain you save it you are in so much trouble young man i am so sorry he lied to you sadly i should have questioned him more i'll deal with this when we get home would it be possible for him to take the exam tomorrow yes but i don't have anything going on so i would be happy to give him the test right now well that sounds like a fabulous idea what no mom please i'm not ready to take that test i don't want to roll my chances of going to basketball camp oh you still thought you were going to basketball camp after that stunt even if you get a perfect score you're not going yes i am no you're not but lethal shooter said he coached me one-on-one oh that's too bad you shouldn't have lied should have known what happens in the dark always comes to light that's right come on jay let's go take that test and i'll take that yeah you want me to help you no just move all right it's the worst day ever mrs williams yes i'm sorry i i was wondering since jay isn't going to basketball camp anymore do you think i could have his ticket please you really think i don't know where he got this from it's the exact same as yours uh no it's not yes it is okay but he asked me for it it doesn't matter that makes you a culprit just wait until your mom finds out about this i'm pretty good with kids i have a bathroom no one's lasted more than a day with these i've got donuts my mouth is on fire look inside the mug i'll be fine
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 4,439,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 20sec (2780 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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