Adoption Stories of Hope and Love! | Dhar Mann

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so how much time are you saying that I have [Music] left about 12 [Music] months hi hi how can I help you um I think I'll get a medium coffee with cream and sugar would you like some hot cocoa honey with ex pleas and don't forget Berry he's tasty too okay of course can we get an extra cup for her Teddy sure so one medium coffee two Cocos and extra cream you got it Rock Paper Scissors Shoot I know rock paper scissor you I get started on those drinks there Matt oh yeah hey um Paul can I ask you something sure as long as you can work and talk of course did you ever feel like your life has no [Music] meaning you know um I used to feel like that a lot till I became a dad and my life took on a whole other sense of purpose there that's my boy is everything okay I um I just came back from my doctor's appointment seems like um my time is going to be limited my [Music] God I'm so sorry to hear that if there's anything that I can appreciate that I appreciate that here let me make these drinks for you okay [Music] thanks hey oh you're home early yeah the boss uh he let me leave early because um after he heard the news that was Taste of him yeah Natasha can we [Music] talk [Music] God I know that we've been going back and forth on whether or not we wanted to have kids for a a while now but I think that I know that's it's what I want now but you heard what the doctor said you wouldn't be around I know I know seen the birth of my child just feel like that would make me a happier man before like go like just just knowing that I could leave an impact in this world you know in some way you know with the're a little boy or a girl you know just leave my legacy behind I don't think that's a good idea I don't want to raise a child without a father it's my only wish this is the only thing that I want before I go Matthew no I'm I'm really sorry but I just can't there's something else I need to talk to you about why there suitcases [Music] [Music] here oh oh I'm sorry winie can I get you um the usual that'd be great thanks okay you know is everything okay you seem off it's been one heck of a week can I talk to you you know my wife Natasha right she left no I said I wanted a kid and instead of saying yeah she just packed her stuff and she just left gone that's so awful I'm sorry I can't believe she'd do that to you it's complicated it's complic well hey you know I'm sure you'll find someone great yeah I mean it's just a lot of time you know start all over again and then it's like that's the one thing that I don't have right now is the time just wanted to be a dad well there's always adoption that's what I did there's this great place nearby um here that's their info thank you yeah I'm sorry for you know bringing the mood down and everything like that it just been a rough couple of days just thought my life be a lot different you know like I could make a difference just not panning out the way that I envisioned it well as one person you may not be able to change the world but that doesn't mean you can't change the world for one person can we hurry it up I have places to be sure one moment oh I'm sorry you can't come back here oh I work here now Kayla why don't you help this gentleman thank you Matt can I talk to you for a second what's going on I hate to do this to you but I have to let you go what what why this is supposed to be a happy place where people can come and forget about their problems they don't want to hear about other people's problems I'm sorry but I I have to think about our future here too what am I supposed to do don't worry I'll make sure that you get a big Severance just to hold you [Music] over [Music] Matthew hi Gina nice to meet you nice to meet you so we reviewed your paperwork and everything looks great but I did notice that you left this blank I'm assuming you don't have a terminal illness so if you can check this box right here we will be on her that's not necessarily true oh I'm so sorry but unfortunately that means that you can't adopt no please don't I you don't know how much this means to me quite frankly it's unfair to the child and it's against our agency policy I wish there was more I could do I'm sorry what about her oh that's Tara unfortunately we just found out that she's sick the doctors say that she only has another 3 [Music] months she's going to be going to the hospital soon so [Music] let me adopt her no let me adopt her I can take care of her better than any doctor will I don't think that is no tin you don't understand I know what she's going through she can relate to me plus let me look like I have 12 months she has three I can be there for her G do you really want to see a little girl it's been the last few months of her life in a hospital let me go talk to her thank you thank [Music] [Music] you all right this is it so uh what do you think it's nice well I'm glad you like it uh so what do you want to do today we can do whatever you want do I have to call you Dad you can call me mad dad pale whatever are you hungry I can go make you something to eat hey [Music] look I know what you're going through is really really hard and it's super unfair but I'm in the same boat as you now either we could be super sad about it or we can make the best of it I say we make the best of it what do you say and I have chocolate chip pancakes you can get whatever you want let's go [Music] okay when I [Music] I never felt this way I finally see the light I've been lost in search for something beyond the Blue Sky I'll never be the same you're bringing me back to life when you open up my eyes to see you've been with me all this [Music] time [Music] [Music] you I've been so lost without you yeah I'm so glad you all right I'm just not really hungry okay do you want to want to go lay down all it's going to be all right okay I'm going to take you to the hospital you're going to be fine is she okay does she need to stay overnight M you might want to sit down I'm so sorry it's scar me happening I wish it weren't true but we all knew this was coming I love that girl it just feel like my heart my heart is just being ripped out of my chest for the third time in 3 months she knew you loved her and you were there for her you you did a great thing you know I thought that if I adopted a child I would have some purpose you have purpose you served a very valuable purpose oh I feel worse we're going to help you with your grief um thank you Sirah this was hers she want you to have [Music] it it's going to be okay you did [Music] good [Music] what's this [Music] Dear Matt if you're reading this it means my time is up please don't be sad you see when the doctor told me everything the hardest part wasn't finding out I was going to die the hardest part was being all alone I just wanted someone I could talk to someone that would love me but as soon as they found out they went the other [Music] way over time I gave up hope until you came along thank you for taking me in these past few months they have meant the world to me to be loved by someone that is all I ever wanted I'm sorry you couldn't have kids on your own but I'm so happy that you adopted me because you're the best parent any kid could ever ask for you changed my life and I'll always be grateful for that I love you Dad your daughter [Music] Tara I make the minimum payment every single month I don't understand my interest went up again hey Mama watch out for this kidy 24% that is ridiculous you guys are robbing what oh my God oh my gosh I am so sorry hello ma'am you still there you know I'm just going to close my account and go with another company how's that Crooks 24% who charges that okay yeah uh but mom mom please no more talking on the phone while driving you almost hit that kid I know I know I'm sorry son I feel so bad he looks homeless yeah well it's not a problem and listen I'm going to be late for track practice so let's go give me a second I want to see if he needs any help what be right back how are you going to help him we're barely getting by ourselves oh stop here this is all I have are you sure then what are you going to eat don't worry about it I'll find something I always do hey um I just wanted to apologize again for earlier are are you my goodness at such a young age I I couldn't imagine how hard that must be I I'm Jackie Pedro Pedro if you don't mind me asking um how did you become homeless it's not something I like to talk about that's okay understand hold on um could I do something for you I don't have much but I I have a few dollars in the car no thanks I'm good I don't need anything could I offer you a a hot shower or a hot meal at my place I take her up on that Pedro when's the last time you had a hot shower I don't want to be an inconvenience no you wouldn't be it's the least I can do considering I almost hit you Mom let's go I'm going to be late please come I'll bring you right back after dinner do you uh need to tell someone to watch your stuff or oh shoot you're right someone someone might steal my plasma TV or or my [Laughter] Rolex I'm joking no one here would steal my stuff and it's it's it's not like it's worth anything anyways okay all right guys some of you know only four of you will make the team which means two of you won't what it means to say is there's only three spots open cuz I'm guaranteed to get one ah yeah very funny Tony regardless how confident you are only the fastest for will make this team guys got 3 months until triy outs so give you guys enough time to get in shape okay we'll come back and pick up Jamal later I'll take you to my home now so you can get a shower actually can we stay a bit longer I want to see them run oh sure you like track yeah learning is uh my favorite thing in the world well at least he used to be oh if we're going to stay I should probably put a quarter in the meter I'll be back hey freak you got the wrong sport or something shouldn't you be trying out for Hopscotch hey y I got one I got one hey yo you should applied to that bar across the street I heard they're looking for bar hop no no wait wait wait wait in case that doesn't work out you can always work at uh I help on very funny but um even with one leg I would still smoke you on the track you know your lucky coach is here otherwise I'd oh oh you smell awful when was the last time you showered a year ago yo Jamal why was this guy with your mom is he your friend or something him why you really think I'd be friends with a bum get out of here hey you guys came here a joke around to get some work done come on let's go come on let's go hustle let's go hey I saw those boys talking to you what were they saying nothing and uh actually can we leave now I just I realized I I really do want to take that shower oh [Music] yeah can't believe we're having Muhammad again and we are wasting our food on him just make sure after he eats to take him back what he smells and Mom at track all the guys were making fun of me for how'd everything go wow you clean up nice thanks um I appreciate the set of crutches and the new clothes you gave him my stuff I don't know why you're getting so worked up you haven't used those crutches ever since you hurt your ankle in middle school and you haven't worn that sweatsuit in ages that does not mean that I was ready to give it away I I could always just go back to no it's fine Jamal doesn't need those clothes now please have a seat I made dinner for us is this Ramen yes sorry it's the only thing we have until I get paid on Friday it's been a little um um I actually prefer steak and lobster till this is a total downgrade no I'm just messing with you guys I can't remember the last time I had a hot meal this is a awesome I forgot how great your sense of humor is so uh is it just the two of you who live here mhm yeah um Jamal's father used to live here but that was a long time ago um why do he why do you move out there none of your business you're right I'm sorry I asked no it's fine I'll tell you you see Jamal's father he wasn't a nice man at times and let's just say that he was he had a drinking problem when he would get drunk he he I'm I'm I'm sorry I'm sorry asked I'm we don't have to talk about it no [Music] more so what's up with the leg Jamal that is not polite to ask oh so he can ask about Dad but I can't ask him any questions how's that work he's right um not too many people know about this story but I'll tell you guys you see not so long ago um I used to be a a runner too and I was pretty good at it I just won a race and me and my parents were going to go out to celebrate BR e on our way there with my mom in the passenger and my dad behind the wheel me in the back a drunk driver came came out of nowhere and he uh he he ran the stoplight and I I was lucky enough to I was lucky enough to just lose a leg but [Music] my my parents they weren't so lucky [Music] it I am so sorry Pedro I can't imagine all the pain you must have hey shouldn't you gotten some big settlement from the insurance how are you homeless no um I never found him since there was a hidden run what about the government they didn't help you at all I mean put you in foster care or I don't know anything no they saw me as an adult since I had just turned 18 my parents only had Insurance on their car and so when I got out of the hospital I had nowhere to go nowhere so I wound up on the streets I'm I'm sorry i' I I kind of lost my appetite do you do you do you mind if I take this to go of course and you can stay the night if you want I mean I can take you back in the morning no um thank you but uh I'm I'm sure of this I'll I'll go get my [Music] stuff wow I can't believe all of that happened tell feel so bad you know we should should do something nice for yeah I already have an [Music] idea Pedro Pedro hi excuse me do you know where Pedro is shoot um oh is there any way to get a hold of him does he have a phone or anything right okay all right well thank you you got any money hey hey hey I was looking for you are you free right now yeah no actually I'm I'm very busy right now I I had just planned lunch with the president of the United States so uh I I can always just cancel no I'm I'm not really doing anything good okay come with me I have a surprise for you well what is it you'll see and actually I'm going to go and get your stuff because you're going to be gone for a while don't don't worry I won't forget to pack your Rolex yeah my Rolex oh and my TV and your TV [Music] gotcha so how's it feel like I never lost it in the first place I still can't believe everything you did to give me this well luckily I was able to get an extra shift at the restaurant and get a payment plan for the prosthetic everything worked out wow gosh you you helped me with my surgery you you give me a place to stay you give me food I I don't know how I'm ever going to repay you I do I got you a job at the restaurant you'll be washing dishes for the next year I gotta I told you you're not the only one that got jokes no seriously though you don't have to pay me back at all I just wanted to help you you seem like a nice kid and I saw how you gave that homeless woman an apple that was really nice yeah well before the accident my parents always said Pedro God gave us two hands one for helping ourselves and the other for helping others so I try to help whenever I can that's beautiful your parents sound like such lovely people I wish I could have met met him anyway are you ready for your next surprise there's there's something else mhm I save the best for last come on let's go good work boys take five we'll start again to hey Jamal how was the view from back there can't yo yo yo check it out somebody's got a new leg over there hey hey hey what are you guys doing here I'm not sure your mom said I was a surprise Jamal so you do know this freak hey I got this mom um yeah is this is Pedro and he's like my brother so I'd appreciate it if you don't make any mean comments so what you're like his protector now or in other words his shoulder to lean on man you got jokes I'll give you that but I saw how slow you were out there as a runner you suck stick to being a comedian hey Pedro I heard that you are going to be trying on for a attracting so this is your last surprise what I know how much you love running so I talked to the coach and he said it wasn't too late for you to try out if you want to that is no way are you are you kidding I would love to you can't be serious him run with us yeah right what's so funny about that come on look at you there's no way you'll make our team they do have a special League just for people like you this guy tweak it or what run with us you know well how about this we're run one-onone I win you stay out for good if you win I just want answer Pedro no I don't think that's a good idea you're on freak let's go Pedro are you sure about this you just barely got your new leg youve running a long time man I feel really good about [Music] this besides someone's got to teach him a lesson yo Pedro are we doing this or what or don't tell me you getting cold feet or should I say cold foot see go get him I don't I don't think this is oh no all right fellas first person to reach that cone and come back here wins all right ready wait wait wait wait let's make this a little more fair there I'll start from back here all right ready set [Music] he's slow now fre come on come on come on [Music] on get up get up get oh no oh my god dude are you all right fine I'm fine I'm still getting used to this leg can't believe I lost dude you did amazing you should be so proud proud proud of what finishing last and not even be able to compete anymore Jamal's right you did amazing if you wouldn't have fallen you would have beaten me I take back everything I said I'm sorry you should definitely try out for a track team seriously but what about our bet forget about the BET us winning races as a team is more important plus we're better off with youn Tony's right about that so does that mean we'll see you tomorrow at trials Pedro yeah I'll be there oh guys I'm sorry I got to take this why are you guys calling me again I said I would have the money soon all right see you go see you see you back see you yeah yeah my mom is like the nicest person ever unless you're the collection agent and then she's not so I can see that no no no I said soon do you not understand what that means excuse me are you Pedro Gonzalez can I speak to you for a sec sure listen we finally found the driver that hit your parents' car he's been arrested Meed for hid and run I just thought you should know plus here's his insurance info he's got full coverage so if I had to guess you've got a pretty nice payday coming to you thank you so much they got him man they finally got him and it looks like you're going to be r which I already know the first thing I'm going to do buy a Rolex huh no I'm joking I'm going to pay for your mom's credit [Music] card hey well if you feeling extra generous and want to throw in a iPhone or a uh new car for me then I won't stop you all right I don't know I don't know when I know you'll know okay are you going to perform a miracle huh okay great great great so I'll send you the bill excuse me where do you think you're going uh I'm having Thomas take me to Stacy's to use her hot tub okay well you can't just leave the house whenever you want Jennifer uh why not we have a driver for a reason come on let's go no no no Thomas doesn't work for you okay he works for us and you have to ask for permission anytime that you leave this house this place is like a prison if we had a hot tub I wouldn't have to leave but we don't this is just temporary I've explained this to you our house is being renovated Renovations that you wanted so it's common sense to expand the pool at a movie theater and a basketball court we have all those things at our house in Star Island so why would we not have that here in La if I knew we'd be staying in this dump during summer I would have left to Florida hello are you hearing this Jenny there is nothing wrong with this place plenty of people would killed to live in a home this nice yeah well they can kill me too I'm sick of feeling like a prisoner here see this is exactly what I was scared of her growing up so privileged she has no idea what it was like for us growing up poor true oh honey this is heartbreaking what happened there was an accident on the 405 oh and it was a whole family head on collision jeez both parents died and only the daughter survived and she was around Jenny's age too that's awful I don't even want to imagine what that poor girl must be feeling right now this looks so good I want to try some sure I'll you this no problem gross what's wrong now I asked for medium well not medium it should be less pink on the inside honey nobody can tell the difference between medium or medium well okay just try it no way I'm eating that where's the waiter the waiter just dropped off our food a minute ago maybe I don't know exercise some patience seriously dad Jenny a girl just lost both of her parents and you're over here complaining about a steak at a kitchenin restaurant do you have any idea how you're sounding right now I don't care I wanted to go to mastros anyway they would have made it right that's it I'm finding Jenny please don't I cannot believe her I know God I mean she doesn't appreciate anything at all oh I forgot to tell you that um I did a little bit of research on the girl that lost both of her parents and they put her in an adoption center and you know that must be so traumatizing and they're going to keep her there until someone you know until they can find a place for her and I really want to help look you get paid enough to do your job so why don't you just do it I mean are you trying to poison me stop disgusting not even cook like also it like we really have created a monster haven't we you think it's a joke right we're going to need to leave a big tip I'm sorry we only have a size five are you kidding me they don't even have my size I'm sorry sweetheart but maybe there's another fashion come let's go to another mall but this is already the third Mall we've been to so these are the heels that Kim K wore I need them honey honey good news yeah I just found out we're the girl from the news um I'm kind of in a shopping crisis right now please sweetie anyway so it turns out that we actually donate a lot of money to the center that she's at her name is Ally and told her we wanted to meet her and adopt her so excited no you're not adopting her I like being an only child and it's going to stay that way okay but that's not your decision to make Jennifer you're going to call them back right now your mom's right this is not your decision first we live in some crappy apartment all summer and now you're telling me I might have a sister you guys are literally the worst I'm having Thomas take me to another Mall anyways I scheduled it for Monday so it looks like it's Ali is a really sweet girl it's truly tragic what has happened and that she has no other family to go to the only good news about this is that she wasn't hurt in the acci accident but she's struggling really hard with the loss of her parents as you can imagine it's terrible poor thing I really appreciate both of you for caring so much and trying to help let me go grab Ali and you two hang tight how you feeling you okay I mean I'm just I I'm nervous is all I I don't know how she's going to be here what she's going to think of journy this is Ellie Ellie this is Mr Mrs Santos hi Ellie um it's it's so nice to meet you we heard about what happened to your parents on the news we're so sorry thanks so Mr and Mrs Santos are great people they've done a lot for this organization here I'm sure they take great care of you they even have a daughter your age would you be interested in going home with them that would mean you wouldn't have to stay here we totally understand if if you're not ready um we can always come back at a later time that's [Music] fine your home is beautiful I've never been anywhere this nice see you later going to support with Kimberly Jenny this is Ally the girl we've been telling you about right hi it's nice to meet you hey why don't you stay for a bit and welcome Ali into our home then we'll all go to the mall together that's actually a great idea because we have to stop by Ali's little Department anyways to pick up some clothes so we could just go there first first of all don't call this place our home Ally are you hungry let me know what you want and I'll have our Chef make it for you uh do you have some tortillas and cheese I can just make myself a guilla ew gross wait there's only two bedrooms in this house yes and so where is Ally going to sleep you guys are going to have to share a room until the house is being done renovated but then you guys each get your own room are you kidding me there's no way I'm sharing a room with her Jenny be nice it's really not a problem I don't mind sipping on the couch that's where I need to sleeping in anyway great we'll get you some nice blankets too I'll take the siuna and tell Alfred to hurry up the store closes early today like I'm sor so sorry about her don't pay attention to her she's complicated but you'll get used to it that's one way of putting it Che down right here what are you doing uh uh are we taking a different car uh no but why are you opening your own door we have drivers for that oh um thank you you're very welcome Ally I know it's a little odd but you'll get used to it over time it was weird for me when we first got a driver let's go to the Beverly Center we have to stop by Ali's first if we get there after the store is closed I'm going to be so mad everyone buckled up gosh I thought our apartment was bad were you getting your house renovated too no this is was our home OMG so you used to live here like permanently how could you survive in a place like this Jenny what I'm just saying there's no pool no spot and look at this TV e that's enough you know not everyone is as privileged as you I'm so sorry can I start by helping you grab a few things sure if you wouldn't mind not at all here's a garbage bag to put everything in a garbage bag you don't have like a suitcase or something no then what did you guys travel with we've never been anywhere well we drove to San Diego once because my dad had an interview I'm sure being back here is pretty tough on you it's okay I'm going to start grabbing these the bedroom ooh I want to see your closet you've got to have something better than that to wear I can have her wait in the car if you want she's fine but thanks wow your room is so small this wasn't just my room we all shared it why I'd sleep on the couch seriously I could never where are the rest of your clothes did you leave them at the adop agency no these are all my clothes you're kidding right where are your purses your shoes your jewelry you're looking at everything I have and you're not mad about that I could never live a day without my Louis or Chanel honestly I've never had a fraction of what you have but I had everything I needed you see other kids may have nicer clothes bigger houses nicer things but I never cared because I had my family even if we were just playing board games and eating TV dinners we made the most out of it to me family is the most valuable thing in the [Music] world I would give anything to just see my parents one more time to tell them I love them to hug them I miss them so much I still can't believe they're [Music] gone I feel so bad I'm so sorry for what happened Ali just don't ever take your family for granted we just got done filming a video for dar's channel I got pied in the face so did he well well well looks like a successful shopping trip did they have the shoes you were looking for yeah they did but I didn't get them why not seems like you guys got a lot of other stuff yeah actually none of it is for me it's all for you what no yes me and mom wanted to surprise you it's our way of saying welcome to the family that's so nice but this is way too much I don't need all this please keep it I promise you I don't have any more room in my closet look at that Allie's only been here for a couple of days and she's already rubbed off so much on Jenny all right I'll grab your blanket and pillows right wait no she won't be needing that what do you mean I think I'm fine sharing my room with my new sister are you sure yep I realized now there's nothing more valuable in life than family wow I'm shocked I just don't know what to say other than I'm proud of you chenny you know why don't we all go out to dinner to celebrate Ally moving in with us yeah sounds like a great idea and we'll make sure that your steak is medium well not medium actually I was thinking we could just have casadas for dinner today over mastros well if you say so wait you never said anything about mastros maybe we can save the casadas for tomorrow night let's go okay we pick Alex Emmy D no no way are you sticking us with Matthew what's wrong with Matthew bro look at him look at the way that he tied his shirt I'd rather be one player down than have him on my team well you don't have a choice Matthew you're with James list just stay out of the way weren't going to win against us anyways Matthew is going to make your chances any [Music] worse [Music] come on man thanks a lot you're going to make us lose sorry I love this you should always have Matthew on your team yeah right no one wants him not even his own parents what do you mean oh you don't know he's an orphan isn't that right orphan boy leave me alone James his little boy going to cry God you're pathetic you're never amount to anything in your life you're just going to be a weird Outcast hey I heard that don't talk to Matthew that way are you okay um yeah you want me to report him to the principal no it's okay that'll only make things worse all right you let me know if you change your mind the first step is to apply the shade trap Queen all over your lips what is that oh it's a makeup tutorial on YouTube oh why are you watching that I thought only girls were into that kind of thing uh yeah that's right Sam they are no boys can be into it too I want to be a makeup artist one day here look no I'm sorry I meant uh no more videos at the table yeah and you shouldn't be looking at that sort of thing Sam but but why not well um uh because I'll get that good evening Miss Williams hello uh is he ready yeah come on in what are you doing here hi Matt I'm here to pick you up are you ready to go what is she talking about I'm sorry Matt it's just not the right fit you're giving up on me already but I just got here Mom Dad who who is this uh you know what Sam how about you go to your room I'll be there in just a bit but but Mom I Sam go to your room honey we really wanted this to work I we think it'd be best if you went with another foster home we don't think you're a good influence on Sam we're worried that you're rubbing off on them it's nothing personal Matthew why don't you go pack your bag I'll be here waiting for [Music] you check it out is he painting his nails what a freak come on hey Matt uh these seats taken oh no you can sit if you want dude I'm kidding you would never want to sit with you no one does that's not true really look around no kid would want to be caught dead sitting with the boy who paints his nails pink jeez you really are a freak whatever laugh all you want you'll see me with celebrities when I'm a famous makeup artist one day then the joke will be on you yeah right I mean if the kids from our school won't even hang out with you what makes you think celebrities will we're going to be NBA stars and you're always going to be be a freak give me the nail polish back oh you you want it yes sure just take it hey give it back now I don't want to catch you picking on Matthew ever again I'm serious you hear me I'm so sorry you have to deal with this if you like I can sit with you I appreciate it did but no offense everyone will probably laugh at me more if I have lunch with a teacher what about this you grab your stuff and we can have lunch in my classroom I'll walk out in the hallway and wait for you so they don't see us walking out together all right I guess [Music] okay loser loser I really like your nail polish oh yeah wish my nails were as cool your color really compliments oh now I can't remember how to say it um my skin tone yes wow how do you know so much about all this I really like Glam I want to be a famous makeup artist one day maybe even have my own Cosmetics line is that so well I think you'd be great at that what's what's the first step maybe I could help um I mean I could start by recording makeup tutorials on YouTube but I don't know I'd probably be judged H I'm too shy I can never be a YouTuber you want to know what I say what it doesn't matter what people think because whatever you believe you can achieve you just need to have a little faith and confidence in yourself and you can do anything do you really think people are going to want to watch my videos sure they will I'll even be your first follower I I think you mean subscriber oh yeah sub so I'm a huge fan of live glam's pretty pout lip oil it's application is so smooth and it's uh finish is perfection how about some ice cream yay ice cream hey you why the long face it's just hard you know seeing all these kids get adopted and I'm still here actually I have some good news for you hi we're looking for Laura Williams Oh that's me you must be Mr and Mrs Martin who's just about to tell Matthew about you get excited they're here to adopt you it is so great to finally meet you Laura has told us so many great things I'm going to go get the paperwork oh no who did this to your nails is somebody picking on you in here you know what we can get this off with some nail polish remover actually I I did them myself do do you like them um okay so just need your signature in a couple of places actually could you give us a moment yeah sure thanks [Music] a yeah okay right hi um I'm sorry but we're not going able to go through the adoption what's the issue you didn't tell us that he was you know what he's what we'll be in touch thank you [Music] thanks man what you got there Matthew mind your own business and the boys in an extra bad mood today huh look I'm I'm sorry stop give it back take it please just give me that back I'm serious hand what's in here no you know this [Music] back see you later loser Matthew what happened it's nothing was it James again he's right what do you mean I'm a loser and I'm never going to be anything else Matthew don't say that where is all this coming from I can't even find parents who love me man that is not true that's not true at all it is a few days ago this couple came in ready to adopt me and then they took one look at my nails and decided they didn't want me anymore you know it's hard watching kid after kid get adopted when I can't even keep a foster family around longer than a month what's wrong with me Miss K nothing nothing is wrong with you then why doesn't anybody do you want me hey you what are you doing here I hope you don't mind me just showing up like this but I had some news I couldn't wait to share with you what that I'll be going to another foster home for about a week before they find out no not at all we found someone who wants to adopt you did you tell them about you know she already knew Miss Kaine I told you it wasn't true that nobody wanted you because I want you I mean that's okay I I don't want to put any pressure on you you know adopt a you and so does this mean you'll be my um Mom yes can I call you that of course I mean maybe not in front of the other students just yet but I can't believe somebody finally wants me I promise you're never going to have to feel alone again or worry about being judged or abandoned so I'm going to be right here to support you forever no matter what this is the best day of my life thanks to miss Kane Matthew finally got what he's always wanted a parent that would love him unconditionally now mat you had someone to eat lunch with and talk to so he doesn't have to be alone anymore as time goes on Miss Kane encourages Matthew to start his YouTube channel with his mom's support he finally starts to come out of his shell he starts recording all the time making lifestyle videos to show his personality and doing makeup unboxings and tutorials so so many young people relate to him and love his authenticity eventually he ends up gaining a following he even starts getting recognized everywhere he goes several years pass and he becomes one of the biggest makeup artists and works with influencers and celebrities he couldn't be happier and then he gets a visit from an unexpected person person can I just say I feel so honored to be doing your makeup right now I have followed you on IG since high school oh you're so sweet I'm the one who feels honored I know how hard it is to book you well for the record I am always available for you a thank you so much course my husband's here to pick me up is there anything else you need before I leave I think I'm good also I just want to say I'm a super big fan of everything you do and your little ones are so cute I have a little one too a thank you so much much do you mind if I take this hey babe I just want to say thank you again for this opportunity my husband just got laid off so this really means a lot plus this is my dream job sorry Amelia wouldn't stop begging me to come inside she's running around here somewhere honey meet my new boss this is Matthew hi I'm James yeah hey how have you been wait you two know each other yeah we went to the same school as kids oh yeah we we weren't all that close so I don't even think we had a single class together that's amazing that's so funny oh my gosh is this your guys daughter hi I'm Matthew hello hello she's a little shy to meet you cuz she watches all your YouTube videos what you do yeah I want to be a makeup YouTuber when I go up too but I don't know if I can why not some kids at school make fun of her for it don't pay attention to them you can be anything you want to in life really think so absolutely because like my mom would always tell me whatever you believe you can achieve you just have to have faith in yourself and you can do anything thanks I like that hey why don't you guys go into the studio and let her pick out whatever product she wants yeah sound yeah thank you so much can you say thank you thank you I just wanted to say I'm sorry I never made it to the NBA but I can see clearly you made it congrats on everything really it's impressive thank you Daddy I want to see how this lipstick looks is it okay if I put it on you uh why don't you ask your mom honey I did she already has lipstick on is it okay if I put it on you uh sure uh my daughter loves putting makeup on me never could have imagined doing this back in school [Music] that is so cute honey you look great I love that color it really suits your skin tone you know uh Leah honey I was thinking maybe that we could adoption will I want to have my own my own blood I'm not willing to give up yet I get that and I really want that as well but you heard what the doctor said maybe this is the only way just please consider it family doesn't require blood it requires [Music] love oh hi can I help you does will Lancaster live here um it depends who might you be I think I'm his [Music] daughter hi sweetie what's your name Josie Josie Franklin well it's very nice to meet you Josie but I think there's been a little bit of a mistake you used to date my mom Jamie she said she never told you about me Jamie Franklin wow that's been over a decade uh how old are you Josie I'm 10 I'm going to go want to sit down I'm going to need to sit down just give us a sec okay um just stay right [Music] there will what is going on the timing makes sense I mean she could be mine but wasn't Jamie your crazy ex-girlfriend who always used to use you yeah I know and I haven't seen her in years where's your mom did she bring you here we were living on the streets and she passed away recently she told me my dad's name right before so I looked it up on the library computer well why don't you come inside come on in and and wash up the bathroom's right over there and we have plenty of towels what are you doing we don't know this girl can't just let her into our home well what are we supposed to do just put her back in the streets she's a kid even if she gets help she'll be in falser care until she's 18 look if Josie's my daughter I can't let that happen to her what if she's not she could be lying her mom could be lying she could be a total stranger I know that just sounds crazy okay I get that and it's totally unexpected but I feel responsible for that little girl all right so let's just do whatever we can to help or at least find her a good home hey are you hungry yeah do you like pasta according to police records Jamie Franklin is presumed dead without her mother it will take some time to get approval for a DNA test uh so what can we do now well we can take her in or maybe we can sign you up for temporary custody I really don't want her going through the system so we can take her in I mean for [Music] now we're trying to have a kid so maybe this is the universe you know giving us a test run just to be clear well this is only temporary I can help you get started with the paperwork meanwhile I'll try to find other family she may have please as soon as possible you got a bad feeling about all of this this one's cute why don't you try on these and then meet us out here okay all right come on didn't you always want to do this take out a little princess make her look cute and take her to Disneyland and get matching outfits yeah with my own daughter not with some girl I don't even know well while we have her can we just make her feel comfortable okay please $300 a 10-year-old girl does not need a purse this expensive wow I did not realize it was that expensive look it's okay it's it's not a problem look she's never had stuff like this in her whole life I mean remember what she was wearing when we found her just because you're a lawyer and you make great money it doesn't mean you need to spend so much wow you look great this is perfect let's get this one do you like it Leah me yeah you look beautiful I love your bracelet can I get one like that oh sweetie that's a very expensive bracelet but we'll save that for another time okay can I wear this out now I don't see why not but why don't you try on the rest of your outfits okay now she wants a bracelet she's just a little kid you know she doesn't know any [Music] [Music] better is that what you wanted yes thank you I love it hey guys have either of you seen any jewelry laying around I'm missing something from my box no I haven't I haven't seen your bracelet either how did you know it was my bracelet that was missing oh uh I just figured it was because you wear it the most interesting so you wouldn't mind me taking a look in your backpack hey Josie why don't you take this and set it up in your bedroom and I'll be there in a few okay why would you ask her that you basically are accusing Josie of stealing your bracelet don't you find it a little suspicious that she knew exactly what was missing without me saying anything was a wild guess well I mean can you just please ease up she's just a kid what are you doing just making sure see I told you she didn't steal anything do you feel better now I will feel better once I find my bracelet do you ever consider there's other possibilities besides our daughter being a thief our daughter is that what you're calling her now you haven't even gotten your DNA results back yet okay well regardless of to that family doesn't just require blood I'm going to go find my bracelet press stop bookside Elementary all right there jie I'm going to be in trial and Leah's is going to be picking you up after school Leah yes I know it isn't as good as your other bracelet but you can wear this until you find it I made it for you you made this for me wow thanks so sweet of you you're welcome that's so nice Josie all right well you don't want to be late have a great day at school Bye Bill bye Mia how cute was that I have to say she's growing on me she's so sweet it's just hard to believe that she's Jam's kid but then again maybe she does have my blood and that would make a lot I said so we'll see gosh I feel so bad now I'm sorry for how I've been treating her I guess deep down I just feel sad because seeing Josie is a reminder of that we can't that I can't hey it's okay it's okay I understand and I'm sorry that I rushed you into this whole thing you know and without even seeing how you felt oh my gosh some man just took Josie what let's go who is he I don't know but I'm going to find out just wait a sec it looks like they know each other she's giving him Nintendo switch why would she do that and the purse my bracelet I told you she took my bracelet I knew it that's it I'm going to go confront up wait a sec I'll be smart about this do you still have friends at the police station we should go there and talk to them and see what they have to say and go from there I just knew there was something off about her I can't believe it I trusted her I should have listened to you [Music] we have to leave in 5 minutes oh and will I need the cash for the new bank account okay sure let me go get that are you done sweetie MH right 500 right yeah I'm just going to grab my purse then we can go all right sounds good I need to grab my watch okay sweetie so wait right [Music] [Music] here okay you ready to go all right don't forget your bag [Music] let me get that for you ladies all right this all for you uh oh I love it let's get this one too Mark you Hur the lady gotcha doesn't mommy look pretty sweetie all righty that brings your total to about 6789 you could uh excuse me one moment we don't have change for these big bills up [Music] here okay this is good Josie but we're going to need more next time okay can you do that for us baby yeah the guy's a lawyer I bet he has so much money that he won't even notice how much longer do I have to do this I don't like stealing from them they've been really nice nice to me this isn't about being nice Josie don't forget the plan what's going on ma'am I'm going to need you to change out of that dress what why she looks great in that thing you guys are coming with me you're using counterfeit bills wait there's no way that what did you do I don't know what's going on I swear come on you can explain this all to the cops they're on their way I swear officer this we didn't do anything wrong then how do you explain this counterfeit money huh we got it from someone else someone paid us with it this is all one big misunderstanding you're not going to believe this she's been presumed dead and he has a bunch of warrants out for his arrest mhm going anywhere come on now take it easy this is all your fault she didn't do anything you fell for our trap she have known it was you behind us the whole time always finding ways to use me but this is a new low I have no idea what you're talking about let me give you some advice uh the next time that you're using a kid to scam someone make sure that your idiot boyfriend doesn't pick them up in front of their school I would never do that to my daughter Technically she's not your daughter she's in our custody because you died remember I was going to clear that up you can't prove that I did anything wrong you're wearing the evidence well I wouldn't have to do this if he wasn't such a deadbeat dad he owes me 10 years of child support I never even knew that Josie existed how do I owe you money for not even knowing that I had a daughter I'm not actually your daughter she told me to lie so that she can make money out of you I'm so sorry well this does complicate things seeing as how the mother is alive we're going to have to take her into custody as well just to we sort this out come on let's go follow us it's [Music] okay well I guess you don't have to worry about Josie anymore oh I'm sorry that I didn't listen to [Music] you I didn't bother to take my watches did you see anything missing yeah my PS5 is gone did they take anything else no I don't think so why would some just break in what's wrong nothing I'm fine how was your day good um I have a surprise for you oh yeah what's in the bag oh this too but first Josie hi I don't understand what's going on well I thought about what you said about family doesn't require blood it only requires love and we're adopting Josie that is fantastic Josie welcome to the family again thanks and I'm so sorry oh no no sweetheart that was not your fault we know what happened I have a gift for you really mhm we're going to Disneyland hey oh so cute thanks Leah thanks will and if you want you could call us Mom and Dad I'd love [Music] that where's Dad's ears uh right aha Mr and Mrs Thompson okay evaluation was completed I see you attended our adoption event last month we did and we met the sweetest boy Russell we were hoping that we could finish this process as soon as possible we got his room all set up and ready for him I'm sorry but it looks like Russell had a few potential matches oh he was already adopted well maybe we could look at someone else there had to be a child that didn't get picked at the event I just was pictur and spending my birthday with our child maybe even a trip to Harry Potter World no that would make me so happy is there anything we can do oh my gosh what about the boy over there playing te party he seems adorable yeah that's Michael he's been known to be a bit problematic problematic what do you mean well let's just say none of the parents that tried to adopt Michael lasted for more than 2 weeks and since I've been here he's been through at least six different households that sounds awful I bet that that has had an emotional tolling on him actually he's fine with it it's usually the parents who leave here traumatized and afraid of him my goodness really that sweet boy I don't believe it he just needs a good home with loving parents M I believe that hurt people people hurt people yes can't we take them please I have a really good feeling about this I tell you what let's call this a pre-placement I'll arrange for you both to Foster Michael for 30 days and if it all works out then we can sign the placement agreement I know it'll be a good fit I just I just know it we're going to be his Lucky Seven we'll see and if it all works out and this is a good fit bring this back to me signed okay oh and here's his portfolio H there barely anything in here yeah the kids a mystery what can I tell you are you ready to meet him yeah all right hey Michael can I talk to you for a second this is Amy and John Thompson and they want to adopt you really yeah wow that's great hey guys I'm getting adopted finally so when are we leaving this dump ah I missed the smell of freedom really fine what is he doing with a watch Almost Got Away With It All right Bud let's get you home I bet you're starving sure am what's for dinner how about meatloaf and veggies how does that sound yuck that sounds dis disgusting I hate vegetables I get sick just thinking of them oh I have an idea how about we get pizza now Michael Amy was really looking forward to cooking for you she went grocery shopping and everything there's a fridge full of food you know what pizza sounds delicious I'd love to get some maybe he just needs to get used to us first before we sit down as a family all right pizza it is yes I know a great place by the all all right mod if I drive he's not serious is he wait Michael you cannot drive maybe when you get your driver's license but now we can't wait to show you your new homes you're going to love it there are new toys in your room already and a new drum set in case you want to learn wow really I'm going to rock out just like this okay Little RockStar you stay to join for later okay okay you know we don't need these for the pizza okay anything else I can get you for now can we get a side of anies you don't like vegetables but you want anies you of course honey a side of anchovies please sure thing I'll be right back with those so Michael tell us what type of hobbies do you have do you like to read or ride your bik I like to watch movies okay cool what kind of movies do you like I like movies with violence and action and curse words my favorite curse words in the movie okay that's okay we don't need to hear that what about familyfriendly movies have you ever seen any of the Harry Potter films oh well then I have a great idea for a movie marathon what about friends Michael you have any friends no not really kind of hard to make friends where I'm from not a lot of kids in that old apartment old apartment do you mean when you live with your parents do you have a lot of memories from back then actually I don't really want to talk about it where's that waiter with my anchovies enjoy oh I will oops I uh dropped my napkin could you reach it for me thanks all right yeah there you go thank you is that the uh bathroom over there uh no I think that's the kitchen entrance did you have to go to the bathroom nope I was just curious okay there's an anro in my drink garon Michael did you could we please get out to go box yeah yeah what we're leaving already what about dessert I want dessert I want dessert I want dessert oh okay okay we'll get some dessert we'll just get it on the way home we just really need to get out of here okay sorry everybody sorry here we are ice cream yeah can we get cookie dough sure cookie dough ice cream it is no no no no no cookie dough and ice cream you want both mhm separately yep okay cookie dough cookie dough cookie dough cookie dough cookie cookie uh excuse me uh you know where I can find the cookie dough [Applause] yeah cookie and ice cream you know we sell those two things combined right yeah I know thanks he hi did you find everything okay today yes just these two all [Music] right here you go thank you of course okay you don't have anything in your pockets do you uh not at all I wait how did security how did these get in my pocket sir were you trying to steal those items of course not my kid he was just trying to be funny what [Music] kid he was right here I swear uh-huh sure look you're going to have to pay for all that otherwise it's consider shoplifting wait but [Music] fine is this yours sir hey hey hey that's my wallet what he took it from my bag I'm so sorry I wasn't trying to trying to steal your wallet it was so embarrassing I had to explain the whole story to the lady and she still didn't believe me I don't know Amy maybe this isn't going to work out I don't say that it's just the first day it'll get better I'm sure we can assume that it's going to be like this the whole time maybe he just needs to know that we are going to love him no matter what let's not be too loose on the no matter what we have to let him Express himself okay and then we can teach him what's appropriate and what's not appropriate we just can't give up this soon oh look I'm not giving up I'm just giving you my day one review but you're right I'm sure things will get better I guess he found the drums yeah maybe those were a bad idea welome to the Jung he's not for the game he's going to wake up the neighbors [Applause] [Music] yeah been waiting for oh oh oh no got no name again [Music] again and I'm going to CH I know we can't IGN no matter how hard we try fire in my veins I fight gain Breaking All the RO to keep me f oh oh [Music] oh I believe the [Music] C the moment [Applause] I think he'll like it I'm less concerned about the backpacks and more concerned about the teacher's safety honestly should we be signing him up for school our 30 days are almost over what are you talking about we're not taking him back Michael is a part of this family now H not yet we haven't made it official it's not too late I cannot believe what you're saying right now Michael is our son okay sure he's a little rough around the edges but that is no excuse not to accept him he just needs to be loved he doesn't want to be loved Amy if he did he would have found a home by now look we've tried to give him our hearts but all he gives us back is chaos it's like he keeps pushing us away clearly he doesn't want to be here how about we ask Michael since it's going to affect his life as much as it affects ours we should be asking Michael about how he [Music] feels hey M hey Michael can we talk to you Michael Michael I knew it was too quiet in in here Michael Michael Michael [Music] Michael should we call the police yeah where's my phone where were you we really worried relax I just had to go do something if you really worried you would have called you took my phone duh how else was I supposed to get in Uber a $60 Uber ride Michael where did you go it's none of your business you can't just walk away you owe us an explanation you get back here or else I won't or else what you'll send me back to the adoption agency fine I get it you're just another family who doesn't want me I'm used to it by [Music] now it turns out that it wasn't a right match after all yeah I totally understand it's kind of sad because I kind of had a feeling he'd be right back here I wonder when that boy is going to have a family H maybe he could if he just behaved him himself the way he acts is like he wants us to reject him there was that one day when he was really sweet other than that he didn't act like he wanted to be a part of the family it feels like he gave up on us before we gave up on him anyway there's any matches in the future just you know okay um I'll give you guys a call and hopefully if things change we'll try next time okay here's my personal number please give me a call if you have any questions okay still can't believe he spent $60 on a uber I wonder where he went this a home address in land Caster oh no come on Amy just let it go whatever it was it doesn't matter now Mike was always such a mysterious and secretive kid I just wish I'd have got to know him better it might be a source of closure please can we just drive by fine I'll get the keys what are we doing you said you just wanted to drive by I mean we're here so we might as well can I can I help you folks I'm so sorry to bother you but we were wondering if you know a boy named Michael look I told the kid last time he was here that I can't take care of him I've got nothing else to say I'm sorry uh who are you he didn't tell you no I'm his dad like biological father yeah that's probably a better way to say it I really haven't been much of a dad who are you guys we adopted him from almost things didn't work out um he's a little problematic yeah just like his mom we never meant to have kids it kind of just happened and we tried our best but then when his mom passed away I had no choice but to put him up for adoption I couldn't raise a kid by myself isn't that your kid yes he is when we had Michael I wasn't ready and then I was ready when I met my new wife and I think that really killed Michael that I was willing to raise another child but not him that's got to be so hard and I I think that's probably why he comes around every so often to see if I'll change my mind but it's it's just too complicated I I daddy who's there it's no one buddy uh they're just leaving look I really have to go you were right hurt people hurt people imagine just being rejected by your dad like that while you're watching him accepting another child I I feel so bad it's almost as if he rejects every new family because he's afraid of being reject rejected again which is exactly what we did hello Linda speaking Linda oh thank God you answered it's Amy and John Thompson we've changed our minds about Michael we want him back oh I'm sorry um un fortunately you're too late Michael was adopted again and his new family really seems happy with him what no I'm so there has to be something that we can do can you tell us who adopted him I'm sorry that information is confidential but I will let you know if I find another kid for you all right thank you we'll be in touch hey at least now he's a part of a family right well hello there birthday girl it's perfect for Harry Potter world today right yeah I just I don't know if I want to go to Universal or celebrate I'm sorry why not I don't know I I had planned all of this trip with Michael and now that he's gone it just feels like it's going to be different I don't want to be a downer all day hey I promise you're going to have a good time it's your birthday we have to celebrate I really wanted to go please have a blast [Music] please okay all right well how about if Michael comes with us John please don't joke around about that I'm serious what if did you miss me [Music] Michael but how got to call from lenda last week and luckily Michael was at his same old tricks so things didn't work out with this new family oh this is the best birthday present thank you so much for coming back we missed you so much sure hopefully I stay for more than 30 days this time if not I understand oh give me that oh no I'm going to sign that right away I'm not going to wait any longer it's official Michael you're a Thompson and you never have to worry about being rejected ever again thank you so much this means so much to me no give me a hug so should we drive to Universal oh how about we [Music] fly all right sweetheart we should probably stop here so no one sees us you remember what happened at your last school don't worry we'll be fine come on did you see Gordon's dumb haircut look like his dad cut it what in the world have a good day H oh I almost forgot I'm not going to be able to pick you up after school but Mike Will okay that's a good part of having two dads see you what the heck was that what do you mean why are two dudes walking to school where's your mom I was adopted those are my dads what are you serious she has two dads I got to go that's it for today and please remember next week is bring your mom to school day is everything okay Billy what if you don't have a mom that's fine just bring your dad what is so funny well what if you have two dads I'm sorry go ahead tell her Jasmine it's not a problem you can bring them [Music] both you must really suck what do you mean that you weren't good enough for your real mom so she gave you away like some of used clothes you don't know the story just go away or what are you going to tell your dad oh oh I mean dad's ony nice try guys check it out Jasmine sitting by herself watch this hey Jasmine why you sitting by yourself first her mom didn't want her you know no one in school does either hey that's really mean yeah don't speak to her that way what I'm just dating the facts hey Jasmine you can come and sit with us yeah over here thanks but I'm okay yeah she'll be all right she's used to rejection don't let him get to you he he's just a mean bully yeah we'd love to have lunch with you [Music] thanks hey I've got a question for you I don't want to talk to you Billy no no no no I'm serious I promise I'm not going to be mean fine what since both of your dads are gay does that mean you're going to be gay too I told you earlier to leave me alone Mom Julia it must really suck to see all these kids getting picked up by their real moms and dads so why did your mom leave she just didn't love you or what Billy let's go okay I'm coming [Music] Mom hey sweetie Jasmine what's wrong honey let's just go up [Music] Jasmine tell me what's wrong I don't want to talk about it come on sweetheart you know you can tell me anything kid I'm in school keep was making fun of me because I'm adopted I'm so sorry honey kids at school can be so mean I just don't know why my mom gave me up like that do you think it's because she didn't love me no not at all I promise you that that's not the case yeah right just don't want to hurt my feelings I wouldn't say something if it wasn't the truth I know she loved you oh yeah how exactly let's just go look we weren't going to show you this until you were older but I think it's time you see it now what is it just watch hi Jasmine you're so beautiful baby girl I've been waiting my whole pregnancy for this moment right now you're mine 100% mine but this is our last hour together and then you'll be Mike and Harry's little girl I know they're going to take care of you and love you so much while I have you there's a few things I want you to know you're probably wondering why I decided to give you up please know it wasn't an easy decision you see my pregnancy with you wasn't an easy one okay so who wants to read from chapter 32 any volunteers May's mom's outside waiting for her right today will be Maya's last day at school because well don't think I need to say it's because she's pregnant yes Alex it's because she's about to have her baby you know in school you're supposed to be a kid not be having one well this wasn't exactly planned maybe if you had been more responsible you wouldn't have you know what never mind you can leave now so sad I would be so embarrassed she's not going to be able to take care of her baby she's going to be a terrible mom even my own mom gave me a really hard time what's wrong all of the kids at school are laughing at me well can you blame them I mean this is really irresponsible of you you know I didn't mean for this to happen Okay what exactly is your plan anyways what do you mean I'm going to keep her not in our house you're not but then where am I supposed to go I don't care that's not my problem clearly you make your own decisions so figure it out but I don't have anywhere else to go go to your boyfriend's house then or to the streets for all I care even her own mom doesn't want her can we please just go I don't want to be here no I need you to experience this so you can see what a huge mistake you've made as a matter of fact walk home what no I can't walk that far Mom Mom you better get used to it young lady cuz you're not going to be living with us for too long [Music] what but worst of all was what my boyfriend did to me hey uh I wasn't expecting you here my mom basically just kicked me out of the house what are you serious yeah whose heels are those those aren't mine uh hey babe what do you make who's she Who Am I who are you and why is she wearing your shirt this is Stacy Stacy this is Maya my ex-girlfriend ex what are you talking about look I was going to tell you okay I'm seeing Stacy now but we're going to have a baby together I don't know what you mean by we I don't want anything to do with it so that's it you're just going to break up with me like this well I'm 9 months pregnant I was coming to you to see if I can move in because my mom just kicked me out what do you want me to say I'm not ready to have a kid maybe you should just you know just what get rid of it it'll make all of our lives a lot easier what how can you even say that I'm just being honest now if you don't mind I was about to make some breakfast for Stacy and me how could you do this to me he said [Music] bye things got so bad that at one point I even decided to give up on having you you hi you must be Maya yes oh is anyone joining you today you know like Mom or boyfriend perhaps no it's just me okay um well before we get started I just want to confirm are you sure you want to do this no but I don't have any choice what do you mean my mom kicked me out my boyfriend broke up with me I have no money and nowh to go there's no way I could take care of a child all by myself I see this is none of my business but have you considered adoption I'm sure we could find your baby a really good home oh wow I guess I hadn't really thought about that I think it's an incredible alternative especially for girls that are in your situation maybe I should think about it then thank you so much you have no idea how much I appreciate this you're welcome and if you look right here it explains how this all works and how you can help make a family happy with a child of Their Own so you see that's how I decided to give you up for adoption it wasn't because I didn't love you it's because I wanted to give you the best life possible it's time okay just one more second [Music] please the nurse just got here so I have to give you up now but please know that one day I'm going to to come and see you until then I'll be thinking about you every day I love you so [Music] much you see I told you she loves you I want to introduce everyone to my dad's that is so embarrassing that's enough Billy it's okay Miss green at least my dad chose me your mom didn't have a choice as I was saying these are my dads and they are the best parents in the [Music] world I won you are so good at this game oh would you mind getting that sweetie sure [Music] hi Jasmine wait are you she's your mom we figured it was time you two met wow you are more beautiful than I could have ever imagined there hasn't been a day that's gone by where I haven't thought about you I'm so sorry I couldn't be there for you it's okay I'm just happy you're here [Music] we were playing Candy Land do you want to join us sure I'd love to fair warning we haven't won a single game against Jasmine yeah she's really good and don't think I'll go easy on you either that's okay I think I'm up for a [Music] challenge oh I could have swore I had another dollar what that mer F I'm going to just wait until my son gets off from work but yours don't get off until 7 Charlie now you and I know that you don't got money to be thrown away what would I look like letting you walk Miss Rosetta I'll figure it out I always do the amount of people that you be helping I don't know if you're making money on this job or losing it look you know what I always say the kindness you put out in the world has a way of coming back to you I know but if you give it all away it ain't going to come back the way you think God's got it I trust his timing Amen to that okay hey you okay son give me a second hey son where you headed Englewood Englewood that's across town it'll take you a long time to get there where are your parents all right I'll take you there come on get on the bus don't got no bus money it's all right I'll cover you really son come on get on the bus [Music] please [Music] I don't care I want my money I don't get paid enough watching this boy we should probably go hey you know my bus number okay flag me down if you ever need anything okay all right what's your name what did I tell you about about bringing people around my house will get inside the casew work is coming soon and you better remember what I told you go [Music] on yeah like I said been pushing one for the last hour gosh sorry I'm late we'll talk about that in a minute I looked at the the security footage oh boy you let a kid on the bus for free Charlie I can explain there's nothing to explain you know the policy and we've been down this road how many times before Charlie huh how many times we are not a charity come on if you keep this up you're going to be gone you know gone Charlie you got it gone got it thank you look I I I hate to ask but would you have our checks by chance you missed the announcement since you were late come on the checks are going to be delayed this week the payroll company is having some kind of issue really well I really need my money tonight Tom I'm laid on my rent well maybe that's your punishment for letting people ride the bus for free this better not happen again Charlie come [Music] [Music] on [Music] oh boy oh [Music] boy and that's the last time I made him my collar greens my mom used to make me collar greens or do I miss her cooking ooh I got to get off here all right now here's the money that I owe you with a little interest oh you didn't have to do that hush up now and take that money you know you need it I'll see you all right Miss Rosetta I'll see you later all right see you later hey Will where you headed I'm trying to get to the train station alone what time is your train 350 it's 340 you'll never make it there by foot it's a good mile walk come on I'll give you a ride maybe we can get there on time come on [Applause] excuse me sir there's a train leaving at 350 for Bakersfield yeah that train left a few minutes ago um it was was the last one for the day oh no did you have someone really important waiting for you out there all right I'll take you it's a long way from here I know but you need to get there right all right then Lord knows I love a good road trip why else do you think I started driving okay let's [Music] go in PL pass the L in the Big Sky clear no M we don't know where we go we're just keeping these four ties rolling sunshine and a wind in your hair I don't care baby you can take me anywhere midle down Hearts racing to 100 all we got to do is keep the Eng running let let girl every M say h to a Time song on the radio back you me is only me so can live a little while and fre we we don't know where we going we just won't be [Music] hey we don't know where we we just want to get we don't know where we go we just want to [Music] get we don't know where we going we just want to get we don't know where we're going we just to get a hospital [Music] well grown up so fast look just like my father why I named you after him look baby I know that you haven't seen me in a long time but I I wasn't in a good place I wasn't able to take care of you the way that I needed to that's why you you couldn't stay with me I don't I don't expect you to understand or forgive me I wanted to see you sooner I did I just didn't think that your foster mom would let you see me I I'm still surprised that she let you see me [Music] today the reason I'm telling you all this is cuz I want you to know everything before I before I I just I want to do right by you okay are you dying I'm not well and I made peace with that turning things around going to church get my life right I'm just so happy that you could be here today I want us to have some good memories okay come [Music] here uh I'll be waiting outside oh wait so um what was your name Charlie Charlie Jones thank you for bringing me my son Charlie Jones you're welcome are are you a a teacher or a mentor or something no actually I'm a city bus driver from Burbank um he missed his train and I wanted to help so I drove him here did all that for a kid you don't even know if I'm being honest I always wanted a kid of my own but I never met the right partner and when I first saw will I felt like he was the son that I never had so it's my pleasure ma'am take your time I'll be waiting outside whenever he's ready to go wait wait would you mind taking a picture with us I'm making an album for will and I want to document as much as I can it's my pleasure I can take it for you thank you I'll send it thanks okay smile perfect thank you s be well so we did get your test results back before you get into that can can I just have a moment with my son of course thank [Music] you no so you really drove her son from Burbank to Bakersfield that's at least a 2hour drive don't you get in trouble probably but when I saw his face I knew that helping him was more important than problems of my own you know I'll manage and he's so young I hate to see him go through all this you know that's really something Charlie the world needs more people like you in it there's something wrong with [Music] her doctor send in a doctor SN look [Music] [Music] side [Music] listen Tom stop stop I I don't want to hear uh anything Charlie it disappointed me looked at the GPS 100 miles out of jurisdiction with a child on board Bo for God's sakes what were you thinking sorry couldn't need your bus Cas no boss don't do this I promise I'll never let anything like that happen again come on I'm Sorry Charlie but I can't take that [Music] chance your last check will be put in the mail I'm truly sorry yeah so am I best of luck yeah hey Charlie this who's left on the bus oh kids backpack thanks man got it okay see you all right see you you shouldn't be here I just came to bring you your backpack you left it on the bus are you okay will who's at that door oh boy that's the one that took you to see your mom isn't it did I tell you you could go I had to she was are you talking back to me boy I will put your hands on him excuse me who are you to try to tell me how to raise my kid huh go to your room now I don't know who you are but you better not come around here again you keep messing with us I'll call the cops you know what [Music] oh [Music] boy [Music] Charlie this Rosetta what are you doing here I didn't see you on the bus and I got worried yeah they fired me I had a feeling that was going to happen after I seen the article I'm so sorry how you holding up I'm hanging in there you know I'm just trusting in God's timing I made my collard greens for you and a couple other things in case you're hungry oh you you didn't have to do that Miss wi that means so much to me God bless you it's not going to be the same on the bus without you just let me know if you need anything okay I will thank you all right now you know sorry Miss Rosetta what did you mean by you read the article that somebody sent it to me let me find it all right here it is oh boy oh my you didn't know about it no lots of people is talking about it and the money they raise money it's in the article I think it was uh 50 some odd thousand if not I'm not mistaken yeah oh my God oh my God I guess God said it's time your kindness is finally coming back to [Music] you oh man you just don't get it do you well I warned you if you're ever going to come back here $20,000 s excuse me there's $20,000 in there and I'm willing to give it to you if you help me take over is Will's Guardian you seriously give up 20K for that kid I'll do anything for will we can do the paperwork later how's that or I call CPS what and tell them about everything I've seen no no wait you you want to go with this bus driver well go on then you can get your stuff [Music] [Laughter] later let's go home what do you mean you can't accept my kids you have an unpaid balance of $260 that you need to clear $260 but we've only come twice well it is $65 a day per kid how could anyone afford that say robbery um here um you put it on my debit card mom what's taking so long I want to go play just a su sweetheart sorry it declined do you have another card you want to try uh it's my only one can you charge half please I have a really important interview I have to be at by 10:00 a.m. unfortunately the full balance is due well can you make an exception today it is Mother's [Music] Day I um I'd like to speak to your manager I don't understand are we not allowed to go in don't worry Martin Mommy's going to figure this out for us okay but but why can't we go in come on Martin let's just go play while we wait thanks Isabella I thought that yoga class was so amazing oh I know I think I might add Thursdays too oh if you do let me know AO okay I cannot wait to go to the spot after this my manager will be right with you ladies what can I do for you hey um yeah just stopped by to clear the balance is for Jenis Smith oh all right yeah it's um going to be 580 oh no problem I'll just put it on my debit debit card no no no put it on the company card that way you can write it off wait I can write off my child care I mean could you work without it wow there you go must be nice I'm Carol I am the manager here so what seems to be the problem well I have a really important interview that I have to get to today and unfortunately I can't afford to clear my planets right now but I'm wondering if there's any way you could possibly make an exception and let my kids in today no I'm sorry it's our policy I'm sure that Denise has already explained that to you right yeah but since you cannot afford our place why don't you go down to Broadway where it is much less expensive yeah that's right near skid row it's really sketchy yes but it's only $20 a day per child but you get what you pay for good luck ooh what if we go shopping after the spa yes did you hear that Gucci just opened a new restaurant on the rooftop no yes we should go there afterwards we have to yes come on kids we're leaving I can't believe this is how you run things here my kid comes home with an allergic reaction and you're trying to tell me it's not your fault do I need to repeat myself unbelievable what's this lady barking about Naomi uh she's trying to say we gave her kid peanuts we ain't got no peanuts here oh hello clearly you have peanuts here oh and FYI peanuts are a choking hazard do you not care about these kids look lady if you don't like it you can pay the $65 and take your kids to some bougie place all right I can't believe places like this even exist daycare is either too expensive or it's terrible just be prepared for a horrible experience yes um I was wanting to know a little bit more about this daycare for my kids it's 20 a day for kid you pay when you pick up reasonable do you provide breakfast or lunch no do you teach them here look lady last time I checked we need to school mom please don't make a go here can we just go to the other place well I ain't got all day are you going to leave him or what please please don't okay okay okay okay okay I'll cancel my interview I'll can't of it don't I'll take care of Mortin I'll be with you the entire time okay you don't have to worry I promise thank you Isabella I'll be back real soon okay I'll be right back it's okay okay go ahead it's going to be okay I'll be really quick okay oh um Martin can't have anything with Sesame he's highly allergic he will break out in hives we close at 5: don't be late to pick them up or they'll be waiting [Music] outside it's great uh we like it when candidates are excited about the company I just have a few questions about your resume you have a multi-year gap here um yeah so um I used to be a stay-at home M and I got to be with my kids full time um and then um my husband he um it's okay it's okay we don't talk about it thank you oh it's my kids I [Music] oh I'm sorry I understand you seem like a really great person youa and I'm a mom myself my son he's he's uh taking me out to dinner for Mother's Day today a to one of my favorite restaurants which is very sweet of him I love that I'm really sorry but would you mind if I just grabbed it really quick to make sure everything's okay not at all please oh just do it thank you so much hi honey Mom I don't want to be here you're so mean please come pick us up please Mommy so sorry Martin I'll be there soon okay he said I don't want to be here hurry okay I'm sorry I just I put them in a brand new daycare and it has been really hard on them so there is nothing to apologize for but if you need to go I understand no no I really need this job I I hope that I didn't make a bad impression just now but I want to promise you that even though I don't have all of the experience that you're looking for I'm a hard worker I'm a fast learner and I am a great multitasker not only did I raise my own kids but I would help out with my niece and nephew so I'm used to long hours staying up late waking up early and I am incredible with people an organization uh I can manage any amount of moving pieces I really really need this job you seem to have some amazing [Music] qualities do we have to go back to that place again tomorrow they're all so mean all the toys are broken plus the whole place smells like poo I know I know honey I am trying to find another daycare for you sweetheart but everything is just really expensive there you go guys Mom I made this for you happy Mother's Day oh honey that's so sweet how come how come you didn't draw dad you know just cuz Dad isn't physically with us anymore it doesn't mean he isn't looking down on us watching over us right thank you so much for this my love I love it you're so talented thank you m are you going to eat oh don't worry about me I had a big lunch and I'm not hungry I'm actually stuffed here eat Martin you haven't even started your homework I tried but I I couldn't understand it okay well let me take a look I'll help did you get the job oh um I don't know she said she gave me a call so I hope so maybe that's St give me a second hello hi miss martinz this is Barbara Wilson from Technical Solutions I've got some good news oh my gosh did I get the phys uh not quite but we are moving you forward to the next round oh there's a third interview yes When's the earliest you can come in um as soon as possible how's tomorrow you name the time perfect I'll send a confirmation email as soon as we get off the phone have a good day thank you you too so uh there's a third interview okay so where were we um 15 + 16 I can't do it without a calcul later double digits are just too hard of course you can do it I can't hey look at me what I always tell you you can do anything in life you just got to put your mind to it right I I guess okay come on look I'm going to show you a trick ready what's five + 6 11 yeah that's right okay and then what's 1 plus one uh two mhm plus this extra one three mhm and then all together 31 yes yes see I told you you could do it yes bring it in next one yeah next one all right I'm liking everything that I'm hearing and sorry as I was saying everything looks good I've read all the feedback from the first two interviews that you had both people seem to really like you considering everything yena I'd like to offer you for crying out loud what is so important I'm sorry I just put my kids in a new daycare and they're not adjusting well but I put my phone on airplane mode please please continue [Music] Miss Martinez is stability going to be a problem for [Music] you Mom I've been calling you is everything okay no it's Martin oh no no honey oh oh sweetheart I'm so sorry this happened to you they gave him crackers and they had Sesame in them I told told you not to give him Sesame whoa dude watch your tone of voice when you're speaking to my sister I specifically told your sister that my son had an allergy maybe the two of you should actually pay attention to the kids you're taking care of and then my son wouldn't be covered in Heights what do you want me to do do I look like a doctor [Music] you you know what I'm done with this and I'm never bringing my kids back here come on guys we're leaving no you're not leaving not until you pay up you got to be kidding me I'm not giving you anything do I look like I'm kidding you're paying and you're paying [Music] now I'm so sorry about everything I've officially earned the title of worst mom don't say that yeah you're the best mom ever you're the ones we bad yeah you do do everything you can for us we love you oh honey I love you both more than anything hello hello Yia this is Barbara again from Technical Solutions yes I'm calling to inform you that unfortunately you didn't get the job well is there anything I could do to change your mind I went through three rounds of inter viws surely you see some potential please I really need this job I'll take any position I'm Sorry Miss Martinez but their decision was Final Take Care Now wait wait hello I didn't get the job that means I have to start all over and I don't even have a daycare to take you guys to you don't need to find us a daycare why don't you just take care of us until school starts again I mean honey there's nothing more in the world I would want that to take care of you guys full time but I have to make money how about you can make money while taking care of us you mean like working from home I'm terrible with computers no I mean like stting own daycare you can take take care of us and other kids yeah I like the idea a lot then I would have more fls to play with I can't start my own daycare I don't have any experience yes you do being a great mom counts you help us with our homework and you cook food for us that's with my own kids it's different with other people's kids you took care of Alex and Ro salinda for a long time want had to go back to Mexico yeah but I would have to rent a location and we don't have money saved the last place we were just at was an apartment so what's stopping you from doing it in years and the lady said that dayc cares are way too expensive or they're too cheap and bad how will you be right in the middle I don't know the first thing about starting a business you guys I just don't think I can do it but you always tell us we can do anything in life as long as we set our minds to it well that is unless you didn't mean what you said of course I did right then it settled me and Martin can help you and it's not like you got anything to lose right Martin and Isabella convinced their mom to start her own daycare business the next day they all get to work Isabella helps design the logo while the mom works on getting permits to start the business even little Martin helps out the family starts handing out flyers trying to get the word out about their new daycare people seem excited about an affordable place with great service well most people at least eventually yena starts getting some clients she teaches the kids and does a great job taking care of them the moms love youa and start recommending more parents one year passes by yena is now doing so well that she has more kids and moves into a bigger location she's so happy to not only be making good money but also to be getting to do what she loves you know what I'll be hi I'll be right back what's going on hi um yena I know I have a balance and unfortunately I'm not able to clear that today you see things have been they've been really tough and but I have an interview today you took all our customers hey I I recognize some of these brats you stole them from us now we have to close down look ladies I don't want any problems so why don't you just go well you got problems hey now don't attack her dayare just because yours isn't doing well well maybe if you had actually paid attention to the kids you were watching and not let them eat things they were allergic to like you did my son you might still be in business hey watch who you're talking to you watch who you're talking to yena has been nothing but a blessing to me and lots of other hardworking parents I will not let you treat her this way how dare you talk to me and my sister like that huh do I need to repeat [Music] myself maybe I need to call the [Music] cops uh come on sis [Music] Donna the nerd I know gosh anyways um as I was saying could you please oh don't worry about it Timothy is always welcome here we have a policy no kid is ever turned away Timothy you go ahead enjoy the kids you have no idea how much I appreciate this well you have no idea how much I appreciate you have my back good luck on your interview thanks Mom yes me and Martin made a drawing for you for Mother's Day you did yeah a are those the kids you take care of oh is that Dad looking at us from Heaven oh my goodness you [Music] [Music] too
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 1,497,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: b1pLzdztHNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 55sec (9595 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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