Kids Run Away from Home and Learn Life Lessons! | Dhar Mann

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mom get the door these are think you would be nice [Music] shees hi I'm Delila from sunny skin I'm here for this spray tan spray tan no no you have the wrong address are you sure is there not a Chloe Myers that lives here chloey called you she never said anything about a spray tan I'm sorry just give me a [Music] sec hey why' you do that what do you think you're doing what does it look like I'm dying my hair no you are not dying your hair you are way way too young to be coloring your own hair the blonde is in right now even Dixie demilio just went blonde I don't care if Dixie cuper whoever is blonde you are not coloring your hair and would you you mind telling me why somebody named Delilah is at the door right now Delilah's here no no hold on wait why are you trying to get a spray tan you have never done anything like this before hello Earth to my [Music] daughter who is texting you what are you doing can you like not look at my phone gosh if you have to know I'm going on to dat little poop little poop mhm you mean the rapper with the gold teeth who flunked out of bookside no absolutely not no no no you are not going out with him you can't stop me yes I can I am your mother and besides even if you were allowed which you are not tomorrow's Mother's Day we had the whole day planned we were going to do pancakes for breakfast go to daras for lunch and you're going to make your bini Alfredo well not anymore I'm going out with little PP tomorrow now move I need to let Delila in hey sorry to keep you waiting come on in no I won't allow it I'm sorry but you need to go mom stop you're embarrassing me listen to me young lady you are not dying your hair you're not getting a spray tan and you are certainly not going on a date with Lil popop stop trying to control me I'm 16 years old now not a little girl I don't have to listen to your dumb rules rules are not dumb they are important and as long as you live under my roof you will listen to my rules and abide by them then I won't live under your roof anymore how about that did you just say little pop isn't that guy like juvie three times exactly and Chloe wants to go on a date with him tomorrow can you believe it maybe she'll let her go what have you lost your mind hear me out remember when our parents used to say to us when we were kids the only way to learn to not get burned is to by touching the stove exactly and the point they were trying to teach us is that everyone has to learn from their own mistakes so what you're saying is you want our daughter to get burnt not literally figuratively Linda look I know it's hard okay but you guys fight all the time every other week she wants to move out the more that you're trying to control her the more it's working against you this time let her see for herself all right I'm out I'm going to stay with Stacy okay that's it you're not going to warn me about how I'm ruining my life or try to stop me nope I I won't get in your [Music] way this is going to work trust me she's driving me crazy I told her I was staying at your house if that's cool with you yeah but um tomorrow's Mother's Day don't you want to spend it with your mom no I'm so done with her oh by the way I was going to get a spray tan and dye my hair before my mom went berserk on me is it cool if I do here sure you're the best this is going to be the best weekend ever I'm so excited okay walking down the street Hollywood looking for a better way to pass the time like The Bu stop a homeless man put out his fist tried to shake his hand but he grabbed my rest the bill Bo promoting someone I knew but boy I'm glad I'm not in issues cuz I'm free SP forever I am free SP forever I don't want to work for anyone but me that's my biggest plan forever being free it's better to spend time with someone with someone that you love no looking back on cuz you're free [Music] [Music] okay I'll be right back um hey is everything okay I look like an old lady carrot there's no way I'm going on a date like this I can't even go to school okay don't uh Don't Panic just just try to stay calm school's not until tomorrow right and your dat's not until tonight so we can we can we can fix this let's start with your hair yeah we could we could go to a salon no I can't afford a salon maybe I don't should i d something else yeah let's let's go to the bullseye okay but I'm waiting in the car okay I hope she's okay I really thought she'd come home this morning yeah I know honey look got to stick with the plan okay okay I'll mix it you just go shower and scrub off as much of the tan as you can okay it's perfect just the best hello hey are you ready to order um actually could I just get the check for my lemonade thanks uh hey how did it can you please explain to me how the heck this happened I don't know I I I mixed everything perfectly just like it said in the instructions I look like freaking Marge Simpson now nobody wants to date Marge Simpson and look at my body only some of the spray tan came off now we're just have orange spots everywhere okay try not to panic I mean we still have time we can fix this great now he wants to meet earlier I'm doomed Chloe oh she still hasn't called maybe I should no don't call her look she's going to come around I promise look I brought some food but Chloe's supposed to make me fed a Chini alfredo uh chlo why why are you dressed like that H it's a long story but if you want to know I know it's horrible right I mean it's not good but luckily no one here really knows me hi here are a couple menus no rush I'll check on you actually I am in a rush I'll take the steak rare like blood pouring out of it when I cut it you he me okay and for you uh let me see she'll e the chicken oh I'm a vegetarian for real like y only eat plants and stuff okay uh well in that case she'll do that that one so named after that that dude what was his name what was his name the Caesar salad Bingo that's the [Music] one I didn't even get a chance to look at the menu I know like I said I got to see my m so kind of in a hurry I'm sorry I have to go to stases and check on Chloe I I'm just going to tell her I don't care if you want to die your hair I don't care if you want to get a spray tan I don't even care if you want to date some creepy guy I just want my baby back that's all that matters l here you go enjoy your dinner bring the check when you come back around okay o extra bloody just how I like it come on got to eat your food Becca Becca my name's not Becca uh I I didn't say Becca I said babe if you don't like your salad try about of this o yum this fedini Alfredo looks amazing thanks again for bringing me here of course mom Happy Mother's Day hey babe sorry I'm early I didn't realize you'd be here so early who are you who are you I am Becca little date and as far as I'm concerned you're in my seat I thought you were meeting your mom later is this why he moved our date do you have any idea what I went through for this date I fought with my mom I ruined my hair look Char I'm not trying to be me but have you looked in the mirror why would I want to be seen with your Oompa Loompa looking self I mean you should just Scurry on back to Wonka's factory where you you [Music] belong maybe I do look like a OA Loompa but at least I'm not some trashy wnab be rapper oh and since I don't want the salad that you so graciously ordered for me you can have it Mom it's Mother's Day I've got the dishes a thank you honey yeah oh it's probably Chloe I'll get it Linda hi happy Mother's Day oh thank you you too um I was wondering is Chloe here no I thought you knew she's out with um little pop I think that's his name right I was just was hoping she'd be home by now yeah I'm sorry if I interrupted anything oh you're not interrupting anything and you're more than welcome to come inside that's okay thanks you have a good evening okay thank you you too you're home sweetheart what happened to I know I know I look horrible turns out you were right about everything I realize now that rules aren't dumb they're important and if I had just listened to you this nightmare of a day wouldn't have happened I'm sorry Mom I hope it isn't too late for us to celebrate I madej your favorite Pini alfredo it is never too late for my daughter's famous pasta a this is turning out to be a much better Mother's Day than how it started how about first thing in the morning I take you to a salon and get all of this figured out but I have school tomorrow I can't miss I know you said rules are important they are but this is a very special case so I will make an exception is it really that bad it's pretty bad oh this looks good oh I love you I love you [Music] more happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear R happy birthday to you I'm sorry honey but they couldn't make it none of them well Elijah couldn't get the time off work Caleb missed his flight and Jasmine she has boyfriend troubles again she's back with that Anthony guy again yeah I was so excited about seeing the kids it's all I've been thinking about these past few months I know but that doesn't mean that you and I still can't celebrate right you know how it is kids these days they're just too busy in their own lives too busy to see their own parents [Music] honey I passed go that's an extra $200 for me Jasmine it's your turn roll the dice [Music] Boardwalk yes o you owe me $50 I only have 40 well then you better ask Elijah and Caleb to see if they can loan you the rest of the money nope no way it's my way Mom they won't give me any money can you just take this please H only under one condition if I get to tickle you for one minute [Music] straight what you laughing for the oh happy birthday happy birthday hi Mom oh I miss you guys so much I was hoping to see you today sorry we really wanted to be there but we couldn't but but promise we'll make it to your retirement party ma yeah we can't wait to see you Mom we love you I love you guys too right bye what that's it it was nice wasn't [Music] it Ruth where are you going aren't you going to have cake I'm sorry I just don't feel like celebrating Samuel hey Ruthie look what I have here your final acheck you officially have all the time in the world after today you can travel vacation you know whatever you want to do yeah who to travel with that's the question why don't you go with Samuel he doesn't like to fly when my kids were younger we travel everywhere together now I can barely get 30 seconds on the phone with them what about one of those retired mom's Facebook groups I'm sure someone will want to go with you no well we are all so excited to celebrate your your retirement party next week it's going to be so much fun hello yeah what oh my goodness I'm so sorry yes we'll be at the funeral next week yeah thank you thank you for telling me I'm so sorry my friend from college Marisol she passed away oh I'm so sorry Ruthie I'm sorry you know when I was in my teens and 20s I used to go to birthday parties all the time in my 30s and 40s it was weddings and kids parties now it's retirements and [Music] funerals hey didn't you say your kids are coming to your retirement party well if they show up otherwise the next time they see me it might be my fanal no no no no no no no mm- today we are here to say goodbye to my amazing mom I can't help but to feel this overwhelming sense of regret and if I could just if I could just turn back time I would so so I could hear her [Music] laugh and hold her hand and just and just be there with her and I tried I tried but I just uh I let life get in the way like we do and I I push too many phone calls I miss too many birthdays and I I just let too many opportunities to spend time with my mom slipped through my [Music] fingers now that she's gone I finally realized just just how precious life is and that we need to cherish every moment that we have with our loved ones because tomorrow might never come I wish our kids could hear this it's okay honey you'll see him tomorrow at the party you know uh it is it is true what they say you never truly appreciate something until it's [Music] gone thank you for [Music] coming congratulations yay thank you so much this is really so sweet I'm sorry honey but they couldn't make it it's okay we're all here why don't you go ahead and take a seat Ruth you need some water no no no somebody call an ambulance H her vitals seem more stable but we're still trying to figure out what happened is there any reason she would have stressed out sorry doctor patient de Cruz needs you okay hey kids hey hey B is um is Mom okay how's Mom she's still sleeping the doctor still doesn't know what happened he did manage to say she's stable now oh man all right thank God had me worried there yeah I mean we were about to fly out I was about to get my ticket and everything do you uh you think we still need to come pops yeah certainly wouldn't hurt you know your mom is she misses you guys but the doctor said she'll be okay I think so okay I'll try to come for Christmas right now is just not the best time for me honestly Dad Anthony and I are going through it yeah my company is getting ready for FDA approval for this new medication we're releasing so I'm going to be doing a lot of overtime yeah pops honestly Christmas works better for me too but I I'll call later to check on Mom okay see if she's okay bye pops see you later these kids excuse me my sons were supposed to come see me are they here I'm sorry but you don't have any visitors gosh what do I need to do die to get my kids to see [Music] me you're still working yeah have you heard from your mom no I haven't heard anything since my dad said she was still at the hospital that was a couple of days ago why don't you try calling her I mean just to make sure she's okay honey can't you see I'm busy I'll call [Music] later I just can't believe you forgot our anniversary it's almost like you don't even care about our relationship okay first listen honey 6 months is not an anniversary it's half a year let's be clear on that second of all maybe you should communicate your expectations better instead of expecting me to read your mind or maybe you should be more romantic and not have me spell every single thing out for you it it's like you [Music] [Music] I hey what's wrong Dad I can't believe she's gone yeah yeah I feel so horrible for not coming to see her I didn't even get a chance to say [Music] goodbye well you guys can say your goodbyes now [Music] you open it Caleb I I I can't Elijah you're going to have to open it up you o us we'll do it together on the count of three one one two two three wait where's it's so nice you all finally came to see me Mom you're we that your your funeral I just didn't know how to get you to come and see me I didn't want to wait until I'm sorry I'm so sorry but I just no no Mom we're sorry this whole time I couldn't help but think I I can't believe I didn't go see you in the hospital or that um that I that I missed your retirement party or um your birthday we're all sorry it's true what they say you never really appreciate something until it's gone I promise I'll do better yeah yeah me me too same yes free parking this is all [Laughter] mine all right mom go ahead [Music] yes I own that pay up $135 you are a lot better at this game than you used to be I don't always beat you yeah I'd hope so I was a little kid back then I only have [Music] 1040 h I'll take it but only if you let me [Laughter] take are you excited to almost see your little girl after 10 years if she'll even see [Music] me hey Nia yeah you got another letter from your mom do you want it what do you think [Music] okay come on Anderson you're free to [Music] go you ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's so good to see you honey [Music] are you hungry should we go get you something to eat actually I had something else in mind oh where'd you want to go [Music] first I was worried about that have you spoken to her she won't speak to me either so we'll see how this goes yeah thank you thank you oh my [Music] god hi you must be Fiona I'm Nia's birth mom hey Mani what are you doing here I just got out of jail yeah um I was wondering if ni is here I was hoping to talk to her she doesn't want to see you no no no please I just need to see my little girl I need I need to I'm not here to cause issues I just haven't spoken to her in a long time so I'm just only asking for 5 minutes please wait here I don't know maybe I should try on your hair no I know I would too terrible honey you have a visitor it's your mom tell her to leave I don't want to see her that's what I told her but she wouldn't listen I'll go tell her [Music] again are you okay no yeah I feel like you should talk to her you're joking right after all that she's put me through why would I want to see her Carly she could be dead for all I care [Music] yeah I told you she doesn't want to see you please please if I could just tell her if I could just please no no wait no I just want to tell her just can anyone tell me what they think this book is about how about you Sam oh uh I think it's about hanging Ono can you give me an example yeah sure it's like when uh Daisy caus Leo I mean Gatsby right before he dies making it seem like they're going to reunite that doesn't happen in the book that happens in the movie anybody have any ideas of what the Great Gatsby is about what are your thoughts Carly well to me I I think the book is about the importance of forgiveness and letting go of the past that's actually very Carly's wrong the book is about betrayal and abandonment if Gatsby had learned to forgive Daisy and move on without carrying that weight with him then he wouldn't have to wor why would he do that Daisy's a terrible person she doesn't deserve to be forgiven I mean what kind of person abandons someone and turns their life upside [Music] down okay let's pick this back up next week everyone have a great weekend meow nia nia stop what look I get it you're going through a lot right now but I I feel like ni if you just talk to her and and I'm not doing it okay she hasn't been in my life for 10 years I don't care about her niia if you didn't care I don't think it you to talk about it so much Nia clearly it affects you you got to do it you got to do it just do it you got to forgive her and just forget about everything she did to me in the past no than no Nia I'm not saying that forgiveness can change the past but what it can change is the future I don't want her in my future you don't you don't know what she put me through Carly my mom is not a good person you see one of my earliest memories of her is getting pulled over she got arrested for having drugs in the [Music] car what kind of person would drive like that with a 5-year-old in the back [Music] seat after she went to jail I was left all alone with my drug addict Dad and you know what he did he [Music] overdosed imagine seeing all of that from just 5 years old I bounced around from foster home to foster home I spent half of my childhood wondering why I wasn't good enough for anyone to stick around and you know whose thought that was Carly my mom's because if she wasn't selling drugs and if she wasn't a bad person none of this would have happened so you can't just stand here and tell me to forgive her like it didn't you don't understand Carly because you didn't go through it but I did Nia I'm I'm so sorry you don't have to talk to your mom at all you can do whatever you want okay Nia listen she really wants to talk to you all just give her 5 minutes please what is it with everyone trying to get me to talk to her I don't want to see her period Nia please just give me a chance no you completely ruined my childhood I will never forgive you for what you did okay did you read my last letter I explained everything I don't want your explanations your excuses I want nothing to do with you sweetie please I just stop trying to be a part of my life it's never going to happen Nia please Nia I'm currently with [Music] [Music] you [Music] dear Nia after all these years I've come to accept that you're not going to write me back and as much as I didn't want to do this because I never wanted you to think poorly of your father I think it's time you know the truth about everything you see I Met Your Dad when I was young he was older than me and not exactly the best [Music] guy but I was too young and dumb to see it as I started to hang out with him I noticed he was always breaking the rules I tried to stop him but he had this way of convincing me like it was [Music] okay as time went on I started to realize things I never knew about him bad things but by the time I found out I felt like it was too late for me to leave because you were already [Music] born things didn't get much better as you got older most of the time we were alone I had no idea where he was but I tried to always be strong for you and promised you we get through everything together little did I know soon everything would [Music] change your dad was driving us all home and cops saw him swerving and when they pulled us over he convinced me to take the driver's seat because he had been drinking because I was the one in the driver's seat I ended up having to take the fall for everything and your dad acted completely in [Music] it I had no idea there were drugs in the car but what hurt me the most was being taken away from you my heart felt like it broke into a million pieces so you see Nia you are an always days had been the most important part of my life I can't believe I missed out on the last 10 years of watching you grow into the person you are today but I swear to you that I'll never stop trying to make it up to you I'm getting out soon and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me because I'm still not sure how I'll ever forgive myself I love you more than anything I hope to see you soon love kisses hugs [Music] Mom so last week we were having a very interesting disc discussion about The Great Gatsby where Nia was saying how Daisy didn't need to be forgiven and that um actually Mrs Mees I I think I've changed my mind I don't know what to do I feel like I've lost my little girl forever she hates me I don't hate you I finally read all of your letters and I forgive you Mom we may never be able to change the past but there's no reason we can't change the [Music] future you little mom Jenna just kicked me I only kicked him because he threw food at mea can we please have a nice family dinner without the two of you fighting like cats and dogs we have something we want to tell you guys something serious are you finally shipping Max off to military school cuz I can be on board with that hey guys what did Mom say no more fighting or no summer camping trip before I say anything else I want you both to know that we love you very much and what I'm about to tell you it wasn't an easy decision oh my God you always do you always hey we are getting a [Music] divorce you guys are what we talked about how we were going to handle this I know I'm sorry I just You' do this all the [Music] time what your father was trying to say is that after thinking about this long and hard we think it's better off for us and for everyone if we aren't married anymore we have decided that we are going to separate but but you can't is it because of us I promise we'll stop fighting we'll do anything it has nothing to do with that we promise this is just what we feel is best how is ripping our family apart heart what's best no matter what happens we will always be a family we don't have to be together to be that families come in all shapes and sizes don't we get a say in any of this mom and I have thought this through and we have Grown Apart we're going to be better off as friends but it's not fair Our Lives shouldn't have to be ruined because you guys can't work get out ma that's [Music] wait honey it's [Music] okay go away I don't want to talk to either of [Applause] you it's just me you okay I can't believe they're doing this to us I know but now that I think about it they have been fighting for the last few months plus they stopped using those gross nicknames on each other and dad started sleeping in the guest room because of mom snoring that last one is kind of legit we share a wall it's like sleeping next to a jet engine I just don't get it we fight all the time it's not like we have the option of breaking up we're a family isn't being stuck with each other the entire point when Becky's parents got a divorce she said they told her they fell out of love sounds like that's what's happening to Mom and Dad maybe they should try falling in love again instead of wait a sec that's it what if we can make them fall in love again then boom the divorce goes away you're forgetting one teeny tiny problem you can't force two people to fall in love you boned why not it can't be that hard people do it all the time yeah maybe in The Sims love is in science with the recipe you can follow no you're right it's not a recipe it's a strategy we have to figure out what made them fall in love in the first place and remind them of that we need to get inside their heads speak their Love Languages what the heck do you know about Love Languages I heard about it on darman's new podcast dad is an active service kind of guy and Mom is more into words of affirmation and gifts [Music] if we exploit their weaknesses we have a Fighting Chance our mission won't be easy they'll require work preparation and the hardest part truce between us but if we're Victorious our efforts will be rewarded in the end what do you say soldier are you with me let's get to work now get out every woman here is beautiful write that down that's [Music] good that delivery thank you have a nice day you too somebody told you you never find yourself in love and now you're bit so you cut off your head and some of your friends you're losing another another [Music] again shattered into a million pieces you got there is I'm going P you out there you'll find out in [Music] time so don't you lose yourself when you're looking for your love all the down yeah everybody's going to want you so don't You Lose [Music] Yourself so don't you [Music] lose deep camera of Somebody That You Used To Know just to remind you of when you had it all yeah but wouldn't you know you still feeling broke down shattered into a million pieces you got doubt but there is someone for you out there you'll find out in [Music] time so don't you lose yourself when you're looking for your [Music] love it's been weeks and still no progress dad's already got his boxes packed to move into that new apartment next weekend and Mom's setting up lunch dates with some random dude named John Warick don't worry about that I blocked him even so we got to speed things up before it's too late I know I know but every campaign has unexpected setbacks it took Caesar 8 years to conquer Gaul we don't have 8 years we have 8 days what are we going to do we've been to those relationships so hope books over a million times well we have two choices we can surrender and accept the loss or we go nuclear and we use the family camping trip to do it what do you have in mind you right please I was born ready hey we're going to run up to the bathrooms and uh fill up the water bottles real quick that's fine just hurry back as soon as I get this tent up we're going to start dinner be careful they're fine just let them be there's bears oh there are not Bears here Carl we've been over this if this doesn't work I'm going to kill you trust me this has to work I yeah [Music] [Music] for [Music] Jeff Jeff wake up Jeff wake up wake up there's the bugs wake up you Jeff there are worms e there are worms in my tent where where are you in my tent get up wake up all right all right I I I'm I'm getting up I'm getting up okay okay okay I'm up go stop yelling no go I'm up quickly find them can you maybe use the light here here thank you zippers what do you mean I mean the zipper is stuck let me try well what are you going to let me try is it stuck kids Jenna Max hey could you please open the tent from out front it's the zipper stuck no Max this is not funny I want you to open this tent right now not until you and Dad work out whatever it is you need to and get back together yeah do you want our help then you're going to have to sit and talk out whatever problems you're having the way make us do this isn't funny you OB open this tent right now Max Jenna open this tent we're not kidding around here come on we'll see you two in the morning have a good night no no no no no Max come back here right now Jenna come back here and talk to us this is not funny this is not right this is not how we're too smart for our right now hey let's talk about this wait I don't think we thought of this all the way through sleep in the car definitely how the heck did they do this what they smuggle super glue in their bags they are our children I wouldn't put anything past them at this point well whatever they did I don't think we're getting out of here tonight they're taking this a lot harder than I thought they would yeah I didn't think they'd be this upset should we have tried harder for them I don't know I mean we've been fighting so much lately and I thought we were doing the right thing and then this I I don't know I mean maybe we should wait it's only a few more years before Max goes off to college if Max gets into [Laughter] college when should we tell them rise and shine sleepy heads anything you have to say for yourselves first of all you're both grounded for this little stunt you pulled last night with that we don't appreciate the way you went about doing things and since the divorce has obviously been so hard on you we have decided to put things on hold wait so did it work you're not getting a divorce anymore no yes oh oh I think I still have worms on me oh I need to find a shower I can't believe we pull this off we got to be the first kids in history to make their parents your mind take that Caesar you know when you're not annoying we actually make a pretty good team agreed but have you noticed that dad's still sleeping in the guest bedroom ever since we got back yeah they both kind of seemed bumped out maybe they just need time to adjust how many times do I have to tell you don't put the steak knives in the dishwasher well you know maybe if you would help me with auditions once in a while or just stop nagging me I wouldn't that doesn't even make sense I wouldn't nag you if you did what I actually asked you to do I have a lot on my mind I told you how stressful it is at work God forbid I should make a mistake and maybe maybe gosh let things when I said we should get them back together this you don't think I don't have stress this wasn't what I had almost every day you don't think that adds to it I cannot tell you the last time I didn't want to pull my hair out and the last time I had made a mistake was when you and I were talking about getting a divorce me too but we promised that we would stay together for the kids no matter how I'm miserable in my makeup stop fighting please we're sorry kids we didn't know you were there yeah your mom and I are having a little argument so why don't you guys go play outside or something so you can keep arguing that's all you've been doing since you guys got back together we're trying we know how important it is to both you kids that we stay married we don't want you guys to be miserable for us to be happy what are you saying I think we're saying that maybe you guys were right yeah like you said families come in all shapes and sizes sometimes they can stay the same but sometimes it may need to change so everyone could be happy did our kids just say that we were right about something don't get used to it okay yeah and if you insist for ruin our your lives dad can you at least get an apartment that has a Po in a Jacuzzi I'll see what I can do yeah and maybe take it easy on The Dating mom this Warwick guy I don't trust him you mean my attorney who by the way I haven't been able to get in touch with for like weeks oh whoops I can fix that huh do you know what I think this calls for a family hug cringe come on come on come on what you do Jenna my fault this is all your fault if you had been annoying stop fighting looks good come on are you kidding me ow mom Jenna just kicked me he started it sorry kids technically this trip falls on your dad's weekend I'm off duty Max Jenna knock it off familyes come in all shapes and sizes some things never change I wouldn't have it any other [Music] way all right dinner is served eat [Music] up awesome don't mess with the best [Laughter] oh that was great yeah really good perfect you know that I think I liked them way better when they were married and miserable at least the food was [Music] edible but you're one of our top Consultants if this is about money it's not about money just tell me what you need and it's yours I can give you more vacation time up the company's 401k contribution that's all very generous of you but I've made my decision and I can do whatever it takes to really help the company transition more smoothly well I got to say it doesn't make me happy but I understand and I wish you well thanks can I ask though where you're going is it McKenzie or deoe it's deoe is it it I'm actually quitting Consulting alog together and I'm going to take some time off to really figure out what I want to do but whatever it is I know it's going to involve dance that's actually my passion dance I know it sounds crazy leaving a job like this for something like that but I really think I can make it work you know maybe even start a company that revolves around my passion I don't think it sounds crazy at all in fact I was going to say that I really respect that it takes a lot of courage to walk away and Sh your own path also I think people who fully commit to their passion always do well really 100% I think what you're doing is really admirable in fact what are you doing one sec here is a little something to get you started this is so kind of you but $10,000 I don't even have an idea yet I'm not investing in an idea I'm investing in a person someone who I believe in very much I don't know what to say thank you this really means a lot to me you will always have a job here if you want but after having worked with you and seen what you're capable of I doubt you'll need it go make us [Music] proud papa I know you're still upset with me and you don't support my decision but I just want you to know that [Music] great job everyone see you next [Music] time hey I don't think I've ever seen you here in the middle of the week you used to do weekends right yeah I just left my job though so my schedule's pretty open oh nice so are you taking any other classes no but I want to it's just so hard finding the right ones in the area I mean half of them don't have websites and even if they do they don't list the pricings or even the schedule on there I think I had like what 30 tabs open and I still couldn't find the right one it's crazy yeah that's so true I was on my laptop looking for some the other day and I literally ran into the exact same problem yeah they should have something like open table for dance classes exactly you know if someone invented that I'd use is it anyways I'll see you [Music] later everything okay yeah amazing [Music] actually I think I figured out what I want to do finally I told your mother that you would be back to your senses soon but the good news is Raju Uncle knows someone who works at that company um what's the name of that company McKenzie McKenzie that only okay but no I was talking about my business I think I want to create something where people can find and try dance classes but what's wrong with the way they find them now you go to classes all the time I know but there's so much research that goes into that there's so many different websites out there and so much information posted everywhere so to fix that I'm going to make one site where everything is listed and people can just browse with no hassle and tell me how is that supposed to make money H well I mean I haven't figured out all the details yet but I can partner with different dance studios and instructors and have them list their classes on the site just like open table and whenever someone signs up I can make a cut that doesn't sound like a bad idea hm but um there is just one thing though of course there's always a thing I've already sketched out the business plan and to make it work I need to go all in what do you mean I mean a basic infrastructure is not enough I need investors and contacts and I need to be around tech people and in order to do that I've decided to move to the city New York first quitting your job and now this do you see what you have done H now enjoy explaining this to the rest of the family because I won't be the one to do it listen I won't do it at least wait to see what she has to say why can't you commute from here this is where you grew up this is where our whole family is I know but if I want to be taken seriously I need to be around the contacts and the capital we might have late nights and early morning meetings and I need to be hustling 247 but New York is such a big move what if you move and this fails I know it's risky but sometimes you have to do big things to make something of yourself what if Cheryl Sandberg never leaned in and what if Beyonce never left Destiny's Child and went solo that type of success beta is so rare for every one of those stories there are thousands who never make it why don't you start small and if it works then you can move it's all or nothing I don't need anything from you guys all I want is your blessing you're putting me in a very bad situation with your father I know but you're the only one who can convince him so please you better call us every day and if you ride the public transportation do not talk to strangers and you cannot walk alone at night and wear your purse like this because if that I promise I'll do whatever you want ah you're the best thank you I'm going to start [Music] packing with her parents' blessings or at least one of theirs pile moves into the city before long she finds herself in a new apartment she meets new dance instructors and makes connection she needs to get her new company class trass off the ground everything falls into place and goes exactly according to her business plan within a few months she's optimistic the company will be successful and she's more inspired than ever about the future when she explains the idea of classpass a website that allows you to sign up for different classes online everyone she talks to seems excited to try [Music] it but despite everyone's initial enthusiasm she quickly learns that people are looking for classes but not signing up for any without any class reservations the business model doesn't work it doesn't take long for people to lose interest in CL class pass no matter how much pile sells them on it she starts to feel like a total [Music] failure after spending all her time and money pursuing her passion she begins to think that her parents may have been right okay I I see it but I just don't understand what more I can do hey P please please don't tell me you're here with more bad news I just can't take it I just want to say the investors are here oh um okay can you please give us a minute yeah Miss katakia thank you so much for making time to see us of course please we just wanted to meet in person to go over some of the data we received the analytics from your team and after reviewing everything we have some concerns right right um we've done everything by the book we engaged the press to get more media traction we ensured our website that has a more userfriendly interface we've been focused on growing our email list but where we're having trouble is converting all of these into reservations that's what we were afraid of and um based on numbers today we're not going to be able to meet our projections and and and we're going to need an additional investment if we want to stay in [Music] business unfortunately I don't think that's going to be possible at least not until the website traffic translates to book looking based on the data I don't think that's going to happen but I have employees to support and overhead and if we want to turn this around we need that additional investment look our hands are tied sometimes these things don't pan out the way we think they will even with the perfect business plan and doing everything by the book but you guys will lose your money if we fail so isn't it better troubleshooting this now than cutting all your losses that's the nature of the game take a lot of shots and most of them Miss but every now and then you do get that one special unicorn makes all the misses worth it don't be so hard on yourself we see this all the time you're smart you'll land on your feet you could always go back into Consulting we'll check back in with you in a couple of weeks in the meantime keep your head up and maybe think about getting a backup plan let's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go [Music] [Music] [Music] Papa what are you doing here you promised your mom that you would check in every day you haven't answered any of our calls we are worried about you wait but is Mama here no she doesn't know that I'm here what's going on vaa H why are you avoiding us you were right my entire company is a failure what are you talking about your mother said everything is going well yeah it was in the beginning but the model is just not sustainable and I've tried everything from email blast to even offering free classes but nothing's working and I can't figure out why what's the real problem bet I can get people on the website but no one's signing up for the classes and we need to make reservations in order to make a profit and I just don't get it because people were so excited and I spent months working on this and all my savings All For What and I know I should have just listened to you guys stayed at my job and went to grad school and settled down so I know what you're here to say so please just say it so we can get it over with say what that you told me so that this was a waste of time and money and that this whole thing was a mistake and I should have just stayed at home that's not what I was going to say then what you shouldn't give up what but I thought you didn't support this and that I was wasting my time and that you were disappointed yes I was but not with you I was disappointed because this isn't the path I imagined for you I just wanted you to have a good stable job without ever having to worry then what changed after seeing how far you have come and how happy you have been I realized it was selfish of me that I ever want you to do something that you didn't love it's not what I would have chosen but it's your life and I will support you whatever you want to do with it really you really mean that of course you are my daughter thanks Papa but I mean I guess it doesn't really matter now because I still failed for your kind information failure is a data point not an end point what you think I bought you all those business school books and never read any of them if you are really passionate about something you just need to keep going I want to I really do but I don't think I can find a solution before money runs out if anyone can it's you this is your company you know it better than anyone else I know but I've been through the data and the spreadsheets like a million times and I just I can't figure out a way then go over them a million and one times you should just keep trying but what if it doesn't work out then you pick yourself back up like this and keep trying keep trying keep trying because a wise girl once told me if you follow your passion you will eventually succeed and that wise girl is standing right in front of me thanks but I think I was just naive that's not true mhm if it wasn't a good idea you never would have made this far you never would have gotten those investors Partners or customers and I wouldn't be standing here here I'm a very very busy man but what if I let everyone down again don't say that beta please I believe in you everyone else believes in you now you just have to believe in yourself and keep trying keep trying keep trying besides your mother has already informed the entire family on a WhatsApp chat group that you are a big Tech entrepreneur H now we can't have you going back to Consulting can we can we no okay then let's order a take out or something if I have to be in the city I might as well eat something that your mother wouldn't let me have at home something really good okay pile is one once again excited to go after her dream after thinking long and hard about class passes analytics and what went wrong pile comes up with the new [Music] solution she introduces a subscription based model with the flat fee allowing customers the options of trying different types of classes every month once you p itches A New Concept to different instructors around town they all seem to love it and are excited to try it out the new business model turns out to be a major hit customers begin buying monthly subscriptions and class reservations start to Skyrocket class pass experiences unprecedented [Music] growth as the years pass pile and the investors couldn't be happier since launching her new model classpass is partnered with over 30,000 studios in 28 different countries Fortune Magazine included Pile in their 40 under 40 list and she has become one of the most successful female entrepreneurs of all time several years later she even launched your own book to inspire others to follow their passions here you go I hope you have a good day thank you so much well it seems my investment panned out oh my gosh I didn't know you were coming oh no I wanted to surprise you I saw an article about your book coming out and I just couldn't resist well I don't think there would have been a book if it wasn't for my first investor no no I'm sure it's all to do with your hard work and the support of your parents you must is so proud yes we are she is a shining star in the whole Indian Community I get messages every day on WhatsApp from people all over the world about her thank you for always supporting our daughter of course I don't know what my parents are more proud of the fact that I sold my company or that I married a lawyer Nick meet my old boss from Consulting who wrote me my first investment nice to meet you yeah if you ever have another idea for a company please come to me first we Doo I appreciate that well I don't want to hold the line up it was lovely meeting you all we'll cheat bye hey there cutie this is briia she's your biggest fan and she does Indian dance too is that so used to not anymore why not some kids at school have been making fun of me and calling me names you know when I was young younger I got made fun of for doing Indian dance too you did yeah especially this one kid sorry I had to take that hey I'm Billy priya's dad nice to wait why do you look so familiar Billy from fber elementary oh my gosh you're that pile is is this the same Billy I just want to say that I am so sorry it's all right you don't need to apologize in fact I should be thanking you thanking me but I was so mean to you but it's because of you I stayed motivated to work hard and go after my dreams for years I have felt so bad about who I used to be and now it seems like everything's coming full circle because kids are bullying my priia at school you know what don't let it get you down just keep doing what you love and don't worry about what anyone else thinks thanks but it's more than just that I auditioned for our team and didn't make it in I'm also not very good just keep trying if there's one thing I know for sure if you follow your passion it will eventually lead to success and if you need any proof of that exhibit a I didn't always believe that but now I know it's true maybe I'll keep trying then thanks for the advice well if you ever ever need any reassurance just read my story and I hope it will inspire you and I also have my email on my website maybe we can dance together sometime really why wait till sometime when we can dance right now yes yes yes they have it in stock please Mom Mom Mom Mom can you please get this for me don't you already have an Xbox no no no this is a Playstation it's completely different I mean come on please this will be my Christmas present's see $500 no way Troy that's too expensive you know I don't have a job right now come on dad would get this for me in a [Music] heartbeat you know what just just forget it I'll just ask Dad to get for me don't be that way Troy H how about Oculus didn't you say you wanted one you did right not as much as a PS5 I know but it's $200 cheaper and this is still a really nice Christmas gift huh yeah whatever it's fine look I'll be waiting outside try not to get too [Music] excited hello happy holidays happy that's what you want to call it sure by chance are you guys hiring no sorry yeah that'll be $322.00 there aren't any coupons or anything are there unfortunately not all right here you go oh hold on sorry I'm sorry it says insufficient funds do you have another card you can try or cash uh let me see [Music] um you could apply for a store credit card no that's all right um I don't want to dig deeper in debt you know um would it be okay if I use cash and then put the rest on my card sure um how much would you like me to put on the card let me see all right okay so we're going to put 265 on the card and 2 4660 in cash okay okay [Music] okay it went through great all right here's your change thank you mhm would you like a bag sure it's 25 uh that's all right don't worry about it thank you you know what I'll take care of it happy holidays are you excited about your game system yes shoot nah we got to go back for what it says it doesn't include a carrying case can you believe it what do you need a carrying case for you could just use the Box what no no I can't bring this to my friend's house in the box that looks so cheap come on Troy now I just spent a lot of money forget it I'll just ask that your favorite [Music] line all right how much is the case I don't know like 20 [Music] bucks all right let's go wait I don't want to carry this around let me put this in the car next you happy now Hey where's my [Music] car this this is where I parked right yeah wait isn't that our car oh my gosh my Oculus is in there hey that's my car stop hey stop stop please hey hi um do you work here yes ma'am um did you call the tow truck no ma'am that's parking enforcement I'm just a security guard why did they tow my car and instead of just giving me a ticket I'm not sure but usually when that happens it's because you have unpaid registration you didn't pay your registration seriously why things have been complicated complicated okay so what are we going to do now I don't know okay just give me a second do you know where they are taking my car yeah it's one20 High Street it's about 4 miles up the road 4 miles do you um think you could give us a ride I'm sorry I can't I could I could I could lose my job good luck okay look how about I just call no no do not call him I just called grandma just give me a minute hey sweetheart I'm at work are you okay yeah um I'm here with Troy at the plaza and my car got told you think you could pick us up no swe no I'm in a meeting with my boss we're going over a real estate deal we're about to close can you call an [Music] Uber I don't have any money and honestly I won't be able to get my car back I'm just trying to get Troy his Christmas present that was in there I'm sorry okay I'll call you an Uber uh you're in the Plaza parking lot no no you don't have to do that you've already done so much for us lately so we get just walk and um it's not that far so okay good luck thanks Ma I'll see you at home I love you all right sorry about that it's all right is everything okay my daughter's just going through some hard times it'll be okay oh no but if there's anything I can do to help just let me know thank you you're the best thanks what were you doing look I called Dad to Pi up he's already on the way why would you do that H I told you not to call him look I don't see what the big deal is plus I mean what else are we going to do we're going to walk that's what we're going to do now text him and tell him not to come no no no no wait no I'm not walking that far hey I'm being [Music] serious why is it so far and why do we have to walk you want your Oculus back again right we don't have any other choice okay I still don't get why you won't just let Dad help us please stop asking me that no up until a month ago everything was fine and then all of a sudden we moved in with Grandma and you and Dad stopped talking and and you guys stop working together I mean it doesn't make any sense Troy please it's better for you if you don't know okay now we're not far from me there's Dad I told you to text him not to come oh hey hey Tiffany I thought my dad was speaking me up yeah he got tied up in a meeting so I offered to come huh thanks uh would you mind taking my mom and I to the toll lot yeah that's fine hop in okay one sec hey Mom it's not Dad it's just a secretary so it's fine come on let's go I am not getting in that car come on I don't see what the big deal is okay it's just no I am not getting in that car well I'm not walking so if you don't want to go then I'll just go to dad's office and have him drop me off at Grandma's [Music] later you coming fine see you [Music] later hello well if you didn't want to pay $300 then maybe you shouldn't have parked in the red I can't believe these people mhm can I help you uh hi um my car got told earlier it's a gray Nissan Sentra oh yeah yeah you called earlier right no um listen I'm not actually here to even get my car I want to know would it be all right if I could leave it here just for a while you know until I can get together the $300 to pay for the toe that's just the minimum it's $50 a day after that what seriously yeah you can't just park here for free I never wanted to park here and I didn't want to come to work today but yet here we are um how do I get to my car I I need to get something out of it you can't access your vehicle until you pay what come on come on my son's Christmas present is in there please look it's company policy there's nothing I can do if you didn't want your car tow you shouldn't have left it in the red oh she didn't park in the red an expired meter oh then why'd you tow her unpaid registration ah are you the one who told my car yep and you saw me then why didn't you stop you know I try to avoid altercations with customers they tend to get a little hysterical this is your car you did call her earlier no it wasn't me well somebody did whatever anyway your fees already been paid in full over the phone oh my gosh really I guess you have a guardian angel will you take it to her car f follow me hello you thie stole my car whoa whoa whoa whoa you better drop that attitude and try again can't believe these people right there's your car have a nice day thanks hey wait someone broke into my car and they stole my son's Christmas gift yeah well you know this isn't the safest place for parking I never parked here you took it here well you should have paid your parking meter there's nothing I could do we're not responsible company [Music] policy you guys company policy sucks yeah I [Music] [Music] know [Music] no no I can't believe all this is happening to [Music] me [Music] [Music] great hey baby you didn't have to pay for me you know I would have figured something out I know but you're already going through so much and I just wanted to help well thanks and I appreciate it and I promise that as soon as I get a job I'm going to pay you back all the money you spent on okay sweetheart that should be the last of your worries where's Troy I just got home I haven't seen him yet okay M me just have some tea oh wait what are you doing with that I am going to buy Troy another Christmas present wait no no that's your savings so you can get your real estate license I know I know that was the plan but now I need to buy Troy a Christmas present no do not break into that how much do you need no Mom absolutely not I am not letting you spend any more money on us no it's not that big why did you break into that that was all the SS you had if you were in my situation would you not do the same thing for me yes now if you want to help me you can help me count this [Music] money okay come here come here okay oh this messy money it's a lot of it though come on let's go is that a a PS5 yeah how in the world dad took me to get it before he dropped me off look I told you youd buy it for me what about your Oculus oh look I don't care about that you can just I don't know leave it on the floor [Music] what are you crying about now Mom do you have any idea what I went through to get you a present I pretty much spent my last dollar okay well I told you what I really liked from the beginning so it's not my fault that you couldn't afford to get me what I really wanted for [Music] Christmas you know dad told me are you guys split up oh yeah and what did he say basically that it was all your fault that you broke up this [Music] family is that [Music] true if that's what you want to believe Troy then that's [Music] mying I want to go live with that I don't want to be here anymore you can make your own decisions Troy I'm not going to stop [Music] you you know you can't always believe everything your dad says what am I supposed to do my won't tell me anything that's because she cares more about your feelings than her own what what are you talking about the reason she isn't saying anything is because she doesn't want you to think any less of your father you see your mom has always done her best to take care of everyone around her on top of trying to be the best mother and the best wife she also sacrificed her own career to help build your dad's [Music] business even though it's because of her the whole office ran [Music] he never really appreciated your mom and would keep everything to himself she was just too nice to [Music] complain then a few weeks ago on your dad's birthday he didn't come home because he was working late at the office so she decided to surprise him little did she know that she would be getting the surprise when she walked into your dad's office there he [Music] was cheating on her with the secretary she couldn't believe it and to make things even worse your dad didn't even feel bad at all he told her if she left he would take away her car cut off all her spending and that she would be left with nothing as hard as it was your mom stood her ground and decided to walk away anyway so you see that's the real reason why your parents separated oh my gosh I mean I can't believe he did that to her man why wouldn't she just tell me because as badly as he hurt her she didn't want you to hate your dad that's how big her heart is this whole time I thought it was all her fault gosh I can't believe I got in the corner with Tiffany who you can't blame yourself you didn't know but now that you do [Music] know Grandma told me everything I'm so sorry about everything [Music] I never gotten in that car earlier if I had known Mom oh I know baby I know you wouldn't I know o this is the office I got to take this hey look look I can return the PS5 and then you can use that money no no you don't have to return and even if you decide to all that money is yours cuz I don't want anything to do with your dad's money okay what are you going to do I mean grandma she told me that that took like everything I I I don't know but I'm going to figure out a way to can you repeat what you just said one more time you're on speaker phone your daughter seems like an extremely capable young woman we'd love to give her the office manager position if she's interested hold on a second it's my boss they want to offer you position you start right away it pays well and they're even going to cover the cost of your real estate license really what how did she even know I was looking I might have been in and out of the a telling them how capable you were wow thank you I I I appreciate it well you going to take the [Music] position yes she's going to accept the position yay I'm so excited oh so are we thank you you're welcome Happy Holidays happy holiday [Applause] [Laughter] holiday now I want you to know that my first check is going to to you to start paying you back for everything nonsense you don't owe me anything mama please M hey Troy what are you making Christmas cookies yeah what do you guys think they look delicious better than the ones I make thanks guys and I have fun more surprise what is it you'll see open it all right I'll get that okay I'll go get Troy no wait I'm not here to see him okay then why are you here I'm here to see you look I know things in it really badly between us but I want to try to make them better I don't understand what happened to Tiffany I caught her charging up the company credit card and even taking money from one of the accounts it was a big mess oh wow to be honest everything kind of went downhill after you left I guess I didn't realize how much you did for the company how much you did for me until you're gone so do you think maybe uh I can try to get you to come back so that we can all be a family again you're welcome to see Troy whenever you want but as far as you and I there's no way that could ever happen again hey hey hey Troy um want to spend Christmas with your pop uh spend it with M Grandma but I want to give you this back [Music] I thought this is what you wanted it was but not anymore appreciate it though all right what like it to see you on New Year's uh maybe all right um You Take Care son h [Music] did you really just give your PlayStation back yeah I need to have an Xbox no come on I want you to open it all right all right what have you got in here is this yeah I paid your registration and that ticket you got Merry Christmas no no but how did you I returned my Oculus no look Mom I promise it's fine I don't need it I realize it Christmas isn't all about gifts sweetheart I love you so much love you too Merry Christmas guys so how' the meeting go what was that honey did the meeting go well Sarah Sarah why are you yelling I'm literally right here you know the rules no phones at the table what's the big deal it's 2021 everyone uses their phone while they eat not in this household they don't you're so annoying excuse me come on just put it down for 10 minutes sweetheart this is family time yeah family time with a family that I don't want to be a part of where are you going if I can't use my phone at the table then I won't eat simple as that okay I don't I don't know mom uh give me a second I thought you weren't talking to me I'm not but I need $40 for what okay for something I I just need it but didn't you get your allowance on Monday did you already spend it I've only got 20 bucks left but that's it you do realize my $100 allowance isn't a lot of money right I all my friends get way more more than that and there are a lot of people who don't get anything okay so I'm sorry but you're going to have to wait but Mom I Sarah I am not going to change my mind whatever honey my sister's on the phone she wants to say hello oh how nice a hello yeah hi Cindy it's 5:00 want to watch the new Dar man video watch it later well we won't be taking the time y today cu the three of us have a basketball game what do you mean the game is tomorrow not according to the he Dad yes hny can I have $40 uh did you ask your mom uh yeah yeah uh she was about to give it to me before you came down oh okay then yeah here you go thanks Dad you're the best yeah why did you just give that to her what do you mean she said you were about to give it to her I cannot believe you just lied give that money back to your father right now I wouldn't have to if you guys weren't so mean to me we're not trying to be mean to you but the wor I don't want another dumb lecture okay go into my room oh come on Sarah [Music] Sarah [Music] what see you guys later hang on hey he hey where do you think you're going to hang out with Ashley and Morgan on a Thursday night I don't think so you know you're not allowed to go out on weekdays I don't have school tomorrow so technically it's more like a weekend sorry you're not going anywhere honey you can see your friends tomorrow night what no my friends are already waiting for me I have to go we going to say something Jeff I'm sorry sweetheart but you know the rules I'm so sick of all your guys' rules well as long as you live under this roof you're going to have to follow him well maybe I won't live in this house anymore how about that Sarah I'm serious one day you guys are going to wake up and I'm going to be gone just watch [Music] [Music] [Music] don't [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] $17 for this top was such a good deal you should have bought the jeans too I tried to ask my parents for my money and they wouldn't give it to me they're so strict they wouldn't even let me come here that's why I had to run away I thought about running away before too but I could never do it same I never made it past the driveway my mom's here I got to go still want to ride yeah what are you going to do I don't know I was thinking maybe I could spend the night at your house uh that'd be totally cool except my uncle's visiting and he's using the guest room oh okay what about your house you know the first thing my mom's going to do is call your mom you're right okay well I guess I'll just figure something else out are you sure you're going to be okay yeah I'll be fine don't worry about me well in case you want to go back home at least you only live a few blocks away that's not even an option I'm never going back there all right well call us if you need anything good luck [Music] [Music] bye [Music] [Music] hey little girl you lost or something you want to come with us uh no I'm okay do you guys know any cheap places to stay around here there's a motel up the street it's like 29 bucks a night come on we'll take you there that's all right [Applause] thanks hey hey come back here that's the only money I have a little advice never pull out cash around here please leave me alone don't worry not here to hurt you hey look at me oh my gosh you're my age so what are you doing out here it's my parents they were driving me crazy so I had to leave I can understand that how long you've been out here for about 2 weeks wow I've been here 2 hours and I'm already struggling what minut do you want to leave I guess you could say for the same reason you left you see my parents parents were always being so mean and had all these rules they never let me do anything and made me feel like I was a prisoner so that's when I decided to run away I wrote them a note grabbed my backpack and took off in the middle of the night at first I was happy about my decision but it didn't take long for things to start going wrong [Music] over time everything got harder and harder I ran out of money had to sleep on the street and I'm constantly surrounded by all these dangerous people so you see now I really regret my decision not a moment goes by where I don't think about going home oh my gosh I'm so sorry but if you don't want to be here why don't you just go back home I think about it all the time part of it is I live far away don't even have the $18 it cost me to go back home the other part is I don't even know if my family wants me anymore hey hey don't cry all I can say is don't make the same mistake I did I regret my decision so much I love you honey love you too [Applause] Dad breakfast is ready oh someone's in a good mood this morning yeah I just love you so much oh honey oh I love you too okay go take a seat I can't believe I fell asleep on the couch last night oh you look so comfortable I didn't want to wake you smells good I'm surprised you're not on your cell phone if you want to use it it's okay to be honest I feel bad about yesterday no it's all right I would rather just talk to you guys is this the same Sarah from yesterday what changed let's just say I realized a few things well on that note um I talked to your dad last night and I realized something too I shouldn't have questioned you it seemed like you really needed it so here's the $40 really [Music] mhm actually that's okay Mom I don't need it anymore well I've never seen you turn down money wow okay I'm so proud of you honey well let's eat oh yeah cast waffles hey what are you doing here I came to give you this what but I thought you lost all your money yeah but um I returned something that I bought I appreciate it but can't take your money oh please I insist so that you can go back home take it [Music] thanks but I don't know I'm a little bit nervous what if my parents don't want me back are you kidding come on they're your parents of course they do there's not a second that goes by where they're not missing you I'm sure you really think so maybe you're right thank you so much I'll never forget this you're welcome good luck [Music] Sasha honey come quick Sasha's here missed you so much Dad wow my biry girl look who's here look oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh God oh oh my God let me look at you let me look at you oh my God maybe our prayers have been answer please don't leave us again like that okay don't worry I never will oh god oh oh my gosh oh my baby [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 927,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: EGZsXy6krJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 10sec (8050 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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