Mean Girls Learn Valuable Life Lessons | Dhar Mann

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everyone's checking out your new whip good I didn't wait this long for my parents to get me this car for people not to notice you know you are so lucky I wish my parents could give me a car like this at least Beth takes us to school in it true guys check out that piece of junk is that Allison's car does that thing even run I don't even know let's go and find out follow me there you go you got all your books and your homework in there okay good come on nice rust bucket Ally did you pick that up straight from the junkyard good morning to you too Bethany seriously though your family can't even get you a decent car have you seen Beth's new ride yeah it's worth over a hundred grand well that's great for Bethany we don't have that kind of money wow this really suck being poor see you around broy come on this what wrong with our car nothing they're just being mean don't worry about them okay n where's your jacket it's cold I forgot it at home that's okay here you can take mine there you go now let's get you to home room before you're late okay come hey do you H the mall later today I can't my mom mom's making me volunteer at the hospital seriously why trust me the last thing I want to be doing is delivering food to sick people but my college counselor told my mom that I need to do these kinds of things if I want to get into a good school that sucks okay everyone let's go it's cold so let's get started Allison where's your coat uh I gave it to my little sister there's a student store why don't you see if you can grab yourself a hoodie uh that's all right I'll be okay are you sure it's cuz she can't afford it everyone knows how broke she is okay really Bethany that kind of talk is unnecessary unless you would like to run laps all period I didn't think so why don't you go see if there's a lost and found you can find something from there okay okay right thanks hurry back mhm everybody else up up up up up up stretch it up arms up smile you're all happy to be here why are they all dresses in here you look like a raccoon rumaging through that trash do you need something otherwise I don't understand why you following me no one's following you relax I just came in here to use the bathroom I can't believe you're wearing other people's rejects you know Bev you should really be kind to people because you never know what they could be going through you're such a loser not what's going on shouldn't you be at lunch yeah but I don't have any credits left that's okay uh here you go take this wait how are you going to eat don't worry about me now you better get going before lunch ends okay thank you of course go you're the best ever you good Alison cook um it looks like there isn't any money in your account uh yeah I know um can you put it on my credit sorry you're out of credit too oh we do have a free lunch option if you want okay thanks hey you guys have to come over my mom got this new private chef and his food is to die for just let us know when check out Allison's food since she's eating one of the free meals you're kidding what is this oatmeal what does it look like ew is that even edible no my plan is just to stare at it until I'm no longer hungry I can't even look at it I just lost my appetite well not everyone has mommy and daddy's money to afford fancy lunches oh poor you [Laughter] literally is it co okay just a second that we're going to be late I know I'll just figure something out okay why don't you just wait in the car is there something I can do to help please just wait in the car having some car troubles Ali not at all I just enoy enjoy popping my hood and getting some fresh air before I drive home you know i' give you a ride but this car is new and I don't want you in here with that smelly lost and found hoodie catch you later broi you know what come on we're walking it's going to be so cold and it's going to take so long better late than ever right sorry it'll just be a little Adventure me and you does that sound fun okay let's go Mommy hey hey sweetie how was school good today we learned about sharks that sounds like a lot of fun hey Mom I'm so sorry we're late the car broke down so we had to walk honey I'm so sorry I feel so bad that you have to take care of everything you should only have to focus on school and not on everything else no it's okay just focus on getting better please we're pulling through I just wish your dad stop okay we don't need to talk about that anymore okay so how's work going work is fine I picked up a late shift tonight I'm going to go after I put Nat to bed you work so hard at school school is okay there's just some girls who have been let's just say less than [Music] nice what are you doing here um I'm volunteering here's your mom's food I'll take that sorry for the intrusion hey Nat um why don't you hang out with Mom and uh get started on your homework Mom I'll be right back okay hey hi were you EES dropping on us that was a private conversation no I I didn't mean to I I didn't even know your mom was in the hospital look if you have any more snide remarks just save that for school I'm here to be with my mom I get it wait I'm sorry from what I heard sounds like you've been through a lot you have no idea do you mind me asking what happened why so you can use that against me to try and humiliate me at school no I promise I got it if you don't want to say I'm probably the last person you want to talk to right now so look it all started going downhill about a year ago you see my mom was having some health issues and a bunch of tests were done eventually we got the results back and found [Music] out she had [Music] cancer when she started treatment she would be sick all the [Music] time n and I did our best to support [Music] her but my dad on the other hand couldn't handle the pressure so he walked out on [Music] us with my mom in the hospital and my dad out of the picture we had to downsize everything even though it's really hard sometimes I have to be strong for my sister so you see that's what's been going on in my life for the past year that's why I can't afford nice things oh my gosh I had no idea if I had known I would have never what been so mean yeah I'm so sorry I appreciate you saying that Alie sweetheart are you okay out there I'll be right in mom I got to go I'll see you in school [Music] bye I think we're going to have to walk to school today but that's so far I know and I'm sorry but there's honestly nothing I can do the car is just doing its own thing hi hey what are you doing here sorry to show up and announced um someone told me that you live over here I wanted to catch you before school okay what's up listen I feel really bad about everything so I brought you guys some stuff you got us clothes and groceries no that's okay we don't need to accept your sympathy we'll be fine no that that's not what this is about I did this because I realize you were right you should always be kind because you never know what someone's going through I'm really sorry thanks I appreciate it are you still having trouble with your car can I give you a ride no we're just going to walk come on I have plenty of room it's cold out what if she gets sick please do you think Bethany should give us a ride yes please I guess we'll take it okay thanks great I'll just put this inside real quick and then I'll be right back sounds good come on let's [Music] go what's everyone looking at um Madison I don't think you want to see this or you Shelby Shelby's boyfriend try to flirt with Madison it says he tried to slide in her DMs I knew there was something off about the relationship if I was Shelby I'd be devastated sh she's right there I'm so sorry I should have told you sooner my best friend are you serious no Shelby sorry this this never happened I swear I always had the feeling you were into her we're so D come on babe babe tell her you know I would never do something like that babe this is insane I can't believe someone would do all of this to Madison I mean she's literally the worst but even she doesn't deserve all this whoever did it is going to get in huge trouble Olivia what do you know who did it Emma why do you have m i explain you see oh my God I love that bag so cute thanks my aunt got it for me um she loves foiling me and my sister because she doesn't have kids of her own lucky only my a have like four kids this is officially the coolest thing I own I'm going to wear it every day and I'm definitely going to bring get to a murder mystery called this yes this is so freaking gorgeous thanks it's the same one Rihanna has un like dying it' go perfect with what I'm wearing tomorrow night with Jason uh it's still so weird that you're dating my brother I can't get used to it you know if you like weren't one of my closest friends I'd break the two of you up please don't ever do that you know how much I like him oh no she didn't um there's no way you're wearing the same bag as me you better have a different one in your locker uh no this is my only bag then go find an old one from the lost and found and use that or something Madison what's the big deal do you have any idea how embarrassing this is I can't be seen wearing the same bag as Emma everyone's going to think I got it at like TJ Maxx or something sorry but I love this bag and I'm using it every day hey babe oh hey nice bag thanks oh oh cool Madison has the same bag I guess Emma's a trend Setter huh can I say something just when I thought she couldn't get more annoying she comes to school with the same bag as me well it's not like you can do anything about it you just got to accept it trust me we all have to accept things that Annoy Us uh 917 46 two sorry sweetie doesn't look like you have enough credits my mom didn't give me any cash she lost her wallet just use my ID I have a ton of credits 482 92 six all right ladies you're all set thanks boo thanks boo why is she talking like that everything about her annoys me I want to ruin her back I wish there was a way that I could just like crush it or something oh shoot we forgot nokins I'll [Music] where are you going medison what are you doing over there oh my gosh Olivia are you okay yeah my bar but I'm fine watch where you're going what are you talking about you did this on purpose no what she bumped into me you guys saw that right she totally knocked the grease into me and then it fell on her what on Earth happened in here I think it was an accident uh the girls bumped into each other and uh they knocked over the grease that's not true Madison did this on purpose on purpose why would she did anyone see Madison do this no Madison's right I tripped over the car and the grease fell on me oh boy are you okay are you hurt do you need us to call your parents no I'm fine can I just change into my PE clothes for the rest of the day of course I'll go see if I can find you a new pair of gym sweats whose bag is that it's mine why I I like it Madison you have the same one you two are like twins I'll see about those sweats why didn't he tell her the truth Madison did this to you just let it go he'll come back to her it's not fair we need to get her back we can't let her get away with this no please don't you know the same don't waste your time on Revenge those who deserve it will always get it in the end but she just leave it okay Karma will come around [Music] huh weird hey Jason what you got there I I think it's Madison's journal or a diary or something I don't know oh too she must have dropped it um I can give it to her she lives on my block oh you here yeah I got it all right then so you see that's how I found this trust me I wanted to ruin Madison's life with this make her regret for messing with us I always so torn but then I realize I'm not that person I'm not as mean as Madison so I kept it in my backpack this whole time so you didn't do it no I didn't even read it because I remembered what you said it's not worth getting her back I should just let Karma take care of it well um so if you didn't do it then who did I have no idea listen Emma no one can see you with this diary makes you look guilty I know so when know what's looking let me put it back Emma Robinson hi principal Jackson this note was left in my office by an anonymous student I didn't know what it meant until now I don't know what that's wrong I I don't have it well someone must think that you do I'm going to need to check your locker no you can't do that yes Emma it's school policy someone used the copers to harass Madison and I need to find out who did it I will not tolerate bullying in my school wait principal Jackson I swear I didn't do this my office right now hey she didn't do it well the proof says otherwise to my office go oh and you too I'm waiting for your mom to answer so she can come pick you up you stay put you got the wrong person I really didn't do it hello yes this is she what's happening quick Miss Peterson thinks I'm going to the bathroom W she still thinks as me is a DI was in my locker she's going to suspend me for the rest of the week what that's not fair you need me do it she doesn't believe me and once my mom finds out I'm going to be grounded for the rest of my life cuz she's totally going to take the principal side if we can kiss her murder mystery we can goodbye no that looks so bad that's like the only thing I look forward to every week I don't know but someone's clearly trying to pin this on me wait who was the only person who saw you with the diary Jason we got to confront him and quick wait the principal says I have to stay put What's worst could happen you're already suspended you got to go why are you taking that you know how Mysteries work never know what you're going to need some stuff can turn out to be important can anyone tell me where the Declaration of Independence was signed yes at the bottom by the eggs can I help you Olivia yeah I need to talk to Jason for a second it's about a school project it'll be quick okay Philadelphia what's up are you trying to frame me what what are you talking about Madison's diary you're technically the one who gave it to me yeah because I thought you were going to give it to her if I knew you going to make photo copies I never would have given it to you I didn't make the copies Maybe maybe it was you who made the copies then you passed the evidence on to Emma so she could take the fall relax detective Olivia for information Shelby just broke off with me over Madison's Diaries look I love Shelby I mean why would I do that to myself shoot he's right he really doesn't have a motive all I know is that someone ruined my relationship Okay Madison is not the only victim here don't act so innocent you were still messaging your girlfriend's best friend behind her back what no I wasn't okay she was messaging with me and that's the truth not the other way around sure is there anyone who didn't want you and Shelby together not that I can think of I mean maybe my sister you know Kate never liked the idea of me and her best friend but than that Jason we're going over the Constitutional Convention you don't want to miss this right right of course come on okay we'll talk Kate would have had easy access to Madison's diary it was totally her my gosh this is like more fun than our murder mystery games maybe for you since your Future's all on the line here I still can't believe all this is happening H I know I'm so sorry well at least you don't have to worry about me dating your brother anymore Shelby I mean it bothered me and yeah like grossed me out when the two of you were together but together but so what you Kate what are you talking about it was you who made the copies you wanted to break up Shelby and Jason admit it you knew of Madison's diary got leaked Shelby would find out the truth and it would cause their breakup is that tricky no I would never do such a thing I was going to say yeah it bothered me but you made my brother so happy I would never break the two of you up I mean I thought you were good for each other as for you two how dare you accuse me of something like this you two have more motive Madison threw grease on you in front of the whole school yesterday yeah and principal Jackson found Madison's diary in your locker so we all know who did it for your information I was framed I didn't make the copies well neither did I plus I don't even have credit on my ID I use cash for everything what do that have to do with anything everybody's talking about how the diary Pages were made at the school copy machine the one in the library you need to use credit from your school ID to make copies I know how we can find out who did this we just got our lead let's go hi ladies how can I help you oh there's that cute bag again I love it it's very pretty what do you mean again I recognize your bag weren't you in here yesterday no I wasn't I really wasn't you wanted to see if there's any way to see who used the photocopy machine if this is about the incident from this morning I already told principal Jackson that the photocopy machine has been completely reset there's no way to view any history Sho there has to be another way we're trying to solve this mystery is there no backup anyway uh oh the computer backs up The copier lck we can check there yeah all right right up so yeah it looks like all the student IDs that we last internal right here oh I have another student to assist I hope you ladies find what you need 100 copies this has to be it student ID is 482 926 isn't that your uh I don't know how that got there you is you can tell me I totally understand I I just don't know why youd put the blame on me um it wasn't me okay I would never frame you okay sorry but what about you the librarian said she saw your back yesterday your back thinking it's me I don't know okay maybe we'll never solve this mystery well LMA Robertson please return to the principal's office your mother is here to pick you [Music] up why do they have to say my mom is here I'm sure you'll have a lot of time to think about it at home here take the clue oh my gosh I know who did it wait Madison what are you still doing here aren't you supposed to be suspended you like that wouldn't you that way no one finds out the truth what are you getting at there you are young lady I've been looking everywhere for you you are in big trouble Emma I can't believe you did this it's like I don't even know you are I didn't do it but I know who did it was Madison what why would Madison do this to herself exactly besides the fact that she'll love to get me back for her in the same bag as her Madison has a crush on her best friend's boyfriend that's ridiculous he's the one who has a crush on me no I told you I don't like you okay what was Shelby okay that's why I didn't respond to any of your DM you've been dming Jason no no I okay even if I have that doesn't mean I'd leak my own diary unless you have some other proof Emma I do the liian told me something that helped me figure this out she said she saw my bag yesterday but I didn't step foot in the library yesterday and only one other person has my bag after hit me I compare the note that was left for principal Jackson to one of the Diary Pages both eyes are exactly the same Madison daughter eyes just like that you can check every diary page to confirm she's right Madison does dot her eyes like that Shelby Madison is this all true tell us the truth and why would you use my student ID on the Cofe machine fine I did it it was me I've had a crush on Jason ever since elementary school and you knew about it and you still decided to date him that was a long time ago I didn't realize you liked him well yes I did and I've been waiting for you guys to break up for months when I realized it wasn't going to happen I wanted to ruin your guys' relationship but I didn't want to look like a bad friend so I had to to get creative you see at lunch yesterday I heard Olivia shout out her ID number 482 92 6 originally I was going to use it all on lunch just to drain her account but then I started thinking of a better idea I decided to make a fake diary and act like Jason had secretly been in love with me then I made copies of it using Olivia's ID to make it seem like it was her thankfully Miss Bradshaw never noticed to make things even more confusing I saw Emma walk into the hallway so I decided to leave the diary for her I figured between Emma and Olivia one of them would get blamed instead of me so you see that's what happened if Shelby didn't steal Jason from me then I wouldn't have had to stoop solo well looks like I almost suspended the wrong girl I'm so sorry Mrs Robinson I did not mean to wait waste your time no problem I am just glad that my girl didn't do this deep down I know she has a good heart she could never does this mean I'm not going to be grounded of course not wait does this mean we can still do our murder mystery Club this weekend yeah see look I would never do anything to hurt you and I I know I probably should have told you that Madison was dming me but I didn't want to ruin you guys friendship look I'm sorry you can you forgive me please of course I'm so sorry I didn't believe you I get it I'm so happy you guys are back together it's so much better to have my brother date you instead of somebody else awward no guys please come with me young lady we're going to go call your mom and after all this you're probably going to be transferring schools follow me this way I'm glad you didn't plan a Revenge scheme after all I just did what you said don't waste your time on Revenge those who deserve it always gets THS at the end oh you two detectives are pretty impressive now do you think you can use those skills to help me find my wallet no I'm serious what'd you get for number 23 I'm not there yet Heather Raina can you stop talking until everyone's [Music] finished I need to step out for a minute finish your worksheets and I'll be right back what'd you get for number 23 H what the what is this wait a second is this Chase that's private let me see oh my gosh it's totally him he even has the same jacket give it back hey Chase looks like you got yourself a little Stucker wait is this me as a anime character yeah Mia's totally in love with you no I'm not I I was just practicing drawing characters for my series you're what now it's for an anime contest first place gets $1,000 prize are you serious just when I thought you couldn't get any weirder anime isn't weird even a bunch of celebs are into it Ariana Grande Kanye West Sniper Wolf and what you think they're ever going to care about your dumb little drawings oh sorry about that hopefully everyone had a chance chance to finish pass them up to the front please oh and a quick reminder that Friday is career day so you will want to dress up as whatever you want to be lawyers doctors astronauts whatever your dream job is and then you'll give a brief presentation to the rest of the class I bet Mia is dressing up as Pikachu I'm sorry is something funny back there yeah Excuse Me Miss cran what if we don't plan on working well you have to choose something anything you could be a philanthropist or a stay-at-home mom like I would ever do that to myself never mind figure something out is Mia legit still drawing her anime I've got an idea get your phone out why what are you going to do I'm stopping the freak from drawing her anime for good record me but start it in like 1 minute [Music] hey loser thanks for the sandwich hey that's my lunch G you can keep it how old is that mean I don't know my mom got it from Walmart ew you get your groceries at Walmart gross what are you wasting your time on now if you don't have anything nice to say can you please leave me alone need to finish this for the contest you really don't think this is going to make you any money do you I mean it might someday you really do live in your fantasy world you know if I were you I'd start practicing taking coffee orders now since that's all you're going to end up doing if you stay on this track let me see that stop taking my stuff dumb dumb even dumber give it to me why do you keep picking on her yeah just give her her book back Heather stay out of this hold up is this me my siries needed a villain well if that's how it's going to be then I might as well embrace the part no no I needed these for the contest serves you right for drawing people without their permission and besides anime is a total waste of time know one day they'll be thanking you for this so good let me see that I'm so sorry Mia you didn't deserve that yeah don't don't let her get to [Music] you no I needed these for the contest what is that hey Mia thanks for the views what are you talking about guessing you haven't seen my Tik Tok no sweetheart how was hey what's going on are you going to tell me what's going on nothing can we just drive not don't you tell me what's wrong something happened at school it's not that big of a deal is someone picking on you is it the Heather girl I swear I don't want to talk about it can we just go home we're supposed to go to the thrift shop get your career day outfit remember yeah well I don't even know if I want to go to school that day anymore what do you mean you've been so excited you're going to dress up as Tanger uh Tanger tangero Demon Slayer oh month I got you this huh makeup palette you want you can match it with the wig mom you don't need to be wasting your money on me like that it's not a waste you're so talented what kind of mom would I be if I didn't support you thanks but if I go then I'm not going to wear an anime costume okay so what do you want to go as I don't know something normal so no one makes fun of me sweetheart being different is what makes you special can't try to fit in with everyone else yeah well that hasn't worked out so well can't let people that don't understand you keep you from following your dreams well that's easy to say when your dreams aren't sitting at the bottom of a garbage can what does that even mean do you remember the sketches that I was doing for the contest Heather destroyed them at lunch I knew it was the Heather girl you know I'm going to go talk to the school principal right now no that'll just make things worse fine I won't say anything as long as you promise to go to career day and you dress as whatever you like you can't let a mean girl tell you what you can and cannot do all right fine can we just drop it and dry it [Music] oh yeah you got some really cute things are you going for more of like a Kyle Richards Vibe you know I was actually leaning more like Kardashian oh look what the Cat Dragged In what do you want Heather oh nothing I just wanted to thank you my Tik tok's at over 1 million views guess I can add influencer to the list of things I can become I've looked at the comments and people people are on my side if I were you I'd delete that I gained 30,000 followers in a day I think I'll be okay with a little bit of hate were you just shopping at the thrift store and what is this it's part of my outfit for Friday what are you going as a witch no I'm going as a character for my favorite anime Demon Slayer even worse still stuck in your fantasy world I see you know maybe your life wouldn't suck so much if you weren't so weirdly obsessed with anime my life is just fine you have no friends no boyfriend and your poor what's so great about that not for long when my series takes off and I become famous you famous if the only 5 Seconds Of Fame you're ever going to get is from my Tik Tok oh and you know what tomorrow maybe I'll give you 10 more seconds by throwing you in the trash with the rest of your drawings see you tomorrow bye loser [Music] buddy what are you doing we leave for school in 10 minutes so David not been crushing it on court but off Court too how did you go from being on academic probation to getting a 4.0 GP wow Mia please don't let those girls get to you but what if they're right I eat lunch alone every day we live in a tiny studio apartment we can barely afford and I think that just drawing some fictional characters is going to magically change everything Heather's mean but she's not crazy Mia I know it doesn't feel like it right now but I promise you things are going to work out I don't know anymore more this is your favorite series right does the hero in the story just get what they want right away no Tango has to fight demons to avenge his family's death and to turn his sister nezo back to human exactly think of Heather as a [Music] demon not literally but you know my point is every person that's trying to make something great of their lives has to overcome some kind of obstacle and the obstacles are what make for a great story yeah but I don't know if I'm ready to do it why don't you go get that okay oh my God you're you're Sniper Wolf well technically I'm nuzo but yeah you must be Mia oh yeah I I'm sorry how do you know my name oh my God I wish I didn't look like this right now you're totally fine I saw a Tik Tok video about you and I felt super bad so I reached out to your mom you knew about this that's why I was trying to get you to go get ready I'm sorry sorry for what you're going through that Heather girl sounds like some of the girls that I went to school with that made fun of me you were made fun of you've got like 30 million subscribers now but I wasn't very popular in high school I was into anime and the other girls were into boys or shopping but now some of those same girls want to be my friends it's funny how life works so when people were mean to you it didn't make you want to change not at all because one thing I know is being different is what makes you cool you don't have to fit in with everybody else that's what my mom tells me we were talking about that before you came your mom sent me some of your drawings and they're really good like getting published or produced One Day sort of good wait you mean it you're not just saying that to make me feel better nope it's so good that if you want I could help get your series off the ground I've got a few contacts but for now I think you better go change or we're going to be wait you're going to school with me yep Tango nezo got to stick together right yes so in conclusion I want to be a real housewife preferably the Beverly Hills cast but I'm willing to accept New York or the oc2 thank you what an interesting goal Heather well we certainly have some colorful ideas between that and derk's dream job of creating a pyramid scheme okay who's next uh Mia you want to come up this is going to be cold so uh I decided to dress up as my favorite anime character tangero from Demon Slayer because I hope to create my own anime series that's code for going to be broke [Music] sorry Mia keep going uh what steps can someone take to become an anime Creator so actually First Step be born a total loser okay that is it one more comment and you were getting sent to the principal's office sorry go ahead so to become a Creator normally you need a foot in the door but actually Heather helped me with that what are you talking about no I didn't because of your video I was able to meet Hello friends it's snip oh my gosh hello what brings you here I'm here as Mia's friend but I'm also collabing with her on a special project a special project yeah I've been working on my own anime series but I haven't found the right person to collab with until I found Mia so we're going to produce a show together and I'll promote it on my channel Mia you're making a show withn that's so cool you're going to be famous what are you guys talking about anime is for total losers I think my subscribers would disagree but thanks for making that Tik Tok because that's how I found Mia principal Matthews is everything okay I need to speak with Heather with me why about a certain Tik Tok you made that came to my attention come with me [Music] [Applause] Chase huh sorry I missed a bus this morning but is it true you brought Sniper Wolf to class today yeah but wait are you gumaru from you're into anime ever since middle school but my friends gave me a hard time for it so I ended up getting into sports I never would have guessed well when I saw that drawing you made of me oh don't remind me that was so embarrassing no not at all because of you I've actually been binging bleach all week really yeah of course and if you're down maybe we can get together and watch it sometime if that's something you're into yeah that sounds good cool cool so bred all right I'll talk to you later okay bye hi how can I help you hi I've been an 11:00 interview with Jack feldstein my name is Heather Langston follow me wait here I'll go get him it's coming together guys yeah posters one and two but I still favor three all right well we'll try get back to like a week okay see you then Mia Mia Tanaka Heather what are you doing here uh low key I'm interviewing for an admin assistant role here super lame I know wait you're interviewing I thought you had a trust fund oh I uh sort of spent most of it so my dad told me I have to go out and get a real job but it looks like we both might be assistants here so sorry Jack got held up at a meeting oh I see you met Mia oh yeah we go way back I knew Mia when she was still scribbling those little anime characters in her notebook I had no idea I would have had me as assistant find a time for you two to meet directly had I known assistant of course well technically two assistants you know she's the CEO CEO wait but this is your company just give us a minute yeah I guess that little anime series worked out after all wow I had no idea but honestly if anyone deserves success it's you you always worked really hard and I never understood or appreciated any of that not until I lost all my money but um anyways congrats on everything I'm guessing you wouldn't want to hire me well we are scaling up I could use an extra set of hands yeah you're stilling interested of course really yeah you can start right now sorry to interrupt but your mom called she is loving the new house you got her and is hoping you'll be home for dinner and then Sniper Wolf just got here for the meeting okay great tell my mom will be there at 700 and I'm coming right now for the meeting and your first task can be making us some coffee oh yeah I uh I can do that I'm just kidding you can help run our social media I remember you're pretty good at that oh yeah um sorry about that by the way but that sounds good great HR we'll get you started oh and Mia thank you again hey hey you just thought I'll bring you this oh thanks honey is that come say hi to Sniper Wolf Sniper Wolf okay hey do you gross mind if I sit with you uhuh with that outfit yeah we mind Heather I am so so sorry there's no money on your account I have to take this but you can have this free lunch [Music] okay oh my God how embarrassing your family's so poor you have to eat that nasty free meal I could never how sad well um it's not that bad well we get our lunches made by our family's personal [Applause] shfs have fun eating your crappy fem meal homeless Heather homeless [Music] Heather a did you drop your nickel a can you please get off of it I need it for the bus E I can't believe you're so broke you have to take a public transportation that's disgusting so gross see that car over there that's my mom's brand new Tesla and that's just one of our cars that's good for you Becky I'd offer you a ride but I wouldn't want to dirty up the car having you in it recky let's go honey got to go my mom's taking me shopping at Gucci have fun riding the [Music] bus hey watch where you're going I'm sorry wow you again wait don't tell me you shop at the grift store well yeah I had to buy some new clothes for the school that is so gross first you eat the nasty school lunch then you ride the bus and now you buy other people's used clothes gosh how poor are you Becky I can't believe you just said that to her but I'm just telling the truth mom young lady you should never make fun of other people who cares it's just homeless Heather everyone makes fun of her how would you feel if someone made fun of you you shouldn't judge people until you've walked in their shoes well luckily we're rich and I won't ever have to worry about that see that's where you're wrong you may come from a family with money but that is not how we treat other people starting tomorrow no more catered lunches you can have the school lunch no more Tesla pickups you you can catch the bus and no more designer shopping you can shop at the thrift store look look Mom no you can't do that you have no choice Here Lady Becky can't believe what just happened the next day Becky doesn't have the chefmade food she usually eats when she tries to sit down at the table with her friends they make fun of her and don't even let her sit with them Becky is devastated and after school Becky's mom doesn't pick her up in the Tesla instead she has to wait for the bus her friends happen to walk by and tease her Becky is so humiliated and finally Becky isn't able to shop at the designer store now she has to shop at the thrift store door her friends see her as she walks out and laugh at her she's so embarrassed and runs away in tears after a while Becky starts to understand what it feels like to get made fun of for not having much enjoy your free lunch broke Becky let's go we wouldn't want anyone thinking we're friends with someone like her don't worry I'll sit with you ether but why are you being nice to me because I know how it feel when people are mean to you look I'm really sorry for making fun of you all those times I was wrong I guess you never really really know what someone's going through unless you experience it yourself can you please forgive me of course hey you think we could maybe catch the bus and go thrift shopping together later yeah I like that [Music] d
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 544,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: UwNs9L8VTs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 39sec (3639 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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