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[Music] all right good morning everybody we've got em Berlin here you guys as you know we are back to school which means there have been a ton of requests for back-to-school lunches so that is what we're doing today ambolyn is gonna show us what she's packing for her lunch but first did you want to show them the lunchbox that you got this year okay let's show yes and you guys I don't know if you guys can recognize this name bunches of lunches this is actually from the family but you guys it's so awesome they came out with a new bunches of lunches lunch kit and it is the cutest most amazing thing and has everything all in one box that you need to like make those cutesy lunches that I am never good at but this like literally makes it so easy look at all this stuff okay first of all all this comes in there you get the lunchbox you get all of these things you have like what you want to show us well you can put like little sauces in there crackers different things what else do we have in here we have these little pick things that you can put in the food just to make it fun amberlynn was so excited to see the eyes she actually used these eyes in her lunch yesterday so those are let's put them on your eyes oh there's there's those and then it also comes just like with a bunch of sandwich cut you guys I'm so impressed with all the stuff that is inside of this box and it makes me excited because it just makes it so much easier and then comes with like a little spork and more sandwich cutters you guys this box is packed full look at their cute family right here on the box I absolutely love this you guys I'm gonna leave a link down below these lunchboxes come in a bunch of different colors I will leave all the links for the different colors of lunchboxes and you guys they are so sweet and so nice that they gave all the fan banners a code for 10% off their lunch kit so you guys go check it out seriously we are so impressed with it and this I love how like big it is it fits so much in here there's no problem fitting all these containers in here plus room so what you think about it awesome awesome it's a screwed-up worker's rights right here oh it's a knife too oh my gosh it is I did not even notice that that is so cool all right girl let's see what you're making for lunch today hot dog hot dog hot dog diggity dog okay one bite one okay now I'm going to put in some strawberries in this kind of thing and so for your hot dogs do you like them just plain honey you don't love like ketchup or anything with them you just like them just like that no bun either so she just like some cut up just like that and then some yummy strawberries graham crackers Oh all right break it up even more that works to my ankle Boop nice that's probably all I need strawberries and reverb crackers in here okay so I'm gonna put this boot lid on and put then put it in my lunchbox oh there we go actually perfect look at this you guys it fits all the way in here and then look at all that room that is left in here okay I love it and I love that it's like an iced insulated bag which is even better because it keeps everything cool or warm whatever you want okay what else you got girl okay so I could leave room for other stuff perfect maybe move it later okay and so we also have what looks like a spork nut I don't even know what the word is spork connect I don't know so you'll take that for your hot dogs okay tap it in there nice I think I'm gonna get pretty full back I think you will too I wouldn't surprise I'll be sick we'll see we'll check your lunch box when you get home and see how much of it's left how much you ate today yeah sound good okay you guys and don't forget go get your lunch box for 10% off to use the code in the description box I'm super impressed with this lunch kids you all ready for school okay so Emma's gonna head to school and then we're gonna have Elijah here show us what he's packing for lunch looking studly today oh yeah so the older the older kids are already off to school so today it's gonna be just the elementary kids school lunches and then tomorrow we'll do the older kids lunches one more thing close it and zip it awesome okay guys it's my turn the coolest guy in school so here we go so first you need okay so what I'm making is my sandwich I got the nice French bread you know you gotta get that French bread okay guys so what we're doing right now is making our sandwich with the roast we're gonna put in roast beef so we got three pieces of roast beef oh wait in there and then we need some of shredded lettuce oh you want some mayo and mustard on there thank you you like them just plain like that huh yeah all right ooh that looks good dude that sure beats Subway sandwiches right there put it in nice and then next up we got strawberries a nap nice you know what handful time and then we're just gonna put all the maybe not all maybe you look that's good right there and maybe just one right Oh sneak attack well another sneak attack whoa putting them in so we'll get up get this when I put this in here I think we need to get you a family fudge lunchbox too yeah just for it to all fit in there oh you got up you could put your Apple in the bottom right there oh there we go all right what else we got wit ooh Thor Tina chick flick what come on Lee we don't need to do anything with it it's already packaged 45 boom the way I like it this is the booty the chips and is it really that hard no gir chip dinner water so what we're gonna do is we're gonna put in on water alright next right sandwich so it gets nice and cool nice we're gonna try to lay this on top and hopefully it got a packed lunch box there you guys we got this lunch box if you guys saw our back-to-school shopping haul we got this at Walmart okay don't smash your chips to be a little crush oh no it's okay I'm fine with crushed chips I'm thinking we're gonna get we did it that is a full lunchbox food all right I think we it's I think we definitely need another lunch kick yeah yeah all right dude so that's it that's it okay you ready for school I'm ready for second day today oh man how do you feel about it yeah and it's a really good day if you guys want to see how their first day of school went go check out that blog from yesterday and alright dude we got a hurry because your rides gonna be here any second alright you guys have a great day at school okay bye have a great day I'll see you after okay bye alright dude love you bye I love you have a great day at school great second day I love you see you after hey what's up you guys so kids are all off to school and it's nice and quiet and settled Braden's here just working on some things for his missionary list his checkoff list and Tina and I are just now about to go live on Facebook so if you're not following us on Facebook make sure you do and set your notifications because we actually should do occasional lives there as well just to connect with everybody so we're gonna go do that right now and then we'll check back in with you guys we got off the live Tina picked up Ethan Braden's well you got some stuff done for your mission Brayden got some stuff done for his mission Ethan's getting his snack and then you've got an activity tonight right so Ethan's got an activity tonight it's what at the mall and what is it Where's Waldo so with the young man and the young women at the church what happens what is it like what is Where's Waldo basically dude a riddle about a certain like type of person might there's a cowboy there's an 80s dude there's no one man there's time there's like four back young men created and I can just for that being creative oh so there's not just one person you're looking for okay so I thought it was like Where's Waldo like you've got to find one person and they're here so this is kind of lunch one we've done before yeah so you know once you like figure out the riddle you have to look for that person right so there's yeah so there's certain leaders there's certain church leaders yeah which was a lot of fun we did that once before and there might be one where there was like I remember one year they did it and one of the church leaders was a janitor and he literally dressed up like a janitor and had like a broom and was sweeping but people thought he actually worked at the mall and they would pass him up because he wore like a wig or whatever so you got to be ready for the unexpected right yeah so that's pretty fun didn't you excited for that so I'm gonna after em Berlin's practice I'm gonna take Ethan a group of the boys to the mall and they're gonna they're gonna participate in that activity so that's a fun one for you that for you tonight boom so what's up dude you got your in some money today at school what for your class dojo points I got 500 and then I got 250 bucks 250 dollar bills which is 600 600 and then I got a $20 bill which is tell them why you got the $20 bill oh I got the $20 bill cuz my teacher called me Ethan instead of my game she's like oh she do I have to give you $20 I have to give you money now because Ethan went to Pittsburgh wait - yeah - middle school yeah yeah and then em Berlin over here as you guys know in the vlog yesterday she was gonna get posted put all over her body but what happened yesterday they had to get one you got TPD oh man was it fun though were you laughing and smiling the whole time that's one so here's amber lynn you guys she's gonna show in her awesome bunches of lunches lunchbox what she has left how was it yeah to be left if you accidentally spill so I ate most of my hotdogs it's how much hot dogs did you have the whole thing or did you not eat that much I did it was kind of like showing that they will say so then I had all my strawberries and then I have my I ate some graham crackers just because glad to leave and go do recess did you have a lot of time or not too much time yeah while yeah oh the tip fell in there oh oh that's all right it's like a fork and then a knife on the side with this blood that's pretty cool so I think tomorrow we should try to eat a little bit more yeah okay all right and then we got Elijah yeah so what I had was I kind of threw some of it away but in this water key I'll show you everything else it kind of threw it away because I didn't we ran out of time and real quick amberlynn for her after-school snack is finishing her lunch okay so I had I've had all my strawberries no it was full on both sides so I did that and then I had half of my sandwich but in my defense it was like one of those French red ones so I was like this long right half of that it's good yeah and so I had half of that and then then um towards the end I had a little bit on my Apple like up say a pretty good amount uh-huh I had um I had some of my chips because I don't know why but it was like - guacamole I had to work I'm only with it and I felt like it kind of a little weirder said she was like waiting because we made it in the morning we do it so I did the afternoon so it must have taste it kind of tasted a little here but I have a couple of chips okay and then yeah that's it all right did all right so overall do you think you could eat a little more you think you did pretty good what are you packing to eat more my sandwich and then implement chips okay right now live on Instagram and we're gonna do some shout outs so let's see here we're gonna shout out who wants to be on tomorrow's vlog let's see who's gonna be in tomorrow's vlog XE ba ba ba bum if it can focus sorry it's not focusing boom alright I'm gonna do some shout out see who's joining us we've got the wind city twins we've got Joanna Bachmann Amie Hoffman's burger Jackson Joanna Scott Alvarado let's see I'm just gonna name off and I'm gonna include you guys in tomorrow's in tomorrow's vlog so we've got Katherine Callie cat a nuke Anouk Joe Jackson Snider what's up we'll do a few more angel Michelle and we also have Jen forever and Charles Williams in the house here awesome Tina Phillips we've got Tina look at this we have the Tina Phillips right there me me me in the house and Instagram life shout out to Tina Phillips you are awesome love your channel ash was giving us a Spanish update she's gonna say except hola como esta que pasa Braden knows it sing it well echo must occupy it's cold but like use your thoughts it's like such a catchy song and everyone loves to do it when bienvenidos a fam BAM welcome to the fam BAM get your mic out get your mic out oh yeah so so what'd you guys do today huh oh cool she said second day was really good let us know we had some of your friends we're in the Instagram live saying hey tell Ashlyn to vlog at school and I'm like I'm like Ashlyn can vlog if she wants to tell her I said you tell her yeah and then I'll put I told them you'd get the clips and then I will put it in in the vlog that was Marcus Marcus okay you got that [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you guys is so hot outside oh my goodness alright so I am just leaving practice right now it's not over yet but I need to get home and get dinner going get dinner started before the kids had to head out to their youth activity so I'm gonna go do that and then I'll come back pick up Danny and him Berlin and then they're gonna rush to drop off the kids for the youth activity so it's non-stop day you guys a lot going on but you know we love it the only thing is is the heat makes it 20 times worse because it's just so stinking hot but I'm not out there having to run and kick a soccer ball so I'm not gonna complain too much alright you guys so I'm gonna go home and probably do probably gonna do orange chicken tonight Costco orange chicken which we love it's delicious it's not as good as the Trader Joe's but it's still pretty dang good oh all right you guys so I made it back home I've got the orange chicken in the oven right now I got the rice cooking I got to make a little bit of a salad and then dinner will be served you guys this whole school schedule it's literally only been two days and it is kicking my booty I need to like go to bed at a decent hour so that I can when I wait I wake up with Ashland so I'm up at like 4:30 and I am just like by the end of the day so pooped so I have like running on fumes right now you guys just trying to keep keep pumping keep going through anyways you guys like my shirt smile more without the dot you guys go get your shirts we want every fan Bammer to have a smile more shirt without the dot because it's one of a kind so use our code fambam to get 20% off these shirts there's green gray like the one Danny is wearing today and then this blue one so go check it out it's a nice thin comfy material and we absolutely love it so go use our code fambam and let's get them let's get them all the fan members needed without the eye or without the dot it's got a 9 just no dot but all right guys I have got dinner is almost gonna be done the rice takes a little bit how many of you guys use wow the lighting just went way crazy how you guys use rice cookers makers I just have never I just always cooked it like the old-fashioned way I guess but everyone says that like those rice cookers are a lifesaver so I'm almost like should I get one I mean we make rice a lot our family really likes rice so would it be worth it to purchase it or is it like like does it cook super quick in a rice cooker or or what let me know because I've never had one I've never cooked with one before is it that much of a time-saver let me know down below okay so for those of you wondering this is what the Costco orange chicken looks like it is absolutely amazing and delicious it's almost time to eat got our rice going here boom BAM YUM all right everybody so I am back we I actually just ate a little bit of dinner we did a little bit of Scripture study with the kids at our home so basically amberlynn and elijah and so right now it's M berlin's bedtime so I'm gonna go in and gonna read a couple stories with her she's gets to pick out two little books that we can read and then she's gonna get down for bed so you're gonna get someone which ones you can again do you have an idea it's kind of fun cuz I've been sat down and read with you in a little while huh look at your googoo Galaxy you guys haven't seen that video on m-z DIY you gotta go check it out that's one of the books you want to read I need my monster what so comment down below what was like your favorite kid book growing up I liked I actually used to love like shel silverstein I think it was a poem book was called where the sidewalk ends I used to love that what oh they have real cool poems you should get it if you guys don't know if you go to look up on Amazon I actually have a book that I published it's a kids book it was actually one that I made in sixth grade I took the original book the original of sixth grade drawings and I put a cover of Elijah on it it's called worms so go check it out worms by Danny Phillips it's on Amazon I think and I think it's on sale for like an e-book I did it like four years ago or something like that go check it out you guys and I'll put the link to it down below it's pretty funny actually but keep in mind I did it when I was in sixth grade original writing original everything probably original spelling who knows but I just wanted to put it out there and it's called worms let's go we got to do - she's having a hard time between three pick the one you know you want no matter what oh my goodness I heard some creaking under my bed I knew the substitute monster had arrived evening said a low breathing voice my name is Herbert and I will be your monster for the evening what kind of name is that for a monster you don't sound scary at all [Music] all right MCS going to bed now I love you sleep tight don't let the bedbugs bite good night baby [Music]
Channel: PHILLIPS FamBam
Views: 27,580
Rating: 4.9345956 out of 5
Keywords: back to school lunch ideas, kids pack their own lunches, school lunches, phillips fambam, FamBam, Fam Bam, phillips fambam back to school, school lunch ideas, kids lunches, lunch, bunches of lunches lunch kit, the family fudge lunches, the family fudge lunch kit, Family, Real Life, Everyday Life, Daily vlogs, family vlogs, happy, This is how we bingham, kids back to school lunches, bunches of lunches, a bunch of lunches, kids everyday lunches, everyday lunches, back to school
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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