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previously on philips panda chicken sandwiches Wow it's my favorite gonna try it out I love croissants alright [Music] alright good evening yeah good evening everybody so we are getting ready to head out the door we are gonna be doing another drive-thru video you guys food but this time we are going to let the fast-food employee decide what we eat so we are literally gonna pull up to the drive-through at a couple locations that the kids want and we're gonna basically say I don't even know how they're gonna react hopefully we'll get someone who wants to we're just gonna be like hey we need we've got two orders we need two orders two combos we need you to pick them and with drinks or two combos and a dessert or something yeah we'll see when we get up to the drive-thru so basically we're gonna go to two different places and the kids have chosen jack-in-the-box and Taco Bell so once we get the jack-in-the-box the kids who want jack-in-the-box depending on how many we're gonna say okay we need three mils two mils however many will you order for us and we'll see what they did we'll see what we end up with you guys we're not gonna open any of it up until we get back home and let's do they react old the kids I'm like what if you get some stuff that you just don't like they're like that's the chance that's the chance they take and we might we might get something that we actually like that we've never had before so we'll see how it goes guys we're gonna try this out never done this before as you know though we have done this to other times when we let the person in front of us choose and when we let our instagramers you guys on instagram choose for us as well so we do have two other videos this is a new spin to it here we go let's do the one thing I don't want to talk about is the Mexican pizza oh all right so here we go where are you gonna want to eat em Berlin ooh Elijah jack-in-the-box Taco Bell what about you I am going Taco Bell yeah and I believe actions coming with us so we're gonna see where she's gonna want to go to so let's get going Oh all right so we are on the road we are headed first to jack-in-the-box you guys so who in here wants jack-in-the-box Ashlyn Elijah and that's it Oh in amberlynn so Ashland Elijah and Berlin all want jack-in-the-box so that means we've got to tell them that we want at least three meals do I want just three combos yeah I'm gonna say and I'm gonna say that could dessert foolery combos in a dessert they could get a shake they could get a cheesecake and Ethan and ether Elijah made a very good point he was like they work there you guys so they might want to chart like get us the most expensive things just so they make some money they get paid the same so I would say I would try to order them my favorites I see that's what I would do - if I work there I'd be like okay I'll get you what I usually get so we'll see we'll see what they say we'll see what we end up with we're gonna try to tell them like don't tell us what we're getting because we want to find out when we get home so Jack in the Box here we go what do you hope to get Elijah I hope to get a care about people a vanilla shake some some of their curly fries but I got curly fries curly fries yes they're curly fries that's a little scam Berlin what do you hope you get from jack-in-the-box teriyaki boat you both want teriyaki bowl vegetables well know that what are the chances that they're gonna be like three teriyaki chicken balls yeah well they're gonna do three different I bet they're gonna do three different I think so - ash what do you want okay so you guys will see they'll either love it or hate it that's basically what we're gonna what it's gonna boil down to tonight so jackin the-box we're almost there [Music] that's here we go you guys sorry let's see I'm gonna ask them see their reaction no way you never know if you need a Grubman say we're playing a game with our kids see what they want oh yeah there you go can you we need three meals and three desserts but we don't want to know what they are can you pick three meals and three desserts for us any ones you want alright and then just let us know the total so three three combos and then three desserts that's regular just regular or you decide so we just pull up okay thanks didn't even faze her okay yeah she might do three of the same and watch them all be teriyaki bowl I don't know I'm not even gonna peek into the bag though cuz I want to be a total surprise but I'd better solution that didn't faze her like she was literally like okay let's listen to the totals oh I know you did three desserts so I'm like that's gonna rack up the money we see you oh it's up to her you said it's up to her so oh I don't know alright just wait in the line we're just wondering what we get and how much we're gonna spell coming up next you guys so stick around because we're gonna see we've got three more orders at Taco Bell oh here we go here we go it has a villain Oh too bad it's not a seven bucks 27 that's not normal you guys it was 27 27 that's not that's not bad Oh got drinks we got drinks oh it's busy busy okay guys three drinks I'm curious if they're all the same they might be just to keep it easy we'll find out we'll see awesome thank you alright do you think they're the same by the weight of the bag I think they're the same I think because I think maybe I've got to word it differently I think we need three combos oh I smell something I know what's in this bag I smoked early Friday I smell something else I smell the dessert what do you guys think the same or different they're all the same I'm feeling the weight of the bags then I feel like they're different I think I what do you think ash same or different we might have to order this every time we come cuz I mean I guess it was only three meals we usually get enough for seven people I think so yeah so 27 for three people made that is kind of a lot are you painting that like for our whole family yeah so guys we'll see we're excited to get home and see what we got the right now we're headed to Taco Bell actually that's $9 per meal yeah but that's true oh that is what dessert so I'm gonna say it's in the middle it's not super cheap but it's not super expensive I was expecting like more [Music] okay you guys so we are here Taco Bell now waiting in the drive-up line and I'm trying to think what do you hope to get there anything I am actually hoping for what is that that we had last time he 'then it was either like a Crunchwrap those are good crap supreme or okay what about you ii i really like a shredded chicken to fred chicken burritos with no rice i really hope that my person is picks their favorite as long as they're not vegan because if they're vegan and they pick their favorite then i'm not gonna have any i don't even know what they owe ya that's true they can ask about me yeah that's true so for me i kind of in like interested in trying something new so I actually don't care what I get here I usually get the shredded chicken burritos or I like their what else do I like here there I'm curious they're grilled Stuffed burrito is good too oh yeah and I'm curious if we're gonna have the same people who took our order the last time I know cuz they were so nice they were so awesome so it could very well be the same people will see that would be awesome if it is so we're gonna see what we get you guys we're gonna I don't know this is a mystery dinner it's next hey good I actually have a favor to ask you if we wanted to see if you we've got three looking for three combos or about our box meals whatever three of them if you can pick them if you could choose them and then three rate and then whatever drinks or freezes or whatever you want to add to it let three guys [Music] three box combos three menu combos three of anything and then the drinks drinks to go with them and then just let us know let us know don't let us know but just let us know the total okay all right we'll see up to the front Thanks you guys this is cracking me up they act like they do this everyday like sure I'll pick your meal like literally right it seems like they do it every day they're like okay yeah I can do that Thank You fellow it's probably actually easier for them because they're just like they're just like don't cook up anything fresh just take with you what extras do we have in the back awesome you tell you guys are awesome these guys are always the best to you guys so they're just so nice hopefully we'll see what we got yeah we'll see how we feel after right okay here we go oh it looks like we might have got some good drinks you guys drinks up in her you see a watermelon candy fries which is a new one motor skills at the Baja blast classic look at that oh my mamacita guys I'm so excited already they know us here guys we might we must come here a lot guys all right you guys here's our order oh my gosh honestly worth it they're just for the pit bulls water every time we have been here which has only been two times to do a challenge and they totally remember us from the other one they're so fun like they make it so fun and just they play right along so I love it and I literally I'm so shocked still that people are like okay yeah I can do that and wonder if like that happens a lot do you think maybe more so now yeah few more so now that this is like a trending thing yes anyways you guys you're gonna drive home right now we're gonna see what meals we got we're gonna see what they booked us up with and we're gonna unbox it and eat it with you guys yeah should be fun alright so we just got home we've got these three ready to see what they got from jack-in-the-box we've got three bags here of combos wait we've got three bags of combos we've got a dessert bag and three drinks we are gonna let the youngest pick first which bag she wants and then we're gonna go youngest to oldest oh don't open it yet and Berlin's got that alright last chance you guys amongst each other you can keep or trade alright that's it okay so let's start off with em Berlin and let's see what she got mom has the receipt alright so amberlynn is gonna pull it out let's see what she gets because that is it let's see what is that one so good she can see later looks like a chicken bacon cheese alright so there you go [Music] oh is that grilled chicken or crispy chicken let's see what she gets well let's see maybe you could swap only if the other person agrees yes it's like it just says hmm empty chicken Oh at the number 12 so anybody who wants or do that from jackin the-box there you go alright so next up Elisha another burger box oh let's see I know what it is it's like a dumb pad it is the double Jack oh let's see don't bite it in case you want to trade I don't want it Oh [Music] that looks delish so here we go the last one let's see what did Ashland game I bet you one of his chicken nuggets or something Oh bacon bacon ultimate new doctor bacon to put this Oh bacon ultimate cheeseburger that was good too that is actually real that's what I actually order sometimes okay hey let's see wait for the Taco Bell maybe you could trade with someone from Taco Bell maybe I think it's uh Pepsi or coke try your drinks they're all cooked oh oh let's see what desserts how many are they all the same are they all the same or different also whatever just yeah just give the first one to em Berlin first one she picks goes damn Berlin boom what do you got oh she got cinnamon what are they why Ethan woke up oh Jesus for Elijah yeah all odds chocolate brownie oh what'd she get you like she's good oh yeah it's good yeah all right so now we're gonna check out Taco Bell we are gonna start Taco Bell you're gonna say the same thing youngest oldest so I will go first good I like he's gonna get to pick his squat his box we're at his drink first we're wondering if these are the same or not Oh it'll freeze okay does the open air right now no not till we all pick o to get the pick first yeah okay my turn I'm gonna go with the watermelon injury oh thank you thank you and then oh it's box let's do I go for well I'm not getting we have a heavier one wait for me all right I'll go why you want the one in your I'll take this one all right here a said I've got your Mountain Dew blast it out [Applause] wah-wah-wah-wah okay I'm gonna see wasn't in mine what's it hot box here we go three what fits the stand to be empty watch it be the same that's not the same okay ready oh no oh I've got the bean the five layer burrito I got the part it looks like a heart our taco and soft taco oh it comes with cinnamon twist alright I don't judge here I go okay here I go again box is pretty heavy guys I'm so curious what it is what is it che Mack I really would same thing I think did you get a say wait no let's go and sit down [Music] [Music] [Music] sighs so skittle that one you got your training [Music] all right guys so we're going to go ahead and wrap this up so that we're not talking while we're stuff in our Facebook but I'm gonna say this was awesome stay tuned we're gonna try to do some more of these with little twist you guys want to see a specific twist let us know down below and we'll do it this is fun we have fun doing this fighting this is a nice little way weekday treat ourselves - yeah and with summer coming up we might be eat not watching you guys and don't forget give me a heart trip
Channel: PHILLIPS FamBam
Views: 20,599
Rating: 4.9735317 out of 5
Keywords: letting the fast food person employee decide what i eat, letting the person in front of me decide what i eat, letting the person in front of me decide what i eat for 24 hours, letting decide what i eat, letting employee decide what i eat, decide what i eat, fast food haul, fast food mukbang, phillips fambam decide what i eat, phillips fambam fast food, phillips fambam mukbang, phillips fambam food haul, food challenge, fam bam, fam, this is how we bingham
Id: R4qzZfpriDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 24sec (1464 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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