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previously on Philips fan dance we drive visualize scoring and it will happen close your eyes boys I'm on vacation and it will have heading out right now to one of the top-rated restaurant in Vegas hey everybody what is up welcome to another grocery haul you guys today it is Sam's Club I'm so excited to go it's been actually quite a while since I've been since but you know what the awesome thing that we're doing today is we are trying out their app the scan and go where you go in and just scan all of your items and pay for it from your phone you don't even have to go to the checkout line so we're going to try that out today see how it is we've never actually tried it before but we've heard rave reviews about it every time we do a Sam's Club haul we probably get at least 30 to 60 comments of you guys saying try the scan and I'll try the scan and go so we are trying the scan and go today I'm so excited to try it out see how it is and you guys fun with us and then we'll come home and show you everything we got all right so here we go you guys Sam's Club scan and go first time ever let's do this we are in and what's cool is you just come in and it just the app says alright alright Danny here you are you're ready to go scan your first item check these out if you guys haven't seen our bedroom makeover in bit and M berlin's bedroom these are the chairs like what is it Ottoman chair or the I know what they're called they're called flush flush saucer chairs so the chair that she has is very similar to that and if you haven't seen it go check out go check it out in the bedroom makeover the first thing let's scan our first Philips bam-bams Sam's Club scan is with Driscoll's strawberries look at that let's see how this works okay let's do this we're going greens that's organic sweet side here we go and it says scan your first item 798 boom there we go boom next up rotisserie chicken as good as you know the we always get the Costco rotisserie but we're gonna go with Sam's Club today is there a difference with any of these are they scan that bad boy boom does it give you a running total so we know how much we're spending it does so right here it says subtotal 12 all right so we just skinned our second item you guys it's awesome because the scanning go gives you a running total so it's easier to budget as you're shopping so if there's something where you're like hey this just put us over the budget we'll put it back so let's see what we do I'm gonna say I don't want to spend more than what 250 $300 let's say let's try to stay within 250 300 max boom you like it [Music] all right so we found the Driscoll's just the regular strawberries instead of the organic we're putting the organic back because to us it honestly it doesn't matter and so we're gonna take it off the list and then add the other one on and we're gonna save three dollars [Music] carts filling up comment down below let us know your five favorite go-to items here at Sam's Club also comment down below if you've done the scan and go hashtag scan ago we just got a new subscriber Logan who came up to us and was like hey you got his vloggers and so we were like oh yeah he's like all cool I'll subscribe I'll give you guys another subscriber so Thank You Logan thank you for becoming a fan Bammer and welcome to the fam BAM so we are all done you guys we've got everything totaled up ready to go we're gonna hit this button check out slide to pay then we just show them the barcode at the exit so we get to skip all the line open lines right now which is amazing and then we just show them this barcode and boom done we're ready to go [Music] oh okay you guys so that was awesome I loved using the scan ago it was just so easy to literally just scan all your stuff and walk out boom done so convenient so I think every time we go now we will be using the half because it's just so easy and saved so so much time you do have to make sure that you pick up some boxes though if you like your groceries in a box that's true so you have to pick up some spare boxes on the way out so remember that otherwise your individually loading each item in here yeah that is true and then the other thing that I really loved about the scan and go was the fact that I could look at our items and just be like okay do we really need this this do we really need this and we were able to just easily take things off if we needed to take them off and see the price of everything individually it was just I don't know convenient all the way around and we absolutely loved it so we will definitely be using that from here on out and yeah that's it you guys we got all this stuff here in the back sneak peek we're gonna go ahead and show you as soon as we get home yeah let's do it alright you guys so we made it back home got all the stuff out and ready for you guys first of all I just kind of want to do a disclaimer for those of you who haven't really bulk shopped it's a lot of like boxed junk yeah I know I mean you can get good stuff there but I feel like when we go to the bulk stores we're stocking up on things that are like snack type things for the kids and lunch the lunch stuff lunch snacks so just so you guys know because I know you guys are worried about you're not gonna get a bulk of celery for us it doesn't work out we have before but they go to waste so it's literally just stuff that we know we're gonna go through and that are gonna like pee yeah so that's really what it is I don't know what I'm trying to explain here so yeah so stay tuned for some boxed items some snacks snacky type stuff stay tuned because we'll do another Bowl because we're gonna need our recipe or items that we don't need in bulks if that makes sense so we're gonna go to either like a Winco Walmart or even Trader Joe's we'll check those places out coming up soon exactly okay items first because of course we have to stick those in the freezer so first up you guys know we can't make a trip to Sam's Club without getting our infamous bagel by wife and the kids go through this very quickly and actually Danny and I on the way when we're discussing we're gonna implement a new snack rule so we're still figuring it out but we are cuz Danny made a very good point when we buy things in bulk it's not like sometimes they don't last longer it's just the kids see that we have more of it so they eat more of it yes so we purposely usually look at two boxes in this I knew I purposely got one because they'll eat right through it so fat so well like guys know once we figure out and implement a certain rule as far as snacks and stuff but one thing that I've heard that works is actually not allowing your kids to eat 45 minutes before any meal all right so well you guys know if you guys have any ideas down below what do you do in your house as far as snack time goes let us know down below but big bites we also got these awesome and amazing chicken melts which the kids actually really like last time we got it I believe we caught him at Costco last time this time we got him at Sam's Club they were hit they're not very big if I remember correctly that's true they're not they're a little bit smaller so my art kids probably eat about two at a time when they eat them I mainly got those for Elijah because Elijah is probably our pickiest eater yeah he loved those you love these and he actually took them to school lunches so it's another option for lunches as well so there's that boom okay the other thing we got you guys know we can't go to a bulk store without getting Danny's Red Baron Pizza oh so they're the round ones but they're still just as good as the what are they like oval and I'm starting to believe that they're not mine anymore they're not so everyone's having a pizza for dinner and I'll show you what else but this comes with six four cheese pizzas and six pepperoni pizzas and Red Baron's the best you guys we love Red Bear and my fate but my favorite is the French bread the French bread Red Baron's those are the best like those boats so good yeah you really can't go wrong no and these if you guys remember we bought some and I forget what they were called at Costco remember the pizzas we bought yeah but they were tiny they're tiny that's about the same size they're about the same size but these are bulkier yeah they're thicker so anyway still delicious still yummy and we're stocked up there of course we always have to get some burrito el Monterey Monterey Monterey in Spanish you don't pronounce the OS on like Mon it's Monterey 20.4 ethos so these are what the beef and bean our kids will go through these two just because little snack or whatever you can even cook these up and slice them into little pieces and the kids can snack on them like that too so 2014 it reminds me of Taco Bell the beef and bean burritos because at Taco Bell now you guys they no longer have a beef burrito and you have to order a bean burrito and say no beans add beef yes like you have to do that really strange you just put beef in it just yeah rolled beef in a tortilla serious speed nut okay so there's those and then of course you guys up pocket you guys know we don't love these but the kids love these and barf pocket you guys want to know we did a hot pocket taste test we've said this before if you want to know what ones we liked what flavors we like there's a lot of different flavors yeah so go check out that taste test video honestly Brown their garage so there's that and then also this is the other thing we're having for dinner tonight you guys know we did do a sponsor video before with Ling Ling and we absolutely fell in love with their pot stickers pot stickers they're so good so we just thought we saw these in the Sam's Club freezer we're like oh my gosh ling-ling egg rolls with pork and vegetables let's do it let's do it so these are actually in the oven right now - maybe if they're done before this video is over we'll try not for you guys and let them let you know how they are that's an interesting combo for dinner pizza and egg rolls I know it's a little different right well someone else's I don't know piece on my coming I don't care just throw it in the oven who cares okay I think you guys I love getting the full frozen chicken we go through so much chicken in our house do these individual chicken breasts are awesome I use them all the time and we go through and like crazy so this is like I don't like buying the little bags from other stores because it ends up being way more because I have to buy multiple bags I just grab this big huge bag in it lasts us quite a while and you were not happy with the Walmart chicken now the Walmart was nasty you guys which is interesting because Sam's Club and Walmart are like basically the same but the Tyson's chicken breast oh yeah so they're the uncooked chicken breast boneless skinless and this is like this is a 10 pound bag of chicken so that'll relax a little while maybe two weeks and we haven't gotten them in a while but I love the Tyson's chicken the crispy patties yeah those are so good so there's that the other thing we got you guys know ah [Laughter] [Music] Wow so we got the b12 energy you guys know we love these we are not sponsored by a dip kids at all whatsoever as it says all of you want this but no frills we absolutely love these at Sam's Club they had like the multi pack which is I like better no Sam's Club didn't have me yeah Costco still had the multi pack which we loved because it gave us like a chance to taste all the different flavors and then they also had the black cherries in a single Sam's Club did it Sam's Club only had rape and fruit punch yeah great and fruit punch and it comes with 20 tubes so I feel like Costco's was bigger yes so that's okay we were there we grabbed we just grabbed one thing I think I'm gonna order some on Amazon the or Sam's Club calm because Sam's Club does sell other flavors online oh okay so I'm gonna try it out you guys if you haven't ever had these you basically just add these to your water and it's b12 energy for 46 hours it gives you energy and you don't have a crash and you don't like at least we don't and we don't get those like jittery feelings that you would normally get with like energy drinks yeah so head on over to Zipf is on Instagram you guys I'll put it up here head on over to Zipf is on instagram and let them know that Phillips fambam sent you yeah and that you guys we just love their product yeah we love it any guys try it out and let me know how you guys like it and what flavors you like because I know they have a whole array of flavors that I don't even know all of them so fruit punch as good as I'm gonna say his second best next to black cherry so we love the fruit punch okay I'm gonna call these next few things um convenient healthy but I'm talking more like not lazy yeah men are lazy salads ya know so we actually didn't think this was a horrible deal we got two of the salads for was it five dollars yeah $4.99 and these are really good salad you guys these aren't the Caesar that chicken Caesar salad they also had like a chef's salad they had different ones but we grabbed actually three of these so six total yeah so actually likes to take these for lunch I like to have these for lunch just a quick like you don't have to put it together eat it will pay for the convenience packaging it's just something we're okay with doing so so Ashley so let everyone know why you like these salads like what's so good about it like so why do you like it it's just convenient yeah really good yeah yeah and they have everything you need like right there you've got the cheese you've got the chickens already cooked you've got the lettuce you've got the dressing it's all right here and you're just like boom boom boom boom oh oh so when I found these in the packaging cycler yeah you got that one you don't like like Caesar salad or you don't like it oh that is the Caesar salad oh nice she will eat that she's our salad girl though you will eat different kinds of salad but this has been her favorite she likes to take him to lunch and stuff and I am all for that all right thanks for joining us today ashlynn it was great seeing you alright so we got six total goes and then the other thing you guys another lazy huh I don't care those are good those are good the decision we are okay with paying for things that are a little bit more for convenience so these are that we always get these now because I love them so much there's a balance breaks they come with the cheese the white cheddar cheese sea salted roasted almonds and dried cranberries and then these other ones are oh this one has raisins oh I'll take it oh you will let us know down below are you a raisin fan I feel like anything with raisins ruins it oh no way raisin cookies have you ever had I can only have oatmeal raisin Oh see I can't yeah like I can have oatmeal but without the reason oh wow but the funny have you ever had it like when you thought it was like a chocolate-chip cookie and it was a reason and it like ruined your life now that dramatic maybe a little there you go so we got these and then we also because I like the cheddar cheese more than that what what is this the Monterey Jack or mozzarella white cheddar Oh white cheddar so those are I like a bulb they're good that would be Danny's and then this one comes with the cheddar cheese see salted roasted almonds reason yeah I did not read that in the store so this one has raisins I'll pick them out for Danny and then Greek yogurt flavored drops Wow you know it's pretty know it's funny though what is we bought those and we didn't even read it I know we just bought them colby natural cheese dark chocolate which i'm not really a fan of dark chocolate dark chocolate covered peanuts banana I'll still eat it throwing little doses banana chips and creamy peanut drops so there's some good to me I'll leave it yeah I'll eat it all okay so they're so and they come six in a pack yeah and those are easy for me to just throw into my little lunch box for work so good exactly the other thing you guys this is another lazy man AZ thingy majiggy I got those for you because you like them huh you like the pizza man they oh you don't like those ones at all yeah she's like the pizza one yeah but that's not what that eat the meat in these right no cheese oh she won't eat the cheese oh because she doesn't like sliced cheese she likes cheddar like shredded cheese yeah that's fine I think Ethan and I think Elijah and Danny will definitely eat these so thank you we just grabbed them some some come with Oreos and you know they're gonna eat those for sure and then the other one is the no cream cookies so there you go it comes in a six-pack boom just something to switch up switch it up and missus for them well and it's also for those morning's where it's like there where you're a little bit rushed or something like the kids might be there are and there are those morning's where you're just like okay just grab it and go yeah and that is totally a okay with me so there are those and then of course stream cheese you guys think kids love these in their lunches and honestly I'm surprised at how small this is yeah I don't know if it's because the brand I don't usually get this brand usually get the lucern over at longer so this one is 2898 in here that probably believe won't last us too too long till the kids like these almost every day in their lunches and you call them cheese sticks is that what you call it yeah no that bad string cheese it is string cheese but I call it cheese sticks I don't know why because tennis they call string cheese sometimes I call it string cheese strings what cheese sticks hey sticks so and so Tina actually bites off though I would never do that just not okay however sometimes I do for a snack for the kids is I'll take a string cheese yeah and then all slice it I'll put it I'll like cut it up into little small pieces which is similar to the same thing yeah that's true okay carrots Danny's favorite for her lunches and stuff and these are my favorite to like snack on during the day when I'm feeling like I want to be a little more healthier but I don't want it completely I would much I will much rather I will be I totally prefer you eating those than your cauliflower for a while no and you see how I've been sitting much closer to you and just you know what Everland cauliflower I haven't bought it for a long time because dairy I feel like has started like messing with my stomach a little bit and so with cauliflower I have to dip it in the whole mate not the whole mate like the ranch packets and that has sour cream so I was overdoing it with that so I haven't had it for a little bit but we got carrots so there's those and then of course you guys saw we got the Driscoll straw so sue us yeah it was three dollars less to get these than the organic yeah and these are totally fine like they taste so good you guys and they're bigger because they've probably been pumped full of stuff but I don't care I don't think so I think that's what the difference is but you guys Driscoll's if you have not had Driscoll's you have to try them they are a game-changer in the strawberry world yeah they're delicious and so many of you guys have mentioned our message to us and have sent us pictures of your disclosure and everyone's like game-changer game-changer yes love them so delicious we love Driscoll's all right we've got some beginners ooh yeah I'm gonna go back on my banana I'm making my lunch tomorrow oh you know what I'm gonna make my lunch and show it to you guys on my my Instagram oh good idea um Danny Pippi PFE on Instagram and I'll show you what I'm gonna do for my lunch today yeah and we're gonna be doing a lunch video coming up soon to you guys let us know down below what do you want to see in our lunch videos you guys know our kids make their own lunches so we'll go through and show you guys what they're gonna make someone even suggested that the kids make each other's lunch ooh would you do that so bananas and then and I do have to say you guys Tina's been getting so many compliments on her hair lately look at her hair yeah look how beautiful and long I love it right now she's got like the long curls in it Wow curling my hair now and actually i got it from shawn johnson east she did a hair curling tutorial game-changer and you did it on Ashland in one of our blogs I said on Ashland in one of our walk it make her hair turn out so cute and we didn't know if it was gonna stay overnight on her hair and it totally did Wow it's just kind of like those Beach curl waves that are like this is like day three hair guys so I thought I'm scared don't you be into animal welcome back [Laughter] alright moving on we got this you guys tell me if you've ever tried this it looks amazing and it looks friend like it looks like a homemade salsa so it's their fresh cilantro cilantro mmm it's a fresh cilantro salsa so and it's their brand the members mark Brandt I'm gonna have it for dinner tonight yeah comment down below if you've had it before and what you think of it yeah it looks good looks good it's mild too so there you go I still can't wait for you to go to Trader Joe's and get the heart of palms the people to go and make your own cilantro there you guys you don't make your own ceviche sorry and you guys so delicious like you have to do like a mini tutorial like on your Instagram or something I have it okay I'll show it on my Instagram yeah we go to Trader Joe's and do that I'll totally show it so okay there's that and then we got the chili chili chili gee I never get it right chill a like that yeah Verde oh so Danny really wanted to get these cuz he really wants to make some sort of like Bowl yeah so basically I want to get this this chicken basically or this what is it it's pork actually this pork it's like a flavored pork and then I'm gonna shred it up I'm gonna put it in a rice bowl with corn and black beans and then I'm just gonna mix it up and there you go you guys refried beans and cheese and tomatoes what I could do really next to that ever you want that's delicious all right guys no we get the gogurts for the kids they love these 16 strawberry smashed and 16 berry - oh good that put in the freezer the freezer kids love these in the freezer and then they can just take them to lunch and by the time it's lunchtime they can just suck a drag yep and they call them frogurt yep they call pro Burt's coz we froze them we freeze them oh you frozen frozen okay so there's those and then we got a rotisserie chicken which I will probably make tomorrow oh I don't know what yeah something I'll make something with this probably our Hawaiian rolls we put you could tell I'm hungry Danny our food is literally right over there waiting for us so boom next to the lion yeah there we go rotisserie chicken five bucks you guys that feeds our entire family it's delicious so there's that okay and you know art salami this is without the peppers somebody did say though there's there's hard salami and soft salami no it's called something else but the one with the peppers is called something else okay so I can't remember what they said though so the hard salami is what we like yeah we like the hard salami with the no peppers so we got some of that and we stock up on this because we go through it like that and we went through them quicker last time because I made those French rolls of salami melon just wondering why it went so fast but that's right you made those you know there's that and then Danny wanted the seasoned Angus roast beef yes so we got some of that as well these are just the members mark brand which I like the Sam's Club brand I feel like it's usually pretty good so there's those and then of course we have to stock up from cereal this comes in a little two pack honey nut cheerios is like majority of what the kids like so that's what we grabbed so two honey nut cheerios boxes because half of our kids eat their cereal without milk yeah so we got an eight eight pack gap eight pack of the super sweet corn on the cob we'll see how these are I love fresh corn on the cob that you have to like take what do they call that what's the pill online I don't know called something I can't remember dang it anyways I like the French wit husk Thank You Bradon brain pulled through all right oh yeah that's why it's the corn the Nebraska Cornhuskers yes that's college football that's not so there's that we'll try it I love corn on the cob you guys it's the bomb comment down below what nutritional value corn gives you next up we've got the premier protein drink ooh kids our kids love those kids actually really do love these and sometimes in the morning if they're in a rush and having breakfast they'll just down one of these and they're good to go yeah so helps them throughout the entire day so there's those and then we also got some Ritz crackers for school lunches snacks things like that I like cream cheese on these you put different things on top of this cheese whatever delicious I like putting those on top of mac and cheese but not I do I am NOT a Kraft Mac and Cheese guy now I like I like the Trader Joe's mac and cheese sure Joe's is the best it's so good and then Danny crumbles it all you know you love it okay we've got the granola bars 28 chopped legit 14 dark chocolate chip and 18 peanut butter chocolate which one are you picking right now which one would you want peanut butter which one would you want amber Lynn who asks and which one would you want which granola bar would you want dark chocolate chocolate or peanut butter oh she wants all okay so you guys we got bags of chips this time instead of getting the cases ball chips like it's $12 boxes yeah so we just got these and these these are the mom and the evil that's also and you guys I'm trying to work something out where we can we're gonna go to the restaurant and try it out yes I actually I actually contacted them and said hey our viewers want us to try eating at your place a lot of them have said that it's delicious and others have never been there and they want to know so let's see so we'll make the trip for you guys next up we got some granny smith apples which we love and they are delicious so with peanut butter delicious with peanut butter yep Ashlin actually just had some so five pound bag of apples right here won't last as long we usually do throughout the week another produce run because we run out of produce so fast so there's that and then of course you guys know we always get the grandma Sycamore bread and it comes in a two pack so two loaves per pack we got two four six loaves total so that'll last us a little bit it goes pretty fast around here you guys so there's that and then of course the Hawaiian rolls we love these you guys they're so delicious so good and I think I will make these with a rotisserie chicken tomorrow good choice babe Wow delicious there's those and then also we got Danny's protein he got the clean protein the or gain uh the or gain 20 grams 20 grams of protein zero sugar zero sugar gluten free hundred and forty calories so that's good for Danny too when he goes out to work and stuff you can just grab it and go okay so that is basically it other than the paper towels and the water so we could have probably got the two waters but our cart was so cool you guys it was just not possible so that's it and we spent about a little over three hundred dollars which not too bad not too too bad but we did get a few things that were just out of convenience that we knew we were paying a little bit more running with well that's true but mainly what we got two cases of the protein drinks 20 bucks E and the zip is that's 60 bucks right there yes those three yes so some of these things are a little bit more expensive but we we budget for it and we're good to go and so last words on the scan and go scan and go is amazing you guys I highly highly recommend that you guys use the scan ago it was so cool just to go around it was kind of fun just to scan this you're gonna get look at it you get a visual of how much each thing costs so if you are on a budget you can just look here like okay well I'm like five dollars over my budget what do I have on my list of things that's fine I don't remember everything I grabbed it on my purse was that how much was that this just gives you a running list of how much everything is oh I need to take five dollars off I think I'll take off the apples or you know whatever it is so huge huge fan of scanning oh that was a person we've ever used it loved it loved it loved it so highly recommend it's super easy to set up too because I was partially why I didn't want to do my thing so it's gonna be a pain to like set up you just downloaded the app the app put your credit your whatever car your member ID whatever debit card or whatever you want to put on there to pay for the groceries and then it's easy it's as easy as act like seriously so easy and I loved it okay so that is it you guys thank you guys so much for watching another haul of this let us know down below did you stay for the long haul mmm Danny actually just tried out one of the egg rolls how did you like it so good it was very good very good yeah oh there you go there I need to go heaven I'm going to after this but that is thank you guys thank you guys so much for watching don't go don't forget to go follow us on our Instagram pages we have three of them Phillips BAM Danny PFE and Tina underscore Phillips underscore will put that all down below so you guys can go follow us on all our social medias and don't forget to subscribe you guys we are getting so close yes to our hundred K you guys so so close I think we're like like 1400 away like 1400 away as of right now yeah yeah and you guys go check out our website make sure you bookmark our website on your computer yeah because we have a live ticker they're showing our subscriber count' yeah and you can also get our merch our cookbook everything is on that website up updated videos so make sure you guys know where our website is our official website yes and then make sure you check out our channel because sometimes you guys aren't getting notified on the videos so our channel on YouTube you'll see all the videos there yeah they're all there so go check them out guys thank you so much for all of your love and support throughout this entire journey it's been what two and a half years for us and it's been amazing and it's a lot because of you guys all the comments and just your kind sweet words we really appreciate it so thank you guys so much for being here sticking with us and that's it you guys we'll see you guys tomorrow and don't forget choose [Music]
Channel: PHILLIPS FamBam
Views: 43,707
Rating: 4.852941 out of 5
Keywords: massive sam's club grocery haul, massive sam's club haul, sams club haul, sam's club grocery haul, grocery shopping at sam's club, buying groceries at sam's club, scanning groceries at sam's club, grocery hauls, massive grocery haul, phillips fambam grocery haul, fambam, huge sam's club haul, sam's club scan and go, grocery haul, large family sam's club haul, costco grocery haul, shopping for groceries, people showing groceries, people shopping at sam's club, sam's club food
Id: pC2TkndlRY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 25sec (2125 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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