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all right so here we go we are going to go for a run it's about 9:00 a.m. kids are all off to school and we're gonna head out for what like a murder like a mile or two mile run yeah yeah so here we go beautiful day isn't it the birds are chirpin looks like we'll start running soon hey we're just kind of getting more mana well not here already though again it's really hot I just feel like someone is coming it's like blazing it's probably already 80 degrees right now we'll be able to sweat off a lot more which is nice which is I might pass out so heatstroke all right so we're back behind our houses the house is over here and we're going to go see see a new trail we've never been up there it's obviously not new it's been there forever but I think what we'll do is let's go like we'll go a mile into the trail and then we'll come back a mile so we'll get our two miles in yeah it's real quick I just want to know from you guys what's your favorite like act outdoor activity that's what I want to know because I love hiking I love it I hate running I love hiking that's probably my favorite thing what's your favorite thing um I like sports I like playing sports outdoors yeah outdoors yeah see the sport even though I play indoor soccer right now but I do love outdoors like baseball soccer outside it's the best the only time I'm okay with sweating then you're playing sporting a sport or if I'm running or exercising I'm like it's a different kind of feeling when you're sweating so it's like bring it on yeah so let us know let us know what you guys's favorite outdoor activity is it's just nice to be outside let me know whether you let us know let it snow let us know let us know no but there are like snow activities people have to outside like snowboarding and skiing which we never do because we never have snow that's true yeah I think Tina's wanting to talk more and more so we don't have to get run that's my plan let's keep talking guys we're gonna we're going to head up there look at that big mountain [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] three quarters of a mile pretty much all uphill right here you can see it's like a gradual upgrade and it's kind of recovering right now how you feeling hi yeah yeah it's a gradual upgrade there's some areas of like soft sand right there so I like it kills you so we're going to go up a mile probably other quarter of a mile up just to get an idea and we're going to go back that'll get our two miles in for today so we'll do that and that time goes we'll go further and further and further so feeling good though [Music] [Music] he's a rock star surrounded I'm dead so every what you just did this guy just scared the freaking crap out of me oh my gosh there was a jackrabbit it scared Danny so bad yeah he's just he was clarified I did know low cause scared man oh that's a big one though I wish I got it on camera [Applause] yes right intimidation baby hey guys everybody what is up we haven't really done much since we went running today we've just kind of been hanging out running some a few errands I had to go get something for the Scout Pinewood Derby which the boys are so excited for Danny not so much because he's going to be up all night making one of these bad boys so you've got to make two this year because Ethan analyzer are both in Scouts so he's going to be up all night making churning this little piece of wood into a car a trippy car so I'm glad that's your job not mine I'm not going to make them cut them because it's not fair right right right that's what I meant that's what I meant oh I almost got each Ethan I almost got him to say he just wanted the block yeah dang it he changed his life so how do they they want to decorate them right they both said they wanted like this similar to this okay so that's the design they want the little pump in the middle yeah not hum so what I normally do this is Elijah's first year what I normally do is I cut them and it's rough and then I show them how to stand it so they kind of stand it and shape it a little bit and I'll kind of help them a little but they'll get it all sanded and then we'll we'll paint it yeah but here's the thing with the Pinewood Derby yeah you can come in I mean the desk get into it it's almost like the paint not Danny not Danny Danny it's not a part of that he does not like it but there are a lot like and it doesn't matter what Scout troop you're with or whatever you will always have the dads who are like so competitive and like they make the car they do all that stuff but we don't do that so we were just talking today about how if all the boys just made their own car it would be like a more even playing field and Leslie just I just feel like they gained more out of it when they do it themselves so we'll see how it goes there's always a few people which whatever that's their thing but the boys will definitely Danny will be cutting it but the boys will be helping with everything else pretty much doing most of it so we'll see how they turn out that will be Pinewood Derby is on Thursday so you guys will probably see that footage on Friday but other than that not really a lot going on check this out real life guys dishes galore so that's gross I know but I didn't have time to do them last night actually I did have time to do in last night I just chose not to I was too tired so I'm making up for it right now I'm have dinner I'm getting that ready because Ethan has a baseball game coming up like set like 5:30 tonight so I've got to make it I got to make dinner at like 3:00 so it's ready by like 4:00 so they can eat before they go to their their baseball game and he's been dying for the goulash so we're doing Google off tonight you guys haven't seen that cook with me video on the goulash go check it out delicious I'm going to go do these dishes right now get dinner going and then we'll I can later alright so Ashland's home now what's up girl whoa what's that noise oh okay tell me no all right so Ashland had a good day today right cut that piece off so right now she's making one of our favorite snacks because we got to get these cucumbers eaten before they go bad so what is it cucumber sign and soul cucumbers lime installed absolutely delicious and refreshing it's been hot huh and I have PE now looks really hot because you guys are outside soapy yeah so it's like probably 90 today it was 90 yesterday 90 today so we're just getting a little glimpse of what summer is going to be like so this is like one of our faves go-to snacks after school or just whatever because we love it so much well sometimes have it for dinner but yeah we'll show you when it's done but it is I've had it since I was a little girl cucumbers my salt boom done delish Shelby show so much more most folks right here we go here's all I'm done with all the cucumbers all right taste test baby so good snack out of her it's really so good like looking at Jen cucumbers done laughs sorry multiple no mass and love what's the best part of this Oh after all of this is done there's juice with salt and lime and I just like single she just drinks it so which is exactly what I did as a kid so it's cool to see my kids taking part pretty much got all the dishes done boom boom done so accomplished I just can't get this nastiness out though I know that looks so gross sorry guys no but it's like I made our Fredo sauce in this the other day like a alfredo pasta and I can't get it off so give me some tips I'm just been soaking it for like three days so yeah I'm going to get ready to make some goulash for dinner yeah the kids will be home from school here pretty soon danny is already working three cars he needs a different tool for it though so we've got to go pick that up and so there you go it's going to be awesome can't wait all right check you later oh gosh and I'm out down those this is her favorite part juicy mmm salty delicious mix don't worry she'll brush her teeth after guys we know it's not good for her teeth but it's delicious and we got a whole another play - would you say we down him before the kids get home yeah okay Hey how was school oh lady right oh my goodness are you sweating okay look at this oh my goodness I want to be here I know Wednesday you get a breathe animals bring a mom Oh stuffed animal good job why are you so sweaty I wasn't outside it's hot out there huh we should have put you in shorts today I know my I'm so hot I know I'm sorry hey dude how is school yeah Oh boom I like I didn't even have to ask that's the way I like it Hey what are you doing one moment awesome what are you gonna do after homework play oh yeah from that chance nope well me what do you eat and girl we're gonna eat dinner soon we're having an early dinner to my right you have it and the juice inside you June said youth and then you can feel very good one oh I don't plan these are like her favorite things huh like your favorites now okay oh ma listen la make you guys make sure you drink a lot of water today and isn't healthy did you drink a lot of water today did you drink a lot of water today care what I feel like at lunch I was so like it was like $20 I different anyways it's the engine I on your back so I guess just to turn attention yeah let me make sure you're drinking a lot more water with this heat now right inside right yeah I see Tommy Jennifer you get these we got those at some club you're there and get these they're delicious food here's Ethan helping out with his uh Pinewood Derby but he just started it started doing this then do the horn what's your what's your finger just goes flat just put a little pressure there there you go like that there you go make sure it doesn't go past the line that we drew okay it's a workout yeah once I get it cut the blog cut the shape then you're going to sand it down smooth okay all right here's the lies cutting his helping out watch your finger dude it'll bark it's harder huh I wanted like stop that's what I'm going to be doing the cutting and kind of shaping and you guys are going to sand it and you guys are going to paint it right yeah careful so here's the lies at sanding how's it coming along dude oh that's smooth dude yeah a little bit more yeah life is gonna do it he's gonna paint his red man plain stickers on the side anyway show them the shape of it right now on the side cool dude that's awesome buddy right now I'm just standing it to make it smooth so one of our projects coming up is this is our our kitchen table and it's like totally destroyed so we're going to like literally I'm going to sand it down and then I'm going to respray it a multicolor and with a clear coat make it look like granite so it's going to be a big difference so that's why right now we don't really care about doing work and stuff on it all right all right so we are headed to Ethan's game or run over on masking the Potter game system wish I was that what what show was that when he was like all right right all right forget my like famous into that anyways we're off season game he's got a game right now and a little stressed out cuz you still I still have to finish up with the boys the groin with Derby Cardinals with energy limit yeah they've actually been killing it on their wah on there they're like inspirational yes you hiring yeah so stopping wait for them first what they take you long to to slow so what are they walking and running we're driving and - so anyways yeah so we are going to use in game then we're going to be back finishing up the kind of dirty cars because they've got way in tomorrow cuz asking a number and Evelyn on on the city glide accession favorite scooter you love at home look at the lies you want this car to be super smooth huh let's see it lets get yeah I was awesome at getting better and better all right I totally had to come back real quick I had to go to Big Five bought by East and a glove he was playing catch and a hole broke through his glove and so I had to get a new glove hit come home put it in the oven with the the I don't know what you want to call it the glove break the glove foam that breaks it in and now I'm heading back to the game literally the game is just starting right now there you go now you've seen it bud no hold on keep this bad e : there you go E oh all right okay now you've seen it those close at high on yeah I'm sure all right you got it right here watch it quick hands bud okay good I got to be at your wasted letters but waster letters along side they go bud he's Elijah's brain with the airbrush just going go across in a line slow like this good job sabe let's go in a line across left to right everybody he's been doing his [Applause] go on brushing motion brushing motion and there you go did all the areas yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: PHILLIPS FamBam
Views: 37,265
Rating: 4.9341564 out of 5
Keywords: Phillips FamBam Vlogs, phillips fambam, phillips fambam hauls, philips fambam, food, phillips fambam challenges, costco haul, grocery haul, phillips fambam grocery hauls, costco, vlog, kids, vlogs, cooking, sam's club haul, haul, lds vloggers, danny \\u0026 tina, kids after school snacks, snack ideas, after school snacks, kids lunch ideas, kids snacks, phillips fambam kids lunches, phillips fambam kids snacks, after school snack ideas, kids after school snacks and lunches
Id: suwiXBlRS-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2017
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