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previously on Philips name BAM we are putting out their absence and it go 798 there we go we get to skip all the line [Music] what's up guys right now I'll be got I'll be showing you guys what I'm gonna have for lunch and so what I normally have like stuff that I normally have for lunch you know just like the basics you know a sandwich or something and speaking of sandwiches let's move right on into the sandwiches all right okay so what I usually do there kind of get thanked this much I don't use all of it I get like all right I try to get four and then I put two on each side and how are you not sick of salami yet my sandwich are you sick of salami or no it'd be nice to have something well what would you want the new season of roast beef we have want to try that no you could have tried that today yeah I think Elijah has a hard time coming out of his comfort zone huh let us know down below how are your kids what are they usually having the same things for lunch or are they kind of they like to have different things Elijah's kind of our same thing type person all right what else table we got a yogurt nice nice and we freeze our gogurts so that way by the time they get to school and it's right time for lunch they thank you yes and but it's melted which is also yeah good probably already know it's next to my school you see mother nice gizzy but a knife-edge there and then if you want it those are big strawberries so if you want to cut them in half you can do that too yeah you guys my kids always make their lunches every morning and I just feel like it just makes time it just makes things easier in the morning and just teaches them how to be responsible and get their stuff done so they do a good job every single morning they come down they go get dressed they come down they make their lunches I rarely have to tell them twice to do their lunches so it works out pretty well now brushing their teeth and putting their shoes on on the other hand that's a difference it's a lot of strawberries technical difficulties that's from the stem because we did wash them okay he always does this he purposely I think it's purposefully so what I do when I'm doing the strawberries I see extra I don't want to leave it to waste so I know what this if he just eats it right up so there's no wasting okay so right now we just finished up eating the strawberry if you don't tie it to make sure did you want a banana I thought you said you wanted banana oh yeah Benina banana Anna Lou and trusted to him he's got a packed lunch okay so that is Elijah's lunch he's got his banana his string cheese the go-gurt go-gurt sandwich in the strawberry awesome dude good job so what do you like about packing your own lunch um kind of like fun and like also also I like me doing it because when I go to lunch it's like sometimes warm packed lunch when when mom used to pack my lunch like she used to give me stuff but I don't like yeah and you wouldn't eat it deposited of it you know what you like you know what you like so you just like pick what you want yeah so that's good but I always say what that you have to have what in your lunch at least one or two of fruit or veggies right yeah all right dude good job killed it now you're ready for school you just need your water yeah okay and you guys Ethan is in middle school so this is what a middle schooler at least an Ethan middle schooler makes for lunch you better be careful those two are ready to eat those oh my goodness I take a little piece what kind is that roast beef so ethers trying out the roast beef here to have you hat do you like roast beef I've had before it's pretty good those King Hawaiian rolls are so good and oftentimes our kids will make sandwiches with these if they get sick of the old regular sandwiches they'll just stick them on these because my kids honestly will eat those rolls by themselves she's putting barbecue you guys yes the alternative sweets barbecue sauce is amazing the stuff is so good be careful because it's gonna come out fast so got those all done and delicious roast beef what would you call these roast beef Kings Hawaiian roll with barbecue sauce yummy and deliciousness so if you guys saw our Sam's Club haul you know we bought instead of buying the little packs we bought two big packs of chips and the kids just put them in little baggies and take them to school works just as well and you're saving a ton of money doing now how do you feel about that do you like the individual packs better you do like where you can just put put them in little baggies better flavors yeah so these are the little own huh Oh purple double eat those those are good are those your favorite kind of Doritos yes the purple ones they're so good oh there are my chips Wow I already washed it for you though to know it didn't have one don't fall asleep hey guys got to put my zip lock I don't know why you did that don't worry we will save that ziplock bag don't throw it away okay I got my chips all right then I got my Apple nice boom that's it so how long do you get at lunch to eat you get quite a bit now that you're not in elementary huh oh yeah that's perfect right yeah all right dude all ready to go good job all right we got a schlund here look how cute ash looks I love your hair okay so she's gonna just show us real quick what she pops into her lunch super simple the salads are from Sam's Club she absolutely loves those strawberries and a granola bar she keeps it pretty simple huh all right there you go and you guys her lunchbox is from Old Navy it's so cute so all right good job hers is probably the quickest fastest easiest lunch ever okay we've got em Berlin here she's up ready to make her lunch we actually got all the other kids off to school amber --lens the last one standing because Elijah had choir so M Berlin is in what grade second grade and she makes her own lunches and she's been making her own lunches pretty much all year so all right girl you want to show us what you're gonna make I see some chip in the background oh yeah so she always always always has peanut butter when you just take a buy all this for me just comes out yeah I think you kind of got sick of it because you made it so much that you're like okay now peanut butter and then soon you're gonna get sick of the peanut butter then what are you gonna do all right so she spreads on her peanut butter I always do a sandwich first you always do your sandwich first get that out of the way right sandwich is one of the easy hardest in a way because everything else no I saw that a bag or just put it in so do you you like it just plain peanut butter you don't like jelly no I don't not a jelly fan okay okay what about honey who likes peanut butter and honey sandwiches oh those are the best I know you're not a honey fan you're my honey though oh I saw that all right so she's gonna get this going get this finished up and then she's gonna show us what else is in her lunch sandwiches done going in the little baggie then she's gonna show us what's next all right next up strawberries her analytes are probably my strawberry biggest strawberry fans huh you guys love your strawberries just because there's more I don't want to waste like a lot like cut off the top put the would I like it's cut in half yep smart smart or more because once I actually cut it up I got to strip note three strawberries cut off into three pieces and I got 12 so I'm like okay that's okay I just that works alright that way so at school do you guys share your lunches with your friends oh is that a big no-no are you supposed to do that well you could but you just have to make sure they're not allergic to it oh okay so what do you usually swap your friends with well I've seen ooh oh you give them the granola bar and then what do they give you you forgot do they give you like spruce snacks or no carrots I said I've seen you come home with a bag of carrots that wasn't yours oh so what's the share table so physically for a cop like from hot lunch dip it on the table and if you want like so it's like the extras from hot lunch yeah oh well today you've got your own carrots pile what kind of granola bar is that it's a peanut butter Oh peanut butter sandwich peanut butter granola bar I'm sensing a theme here you like that kind the bone those are your favorite awesome so do you like getting like the big bags I asked Elijah this - do you like getting the big bags more than having all the little small ones yeah you do nah that's true that's true I like your thought process oh I saw that oh my goodness all right next up the last thing little baby carrots I think between me and ember Linn we usually devour the carrots no one else really eats them as much yeah all you even plain - sometimes it's good with ranch - but hey it's healthier without so are you gonna eat all those holy moley okay what's up doc do you know do you know who says that you don't know who says what's up doc no do you know who Bugs Bunny is oh my god I have failed as a parent you don't know who Bugs Bunny is what about Daffy Duck oh my gosh I'm gonna have to show you some Bugs Bunny cartoon ice so all done and then you need your water awesome all right get finished getting ready for school yeah we go straighten your hair got your lunch done lunch made ready to go let's do this another day BAE BAE hey what's up M Berlin is home you guys just saw her make her lunch so it's been one of those days where it was just so busy Tina had so much going on throughout the day that we are literally just picking the camera back up after the kids are home from school so it's been one of those days you guys where we've had so much going on but now what we're gonna do is we're gonna take Benny and Jasper for a walk so check out their reactions when we say you want to go for a walk hey Jasper Jasper you wanna go for a walk you wanna go for a walk look how excited he is for a walk he loves going on walks wanna go on a walk okay let's see if he knows they know what this is whoa you know what this is huh you ready don't get upset you want to go with this let's go come on good let's go okay Jasper calm down okay let's get ready to go all right so we were almost not gonna take Bennie yeah cuz he was fighting us in getting the his leash on so but you're good to go are you ready to go okay boy Jasper look at it he's by the door he's ready yeah everyone's gonna get on her scooter we're just waiting for mom right now hey here we go on our walk you guys want to say what happened a bit Danny like literally we took him out here and he totally like like totally wiggled out of his his whole leash and whole contraption yeah we're like dude you're staying so we've gotta find the one that we normally use we just can't find it right the second so we've got a yeah well that's the one we had the other day he was fine he was fine the other day but he finds a way to wiggle out of every single leash we have he's a little escape artist so anyways we're gonna head for a walk we've got Elijah and M Berlin they are riding their scooters look at this lush green grass in Vegas just kidding it's fake it's totally real yep [Music] playing copay on repeat watching people on the street as I go by and it doesn't even matter to me where I go I just feel I need to take a ride got my coffee cup to go and I'm gonna hit the road tonight no mo [Music] I'm driving I can feel go [Music] the stereo in a place I didn't know till now a different part of town I know doesn't even matter I just feel I need to dig or is lava okay how are you just walk around and then I have to say floor is lava and you have to jump on something right or you're just playing floors lava no matter what what are you doing oh dude oh ho you burned your foot off all right so we never like kind of jumped on that floor is lava bandwagon and so comment down below if you guys would ever like us to do something like that floor is lava paws challenge or what other challenges could we do as a family that'd be fun to do the mannequin challenge again that'd be fun paws challenge what else oh what other challenges are there kids take over for 24 hours kids say yes for 24 hours last to leave the closet oh oh how about last to leave em Berlin's room wins Oh comment down below and let us know if there's a last to leave 24 hour challenge kids say yes parents say yes kids whatever it is some type of challenge comment down below and let us know which one you guys want to see us do next alright you guys so we just got back home look at Jasper is exhausted Bennie is jealous and he gotta go we got to get Benny's uh correct leash we got to find it so anyways that was so seriously so nice outside it's like perfect weather perfect evening it was like what 70 like mid 7 maybe 70s yeah so literally we get to enjoy like these next two months of just kind of nice mild weather and then come summer it'll be up in like the hundreds so we're enjoying it trying to get as much time outside as we possibly can and enjoy the kids and right now we're gonna go grab some dinner well Danny's gonna go grab some dinner not sure what we're gonna get yet but we'll get something kids need to eat and then it'll be off too bad Jasper you heard dad dude Oh Jasmine you were tired oh man if the weather was so nice to actually take him out too bad Benny didn't want to come no seriously he did not want come he like like scrambled out of his his leash so hello snoo Julius so we're gonna go get some McDonald's that's what's for dinner tonight just because we felt like it because we just bought groceries yes so we're gonna go do that and Elijah's got to go to the store to get some pencils or whatever all right yes which ones do you want you can let them sit [Music] hey guys right now we are going over to get some ice cream - just for when we're done eating dinner because we're gonna have some Donald for dinner and they actually are starting to get real food there which I really like because I actually get like one of the real food things it's really good they don't have like the fake chicken nuggets do like they do have like I have a real food which is really good and then I get this thing with the buttermilk it's like motrin for dad so they're an ice cream for our taste buds so right now we got that but the thing is we always get service here like if we went to the store to get like a tub of ice cream we would get like like a type of service sometimes this and sometimes like rainbow sherbet and you know is five dollars by Dublin yeah compared to like going anywhere else we always cut here five dollars everyone's half hey good because it's not that expensive and it tastes good you guys it is winding down it's the end of the night actually everybody is in bed right now Danny's knocked out downstairs I tried to wake them up but the guy is exhausted so I'm sure he'll make his way up here soon I'm just sitting here kind of hanging out unwinding from the day I don't know about you guys how let me know down below what do you guys do to like unwind from your day because I feel like I'm like so so tired but after the kids go to bed I still stay up for at least another hour maybe two hours just kind of hanging out I've got my ice cream waiting for me right here because you guys know I am obsessed with ice cream and then I'll probably just catch up on responding to comments from you guys I usually like to spend the evening at least twenty thirty minutes if I can going through all of your guys's comments reading your comments and getting back to the ones that I couldn't always get throughout the day cuz we're so busy and so much is going on so that is usually what I do to unwind in the evening let me know what you guys do and also you guys today was kind of just like a busy kind of just a busy like work day there wasn't really a ton going on so I honestly don't even know what's all in this video I know we did the kids lunches and they showed you guys what they packed up and everything so hopefully you guys got some good ideas from that yeah the kids just went to school came home it was actually kind of a nice like evening because we didn't have soccer we didn't have anything to rush to or to get done so it was honestly really nice just to go to the park and spend time with each other and kind of just hang out and enjoy like the most beautiful weather right now it gets like in the 70s right now which is amazing and so yeah we just walked to the park hung out and just enjoyed it it was so so nice to not feel like we had to rush all over the place and you know we love soccer we love all of that but those down days are actually really really nice so anyways you guys that is it from us today I just wanted to hop on here and thank you guys for all of your love and support and all the amazing comments see you guys leave seriously I love them they make my day and thank you guys so much for just being a part of the family and just supporting so many of you guys went over to Andrew East Instagram the other day because you guys knew that Danny was going live with him and there were so many supporters and I just have to say how grateful we are for you guys and for you guys always just showing up you guys show up for us every single day and we are so grateful for that so thank you thank you guys so much for being here and that is it from us tonight you guys we will see you tomorrow and don't forget choose your day [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: PHILLIPS FamBam
Views: 99,207
Rating: 4.8372455 out of 5
Keywords: school lunch ideas, kids school lunch ideas, bunches of lunches, packing school lunches, kids lunch ideas, kids pack their own school lunches, kids pack their own lunches, kids make their own lunches, kids make a bunch of lunches, bunch of lunches, phillips fambam lunches, phillips fambam, kids make lunches, elementary school lunches, kids pack their own lunch, everyday lunches, normal lunches, kids everyday lunches, everyday school lunches, lunches, kids school lunches
Id: pZU5FKVgtOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2019
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