KIDS GROCERY SHOPPING CHALLENGE | Buying After School Snacks in YOUR COLOR | School Snack Ideas

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all right hey what's up fam bammers welcome to another vlog or actually this is gonna be vlogger vlog blog this is gonna actually gonna be another shop with me challenge with the kids you guys we had so much fun with the last one a lot of you were like do it again do it again with the other kids so we give you what you want that's right so we're gonna add a little twist to this one so we're gonna have elijah go ahead and pick and but the twist is what elijah i have to get everybody a snack but they have to choose a color oh color so basically elijah has to get four snacks for each person and for me in the color that they pick so do you think you could do that probably oh let's see so amberlyn's gonna go first what color brown brown let's see if i could be nice or i could go a different way with that one the idea is to try to get them things they like okay cause it's mom and dad's money so ethan what color blue oh okay i picked my color before i knew i probably wouldn't have chose blue if i knew he's taking out snacks for us so we'll see how this goes okay and so this is the thing though last time emberlyn picked and it was like wow she really knew everybody right she got what you liked because it was easy but now with the colors can elijah find what you like in that color ashlyn what are you gonna get what white oh okay that's a challenge the color of the packaging or the color of the food white you could do either or so it's just white is as long as we think it's like when we show it or when it comes up we could say okay that's white that is a challenge yes but there's gonna be interesting there's one more color mine no who elijah's what color are you gonna pick for yourself i'm gonna pick red oh color is red i know a few foods in my mind that's red all right okay but also the other thing is no candy yes no candy this is snacks this is this is snacks for school so you've got to think with this so that makes it even harder to make a candy slime with one of the items nope [Laughter] all right so let's go all right so we are in and i don't know his strategy yet i don't know if he's gonna go all one color or if he's gonna just go out just pick as he goes let's see what he [Music] does so you're having success you've been filling up this car dude you went up the car i got two things for me two things for ashland three things for amberlynn now the hard part is ethan he picked the color blue guys i'm thinking i'll get him like a blue so you ready how do you think you did i think it ain't pretty good you think they're gonna be happy yeah i mean yeah i want to see how ashley's reaction is on one of them because i don't know if she likes it or not but it's kind of hard to do it because especially blue guys blue was a challenge it's gonna be awesome guys so stay tuned to see what we got okay guys right now we're with the one and only ethan guys so this might look familiar if you're watching youtube but let's not get into that right now right now right now we got ethan picked the color blue so we got four snacks that are blue and i'm pretty sure ethan's gonna like it yep i hope here we go all right here we go coming out we've got miss tina we don't need vanna white we've got tina wow all right let's go yep i suggest all right [Laughter] [Applause] second my second favorite chip or third but these are the only chips that i like that are actually blue colored so good choice next up i know anything like this we were debating on there was two different colors of blue that we could have gotten but we played it safe and got this yes see if we ride the game we're gonna get you the freeze one the oh yeah okay good good good dad actually let me know that i'm like let's get the freeze when he's like i'm pretty sure he's like that one okay and this one i i love this is my favorite type of gatorade too i knew he liked gatorade so i'm like let's get him a little gatorade okay next up we got boom your favorite popsicles oh yeah popsicles for sure so i think elijah went a little bit more on the sugary side it's kind of hard to find nutritious blue items blueberries what would you have done if you got your blueberries i would have acted like i liked them wow i'm glad you would be nice you'd act like you like them just to spare my feelings yeah sure okay this one when i say i say the best for last i mean it oh no japal yes oh my oh yes oh my gosh we were running out of blue items and i'm like you know what this has blue in it and i know we've been let's see ice cream ever oh the baskin robbins wild and miracles wild and reckless gonna be very good for me healthy so i think this is like amazing see i'm just trying to help him with his like healthy diet yeah you know this is helpful the good thing about this is you don't eat it all at once you kind of yeah yeah whatever all right so who's up next the one and only white food colored ashland okay right now we are with the one and only so her color was white yep which is a very random color what yeah i why did you choose white i was thinking you were like marshmallows oh well does it look like you're gonna be too happy tonight we were on like onions and radish oh they're not white right okay let's get into it okay first thing i don't really have an idea maybe popcorn we got oh is that a thing i tried to get him to get popcorn oh go ahead open it up try it out and see what you think try it out try it out try it i like um goldfish and cheez-its are just like so i can snack on them all day that's why it's like like during school i'm just snacking on them like let me try nothing they're playing no no white is a pretty plain color so hmm those are good they don't taste like anything to me it tastes like an original kind of yeah oh they're good there you go original goldfish all right white ones hey close your eyes next up oh i know you're gonna like this one [Music] [Laughter] hey that's what i get for choosing that color no no that's fine actually string cheese isn't bad okay don't worry these next two i think we're gonna make we're gonna make up first this one the pout yes yes they're good white powdered donuts guys those things are really these ones and the what was it the crumbles they're crumbling the crumble ones the crumbles are my favorite they're really like good road trip snacks yeah they're really good laughter we figured white ice cream and then we added a little bit of the cheesecake i was thinking that you guys were going to pick like vanilla or something if you did yeah i was actually going to pick vanilla but i'm like i don't know if she'll like vanilla because it's really like plain ice cream so yeah i mean like i think her favorites probably the string cheese i'm actually excited for it i like just like snacking on them like i just need to be in the mood for where i am i just have like three days peeler or biter oh okay you can't bite it's just like i don't know what it is all right who's up next all right here we are with emberlin all right everyone's coloring was brown so first up it's one that i was unsure about i think i've seen her eat it like once or twice but what's your pal do you like them i love them okay sweet it's the m m and yogurt let's [Music] and that was borderline on the candy side yeah borderline but he slid through yeah okay okay i always have this my grandma's house sometimes oh and amberlynn's favorite mcdonald's mcflurry is the m mcflurry yep okay next up next up this is something that we've had but like not this version oh my gosh i'm scared what is chocolate pudding but hershey's flavored like hershey's chocolate christmas chocolate yeah hershey's it's milk chocolate someone picked brown okay i mean that might be the reason why i chose it i think you're gonna like this one i'm just gonna say one thing cookie pow edible peanut butter cookie dough i've had this before it's delicious so edible peanut butter cookie dough cause she got if you guys didn't know she loves making peanut butter cookies so skin or some edible peanut butter cookie dough and if you guys haven't seen our last one where siblings shop for each other amberlynn went and got everyone some items but she kind of went on the healthier side right kind of a mixture it's harder when it's a color yes it definitely is we've we've learned that so i'd be interested to see what elijah would get everyone if he didn't have any colors like restricting him [Laughter] next up this one she's gonna love which about [Laughter] peanut butter i know she loves making her peanut butter cookies so and she usually runs out quickly with these so i got a good jar of peanut butter and yeah and emberlin actually eats peanut butter from the jar with a spoon don't give the secret away all right so up next we've got the finale with elijah best for last last but not least the one and only elijah phillips okay guys now although i had some nice good old friends by my side i'm all alone and now i get to parties what was your color dude red my favorite color and the best way to get food so first up put your pal some apples guys i love sliced apples it's always a pain for for asking my parents to slice apples because i don't know how to do it so or you do we just don't want you to cut your finger off with the apple cup yeah so i got sliced apples pre-sliced up why not it's it's easier better and it comes in a bag next up we got oh my gosh guys i haven't had this in a while it's the best animals and guys you're like oh is it red though like yeah it's a strawberries guys strawberry flavored red flavor you already know red animals best animals quoted by elijah phillips so here we go next up a breakfast item that i want because honestly i haven't really figured out what i want for breakfast sometimes i'm iffy but this is something i will always have for breakfast bacon guys bacon is the best honestly favorite breakfast item out of all the size for pancakes so okay guys this last one it i never usually really get it but here we go beef jerky guys and it's like a box it's like um this is called it's called like lunchbox ready it's like like five little packs like five little packs inside it so i'm really excited to snack on this guys so so these are all the things i got as you guys know beef jerky bacon animals and apples guys so so do you think it was a success a success i would say so i mean it was probably the hardest was maybe ashland's and ethan's you know i think i got some things ethan would like some of them ashland i couldn't really find the best things but i think i did a pretty good job so i think ethan's gonna do it next and we're gonna tell ethan he's got to have each one of you pick a letter oh that would be awesome yes okay guys okay guys oh okay i just said like fast videos so okay guys that is the end of the video so yeah i just got everybody their colors i think i did a decent job you did good dude you did really good it was kind of difficult but yeah i hope you guys enjoy comment down below if you have any other ideas to add onto this maybe maybe something to include with more colors letters numbers anything like that but yeah we'll do that just comment down your eyes video ideas um any food ideas always guys always appreciated so that's it you guys thank you guys so much for watching and don't forget choose your [Applause] [Music] follow days so then foolishly you'd be as sweet
Channel: PHILLIPS FamBam
Views: 11,258
Rating: 4.9380951 out of 5
Keywords: anything in your color i'll buy, kids shopping challenge, kids grocery shopping challenge, buying after school snacks, kids after school snacks, buying after school snacks in your color, buy anything in your color, kids challenge, kids color challenge, buying color challenge, color food challenge, phillips fambam, fambam, fam bam, phillips fambam challenges, school snack ideas, after school snack ideas, in your color challenge, phillips fambam grocery hauls
Id: 5g_wDvATH7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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