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previously on Philips fambam so here we are we are at Harry's this morning having breakfast and I have a there was a video of Ashlyn when she's to answer the answer the phones the biggest thing about this whole company is how many jobs are provided to so much so many of like our family and friends you know thank you to my mom and my dad and all the guys that oh my goodness you guys you have no idea what we just came across check this out so Ethan has a question for everybody cuz he says he's done it and I don't know what you guys think of your car after you've been on a road trip oh I got a new CD buy for this spot right here you guys [Music] follow the arrows and see where they lead to [Music] Asura [Music] to the mill pardon oh hey Oh what's the game and other people are just people and that's down island this charter could go anywhere you're better start Konami going down I'll live for ten seconds Oh Bernie and then I'll go back in the water and yes the short time do you become a baby shot oh well I'm gonna be the shark you have to get on the island and I'm gonna attack got you you're a baby shark that's a fun game what's the name of the game alright so if you guys have kids make sure to take some time and play wild run with your kids let them know em Berlin from Phillips fambam created it it's about a shark that attacks people on the island but only has ten seconds to tag them and make them a baby shark otherwise the shark burns and dies alright so this is what's gonna go up on the wall you guys this clock Tina loved from the office so we're gonna go ahead and put it up on the wall comment down below if you guys have had bad luck with the wall clocks that have like the single battery in the back because they always like die out I forget about them or the hand doesn't work as well comment down below if you've had an issue with that because I've had issues with these these clocks all my life we're hoping that this one's gonna work otherwise we might just find out that this is just gonna be like 6 o'clock forever so we'll see I'm gonna get this up for her right now [Music] boom your clock is up I was just telling them like when I'm wondering if this box like gonna be able to tell the time accurately all the time because already we put the battery in yesterday and I had to change it right no I had to change the time like it was the hand but I was laying flat so I'm wondering if it's if it'll be better like that yeah I don't know but I like it I don't care to tell time yeah I do I like it I just put some yeah yeah like it's been playing for so long like it I'm sorry I'm sweating from outside [Music] but now I'm standing in corner I see from across soon it's kind of crowded here but I know you see me too everybody singing all everybody singing it is about you all right so I've got one word for you guys as to why we're here at the mall and it is shoes we need shoes last-minute shopping shoes shoes shoes comment down below what your favorite pair of shoes is you know I know you've got them comment down below and let us know boom shoes what you end up getting dude you got some Nikes let's check them out boy we tried them on they're good what you get ends [Music] Alijah what the airmax is dude would you get break strength aside when Nikes and Adidas comment down below right now actually right now take the pourer at the top right right here or here which one you want them to get adidas or Nike s one give you two seconds ready go decide on all right so Ashland got some bands but she's also let's see the vans like your shirt though babe your day ooh look at those vans for Ash and then she's looking for some sandals right now so you guys famous footwear has all of their shoes buy one get one half off and they're online coupons will add to that discount so there's like another 15% off coupon so all of the shoes here we're getting buy one get one half off with an additional 15% coupon okay guys as you guys saw we got our school and right now we're getting everything ready for school I'm gonna are gonna show you guys us packing our lunches and also check our other first day of school one because that one is also good that and we will link it right there all right there and yeah so go check that video out and I can't believe um schools tomorrow and this is the last day of summer so yeah cuz even just kidding all right you guys here's the final product of the shoes we got Braden's Ashlyn's Ashland she paid for those ones with her own money Ethan's Elijah's and M Berlin what are you doing on the table girl a dance move are you excited for tomorrow yeah big first day of school girl what are you most nervous about meeting at each meeting your teacher she's gonna be so nice yeah yeah see that's good I think it's gonna be a good year yeah yeah so I get to walk you to your class it's gonna be so exciting second grade I guess you better get to bed yes okay okay bye the shoes okay I'm going into second second grade and then Elijah into for fourth grade even going into sixth grade going into eighth eighth grade hey Braden senior year he's going into 12th grade oh my goodness last year school for Braden please don't draw okay it's because you have no teeth to stop the drill from coming okay you guys so we are just getting the last few things done before the kids go back to school tomorrow you guys honestly it really stuffed up on me like this summer just kind of flew by and I'm like oh my gosh it's literally here tomorrow the kids are going into school I'm gonna have one in high school two in middle school and two in elementary and it's just so crazy to me that these kids are growing up I don't know I'm the type of person who I like having my kids home I just loved summertime I love us all being together as a family so school is kind of bittersweet for me because I do love having here but the break is sometimes kind of nice and I know they enjoy being with their friends and learning at school and stuff so it'll be okay I definitely gonna miss them I love the first day of school though because I love like just hearing about their day hearing about their teachers what friends are in their classes and things like that so I'm super excited we have a few finishing touches we have to do tonight we still have to make their lunches so we're going to show you guys what they decided that they're gonna make or their first day of school so we're gonna do that here in just a couple seconds okay you guys first up we have Ashlyn here ready to make some lunch you guys normally when we do school lunches we only see the three younger ones now we get to see Ashlyn make up her lunch her first day of school lunch that she's taking with her tomorrow what is the special mill home school back from home school are you ready yeah no are you ready are you really ready okay whatever all right well let's get your lunch going what you're gonna make girl so it's my lunch box it's pretty big it's pretty big which is good I'll fit a lot of food and who picked that out for you i watch Ethan Elijah wanted to talk about it yeah it was yeah I talked about it one which was like a neon Pete yeah I was like a coral yeah and then either this one's I'm like oh I said I don't care I just choose whatever and then so he can pick this they had a rock-paper-scissors it out and Ethan won so that was her lunchbox super cute it is a big one yeah but it's gonna fit it'll fit your water and everything in there this is a bread Wow I'd like to do is I usually like to do this no you've done just kidding so I'll just make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich cause I just like it that's what you like is that what you'll eat most of the year's peanut yeah is that or I like um I like ham and mustard Oh ham and mustard that's good how quick do you get sick of sandwiches during the year not super you're usually okay yeah I'm usually okay that's good sometimes I make like a little salad yeah you get creative sometimes I like it yeah tomorrow is sandwich time yeah all right so PB&J let's do this girl I like peanut butter but I don't like it too overwhelming I don't want it to overwhelm that J okay so you like the jam better than the peanut butter you would say yeah but I also like the peanut butter so I just get a bunch of peanut butter and this is the gym cut just cut yes it is so yeah I usually like put on a decent amount and I just I'm curious if you're gonna do what Ethan does nope you don't do what he does huh to keep the bread from being soggy okay okay creeper squeaks oh no oh so you just you don't like it to be chunked on there yeah so then that's good confetti nice ready nice scrape it off like that and go right into the jelly Oh what kind of jelly is it strawberry strawberry jam I just usually just is your mouth watering no I don't have like okay cool all right squish it do you squish it oh that might be my pet peeve squish sandwiches nothing it's mixed in okay okay put it in do you like peanut butter and honey sandwiches I don't use those are my favorite comment down below if you guys love peanut butter and honey sandwiches yes very true Oh wrong lid alright so I love the bucks food snacks these are like the best fruit snacks are you the only one that likes those I can't remember every one I don't know what these are I need like ten oh man don't take ten to school please and then I might get some fruit oh good I'm just gonna get some cucumbers put it in bigger you guys know my kids are all obsessed with cucumbers we will probably go through that's just one cucumber right there I know most of the kids are gonna have cucumbers so they're gonna be gone from just cool strawberry oh yeah you putting them in the same okay okay put up you want girl yo lunch boom boom boom nice then my favorite thing in the whole world that can always be on you and emmalin both love those no but like oh so you're willing to say that you love them more than amberlynn does yes Oh gum these and cover your eyes that's all I'm good with a few covers notice you could do without dr. pepper uh-oh okay we're done perfect you love him that much huh yep nice so that's it moto fall one cute little pretzel just kidding I feel like the whole bag of these oh my goodness all right you know I usually have like a water and then I'm set for lunch well Benny just reap those rewards whoa whoa and those I'm sorry mom oh and do you want - I want a do you want what a granola bar whoa okay okay I think that's enough pretzel boom sandwich is that all you're having that's it nothing else huh you don't like those mini muffins I do about it yeah I can't whatever yeah no taste it water you chirp okay so we're just gonna put on the bottom then we put the sandwich to the scene which stays cool yes and it doesn't matter if it's smashed could you already smashed it yeah next this next and then that next how much rooms are there hold on we got to see you still wha oh my gosh you guys that goes all the way down we got this at Old Navy for those of you that didn't see the video he's cute little lunch bags are so dill not delicious but they're cute all right ready for school here we go all right we got em Berlin up next all right we got em Berlin here she's obviously excited to get to bed she's in her pajamas already ready for her first day of school you ready to make your lunch all right girl what you got but tuna fish sandwich oh so good all right girl let's do this look like you and me so you just slap it on there and then just kind of try to spread it around there you go you can get you can get more yeah tunas good and I feel like tuna is something you just recently discovered that you like yeah cuz I want a tuna sandwich I'm um we're on the cabin trip and and I had a tuna sandwich and it was do you like loved it so it was a do I love that all right so tuna fish sandwich was her choice for first day of school the dog they just stayed by us when we're making like food and they just wait till we drop something and then coming they just know we're clumsy yeah because we all these drops I know every single time okay that's good job or put the other one that has none on it on top of it that way you don't make a mess okay guys you just cut it and now we're gonna put it right in the back and we had this on last year right yep we could put this in first remember we've been a while since we made lunches yeah so those of you guys wondering where we got these little bins we got these actually at bonds surprisingly and but I have seen them at Walmart in different places like that it's called the sistema systemic alright what's next girl Oh mini muffins so we asked what special treat these guys wanted for their first day of school and they all voted for these mini muffins we don't get them that often because they are kind of spendy and you don't get very much for the money but we figured first day of school why not alright next up you want some salt some strawberries and pretzels of class [Music] I only forgot laughing imagine in my head yeah well you're gonna find out real quick early in the morning okay well this still fit let's see I think so and then what she's been eating this tuna fish by the spoon little is it that good yeah awesome see sometimes you just have to try new things and you find out you like it yeah it does taste like chicken I like a sweet yeah yeah I think the Mayo helps yeah ma I love you let me stop with the tuna yep so is that all of the let's put a few more in here yeah you like pretzels too so nice okay true test will it shut [Music] okay goodbye now yeah so now we really have to see if it shuts with that in there Ready Set nice now will it fit in your lunchbox make it you and your cucumbers girl here let me help you hold it open there we go and then you can fit those right on top girls many muffins you guys isn't her lunch box the cutest I love it oh yeah she's got her water bottle all ready to go in there - awesome now you're all ready to go first day of school here we come okay guys so right now it's my turn to show you what I'm gonna get for my first day of school starting tomorrow I know are you excited yes and a lunar a little nervous that's normal so you have a really good teacher though yes so when I first good start off with is you know the salami sandwich so not much has changed for Elijah he still only really loves his salami for sandwiches probably like maybe melting lots of all melted mozzarella cheese whistle oh we could do that another day yeah that is a good idea but yeah otherwise he just likes plain salami nothing on it just boom BAM done now we put that in here and then there's the lid next thing we have is the cucumbers and of course no mine something sorry I forgot we forgot Wi-Fi so I'm gonna put in some cucumbers because they're so good have at it dude I chopped up like three cucumbers tonight that's how many you guys eat that's probably good if you want to make sure the lid stays on there yeah and then you could put the strawberries on the other side oh yeah strawberries you're next guys so now we need this job strawberries they are Driscoll's - oh my gosh you should join the drama team okay turning it in it in it in it in Ana you could probably take the rest of those because we all know Ethan's not gonna have any boom now we'll the lid fit that's the question so now after the mom help me put these in because I think it's just cuz there's a lot yeah it's pretty hard to put in and then boom we got that when I just put this in right like that yeah I think that'll work and then what else you wanted something else in there string cheese oh yeah yes it is well behind you yeah oh the Hulk is in the house after the wild surge of wood I needed a vine boom Fritos boom you guys if you're wondering wondering we got this lunch box from Target nope Walmart and it came with this little bin and then we need to fill this with water and that will go right in there too okay guys now that we are done it's gonna go on doot Ethan's turn okay guys my turn i'ma tell you gasp what an amazing okay first dude first dude we need to hear how excited are you for middle school a little nervous a little excited that's been everybody's answer tonight that's pretty normal I'm gonna say okay so alright nice I have yes and Ashlyn doesn't do it the same way as you what did she do anybody run on bread yep yep well what I do is I used to happen where I put peanut butter on one bread and jelly on the same bread oh the peanut butter uh-huh but now I did it where I do peanut butter on this side peanut butter on this side and jelly in the middle so that the jelly doesn't sarcastically I think that's a very smart way of doing it hey guys I got peanut butter on both sides and now we're gonna do the jelly I never really liked putting too much jelly so you bind it too much Joey just like you don't like the texture of it so you just like it just a little bit of flavor of the jam - no I too small not too small but not too much it's got to be just right nice dude okay guys now I got my jelly on so now I'm gonna put it together nice I've always wondered what a cookie butter and jelly you should try it you should try it one day not at school and if you like it make it for your lunch I just got and jelly that's probably actually delicious so show them where this goes in your lunch box down boom secret compartment oh yeah does that zipper know it just velcro's it up here it says no but no zipper there huh hopefully it doesn't fall out okay whoa okay guys now I'm gonna put on my loose look right now okay I got a chewy chocolate chip with another bar play the dinner guests game if you could have one person over for dinner oh if you answer the question oh I like that answer not haste so Barbie I got barbecued flavors nice nice Oh watch this meeting okay let's see it let's fold that over trick shot Oh try again what first try now your tips are crumbs so there's that this is what this looks like okay cheesy cheese Nick cheesy Steve stick it's just a pill here and not for individual self oh okay and hey I got myself some mini muffins it says mini well it's chocolate chip good fine fine everybody's a little jvcom right okay okay cats keys and and then your water that's it so Ethan didn't want cucumbers or strawberries usually he will eat an apple but we don't have any apples right now so you're good he can tell if he likes an apple by smelling it yeah can't be can't be soft hardcore yeah alright dude so that's it how do you feel you ready alright I like how I like doing the bottom it's just too much well you got it down to dude you guys go check out that video if you haven't seen Ethan open his locker for middle school go check that out Ethan good luck dude chick day all right we're ready to go all right everybody so M Berlin and I are closing it out tonight and we are getting everybody settled down for bed because tomorrow is first first day of school 2018 here we go I don't know if you guys remember last year we had the first day of school where we walked the kids to school we're gonna do the same thing tomorrow but check this out this time at the elementary school we only have M Berlin and Elijah Ethan is now at middle school so slowly it's going less and less at MIT at elementary school it's just gonna be me and I like friends ohh oh my goodness so pretty soon and Berlin's gonna be the only one at elementary school but she's gonna have so many friends it's not gonna matter anyways Ashley needs and tomorrow at middle school together we don't get a walk them to their classes or anything we literally I think we literally like just drop them off so that's gonna be a little bit different and then we're gonna be so excited well let you guys know how their day went so you've got to stay tuned for our vlogs coming up this week we're gonna be talking a lot about their first day of school and we've got first soccer practices this week right actually not no so we've got a whole new team that which means a whole new set of friends and Ashlyn is gonna help me coach em Berlin this year so you're gonna have me and Ashlyn coaching you stay tuned we've got a grocery haul coming up this week we're gonna try to get in some kids in the kitchen Elijah really wants to make that confetti cake for you guys and and yeah so that's it you guys were excited for tomorrow thanks for watching thanks for all of your support this past week and it's been such a bittersweet weekend bittersweet decisions bittersweet changes but we are so excited for what is in store for us coming up we are extremely confident with the decision that's been made just because it's not easy doesn't mean it's not right and so we're having a positive attitude we're staying true to our slogan choose your day we're gonna just live each day to the fullest so you're we'll see you guys tomorrow [Music] but now I'm standing in corner I see from across soon it's gonna crowded here but I know you see me too everybody singing all
Channel: PHILLIPS FamBam
Views: 64,182
Rating: 4.8700066 out of 5
Keywords: phillips fambam lunches, kids pack a bunch of lunches for school, kids pack a bunch of lunches, kids make a bunch of lunches, kids pack their own lunch, kids make own lunch, kids pack their own school lunches, kids packing lunches, packing school lunches for kids, kids packing lunch, packing school lunches, packing lunch for school, phillips fambam, bunches of lunches, The Family Fudge, kids lunch ideas, kids lunches, kids lunch, lunch, a bunch of lunches, kids school lunches
Id: az18nsEpeTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 11sec (1931 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2018
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