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hey everybody what is up we have got another hole for you guys today I don't know that we've ever done back-to-back hauls ever I don't know not like this well we've done we've done treater Joe's and Sam's Club together we've actually purchased them on the same day and did too yeah that was the last time but this is the first time we literally went to the store on separate days and this is the first time we've done it both at Costco and Sam's Club of bulk stores so we're gonna go in here you guys we're gonna get a few things that we love here at Costco and we got Amber Lee with us she's gonna hang out with us she came for the samples guys cuz she didn't want to come then I was like there samples and she was like okay so hopefully there is samples because there's like an hour before they close right now so we got to get in get out get our stuff done and we just want to shout out we just dropped off some awesome burgers over to spam bombers Cynthia and Ireland yeah and you guys it was awesome just to chat a little bit so they were so sweet that was so fun to go over and chat with them so shout out to them you guys they're awesome and so we're gonna go in right now get some samples all right you guys here we go at the beginning of the back-to-back weather is amazing a little bit humid because it actually has drizzled and sprinkled a little bit today but it's got wow you guys she's already singing and the actual showing of the food hasn't even started soon all right you guys we are in and we forgot our cardigan and the thing is it's an hour before closing and it's actually not a stroke Oh amberlynn did a drive-by you guys a lot better here at custom [Music] all right work must oh so there is 4000 [Music] rupees all right you guys so a little bit of a bummer all of these sample stations are taken down because we're so close to closing and now we got to figure out what we're gonna do for dinner we might have to make something with some of these groceries darn it [Music] so how do you feel about the sample stations not being open in Berlin I just came from soccer practice so we are starving AHA I'm not sure if we're gonna even be able to get hotdogs here because they might close we have to see because they close at 8:30 it's about 8 o'clock right now and their hot dogs here are a dollar fifty for a hot dog and a drink you guys how awesome is that so you guys this is a much quicker haul or shopping because of our haul yesterday we went to sam's club so remember this is the back-to-back second day of two and Sam's Club Costco so we're wrapping it up right now I'm gonna head straight home let you guys know what we got [Music] and we made we're all done shopping you ready to go home and eat now about you all right you guys so we made it back home as you can see and another polybag I've never done this like back-to-back so I'm like dang it's 10 o'clock at night we're gonna get through this hall and I feel like we got quite a bit for a good amount of money right now I never feel ok this is why I never feel we get our money's worth at Costco like everything's always more expensive yeah however we always get our toilet paper paper towels Zipf is all at Costco means right so right there that's like 15 15 25 so yeah that literally is like 60 bucks 25 yeah so it's like 60 bucks right off the bat with three items so it's kind of a lot but you know what we're stocked up now so and I'm interested to know where do you guys get your TP and paper towel do you guys prefer it like at Sam's Club or do you prefer it at Costco I prefer Costco's I just like there's better I don't mind Sam's Club either but I would go with either and I'm not sure I should have checked the counts on each to see which had more for the better price maybe we'll have to do like a comparison one day but that would be fun yes that would be fun I say this is what I say we do it we when I finally get my truck fixed we should split off and do a race we make a list like chicken toilet paper whatever just stuff that we know they have at Costco and Sam's okay and we buy it okay we split off into two teams we buy it come back and we see who spent less that's a good idea coming down below same products we make the same grocery list okay does that make sense well and we say like okay you know frozen chicken breasts and if you get 12 and we get 10 or whatever but that's you're gonna for your money yes okay that would be fun yes let us know if you guys are interested in us doing that because I do think that would be really fun kids would actually have fun doing that yes I pick Sam's cuz you have scary go sucker no not anymore that's not fair I wouldn't want the race head alright you guys so we're gonna get straight on to the food and just a reminder for those of you if you haven't seen our Sam's Club haul we did one yesterday so go check out and see what we bought at Sam's Club we're gonna move on to this costume the kids are very happy they're like another whole book so excited about it so we're stocked up I got lots of plans for dinners and stuff tonight we're getting back into it because school is getting ready to start which reminds me you guys we also have some back-to-school shopping that we're gonna be doing a lot of you guys have been asking for those videos so those are coming up very very soon so stay tuned for that and let's get onto the food okay I'm gonna start with the freezer stuff so I can hurry and get this stuff put away but we're gonna start with the mandarin orange chicken which we actually really really like from Costco now you guys know we usually get the one from Trader Joe's this is a close second I feel like so we grabbed this and it's big enough to feed our entire family with sometimes with leftovers so I miss em Berlin em Berlin's like what did she say what did she say just don't give me any yeah there's always one you guys there's very few meals that every single person will eat she'll take a box of chocolate chip cookies with her rice we were walking by it you guys saw that one camera I think no no Oh kind of yeah yeah she literally was sitting on the cart and just grabbed these and they're good these did you yeah yeah they remind me of they remind me of like the mrs. Fields mini one they're good they're just like nice and moist and this young and they're $8.99 which is kind of a lot but they're good the many ones are good it makes you feel like you're eating less but really probably more so there's those and then we also got the chicken melts you guys know our kids love that you came out to Danny actually likes the chicken mouth I what else I probably won't eat very much of this but I have grown yeah those are very those are real good the kids love these oh how many are in here dude you do 15 Wow 15 chicken melt totally worth it there's those and then I don't know why we grant why we just didn't grab two of these at Sam's Club but as we were passing by we're late we have to get more okay so we bought Sam's Club yesterday okay look in the freezer right now see how many out of the 72 we bought yesterday is still there that's a good idea check check this out you guys so that's 12 in each pack yes oh yeah well so that's 36 about 36 are done in one day trays like this yeah and so each kid when they go to eat one they'll just go get 12 yeah and sometimes they eat it all sometimes they don't so Wow yeah in one day you guys that's how that's how it goes here Wow Wow so needless to say we needed more apparently so there you go 72 more fun right up we also got that I always love the meat the Kirkland brand ground beef I love it I always try to get it sometimes it's in different places and I can't find it like today I went on a hunt dandy was literally parked in the aisle and I was like I gotta go find this meat everyone was like where did where did mom go and I'm like okay this is what happened when mom leaves in Berlin this is what I do I stay in one spot yeah because otherwise we end up searching for each other throughout the whole store texting where are you yeah so I stay in one spot I kind of feel like sometimes like it's just quicker for me like Kate wait here let me just grab a few things and I'm like walking like this to the cart that's alright I got a couple Instagram posts done yeah so yeah he puts his phone in here so this comes with five different one-pound lean ground beef it's a ninety one nine and we love it I love it so and then it lasts us a good little while depending on what I'm making that week but we got some of that and then also we got some salami for sandwiches ooh it comes from the two pack if you guys don't know and we love the Columbus brand which you guys know that too and I'm gonna make some salami melts I met I'm gonna use it with the pepper jack cheese the salami on French rolls who are not French Royals French bread oh yes cuz that is something that we did get so hey I like that idea go back to the hall yesterday guys at Sam's Club Tina did say she doesn't like salami and that my salami melts are just okay they're just okay just like you said my pork chops were a little dry so alright guys hotdogs these are good quick easy lunches the kids like oh yeah it comes in a three pack and you can freeze some of these two you don't have to put them all in the fridge so we'll probably take out one pack freeze the other two and call it good to go um the other thing you guys I never buy these I used to buy them all the time and then I feel like we kind of got burnt out on him but of course we took em Berlin with us and she was like well cuz where did they have the dino bites grandmas oh they did yeah reintroduce yes so she wanted these and that's fine so we let her have them so there's those okay you guys know we always buy these from Costco now Sam's Club does have these they do but they don't have this specific kind and I think most of those have raisins and we're not right I'm not a raisin fan Danny than the mind racing but these have the cran the cranberries the dried cranberries in here and those are so so cool goji so we got these and these are sick Oh No twelve twelve total right three yeah 12 so 12 total and the other thing we got and we found that their individual little salads you guys know that lazy salad there's salads we got there a little bit Martin they're about a dollar more at Costco but they are organic so maybe that's why maybe it's a little bit different but this will look good it's blueberry walnut and feted feta salad with grilled chicken so seven bucks seven bucks for two of them ouch I know we splurged a little bit normally we want to do that but and plus we have a lot of things left still for like salads and stuff but this is I love that you guys it's my little treat I guess yes love it Thanks you deserve it for the wraps and the dancing you were doing yes I'm sorry I do I deserve an award an award a reward reward well and adored I don't know whatever it's getting late you guys we're starting to turn this into a late night all except I'm awake you are weak and I am tired it's been a day so it's 10:30 at night right now you guys that's it oh that's kind of an early halt okay butter got it we had a stack stuck stack a waffle okay we had to stock up on butter because we use it all the time so the Kirkland brand we love and it's is it salted suelto sweet with salted sweet cream and it comes in 1/2 for a 4-pack here so boom what's up a dog so if you had a choice right now to eat something here what would it be well would you choose pick one Oh orange chicken what Oh Ethan cookie dough you want to have one ok that's your last one before bed dad you got to brush your teeth all right you're good next up we got our oh I'd even know you got those it's one of those times that I was went and grabbed everything so this was one of the things we grabbed and this is one of the eight four boxes inside one of the only things Tina eats me eats with milk yeah I haven't done it in years you always say that but yeah it's good moving on to the Zipf is so fun ago Danny's already dumb into this I think actually there she is Oh so we've got fruit punch grape and orange soda go check them out on Instagram zip is they're good friends of ours yes we love the zip v12 energy and it is delicious and you're going for one right now what are you going for ooh I'm gonna go with the red I really like the red fruit punch yep and they also have one and I haven't seen it in stores for a while but it's the black cherry oh so cool okay you know what they haven't it's at Sam's Club we didn't even go near that aisle but oh yeah and this also helps with your soda fix it does so I like this you guys it's actually really good in its best with really cold water yes so boom it's very expensive but it's worth it next up amberlynn really wanted these she's spotted these in the aisle and she's like that with the faces panda with the faces what why did you say that you just want him oh so it's the chocolate cream-filled cookies what that sounds just like an M Berlin Oh totally yeah so we thought it will try and why not there you go does that say Neha yeah mit Maisie Maisie wrong language surprise surprise except we needed some more tuna finish though without chicken of the sea because I always have to get it because of Jessica Simpson serious what yeah yeah we did we used to watch that together no yeah the last days or whatever it was called no it was called newlyweds no anyways yeah we've had this conversation anyways we got some of these for eight so there's eight like what group was he in 98 degrees so what do you like better 98 degrees or in sync in sync Wow comment down below for those of you who know these peeps in sync Backstreet Boys or 98 degrees or 90 degrees did have some good song that's some good song they all had good songs I just like didn't sink the best and then there was also okay okay this is the boat okay how many of you like me at all though do you know you guys man who though was the original boy band yes no they were soup no menudo was the original boy though it's soup no okay but that's not a boat so we got Manila Backstreet Boys NSYNC what else 98 degrees or New Kids on the Block and got add one more you have another finger I know yet for my news oh no menudo or new edition yeah yeah no way Ronnie Bobby Ricky and Mike [Laughter] oh you'll be surprised new edition of menudo new edition 90 degrees in sync Backstreet Boys and I know and by a local to loop it back hoes okay okay for real this time Backstreet Boys NSYNC 90 degrees new edition right or New Kids on the Block and one more bonus min ago no one wants soup right now okay let's move on you just reminds me of I know you guys are probably like okay hurry on with the food but oh well listen we were talking earlier Tina I [Music] forget their good words out Oh or Ace of Base okay this is way off boy babies so anyways I was Alex telling Tina Tina needs to we need to have a new intro song and it needs to be Tina's Tina song that goes welcome to the fam believe your comment down below do you have to say get the mic out get the my gap what we saw was that Walmart so awesome that was my favorite you guys yeah that's good you guys have to I would love to see some of you guys resync that in your own way send us your video I would absolutely love it yes Danny would love it yes okay music guys I'll burn dressing it's a must it's a staple I always have try to always have it on hand just because it makes for an easy delicious dinner and a lot of you guys actually have been emailing me telling me that you have been trying this and you love it yes frozen chicken in the crock-pot pour this over at six to eight hours boom BAM done delicious over rice side salad it's the easiest thing in the world and you guys my favorite part is once we're eating it I go back and take some of the juice and I pour it over the rice so and the easiest thing you'll ever in it's so much flavor like so so much so there's that and then we also have a Driscoll strawberries as you guys saw in the hall I said Costco's Driscoll's did herb Sam's Club Driscoll not they were they were bad it was like the last batch you could tell yeah it was not yeah I was not impressed so they looked actually really good here at Costco so I'm impressed with this we grabbed two because you guys know our kids love strawberries so there are those and you guys know how much I love Driscoll's I even did a Driscoll's taste test and blindfolded and I still guessed right every single time yep yep it was actually pretty impressive so there's those and then of course you guys I actually really love these like this isn't just for the kids I like these what are you in third grade yes I am so organic applesauce gluten free no sugar added it's yummy and it's really yummy very cold and these were another thing that we took on vacation that the kids loved having as well so we just put it like in our hotel fridge boat so good so we grabbed it son Tina likes those buns burger bun we grabbed some French French option that he's got going on and then we got hot dog buns so a lot of this stuff will probably put it doesn't get all moldy we'll leave a pack out put a pack in the freezer and then we also got waters 40 count 40 count we got 12 paper TP we got paper towels that I already put away into the pantry PT and that's it wow that is okay so check that out you guys that all was $279 compared to yesterday's 297 dollars we don't weigh more yes yes you sir but that's because of the zip is the TP and the PT that's true yep but at Sam's Club we did get the 10 pound bag of chicken maybe that was like the most expensive thing yeah right yeah but if you think if you think of taking out the zip is the toilet paper a paper towel that $60 about we would have been able to get $60 worth of food yeah which is about you know eight items yeah that's true so what's the better place Sam's Club or Costco and I always just tell you guys just do both cuz I don't know I feel like okay if I only had the choice do you have one Sam's yeah I really love Sam's but I also really love like Costco's different options for like organic stuff oh they have stepped it up with that but cause Sam's probably Sam's I guess I don't know I don't babe I mean you don't make me choose you your even shopping they're saying like oh my gosh this is so nice no it's because of the crowds that is a big deal yeah and Sam's I love their scanning go and I love that sometimes you can order online and just go pick it up just like you do at Walmart you can do that Sam's Club - you know that's nice - especially for working parents that time to go shop okay you guys so that is it from us tonight don't forget to subscribe like this video and we'll see you guys tomorrow and don't forget choose your I follow you saw their foolish
Channel: PHILLIPS FamBam
Views: 41,782
Rating: 4.8985991 out of 5
Keywords: costco groceries, biggest costco haul, shopping at costco, FamBam, massive costco haul, costco vs sam's club, PHILLIPS FamBam, phillips fambam costco haul, grocery haul, Fam Bam, costco, massive sam's haul, back to back grocery hauls, costco superfans, sam's haul, family vlogs, costco haul, costco grocery haul, costco grocery shopping, costco grocery haul 2019, grocery hauls 2019, binghams costco haul, world's largest costco haul, this is how we bingham, back to school haul
Id: WDDWaq4gqPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 24sec (1464 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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