Kent Christmas Prophecy 🔥 Hear the Word of the Lord (Sep 18, 2021)

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are on the run praise god i feel a boldness in the holy ghost hallelujah and i i by the spirit of the lord i just hear god saying why are you fretting why are you worried saith the lord for the charge and of the enemy is only a charge but he will not touch my people and that which i have promised says god i will perform for my prophets are not liars and though it does not look like it shall come to pass i do not need the help of men saith the lord to perform my will i do not honor a thief saith the lord and i will not honor the thief that stands today in the atmosphere for the enemy comes to steal to kill and destroy but i this day tell you that very quickly saith the lord that in the midst of the impossible saith god i have already lost angels in the atmosphere and there are things taking place says the lord that you cannot see but i tell you this that it will not be very long until you see in the natural what i've already declared in the spirit for i am god i am not a man i do not bow down to the whims of men and there are no laws that will ever be passed that will silence me you cannot bind me with a chain or with a book there is no army in the earth saith the lord that i am intimidated by for i am still the lord know this saith god the reason there is an assault against this nation is because of all the nations on the earth hell hates the united states of america for i raise you up for this hour saith the lord to release the gospel in the earth and to show all men that when you choose me and make me your god then you are the head and not the tale and all these days saith the lord even on the fourth of july there is a hammer of god that's going to come down out of the heavens sayeth the lord that's going to break the strongholds that have ruled and reigned in this nation for i saith god i am not worried i am not fretting saith god i am not weary and i am not afraid so rest in me saith the lord for i will perform my word and all of those that have said it is over and it cannot be done i will embarrass you for in this hour i have drugged this out to make everybody take a side but now i have an army in this nation sayeth god that i'm beginning to raise up and they will not be silenced and though hell put a mask on you saith the lord i am pulling it off by the power of the holy ghost for the greatest days of this nation are now coming upon her i will not allow chains to be upon her for she will not bow down and the wings of the eagle will not be clipped but have i not bared you on the wings of eagles spread your wings saith the lord for there is a wind out of heaven that is blowing that is going to begin to lift up not only the church but the nations for i did not cause you to be on the ground but i put you in the heavens saith god so shout saith the lord for this is an hour in which glory is coming [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh i thank you lord god that there is a stirring of the spirit of the lord in the atmosphere [Applause] [Music] three weeks ago i preached to you on that god is a man of war last week i preached unto you evicting the enemy god is going to stay in the same vein i want to preach to you about removing harassing spirits because right now the atmosphere there are harassing demon spirits that are trying to distract us and to come after the people of the lord so i really don't know where i'm going with this message i've i've tried to jot some things down but this is going to be a a divine utterance i believe in the spirit of god um there is something being loosed in the atmosphere hallelujah in the book of acts chapter 16 and i wanted to read a portion of scripture acts chapter 16. verse 17. well let's start with 16 it came to pass as we went to prayer not doing miracles not preaching but as we went to prayer a certain damsel possessed with the spirit of divination met us and she had brought her masters much gained by sooth saying the same followed paul and us this is luke talking and she was crying out saying these men are the servants of the most high god and they show unto us the way of salvation verse 18 has said she did this many days not just once every time that paul went to pray with luke this woman would show up and begin to make this declaration but paul being grieved turned and said to the spirit not to the woman well i i feel a boldness in the holy ghost you know we we tiptoe around all this election thing and and uh i just tell you right now that we're black and white in this church hallelujah we're not gray you're not going to leave wondering what did pastor kent mean i don't believe in this election i believe it was stolen i believe that donald trump is going to be put back in office i don't apologize that and if you don't that makes you uncomfortable regeneration nashville might not be a good fit for you paul being grieved in his spirit not in his emotions why was he grieved in his spirit because he was dealing with the spirit it wasn't a natural man dealing with a natural woman the bible said that she was possessed and what we're dealing with is a demonic spirit in this nation that's coming against what god wants to do because we're losing prayer in the atmosphere and see there's this silence there's a spirit there's this harassing spirit that just comes against the people of god and paul's being grieved in his spirit and the word grieved here means you can accomplish something but you do it with a lot of labor that's what was going on his spirit was having to fight through a whole lot of stuff because he was dealing with a spirit if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and what pray paul's going up in the temple to pray and here comes this woman with the spirits and every day she just kept coming harassing him until finally one day he had enough and he said this is said he said to the spirit i command thee in the name of jesus christ to come out of her and he came out of her i am tired of these harassing spirits in this nation in the spirit realm that keep harassing the intent and the purpose of the holy ghost we do not have we should not have to bow down to all these ridiculous restrictions and social distances it's not a natural thing it is coming after the house of the lord they don't social distance on airplanes they don't social distance in and sporting arenas but soon as you talk about god they want to have all this kind of stuff what is that we are dealing in the spirit realm and it makes us accomplish what we do with great labor and god began to speak to me he said son i am bringing a halt to these harassing spirits that come against you some of you have been harassed for years with sickness some of you are harassed for years with the president some of you have been harassed for years with a devourer against your finances or against your call or against your ministry and i declare the name of the lord in the name of jesus to all of my online viewers hallelujah that are watching to the guests that are watching around the world i say in the name of jesus i bind every harassing demon that's coming against the people of the lord and i command you come out of our nation come out of our government come out of our lives come out of our health come out of our church we've had enough hallelujah for where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty saying just kid you just for a lot of us over the years it just seems like there's been a spirit that attaches itself doesn't matter where you go or what you do it's just always there see harassing spirits no they can't defeat you so they're trying to distract you one of the reasons that i know that god is going to turn things around in daniel the seventh chapter this chapter is prophetic and it's dealing about the age that we live in and let me see where do i want to start here verse 21 out of daniel 7. and i said and i beheld and the same horn made war with the saints and prevailed against them until the ancient of days came and judgment or authority was given to the saints of the most high and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom then it says in the fourth beast there shall be a fourth kingdom on the earth which shall be diverse from all of the kingdoms and verse 24 talks about that uh ten horns and whatnot in verse 25 and it says and they shall speak great words against the most high and shall try to wear out the saints of the most high and to thank to change times and laws verse 26 but judgment shall sit and they shall take away his dominion to consume and to destroy it unto the end and the kingdom and the dominion and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the most high whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and all dominions shall serve and obey him the reason that there is such an attempt and an intense attack against us for the last year and a half the church is because the enemy knows what's being released in the atmosphere is greater than anything since the birth of the church and not only we have in the early harvest we're going to have the early and the latter harvest all together and the miracles that you keep hearing about every week last night i dreamed that we prayed for a man that had no hand and we watched in his hand grew back out in front of us listen we have no idea what god's ready getting ready to do and what's going on right now is the enemy is trying to wear down the saints he's trying to steal your harvest he will come after you and harass you he won't come after everything that you got until you finally just say well i just give up i'm just not going to fight anymore listen we do not do peace talks with the devil hallelujah we don't make treaties with the enemy i will not sit down to the table and give a little bit in order to have peace in the spirit realm it's either all or none i say like patrick henry you give me liberty or you give me death and in the name of the lord every harassing spirit that's in the atmosphere over this nation i break you the name of jesus by the authority the name of jesus and the anointing of elijah we call hallelujah heaven to be open over this nation in the name of the lord even this week saith god there is a shift in the atmosphere and oh hallelujah the heaviness that's been on the people of god i break in the name of the lord through the very airwaves i release anointing anointed anointing those of you that are sick today i heal you up in the name of the lord now those are you that are depressed today i heal you in the name of the lord those of you got sickness in your body and the enemies harassed you i break it in the name of jesus rise up in the holy ghost and declare if god before me nobody can be against me don't give in we never give in hallelujah we're going to take some things out of the atmosphere that have been around you can stop demons when i come after demons i don't just tell them to leave i send them to hell see the bible says that when demons are cast out of somebody it says they look for dry places demons don't like water they hate water because god used water used it in the flood he used it in baptism blood and water came out of his side it's just on and on and on why demons don't like water and their eternal damnation is a lake of fire so when i pray for come against demon spirits i don't command them just to come out so they can go somewhere else i take them and i tell them you're going to hell you can't stay here i don't just want demon of cancer to come out of somebody's body so they can wander around and find another person to get into we want to take them out of circulation so that can't be done yes it can the bible says in revelations that there were angels see god has boundaries even for for fallen angels and spirits and you have to stay inside those boundaries or god will supernaturally deal with you and the scripture says there were angels fallen angels that left their own state of habitation many theologians believe that they were the ones that came down and had relationship with women created giants i'm not here to have a theological debate with you all i know is this the bible said that they offended god to the point that god took them out of circulation bound them with chains in hell and reserved them there until eternal judgment he took them out of circulation now why didn't he take every demon on circulation i don't know why is ever why are not all fallen angels bound i don't know but i do know this that god has that authority and there are some generational curses that have gotten over some of your families and you need to break that in the name of jesus you need to stand up in the holy ghost and say i'm tired of this harassing spirit that comes against me and my house that what it does it'll let you get a little bit of victory and a little bit of advancement and just when you get there he'll come in and trip you up and knock you back and it messes with your faith it messes with your belief system but there are seasons hallelujah where you can look at that thing and curse it in the name of jesus i stayed broke for most of my life until i got a revelation hallelujah that if god before me nobody can be against me i tithed i gave offerings i thought lord why can't i get ahead there was harassing spirit a devourer loose i don't live in a fancy house it's 50 years old but i can tell you this that there is no longer any harassing devourer loose and today the bible says god declares i will rebuke the devourer off of your life some of you have had sicknesses that your mom had and your grandmother had that is a harassing demon and somewhere god gave you the authority to rise up in the holy ghost some of you can't hold on to a job what is it it's an harassing demon that's trying to steal your victory it all stand up in the holy ghost look the devil in the eye and say i draw a line right here i i will not back up anymore but i'm pushing you back in the name of jesus by the authority of god today i loose across the earth right now we're coming for nations did not god say he will give us the nations for our inheritance so i claim india i claim the united kingdom i claim japan i claim australia i claim canada you say brother that's a little bit way out there no sir there are no limitations of the spirit of the lord from side to side now i lose faith in you i i lose authority in you i'll lose a revelation in you that i will live free by the power of god [Applause] you cannot let the enemy wear you out because there are places in god that the enemy hallelujah cannot touch you and where we are right now the enemy is after your harvest some of you are so close to breakthrough you're so close to what god is gonna do you have authority hallelujah identify him get in the prayer get in your prayer closet and say god reveal to me this thing what is it that i'm new i'm dealing with and god will begin to show you by the spirit of the lord and god will allow you to have victory and authority in god i love jesus hallelujah he said this in revelations he said i was dead but now i am alive and i am alive forevermore you know what he was saying you have spit on me for the last time you have wounded me for the last time you have led me away in chains for the last time but i will never be put in the grave again but i have risen hallelujah and i am alive forevermore nowhere in the new testament does it ever say after resurrection that caiaphas or anybody else ever came to arrest jesus christ pilate did not herod did not why because what went in the tomb was not what came out of the tomb oh by the sphere of the lord there is authority in the holy ghost and i say in the name of the lord you have come against us for the very last time we declare in jesus name that we will not bow down you will not take my children you will not give me cancer though my family had it you will not shut down my business you will not make me not be able to sleep at night but i declare in jesus name that greater is he that is in me and he that is in the world i break unbelief today i break into the name of jesus break it in the name of jesus i break fear i break doubt i break weariness i break discouragement i break giving in and throwing in the towel rise up rise up rise up you are the voice of god you are the church and hell is terrified of the church you're greater than angels you are the body of jesus in the earth there are some things that we're not going to ever see again i believe that that god is doing some things in the spirit that we're never going to have to deal with them again say well pastor you know you got to be careful you know i'm just telling you right now i refuse to go back to pastoring 150 people i declare in jesus name i don't know how many we have today great crowd for memorial weekend but i declare in jesus name sunday it'll be better next week by the end of the year we're going to have so many people say well you know that's just wishful thinking no it's not we're not bowing down to demon spirits i refuse anymore to let harassing spirits drive me to the point that i want to retire hallelujah and i'll tell you in the name of jesus those of you that have been so heavy and you just feel like well i'm just going to have to learn to live with this no you're not hallelujah no matter what medical doctors say it doesn't matter if they call it an incurable disease it doesn't matter if they say we don't have any answer for this saying take this drug and don't worry about the side effects but listen can i tell you that when jesus took the stripes on his back he came up with the answer for every disease therefore hear me by the spirit for the believer there are no incurable diseases it doesn't matter what they are for sinners but not for you and me hallelujah you got blood running in your veins that came from calvary and when jesus rose from the dead cancer did not come with him sugar diabetes did not come with him suicide and divorce did not come with him he rose in victory [Applause] [Music] i think it's in um luke chapter 13 see the enemy if you deal with if you've dealt with some things for years how many have you're dealing with things that you've dealt for years all of us most of us if you're breathing you probably are it could be a child you would not believe how many christian families that i talk to that have a gay child see the church you know there are some issues that we're supposed to skirt around not here [Applause] there is no preacher in america that loves gay people more than kent christmas they are some of the most articulate educated kind men and women that i have ever met it's just that they've not had a champion for them that gave them hope i'm here to tell the gay community that regeneration nashville is for you we love you we will not condemn you but we will set you free by the power of the holy ghost hallelujah hallelujah i got some men and women that we're going to see saved that can sing the house down by the power of the holy ghost we got some men and women that the enemy has captured that we're going to set free by the spirit of the lord i give you hope today that we're coming after strongholds not little problems but we're coming after strongholds in this nation by the name of jesus hallelujah that every demon that's trying to destroy our culture we curse it in jesus name in the book of luke chapter 13 verse 11 and behold there was a woman and noticed the writing here which had a spirit of infirmity 18 years luke named it he says she has a spirit that is a polite way of saying demon but we try to be careful in modern church in america we don't talk about demons but you have to talk about demons because they're everywhere and they're responsible for a lot of the stuff that goes on in this nation and in our lives demons hate you they're not your friend they will destroy you and laugh in glee while they're doing it the bible says there is a woman who's had a spirit of sickness for 18 years that is her harassing spirit and there are this is what i felt in the lord saying that today we're going to remove some harassing spirits that have been attached to some of you for 10 15 20 years i'm loosing you today by the power of the holy ghost there is i hear a roar of the line of judah in this atmosphere in the name of jesus men you do not have to be bound by pornography that is a harassing spirit and then when you're done you feel guilty and you promise yourself you won't do it anymore and then two weeks later that thing comes back and it wrecks your marriage it is not the will of god for demons to harass the people of the lord then what is it it is the will of god for the people of god to harass demons hallelujah it's time that we stop being defensive and we become offensive in the holy ghost why are the church offensive because we're intimidated that the enemy will defeat us but there is no weapon that is formed against you that shall prosper for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds i come against every demon in politics in our white house every spirit that is coming against our nation in the name of the lord i loosen elijah anointing to break the harassing demons that have risen up in our country this thing harassed her so much for 18 years the bible said that she is so bent over that she can no longer lift herself up and she's walking around like this every time you see her this is how she is for 18 years can you imagine being in that kind of situation but somewhere somebody told her there's somebody named jesus in the area and he's healing people and the bible said when jesus saw her he said honey hallelujah see she couldn't see him because she's like this she's walking around like this and don't know jesus is right over here but the bible said that when she got in proximity of the healer of all ages that when jesus saw her he said honey come here she don't know what's getting ready to happen but the bible says when he saw her he said woman you are loosed from your infirmity he laid hands on her and immediately she was made straight for all of you that hell has bent you over until you've lost your vision and you can no longer see jesus and your vision is on the ground i'm telling you that there's a man from galileo named jesus hallelujah and he's walking through this building right now and he's calling out your name and he's saying come here come here come here now across this audience right now in the name of jesus you are loosed from your infirmity you are loosed from your infirmity every demon spirit that has harassed you for decades and generations i bind every demon in hell in this building and i loose you up by the power of god [Applause] we're coming to the apex of god breaking something forsake the lord as soon as i break in this nation this stronghold in this agenda that's come to destroy this country god said when i break it off of this nation it will be like a box is broken open and there will be a release of the glory of god and the lord said it will begin to flow into every continent in the earth and into every nation hallelujah that is hungry for the glory of god and as the spirit of the lord begins to flow god said i'm going to begin to finish the completion of my word so know this saith god i will not let the enemy win i will never forsake you and i will never leave you saith god but i am i am in the middle of performing thus saith the lord hold on saith god though you have wep there is joy coming in the morning and the wings of the almighty god are being spread with victory the atmosphere hallelujah you want war satan we're going to give you war hallelujah we're not some little pennywise people that laid down in the spirit up and say we just throw in the towel no sir we are blood-bought holy ghost-filled faith walking believing apostolic men and women that know their god by the power of the holy ghost i command every demon bowed down to the name of jesus you're in the hotbed of the divine presence of the lord oh receiver of the spirit of god for this is the army of the lord that he's raising up hallelujah you cannot let the enemy distract you from the vision that's what the media does that's the voice of the enemy this is the voice of the church and the prophets are the voice of the church so let's see which god answers by fire hallelujah we don't worship baal we don't bow down to baal hallelujah we're an elijah company so in the name of the lord you go ahead and do what you got to do you holler scream pass illegal things do what you want but can i tell you elijah's still on top of the mountain and god is not done and we're getting our best hallelujah that's best is for the last and there is an anointing of god that's going to pray release a 63 word prayer into the heavens and the fire of god is going to begin to fall by the spirit of the lords [Music] you wait and see what our church looks like when donald trump gets back in office hallelujah either all in or you're all out if i'm wrong then i can go get a job i'm healthy enough to get a job but i can tell you this we will not back down hallelujah we will not back down elijah didn't after the third hour of the day look at all the thousands of men that were prophesying and bleeding and going you know i'm not sure that i'm in the right place and just kind of slink off of the mountain and throw in the towel no sir you do what you got to do but when it's all said and done we are still standing by the spirit of the lord we may be cast down but we are not destroyed we may be perplexed but we are not in despair hallelujah we may be persecuted but we are not forsaken it ain't over you may have won a scrimmage but you ain't won the battle there is the king of kings and the lord of lords that's still standing in our corner and god is releasing something by the holy ghost unbelief again i bind the spirit of unbelief today some of you god wants to set you free and i hear the enemy saying but it can't change you've never seen it happen the doctor says it won't go away that is a lie hallelujah by his stripe by his stripes by his stripes you are healed right now in jesus name be healed in the name of the lord [Applause] i love this portion of scripture excuse me in exodus chapter 14 this is the children of israel because this is kind of where a lot of christians are right now this exodus 14. and they said unto moses because there are no graves in egypt have you taken us away to die in the wilderness 4 4 have you dealt thus with us to carry us forth out of egypt is not this the word that we do tell you in egypt saying let us alone that we may serve the egyptians for it have been better for us to serve the egyptians and we should die in the wilderness see there's too many believers that are caving in too many believers that are saying you know why they talk like that because they lived in egypt too long i don't know how in the world you can see god do the 10 miracles that he did in egypt from blood water turned to blood and flies and frogs and lice and boil and darkness and hail and god protecting his people and the first time something begins to shake them up they want to throw on the towel and say we'd rather live there see the harassing spirits will make you choose compromising life limited life rather than enjoying god's best and if he can get you there he may not send you to hell but here's what he does he negates your ability to do any damage to the kingdom and only people that have faith will ever do damage to the kingdom of darkness and what israel did not realize was that god was telling them i i did not bring you out just to leave you there but he said i've come down to bring you out to bring you in into a large lamb that flows with milk and honey and so they're telling moses all this you know they're saying well you know the election's over it just doesn't look good media is lying nobody's on our side church has been shut down for a year lots of churches aren't coming back you know it's just very difficult that's what they're saying there thank god for this pastor that says and moses said unto the people fear ye not stand still and see the salvation of the lord which he will show you today for the egyptians whom you have seen today you shall see them again no more forever because the lord shall fight for you so you need to hold your peace you know you're saying he was saying this you need to shut up and hold your peace and stop speaking death because today god is telling you that he's getting ready to do something bigger than you've ever seen and when he's done and the sun goes down this will be the last time you will ever see those that held you in slavery for 430 years can i tell you by the holy ghost i don't know how i can explain when he's going to do it but i hear the word of the lord saying hold your peace and stand your ground because the lord is going to fight your battles and what we're seeing god said you will never see it again for there is a reversal by the spirit of the lord and god is declaring now stop letting demons harass you and make you curse yourself with your own mouth but stand on the word of the lord and declare i believe that god cannot lie i know the lord will make a way for me hallelujah he'll come through the flood he brought you through the fire he brought you through everything stand on the word of the lord and declare that god will fight our battles god needs men and women that are passionate the enemy doesn't fight fear he doesn't fight with gloves he's a bare-knuckle fighter that doesn't have any rules and whatever whenever he can find your weakness he will exploit it you're only as strong as your weakest link in your life learn to identify what that is and give it over to the holy ghost as strong as i can preach on this platform right now i know what my weak link is and i have entrusted it to the holy ghost that god known to him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the glory of his presence see that's the spirit of the lord hallelujah there is nothing nothing nothing that can defeat you and i just hear it in the spirit of the lord some of you for for so long have had an harassing spirit that has followed your life my wife i think couple weeks ago had said everybody that wants to find a mate raise their hand it was amazing how many people god didn't expect you to be lonely hallelujah is he who finds the wife finding the good thing i loose hallelujah the blessing of finding a mate in this house right now in jesus name i call it done in the name of the lord may we have more weddings in the next year that we've ever seen in this house hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah if they burned the the curious arts and the black magic books there in acts i'd love to see a bonfire oh praise the lord where we throw in crutches and wheelchairs and braces and medication because we're declaring that god has set me free by the spirit of the lord what am i doing i'm trying to pull you into a realm where they were in the 50s stop letting this this mindset of the last 10 15 20 years we had what we call the word of faith movement and in the middle of it we got more bound by unbelief than we ever had in our life now in the name of the lord may faith begin to be loosed in this church and in this atmosphere may you walk out of here today set free by the power of the holy ghost every harassing demon in your life i commanded to leave in jesus name may there be a revelation of authority begin to rise up in your spirit that says i will not be intimidated by the enemy anymore listen if i cannot be intimidated by the enemy if i'm going to preach like this but i know this when i preach like this there are angels that surround me and my house uh cancer can't touch me the devourer can't touch me why because there is an elijah anointing in the atmosphere by the power of god and he shall set his angels around thee and all they shall guard thee lest thy fall and thy death thy foot against the stone now all you watch a thousand fall on one side and ten thousand on the other i begin to pray lord let us see the reward of the wicked in this nation listen i love sinners yes sir that's our harvest but i've had it up to here with lukewarm [Applause] lukewarm people have drove more preachers out of the ministry and made them retire than anybody else they're worse than anybody else they want the blessing of god they want the prosperity of god they want the joy of god but they don't want to live for god that's what i like about our church now is when you come here you're here because you want to hear god i mean it's memorial weekend and y'all are not at the beach you're not on the lake i told my wife we're talking about i said i don't know what kind of crowd we're going to have today i've never seen such an enthusiastic group of people on memorial day why because there's something in the atmosphere you wait till the smoke of the glory of god begins to fill this building [Applause] you wait till we physically can see an angel standing on this platform you wait to somebody that's a quadriplegic comes out of their wheelchair and does about three laps around this building in the name of the lord you wait to somebody that has interceded for their child for 30 years and see them in the altar receiving the baptism of the holy ghost and being set free by the spirit of the lord there won't be any this tame well thank you jesus there will be a shout and a roar in our spirits i wonder if i got anybody in this building now that could tell the lord there is a sound building in our spirit and there we are declaring that we are the people of the lord i'll end with this [Music] i love this passage of scripture the book of mark chapter 5. [Music] and there was a certain woman which had an issue of blood 12 years harassing spirit we're not talking about something that happened last weekend [Music] she suffered many things of many physicians she spent all she had she had nothing better but rather grew worse now that's an harassing spirit [Music] it took every dime she had she has mortgaged her house she's lost her job and finally after the doctors after she has more money no doctor will see her and she's gotten worse and it's now 12 years and the issue of blood the bible says life is in the blood so she's having an issue in life [Music] and when she heard of jesus [Music] she got in the crowd because she said if i just can touch his clothes i should be made whole [Music] you know sometimes god will put you in a desperate situation [Music] you know i remember growing up pentecost we sing this really dumb song if you tried everything and everything has failed try jesus if you've tried everything and everything has failed try jesus thinking how much i'm first you know i said well if you try jesus first you won't have to try everything else because jesus [Applause] [Music] y'all didn't know i could be funny did you [Music] she said this see god will put you sometimes in a position where you ain't there nowhere else to turn there are no answers [Music] right now there's lots of diseases that you go to the doctor and they'll say well we can't cure you but we can give you this medicine but you'll have ringing in the ears and diarrhea and bad weight loss and you'll throw up a lot and you won't be able to sleep and i'm thinking i'd rather have the disease [Music] but god sometimes will back you into a corner because he's trying to do something great in your life to get your attention and she said if i can but touch the hymn what she was saying in in bible culture they had little tassels on the bottom of their robes that were twined with the written word of the pentateuch and she was saying i can just touch the word that's hanging on the bottom of his garment i can be made whole she got down and she began to crawl through people's legs and say excuse me until she could see she couldn't see she could just see that little tassel they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover i don't know what was what the scripture was she got a hold of it and immediately that harassing spirit ran she stood up something's happened to me jesus said now who touched me and they said lord that's a dumb question you are being thronged with people he said i don't mean in the natural [Music] he said i want to know who touched my spirit and see the problem is we've got too many people that for years have thronged jesus but they can't touch him they're too busy after the prosperity and the blessing and make my ministry great that they're not trying to touch the word of the lord but see somebody got desperate and right now hell doesn't know him but she has raised up a desperate church and when you get a desperate church hallelujah that is not willing to cave in and throw in the towel you got a dangerous group of people and i declare them the name of the lord that there's a whole bunch of us that have had an arresting spirit that have just said this if we can just one more time touch the written word of the lord if we can touch the prophecy that god has released over this nation i know i shall be made whole somebody hallelujah is going to touch the hymn of his garment today because there is virtue virtue virtue being released by the holy ghost [Music] stand with me very quickly this is what we're gonna do if you have something in your life that's harassing you and you're sick and tired of it i want you to run hallelujah in the balcony wherever you come quickly as you can because as you begin to come up there's a stirring of the water says the lord and i want you by the authority of the holy ghost the
Channel: God Loves You
Views: 16,722
Rating: 4.9473104 out of 5
Keywords: Kent Christmas, Kent Christmas Powerful Message 2021, Kent Christmas Daily Prayer, kent christmas, kent christmas prophetic word, kent christmas prophet, kent christmas 2021, kent christmas powerful prophecy 2021, Prophetic Word 2021, New prophetic message 2021
Id: OpTTKbkVfwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 3sec (3243 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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